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Comparing version 1.5.4 to 1.6.0




@@ -42,656 +42,117 @@

Multiplexing Routing:
Trial Routing:
CookieSession TODO reevaluate
PathSession TODO reevaluate
Limit TODO
Cache TODO
Producer Functions:
var Q = require("q");
var NODE_FS = require("fs");
var HTTP = require("./http");
var FS = require("./fs");
var URL = require("url");
var MIME_PARSE = require("mimeparse");
var MIME_TYPES = require("mime");
var URL = require("url");
var URL = require("url2");
var inspect = require("util").inspect;
var QS = require("querystring");
var Cookie = require("./http-cookie");
//var UUID = require("uuid");
var UUID = {
generate: function () {
return Math.random().toString(36).slice(2) + Math.random().toString(36).slice(2);
exports.Chain = require("./http-apps/chain");
* Makes a Q-JSGI app that only responds when there is nothing left
* on the path to route. If the there is unprocessed data on the
* path, the returned app either forwards to the `notFound` app or
* returns a `404 Not Found` response.
* @param {App} app a Q-JSGI application to
* respond to this end of the routing chain.
* @param {App} notFound (optional) defaults
* to the `notFound` app.
* @returns {App}
exports.Cap = function (app, notFound) {
notFound = notFound || exports.notFound;
return function (request, response) {
// TODO Distinguish these cases
if (request.pathInfo === "" || request.pathInfo === "/") {
return app(request, response);
} else {
return notFound(request, response);
var RouteApps = require("./http-apps/route");
exports.Cap = RouteApps.Cap;
exports.Tap = RouteApps.Tap;
exports.Trap = RouteApps.Trap;
exports.Branch = RouteApps.Branch;
* Wraps an app with a function that will observe incoming requests
* before giving the app an opportunity to respond. If the "tap"
* function returns a response, it will be used in lieu of forwarding
* the request to the wrapped app.
exports.Tap = function (app, tap) {
return function (request, response) {
var self = this, args = arguments;
return Q.when(tap.apply(this, arguments), function (response) {
if (response) {
return response;
} else {
return app.apply(self, args);
var ContentApps = require("./http-apps/content");
exports.Content = ContentApps.Content;
exports.content = ContentApps.content;
exports.ok = ContentApps.ok;
exports.ContentRequest = ContentApps.ContentRequest;
exports.Inspect = ContentApps.Inspect;
* Wraps an app with a "trap" function that intercepts and may
* alter or replace the response of the wrapped application.
exports.Trap = function (app, trap) {
return function (request, response) {
return Q.when(app.apply(this, arguments), function (response) {
if (response) {
response.headers = response.headers || {};
return trap(response, request) || response;
var FsApps = require("./http-apps/fs");
exports.File = FsApps.File;
exports.FileTree = FsApps.FileTree;
exports.file = FsApps.file; =;
exports.etag = FsApps.etag;
exports.Date = function (app, present) {
present = present || function () {
return new Date();
return exports.Trap(app, function (response, request) {
response.headers["date"] = "" + present();
exports.ListDirectories = FsApps.ListDirectories;
exports.listDirectory = FsApps.listDirectory;
exports.listDirectoryHtmlFragment = FsApps.listDirectoryHtmlFragment;
exports.listDirectoryText = FsApps.listDirectoryText;
exports.listDirectoryMarkdown = FsApps.listDirectoryMarkdown;
exports.listDirectoryJson = FsApps.listDirectoryJson;
exports.listDirectoryData = FsApps.listDirectoryData;
exports.DirectoryIndex = FsApps.DirectoryIndex;
var farFuture =
1000 * // ms
60 * // s
60 * // m
24 * // h
365 * // d
10; // years
exports.Permanent = function (app, future) {
future = future || function () {
return new Date(new Date().getTime() + farFuture);
app = exports.Tap(app, function (request, response) {
request.permanent = future;
app = exports.Trap(app, function (response, request) {
response.headers["expires"] = "" + future();
return app;
var HtmlApps = require("./http-apps/html");
exports.HandleHtmlFragmentResponses = HtmlApps.HandleHtmlFragmentResponses;
exports.handleHtmlFragmentResponse = HtmlApps.handleHtmlFragmentResponse;
exports.escapeHtml = HtmlApps.escapeHtml;
* Makes a Q-JSGI app that branches requests based on the next
* unprocessed path component.
* @param {Object * App} paths a mapping from path components (single
* file or directory names) to Q-JSGI applications for subsequent
* routing. The mapping may be a plain JavaScript `Object` record,
* which must own the mapping properties, or an object that has
* `has(key)` and `get(key)` methods in its prototype chain.
* @param {App} notFound a Q-JSGI application
