A React utility that is made to:
- Handle the protected routes Logic with fully control over rendered route.
- ensure that is the only allowed persona can access his specified routes.
- Handle redirection
- prevent login user to access route that not require authentication and viceversa.
import React from 'react';
import { Switch } from 'react-router-dom';
import { ConnectedRouter } from 'connected-react-router';
import RoutesConfiguration from 'protected-react-routes-generators';
import CoursePayment from '../Payment/Course';
import PaymentResult from '../Payment/PaymentResult';
import Login from '../Screens/Login';
import SignUp from '../Screens/SignUp';
import Home from '../components/pages/Home';
import Faqs from '../components/pages/Faqs';
import PageNotFound from '../components/pages/pageNotFound';
function AppNavigation({ auth }) {
const authorizedStructure = {
fallbackPath: '/login',
routes: [
{ path: '/payment/result', component: <PaymentResult /> },
{ path: '/course-payment/:id', component: <CoursePayment /> },
const unAuthorizedStructure = {
fallbackPath: '/dashboard',
routes: [
{ path: '/signup', component: <SignUp /> },
{ path: '/login/:resetAvailable?', component: <Login /> },
const anonymousStructure = {
routes: [
{ path: '/', component: <Home /> },
{ path: '/home', component: <Home /> },
{ path: '/faqs', component: <Faqs /> },
{ path: '/404', component: <PageNotFound /> },
<ConnectedRouter history={history}>
isAuthenticated: auth.isAuthenticated,
fallbackComponent: <PageNotFound />
const mapStateToProps = store => ({
auth: store.auth
export default connect(mapStateToProps)(AppNavigation);
The important thing is RoutesConfiguration function which accepts an object that has 5 props
- isAuthenticated ----> Boolean
- anonymousStructure ----> Object
- authorizedStructure ----> Object
- unAuthorizedStructure ----> Object
- fallbackComponent ----> JSX Element
it's [ very important ] because it's used to differentiate LoggedIn/out users to give back the wanted routes.
it's an object that [ ONLY ] has 1 prop which is routes array [ each item is a route Model ], these routes are allowed for all personas regardless he/she authenticated or not.
anonymousStructure | routes | object | false |
routes | array of Route Model | array | true |
it's an object that [ ONLY ] has 2 props which is routes array [ each item is a route Model ], these routes are allowed for [ LoggedIn ] users and the second option is fallbackPath: which is used to redirect to predefined url [ if a user didn't make a login then he tried to access a page from authorized routes ].
authorizedStructure | routes, fallbackPath | object | false |
routes | array of Route Model | array | true |
fallbackPath | none | string | true [ in case of routes is provided ] |
it's an object that [ ONLY ] has 2 props which is routes array [ each item is a route Model ], these routes are allowed for [ LoggedOut ] users and the second option is fallbackPath: which is used to redirect to predefined url [ if a loggedIn user didn't make a logout then he tried to access a page from authorized routes ].
unAuthorizedStructure | routes, fallbackPath | object | false |
routes | array of Route Model | array | true |
fallbackPath | none | string | true [ in case of routes is provided ] |
it's a jsx component that is used as a fallback for the whole router Like ('404', NotFound)
fallbackComponent | JSX Element | false |
route Model
path | string | To specify the route path | true |
component | React.Component | Rendered route component | true |
routeProps | object | To override route props | false |
redirectPath | string | To redirect to specific location [ instead of parent fallbackPath ] | false |
showRouteIf | boolean | To decide when to show/hide the route | false |
const unAuthorizedStructure = {
fallbackPath: '/home',
routes: [