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Create interactive walkthroughs and onboarding tutorials in react-native.

Version published



React Native Walkthrough

Version MIT Licence TypeScript

A cross-platform interactive walkthrough library for React Native that is performant, simple, extensible, and works with Expo.

Other libraries for react-native had fancy SVG masks, but what if I wanted only the highlighted area to be pressable?

What if I wanted to customize the overlay and give it the abiliity to go backward, forward, or to any other step in the process?

Out of this need, a new library was born.

Please keep in mind that this library is currently under development, and should primarly be considered as being in a beta stage.


  1. [Fast] Smoother animations using LayoutAnimation which is ran natively on both Android and iOS
  2. [Flexible] The ability to press in the highlighted area (or not). You can decide if it's pressable through or not.
  3. [Functional] Ability to have multiple parts of the screen showing for a single step, with one interactable and the other not.
  4. Overlay is fully customizable and you are given the position of the overlay area so you can position relative to the masks.
  5. No wrapping HOC, passing props into children, etc. Just basic callbacks and context from react native.
  6. Programmatic stop / start / goTo functions accessible in any component using React context
  7. The ability to override the positioning to fine tune or add padding around certain exposed masks.
  8. Hardware back button support on Android (with the ability to disable)
  9. No dependencies besides react and react-native, lodash.sortBy, and react-native-safe-area-context
  10. When mask is not pressable through, you can specify an onPress event. You can also specify onPress background as well.
  11. Pass in a useIsFocused function so that the walkthrough automatically hides itself incase the user redirects away via push notifications or other code.


React Native Compatibility

This library will likely work with most versions of React Native, but keep in mind that it was built with 0.64.3 of React Native.

It will also work with Expo apps as well since there is no library linking required.

react-native-walkthrough VersionRequired React Native Version
1.x.x>= 0.63


Open a Terminal in the project root and run:

yarn add react-native-walkthrough

Make sure you've also have installedreact-native-safe-area-view with version >= 3.0.0

yarn add react-native-safe-area-view

Use the enableExperimentalLayoutAnimation somewhere on bootup to make sure we can use LayoutAnimations.

We're done!


First you need to wrap the root of your app with the WalkthroughProvider.

import * as React from 'react';
import { WalkthroughProvider } from 'react-native-walkthrough';
import MyAwesomeApp from './src/MyAwesomeApp';

export default function App() {
  return (
      // Pass in a hook that determines if the screen is focused or not. This is important if you have your walkthrough going from screen to screen.
      // useIsFocused={useIsFocused}
      <MyAwesomeApp />

Now you can use useWalkthroughStep to create your steps within the components.

import SafeAreaView from 'react-native-safe-area-view';

export default function HomeScreen() {

  const {isWalkthroughOn, isReady, start} = usePostWalkthroughStep({
    number: 1,
    OverlayComponent: WelcomeMessageOverlay,
    fullScreen: true,

  const {onLayout} = usePostWalkthroughStep({
    number: 2,
    enableHardwareBack: true,
    OverlayComponent: NearbyUsersOverlay,

    () => {

  return (
      <View style={{ flex: 1 }}>
        <View style={{height: 10}} onLayout={onLayout}>
              Here is my app!

An overlay component can look like this:

const WelcomeMessageOverlay = ({next}: IOverlayComponentProps) => {
  return <SafeAreaView style={styles.fullScreenContainer}>
    <View style={styles.fullScreenContents}>
      <Text style={styles.h1}>
        Let's take a quick tour!

Or you can position it be relative to any element on your screen:

const NearbyUsersOverlay = ({next, previous, step: {mask}}: IOverlayComponentProps) =>
    style={{position: "absolute", top: mask.y + mask.height + overlayPadding, left: 50}}
    title={`Nearby ${constants.userName.titlePlural}`}
    text={`These are all your friends and interesting ${constants.userName.plural} nearby!`}

The code is relatively short and readable. If you use TS, the interfaces are very straightforward. When we have more time, we'll add more in-depth documentation.


This app is currently being used in the Tribefy app (

We're looking for maintainers, so if you are interested please contact



Last updated on 26 Dec 2021

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