* that handles requests for which the next file name does not exist
* in paths.
* @returns {App}
exports.Branch = function (paths, notFound) {
if (!paths)
paths = {};
if (!notFound)
notFound = exports.notFound;
return function (request, response) {
if (!/^\//.test(request.pathInfo)) {
return notFound(request, response);
var path = request.pathInfo.slice(1);
var parts = path.split("/");
var part = decodeURIComponent(parts.shift());
if (Object.has(paths, part)) {
request.scriptName = request.scriptName + part + "/";
request.pathInfo = path.slice(part.length);
return Object.get(paths, part)(request, response);
return notFound(request, response);
var JsonApps = require("./http-apps/json");
exports.HandleJsonResponses = JsonApps.HandleJsonResponses;
exports.handleJsonResponse = JsonApps.handleJsonResponse;
exports.Json = JsonApps.Json;
exports.json = JsonApps.json;
exports.JsonRequest = JsonApps.JsonRequest;
* Makes an app that returns a response with static content
* from memory.
* @param {Body} body a Q-JSGI
* response body
* @param {String} contentType
* @param {Number} status
* @returns {App} a Q-JSGI app
exports.Content = function (body, contentType, status) {
return function (request, response) {
return {
"status": status || 200,
"headers": {
"content-type": contentType || "text/plain"
"body": body || ""
var RedirectApps = require("./http-apps/redirect");
exports.PermanentRedirect = RedirectApps.PermanentRedirect;
exports.PermanentRedirectTree = RedirectApps.PermanentRedirectTree;
exports.TemporaryRedirect = RedirectApps.TemporaryRedirect;
exports.TemporaryRedirectTree = RedirectApps.TemporaryRedirectTree;
exports.Redirect = RedirectApps.Redirect;
exports.RedirectTree = RedirectApps.RedirectTree;
exports.permanentRedirect = RedirectApps.permanentRedirect;
exports.permanentRedirectTree = RedirectApps.permanentRedirectTree;
exports.temporaryRedirect = RedirectApps.temporaryRedirect;
exports.temporaryRedirectTree = RedirectApps.temporaryRedirectTree;
exports.redirectTree = RedirectApps.redirectTree;
exports.redirect = RedirectApps.redirect;
exports.redirectText = RedirectApps.redirectText;
exports.redirectHtml = RedirectApps.redirectHtml;
exports.RedirectTrap = RedirectApps.RedirectTrap;
exports.isRedirect = RedirectApps.isRedirect;
* Returns a Q-JSGI response with the given content.
* @param {Body} content (optional) defaults to `[""]`
* @param {String} contentType (optional) defaults to `"text/plain"`
* @param {Number} status (optional) defaults to `200`
* @returns {Response}
exports.content =
exports.ok = function (content, contentType, status) {
status = status || 200;
content = content || "";
if (typeof content === "string") {
content = [content];
contentType = contentType || "text/plain";
return {
"status": status,
"headers": {
"content-type": contentType
"body": content
var ProxyApps = require("./http-apps/proxy");
exports.Proxy = ProxyApps.Proxy;
exports.ProxyTree = ProxyApps.ProxyTree;
* @param {String} path
* @param {String} contentType
* @returns {App}
exports.File = function (path, contentType) {
return function (request, response) {
return exports.file(request, String(path), contentType);
var NegotiationApps = require("./http-apps/negotiate");
exports.negotiate = NegotiationApps.negotiate;
exports.Method = NegotiationApps.Method;
exports.ContentType = NegotiationApps.ContentType;
exports.Language = NegotiationApps.Language;
exports.Charset = NegotiationApps.Charset;
exports.Encoding = NegotiationApps.Encoding;
exports.Host = NegotiationApps.Host;
exports.Select = NegotiationApps.Select;
* @param {String} path
* @param {{
* }} options
* @returns {App}
exports.FileTree = function (root, options) {
if (!options)
options = {};
options.notFound = options.notFound || exports.notFound;
options.file = options.file || exports.file; = ||;
options.fs = options.fs || FS;
var fs = options.fs;
root = fs.canonical(root);
return function (request, response) {
var redirect = options.redirect || (
request.permanent || options.permanent ?
exports.permanentRedirect :
return Q.when(root, function (root) {
var path = fs.join(root, request.pathInfo.slice(1));
return Q.when(fs.canonical(path), function (canonical) {
if (!fs.contains(root, canonical))
return options.notFound(request, response);
if (path !== canonical && options.redirectSymbolicLinks)
return redirect(request, fs.relativeFromFile(path, canonical));
// TODO: relativeFromFile should be designed for URL’s, not generalized paths.
return Q.when(fs.stat(canonical), function (stat) {
if (stat.isFile()) {
return options.file(request, canonical, options.contentType, fs);
} else if (stat.isDirectory()) {
return, canonical, options.contentType);
} else {
