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React-ish State management with superpowers

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a model-friendly management library for API calls, business logic and state

What is Quirk?

Quirk is a library for managing state and business logic in your application. It is designed to work in a React friendly way, and works with promises.

Why Quirk?

In React, managing API calls and business logic is often a pain. Making business logic hooks is great, but it feels somehow unnatural to make a hook for every single API call you make always returning the same kind of data and have to manage the lifecycle of the call (loading, error...). Often, you just wanted to make a call and forget about mapping the data and how API works, and just save your result in a state, being able to update it with a simple setState.

This is where Quirk comes in.

How does it work?

Quirk wants from you a simple object with:

  • a getter function, which must return a promise that returns the external data
  • a setter function, which must return a promise that returns the new data
  • an initialValue, what you generally want your initial state to be
  • an optional overrideInitialValue field to override the initial state from the component

You can then pass it to the quirk function, wrap it in a function / object (I prefer a function to be able to pass an overrideInitialValue) and you have your API logic point set (you can keep it with your models, for instance). The getter function manages getting data, and maybe remaps it if you need it; the setter function manages update, delete, and create operations. The setter function receives a config made up from the fields you passed to the setState, the actual state, and the config you passed to the useQuirkState hook.

Then, you can literally do anything you need to update your APIs, and it's all in your quirk!


export const handleUsers = (initialValue) => 
    getter: async () => (await API.getUsers()) as User[],
    setter: async (newValue, config) => {
        const { deletedUser, onError: handleError, state: previousState } = config
        if (!!deletedUser) {
            try {
                const deletedUserFromApi = await API.deleteUser(deletedUser)
                return previousState.filter((user) => !==
            } catch (error) {
                handleError && handleError(error)
                return previousState
        return (newValue || []) as User[]
    overrideInitialValue: initialValue,
    initialValue: [],

Ok, but how do I use it in React?

In your component or hook, you will just need to useQuirkState, passing the quirk function you defined and if you want some callbacks to update your error - loading states. You will receive back: your state, a setState function, and an object with the loading, error and reload functions. As callbacks, you can pass onSuccess and onError, which will be called when the getter or setter functions are called based on the promise result. The great thing is: for you, it's like a normal useState, that gives you order, more powers. You can do more, and will do even more in the future, but this is just what you need.


 const [users, setUsers, { reload, loading, error }] = useQuirkState<User[]>(
      onSuccess: (users) => console.log('onSuccess', users),
      onError: (error) => console.error('onError', error),

You can then use the setUsers function to update your state, even to add more to your state or even ask for data deletion (in the example, we pass a deletedUser field and use it in the setter to call the correct API).


setUsers([...users, newUser])


setUsers(users, { deletedUser: user })

What's next?

The goal for next releases is to find a balance between power and simplicity, and make Quirk even more React friendly. I like the KISS principle: if Quirk is simple yet powerful, it can be scaled to any complexity level without becoming an overhead for developers.



Last updated on 14 Feb 2023

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