React H5 Audio Player
- Audio player component that provides consistent UI/UX on different browsers.
- Super customizable layout
- Flexbox css with SVG icons. Mobile friendly.
- Accessibility supported, keyboards events supported.
- Written in TypeScript.

Live Demo: Storybook
Website example: | Code
Supported browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Edge, IE 11
$ npm i react-h5-audio-player
$ yarn add react-h5-audio-player
import AudioPlayer from 'react-h5-audio-player';
import 'react-h5-audio-player/lib/styles.css';
const Player = () => (
onPlay={e => console.log("onPlay")}
// other props here
Keyboard shortcuts (When audio player focused)
Space | Play/Pause |
← | Rewind |
→ | Forward |
↑ | Volume up |
↓ | Volume down |
L | Toggle loop |
M | Toggle mute |
HTML Audio Tag Native Attributes
src | string | '' | |
preload | 'auto' | 'metadata' | 'none' | 'auto' | |
autoPlay | boolean | false | Won't work on most mobile devices |
loop | boolean | false | |
muted | boolean | false | |
loop | boolean | false | |
volume | number | 1.0 | Won't work on most mobile devices |
crossOrigin | string | undefined | |
mediaGroup | string | undefined | |
More native attributes detail: MDN Audio element
The controls
attribute defaults to false
and should never be changed to true
because this library is already providing UI.
UI Props
showSkipControls | boolean | false | Show Previous/Next buttons |
showJumpControls | boolean | true | Show Rewind/Forward buttons |
showDownloadProgress | boolean | true | Show download progress over progress bar |
volumeJumpStep | number | 0.1 | Indicates the volume jump step when pressing up/down arrow key, volume range is 0 to 1 |
progressJumpStep | number | 5000 | Indicates the progress jump step (ms) when clicking rewind/forward button or left/right arrow key |
progressUpdateInterval | number | 20 | Indicates the interval (ms) that the progress bar UI updates, |
listenInterval | number | 1000 | Indicates the interval (ms) to call the onListened prop during playback |
defaultCurrentTime | ReactNode | '--:--' | Default display for audio's current time before src's meta data is loaded |
defaultDuration | ReactNode | '--:--' | Default display for audio's duration before src's meta data is loaded |
header | ReactNode | null | Header of the audio player |
footer | ReactNode | null | Footer of the audio player |
layout | 'stacked' | 'horizontal' | 'stacked-reverse' | 'horizontal-reverse' | 'stacked' | Overall layout of the audio player |
customIcons | CustomIcons | {} | Custom icons to replace the default ones |
customProgressBarSection | Array<string | ReactElement> | [CURRENT_TIME, PROGRESS_BAR, DURATION] | Custom layout of progress bar section |
customControlsSection | Array<string | ReactElement> | [ADDITIONAL_CONTROLS, MAIN_CONTROLS, VOLUME_CONTROLS] | Custom layout of controls section |
customAdditionalControls | Array<string | ReactElement> | [LOOP] | Custom layout of additional controls |
customVolumeControls | Array<string | ReactElement> | [VOLUME] | Custom layout of volume controls |
Event Props
onClickPrevious | Function (Event) | null | Called when click Previous button |
onClickNext | Function (Event) | null | Called when click Next button |
onPlayError | Function (Error) | null | Called when there's error invoking , it captures error that onError won't catch |
onListen | Function (Event) | null | Called every listenInterval milliseconds during playback |
onPlay | Function (Event) | null | Called when user plays the audio |
onPause | Function (Event) | null | Called when user pauses the audio |
onAbort | Function (Event) | null | Called when unloading the audio player, like when switching to a different src file |
onCanPlay | Function (Event) | null | Called when enough of the file has been downloaded to be able to start playing |
onCanPlayThrough | Function (Event) | null | Called when enough of the file has been downloaded to play through the entire file |
onEnded | Function (Event) | null | Called when playback has finished to the end of the file |
onError | Function (Event) | null | Called when the audio tag encounters an error |
UI Overwrites
Besides using props to change UI, React H5 Audio Player provides built-in class names and SASS/LESS variables for developers to overwrite.
SASS variables
$rhap_theme-color: #868686 !default;
$rhap_background-color: #fff !default;
$rhap_bar-color: #e4e4e4 !default;
$rhap_time-color: #333 !default;
$rhap_font-family: inherit !default;
For LESS variables, just replace $
with @
Advanced Usage
Access to the audio element
You can get direct access to the underlying audio element. First get a ref to ReactAudioPlayer:
this.player = createRef()
<ReactAudioPlayer ref={this.player} />
Then you can access the audio element like this:
Release Notes
How to contribute
Issues and PR's are welcome.