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react-router - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.0.0-nightly-4996fbe2b-20240629 to 0.0.0-nightly-4db408248-20240910


# `react-router`
## 6.26.1
### Patch Changes
- Rename `unstable_patchRoutesOnMiss` to `unstable_patchRoutesOnNavigation` to match new behavior ([#11888](
- Updated dependencies:
- `@remix-run/router@1.19.1`
## 6.26.0
### Minor Changes
- Add a new `replace(url, init?)` alternative to `redirect(url, init?)` that performs a `history.replaceState` instead of a `history.pushState` on client-side navigation redirects ([#11811](
### Patch Changes
- Fix initial hydration behavior when using `future.v7_partialHydration` along with `unstable_patchRoutesOnMiss` ([#11838](
- During initial hydration, `router.state.matches` will now include any partial matches so that we can render ancestor `HydrateFallback` components
- Updated dependencies:
- `@remix-run/router@1.19.0`
## 6.25.1
No significant changes to this package were made in this release. [See the repo ``]( for an overview of all changes in v6.25.1.
## 6.25.0
### Minor Changes
- Stabilize `future.unstable_skipActionErrorRevalidation` as `future.v7_skipActionErrorRevalidation` ([#11769](
- When this flag is enabled, actions will not automatically trigger a revalidation if they return/throw a `Response` with a `4xx`/`5xx` status code
- You may still opt-into revalidation via `shouldRevalidate`
- This also changes `shouldRevalidate`'s `unstable_actionStatus` parameter to `actionStatus`
### Patch Changes
- Fix regression and properly decode paths inside `useMatch` so matches/params reflect decoded params ([#11789](
- Updated dependencies:
- `@remix-run/router@1.18.0`
## 6.24.1
### Patch Changes
- When using `future.v7_relativeSplatPath`, properly resolve relative paths in splat routes that are children of pathless routes ([#11633](
- Updated dependencies:
- `@remix-run/router@1.17.1`
## 6.24.0