return options.notFound(request, response);
}, function (reason) {
return options.notFound(request, response);
var StatusApps = require("./http-apps/status");
exports.statusCodes = StatusApps.statusCodes;
exports.statusMessages = StatusApps.statusMessages;
exports.statusWithNoEntityBody = StatusApps.statusWithNoEntityBody;
exports.appForStatus = StatusApps.appForStatus;
exports.responseForStatus = StatusApps.responseForStatus;
exports.textResponseForStatus = StatusApps.textResponseForStatus;
exports.htmlResponseForStatus = StatusApps.htmlResponseForStatus;
exports.badRequest = StatusApps.badRequest;
exports.notFound = StatusApps.notFound;
exports.methodNotAllowed = StatusApps.methodNotAllowed;
exports.noLanguage = StatusApps.noLanguage;
exports.notAcceptable = StatusApps.notAcceptable;
* @param {Request} request
* @param {String} path
* @param {String} contentType
* @returns {Response}
exports.file = function (request, path, contentType, fs) {
fs = fs || FS;
// TODO last-modified header
contentType = contentType || MIME_TYPES.lookup(path);
return Q.when(fs.stat(path), function (stat) {
var etag = exports.etag(stat);
var range; // undefined or {begin, end}
var status = 200;
var headers = {
"content-type": contentType,
"etag": etag
var DecoratorApps = require("./http-apps/decorators");
exports.Normalize = DecoratorApps.Normalize;
exports.Date = DecoratorApps.Date;
exports.Error = DecoratorApps.Error;
exports.Debug = DecoratorApps.Debug;
exports.Log = DecoratorApps.Log;
exports.Time = DecoratorApps.Time;
exports.Headers = DecoratorApps.Headers;
exports.Decorators = DecoratorApps.Decorators;
// Partial range requests
if ("range" in request.headers) {
// Invalid cache
if (
"if-range" in request.headers &&
etag != request.headers["if-range"]
) {
// Normal 200 for entire, altered content
} else {
// Truncate to the first requested continuous range
range = interpretFirstRange(request.headers["range"]);
// Like Apache, ignore the range header if it is invalid
if (range) {
if (range.end > stat.size)
return exports.responseForStatus(416); // not satisfiable
status = 206; // partial content
headers["content-range"] = (
"bytes " +
range.begin + "-" + (range.end - 1) +
"/" + stat.size
headers["content-length"] = "" + (range.end - range.begin);
// Full requests
} else {
// Cached
// We do not use date-based caching
// TODO consider if-match?
if (etag == request.headers["if-none-match"])
return exports.responseForStatus(304);
headers["content-length"] = "" + stat.size;
// TODO sendfile
return {
"status": status,
"headers": headers,
"body":, range)
var rangesExpression = /^\s*bytes\s*=\s*(\d*\s*-\s*\d*\s*(?:,\s*\d*\s*-\s*\d*\s*)*)$/;
var rangeExpression = /^\s*(\d*)\s*-\s*(\d*)\s*$/;
var interpretRange = function (text, size) {
var match = rangeExpression.exec(text);
if (!match)
if (match[1] == "" && match[2] == "")
var begin, end;
if (match[1] == "") {
begin = size - match[2];
end = size;
} else if (match[2] == "") {
begin = +match[1];
end = size;
} else {
begin = +match[1];
end = +match[2] + 1;
return {
"begin": begin,
"end": end
var interpretFirstRange = exports.interpretFirstRange = function (text, size) {
var match = rangesExpression.exec(text);
if (!match)
var texts = match[1].split(/\s*,\s*/);
var range = interpretRange(texts[0], size);
for (var i = 0, ii = texts.length; i < ii; i++) {
var next = interpretRange(texts[i], size);
if (!next)
if (next.begin <= range.end) {
range.end = next.end;
} else {
return range;
* @param {Stat}
* @returns {String}
exports.etag = function (stat) {
return [
* @param {Request} request
* @param {String} path
* @param {Response}
*/ = function (request, path) {
return Q.reject("directory listing not yet implemented");
* @param {String} path
* @param {Number} status (optional) default is `301`
* @returns {App}
exports.PermanentRedirect = function (location, status, tree) {
exports.ParseQuery = function (app) {
return function (request, response) {
return exports.permanentRedirect(request, location, status, tree);
request.query = QS.parse(URL.parse(request.url).query || "");
return app(request, response);
* @param {String} path
* @param {Number} status (optional) default is `301`
* @returns {App}
exports.PermanentRedirectTree = function (location, status) {
return function (request, response) {
return exports.permanentRedirect(request, location, status, true);
* @param {String} path
* @param {Number} status (optional) default is `307`
* @returns {App}
exports.TemporaryRedirect = function (location, status, tree) {
return function (request, response) {
return exports.temporaryRedirect(request, location, status, tree);
* @param {String} path
* @param {Number} status (optional) default is `307`
