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rambda - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 6.5.3 to 6.6.0



@@ -0,1 +1,12 @@

- Change `R.piped` typings to mimic that of `R.pipe`. Main difference is that `R.pipe` is focused on unary functions.
- Fix wrong logic when `R.without` use `R.includes` while it should use array version of `R.includes`.
- Use uglify plugin for UMD bundle.
- Remove `dist` folder from `.gitignore` in order to fix `Deno` broken package. [Issue #570](
- Improve `R.fromPairs` typings - [Issue #567](

@@ -543,2 +554,2 @@

- 0.7.0 Close [issue #5]( - change name of `curry` to `partialCurry`; add new method `curry`, which works just like Ramda's `curry`
- 0.6.2 Add separate documentation site via `docsify`
- 0.6.2 Add separate documentation site via `docsify`



@@ -1,2348 +0,1 @@

(function (global, factory) {
typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? factory(exports) :
typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['exports'], factory) :
(global = typeof globalThis !== 'undefined' ? globalThis : global || self, factory(global.R = {}));
}(this, (function (exports) { 'use strict';
function F() {
return false;
function T() {
return true;
function add(a, b) {
if (arguments.length === 1) return _b => add(a, _b);
return Number(a) + Number(b);
function curry(fn, args = []) {
return (..._args) => (rest => rest.length >= fn.length ? fn( : curry(fn, rest))([...args, ..._args]);
function adjustFn(index, replaceFn, list) {
const actualIndex = index < 0 ? list.length + index : index;
if (index >= list.length || actualIndex < 0) return list;
const clone = list.slice();
clone[actualIndex] = replaceFn(clone[actualIndex]);
return clone;
const adjust = curry(adjustFn);
function all(predicate, list) {
if (arguments.length === 1) return _list => all(predicate, _list);
for (let i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
if (!predicate(list[i])) return false;
return true;
function allPass(predicates) {
return input => {
let counter = 0;
while (counter < predicates.length) {
if (!predicates[counter](input)) {
return false;
return true;
function always(x) {
return () => x;
function and(a, b) {
if (arguments.length === 1) return _b => and(a, _b);
return a && b;
function any(predicate, list) {
if (arguments.length === 1) return _list => any(predicate, _list);
let counter = 0;
while (counter < list.length) {
if (predicate(list[counter], counter)) {
return true;
return false;
function anyPass(predicates) {
return input => {
let counter = 0;
while (counter < predicates.length) {
if (predicates[counter](input)) {
return true;
return false;
function append(x, input) {
if (arguments.length === 1) return _input => append(x, _input);
if (typeof input === 'string') return input.split('').concat(x);
const clone = input.slice();
return clone;
const _isArray = Array.isArray;
function __findHighestArity(spec, max = 0) {
for (const key in spec) {
if (spec.hasOwnProperty(key) === false || key === 'constructor') continue;
if (typeof spec[key] === 'object') {
max = Math.max(max, __findHighestArity(spec[key]));
if (typeof spec[key] === 'function') {
max = Math.max(max, spec[key].length);
return max;
function __filterUndefined() {
const defined = [];
let i = 0;
const l = arguments.length;
while (i < l) {
if (typeof arguments[i] === 'undefined') break;
defined[i] = arguments[i];
return defined;
function __applySpecWithArity(spec, arity, cache) {
const remaining = arity - cache.length;
if (remaining === 1) return x => __applySpecWithArity(spec, arity, __filterUndefined(...cache, x));
if (remaining === 2) return (x, y) => __applySpecWithArity(spec, arity, __filterUndefined(...cache, x, y));
if (remaining === 3) return (x, y, z) => __applySpecWithArity(spec, arity, __filterUndefined(...cache, x, y, z));
if (remaining === 4) return (x, y, z, a) => __applySpecWithArity(spec, arity, __filterUndefined(...cache, x, y, z, a));
if (remaining > 4) return (...args) => __applySpecWithArity(spec, arity, __filterUndefined(...cache, ...args));
if (_isArray(spec)) {
const ret = [];
let i = 0;
const l = spec.length;
for (; i < l; i++) {
if (typeof spec[i] === 'object' || _isArray(spec[i])) {
ret[i] = __applySpecWithArity(spec[i], arity, cache);
if (typeof spec[i] === 'function') {
ret[i] = spec[i](...cache);
return ret;
const ret = {};
for (const key in spec) {
if (spec.hasOwnProperty(key) === false || key === 'constructor') continue;
if (typeof spec[key] === 'object') {
ret[key] = __applySpecWithArity(spec[key], arity, cache);
if (typeof spec[key] === 'function') {
ret[key] = spec[key](...cache);
return ret;
function applySpec(spec, ...args) {
const arity = __findHighestArity(spec);
if (arity === 0) {
return () => ({});
const toReturn = __applySpecWithArity(spec, arity, args);
return toReturn;
function assocFn(prop, newValue, obj) {
return Object.assign({}, obj, {
[prop]: newValue
const assoc = curry(assocFn);
function _isInteger(n) {
return n << 0 === n;
var _isInteger$1 = Number.isInteger || _isInteger;
function assocPathFn(path, newValue, input) {
const pathArrValue = typeof path === 'string' ? path.split('.').map(x => _isInteger(Number(x)) ? Number(x) : x) : path;
if (pathArrValue.length === 0) {
return newValue;
const index = pathArrValue[0];
if (pathArrValue.length > 1) {
const condition = typeof input !== 'object' || input === null || !input.hasOwnProperty(index);
const nextinput = condition ? _isInteger(pathArrValue[1]) ? [] : {} : input[index];
newValue = assocPathFn(, 1), newValue, nextinput);
if (_isInteger(index) && _isArray(input)) {
const arr = input.slice();
arr[index] = newValue;
return arr;
return assoc(index, newValue, input);
const assocPath = curry(assocPathFn);
function both(f, g) {
if (arguments.length === 1) return _g => both(f, _g);
return (...input) => f(...input) && g(...input);
function chain(fn, list) {
if (arguments.length === 1) {
return _list => chain(fn, _list);
return [].concat(;
function clampFn(min, max, input) {
if (min > max) {
throw new Error('min must not be greater than max in clamp(min, max, value)');
if (input >= min && input <= max) return input;
if (input > max) return max;
if (input < min) return min;
const clamp = curry(clampFn);
function clone(input) {
const out = _isArray(input) ? Array(input.length) : {};
if (input && input.getTime) return new Date(input.getTime());
for (const key in input) {
const v = input[key];
out[key] = typeof v === 'object' && v !== null ? v.getTime ? new Date(v.getTime()) : clone(v) : v;
return out;
function complement(fn) {
return (...input) => !fn(...input);
function compose(...fns) {
if (fns.length === 0) {
throw new Error('compose requires at least one argument');
return (...args) => {
const list = fns.slice();
if (list.length > 0) {
const fn = list.pop();
let result = fn(...args);
while (list.length > 0) {
result = list.pop()(result);
return result;
function concat(x, y) {
if (arguments.length === 1) return _y => concat(x, _y);
return typeof x === 'string' ? `${x}${y}` : [...x, ...y];
function cond(conditions) {
return input => {
let done = false;
let toReturn;
conditions.forEach(([predicate, resultClosure]) => {
if (!done && predicate(input)) {
done = true;
toReturn = resultClosure(input);
return toReturn;
function _curryN(n, cache, fn) {
return function () {
let ci = 0;
let ai = 0;
const cl = cache.length;
const al = arguments.length;
const args = new Array(cl + al);
while (ci < cl) {
args[ci] = cache[ci];
while (ai < al) {
args[cl + ai] = arguments[ai];
const remaining = n - args.length;
return args.length >= n ? fn.apply(this, args) : _arity(remaining, _curryN(n, args, fn));
function _arity(n, fn) {
switch (n) {
case 0:
return function () {
return fn.apply(this, arguments);
case 1:
return function (_1) {
return fn.apply(this, arguments);
case 2:
return function (_1, _2) {
return fn.apply(this, arguments);
case 3:
return function (_1, _2, _3) {
return fn.apply(this, arguments);
case 4:
return function (_1, _2, _3, _4) {
return fn.apply(this, arguments);
case 5:
return function (_1, _2, _3, _4, _5) {
return fn.apply(this, arguments);
case 6:
return function (_1, _2, _3, _4, _5, _6) {
return fn.apply(this, arguments);
case 7:
return function (_1, _2, _3, _4, _5, _6, _7) {
return fn.apply(this, arguments);
case 8:
return function (_1, _2, _3, _4, _5, _6, _7, _8) {
return fn.apply(this, arguments);
case 9:
return function (_1, _2, _3, _4, _5, _6, _7, _8, _9) {
return fn.apply(this, arguments);
return function (_1, _2, _3, _4, _5, _6, _7, _8, _9, _10) {
return fn.apply(this, arguments);
function curryN(n, fn) {
if (arguments.length === 1) return _fn => curryN(n, _fn);
if (n > 10) {
throw new Error('First argument to _arity must be a non-negative integer no greater than ten');
return _arity(n, _curryN(n, [], fn));
const _keys = Object.keys;
function mapArray(fn, list, isIndexed = false) {
let index = 0;
const willReturn = Array(list.length);
while (index < list.length) {
willReturn[index] = isIndexed ? fn(list[index], index) : fn(list[index]);
return willReturn;
function mapObject(fn, obj) {
let index = 0;
const keys = _keys(obj);
const len = keys.length;
const willReturn = {};
while (index < len) {
const key = keys[index];
willReturn[key] = fn(obj[key], key, obj);
return willReturn;
function map(fn, list) {
if (arguments.length === 1) return _list => map(fn, _list);
if (list === undefined) return [];
if (_isArray(list)) return mapArray(fn, list);
return mapObject(fn, list);
function max(x, y) {
if (arguments.length === 1) return _y => max(x, _y);
return y > x ? y : x;
function reduceFn(reducer, acc, list) {
if (!_isArray(list)) {
throw new TypeError('reduce: list must be array or iterable');
let index = 0;
const len = list.length;
while (index < len) {
acc = reducer(acc, list[index], index, list);
return acc;
const reduce = curry(reduceFn);
