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Flexible API rate limiter backed by Redis for distributed node.js applications

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Flexible rate limiter and anti-DDoS protector works in process Memory, Cluster, MongoDB, MySQL, PostgreSQL or Redis allows to control requests rate in single process or distributed environment.

It uses fixed window as it is much faster than rolling window. See comparative benchmarks with other libraries here

:star: It is STARving, don't forget to feed the beast! :star:


  • in-memory block strategy against really powerful DDoS attacks (like 100k requests per sec) Read about it and benchmarking here
  • backed on native Promises
  • works in Cluster without additional software See RateLimiterCluster benchmark and detailed description here
  • actions can be done evenly over duration window to cut off picks
  • no race conditions
  • covered by tests
  • no prod dependencies
  • database errors don't result to broken app if insuranceLimiter set up
  • useful block, penalty and reward methods


Average latency during test pure NodeJS endpoint in cluster of 4 workers with everything set up on one server by

1000 concurrent clients with maximum 2000 requests per sec during 30 seconds.

1. Memory   0.34 ms
2. Cluster  0.69 ms
3. Redis    2.45 ms
4. Mongo    4.75 ms

500 concurrent clients with maximum 1000 req per sec during 30 seconds

5. MySQL      6.96 ms (with connection pool 100)
6. PostgreSQL 7.48 ms (with connection pool max 100)


npm i rate-limiter-flexible

yarn add rate-limiter-flexible


  • keyPrefix Default: 'rlflx' If you need to create several limiters for different purpose.

    Note: for some limiters it should correspond to Storage requirements for tables or collections name, as keyPrefix may be used as their name.

  • points Default: 4 Maximum number of points can be consumed over duration

  • duration Default: 1 Number of seconds before consumed points are reset

  • execEvenly Default: false Delay action to be executed evenly over duration First action in duration is executed without delay. All next allowed actions in current duration are delayed by formula msBeforeDurationEnd / (remainingPoints + 2) It allows to cut off load peaks. Note: it isn't recommended to use it for long duration, as it may delay action for too long

  • blockDuration Default: 0 If positive number and consumed more than points in current duration, block for blockDuration seconds.

    It sets consumed points more than allowed points for blockDuration seconds, so actions are rejected.

Options specific to Redis, Mongo, MySQL, PostgreSQL
  • inmemoryBlockOnConsumed Default: 0 Against DDoS attacks. Blocked key isn't checked by requesting Redis, MySQL or Mongo. In-memory blocking works in current process memory.

  • inmemoryBlockDuration Default: 0 Block key for inmemoryBlockDuration seconds, if inmemoryBlockOnConsumed or more points are consumed

  • insuranceLimiter Default: undefined Instance of RateLimiterAbstract extended object to store limits, when database comes up with any error.

    All data from insuranceLimiter is NOT copied to parent limiter, when error gone

    Note: insuranceLimiter automatically setup blockDuration and execEvenly to same values as in parent to avoid unexpected behaviour

Options specific to MySQL and PostgreSQL
  • storeClient Required Have to be pg, mysql2 or mysql pool or connection

  • tableName Default: equals to 'keyPrefix' option By default, limiter creates table for each unique keyPrefix. All limits for all limiters are stored in one table if custom name is set.

Options specific to MySQL
  • dbName Default: 'rtlmtrflx' Database where limits are stored. It is created during creating a limiter
Options specific to Cluster
  • timeoutMs Default: 5000 Timeout for communication between worker and master over IPC. If master doesn't response in time, promise is rejected with Error


RateLimiterRes object

Both Promise resolve and reject returns object of RateLimiterRes class if there is no any error. Object attributes:

RateLimiterRes = {
    msBeforeNext: 250, // Number of milliseconds before next action can be done
    remainingPoints: 0, // Number of remaining points in current duration 
    consumedPoints: 5, // Number of consumed points in current duration 
    isFirstInDuration: false, // action is first in current duration 

rateLimiter.consume(key, points = 1)

Returns Promise, which:

  • resolved with RateLimiterRes when point(s) is consumed, so action can be done
  • rejected only for database limiters if insuranceLimiter isn't setup: when some error happened, where reject reason rejRes is Error object
  • rejected only for RateLimiterCluster if insuranceLimiter isn't setup: when timeoutMs exceeded, where reject reason rejRes is Error object
  • rejected when there is no points to be consumed, where reject reason rejRes is RateLimiterRes object
  • rejected when key is blocked (if block strategy is set up), where reject reason rejRes is RateLimiterRes object


  • key is usually IP address or some unique client id
  • points number of points consumed. default: 1

rateLimiter.penalty(key, points = 1)

Fine key by points number of points for one duration.