* @returns {App}
exports.TemporaryRedirectTree = function (location, status) {
return function (request, response) {
return exports.temporaryRedirect(request, location, status, true);
* @param {String} path
* @param {Number} status (optional) default is `307`
* @returns {App}
exports.Redirect = function (location, status, tree) {
return function (request, response) {
return exports.redirect(request, location, status, tree);
* @param {String} path
* @param {Number} status (optional) default is `307`
* @returns {App}
exports.RedirectTree = function (location, status) {
return function (request, response) {
return exports.redirect(request, location, status, true);
exports.permanentRedirect = function (request, location, status) {
return exports.redirect(request, location, status || 301);
exports.permanentRedirectTree = function (request, location, status) {
return exports.redirect(request, location, status || 301, true);
exports.temporaryRedirect = function (request, location, status) {
return exports.redirect(request, location, status || 307);
exports.temporaryRedirectTree = function (request, location, status) {
return exports.redirect(request, location, status || 307, true);
exports.redirectTree = function (request, location, status) {
return exports.redirect(request, location, status, true);
* @param {String} location
* @param {Number} status (optional) default is `301`
* @returns {Response}
exports.redirect = function (request, location, status, tree) {
// request.permanent gets set by Permanent middleware
status = status || (request.permanent ? 301 : 307);
// ascertain that the location is absolute, per spec
location = URL.resolve(request.url, location);
// redirect into a subtree with the remaining unrouted
// portion of the path, if so configured
if (tree) {
location = URL.resolve(
request.pathInfo.replace(/^\//, "")
return {
"status": status,
"headers": {
"location": location,
"content-type": "text/html"
"body": [
'Go to <a href="' + location + '">' + // TODO escape
location +
exports.Proxy = function (app) {
if (typeof app === "string") {
var location = app;
app = function (request) {
request.url = location;
return request;
return function (request, response) {
return Q.when(app.apply(this, arguments), function (request) {
return HTTP.request(request);
exports.ProxyTree = function (url) {
return exports.Proxy(function (request) {
request.url = URL.resolve(url, request.pathInfo.replace(/^\//, ""));
return request;
/// branch on HTTP method
* @param {Object * App} methods
* @param {App} notAllowed (optional)
* @returns {App}
exports.Method = function (methods, methodNotAllowed) {
var keys = Object.keys(methods);
if (!methodNotAllowed)
methodNotAllowed = exports.methodNotAllowed;
return function (request, response) {
var method = request.method;
if (Object.has(keys, method)) {
return Object.get(methods, method)(request, response);
} else {
return methodNotAllowed(request, response);
var Negotiator = function (requestHeader, responseHeader, respond) {
return function (types, notAcceptable) {
var keys = Object.keys(types);
if (!notAcceptable)
notAcceptable = exports.notAcceptable;
return function (request, response) {
var header = requestHeader;
if (typeof header === "function") {
header = requestHeader(request);
var accept = request.headers[requestHeader] || "*";
var type = MIME_PARSE.bestMatch(keys, accept);
request.terms = request.terms || {};
request.terms[responseHeader] = type;
if (Object.has(keys, type)) {
return Q.when(types[type](request, response), function (response) {
if (
respond !== null &&
response &&
response.status === 200 &&
) {
response.headers[responseHeader] = type;
return response;
} else {
return notAcceptable(request, response);
/// branch on HTTP content negotiation
* Routes based on content negotiation, between the request's `accept`
* header and the application's list of possible content types.
* @param {Object * App} types mapping content types to apps that can
* handle them.
* @param {App} notAcceptable
* @returns {App}
exports.ContentType = Negotiator("accept", "content-type");
exports.Language = Negotiator("accept-language", "language");
exports.Charset = Negotiator("accept-charset", "charset");
exports.Encoding = Negotiator("accept-encoding", "encoding");
exports.Host = Negotiator(function (request) {
return ( || "*") + ":" + request.port;
}, "host", null);
// Branch on a selector function based on the request
exports.Select = function (select) {
return function (request, response) {
return Q.when(select(request, response), function (app) {
return app(request, response);
// Create an application from the "app" exported by a module