function converge(fn, transformers) {
if (arguments.length === 1) return _transformers => converge(fn, _transformers);
const highestArity = reduce((a, b) => max(a, b.length), 0, transformers);
return curryN(highestArity, function () {
return fn.apply(this, map(g => g.apply(this, arguments), transformers));
const dec = x => x - 1;
function isFalsy(input) {
return input === undefined || input === null || Number.isNaN(input) === true;
function defaultTo(defaultArgument, input) {
if (arguments.length === 1) {
return _input => defaultTo(defaultArgument, _input);
return isFalsy(input) ? defaultArgument : input;
function type(input) {
const typeOf = typeof input;
if (input === null) {
return 'Null';
} else if (input === undefined) {
return 'Undefined';
} else if (typeOf === 'boolean') {
return 'Boolean';
} else if (typeOf === 'number') {
return Number.isNaN(input) ? 'NaN' : 'Number';
} else if (typeOf === 'string') {
return 'String';
} else if (_isArray(input)) {
return 'Array';
} else if (typeOf === 'symbol') {
return 'Symbol';
} else if (input instanceof RegExp) {
return 'RegExp';
const asStr = input && input.toString ? input.toString() : '';
if (['true', 'false'].includes(asStr)) return 'Boolean';
if (!Number.isNaN(Number(asStr))) return 'Number';
if (asStr.startsWith('async')) return 'Async';
if (asStr === '[object Promise]') return 'Promise';
if (typeOf === 'function') return 'Function';
if (input instanceof String) return 'String';
return 'Object';
function parseError(maybeError) {
const typeofError = maybeError.__proto__.toString();
if (!['Error', 'TypeError'].includes(typeofError)) return [];
return [typeofError, maybeError.message];
function parseDate(maybeDate) {
if (!maybeDate.toDateString) return [false];
return [true, maybeDate.getTime()];
function parseRegex(maybeRegex) {
if (maybeRegex.constructor !== RegExp) return [false];
return [true, maybeRegex.toString()];
function equals(a, b) {
if (arguments.length === 1) return _b => equals(a, _b);
const aType = type(a);
if (aType !== type(b)) return false;
if (aType === 'Function') {
return === undefined ? false : ===;
if (['NaN', 'Undefined', 'Null'].includes(aType)) return true;
if (aType === 'Number') {
if (, a) !==, b)) return false;
return a.toString() === b.toString();
if (['String', 'Boolean'].includes(aType)) {
return a.toString() === b.toString();
if (aType === 'Array') {
const aClone = Array.from(a);
const bClone = Array.from(b);
if (aClone.toString() !== bClone.toString()) {
return false;
let loopArrayFlag = true;
aClone.forEach((aCloneInstance, aCloneIndex) => {
if (loopArrayFlag) {
if (aCloneInstance !== bClone[aCloneIndex] && !equals(aCloneInstance, bClone[aCloneIndex])) {
loopArrayFlag = false;
return loopArrayFlag;
const aRegex = parseRegex(a);
const bRegex = parseRegex(b);
if (aRegex[0]) {
return bRegex[0] ? aRegex[1] === bRegex[1] : false;
} else if (bRegex[0]) return false;
const aDate = parseDate(a);
const bDate = parseDate(b);
if (aDate[0]) {
return bDate[0] ? aDate[1] === bDate[1] : false;
} else if (bDate[0]) return false;
const aError = parseError(a);
const bError = parseError(b);
if (aError[0]) {
return bError[0] ? aError[0] === bError[0] && aError[1] === bError[1] : false;
if (aType === 'Object') {
const aKeys = Object.keys(a);
if (aKeys.length !== Object.keys(b).length) {
return false;
let loopObjectFlag = true;
aKeys.forEach(aKeyInstance => {
if (loopObjectFlag) {
const aValue = a[aKeyInstance];
const bValue = b[aKeyInstance];
if (aValue !== bValue && !equals(aValue, bValue)) {
loopObjectFlag = false;
return loopObjectFlag;
return false;
function includesArray(valueToFind, input) {
let index = -1;
while (++index < input.length) {
if (equals(input[index], valueToFind)) {
return true;
return false;
function includes(valueToFind, input) {
if (arguments.length === 1) return _input => includes(valueToFind, _input);
if (typeof input === 'string') {
return input.includes(valueToFind);
if (!input) {
throw new TypeError(`Cannot read property \'indexOf\' of ${input}`);
if (!_isArray(input)) return false;
return includesArray(valueToFind, input);
function uniq(list) {
let index = -1;
const willReturn = [];
while (++index < list.length) {
const value = list[index];
if (!includes(value, willReturn)) {
return willReturn;
function difference(a, b) {
if (arguments.length === 1) return _b => difference(a, _b);
return uniq(a).filter(aInstance => !includes(aInstance, b));
function dissoc(prop, obj) {
if (arguments.length === 1) return _obj => dissoc(prop, _obj);
if (obj === null || obj === undefined) return {};
const willReturn = {};
for (const p in obj) {
willReturn[p] = obj[p];
delete willReturn[prop];
return willReturn;
function divide(a, b) {
if (arguments.length === 1) return _b => divide(a, _b);
return a / b;
function drop(howManyToDrop, listOrString) {
if (arguments.length === 1) return _list => drop(howManyToDrop, _list);
return listOrString.slice(howManyToDrop > 0 ? howManyToDrop : 0);
function dropLast(howManyToDrop, listOrString) {
if (arguments.length === 1) {
return _listOrString => dropLast(howManyToDrop, _listOrString);
return howManyToDrop > 0 ? listOrString.slice(0, -howManyToDrop) : listOrString.slice();
function dropLastWhile(predicate, iterable) {
if (arguments.length === 1) {
return _iterable => dropLastWhile(predicate, _iterable);
if (iterable.length === 0) return iterable;
const isArray = _isArray(iterable);
if (typeof predicate !== 'function') {
throw new Error(`'predicate' is from wrong type ${typeof predicate}`);
if (!isArray && typeof iterable !== 'string') {
throw new Error(`'iterable' is from wrong type ${typeof iterable}`);
let found = false;
const toReturn = [];
let counter = iterable.length;
while (counter > 0) {
if (!found && predicate(iterable[counter]) === false) {
found = true;
} else if (found) {
return isArray ? toReturn.reverse() : toReturn.reverse().join('');
function dropRepeats(list) {
if (!_isArray(list)) {
throw new Error(`${list} is not a list`);
const toReturn = [];
list.reduce((prev, current) => {
if (!equals(prev, current)) {
return current;
}, undefined);
return toReturn;
function dropRepeatsWith(predicate, list) {
if (arguments.length === 1) {
return _iterable => dropRepeatsWith(predicate, _iterable);
if (!_isArray(list)) {
throw new Error(`${list} is not a list`);
const toReturn = [];
list.reduce((prev, current) => {
if (prev === undefined) {
return current;
if (!predicate(prev, current)) {
return current;
}, undefined);
return toReturn;
function dropWhile(predicate, iterable) {
if (arguments.length === 1) {
return _iterable => dropWhile(predicate, _iterable);
const isArray = _isArray(iterable);
if (!isArray && typeof iterable !== 'string') {
throw new Error('`iterable` is neither list nor a string');
let flag = false;
const holder = [];
let counter = -1;
while (counter++ < iterable.length - 1) {
if (flag) {
} else if (!predicate(iterable[counter])) {
if (!flag) flag = true;
return isArray ? holder : holder.join('');
function either(firstPredicate, secondPredicate) {
if (arguments.length === 1) {
return _secondPredicate => either(firstPredicate, _secondPredicate);
return (...input) => Boolean(firstPredicate(...input) || secondPredicate(...input));
function endsWith(target, str) {
if (arguments.length === 1) return _str => endsWith(target, _str);
return str.endsWith(target);
function eqPropsFn(prop, obj1, obj2) {
if (!obj1 || !obj2) {
throw new Error('wrong object inputs are passed to R.eqProps');
return equals(obj1[prop], obj2[prop]);
const eqProps = curry(eqPropsFn);
function evolveArray(rules, list) {
return mapArray((x, i) => {
if (type(rules[i]) === 'Function') {
return rules[i](x);
return x;
}, list, true);
function evolveObject(rules, iterable) {
return mapObject((x, prop) => {
if (type(x) === 'Object') {
const typeRule = type(rules[prop]);
if (typeRule === 'Function') {
return rules[prop](x);
if (typeRule === 'Object') {
return evolve(rules[prop], x);
return x;
if (type(rules[prop]) === 'Function') {
return rules[prop](x);
return x;
}, iterable);
function evolve(rules, iterable) {
if (arguments.length === 1) {
return _iterable => evolve(rules, _iterable);
const rulesType = type(rules);
const iterableType = type(iterable);
if (iterableType !== rulesType) {
throw new Error('iterableType !== rulesType');
if (!['Object', 'Array'].includes(rulesType)) {
throw new Error(`'iterable' and 'rules' are from wrong type ${rulesType}`);
if (iterableType === 'Object') {
return evolveObject(rules, iterable);
return evolveArray(rules, iterable);
function filterObject(fn, obj) {
const willReturn = {};
for (const prop in obj) {
if (fn(obj[prop], prop, obj)) {
willReturn[prop] = obj[prop];
return willReturn;
function filterArray(predicate, list, indexed = false) {
let index = 0;
const len = list.length;
const willReturn = [];
while (index < len) {
const predicateResult = indexed ? predicate(list[index], index) : predicate(list[index]);
if (predicateResult) {
return willReturn;
function filter(predicate, iterable) {
if (arguments.length === 1) {
return _iterable => filter(predicate, _iterable);
if (!iterable) return [];
if (_isArray(iterable)) return filterArray(predicate, iterable);
return filterObject(predicate, iterable);
function find(predicate, list) {
if (arguments.length === 1) return _list => find(predicate, _list);
let index = 0;
const len = list.length;
while (index < len) {
const x = list[index];
if (predicate(x)) {
return x;
function findIndex(predicate, list) {
if (arguments.length === 1) return _list => findIndex(predicate, _list);
const len = list.length;
let index = -1;
while (++index < len) {
if (predicate(list[index])) {
return index;
return -1;
function findLast(predicate, list) {
if (arguments.length === 1) return _list => findLast(predicate, _list);
let index = list.length;
while (--index >= 0) {
