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protodef-yaml - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 1.2.5 to 1.3.0




@@ -0,0 +0,0 @@ #!/usr/bin/env node

module.exports = require('./generators/protodef')

@@ -0,0 +0,0 @@ const showdown = require('showdown')

@@ -1,1 +0,408 @@

const fs=globalThis.window?null:require("fs"),Path=globalThis.window?null:require("path"),yaml=require("js-yaml"),log=()=>{};function getIndentation(t){let e=0;for(const n of t){if(" "!==n)break;e++}return e}function pad(t,e){let n="";for(let e=0;e<t;e++)n+=" ";return n+e}function toYAML(t,e=!0,n=!1){const i={};"string"==typeof t?i.main=fs.readFileSync(t,"utf8"):Object.assign(i,t);const s=[];function r(t,e){if(t.includes('"')||e.includes("[[")||e.includes("[{")||e.includes("{")||e.includes("}"))return!0;if(!e.includes("[]")&&e.includes("["))return!0;if(!e.includes("[]")&&e.includes("]"))return!0;for(const e of["[","]","{","}"])if(t.includes(e))return!0;return!1}let o=i.main;const a=(o=o.replace(/\t/g," ")).split("\n");let c=!1;function l(){let o=!1;for(let l=0;l<a.length;l++){let[p,f]=a[l].trim().split(":",2);const u=getIndentation(a[l]),y=getIndentation(a[l+1]||"");if(p.startsWith("#")){if(!p.startsWith("# ")&&"#"!==p||!c||!n)continue;{p="!comment,"+l,f=a[l].replace("#","");const t=a[l-1];getIndentation(a[l-1]||"");t.trim().startsWith("'!comment"),a[l]=pad(u,p+": |\n"),a[l]+=pad(u+3,f)}}if(p=p.trim(),f=f?f.trim():"","_"==p&&(p="__"+l),p)if(p.startsWith("!")){if(p.startsWith("!StartDocs")&&(c=!0),p.startsWith("!EndDocs")&&(c=!1),"!import"==p&&!s.includes(f)&&e){if(o)throw Error("Incorrectly placed import, place it ontop of the file");s.push(f);let e=i[f];if(e||"string"!=typeof t){if(!e)throw new Error("Import file not found: "+f)}else console.log("Path",t,Path.dirname(t)),e=fs.readFileSync(Path.dirname(t)+"/"+f,"utf-8");return e=e.replace(/\t/g," "),a.splice(l,0,...e.split("\n")),!0}let n=p.replace("!","'!");("!import"==p||p.includes("Docs"))&&(n+=","+l),n+="'",a[l]=a[l].replace(p,n)}else if(!r(p,f))if(a[l],log("i",l,f),log(u,y,y>u,f.trim()),y>u)if(o=!0,f.includes("[]")){const[t,e]=f.split("[]");if(t)throw Error("Array type cannot be both container and "+t+" at "+f);a[l]=pad(u,`"%array,${p},${t},${e}":`)}else if(f.includes("=>")){const t=f.replace("=>","").trim();if(a[l]=pad(u,`"%map,${p},${t}":`),n){let t=0;for(let e=l+1;e<a.length;e++)if(a[e].startsWith("- ".padStart(y+2)))a[e]=a[e].replace("- ",t+++": ");else if(!a[e].trim().startsWith("#"))break}}else if(f.includes("?"))f=f.replace("?","").trim(),a[l]=pad(u,`"%switch,${p},${f}":`);else{if(f&&!f.startsWith("#"))throw console.log("at ",a[l-1]),console.log("AT ",a[l]),console.log("at ",a[l+1]),console.log(f),Error(`Unexpected child block at line ${l}`);p.startsWith("if")||(a[l]=pad(u,`"%container,${p},${f}":`))}else if(f.includes("[]")){const[t,e]=f.split("[]");a[l]=pad(u,`"%array,${p},${t},${e}":`)}else if(isNaN(p.replace(/'/g,""))){if(f.includes("=>")){const[t,e]=f.split("=>");a[l]=pad(u,`"%map,${p},${t.trim()},${e.trim()}":`)}}else{const t=p.replace(/'/g,"");a[l]=pad(u,`'%n,${parseInt(t)}': ${f}`)}}}for(;l();)"Importing",s[s.length-1]);return log(a),a}function parseYAML(t){try{let e;return yaml.loadAll(t.join("\n"),t=>e=t),e}catch(t){throw t instanceof yaml.YAMLException&&delete t.mark,t}}function transform(t){const e=[];function n(t,e,n,s,r){if(log("OBJ",t),n.startsWith("$")&&(s=n.slice(1),n=void 0),"string"==typeof