@@ -709,709 +170,4 @@ exports.require = function (id, _require) {

* Decorates a JSGI application such that rejected response promises
* get translated into `500` server error responses with no content.
* @param {App} app
* @returns {App}
exports.Error = function (app, debug) {
return function (request, response) {
return Q.when(app(request, response), null, function (error) {
if (!debug)
error = undefined;
return exports.responseForStatus(500, error && error.stack || error);
var CookieApps = require("./http-apps/cookie");
exports.CookieJar = CookieApps.CookieJar;
* Decorates a Q-JSGI application such that all requests and responses
* are logged.
* @param {App} app
* @returns {App}
exports.Log = function (app, log, stamp) {
log = log || console.log;
stamp = stamp || function (message) {
return new Date().toISOString() + " " + message;
return function (request, response) {
var remoteHost =
request.remoteHost + ":" +
var requestLine =
request.method + " " +
request.path + " " +
"HTTP/" + request.version.join(".");
remoteHost + " " +
"--> " +
return Q.when(app(request, response), function (response) {
if (response) {
remoteHost + " " +
"<== " +
response.status + " " +
requestLine + " " +
(response.headers["content-length"] || "-")
} else {
remoteHost + " " +
"... " +
"... " +
requestLine + " (response undefined / presumed streaming)"
return response;
}, function (reason) {
remoteHost + " " +
"!!! " +
requestLine + " " +
(reason && reason.message || reason)
return Q.reject(reason);
* Decorates a Q-JSGI application such that all responses have an
* X-Response-Time header with the time between the request and the
* response in milliseconds, not including any time needed to stream
* the body to the client.
* @param {App} app
* @returns {App}
exports.Time = function (app) {
return function (request, response) {
var start = new Date();
return Q.when(app(request, response), function (response) {
var stop = new Date();
if (response && response.headers) {
response.headers["x-response-time"] = "" + (stop - start);
return response;
* Decorates a Q-JSGI application such that all responses have the
* given additional headers. These headers do not override the
* application's given response headers.
* @param {Object} headers
* @param {App} app decorated application.
exports.Headers = function (app, headers) {
return function (request, response) {
return Q.when(app(request, response), function (response) {
if (response && response.headers) {
Object.keys(headers).forEach(function (key) {
if (!(key in response.headers)) {
response.headers[key] = headers[key];
return response;
* Wraps a Q-JSGI application in a sequence of decorators.
* @param {Array * Decorator} decorators
* @param {App} app
* @returns {App}
exports.Decorators = function (decorators, app) {
decorators.reversed().forEach(function (Middleware) {
app = Middleware(app);
return app;
* Wraps a Q-JSGI application such that the child application may
* simply return an object, which will in turn be serialized into a
* Q-JSGI response.
* @param {Function(Request):Object} app an application that accepts a
* request and returns a JSON serializable object.
* @returns {App}
exports.Json = function (app, visitor, tabs) {
return function (request, response) {
return Q.when(app(request, response), function (object) {
return exports.json(object, visitor, tabs);
* @param {Object} content data to serialize as JSON
* @param {Function} visitor
* @param {Number|String} tabs
* @returns {Response}
exports.json = function (content, visitor, tabs) {
try {
var json = JSON.stringify(content, visitor, tabs);
} catch (exception) {
return Q.reject(exception);
return exports.ok([json]);
exports.ParseQuery = function (app) {
return function (request, response) {
request.query = QS.parse(URL.parse(request.url).query || "");
return app(request, response);
* Wraps an app such that it expects to receive content
* in the request body and passes that content as a string
* to as the second argument to the wrapped JSGI app.
* @param {Function(Request, Object):Response} app
* @returns {App}
exports.ContentRequest = function (app) {
return function (request, response) {
return Q.when(, function (body) {
return app(body, request, response);
* @param {Function(Request, Object):Response} app
* @param {App} badRequest
* @returns {App}
exports.JsonRequest = function (app, badRequest) {
if (!badRequest)
badRequest = exports.badRequest;
return exports.ContentRequest(function (content, request, response) {
try {
var object = JSON.parse(content);
} catch (error) {
return badRequest(request, error);
return app(object, request, response);
* @param {Function(Request):Object}
* @returns {App}
exports.Inspect = function (app) {
return exports.Method({"GET": function (request, response) {
return Q.when(app(request, response), function (object) {
return {
"status": 200,
"headers": {
"content-type": "text/plain"
"body": [inspect(object)]
* Creates a persistent session associated with the HTTP client's
* cookie. These sessions are intended to persist for the duration
* that a user visits your site in the same browser.
* @param {Function(session):App} Session a function that creates a