@@ -8,3 +56,2 @@

- Add support for Lazy Route Discovery (a.k.a. Fog of War) ([#11626](
- RFC: <>

@@ -11,0 +58,0 @@ - `unstable_patchRoutesOnMiss` docs: <>



@@ -1,28 +0,21 @@

import type { ActionFunction, ActionFunctionArgs, Blocker, BlockerFunction, unstable_DataStrategyFunction, unstable_DataStrategyFunctionArgs, unstable_DataStrategyMatch, ErrorResponse, Fetcher, JsonFunction, LazyRouteFunction, LoaderFunction, LoaderFunctionArgs, Location, Navigation, NavigationStates, ParamParseKey, Params, Path, PathMatch, PathParam, PathPattern, RedirectFunction, RelativeRoutingType, ShouldRevalidateFunction, ShouldRevalidateFunctionArgs, To, UIMatch, unstable_HandlerResult } from "./lib/router";
import { AbortedDeferredError, Action as NavigationType, createPath, defer, generatePath, isRouteErrorResponse, json, matchPath, matchRoutes, parsePath, redirect, redirectDocument, resolvePath, UNSAFE_ErrorResponseImpl } from "./lib/router";
import type { AwaitProps, IndexRouteProps, LayoutRouteProps, MemoryRouterProps, NavigateProps, OutletProps, PathRouteProps, RouteProps, RouterProps, RoutesProps, unstable_PatchRoutesOnMissFunction } from "./lib/components";
import { Await, MemoryRouter, Navigate, Outlet, Route, Router, Routes, createRoutesFromChildren, renderMatches, createMemoryRouter, mapRouteProperties } from "./lib/components";
import type { DataRouteMatch, DataRouteObject, IndexRouteObject, NavigateOptions, Navigator, NonIndexRouteObject, RouteMatch, RouteObject } from "./lib/context";
import { DataRouterContext, DataRouterStateContext, LocationContext, NavigationContext, RouteContext } from "./lib/context";
import type { NavigateFunction } from "./lib/hooks";
import { useActionData, useAsyncError, useAsyncValue, useBlocker, useHref, useInRouterContext, useLoaderData, useLocation, useMatch, useMatches, useNavigate, useNavigation, useNavigationType, useOutlet, useOutletContext, useParams, useResolvedPath, useRevalidator, useRouteError, useRouteId, useRouteLoaderData, useRoutes, useRoutesImpl } from "./lib/hooks";
type Hash = string;
type Pathname = string;
type Search = string;
export type { ActionFunction, ActionFunctionArgs, AwaitProps, DataRouteMatch, DataRouteObject, unstable_DataStrategyFunction, unstable_DataStrategyFunctionArgs, unstable_DataStrategyMatch, ErrorResponse, Fetcher, Hash, IndexRouteObject, IndexRouteProps, JsonFunction, LayoutRouteProps, LazyRouteFunction, LoaderFunction, LoaderFunctionArgs, Location, MemoryRouterProps, NavigateFunction, NavigateOptions, NavigateProps, Navigation, NavigationStates, Navigator, NonIndexRouteObject, OutletProps, ParamParseKey, Params, Path, PathMatch, PathParam, PathPattern, PathRouteProps, Pathname, RedirectFunction, RelativeRoutingType, RouteMatch, RouteObject, RouteProps, RouterProps, RoutesProps, Search, ShouldRevalidateFunction, ShouldRevalidateFunctionArgs, To, UIMatch, Blocker, BlockerFunction, unstable_HandlerResult, unstable_PatchRoutesOnMissFunction, };
export { AbortedDeferredError, Await, MemoryRouter, Navigate, NavigationType, Outlet, Route, Router, Routes, createMemoryRouter, createPath, createRoutesFromChildren, createRoutesFromChildren as createRoutesFromElements, defer, generatePath, isRouteErrorResponse, json, matchPath, matchRoutes, parsePath, redirect, redirectDocument, renderMatches, resolvePath, useBlocker, useActionData, useAsyncError, useAsyncValue, useHref, useInRouterContext, useLoaderData, useLocation, useMatch, useMatches, useNavigate, useNavigation, useNavigationType, useOutlet, useOutletContext, useParams, useResolvedPath, useRevalidator, useRouteError, useRouteLoaderData, useRoutes, };
export type { AgnosticDataIndexRouteObject, AgnosticDataNonIndexRouteObject, AgnosticDataRouteMatch, AgnosticDataRouteObject, AgnosticIndexRouteObject, AgnosticNonIndexRouteObject, AgnosticRouteMatch, AgnosticRouteObject, HydrationState, InitialEntry, LowerCaseFormMethod, StaticHandler, TrackedPromise, FetcherStates, UpperCaseFormMethod, UNSAFE_DeferredData, } from "./lib/router";
export { getStaticContextFromError, stripBasename, UNSAFE_DEFERRED_SYMBOL, UNSAFE_convertRoutesToDataRoutes, } from "./lib/router";
export type { FormEncType, FormMethod, GetScrollRestorationKeyFunction, StaticHandlerContext, Submission, } from "./lib/router";
export type { BrowserRouterProps, HashRouterProps, HistoryRouterProps, LinkProps, NavLinkProps, NavLinkRenderProps, FetcherFormProps, FormProps, ScrollRestorationProps, SetURLSearchParams, SubmitFunction, FetcherSubmitFunction, FetcherWithComponents, RouterProviderProps, } from "./lib/dom/lib";
export { createBrowserRouter, createHashRouter, BrowserRouter, HashRouter, Link, UNSAFE_ViewTransitionContext, UNSAFE_FetchersContext, unstable_HistoryRouter, NavLink, Form, RouterProvider, ScrollRestoration, useLinkClickHandler, useSearchParams, useSubmit, useFormAction, useFetcher, useFetchers, UNSAFE_useScrollRestoration, useBeforeUnload, unstable_usePrompt, unstable_useViewTransitionState, } from "./lib/dom/lib";
export type { ParamKeyValuePair, SubmitOptions, URLSearchParamsInit, SubmitTarget, } from "./lib/dom/dom";
export type { InitialEntry, Location, Path, To } from "./lib/router/history";
export type { HydrationState, StaticHandler, GetScrollPositionFunction, GetScrollRestorationKeyFunction, StaticHandlerContext, Fetcher, Navigation, NavigationStates, RelativeRoutingType, Blocker, BlockerFunction, Router as RemixRouter, RouterState, RouterInit, RouterSubscriber, RouterNavigateOptions, RouterFetchOptions, RevalidationState, } from "./lib/router/router";
export type { ActionFunction, ActionFunctionArgs, DataStrategyFunction as unstable_DataStrategyFunction, DataStrategyFunctionArgs as unstable_DataStrategyFunctionArgs, DataStrategyMatch as unstable_DataStrategyMatch, DataStrategyResult as unstable_DataStrategyResult, DataWithResponseInit as UNSAFE_DataWithResponseInit, ErrorResponse, FormEncType, FormMethod, HTMLFormMethod, JsonFunction, LazyRouteFunction, LoaderFunction, LoaderFunctionArgs, ParamParseKey, Params, PathMatch, PathParam, PathPattern, RedirectFunction, ShouldRevalidateFunction, ShouldRevalidateFunctionArgs, UIMatch, } from "./lib/router/utils";
export { Action as NavigationType, createPath, parsePath, } from "./lib/router/history";
export { IDLE_NAVIGATION, IDLE_FETCHER, IDLE_BLOCKER, } from "./lib/router/router";
export { data as unstable_data, generatePath, isRouteErrorResponse, json, matchPath, matchRoutes, redirect, redirectDocument, replace, resolvePath, } from "./lib/router/utils";
export type { DataRouteMatch, DataRouteObject, IndexRouteObject, NavigateOptions, Navigator, NonIndexRouteObject, RouteMatch, RouteObject, } from "./lib/context";
export type { AwaitProps, IndexRouteProps, LayoutRouteProps, MemoryRouterProps, NavigateProps, OutletProps, PathRouteProps, RouteProps, RouterProps, RouterProviderProps, RoutesProps, PatchRoutesOnNavigationFunction as unstable_PatchRoutesOnNavigationFunction, } from "./lib/components";
export type { NavigateFunction } from "./lib/hooks";
export { Await, MemoryRouter, Navigate, Outlet, Route, Router, RouterProvider, Routes, createMemoryRouter, createRoutesFromChildren, createRoutesFromChildren as createRoutesFromElements, renderMatches, } from "./lib/components";
export { useBlocker, useActionData, useAsyncError, useAsyncValue, useHref, useInRouterContext, useLoaderData, useLocation, useMatch, useMatches, useNavigate, useNavigation, useNavigationType, useOutlet, useOutletContext, useParams, useResolvedPath, useRevalidator, useRouteError, useRouteLoaderData, useRoutes, } from "./lib/hooks";
export type { BrowserRouterProps, HashRouterProps, HistoryRouterProps, LinkProps, NavLinkProps, NavLinkRenderProps, FetcherFormProps, FormProps, ScrollRestorationProps, SetURLSearchParams, SubmitFunction, FetcherSubmitFunction, FetcherWithComponents, } from "./lib/dom/lib";
export { createBrowserRouter, createHashRouter, BrowserRouter, HashRouter, Link, HistoryRouter as unstable_HistoryRouter, NavLink, Form, ScrollRestoration, useLinkClickHandler, useSearchParams, useSubmit, useFormAction, useFetcher, useFetchers, useBeforeUnload, usePrompt as unstable_usePrompt, useViewTransitionState as unstable_useViewTransitionState, } from "./lib/dom/lib";
export type { FetcherSubmitOptions, ParamKeyValuePair, SubmitOptions, URLSearchParamsInit, SubmitTarget, } from "./lib/dom/dom";
export { createSearchParams } from "./lib/dom/dom";
export type { StaticRouterProps, StaticRouterProviderProps, } from "./lib/dom/server";
export { createStaticHandler, createStaticRouter, StaticRouter, StaticRouterProvider, } from "./lib/dom/server";
export { HydratedRouter } from "./lib/dom/ssr/browser";
export { Meta, Links, Scripts, PrefetchPageLinks, } from "./lib/dom/ssr/components";
export type { ScriptsProps } from "./lib/dom/ssr/components";
export type { EntryContext } from "./lib/dom/ssr/entry";
export type { HtmlLinkDescriptor, LinkDescriptor, PrefetchPageDescriptor, } from "./lib/dom/ssr/links";
export type { ClientActionFunction, ClientActionFunctionArgs, ClientLoaderFunction, ClientLoaderFunctionArgs, MetaArgs, MetaDescriptor, MetaFunction, LinksFunction, } from "./lib/dom/ssr/routeModules";