if (predicate(list[index])) {
return list[index];
return undefined;
function findLastIndex(fn, list) {
if (arguments.length === 1) return _list => findLastIndex(fn, _list);
let index = list.length;
while (--index >= 0) {
if (fn(list[index])) {
return index;
return -1;
function flatten(list, input) {
const willReturn = input === undefined ? [] : input;
for (let i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
if (_isArray(list[i])) {
flatten(list[i], willReturn);
} else {
return willReturn;
function flipFn(fn) {
return (...input) => {
if (input.length === 1) {
return holder => fn(holder, input[0]);
} else if (input.length === 2) {
return fn(input[1], input[0]);
} else if (input.length === 3) {
return fn(input[1], input[0], input[2]);
} else if (input.length === 4) {
return fn(input[1], input[0], input[2], input[3]);
throw new Error('R.flip doesn\'t work with arity > 4');
function flip(fn) {
return flipFn(fn);
function forEach(fn, list) {
if (arguments.length === 1) return _list => forEach(fn, _list);
if (list === undefined) {
if (_isArray(list)) {
let index = 0;
const len = list.length;
while (index < len) {
} else {
let index = 0;
const keys = _keys(list);
const len = keys.length;
while (index < len) {
const key = keys[index];
fn(list[key], key, list);
return list;
function fromPairs(listOfPairs) {
const toReturn = {};
listOfPairs.forEach(([prop, value]) => toReturn[prop] = value);
return toReturn;
function groupBy(groupFn, list) {
if (arguments.length === 1) return _list => groupBy(groupFn, _list);
const result = {};
for (let i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
const item = list[i];
const key = groupFn(item);
if (!result[key]) {
result[key] = [];
return result;
function groupWith(compareFn, list) {
if (!_isArray(list)) throw new TypeError('list.reduce is not a function');
const clone = list.slice();
if (list.length === 1) return [clone];
const toReturn = [];
let holder = [];
clone.reduce((prev, current, i) => {
if (i === 0) return current;
const okCompare = compareFn(prev, current);
const holderIsEmpty = holder.length === 0;
const lastCall = i === list.length - 1;
if (okCompare) {
if (holderIsEmpty) holder.push(prev);
if (lastCall) toReturn.push(holder);
return current;
if (holderIsEmpty) {
if (lastCall) toReturn.push([current]);
return current;
if (lastCall) toReturn.push([current]);
holder = [];
return current;
}, undefined);
return toReturn;
function has(prop, obj) {
if (arguments.length === 1) return _obj => has(prop, _obj);
if (!obj) return false;
return obj[prop] !== undefined;
function path(pathInput, obj) {
if (arguments.length === 1) return _obj => path(pathInput, _obj);
if (obj === null || obj === undefined) {
return undefined;
let willReturn = obj;
let counter = 0;
const pathArrValue = typeof pathInput === 'string' ? pathInput.split('.') : pathInput;
while (counter < pathArrValue.length) {
if (willReturn === null || willReturn === undefined) {
return undefined;
willReturn = willReturn[pathArrValue[counter]];
return willReturn;
function hasPath(maybePath, obj) {
if (arguments.length === 1) {
return objHolder => hasPath(maybePath, objHolder);
return path(maybePath, obj) !== undefined;
function head(listOrString) {
if (typeof listOrString === 'string') return listOrString[0] || '';
return listOrString[0];
function _objectIs(a, b) {
if (a === b) {
return a !== 0 || 1 / a === 1 / b;
return a !== a && b !== b;
var _objectIs$1 = || _objectIs;
function identical(a, b) {
if (arguments.length === 1) return _b => identical(a, _b);
return _objectIs$1(a, b);
function identity(input) {
return input;
function ifElseFn(condition, onTrue, onFalse) {
return (...input) => {
const conditionResult = typeof condition === 'boolean' ? condition : condition(...input);
if (conditionResult === true) {
return onTrue(...input);
return onFalse(...input);
const ifElse = curry(ifElseFn);
const inc = x => x + 1;
function indexByPath(pathInput, list) {
const toReturn = {};
for (let i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
const item = list[i];
toReturn[path(pathInput, item)] = item;
return toReturn;
function indexBy(condition, list) {
if (arguments.length === 1) {
return _list => indexBy(condition, _list);
if (typeof condition === 'string') {
return indexByPath(condition, list);
const toReturn = {};
for (let i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
const item = list[i];
toReturn[condition(item)] = item;
return toReturn;
function indexOf(valueToFind, list) {
if (arguments.length === 1) {
return _list => indexOf(valueToFind, _list);
let index = -1;
const {
} = list;
while (++index < length) {
if (list[index] === valueToFind) {
return index;
return -1;
function baseSlice(array, start, end) {
let index = -1;
let {
} = array;
end = end > length ? length : end;
if (end < 0) {
end += length;
length = start > end ? 0 : end - start >>> 0;
start >>>= 0;
const result = Array(length);
while (++index < length) {
result[index] = array[index + start];
return result;
function init(listOrString) {
if (typeof listOrString === 'string') return listOrString.slice(0, -1);
return listOrString.length ? baseSlice(listOrString, 0, -1) : [];
function intersection(listA, listB) {
if (arguments.length === 1) return _list => intersection(listA, _list);
return filter(value => includes(value, listB), listA);
function intersperse(separator, list) {
if (arguments.length === 1) return _list => intersperse(separator, _list);
let index = -1;
const len = list.length;
const willReturn = [];
while (++index < len) {
if (index === len - 1) {
} else {
willReturn.push(list[index], separator);
return willReturn;
function is(targetPrototype, x) {
if (arguments.length === 1) return _x => is(targetPrototype, _x);
return x != null && x.constructor === targetPrototype || x instanceof targetPrototype;
function isEmpty(input) {
const inputType = type(input);
if (['Undefined', 'NaN', 'Number', 'Null'].includes(inputType)) return false;
if (!input) return true;
if (inputType === 'Object') {
return Object.keys(input).length === 0;
if (inputType === 'Array') {
return input.length === 0;
return false;
function isNil(x) {
return x === undefined || x === null;
function join(glue, list) {
if (arguments.length === 1) return _list => join(glue, _list);
return list.join(glue);
function keys(x) {
return Object.keys(x);
function last(listOrString) {
if (typeof listOrString === 'string') {
return listOrString[listOrString.length - 1] || '';
return listOrString[listOrString.length - 1];
function lastIndexOf(target, list) {
if (arguments.length === 1) return _list => lastIndexOf(target, _list);
let index = list.length;
while (--index > 0) {
if (equals(list[index], target)) {
return index;
return -1;
function length(x) {
if (!x && x !== '' || x.length === undefined) {
return NaN;
return x.length;
function lens(getter, setter) {
return function (functor) {
return function (target) {
return functor(getter(target)).map(focus => setter(focus, target));
function nth(index, list) {
if (arguments.length === 1) return _list => nth(index, _list);
const idx = index < 0 ? list.length + index : index;
return === '[object String]' ? list.charAt(idx) : list[idx];
function updateFn(index, newValue, list) {
const arrClone = list.slice();
return arrClone.fill(newValue, index, index + 1);
const update = curry(updateFn);
function lensIndex(index) {
return lens(nth(index), update(index));
function lensPath(key) {
return lens(path(key), assocPath(key));
function prop(propToFind, obj) {
if (arguments.length === 1) return _obj => prop(propToFind, _obj);
if (!obj) return undefined;
return obj[propToFind];
function lensProp(key) {
return lens(prop(key), assoc(key));
function match(pattern, input) {
if (arguments.length === 1) return _input => match(pattern, _input);
const willReturn = input.match(pattern);
return willReturn === null ? [] : willReturn;
function mathMod(x, y) {
if (arguments.length === 1) return _y => mathMod(x, _y);
if (!_isInteger$1(x) || !_isInteger$1(y) || y < 1) return NaN;
return (x % y + y) % y;
function maxByFn(compareFn, x, y) {
return compareFn(y) > compareFn(x) ? y : x;
const maxBy = curry(maxByFn);
function sum(list) {
return list.reduce((prev, current) => prev + current, 0);
function mean(list) {
return sum(list) / list.length;
function median(list) {
const len = list.length;
if (len === 0) return NaN;
const width = 2 - len % 2;
const idx = (len - width) / 2;
return mean(, 0).sort((a, b) => {
if (a === b) return 0;
return a < b ? -1 : 1;
}).slice(idx, idx + width));
function merge(target, newProps) {
if (arguments.length === 1) return _newProps => merge(target, _newProps);
return Object.assign({}, target || {}, newProps || {});
function mergeAll(arr) {
let willReturn = {};
map(val => {
willReturn = merge(willReturn, val);
}, arr);
return willReturn;
function mergeDeepRight(target, source) {
if (arguments.length === 1) {
return sourceHolder => mergeDeepRight(target, sourceHolder);
const willReturn = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(target));
Object.keys(source).forEach(key => {
if (type(source[key]) === 'Object') {
if (type(target[key]) === 'Object') {
willReturn[key] = mergeDeepRight(target[key], source[key]);
} else {
willReturn[key] = source[key];
} else {
willReturn[key] = source[key];
return willReturn;
function mergeLeft(x, y) {
if (arguments.length === 1) return _y => mergeLeft(x, _y);
return merge(y, x);
function min(x, y) {
if (arguments.length === 1) return _y => min(x, _y);
return y < x ? y : x;
function minByFn(compareFn, x, y) {
return compareFn(y) < compareFn(x) ? y : x;
const minBy = curry(minByFn);
function modulo(x, y) {
if (arguments.length === 1) return _y => modulo(x, _y);
return x % y;
function moveFn(fromIndex, toIndex, list) {
if (fromIndex < 0 || toIndex < 0) {
throw new Error('Rambda.move does not support negative indexes');