* new Q-JSGI application for each new session.
* @returns {App}
exports.CookieSession = function (Session) {
var sessions = {};
function nextUuid() {
while (true) {
var uuid = UUID.generate();
if (!Object.has(sessions, uuid))
return uuid;
return function (request, response) {
var cookie = QS.parse(request.headers["cookie"], /[;,]/g);
var sessionIds = cookie[""];
if (!Array.isArray(sessionIds))
sessionIds = [sessionIds];
sessionIds = sessionIds.filter(function (sessionId) {
return Object.has(sessions, sessionId);
// verifying cookie
if (/^\/~session\//.test(request.pathInfo)) {
if (cookie[""])
return exports.TemporaryRedirect("../")(request, response);
// TODO more flexible session error page
return {
"status": 404,
"headers": {
"content-type": "text/plain"
"body": [
"Access requires cookies"
// session exists
} else if (
Object.has(cookie, "") &&
) {
var session = sessions[sessionIds[0]];
session.lastAccess = new Date();
request.session = session;
return session.route(request, response);
// new session
} else {
var session = {
"id": nextUuid(),
"lastAccess": new Date()
sessions[] = session;
session.route = Session(session);
var response = exports.TemporaryRedirect(request.scriptInfo + "~session/")(request, response);
response.headers["set-cookie"] = Cookie.stringify(
"",, {
"path": request.scriptInfo
return response;
* A Q-JSGI application that creates a session associated with a
* unique path. These sessions are intended to persist for the
* duration that a user remains in a single browser window.
* @param {Function(session):App} a function that creates a new Q-JSGI
* application for each new session. It receives an object with the
* session's `id` and `lastAccess` `Date`.
* @returns {App}
exports.PathSession = function (Session) {
var sessions = {};
function nextUuid() {
while (true) {
var uuid = UUID.generate();
if (!Object.has(sessions, uuid))
return uuid;
return function (request, response) {
// TODO request.pathInfo and request.scriptInfo
if (request.pathInfo == "/") {
// new session
var session = {
"id": nextUuid(),
"lastAccess": new Date()
sessions[] = session;
session.route = Session(session);
return exports.Json(function (request, response) {
return session;
})(request, response);
} else if (Object.has(sessions, request.pathInfo.slice(1))) {
return Object.get(sessions, request.pathInfo.slice(1)).route(request, response);
} else {
return exports.responseForStatus(404, "Session does not exist");
* Returns the response of the first application that returns a
* non-404 response status.
* @param {Array * App} apps a cascade of applications to try
* successively until one of them returns a non-404 status.
* @returns {App}
exports.FirstFound = function (cascade) {
return function (request, response) {
var i = 0, ii = cascade.length;
function next() {
var response = cascade[i++](request, response);
if (i < ii) {
return Q.when(response, function (response) {
if (response.status === 404) {
return next();
} else {
return response;
} else {
return response;
return next();
* {Object * String} a mapping of HTTP status codes to
* their standard descriptions.
// Every standard HTTP code mapped to the appropriate message.
// Stolen from Rack which stole from Mongrel
100 : 'Continue',
101 : 'Switching Protocols',
102 : 'Processing',
200 : 'OK',
201 : 'Created',
202 : 'Accepted',
203 : 'Non-Authoritative Information',
204 : 'No Content',
205 : 'Reset Content',
206 : 'Partial Content',
207 : 'Multi-Status',
300 : 'Multiple Choices',
301 : 'Moved Permanently',
302 : 'Found',
303 : 'See Other',
304 : 'Not Modified',
305 : 'Use Proxy',
307 : 'Temporary Redirect',
400 : 'Bad Request',
401 : 'Unauthorized',
402 : 'Payment Required',
403 : 'Forbidden',
404 : 'Not Found',
405 : 'Method Not Allowed',
406 : 'Not Acceptable',
407 : 'Proxy Authentication Required',
408 : 'Request Timeout',
409 : 'Conflict',
410 : 'Gone',
411 : 'Length Required',
412 : 'Precondition Failed',
413 : 'Request Entity Too Large',
414 : 'Request-URI Too Large',
415 : 'Unsupported Media Type',
416 : 'Request Range Not Satisfiable',
417 : 'Expectation Failed',
422 : 'Unprocessable Entity',
423 : 'Locked',
424 : 'Failed Dependency',
500 : 'Internal Server Error',
501 : 'Not Implemented',
502 : 'Bad Gateway',
503 : 'Service Unavailable',
504 : 'Gateway Timeout',
505 : 'HTTP Version Not Supported',
507 : 'Insufficient Storage'
* {Object * Number} a mapping from HTTP status descriptions
* to HTTP status codes.
for (var code in exports.HTTP_STATUS_CODES)
exports.HTTP_STATUS_MESSAGES[exports.HTTP_STATUS_CODES[code]] = +code;
* Determines whether an HTTP response should have a
* response body, based on its status code.
* @param {Number} status
* @returns whether the HTTP response for the given status
* code has content.
exports.STATUS_WITH_NO_ENTITY_BODY = function (status) {
return (status >= 100 && status <= 199) ||
status == 204 || status == 304;
* @param {Number} status
* @returns {Function(Request) :Response} a JSGI app that returns
* a plain text response with the given status code.
exports.appForStatus = function (status) {
return function (request) {
return exports.responseForStatus(status, request.method + " " + request.path);