@@ -33,17 +26,14 @@ export type { ServerRouterProps } from "./lib/dom/ssr/server";

export { createRoutesStub } from "./lib/dom/ssr/routes-test-stub";
export { defineRoute, type Match, type MetaMatch, } from "./lib/router/define-route";
export { createCookieFactory, isCookie } from "./lib/server-runtime/cookies";
export { createCookie, isCookie } from "./lib/server-runtime/cookies";
export { composeUploadHandlers as unstable_composeUploadHandlers, parseMultipartFormData as unstable_parseMultipartFormData, } from "./lib/server-runtime/formData";
export { createRequestHandler } from "./lib/server-runtime/server";
export { createSession, createSessionStorageFactory, isSession, } from "./lib/server-runtime/sessions";
export { createCookieSessionStorageFactory } from "./lib/server-runtime/sessions/cookieStorage";
export { createMemorySessionStorageFactory } from "./lib/server-runtime/sessions/memoryStorage";
export { createSession, createSessionStorage, isSession, } from "./lib/server-runtime/sessions";
export { createCookieSessionStorage } from "./lib/server-runtime/sessions/cookieStorage";
export { createMemorySessionStorage } from "./lib/server-runtime/sessions/memoryStorage";
export { createMemoryUploadHandler as unstable_createMemoryUploadHandler } from "./lib/server-runtime/upload/memoryUploadHandler";
export { MaxPartSizeExceededError } from "./lib/server-runtime/upload/errors";
export { setDevServerHooks as unstable_setDevServerHooks } from "./lib/server-runtime/dev";
export type { CreateCookieFunction, IsCookieFunction, } from "./lib/server-runtime/cookies";
export type { IsCookieFunction } from "./lib/server-runtime/cookies";
export type { CreateRequestHandlerFunction } from "./lib/server-runtime/server";
export type { CreateSessionFunction, CreateSessionStorageFunction, IsSessionFunction, } from "./lib/server-runtime/sessions";
export type { CreateCookieSessionStorageFunction } from "./lib/server-runtime/sessions/cookieStorage";
export type { CreateMemorySessionStorageFunction } from "./lib/server-runtime/sessions/memoryStorage";
export type { IsSessionFunction } from "./lib/server-runtime/sessions";
export type { HandleDataRequestFunction, HandleDocumentRequestFunction, HandleErrorFunction, ServerBuild, ServerEntryModule, } from "./lib/server-runtime/build";