t)e?r.push({name:e,type:["array",{countType:n,count:s,type:t}]}):r.push("array",{countType:n,count:s,type:t});else{const o=Object.keys(t).filter(t=>!t.startsWith("!")),a=o.length,c=o[0];if(1==a&&(c.startsWith("%array")||c.startsWith("%switch")))if(e){const o={countType:n,count:s,type:[]};r.push({name:e,type:["array",o]}),i(t,o.type),!o.type[0].name||o.type[0].name.startsWith("__")?o.type=o.type[0].type:o.type=["container",[o.type[0]]]}else{const e={countType:n,count:s,type:[]};r.push("array",e),i(t,e.type),!e.type[0].name||e.type[0].name.startsWith("__")?e.type=e.type[0].type:e.type=["container",[e.type[0]]]}else if(e){const o={countType:n,count:s,type:["container",[]]};r.push({name:e,type:["array",o]}),i(t,o.type[1])}else{const e={countType:n,count:s,type:["container",[]]};r.push("array",e),i(t,e.type[1])}}}function i(e,s){s=s||[];for(const o in e){let a=e[o];if(!o.startsWith("!")){if("object"==typeof a){if(o.startsWith("%")){const c=o.split(",");if(o.startsWith("%map")){const e={},[,n,i,r]=c;if(!i)continue;a=a||t["%map,"+r+","];for(const t in a){if(t.startsWith("!"))continue;e[t.startsWith("%")?t.split(",")[1]:t]=a[t]}s.push({name:n,type:["mapper",{type:i,mappings:e}]})}else if(o.startsWith("%switch")){let[,t,e]=c;const o={};let l,p=[];for(const t in a){const e=a[t],s=t.startsWith("%")?t.split(",")[1]:t;if(t.startsWith("%array")){const[,i,s,a]=t.split(","),c=i.replace("if ","").split(" or ");for(var r of c)o[r=r.trim()]="string"==typeof e?e:[],n(e||s,null,a,void 0,o[r]),"default"==r&&(p=o[r],delete o[r])}else if(s.startsWith("if")){const n=s.replace("if ","").split(" or ");for(var r of n)o[r=r.trim()]="string"==typeof e?e:["container",[]],"object"==typeof e?t.startsWith("%switch")?(i({[t]:e},o[r][1]),o[r]=o[r][1][0].type):i(e,o[r][1]):e.startsWith("[")&&(o[r]=JSON.parse(e))}else s.startsWith("default")&&(p=[],"object"==typeof e?(p=["container",[]],t.startsWith("%switch")?(i({[t]:e},p[1]),p=p[1][0].type):i(e,p[1])):(p=e,e.startsWith("[")&&(p=JSON.parse(e))))}t.startsWith("__")&&(t=void 0,l=!0),s.push({name:t,anon:l,type:["switch",{compareTo:e.replace("?",""),fields:o,default:p.length?p:"void"}]})}else if(o.startsWith("%array")){const[,t,i,r]=c;if(log(a,typeof a,e),i&&a&&"object"==typeof a)throw Error("Array has a type and body: "+t);n(a||i,t,r,void 0,s)}else if(o.startsWith("%container")){const[,t]=c,e=t.startsWith("__")?void 0:t;let n;e||(n=!0),s.push({name:e,anon:n,type:["container",[]]}),i(a,s[s.length-1].type[1])}}}else if("string"==typeof a){if(o.startsWith("!"))continue;a.startsWith("[")&&(a=JSON.parse(a)),s.push({name:o,type:a})}log(o,typeof a)}}}i(t,e);for(const n in t){const i=t[n];"object"!=typeof i||n.startsWith("%")||(log("pushing ext",{name:n,type:i}),e.push({name:n,type:i}))}return e}function getName(t){return t.startsWith("%")?t.split(",")[1]:t}function formFinal(t,e){const n={};for(const e of t)n[]=e.type;return n}function getIntermediate(t,e,n=!1){return parseYAML(toYAML(t,n,e))}function compile(t,e){const n=formFinal(transform(parseYAML(toYAML(t))));return"string"==typeof e&&fs.writeFileSync(e,JSON.stringify(n,null,2)),n}module.exports={compile:compile,parse:getIntermediate};
const fs = globalThis.window ? null : require('fs')
const Path = globalThis.window ? null : require('path')
const yaml = require('js-yaml')
const log = () => { }
function getIndentation(line) {
// log(line)
let ind = 0
for (const c of line) {
if (c === ' ') ind++
else break
return ind
function pad(indentation, line) {
let ret = ''
for (let i = 0; i < indentation; i++) ret += ' '