Note: Depending on time penalty may go to next durations

Returns Promise, which:

  • resolved with RateLimiterRes
  • rejected only for database limiters if insuranceLimiter isn't setup: when some error happened, where reject reason rejRes is Error object
  • rejected only for RateLimiterCluster if insuranceLimiter isn't setup: when timeoutMs exceeded, where reject reason rejRes is Error object

rateLimiter.reward(key, points = 1)

Reward key by points number of points for one duration.

Note: Depending on time reward may go to next durations

Returns Promise, which:

  • resolved with RateLimiterRes
  • rejected only for database limiters if insuranceLimiter isn't setup: when some error happened, where reject reason rejRes is Error object
  • rejected only for RateLimiterCluster if insuranceLimiter isn't setup: when timeoutMs exceeded, where reject reason rejRes is Error object

rateLimiter.block(key, secDuration)

Block key for secDuration seconds

Returns Promise, which:

  • resolved with RateLimiterRes
  • rejected only for database limiters if insuranceLimiter isn't setup: when some error happened, where reject reason rejRes is Error object
  • rejected only for RateLimiterCluster if insuranceLimiter isn't setup: when timeoutMs exceeded, where reject reason rejRes is Error object



Redis >=2.6.12

It supports both redis and ioredis clients.

Redis client must be created with offline queue switched off.

const redis = require('redis');
const redisClient = redis.createClient({ enable_offline_queue: false });

const Redis = require('ioredis');
const redisClient = new Redis({
  options: {
    enableOfflineQueue: false

const { RateLimiterRedis, RateLimiterMemory } = require('rate-limiter-flexible');

// It is recommended to process Redis errors and setup some reconnection strategy
redisClient.on('error', (err) => {

const opts = {
  // Basic options
  redis: redisClient,
  points: 5, // Number of points
  duration: 5, // Per second(s)
  // Custom
  execEvenly: false, // Do not delay actions evenly
  blockDuration: 0, // Do not block if consumed more than points
  keyPrefix: 'rlflx', // must be unique for limiters with different purpose
  // Database limiters specific
  inmemoryBlockOnConsumed: 10, // If 10 points consumed in current duration
  inmemoryBlockDuration: 30, // block for 30 seconds in current process memory
  insuranceLimiter: new RateLimiterMemory(
    // It will be used only on database error as insurance
    // Can be any implemented limiter like RateLimiterMemory or RateLimiterRedis extended from RateLimiterAbstract
      points: 1, // 1 is fair if you have 5 workers and 1 cluster
      duration: 5,
      execEvenly: false,

const rateLimiterRedis = new RateLimiterRedis(opts);

    .then((rateLimiterRes) => {
      // ... Some app logic here ...
      // Depending on results it allows to fine
      rateLimiterRedis.penalty(remoteAddress, 3)
        .then((rateLimiterRes) => {});
      // or rise number of points for current duration
      rateLimiterRedis.reward(remoteAddress, 2)
        .then((rateLimiterRes) => {});
    .catch((rejRes) => {
      if (rejRes instanceof Error) {
        // Some Redis error
        // Never happen if `insuranceLimiter` set up
        // Decide what to do with it in other case
      } else {
        // Can't consume
        // If there is no error, rateLimiterRedis promise rejected with number of ms before next request allowed
        const secs = Math.round(rejRes.msBeforeNext / 1000) || 1;
        res.set('Retry-After', String(secs));
        res.status(429).send('Too Many Requests');
RateLimiterRedis benchmark

Endpoint is pure NodeJS endpoint launched in node:10.5.0-jessie and redis:4.0.10-alpine Docker containers by PM2 with 4 workers

By bombardier -c 1000 -l -d 30s -r 2000 -t 5s

Test with 1000 concurrent requests with maximum 2000 requests per sec during 30 seconds

Statistics        Avg      Stdev        Max
  Reqs/sec      2015.20     511.21   14570.19
  Latency        2.45ms     7.51ms   138.41ms
  Latency Distribution
     50%     1.95ms
     75%     2.16ms
     90%     2.43ms
     95%     2.77ms
     99%     5.73ms
  HTTP codes:
    1xx - 0, 2xx - 53556, 3xx - 0, 4xx - 6417, 5xx - 0


MongoDB >=3.2

It supports mongodb native and mongoose packages See RateLimiterMongo benchmark here

const { RateLimiterMongo } = require('rate-limiter-flexible');
const mongoose = require('mongoose');

const mongoOpts = {
  reconnectTries: Number.MAX_VALUE, // Never stop trying to reconnect
  reconnectInterval: 100, // Reconnect every 100ms

mongoose.connect('mongodb://' + RateLimiterMongo.getDbName())
  .catch((err) => {});
const mongoConn = mongoose.connection;
// Or
const mongoConn = mongoose.createConnection('mongodb://' + RateLimiterMongo.getDbName(), mongoOpts);

const opts = {
  mongo: mongoConn,
  points: 10, // Number of points
  duration: 1, // Per second(s)
const rateLimiterMongo = new RateLimiterMongo(opts);
    // Usage is the same as for RateLimiterRedis