* @param {Number} status an HTTP status code
* @param {String} message (optional) a message to include
* in the response body.
* @returns a JSGI HTTP response object with the given status
* code and message as its body, if the status supports
* a body.
exports.responseForStatus = function(status, optMessage) {
if (exports.HTTP_STATUS_CODES[status] === undefined)
throw "Unknown status code";
var message = exports.HTTP_STATUS_CODES[status];
if (optMessage)
message += ": " + optMessage;
var content = message + "\r\n";
var response = {
"status": status,
"headers": {}
// RFC 2616, 10.2.5:
// The 204 response MUST NOT include a message-body, and thus is always
// terminated by the first empty line after the header fields.
// RFC 2616, 10.3.5:
// The 304 response MUST NOT contain a message-body, and thus is always
// terminated by the first empty line after the header fields.
if (!exports.STATUS_WITH_NO_ENTITY_BODY(status)) {
response.headers['content-length'] = content.length;
response.headers['content-type'] = 'text/plain';
response.body = [content];
return response;
* {App} an application that returns a 400 response.
exports.badRequest = exports.appForStatus(400);
* {App} an application that returns a 404 response.
exports.notFound = exports.appForStatus(404);
* {App} an application that returns a 405 response.
exports.methodNotAllowed = exports.appForStatus(405);
* {App} an application that returns a 405 response.
exports.noLanguage =
exports.notAcceptable = exports.appForStatus(406);
exports.Normalize = function (app) {
return function (request, response) {
var request = HTTP.normalizeRequest(request);
return Q.when(app(request, response), function (response) {
return HTTP.normalizeResponse(response);
exports.RedirectTrap = function (app, maxRedirects) {
maxRedirects = maxRedirects || 20;
return function (request, response) {
var remaining = maxRedirects;
var deferred = Q.defer();
var self = this;
var args = arguments;
request = HTTP.normalizeRequest(request);
// try redirect loop
function next() {
Q.fcall(function () {
return app(request, response);
.then(function (response) {
if (exports.isRedirect(response)) {
if (remaining--) {
request.url = response.headers.location;
} else {
throw new Error("Maximum redirects.");
} else {
return deferred.promise;
exports.isRedirect = function (response) {
return isRedirect[response.status] || false;
var isRedirect = {
301: true,
302: true,
303: true,
307: true
exports.CookieJar = function (app) {
var hostCookies = {}; // to {} of pathCookies to [] of cookies
return function (request) {
var hosts = allHostsContaining(;
var now = new Date();
var requestCookies = concat( (host) {
// delete expired cookies
for (var host in hostCookies) {
var pathCookies = hostCookies[host];
for (var path in pathCookies) {
var cookies = pathCookies[path];
for (var name in cookies) {
var cookie = cookies[name];
if (cookie.expires && cookie.expires > now) {
delete cookie[name];
// collect applicable cookies
return concat(
.map(function (host) {
if (!hostContains(host,
return [];
var pathCookies = hostCookies[host];
return concat(
.map(function (path) {
if (!pathContains(path, request.path))
return [];
var cookies = pathCookies[path];
return (
.map(function (name) {
return cookies[name];
.filter(function (cookie) {
return ?
request.ssl :
if (requestCookies.length) {
request.headers["cookie"] = (
.map(function (cookie) {
return Cookie.stringify(
.join("; ")
return Q.when(app.apply(this, arguments), function (response) {
response.headers = response.headers || {};
if (response.headers["set-cookie"]) {
var requestHost = ipRe.test( ? :
"." +;
// normalize to array
if (!Array.isArray(response.headers["set-cookie"])) {
response.headers["set-cookie"] = [response.headers["set-cookie"]];
response.headers["set-cookie"].forEach(function (cookie) {
var date = response.headers["date"] ?
new Date(response.headers["date"]) :
new Date();
cookie = Cookie.parse(cookie, date);
// ignore illegal host
if ( && !hostContains(requestHost,
var host = requestHost ||;
var path = cookie.path || "/";
var pathCookies = hostCookies[host] = hostCookies[host] || {};
var cookies = pathCookies[path] = pathCookies[path] || {};
cookies[cookie.key] = cookie;
delete response.headers["set-cookie"];
return response;
var ipRe = /^\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+$/;
function allHostsContaining(content) {
if (ipRe.test(content)) {
return [content];
} if (content === "localhost") {
return [content];
} else {
var parts = content.split(".");
var hosts = [];
while (parts.length > 1) {
hosts.push("." + parts.join("."));
return hosts;
function hostContains(container, content) {
if (ipRe.test(container) || ipRe.test(content)) {
return container === content;
} else if (/^\./.test(container)) {
return (
content.lastIndexOf(container) ===
content.length - container.length
) || (
container.slice(1) === content
} else {
return container === content;
function pathContains(container, content) {
if (/^\/$/.test(container)) {
return content.indexOf(container) === 0;
} else {
return (
content === container ||
content.indexOf(container + "/") === 0
function concat(arrays) {
return [].concat.apply([], arrays);