if (fromIndex > list.length - 1 || toIndex > list.length - 1) return list;
const clone = list.slice();
clone[fromIndex] = list[toIndex];
clone[toIndex] = list[fromIndex];
return clone;
const move = curry(moveFn);
function multiply(x, y) {
if (arguments.length === 1) return _y => multiply(x, _y);
return x * y;
function negate(x) {
return -x;
function none(predicate, list) {
if (arguments.length === 1) return _list => none(predicate, _list);
for (let i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
if (!predicate(list[i])) return true;
return false;
function not(input) {
return !input;
function of(value) {
return [value];
function omit(propsToOmit, obj) {
if (arguments.length === 1) return _obj => omit(propsToOmit, _obj);
if (obj === null || obj === undefined) {
return undefined;
const propsToOmitValue = typeof propsToOmit === 'string' ? propsToOmit.split(',') : propsToOmit;
const willReturn = {};
for (const key in obj) {
if (!propsToOmitValue.includes(key)) {
willReturn[key] = obj[key];
return willReturn;
function onceFn(fn, context) {
let result;
return function () {
if (fn) {
result = fn.apply(context || this, arguments);
fn = null;
return result;
function once(fn, context) {
if (arguments.length === 1) {
const wrap = onceFn(fn, context);
return curry(wrap);
return onceFn(fn, context);
function or(a, b) {
if (arguments.length === 1) return _b => or(a, _b);
return a || b;
const Identity = x => ({
map: fn => Identity(fn(x))
function overFn(lens, fn, object) {
return lens(x => Identity(fn(x)))(object).x;
const over = curry(overFn);
function partial(fn, ...args) {
const len = fn.length;
return ( => {
if (args.length + rest.length >= len) {
return fn(...args,;
return partial(fn, ...[...args,]);
function partitionObject(predicate, iterable) {
const yes = {};
const no = {};
Object.entries(iterable).forEach(([prop, value]) => {
if (predicate(value, prop)) {
yes[prop] = value;
} else {
no[prop] = value;
return [yes, no];
function partitionArray(predicate, list) {
const yes = [];
const no = [];
let counter = -1;
while (counter++ < list.length - 1) {
if (predicate(list[counter])) {
} else {
return [yes, no];
function partition(predicate, iterable) {
if (arguments.length === 1) {
return listHolder => partition(predicate, listHolder);
if (!_isArray(iterable)) return partitionObject(predicate, iterable);
return partitionArray(predicate, iterable);
function pathEqFn(pathToSearch, target, input) {
return equals(path(pathToSearch, input), target);
const pathEq = curry(pathEqFn);
function pathOrFn(defaultValue, list, obj) {
return defaultTo(defaultValue, path(list, obj));
const pathOr = curry(pathOrFn);
function paths(pathsToSearch, obj) {
if (arguments.length === 1) {
return _obj => paths(pathsToSearch, _obj);
return => path(singlePath, obj));
function pick(propsToPick, input) {
if (arguments.length === 1) return _input => pick(propsToPick, _input);
if (input === null || input === undefined) {
return undefined;
const keys = typeof propsToPick === 'string' ? propsToPick.split(',') : propsToPick;
const willReturn = {};
let counter = 0;
while (counter < keys.length) {
if (keys[counter] in input) {
willReturn[keys[counter]] = input[keys[counter]];
return willReturn;
function pickAll(propsToPick, obj) {
if (arguments.length === 1) return _obj => pickAll(propsToPick, _obj);
if (obj === null || obj === undefined) {
return undefined;
const keysValue = typeof propsToPick === 'string' ? propsToPick.split(',') : propsToPick;
const willReturn = {};
let counter = 0;
while (counter < keysValue.length) {
if (keysValue[counter] in obj) {
willReturn[keysValue[counter]] = obj[keysValue[counter]];
} else {
willReturn[keysValue[counter]] = undefined;
return willReturn;
function pipe(...fns) {
if (fns.length === 0) throw new Error('pipe requires at least one argument');
return (...args) => {
const list = fns.slice();
if (list.length > 0) {
const fn = list.shift();
let result = fn(...args);
while (list.length > 0) {
result = list.shift()(result);
return result;
function pluck(property, list) {
if (arguments.length === 1) return _list => pluck(property, _list);
const willReturn = [];
map(x => {
if (x[property] !== undefined) {
}, list);
return willReturn;
function prepend(x, input) {
if (arguments.length === 1) return _input => prepend(x, _input);
if (typeof input === 'string') return [x].concat(input.split(''));
return [x].concat(input);
const product = reduce(multiply, 1);
function propEqFn(propToFind, valueToMatch, obj) {
if (!obj) return false;
return obj[propToFind] === valueToMatch;
const propEq = curry(propEqFn);
function propIsFn(targetPrototype, property, obj) {
return is(targetPrototype, obj[property]);
const propIs = curry(propIsFn);
function propOrFn(defaultValue, property, obj) {
if (!obj) return defaultValue;
return defaultTo(defaultValue, obj[property]);
const propOr = curry(propOrFn);
function props(propsToPick, obj) {
if (arguments.length === 1) {
return _obj => props(propsToPick, _obj);
if (!_isArray(propsToPick)) {
throw new Error('propsToPick is not a list');
return mapArray(prop => obj[prop], propsToPick);
function range(start, end) {
if (arguments.length === 1) return _end => range(start, _end);
if (Number.isNaN(Number(start)) || Number.isNaN(Number(end))) {
throw new TypeError('Both arguments to range must be numbers');
if (end < start) return [];
const len = end - start;
const willReturn = Array(len);
for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
willReturn[i] = start + i;
return willReturn;
function reject(predicate, list) {
if (arguments.length === 1) return _list => reject(predicate, _list);
return filter(x => !predicate(x), list);
function repeat(x, timesToRepeat) {
if (arguments.length === 1) {
return _timesToRepeat => repeat(x, _timesToRepeat);
return Array(timesToRepeat).fill(x);
function replaceFn(pattern, replacer, str) {
return str.replace(pattern, replacer);
const replace = curry(replaceFn);
function reverse(listOrString) {
if (typeof listOrString === 'string') {
return listOrString.split('').reverse().join('');
const clone = listOrString.slice();
return clone.reverse();
function setFn(lens, replacer, x) {
return over(lens, always(replacer), x);
const set = curry(setFn);
function sliceFn(from, to, list) {
return list.slice(from, to);
const slice = curry(sliceFn);
function sort(sortFn, list) {
if (arguments.length === 1) return _list => sort(sortFn, _list);
const clone = list.slice();
return clone.sort(sortFn);
function sortBy(sortFn, list) {
if (arguments.length === 1) return _list => sortBy(sortFn, _list);
const clone = list.slice();
return clone.sort((a, b) => {
const aSortResult = sortFn(a);
const bSortResult = sortFn(b);
if (aSortResult === bSortResult) return 0;
return aSortResult < bSortResult ? -1 : 1;
function split(separator, str) {
if (arguments.length === 1) return _str => split(separator, _str);
return str.split(separator);
function maybe(ifRule, whenIf, whenElse) {
const whenIfInput = ifRule && type(whenIf) === 'Function' ? whenIf() : whenIf;
const whenElseInput = !ifRule && type(whenElse) === 'Function' ? whenElse() : whenElse;
return ifRule ? whenIfInput : whenElseInput;
function take(howMany, listOrString) {
if (arguments.length === 1) return _listOrString => take(howMany, _listOrString);
if (howMany < 0) return listOrString.slice();
if (typeof listOrString === 'string') return listOrString.slice(0, howMany);
return baseSlice(listOrString, 0, howMany);
function splitAt(index, input) {
if (arguments.length === 1) {
return _list => splitAt(index, _list);
if (!input) throw new TypeError(`Cannot read property 'slice' of ${input}`);
if (!_isArray(input) && typeof input !== 'string') return [[], []];
const correctIndex = maybe(index < 0, input.length + index < 0 ? 0 : input.length + index, index);
return [take(correctIndex, input), drop(correctIndex, input)];
function splitEvery(sliceLength, listOrString) {
if (arguments.length === 1) {
return _listOrString => splitEvery(sliceLength, _listOrString);
if (sliceLength < 1) {
throw new Error('First argument to splitEvery must be a positive integer');
const willReturn = [];
let counter = 0;
while (counter < listOrString.length) {
willReturn.push(listOrString.slice(counter, counter += sliceLength));
return willReturn;
function splitWhen(predicate, input) {
if (arguments.length === 1) {
return _input => splitWhen(predicate, _input);
if (!input) throw new TypeError(`Cannot read property 'length' of ${input}`);
const preFound = [];
const postFound = [];
let found = false;
let counter = -1;
while (counter++ < input.length - 1) {
if (found) {
} else if (predicate(input[counter])) {
found = true;
} else {
return [preFound, postFound];
function startsWith(target, str) {
if (arguments.length === 1) return _str => startsWith(target, _str);
return str.startsWith(target);
function subtract(a, b) {
if (arguments.length === 1) return _b => subtract(a, _b);
return a - b;
function symmetricDifference(x, y) {
if (arguments.length === 1) {
return _y => symmetricDifference(x, _y);
return concat(filter(value => !includes(value, y), x), filter(value => !includes(value, x), y));
function tail(listOrString) {
return drop(1, listOrString);
function takeLast(howMany, listOrString) {
if (arguments.length === 1) return _listOrString => takeLast(howMany, _listOrString);
const len = listOrString.length;
if (howMany < 0) return listOrString.slice();
let numValue = howMany > len ? len : howMany;
if (typeof listOrString === 'string') return listOrString.slice(len - numValue);
numValue = len - numValue;
return baseSlice(listOrString, numValue, len);
function takeLastWhile(predicate, input) {
if (arguments.length === 1) {
return _input => takeLastWhile(predicate, _input);
if (input.length === 0) return input;
let found = false;
const toReturn = [];
let counter = input.length;