@@ -53,22 +43,39 @@ export type { UploadHandlerPart, UploadHandler, } from "./lib/server-runtime/formData";

export type { Cookie, CookieOptions, CookieParseOptions, CookieSerializeOptions, CookieSignatureOptions, } from "./lib/server-runtime/cookies";
export type { SignFunction, UnsignFunction } from "./lib/server-runtime/crypto";
export type { AppLoadContext } from "./lib/server-runtime/data";
export type { PageLinkDescriptor, } from "./lib/server-runtime/links";
export type { TypedDeferredData, TypedResponse, } from "./lib/server-runtime/responses";
export type { PageLinkDescriptor, HtmlLinkDescriptor, LinkDescriptor, } from "./lib/router/links";
export type { TypedResponse } from "./lib/server-runtime/responses";
export type { DataFunctionArgs, HeadersArgs, HeadersFunction, } from "./lib/server-runtime/routeModules";
export type { RequestHandler } from "./lib/server-runtime/server";
export type { Session, SessionData, SessionIdStorageStrategy, SessionStorage, FlashSessionData, } from "./lib/server-runtime/sessions";
export { ServerMode as UNSAFE_ServerMode } from "./lib/server-runtime/mode";
/** @internal */
export { DataRouterContext as UNSAFE_DataRouterContext, DataRouterStateContext as UNSAFE_DataRouterStateContext, LocationContext as UNSAFE_LocationContext, NavigationContext as UNSAFE_NavigationContext, RouteContext as UNSAFE_RouteContext, mapRouteProperties as UNSAFE_mapRouteProperties, useRouteId as UNSAFE_useRouteId, useRoutesImpl as UNSAFE_useRoutesImpl, UNSAFE_ErrorResponseImpl, };
export { createBrowserHistory as UNSAFE_createBrowserHistory, invariant as UNSAFE_invariant, } from "./lib/router/history";
/** @internal */
export { createRouter as UNSAFE_createRouter } from "./lib/router/router";
/** @internal */
export { ErrorResponseImpl as UNSAFE_ErrorResponseImpl } from "./lib/router/utils";
/** @internal */
export { DataRouterContext as UNSAFE_DataRouterContext, DataRouterStateContext as UNSAFE_DataRouterStateContext, FetchersContext as UNSAFE_FetchersContext, LocationContext as UNSAFE_LocationContext, NavigationContext as UNSAFE_NavigationContext, RouteContext as UNSAFE_RouteContext, ViewTransitionContext as UNSAFE_ViewTransitionContext, } from "./lib/context";
/** @internal */
export { mapRouteProperties as UNSAFE_mapRouteProperties } from "./lib/components";
/** @internal */
export { FrameworkContext as UNSAFE_FrameworkContext } from "./lib/dom/ssr/components";
/** @internal */
export type { AssetsManifest as UNSAFE_AssetsManifest } from "./lib/dom/ssr/entry";
/** @internal */
export { deserializeErrors as UNSAFE_deserializeErrors } from "./lib/dom/ssr/errors";
/** @internal */
export { RemixErrorBoundary as UNSAFE_RemixErrorBoundary } from "./lib/dom/ssr/errorBoundaries";
/** @internal */
export { getPatchRoutesOnNavigationFunction as UNSAFE_getPatchRoutesOnNavigationFunction, useFogOFWarDiscovery as UNSAFE_useFogOFWarDiscovery, } from "./lib/dom/ssr/fog-of-war";
/** @internal */
export type { RouteModules as UNSAFE_RouteModules } from "./lib/dom/ssr/routeModules";
/** @internal */
export type { FutureConfig as UNSAFE_FutureConfig, AssetsManifest as UNSAFE_AssetsManifest, FrameworkContextObject as UNSAFE_FrameworkContextObject, } from "./lib/dom/ssr/entry";
export { createClientRoutes as UNSAFE_createClientRoutes, createClientRoutesWithHMRRevalidationOptOut as UNSAFE_createClientRoutesWithHMRRevalidationOptOut, shouldHydrateRouteLoader as UNSAFE_shouldHydrateRouteLoader, } from "./lib/dom/ssr/routes";
/** @internal */
export type { EntryRoute as UNSAFE_EntryRoute, RouteManifest as UNSAFE_RouteManifest, } from "./lib/dom/ssr/routes";
export { getSingleFetchDataStrategy as UNSAFE_getSingleFetchDataStrategy } from "./lib/dom/ssr/single-fetch";
/** @internal */
export type { SingleFetchRedirectResult as UNSAFE_SingleFetchRedirectResult, SingleFetchResult as UNSAFE_SingleFetchResult, SingleFetchResults as UNSAFE_SingleFetchResults, } from "./lib/dom/ssr/single-fetch";
export { decodeViaTurboStream as UNSAFE_decodeViaTurboStream, SingleFetchRedirectSymbol as UNSAFE_SingleFetchRedirectSymbol, } from "./lib/dom/ssr/single-fetch";
/** @internal */
export { ServerMode as UNSAFE_ServerMode } from "./lib/server-runtime/mode";
/** @internal */
export { useScrollRestoration as UNSAFE_useScrollRestoration } from "./lib/dom/lib";