@@ -139,2 +139,3 @@ /**

self.nodeServer = server; // Deprecated
self.address = server.address.bind(server);

@@ -194,3 +195,3 @@ return self;

protocol: request.scheme,
port: request.port === (ssl ? 443 : 80) ? null : request.port,

@@ -197,0 +198,0 @@ path: request.path

"name": "q-io",
"version": "1.5.4",
"version": "1.6.0",
"description": "IO using Q promises",

@@ -22,3 +22,3 @@ "homepage": "",

"dependencies": {
"q": "~0.8.11",
"q": "~0.9.1",
"qs": "~0.1.0",

@@ -25,0 +25,0 @@ "url2": "~0.0.0",

var Apps = require("../../http-apps");
var Apps = require("../../http-apps/fs");

@@ -6,0 +6,0 @@ var size = 10000;

var Q = require("q");
var Http = require("../../http");

@@ -11,4 +10,13 @@ var Apps = require("../../http-apps");

it("should read a partial range", function () {
var fixture = FS.join( || __dirname, "fixtures", "1234.txt");
return Http.Server(Apps.Cap(Apps.File(fixture)))
var app = new Apps.Chain()
.use(function () {
return Apps.File(fixture);
return Http.Server(app)

@@ -15,0 +23,0 @@ .then(function (server) {

@@ -17,21 +17,26 @@

var server1 = Http.Server(
"foo": Apps.Branch({
"bar": Apps.Cap(Apps.Content(["Hello, World!"]))
var app = Apps.Chain()
.use(Apps.Trap, function (response) {
responseActual = response;
return response;
.use(Apps.Tap, function (request) {
requestActual = request;
.use(function (next) {
return Apps.Branch({
"foo": Apps.Branch({
"bar": new Apps.Chain()
.use(function () {
return Apps.Content(["Hello, World!"])
function (request) {
requestActual = request;
function (response) {
responseActual = response;
return response;
var server1 = Http.Server(app);
return Q.when(server1.listen(0))

@@ -38,0 +43,0 @@ .then(function (server1) {

@@ -25,3 +25,3 @@

.then(function (server) {
var port = server.node.address().port;
var port = server.address().port;

@@ -28,0 +28,0 @@ var request = {

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