while (!found || counter === 0) {
if (predicate(input[counter]) === false) {
found = true;
} else if (!found) {
return _isArray(input) ? toReturn.reverse() : toReturn.reverse().join('');
function takeWhile(predicate, iterable) {
if (arguments.length === 1) {
return _iterable => takeWhile(predicate, _iterable);
const isArray = _isArray(iterable);
if (!isArray && typeof iterable !== 'string') {
throw new Error('`iterable` is neither list nor a string');
let flag = true;
const holder = [];
let counter = -1;
while (counter++ < iterable.length - 1) {
if (!predicate(iterable[counter])) {
if (flag) flag = false;
} else if (flag) {
return isArray ? holder : holder.join('');
function tap(fn, x) {
if (arguments.length === 1) return _x => tap(fn, _x);
return x;
function test(pattern, str) {
if (arguments.length === 1) return _str => test(pattern, _str);
if (typeof pattern === 'string') {
throw new TypeError(`‘test’ requires a value of type RegExp as its first argument; received "${pattern}"`);
return !== -1;
function times(fn, howMany) {
if (arguments.length === 1) return _howMany => times(fn, _howMany);
if (!Number.isInteger(howMany) || howMany < 0) {
throw new RangeError('n must be an integer');
return map(fn, range(0, howMany));
function toLower(str) {
return str.toLowerCase();
function toPairs(obj) {
return Object.entries(obj);
function toString(x) {
return x.toString();
function toUpper(str) {
return str.toUpperCase();
function transpose(array) {
return array.reduce((acc, el) => {
el.forEach((nestedEl, i) => _isArray(acc[i]) ? acc[i].push(nestedEl) : acc.push([nestedEl]));
return acc;
}, []);
function trim(str) {
return str.trim();
function isFunction(fn) {
return ['Async', 'Function'].includes(type(fn));
function tryCatch(fn, fallback) {
if (!isFunction(fn)) {
throw new Error(`R.tryCatch | fn '${fn}'`);
const passFallback = isFunction(fallback);
return (...inputs) => {
try {
return fn(...inputs);
} catch (e) {
return passFallback ? fallback(e, ...inputs) : fallback;
function union(x, y) {
if (arguments.length === 1) return _y => union(x, _y);
const toReturn = x.slice();
y.forEach(yInstance => {
if (!includes(yInstance, x)) toReturn.push(yInstance);
return toReturn;
function uniqWith(predicate, list) {
if (arguments.length === 1) return _list => uniqWith(predicate, _list);
let index = -1;
const len = list.length;
const willReturn = [];
while (++index < len) {
const value = list[index];
const flag = any(willReturnInstance => predicate(value, willReturnInstance), willReturn);
if (!flag) {
return willReturn;
function unless(predicate, whenFalse) {
if (arguments.length === 1) {
return _whenFalse => unless(predicate, _whenFalse);
return input => {
if (predicate(input)) return input;
return whenFalse(input);
function values(obj) {
if (type(obj) !== 'Object') return [];
return Object.values(obj);
const Const = x => ({
map: fn => Const(x)
function view(lens, target) {
if (arguments.length === 1) return _target => view(lens, _target);
return lens(Const)(target).x;
function whenFn(predicate, whenTrueFn, input) {
if (!predicate(input)) return input;
return whenTrueFn(input);
const when = curry(whenFn);
function where(conditions, input) {
if (input === undefined) {
return _input => where(conditions, _input);
let flag = true;
for (const prop in conditions) {
const result = conditions[prop](input[prop]);
if (flag && result === false) {
flag = false;
return flag;
function whereEq(condition, input) {
if (arguments.length === 1) {
return _input => whereEq(condition, _input);
const result = filter((conditionValue, conditionProp) => equals(conditionValue, input[conditionProp]), condition);
return Object.keys(result).length === Object.keys(condition).length;
function without(matchAgainst, source) {
if (source === undefined) {
return _source => without(matchAgainst, _source);
return reduce((prev, current) => includesArray(current, matchAgainst) ? prev : prev.concat(current), [], source);
function xor(a, b) {
if (arguments.length === 1) return _b => xor(a, _b);
return Boolean(a) && !b || Boolean(b) && !a;
function zip(left, right) {
if (arguments.length === 1) return _right => zip(left, _right);
const result = [];
const length = Math.min(left.length, right.length);
for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {
result[i] = [left[i], right[i]];
return result;
function zipObj(keys, values) {
if (arguments.length === 1) return yHolder => zipObj(keys, yHolder);
return take(values.length, keys).reduce((prev, xInstance, i) => {
prev[xInstance] = values[i];
return prev;
}, {});
function zipWithFn(fn, x, y) {
return take(x.length > y.length ? y.length : x.length, x).map((xInstance, i) => fn(xInstance, y[i]));
const zipWith = curry(zipWithFn);
exports.F = F;
exports.T = T;
exports.add = add;
exports.adjust = adjust;
exports.all = all;
exports.allPass = allPass;
exports.always = always;
exports.and = and;
exports.any = any;
exports.anyPass = anyPass;
exports.append = append;
exports.applySpec = applySpec;
exports.assoc = assoc;
exports.assocPath = assocPath;
exports.both = both;
exports.chain = chain;
exports.clamp = clamp;
exports.clone = clone;
exports.complement = complement;
exports.compose = compose;
exports.concat = concat;
exports.cond = cond;
exports.converge = converge;
exports.curry = curry;
exports.curryN = curryN;
exports.dec = dec;
exports.defaultTo = defaultTo;
exports.difference = difference;
exports.dissoc = dissoc;
exports.divide = divide;
exports.drop = drop;
exports.dropLast = dropLast;
exports.dropLastWhile = dropLastWhile;
exports.dropRepeats = dropRepeats;
exports.dropRepeatsWith = dropRepeatsWith;
exports.dropWhile = dropWhile;
exports.either = either;
exports.endsWith = endsWith;
exports.eqProps = eqProps;
exports.equals = equals;
exports.evolve = evolve;
exports.evolveArray = evolveArray;
exports.evolveObject = evolveObject;
exports.filter = filter;
exports.filterArray = filterArray;
exports.filterObject = filterObject;
exports.find = find;
exports.findIndex = findIndex;
exports.findLast = findLast;
exports.findLastIndex = findLastIndex;
exports.flatten = flatten;
exports.flip = flip;
exports.forEach = forEach;
exports.fromPairs = fromPairs;
exports.groupBy = groupBy;
exports.groupWith = groupWith;
exports.has = has;
exports.hasPath = hasPath;
exports.head = head;
exports.identical = identical;
exports.identity = identity;
exports.ifElse = ifElse; = inc;
exports.includes = includes;
exports.includesArray = includesArray;
exports.indexBy = indexBy;
exports.indexOf = indexOf;
exports.init = init;
exports.intersection = intersection;
exports.intersperse = intersperse; = is;
exports.isEmpty = isEmpty;
exports.isNil = isNil;
exports.join = join;
exports.keys = keys;
exports.last = last;
exports.lastIndexOf = lastIndexOf;
exports.length = length;
exports.lens = lens;
exports.lensIndex = lensIndex;
exports.lensPath = lensPath;
exports.lensProp = lensProp; = map;
exports.mapArray = mapArray;
exports.mapObject = mapObject;
exports.match = match;
exports.mathMod = mathMod;
exports.max = max;
exports.maxBy = maxBy;
exports.maxByFn = maxByFn;
exports.mean = mean;
exports.median = median;
exports.merge = merge;
exports.mergeAll = mergeAll;
exports.mergeDeepRight = mergeDeepRight;
exports.mergeLeft = mergeLeft;
exports.min = min;
exports.minBy = minBy;
exports.minByFn = minByFn;
exports.modulo = modulo;
exports.move = move;
exports.multiply = multiply;
exports.negate = negate;
exports.none = none;
exports.not = not;
exports.nth = nth;
exports.of = of;
exports.omit = omit;
exports.once = once;
exports.or = or;
exports.over = over;
exports.partial = partial;
exports.partition = partition;
exports.partitionArray = partitionArray;
exports.partitionObject = partitionObject;
exports.path = path;
exports.pathEq = pathEq;
exports.pathOr = pathOr;
exports.paths = paths;
exports.pick = pick;
exports.pickAll = pickAll;
exports.pipe = pipe;
exports.pluck = pluck;
exports.prepend = prepend;
exports.product = product;
exports.prop = prop;
exports.propEq = propEq;
exports.propIs = propIs;
exports.propOr = propOr;
exports.props = props;
exports.range = range;
exports.reduce = reduce;
exports.reject = reject;
exports.repeat = repeat;
exports.replace = replace;
exports.reverse = reverse;
exports.set = set;
exports.slice = slice;
exports.sort = sort;
exports.sortBy = sortBy;
exports.split = split;
exports.splitAt = splitAt;
exports.splitEvery = splitEvery;
exports.splitWhen = splitWhen;
exports.startsWith = startsWith;
exports.subtract = subtract;
exports.sum = sum;
exports.symmetricDifference = symmetricDifference;
exports.tail = tail;
exports.take = take;
exports.takeLast = takeLast;
exports.takeLastWhile = takeLastWhile;
exports.takeWhile = takeWhile;
exports.tap = tap;
exports.test = test;
exports.times = times;
exports.toLower = toLower;
exports.toPairs = toPairs;
exports.toString = toString;
exports.toUpper = toUpper;
exports.transpose = transpose;
exports.trim = trim;
exports.tryCatch = tryCatch;
exports.type = type;
exports.union = union;
exports.uniq = uniq;
exports.uniqWith = uniqWith;
exports.unless = unless;
exports.update = update;
exports.values = values;
exports.view = view;
exports.when = when;
exports.where = where;
exports.whereEq = whereEq;
exports.without = without;
exports.xor = xor; = zip;
exports.zipObj = zipObj;
exports.zipWith = zipWith;
Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });
