QMiner is an analytics platform for large-scale real-time streams containing structured and
unstructured data. It is designed for scaling to millions of data points on high-end commodity
hardware, providing efficient storage, retrieval and analytics mechanisms with real-time response.
Project homepage
- node.js v14.x, v12.x, v10.x and npm 5.3 or higher
To test that your node.js version is correct, run
node --version
and npm --version
. Not compatible with nodejs v0.10 or older.
To Install the qminer package run:
npm install qminer
Test. To test if the package was successfully installed run:
node -e "require('qminer'); console.log('OK')"
Compile from Source
If you wish to compile the package from source, please address the instructions.
The package has a full documentation available online:
QMiner is developed by Department of Artificial Intelligence at
Jozef Stefan Institute, Quintelligence, Qlector and other contributors.
The authors would like to acknowledge funding from the European Union Seventh Framework Programme, under Grant Agreements 288342 (XLike), 611346 (XLime), 611875 (Symphony), 317534 (Sophocles), 318452 (Mobis), 600074 (NRG4Cast), 619437 (Sunseed), 632840 (FI-Impact) and 612329 (ProaSense).
This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 636160-2 (Optimum).