Lightweight Path Trie for TypeScript and JavaScript
Path trie uses a path (array of tokens) as an index and provides fast insertion, lookup, deletion and iteration operations based
on the paths and path prefixes.
Path trie can be used to store and manipulate hierarchical structures (objects, records).
The package has no external dependencies and is available under Apache License Version 2.0.
Usage examples
Get, set and delete by path. Deletion of the parent path value deletes child subtree.
import {Trie} from 'ptrie';
const trie = new Trie<string, unknown>();
const org1Path = ['organization-id-1'];
const user1Path = ['organization-id-1', 'users', 'user-id-1'];
const user2Path = ['organization-id-1', 'users', 'user-id-2'];
trie.set(org1Path, organization1Info);
trie.set(user1Path, user1Info);
trie.set(user1Path, user2Info);
expect(trie.count(['organization-id-1', 'users'])).toBe(2);
trie.visitDfs('pre-order', value => console.log('User', value), ['organization-id-1', 'users']);
See documentation
for each available method in the source code and usage examples
in unit tests.