!function(n,r){"object"==typeof exports&&"undefined"!=typeof module?r(exports):"function"==typeof define&&define.amd?define(["exports"],r):r((n="undefined"!=typeof globalThis?globalThis:n||self).R={})}(this,function(n){"use strict";function l(n){return(l="function"==typeof Symbol&&"symbol"==typeof Symbol.iterator?function(n){return typeof n}:function(n){return n&&"function"==typeof Symbol&&n.constructor===Symbol&&n!==Symbol.prototype?"symbol":typeof n})(n)}function i(n,r){return function(n){if(Array.isArray(n))return n}(n)||function(n,r){if("undefined"==typeof Symbol||!(Symbol.iterator in Object(n)))return;var t=[],e=!0,u=!1,i=void 0;try{for(var o,f=n[Symbol.iterator]();!(e=(,!r||t.length!==r);e=!0);}catch(n){u=!0,i=n}finally{try{e||null==f.return||f.return()}finally{if(u)throw i}}return t}(n,r)||t(n,r)||function(){throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.")}()}function h(n){return function(n){if(Array.isArray(n))return e(n)}(n)||function(n){if("undefined"!=typeof Symbol&&Symbol.iterator in Object(n))return Array.from(n)}(n)||t(n)||function(){throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to spread non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.")}()}function t(n,r){if(n){if("string"==typeof n)return e(n,r);var,-1);return"Map"===(t="Object"===t&&n.constructor?||"Set"===t?Array.from(n):"Arguments"===t||/^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(t)?e(n,r):void 0}}function e(n,r){for(var t=0,e=Array(r=null==r||r>n.length?n.length:r);t<r;t++)e[t]=n[t];return e}function o(u){var i=1<arguments.length&&void 0!==arguments[1]?arguments[1]:[];return function(){for(var n,r=arguments.length,t=Array(r),e=0;e<r;e++)t[e]=arguments[e];return(n=[].concat(h(i),t)).length<u.length?o(u,n):u.apply(void 0,h(n))}}var r=o(function(n,r,t){var e=n<0?t.length+n:n;return t.length<=n||e<0||((t=t.slice())[e]=r(t[e])),t});function u(n){return function(){return n}}function f(r,n){if(1===arguments.length)return function(n){return f(r,n)};for(var t=0;t<n.length;){if(r(n[t],t))return!0;t++}return!1}var s=Array.isArray;function p(){for(var n=[],r=0,t=arguments.length;r<t&&void 0!==arguments[r];)n[r]=arguments[r],r++;return n}var c=o(function(n,r,t){return Object.assign({},t,(t=r,(r=n)in(n={})?Object.defineProperty(n,r,{value:t,enumerable:!0,configurable:!0,writable:!0}):n[r]=t,n))});function a(n){return n<<0===n}var g=Number.isInteger||a;var v=o(function n(r,t,e){var u="string"==typeof r?r.split(".").map(function(n){return a(+(""+n))?+(""+n):n}):r;if(0===u.length)return t;r=u[0];if(1<u.length&&(i="object"===l(e)&&null!==e&&e.hasOwnProperty(r)?e[r]:a(u[1])?[]:{},t=n(,1),t,i)),a(r)&&s(e)){var i=e.slice();return i[r]=t,i}return c(r,t,e)});var y=o(function(n,r,t){if(r<n)throw Error("min must not be greater than max in clamp(min, max, value)");return t<n||r<t?r<t?r:t<n?n:void 0:t});function d(r,n){return 1===arguments.length?function(n){return d(r,n)}:"string"==typeof r?"".concat(r).concat(n):[].concat(h(r),h(n))}function m(n,l){switch(n){case 0:return function(){return l.apply(this,arguments)};case 1:return function(n){return l.apply(this,arguments)};case 2:return function(n,r){return l.apply(this,arguments)};case 3:return function(n,r,t){return l.apply(this,arguments)};case 4:return function(n,r,t,e){return l.apply(this,arguments)};case 5:return function(n,r,t,e,u){return l.apply(this,arguments)};case 6:return function(n,r,t,e,u,i){return l.apply(this,arguments)};case 7:return function(n,r,t,e,u,i,o){return l.apply(this,arguments)};case 8:return function(n,r,t,e,u,i,o,f){return l.apply(this,arguments)};case 9:return function(n,r,t,e,u,i,o,f,c){return l.apply(this,arguments)};default:return function(n,r,t,e,u,i,o,f,c,a){return l.apply(this,arguments)}}}function b(r,n){if(1===arguments.length)return function(n){return b(r,n)};if(10<r)throw Error("First argument to _arity must be a non-negative integer no greater than ten");return m(r,function i(o,f,c){return function(){for(var n=0,r=0,t=f.length,e=arguments.length,u=Array(t+e);n<t;)u[n]=f[n],n++;for(;r<e;)u[t+r]=arguments[r],r++;return u.length<o?m(o-u.length,i(o,u,c)):c.apply(this,u)}}(r,[],n))}var w=Object.keys;function j(n,r){for(var t=2<arguments.length&&void 0!==arguments[2]&&arguments[2],e=0,u=Array(r.length);e<r.length;)u[e]=t?n(r[e],e):n(r[e]),e++;return u}function E(n,r){for(var t=0,e=w(r),u=e.length,i={};t<u;){var o=e[t];i[o]=n(r[o],o,r),t++}return i}function O(r,n){return 1===arguments.length?function(n){return O(r,n)}:void 0===n?[]:(s(n)?j:E)(r,n)}function A(r,n){return 1===arguments.length?function(n){return A(r,n)}:r<n?n:r}var N=o(function(n,r,t){if(!s(t))throw new TypeError("reduce: list must be array or iterable");for(var e=0,u=t.length;e<u;)r=n(r,t[e],e,t),e++;return r});function x(r,n){return 1===arguments.length?function(n){return x(r,n)}:null==(t=n)||!0===Number.isNaN(t)?r:n;var t}function S(n){var r=l(n);if(null===n)return"Null";if(void 0===n)return"Undefined";if("boolean"===r)return"Boolean";if("number"===r)return Number.isNaN(n)?"NaN":"Number";if("string"===r)return"String";if(s(n))return"Array";if("symbol"===r)return"Symbol";if(n instanceof RegExp)return"RegExp";var t=n&&n.toString?""+n:"";return["true","false"].includes(t)?"Boolean":Number.isNaN(+(""+t))?t.startsWith("async")?"Async":"[object Promise]"===t?"Promise":"function"===r?"Function":n instanceof String?"String":"Object":"Number"}function T(n){var r=""+n.__proto__;return["Error","TypeError"].includes(r)?[r,n.message]:[]}function k(n){return n.toDateString?[!0,n.getTime()]:[!1]}function P(n){return n.constructor!==RegExp?[!1]:[!0,""+n]}function W(t,e){if(1===arguments.length)return function(n){return W(t,n)};var n=S(t);if(n!==S(e))return!1;if("Function"===n)return void 0!;if(["NaN","Undefined","Null"].includes(n))return!0;if("Number"===n)return,t),e)&&""+t==""+e;if(["String","Boolean"].includes(n))return""+t==""+e;if("Array"===n){var r=Array.from(t),u=Array.from(e);if(""+r!=""+u)return!1;var i=!0;return r.forEach(function(n,r){i&&(n===u[r]||W(n,u[r])||(i=!1))}),i}var o=P(t),r=P(e);if(o[0])return!!r[0]&&o[1]===r[1];if(r[0])return!1;o=k(t),r=k(e);if(o[0])return!!r[0]&&o[1]===r[1];if(r[0])return!1;o=T(t),r=T(e);if(o[0])return!!r[0]&&(o[0]===r[0]&&o[1]===r[1]);if("Object"!==n)return!1;n=Object.keys(t);if(n.length!==Object.keys(e).length)return!1;var f=!0;return n.forEach(function(n){var r;f&&((r=t[n])===(n=e[n])||W(r,n)||(f=!1))}),f}function F(n,r){for(var t=-1;++t<r.length;)if(W(r[t],n))return!0;return!1}function R(r,n){if(1===arguments.length)return function(n){return R(r,n)};if("string"==typeof n)return n.includes(r);if(!n)throw new TypeError("Cannot read property 'indexOf' of ".concat(n));return!!s(n)&&F(r,n)}function I(n){for(var r=-1,t=[];++r<n.length;){var e=n[r];R(e,t)||t.push(e)}return t}function q(r,n){return 1===arguments.length?function(n){return q(r,n)}:n.slice(0<r?r:0)}var B=o(function(n,r,t){if(!r||!t)throw Error("wrong object inputs are passed to R.eqProps");return W(r[n],t[n])});function L(t,n){return j(function(n,r){return"Function"===S(t[r])?t[r](n):n},n,!0)}function C(e,n){return E(function(n,r){if("Object"!==S(n))return"Function"===S(e[r])?e[r](n):n;var t=S(e[r]);return"Function"===t?e[r](n):"Object"===t?_(e[r],n):n},n)}function _(r,n){if(1===arguments.length)return function(n){return _(r,n)};var t=S(r),e=S(n);if(e!==t)throw Error("iterableType !== rulesType");if(!["Object","Array"].includes(t))throw Error("'iterable' and 'rules' are from wrong type ".concat(t));return("Object"===e?C:L)(r,n)}function M(n,r){var t,e={};for(t in r)n(r[t],t,r)&&(e[t]=r[t]);return e}function U(n,r){for(var t=2<arguments.length&&void 0!==arguments[2]&&arguments[2],e=0,u=r.length,i=[];e<u;)(t?n(r[e],e):n(r[e]))&&i.push(r[e]),e++;return i}function D(r,n){return 1===arguments.length?function(n){return D(r,n)}:n?(s(n)?U:M)(r,n):[]}function z(r,n){if(1===arguments.length)return function(n){return z(r,n)};if(null!=n){for(var t=n,e=0,u="string"==typeof r?r.split("."):r;e<u.length;){if(null==t)return;t=t[u[e]],e++}return t}}var||function(n,r){return n===r?0!==n||1/n==1/r:n!=n&&r!=r};var $=o(function(n,r,t){return function(){return(!0===("boolean"==typeof n?n:n.apply(void 0,arguments))?r:t).apply(void 0,arguments)}});function G(n,r,t){var e=-1,u=n.length;(t=u<t?u:t)<0&&(t+=u),u=t<r?0:t-r>>>0,r>>>=0;for(var i=Array(u);++e<u;)i[e]=n[e+r];return i}function H(r,n){return 1===arguments.length?function(n){return H(r,n)}:null!=n&&n.constructor===r||n instanceof r}function K(t,e){return function(n){return function(r){return n(t(r)).map(function(n){return e(n,r)})}}}function Q(r,n){if(1===arguments.length)return function(n){return Q(r,n)};var t=r<0?n.length+r:r;return"[object String]"[0|t]:n[t]}var V=o(function(n,r,t){return t.slice().fill(r,n,n+1)});function X(r,n){return 1===arguments.length?function(n){return X(r,n)}:n?n[r]:void 0}function Y(n,r,t){return n(t)>n(r)?t:r}var Z=o(Y);function nn(n){return n.reduce(function(n,r){return n+r},0)}function rn(n){return nn(n)/n.length}function tn(r,n){return 1===arguments.length?function(n){return tn(r,n)}:Object.assign({},r||{},n||{})}function en(n,r,t){return n(t)<n(r)?t:r}var un=o(en);var on=o(function(n,r,t){if(n<0||r<0)throw Error("Rambda.move does not support negative indexes");if(t.length-1<n||t.length-1<r)return t;var e=t.slice();return e[n]=t[r],e[r]=t[n],e});function fn(r,n){return 1===arguments.length?function(n){return fn(r,n)}:r*n}function cn(n,r){var t;return function(){return n&&(t=n.apply(r||this,arguments),n=null),t}}function an(r){return{x:r,map:function(n){return an(n(r))}}}var ln=o(function(n,r,t){return n(function(n){return an(r(n))})(t).x});function hn(e){for(var n=arguments.length,u=Array(1<n?n-1:0),r=1;r<n;r++)u[r-1]=arguments[r];var i=e.length;return function(){for(var n=arguments.length,r=Array(n),t=0;t<n;t++)r[t]=arguments[t];return u.length+r.length<i?hn.apply(void 0,[e].concat([].concat(u,r))):e.apply(void 0,u.concat(r))}}function sn(t,n){var e={},u={};return Object.entries(n).forEach(function(n){var r=i(n,2),n=r[0],r=r[1];t(r,n)?e[n]=r:u[n]=r}),[e,u]}function pn(n,r){for(var t=[],e=[],u=-1;u++<r.length-1;)(n(r[u])?t:e).push(r[u]);return[t,e]}var gn=o(function(n,r,t){return W(z(n,t),r)});var vn=o(function(n,r,t){return x(n,z(r,t))});var yn=N(fn,1);var dn=o(function(n,r,t){return!!t&&t[n]===r});var