return ret + line
// make valid yaml
function toYAML(input, followImports = true, document = false) {
const files = {}
if (typeof input === 'string') {
files.main = fs.readFileSync(input, 'utf8')
} else {
Object.assign(files, input)
const imported = []
function checkIfJson(key, val) { // ¯\(°_o)/¯
if (key.includes('"') || val.includes('[[') || val.includes('[{') || val.includes('{') || val.includes('}')) return true
if (!val.includes('[]') && val.includes('[')) return true
if (!val.includes('[]') && val.includes(']')) return true
for (const c of ['[', ']', '{', '}']) if (key.includes(c)) return true
return false
function validateKey(line, key) { }
let data = files.main
data = data.replace(/\t/g, ' ')
const lines = data.split('\n')
let startedDocumenting = false
function pars() {
let modified = false
for (let i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
let [key, val] = lines[i].trim().split(':', 2)
const thisLevel = getIndentation(lines[i])
const nextLevel = getIndentation(lines[i + 1] || '')
if (key.startsWith('#')) {
if ((key.startsWith('# ') || key === '#') && startedDocumenting && document) { // Convert the YAML comments to entries
key = '!comment,' + i
val = lines[i].replace('#', '')
const lastLine = lines[i - 1]
const lastLevel = getIndentation(lines[i - 1] || '')
if (lastLine.trim().startsWith('\'!comment') && lastLevel == thisLevel && false) { // Truncate multi-lines
lines[i - 1] += '\n' + pad(thisLevel + 3, val)
lines[i] = ''
} else {
lines[i] = pad(thisLevel, key + ': |\n')
lines[i] += pad(thisLevel + 3, val)
} else {
key = key.trim(); val = val ? val.trim() : ''
if (key == '_') key = '__' + i
if (!key) continue
if (key.startsWith('!')) {
if (key.startsWith('!StartDocs')) startedDocumenting = true
if (key.startsWith('!EndDocs')) startedDocumenting = false
if (key == '!import' && !imported.includes(val) && followImports) {
if (modified) {
throw Error('Incorrectly placed import, place it ontop of the file')
let imp = files[val]
if (!imp && typeof input === 'string') {
console.log('Path', input, Path.dirname(input))
imp = fs.readFileSync(Path.dirname(input) + '/' + val, 'utf-8')
} else if (!imp) {
throw new Error('Import file not found: ' + val)
imp = imp.replace(/\t/g, ' ')
lines.splice(i, 0, ...imp.split('\n'))
return true
let nkey = key.replace('!', "'!")
if (key == '!import' || key.includes('Docs')) nkey += ',' + i
nkey += "'"
lines[i] = lines[i].replace(key, nkey)
if (checkIfJson(key, val)) {
// console.debug('Ignoring JSON', lines[i])
validateKey(lines[i], key)
log('i', i, val)
log(thisLevel, nextLevel, nextLevel > thisLevel, val.trim())
const isParent = nextLevel > thisLevel
if (isParent) {
modified = true
if (val.includes('[]')) {
const [type, countType] = val.split('[]')
if (type) throw Error('Array type cannot be both container and ' + type + ' at ' + val)
lines[i] = pad(thisLevel, `"%array,${key},${type},${countType}":`)
} else if (val.includes('=>')) {
const type = val.replace('=>', '').trim()
lines[i] = pad(thisLevel, `"%map,${key},${type}":`)
if (document) { // we need index numbers for the docs
let autoIncrementPos = 0
for (let j = i + 1; j < lines.length; j++) {
if (lines[j].startsWith('- '.padStart(nextLevel + 2))) {
lines[j] = lines[j].replace('- ', autoIncrementPos++ + ': ')
} else if (!lines[j].trim().startsWith('#')) {
} else if (val.includes('?')) {
val = val.replace('?', '').trim()
lines[i] = pad(thisLevel, `"%switch,${key},${val}":`)
} else if (val && !val.startsWith('#')) {