@@ -1,4 +0,6 @@

import type { FutureConfig, HydrationState, InitialEntry, LazyRouteFunction, Location, RelativeRoutingType, Router as RemixRouter, To, TrackedPromise, unstable_DataStrategyFunction, unstable_AgnosticPatchRoutesOnMissFunction } from "./router";
import { Action as NavigationType } from "./router";
import * as React from "react";
import type { InitialEntry, Location, To } from "./router/history";
import { Action as NavigationType } from "./router/history";
import type { FutureConfig, HydrationState, RelativeRoutingType, Router as RemixRouter } from "./router/router";
import type { AgnosticPatchRoutesOnNavigationFunction, DataStrategyFunction, LazyRouteFunction, TrackedPromise } from "./router/utils";
import type { IndexRouteObject, Navigator, NonIndexRouteObject, RouteMatch, RouteObject } from "./context";

@@ -11,3 +13,3 @@ /**

export interface unstable_PatchRoutesOnMissFunction extends unstable_AgnosticPatchRoutesOnMissFunction<RouteMatch> {
export interface PatchRoutesOnNavigationFunction extends AgnosticPatchRoutesOnNavigationFunction<RouteMatch> {

@@ -23,6 +25,14 @@ /**

initialIndex?: number;
unstable_dataStrategy?: unstable_DataStrategyFunction;
unstable_patchRoutesOnMiss?: unstable_PatchRoutesOnMissFunction;
unstable_dataStrategy?: DataStrategyFunction;
unstable_patchRoutesOnNavigation?: PatchRoutesOnNavigationFunction;
}): RemixRouter;
export interface RouterProviderProps {
router: RemixRouter;
flushSync?: (fn: () => unknown) => undefined;
* Given a Remix Router instance, render the appropriate UI
export declare function RouterProvider({ router, flushSync: reactDomFlushSyncImpl, }: RouterProviderProps): React.ReactElement;
* @category Types

@@ -29,0 +39,0 @@ */

import * as React from "react";
import type { AgnosticIndexRouteObject, AgnosticNonIndexRouteObject, AgnosticRouteMatch, History, LazyRouteFunction, Location, Action as NavigationType, RelativeRoutingType, Router, StaticHandlerContext, To, TrackedPromise } from "./router";
import type { History, Action as NavigationType, Location, To } from "./router/history";
import type { RelativeRoutingType, Router, StaticHandlerContext } from "./router/router";
import type { AgnosticIndexRouteObject, AgnosticNonIndexRouteObject, AgnosticRouteMatch, LazyRouteFunction, TrackedPromise } from "./router/utils";
export interface IndexRouteObject {

@@ -55,3 +57,14 @@ caseSensitive?: AgnosticIndexRouteObject["caseSensitive"];

export declare const DataRouterContext: React.Context<DataRouterContextObject | null>;
export declare const DataRouterStateContext: React.Context<import("./router").RouterState | null>;
export declare const DataRouterStateContext: React.Context<import("./router/router").RouterState | null>;
export type ViewTransitionContextObject = {
isTransitioning: false;
} | {
isTransitioning: true;
flushSync: boolean;
currentLocation: Location;
nextLocation: Location;
export declare const ViewTransitionContext: React.Context<ViewTransitionContextObject>;
export type FetchersContextObject = Map<string, any>;
export declare const FetchersContext: React.Context<FetchersContextObject>;
export declare const AwaitContext: React.Context<TrackedPromise | null>;