/* --- Or with native mongodb package --- */

const { MongoClient } = require('mongodb');

const mongoOpts = {
  useNewUrlParser: true,
  reconnectTries: Number.MAX_VALUE, // Never stop trying to reconnect
  reconnectInterval: 100, // Reconnect every 100ms

const mongoConn = MongoClient.connect(

const opts = {
  mongo: mongoConn,
  points: 10, // Number of points
  duration: 1, // Per second(s)

const rateLimiterMongo = new RateLimiterMongo(opts);
    // Usage is the same as for RateLimiterRedis

Connection to Mongo takes milliseconds, so any method of rate limiter is rejected with Error, until connection established

insuranceLimiter can be setup to avoid errors, but all changes won't be written from insuranceLimiter to RateLimiterMongo when connection established


It supports mysql2 and mysql node packages.

MySQL connection have to be created with allowed multipleStatementes.

Limits data, which expired more than an hour ago, are removed every 5 minutes by setTimeout.

Read more about RateLimiterMySQL here

  const mysql = require('mysql2');
  const client = mysql.createConnection({
    host     : 'localhost',
    user     : 'root',
    password : 'secret',
    multipleStatements: true // it is required by limiter

  const opts = {
    storeClient: client,
    dbName: 'mydb',
    tableName: 'mytable', // all limiters store data in one table
    points: 5, // Number of points
    duration: 1, // Per second(s)

  const rateLimiter = new RateLimiterMySQL(opts);
    // Usage is the same as for RateLimiterRedis

Connection to MySQL takes milliseconds, so any method of rate limiter is rejected with Error, until connection is established


Note: it doesn't work with PM2 yet

RateLimiterCluster performs limiting using IPC. Each request is sent to master process, which handles all the limits, then master send results back to worker.

See RateLimiterCluster benchmark and detailed description here

const cluster = require('cluster');
const numCPUs = require('os').cpus().length;
const { RateLimiterClusterMaster, RateLimiterCluster } = require('rate-limiter-flexible');

if (cluster.isMaster) {
  // Doesn't require any options, it is only storage and messages handler
  new RateLimiterClusterMaster();

  for (let i = 0; i < numCPUs; i++) {
} else {
  const rateLimiter = new RateLimiterCluster({
    keyPrefix: 'myclusterlimiter', // Must be unique for each limiter
    points: 100,
    duration: 1,
    timeoutMs: 3000 // Promise is rejected, if master doesn't answer for 3 secs
  // Usage is the same as for RateLimiterRedis


It manages limits in current process memory, so keep it in mind when use it in cluster

const rateLimiter = new RateLimiterMemory(
  keyPrefix: 'rlflx',
  points: 1, // 1 is fair if you have 5 workers and 1 cluster, all workers will limit it to 5 in sum
  duration: 5,
  execEvenly: false,
// Usage is the same as for RateLimiterRedis
// Except: it never rejects Promise with Error    


Combine 2 or more rate limiters to act as single

Any rate limiters from this rate-limiter-flexible can be united

Useful for authorization, which must be protected from password brute force

For example, not more than once per second and only 5 points per minute

keyPrefix is necessary as resolved and rejected results depend on it

const limiter1 = new RateLimiterMemory({
  keyPrefix: 'limit1',
  points: 1,
  duration: 1,
const limiter2 = new RateLimiterMemory({
  keyPrefix: 'limit2',
  points: 5,
  duration: 60,
const rateLimiterUnion = new RateLimiterUnion(limiter1, limiter2);

  .then((res) => {
    // Returns object with 2 RateLimiterRes objects
  .catch((rej) => {
    /* Returns object with RateLimiterRes objects only for rejected limiters
    * For example:
    * { limit1: RateLimiterRes { ... } }
    * It may be Error if you use any limiter without insurance except Memory 
    * { limit2: Error }

Express middleware

const rateLimiterMiddleware = (req, res, next) => {
    .then(() => {
    .catch((rejRes) => {
      res.status(429).send('Too Many Requests');

Koa middleware

app.use(async (ctx, next) => {
  try {
    await rateLimiter.consume(ctx.ip)
  } catch (rejRes) {
    ctx.status = 429
    ctx.body = 'Too Many Requests'


Appreciated, feel free!

Make sure you've launched npm run eslint before creating PR, all errors have to be fixed.

You can try to run npm run eslint-fix to fix some issues.

Any new limiter with storage have to be extended from RateLimiterStoreAbstract. It has to implement at least 3 methods:

  • _getRateLimiterRes parses raw data from store to RateLimiterRes object
  • _upsert inserts or updates limits data by key and returns raw data
  • _get returns raw data by key

All other methods depends on store. See RateLimiterPostgres for example.



Last updated on 02 Jul 2018

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