console.log('at ', lines[i - 1])
console.log('AT ', lines[i])
console.log('at ', lines[i + 1])
throw Error(`Unexpected child block at line ${i}`)
} else if (!key.startsWith('if')) {
lines[i] = pad(thisLevel, `"%container,${key},${val}":`)
} else {
if (val.includes('[]')) {
const [type, countType] = val.split('[]')
lines[i] = pad(thisLevel, `"%array,${key},${type},${countType}":`)
} else if (!isNaN(key.replace(/'/g, ''))) {
// Because JS sorts objects weird, we need to encapsulate numeric type
// keys to ensure proper ordering with '%n,NUMBER'
const num = key.replace(/'/g, '')
lines[i] = pad(thisLevel, `'%n,${parseInt(num)}': ${val}`)
} else if (val.includes('=>')) {
const [sizeType,valueType] = val.split('=>')
lines[i] = pad(thisLevel, `"%map,${key},${sizeType.trim()},${valueType.trim()}":`)
while (pars()) {'Importing', imported[imported.length - 1]) }
// fs.writeFileSync(__dirname + '/inter.yaml', lines.join('\n'))
return lines
function parseYAML(lines) {
try {
let ret
yaml.loadAll(lines.join('\n'), d => ret = d)
return ret
} catch (e) {
if (e instanceof yaml.YAMLException) {
delete e.mark // remove logging spam
throw e
function transform(json) {
// console.log(json)
const ctx = []
function visitArray(obj, name, countType, count, ctx) {
log('OBJ', obj)
if (countType.startsWith('$')) {
count = countType.slice(1)
countType = undefined
if (typeof obj === 'string') {
if (name) {
ctx.push({ name, type: ['array', { countType, count, type: obj }] })
} else {
ctx.push('array', { countType, count, type: obj })
} else {
const k = Object.keys(obj).filter(k => !k.startsWith('!'))
const len = k.length
const first = k[0]
// Try to inline switch/array inside an array if only 1 item inside
// log('F', first, name, Object.keys(obj), first.startsWith('%array'))
if (len == 1 && (first.startsWith('%array') || first.startsWith('%switch'))) { // remove container nested array
if (name) {
const a = { countType, count, type: [] }
ctx.push({ name, type: ['array', a] })
trans(obj, a.type)
// log('atn0-------',name,a.type)
if (!a.type[0].name || a.type[0].name.startsWith('__')) a.type = a.type[0].type
else a.type = ['container', [a.type[0]]]
} else {
const a = { countType, count, type: [] }
ctx.push('array', a)
trans(obj, a.type)
// log('atn1',a.type)
if (!a.type[0].name || a.type[0].name.startsWith('__')) a.type = a.type[0].type
else a.type = ['container', [a.type[0]]]
} else {
if (name) {
const a = { countType, count, type: ['container', []] }
ctx.push({ name, type: ['array', a] })
trans(obj, a.type[1])
} else {
const a = { countType, count, type: ['container', []] }
ctx.push('array', a)
trans(obj, a.type[1])
function trans(obj, ctx) {
ctx = ctx || []
for (const key in obj) {
let val = obj[key]
if (key.startsWith('!')) continue
if (typeof val === 'object') {
if (key.startsWith('%')) {
const args = key.split(',')
if (key.startsWith('%map')) {
const mappings = {}
const [, name, mappingType, valueType] = args
if (!mappingType) continue
val = val || json['%map,' + valueType + ',']
for (const i in val) {
if (i.startsWith('!')) continue
const _i = i.startsWith('%') ? i.split(',')[1] : i
mappings[_i] = val[i] // Ignore comments + encapsulated numbers
type: [
type: mappingType,
} else if (key.startsWith('%switch')) {
let [, name, cmp] = args
const as = {}
let def = []
for (const _key in val) {
const _val = val[_key]
const _keyName = _key.startsWith('%') ? _key.split(',')[1] : _key
if (_key.startsWith('%array')) {