@@ -58,0 +71,0 @@ export interface NavigateOptions {

@@ -1,2 +0,3 @@

import type { FormEncType, HTMLFormMethod, RelativeRoutingType } from "../router";
import type { RelativeRoutingType } from "../router/router";
import type { FormEncType, HTMLFormMethod } from "../router/utils";
export declare const defaultMethod: HTMLFormMethod;

@@ -3,0 +4,0 @@ export declare function isHtmlElement(object: any): object is HTMLElement;

@@ -1,7 +0,5 @@

import type { HydrationState, Router as RemixRouter } from "../router";
import type { ViewTransition } from "./lib";
import type { HydrationState, Router as RemixRouter } from "../router/router";
import type { AssetsManifest, FutureConfig as RemixFutureConfig } from "./ssr/entry";
import type { RouteModules } from "./ssr/routeModules";
export type WindowRemixContext = {
url: string;
basename?: string;

@@ -20,2 +18,8 @@ state: HydrationState;

export interface ViewTransition {
finished: Promise<void>;
ready: Promise<void>;
updateCallbackDone: Promise<void>;
skipTransition(): void;
declare global {

@@ -31,3 +35,3 @@ var __staticRouterHydrationData: HydrationState | undefined;

var __remixRouter: RemixRouter | undefined;
var __remixRevalidation: number | undefined;
var __remixHdrActive: boolean;
var __remixClearCriticalCss: (() => void) | undefined;

@@ -34,0 +38,0 @@ var $RefreshRuntime$: {

import * as React from "react";
import type { unstable_DataStrategyFunction, Fetcher, FutureConfig, GetScrollRestorationKeyFunction, History, HTMLFormMethod, HydrationState, Router as RemixRouter, BlockerFunction, Location, RelativeRoutingType, To } from "../router";
import type { History, To } from "../router/history";
import type { BlockerFunction, Fetcher, FutureConfig, GetScrollRestorationKeyFunction, HydrationState, RelativeRoutingType, Router as RemixRouter } from "../router/router";
import type { DataStrategyFunction, HTMLFormMethod } from "../router/utils";
import "./global";
import type { SubmitOptions, URLSearchParamsInit, SubmitTarget, FetcherSubmitOptions } from "./dom";
import type { DiscoverBehavior, PrefetchBehavior, ScriptsProps } from "./ssr/components";
import type { unstable_PatchRoutesOnMissFunction } from "../components";
import type { PatchRoutesOnNavigationFunction } from "../components";
import type { RouteObject, NavigateOptions } from "../context";

@@ -12,4 +14,4 @@ interface DOMRouterOpts {

hydrationData?: HydrationState;
unstable_dataStrategy?: unstable_DataStrategyFunction;
unstable_patchRoutesOnMiss?: unstable_PatchRoutesOnMissFunction;
unstable_dataStrategy?: DataStrategyFunction;
unstable_patchRoutesOnNavigation?: PatchRoutesOnNavigationFunction;
window?: Window;

@@ -25,29 +27,3 @@ }

export declare function createHashRouter(routes: RouteObject[], opts?: DOMRouterOpts): RemixRouter;
type ViewTransitionContextObject = {
isTransitioning: false;
} | {
isTransitioning: true;
flushSync: boolean;
currentLocation: Location;
nextLocation: Location;
declare const ViewTransitionContext: React.Context<ViewTransitionContextObject>;
export { ViewTransitionContext as UNSAFE_ViewTransitionContext };
type FetchersContextObject = Map<string, any>;
declare const FetchersContext: React.Context<FetchersContextObject>;
export { FetchersContext as UNSAFE_FetchersContext };
export interface ViewTransition {
finished: Promise<void>;
ready: Promise<void>;
updateCallbackDone: Promise<void>;
skipTransition(): void;
export interface RouterProviderProps {
router: RemixRouter;
* Given a Remix Router instance, render the appropriate UI
export declare function RouterProvider({ router, }: RouterProviderProps): React.ReactElement;
* @category Types

@@ -95,9 +71,9 @@ */

* @name unstable_HistoryRouter
* @category Router Components
declare function HistoryRouter({ basename, children, history }: HistoryRouterProps): React.JSX.Element;
declare namespace HistoryRouter {
export declare function HistoryRouter({ basename, children, history, }: HistoryRouterProps): React.JSX.Element;
export declare namespace HistoryRouter {
var displayName: string;
export { HistoryRouter as unstable_HistoryRouter };

@@ -907,7 +883,6 @@ * @category Types

declare function useScrollRestoration({ getKey, storageKey, }?: {
export declare function useScrollRestoration({ getKey, storageKey, }?: {
getKey?: GetScrollRestorationKeyFunction;
storageKey?: string;
}): void;
export { useScrollRestoration as UNSAFE_useScrollRestoration };

@@ -955,8 +930,8 @@ * Setup a callback to be fired on the window's `beforeunload` event.