mn=o(function(n,r,t){return H(n,t[r])});var bn=o(function(n,r,t){return t?x(n,t[r]):n});function wn(r,n){if(1===arguments.length)return function(n){return wn(r,n)};if(Number.isNaN(+(""+r))||Number.isNaN(+(""+n)))throw new TypeError("Both arguments to range must be numbers");if(n<r)return[];for(var t=n-r,e=Array(t),u=0;u<t;u++)e[u]=r+u;return e}var jn=o(function(n,r,t){return t.replace(n,r)});var En=o(function(n,r,t){return ln(n,u(r),t)});var On=o(function(n,r,t){return t.slice(n,r)});function An(r,n){return 1===arguments.length?function(n){return An(r,n)}:r<0?n.slice():"string"==typeof n?n.slice(0,r):G(n,0,r)}function Nn(n){return["Async","Function"].includes(S(n))}var xn=function r(t){return{x:t,map:function(n){return r(t)}}};var Sn=o(function(n,r,t){return n(t)?r(t):t});var Tn=o(function(t,n,e){return An((e.length<n.length?e:n).length,n).map(function(n,r){return t(n,e[r])})});n.F=function(){return!1},n.T=function(){return!0},n.add=function r(t,n){return 1===arguments.length?function(n){return r(t,n)}:+(""+t)+ +(""+n)},n.adjust=r,n.all=function r(t,n){if(1===arguments.length)return function(n){return r(t,n)};for(var e=0;e<n.length;e++)if(!t(n[e]))return!1;return!0},n.allPass=function(t){return function(n){for(var r=0;r<t.length;){if(!t[r](n))return!1;r++}return!0}},n.always=u,n.and=function r(t,n){return 1===arguments.length?function(n){return r(t,n)}:t&&n},n.any=f,n.anyPass=function(t){return function(n){for(var r=0;r<t.length;){if(t[r](n))return!0;r++}return!1}},n.append=function r(t,n){if(1===arguments.length)return function(n){return r(t,n)};if("string"==typeof n)return n.split("").concat(t);n=n.slice();return n.push(t),n},n.applySpec=function(n){var r=function n(r,t){var e,u=1<arguments.length&&void 0!==t?t:0;for(e in r)0!=r.hasOwnProperty(e)&&"constructor"!==e&&("object"===l(r[e])&&(u=Math.max(u,n(r[e]))),"function"==typeof r[e]&&(u=Math.max(u,r[e].length)));return u}(n);if(0===r)return function(){return{}};for(var t=arguments.length,e=Array(1<t?t-1:0),u=1;u<t;u++)e[u-1]=arguments[u];return function u(i,o,f){var n=o-f.length;if(1==n)return function(n){return u(i,o,p.apply(void 0,h(f).concat([n])))};if(2==n)return function(n,r){return u(i,o,p.apply(void 0,h(f).concat([n,r])))};if(3==n)return function(n,r,t){return u(i,o,p.apply(void 0,h(f).concat([n,r,t])))};if(4==n)return function(n,r,t,e){return u(i,o,p.apply(void 0,h(f).concat([n,r,t,e])))};if(4<n)return function(){for(var n=arguments.length,r=Array(n),t=0;t<n;t++)r[t]=arguments[t];return u(i,o,p.apply(void 0,h(f).concat(r)))};if(s(i)){for(var r=[],t=0,e=i.length;t<e;t++)"object"!==l(i[t])&&!s(i[t])||(r[t]=u(i[t],o,f)),"function"==typeof i[t]&&(r[t]=i[t].apply(i,h(f)));return r}var c,a={};for(c in i)0!=i.hasOwnProperty(c)&&"constructor"!==c&&("object"!==l(i[c])?"function"==typeof i[c]&&(a[c]=i[c].apply(i,h(f))):a[c]=u(i[c],o,f));return a}(n,r,e)},n.assoc=c,n.assocPath=v,n.both=function r(t,n){return 1===arguments.length?function(n){return r(t,n)}:function(){return t.apply(void 0,arguments)&&n.apply(void 0,arguments)}},n.chain=function r(t,n){var e;return 1===arguments.length?function(n){return r(t,n)}:(e=[]).concat.apply(e,h(},n.clamp=y,n.clone=function n(r){var t,e=s(r)?Array(r.length):{};if(r&&r.getTime)return new Date(r.getTime());for(t in r){var u=r[t];e[t]="object"===l(u)&&null!==u?u.getTime?new Date(u.getTime()):n(u):u}return e},n.complement=function(n){return function(){return!n.apply(void 0,arguments)}},n.compose=function(){for(var n=arguments.length,t=Array(n),r=0;r<n;r++)t[r]=arguments[r];if(0===t.length)throw Error("compose requires at least one argument");return function(){var n=t.slice();if(0<n.length){for(var r=n.pop().apply(void 0,arguments);0<n.length;)r=n.pop()(r);return r}}},n.concat=d,n.cond=function(n){return function(t){var e,u=!1;return n.forEach(function(n){var r=i(n,2),n=r[1];!u&&(0,r[0])(t)&&(u=!0,e=n(t))}),e}},n.converge=function r(e,n){return 1===arguments.length?function(n){return r(e,n)}:b(N(function(n,r){return A(n,r.length)},0,n),function(){var r=arguments,t=this;return e.apply(this,O(function(n){return n.apply(t,r)},n))})},n.curry=o,n.curryN=b,n.dec=function(n){return n-1},n.defaultTo=x,n.difference=function r(t,e){return 1===arguments.length?function(n){return r(t,n)}:I(t).filter(function(n){return!R(n,e)})},n.dissoc=function r(t,n){if(1===arguments.length)return function(n){return r(t,n)};if(null==n)return{};var e,u={};for(e in n)u[e]=n[e];return delete u[t],u},n.divide=function r(t,n){return 1===arguments.length?function(n){return r(t,n)}:t/n},n.drop=q,n.dropLast=function r(t,n){return 1===arguments.length?function(n){return r(t,n)}:0<t?n.slice(0,-t):n.slice()},n.dropLastWhile=function r(t,n){if(1===arguments.length)return function(n){return r(t,n)};if(0===n.length)return n;var e=s(n);if("function"!=typeof t)throw Error("'predicate' is from wrong type ".concat(l(t)));if(!e&&"string"!=typeof n)throw Error("'iterable' is from wrong type ".concat(l(n)));for(var u=!1,i=[],o=n.length;0<o;)o--,u||!1!==t(n[o])?u&&i.push(n[o]):(u=!0,i.push(n[o]));return e?i.reverse():i.reverse().join("")},n.dropRepeats=function(n){if(!s(n))throw Error("".concat(n," is not a list"));var t=[];return n.reduce(function(n,r){return W(n,r)||t.push(r),r},void 0),t},n.dropRepeatsWith=function r(t,n){if(1===arguments.length)return function(n){return r(t,n)};if(!s(n))throw Error("".concat(n," is not a list"));var e=[];return n.reduce(function(n,r){return void 0!==n&&t(n,r)||e.push(r),r},void 0),e},n.dropWhile=function r(t,n){if(1===arguments.length)return function(n){return r(t,n)};var e=s(n);if(!e&&"string"!=typeof n)throw Error("`iterable` is neither list nor a string");for(var u=!1,i=[],o=-1;o++<n.length-1;)u?i.push(n[o]):t(n[o])||(u=u||!0,i.push(n[o]));return e?i:i.join("")},n.either=function r(t,n){return 1===arguments.length?function(n){return r(t,n)}:function(){return!(!t.apply(void 0,arguments)&&!n.apply(void 0,arguments))}},n.endsWith=function r(t,n){return 1===arguments.length?function(n){return r(t,n)}:n.endsWith(t)},n.eqProps=B,n.equals=W,n.evolve=_,n.evolveArray=L,n.evolveObject=C,n.filter=D,n.filterArray=U,n.filterObject=M,n.find=function r(t,n){if(1===arguments.length)return function(n){return r(t,n)};for(var e=0,u=n.length;e<u;){var i=n[e];if(t(i))return i;e++}},n.findIndex=function r(t,n){if(1===arguments.length)return function(n){return r(t,n)};for(var e=n.length,u=-1;++u<e;)if(t(n[u]))return u;return-1},n.findLast=function r(t,n){if(1===arguments.length)return function(n){return r(t,n)};for(var e=n.length;0<=--e;)if(t(n[e]))return n[e]},n.findLastIndex=function r(t,n){if(1===arguments.length)return function(n){return r(t,n)};for(var e=n.length;0<=--e;)if(t(n[e]))return e;return-1},n.flatten=function n(r,t){for(var e=void 0===t?[]:t,u=0;u<r.length;u++)s(r[u])?n(r[u],e):e.push(r[u]);return e},n.flip=function(n){return e=n,function(){for(var n=arguments.length,r=Array(n),t=0;t<n;t++)r[t]=arguments[t];if(1===r.length)return function(n){return e(n,r[0])};if(2===r.length)return e(r[1],r[0]);if(3===r.length)return e(r[1],r[0],r[2]);if(4===r.length)return e(r[1],r[0],r[2],r[3]);throw Error("R.flip doesn't work with arity > 4")};var e},n.forEach=function r(t,n){if(1===arguments.length)return function(n){return r(t,n)};if(void 0!==n){if(s(n))for(var e=0,u=n.length;e<u;)t(n[e]),e++;else for(var i=0,o=w(n),f=o.length;i<f;){var c=o[i];t(n[c],c,n),i++}return n}},n.fromPairs=function(n){var r={};return n.forEach(function(n){n=i(n,2);return r[n[0]]=n[1]}),r},n.groupBy=function r(t,n){if(1===arguments.length)return function(n){return r(t,n)};for(var e={},u=0;u<n.length;u++){var i=n[u],o=t(i);e[o]||(e[o]=[]),e[o].push(i)}return e},n.groupWith=function(i,o){if(!s(o))throw new TypeError("list.reduce is not a function");var n=o.slice();if(1===o.length)return[n];var f=[],c=[];return n.reduce(function(n,r,t){if(0===t)return r;var e=i(n,r),u=0===c.length,t=t===o.length-1;return e?(u&&c.push(n),c.push(r),t&&f.push(c)):u?(f.push([n]),t&&f.push([r])):(f.push(c),t&&f.push([r]),c=[]),r},void 0),f},n.has=function r(t,n){return 1===arguments.length?function(n){return r(t,n)}:!!n&&void 0!==n[t]},n.hasPath=function r(t,n){return 1===arguments.length?function(n){return r(t,n)}:void 0!==z(t,n)},n.head=function(n){return"string"==typeof n?n[0]||"":n[0]},n.identical=function r(t,n){return 1===arguments.length?function(n){return r(t,n)}:J(t,n)},n.identity=function(n){return n},n.ifElse=$,{return n+1},n.includes=R,n.includesArray=F,n.indexBy=function r(t,n){if(1===arguments.length)return function(n){return r(t,n)};if("string"==typeof t)return function(n,r){for(var t={},e=0;e<r.length;e++){var u=r[e];t[z(n,u)]=u}return t}(t,n);for(var e={},u=0;u<n.length;u++){var i=n[u];e[t(i)]=i}return e},n.indexOf=function r(t,n){if(1===arguments.length)return function(n){return r(t,n)};for(var e=-1,u=n.length;++e<u;)if(n[e]===t)return e;return-1},n.init=function(n){return"string"==typeof n?n.slice(0,-1):n.length?G(n,0,-1):[]},n.intersection=function r(t,e){return 1===arguments.length?function(n){return r(t,n)}:D(function(n){return R(n,e)},t)},n.intersperse=function r(t,n){if(1===arguments.length)return function(n){return r(t,n)};for(var e=-1,u=n.length,i=[];++e<u;)e===u-1?i.push(n[e]):i.push(n[e],t);return i},,n.isEmpty=function(n){var r=S(n);return!["Undefined","NaN","Number","Null"].includes(r)&&(!n||("Object"===r?0===Object.keys(n).length:"Array"===r&&0===n.length))},n.isNil=function(n){return null==n},n.join=function r(t,n){return 1===arguments.length?function(n){return r(t,n)}:n.join(t)},n.keys=function(n){return Object.keys(n)},n.last=function(n){return"string"==typeof n?n[n.length-1]||"":n[n.length-1]},n.lastIndexOf=function r(t,n){if(1===arguments.length)return function(n){return r(t,n)};for(var e=n.length;0<--e;)if(W(n[e],t))return e;return-1},n.length=function(n){return!n&&""!