const [, name, type, countType] = _key.split(',')
const tokens = name.replace('if ', '').split(' or ')
for (var token of tokens) {
token = token.trim()
as[token] = typeof _val === 'string' ? _val : []
// if (typeof _val == 'object') trans(_val, as[token])
visitArray(_val || type, null, countType, undefined, as[token])
if (token == 'default') {
def = as[token]
delete as[token]
} else if (_keyName.startsWith('if')) {
const tokens = _keyName.replace('if ', '').split(' or ')
for (var token of tokens) {
token = token.trim()
as[token] = typeof _val === 'string' ? _val : ['container', []]
if (typeof _val === 'object') {
if (_key.startsWith('%switch')) {
trans({ [_key]: _val }, as[token][1])
as[token] = as[token][1][0].type
} else {
trans(_val, as[token][1])
} else {
if (_val.startsWith('[')) {
as[token] = JSON.parse(_val)
} else if (_keyName.startsWith('default')) {
def = []
if (typeof _val === 'object') {
def = ['container', []]
if (_key.startsWith('%switch')) {
trans({ [_key]: _val }, def[1])
def = def[1][0].type
} else {
trans(_val, def[1])
} else {
def = _val
if (_val.startsWith('[')) {
def = JSON.parse(_val)
let anon
if (name.startsWith('__')) { name = undefined; anon = true }
type: [
compareTo: cmp.replace('?', ''),
fields: as,
default: def.length ? def : 'void'
} else if (key.startsWith('%array')) {
const [, name, type, countType] = args
log(val, typeof val, obj)
if (type && val && typeof val === 'object') throw Error('Array has a type and body: ' + name)
visitArray(val || type, name, countType, undefined, ctx)
} else if (key.startsWith('%container')) {
const [, cname] = args
const name = cname.startsWith('__') ? undefined : cname
let anon
if (!name) anon = true
ctx.push({ name, anon, type: ['container', []] })
trans(val, ctx[ctx.length - 1].type[1])
} else {
// log(ctx)
// Probably JSON, leave as is
} else if (typeof val === 'string') {
if (key.startsWith('!')) continue
if (val.startsWith('[')) {
val = JSON.parse(val)
ctx.push({ name: key, type: val })
log(key, typeof val)
trans(json, ctx)
// add in json
for (const key in json) {
const val = json[key]
if (typeof val === 'object' && !key.startsWith('%')) {
log('pushing ext', { name: key, type: val })
ctx.push({ name: key, type: val })
// log('ctx', JSON.stringify(ctx, null, 2))
// fs.writeFileSync(outFile || 'compiled_proto.json', JSON.stringify(ctx, null, 2))
return ctx
function getName(_key) {
if (_key.startsWith('%')) {
return _key.split(',')[1]
return _key
function formFinal(inp, out) {
const ret = {}
for (const entry of inp) {
ret[] = entry.type
// fs.writeFileSync('./compiled_proto.json', JSON.stringify(ret, null, 2))
return ret
function getIntermediate(input, includeComments, followImports = false) {
return parseYAML(toYAML(input, followImports, includeComments))
function compile(input, output) {
const ret = formFinal(transform(parseYAML(toYAML(input))))
if (typeof output === 'string') fs.writeFileSync(output, JSON.stringify(ret, null, 2))
return ret
module.exports = { compile, parse: getIntermediate }

@@ -0,0 +0,0 @@ ## 1.2

@@ -0,0 +0,0 @@ const { compile, parse } = require('./compiler')


"name": "protodef-yaml",
"version": "1.2.5",
"version": "1.3.0",
"description": "Transforms YAML-like syntax to ProtoDef JSON schema",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "main": "index.js",

@@ -0,0 +0,0 @@ const { parse, compile, genHTML } = require('../index')

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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