@category Hooks
@name unstable_usePrompt
declare function usePrompt({ when, message, }: {
export declare function usePrompt({ when, message, }: {
when: boolean | BlockerFunction;
message: string;
}): void;
export { usePrompt as unstable_usePrompt };

@@ -966,6 +941,7 @@ This hook returns `true` when there is an active [View Transition]( to the specified location. This can be used to apply finer-grained styles to elements to further customize the view transition. This requires that view transitions have been enabled for the given navigation via {@link LinkProps.unstable_viewTransition} (or the `Form`, `submit`, or `navigate` call)

@category Hooks
@name unstable_useViewTransitionState
declare function useViewTransitionState(to: To, opts?: {
export declare function useViewTransitionState(to: To, opts?: {
relative?: RelativeRoutingType;
}): boolean;
export { useViewTransitionState as unstable_useViewTransitionState };
export {};
import * as React from "react";
import type { Location, Router as RemixRouter, StaticHandlerContext, CreateStaticHandlerOptions as RouterCreateStaticHandlerOptions, FutureConfig } from "../router";
import type { Location } from "../router/history";
import type { FutureConfig, Router as RemixRouter, CreateStaticHandlerOptions as RouterCreateStaticHandlerOptions, StaticHandlerContext } from "../router/router";
import type { RouteObject } from "../context";

@@ -29,7 +30,7 @@ export interface StaticRouterProps {

export declare function StaticRouterProvider({ context, router, hydrate, nonce, }: StaticRouterProviderProps): React.JSX.Element;
type CreateStaticHandlerOptions = Omit<RouterCreateStaticHandlerOptions, "detectErrorBoundary" | "mapRouteProperties">;
type CreateStaticHandlerOptions = Omit<RouterCreateStaticHandlerOptions, "mapRouteProperties">;
* @category Utils
export declare function createStaticHandler(routes: RouteObject[], opts?: CreateStaticHandlerOptions): import("../router").StaticHandler;
export declare function createStaticHandler(routes: RouteObject[], opts?: CreateStaticHandlerOptions): import("../router/router").StaticHandler;

@@ -36,0 +37,0 @@ * @category Routers

import type { FocusEventHandler, MouseEventHandler, TouchEventHandler } from "react";
import * as React from "react";
import type { FrameworkContextObject } from "./entry";
import type { PrefetchPageDescriptor } from "./links";
import type { PageLinkDescriptor } from "../../router/links";
export type SerializeFrom<D> = D extends () => {} ? Awaited<ReturnType<D>> : D;

@@ -67,3 +67,3 @@ export declare const FrameworkContext: React.Context<FrameworkContextObject | undefined>;

export declare function PrefetchPageLinks({ page, ...dataLinkProps }: PrefetchPageDescriptor): React.JSX.Element | null;
export declare function PrefetchPageLinks({ page, ...dataLinkProps }: PageLinkDescriptor): React.JSX.Element | null;

@@ -70,0 +70,0 @@ Renders all the `<meta>` tags created by route module {@link MetaFunction} exports. You should render it inside the `<head>` of your HTML.

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

import type { StaticHandlerContext } from "../../router";
import type { StaticHandlerContext } from "../../router/router";
import type { RouteManifest, EntryRoute } from "./routes";

@@ -33,5 +33,2 @@ import type { RouteModules } from "./routeModules";

export interface FutureConfig {
v3_fetcherPersist: boolean;
v3_relativeSplatPath: boolean;
v3_throwAbortReason: boolean;

@@ -38,0 +35,0 @@ export interface AssetsManifest {

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

import type { Router as RemixRouter } from "../../router";
import type { Router as RemixRouter } from "../../router/router";
export declare function deserializeErrors(errors: RemixRouter["state"]["errors"]): RemixRouter["state"]["errors"];

@@ -1,3 +0,3 @@

import type { Router } from "../../router";
import type { unstable_PatchRoutesOnMissFunction } from "../../components";
import type { PatchRoutesOnNavigationFunction } from "../../components";
import type { Router as RemixRouter } from "../../router/router";
import type { AssetsManifest } from "./entry";