==n||void 0===n.length?NaN:n.length},n.lens=K,n.lensIndex=function(n){return K(Q(n),V(n))},n.lensPath=function(n){return K(z(n),v(n))},n.lensProp=function(n){return K(X(n),c(n))},,n.mapArray=j,n.mapObject=E,n.match=function r(t,n){if(1===arguments.length)return function(n){return r(t,n)};n=n.match(t);return null===n?[]:n},n.mathMod=function r(t,n){return 1===arguments.length?function(n){return r(t,n)}:g(t)&&g(n)&&1<=n?(t%n+n)%n:NaN},n.max=A,n.maxBy=Z,n.maxByFn=Y,n.mean=rn,n.median=function(n){if(0===(t=n.length))return NaN;var r=2-t%2,t=(t-r)/2;return rn(,0).sort(function(n,r){return n===r?0:n<r?-1:1}).slice(t,t+r))},n.merge=tn,n.mergeAll=function(n){var r={};return O(function(n){r=tn(r,n)},n),r},n.mergeDeepRight=function r(t,e){if(1===arguments.length)return function(n){return r(t,n)};var u=JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(t));return Object.keys(e).forEach(function(n){"Object"===S(e[n])&&"Object"===S(t[n])?u[n]=r(t[n],e[n]):u[n]=e[n]}),u},n.mergeLeft=function r(t,n){return 1===arguments.length?function(n){return r(t,n)}:tn(n,t)},n.min=function r(t,n){return 1===arguments.length?function(n){return r(t,n)}:n<t?n:t},n.minBy=un,n.minByFn=en,n.modulo=function r(t,n){return 1===arguments.length?function(n){return r(t,n)}:t%n},n.move=on,n.multiply=fn,n.negate=function(n){return-n},n.none=function r(t,n){if(1===arguments.length)return function(n){return r(t,n)};for(var e=0;e<n.length;e++)if(!t(n[e]))return!0;return!1},n.not=function(n){return!n},n.nth=Q,n.of=function(n){return[n]},n.omit=function r(t,n){if(1===arguments.length)return function(n){return r(t,n)};if(null!=n){var e,u="string"==typeof t?t.split(","):t,i={};for(e in n)u.includes(e)||(i[e]=n[e]);return i}},n.once=function(n,r){return 1!==arguments.length?cn(n,r):o(cn(n,r))},n.or=function r(t,n){return 1===arguments.length?function(n){return r(t,n)}:t||n},n.over=ln,n.partial=hn,n.partition=function r(t,n){return 1===arguments.length?function(n){return r(t,n)}:(s(n)?pn:sn)(t,n)},n.partitionArray=pn,n.partitionObject=sn,n.path=z,n.pathEq=gn,n.pathOr=vn,n.paths=function r(t,e){return 1===arguments.length?function(n){return r(t,n)}{return z(n,e)})},n.pick=function r(t,n){if(1===arguments.length)return function(n){return r(t,n)};if(null!=n){for(var e="string"==typeof t?t.split(","):t,u={},i=0;i<e.length;)e[i]in n&&(u[e[i]]=n[e[i]]),i++;return u}},n.pickAll=function r(t,n){if(1===arguments.length)return function(n){return r(t,n)};if(null!=n){for(var e="string"==typeof t?t.split(","):t,u={},i=0;i<e.length;)e[i]in n?u[e[i]]=n[e[i]]:u[e[i]]=void 0,i++;return u}},n.pipe=function(){for(var n=arguments.length,t=Array(n),r=0;r<n;r++)t[r]=arguments[r];if(0===t.length)throw Error("pipe requires at least one argument");return function(){var n=t.slice();if(0<n.length){for(var r=n.shift().apply(void 0,arguments);0<n.length;)r=n.shift()(r);return r}}},n.pluck=function r(t,n){if(1===arguments.length)return function(n){return r(t,n)};var e=[];return O(function(n){void 0!==n[t]&&e.push(n[t])},n),e},n.prepend=function r(t,n){return 1===arguments.length?function(n){return r(t,n)}:[t].concat("string"==typeof n?n.split(""):n)},n.product=yn,n.prop=X,n.propEq=dn,n.propIs=mn,n.propOr=bn,n.props=function r(t,e){if(1===arguments.length)return function(n){return r(t,n)};if(!s(t))throw Error("propsToPick is not a list");return j(function(n){return e[n]},t)},n.range=wn,n.reduce=N,n.reject=function r(t,n){return 1===arguments.length?function(n){return r(t,n)}:D(function(n){return!t(n)},n)},n.repeat=function r(t,n){return 1===arguments.length?function(n){return r(t,n)}:Array(n).fill(t)},n.replace=jn,n.reverse=function(n){return"string"==typeof n?n.split("").reverse().join(""):n.slice().reverse()},n.set=En,n.slice=On,n.sort=function r(t,n){return 1===arguments.length?function(n){return r(t,n)}:n.slice().sort(t)},n.sortBy=function r(t,n){return 1===arguments.length?function(n){return r(t,n)}:n.slice().sort(function(n,r){return n=t(n),r=t(r),n===r?0:n<r?-1:1})},n.split=function r(t,n){return 1===arguments.length?function(n){return r(t,n)}:n.split(t)},n.splitAt=function r(t,n){if(1===arguments.length)return function(n){return r(t,n)};if(!n)throw new TypeError("Cannot read property 'slice' of ".concat(n));if(!s(n)&&"string"!=typeof n)return[[],[]];var e,u,i=(u=n.length+t<0?0:n.length+t,u=(e=(i=t)<0)&&"Function"===S(u)?u():u,i=e||"Function"!==S(i)?i:i(),e?u:i);return[An(i,n),q(i,n)]},n.splitEvery=function r(t,n){if(1===arguments.length)return function(n){return r(t,n)};if(t<1)throw Error("First argument to splitEvery must be a positive integer");for(var e=[],u=0;u<n.length;)e.push(n.slice(u,u+=t));return e},n.splitWhen=function r(t,n){if(1===arguments.length)return function(n){return r(t,n)};if(!n)throw new TypeError("Cannot read property 'length' of ".concat(n));for(var e=[],u=[],i=!1,o=-1;o++<n.length-1;)i?u.push(n[o]):t(n[o])?(u.push(n[o]),i=!0):e.push(n[o]);return[e,u]},n.startsWith=function r(t,n){return 1===arguments.length?function(n){return r(t,n)}:n.startsWith(t)},n.subtract=function r(t,n){return 1===arguments.length?function(n){return r(t,n)}:t-n},n.sum=nn,n.symmetricDifference=function r(t,e){return 1===arguments.length?function(n){return r(t,n)}:d(D(function(n){return!R(n,e)},t),D(function(n){return!R(n,t)},e))},n.tail=function(n){return q(1,n)},n.take=An,n.takeLast=function r(t,n){if(1===arguments.length)return function(n){return r(t,n)};var e=n.length;if(t<0)return n.slice();var u=e<t?e:t;return"string"==typeof n?n.slice(e-u):G(n,u=e-u,e)},n.takeLastWhile=function r(t,n){if(1===arguments.length)return function(n){return r(t,n)};if(0===n.length)return n;for(var e=!1,u=[],i=n.length;!e||0===i;)!1===t(n[--i])?e=!0:e||u.push(n[i]);return s(n)?u.reverse():u.reverse().join("")},n.takeWhile=function r(t,n){if(1===arguments.length)return function(n){return r(t,n)};var e=s(n);if(!e&&"string"!=typeof n)throw Error("`iterable` is neither list nor a string");for(var u=!0,i=[],o=-1;o++<n.length-1;)t(n[o])?u&&i.push(n[o]):u=u&&!1;return e?i:i.join("")},n.tap=function r(t,n){return 1===arguments.length?function(n){return r(t,n)}:(t(n),n)},n.test=function r(t,n){if(1===arguments.length)return function(n){return r(t,n)};if("string"==typeof t)throw new TypeError('‘test’ requires a value of type RegExp as its first argument; received "'.concat(t,'"'));return-1!},n.times=function r(t,n){if(1===arguments.length)return function(n){return r(t,n)};if(!Number.isInteger(n)||n<0)throw new RangeError("n must be an integer");return O(t,wn(0,n))},n.toLower=function(n){return n.toLowerCase()},n.toPairs=function(n){return Object.entries(n)},n.toString=function(n){return""+n},n.toUpper=function(n){return n.toUpperCase()},n.transpose=function(n){return n.reduce(function(t,n){return n.forEach(function(n,r){return s(t[r])?t[r].push(n):t.push([n])}),t},[])},n.trim=function(n){return n.trim()},n.tryCatch=function(e,u){if(!Nn(e))throw Error("R.tryCatch | fn '".concat(e,"'"));var i=Nn(u);return function(){for(var n=arguments.length,r=Array(n),t=0;t<n;t++)r[t]=arguments[t];try{return e.apply(void 0,r)}catch(n){return i?u.apply(void 0,[n].concat(r)):u}}},n.type=S,n.union=function r(t,n){if(1===arguments.length)return function(n){return r(t,n)};var e=t.slice();return n.forEach(function(n){R(n,t)||e.push(n)}),e},n.uniq=I,n.uniqWith=function r(t,n){if(1===arguments.length)return function(n){return r(t,n)};for(var e=-1,u=n.length,i=[];++e<u;)!function(){var r=n[e];f(function(n){return t(r,n)},i)||i.push(r)}();return i},n.unless=function r(t,e){return 1===arguments.length?function(n){return r(t,n)}:function(n){return t(n)?n:e(n)}},n.update=V,n.values=function(n){return"Object"!==S(n)?[]:Object.values(n)},n.view=function r(t,n){return 1===arguments.length?function(n){return r(t,n)}:t(xn)(n).x},n.when=Sn,n.where=function r(t,n){if(void 0===n)return function(n){return r(t,n)};var e,u=!0;for(e in t){var i=t[e](n[e]);u&&!1===i&&(u=!1)}return u},n.whereEq=function r(t,e){if(1===arguments.length)return function(n){return r(t,n)};var n=D(function(n,r){return W(n,e[r])},t);return Object.keys(n).length===Object.keys(t).length},n.without=function r(t,n){return void 0===n?function(n){return r(t,n)}:N(function(n,r){return F(r,t)?n:n.concat(r)},[],n)},n.xor=function r(t,n){return 1===arguments.length?function(n){return r(t,n)}:!!t&&!n||!!n&&!t}, r(t,n){if(1===arguments.length)return function(n){return r(t,n)};for(var e=[],u=Math.min(t.length,n.length),i=0;i<u;i++)e[i]=[t[i],n[i]];return e},n.zipObj=function r(t,e){return 1===arguments.length?function(n){return r(t,n)}:An(e.length,t).reduce(function(n,r,t){return n[r]=e[t],n},{})},n.zipWith=Tn,Object.defineProperty(n,"__esModule",{value:!0})});
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"lodash": "4.17.20",
"rambdax": "7.2.0",
"ramda": "0.27.1",
"rollup": "2.38.5",
"rollup-plugin-cleanup": "3.2.1",
"rollup-plugin-sourcemaps": "0.6.3",
"rollup-plugin-uglify": "6.0.4",
"typescript": "4.1.5"
"jest": {
"testEnvironment": "node",
"testRegex": ".*\\.spec\\.js$",
"setupFilesAfterEnv": [
"collectCoverageFrom": [
"files": [
"repository": {
"type": "git",
"url": "git+"
"license": "MIT",
"author": "self_refactor",
"description": "Lightweight and faster alternative to Ramda",
"module": "./dist/rambda.esm.js",
"main": "./dist/rambda",
"umd": "./dist/rambda.umd.js",
"sideEffects": false,
"keywords": [
"bugs": {
"url": ""
"homepage": ""

@@ -1,7 +0,7 @@

import { assocPath } from './assocPath'
import { lens } from './lens'
import { path } from './path'
import {assocPath} from './assocPath'
import {lens} from './lens'
import {path} from './path'
export function lensPath(key){
export function lensPath(key) {
return lens(path(key), assocPath(key))

Sorry, the diff of this file is too big to display

Sorry, the diff of this file is too big to display

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