@@ -12,9 +12,4 @@ import type { RouteModules } from "./routeModules";

type FogOfWarInfo = {
nextPaths: Set<string>;
knownGoodPaths: Set<string>;
known404Paths: Set<string>;
export declare function isFogOfWarEnabled(isSpaMode: boolean): boolean;
export declare function getPartialManifest(manifest: AssetsManifest, router: Router): {
export declare function getPartialManifest(manifest: AssetsManifest, router: RemixRouter): {
routes: {};

@@ -32,8 +27,4 @@ entry: {

export declare function initFogOfWar(manifest: AssetsManifest, routeModules: RouteModules, isSpaMode: boolean, basename: string | undefined): {
enabled: boolean;
patchRoutesOnMiss?: unstable_PatchRoutesOnMissFunction;
export declare function useFogOFWarDiscovery(router: Router, manifest: AssetsManifest, routeModules: RouteModules, isSpaMode: boolean): void;
export declare function fetchAndApplyManifestPatches(paths: string[], _fogOfWar: FogOfWarInfo, manifest: AssetsManifest, routeModules: RouteModules, isSpaMode: boolean, basename: string | undefined, patchRoutes: Router["patchRoutes"]): Promise<void>;
export {};
export declare function getPatchRoutesOnNavigationFunction(manifest: AssetsManifest, routeModules: RouteModules, isSpaMode: boolean, basename: string | undefined): PatchRoutesOnNavigationFunction | undefined;
export declare function useFogOFWarDiscovery(router: RemixRouter, manifest: AssetsManifest, routeModules: RouteModules, isSpaMode: boolean): void;
export declare function fetchAndApplyManifestPatches(paths: string[], manifest: AssetsManifest, routeModules: RouteModules, isSpaMode: boolean, basename: string | undefined, patchRoutes: RemixRouter["patchRoutes"]): Promise<void>;

@@ -1,109 +0,8 @@

import type { AgnosticDataRouteMatch, Location } from "../../router";
import type { Location } from "../../router/history";
import type { AgnosticDataRouteMatch } from "../../router/utils";
import type { AssetsManifest } from "./entry";
import type { RouteModules, RouteModule } from "./routeModules";
import type { EntryRoute } from "./routes";
type Primitive = null | undefined | string | number | boolean | symbol | bigint;
type LiteralUnion<LiteralType, BaseType extends Primitive> = LiteralType | (BaseType & Record<never, never>);
interface HtmlLinkProps {
* Address of the hyperlink
href?: string;
* How the element handles crossorigin requests
crossOrigin?: "anonymous" | "use-credentials";
* Relationship between the document containing the hyperlink and the destination resource
rel: LiteralUnion<"alternate" | "dns-prefetch" | "icon" | "manifest" | "modulepreload" | "next" | "pingback" | "preconnect" | "prefetch" | "preload" | "prerender" | "search" | "stylesheet", string>;
* Applicable media: "screen", "print", "(max-width: 764px)"
media?: string;
* Integrity metadata used in Subresource Integrity checks
integrity?: string;
* Language of the linked resource
hrefLang?: string;
* Hint for the type of the referenced resource
type?: string;
* Referrer policy for fetches initiated by the element
referrerPolicy?: "" | "no-referrer" | "no-referrer-when-downgrade" | "same-origin" | "origin" | "strict-origin" | "origin-when-cross-origin" | "strict-origin-when-cross-origin" | "unsafe-url";
* Sizes of the icons (for rel="icon")
sizes?: string;
* Potential destination for a preload request (for rel="preload" and rel="modulepreload")
as?: LiteralUnion<"audio" | "audioworklet" | "document" | "embed" | "fetch" | "font" | "frame" | "iframe" | "image" | "manifest" | "object" | "paintworklet" | "report" | "script" | "serviceworker" | "sharedworker" | "style" | "track" | "video" | "worker" | "xslt", string>;
* Color to use when customizing a site's icon (for rel="mask-icon")
color?: string;
* Whether the link is disabled
disabled?: boolean;
* The title attribute has special semantics on this element: Title of the link; CSS style sheet set name.
title?: string;
* Images to use in different situations, e.g., high-resolution displays,
* small monitors, etc. (for rel="preload")
imageSrcSet?: string;
* Image sizes for different page layouts (for rel="preload")
imageSizes?: string;
interface HtmlLinkPreloadImage extends HtmlLinkProps {
* Relationship between the document containing the hyperlink and the destination resource
rel: "preload";
* Potential destination for a preload request (for rel="preload" and rel="modulepreload")
as: "image";
* Address of the hyperlink
href?: string;
* Images to use in different situations, e.g., high-resolution displays,
* small monitors, etc. (for rel="preload")
imageSrcSet: string;
* Image sizes for different page layouts (for rel="preload")
imageSizes?: string;
import type { HtmlLinkDescriptor, LinkDescriptor, PageLinkDescriptor } from "../../router/links";
* Represents a `<link>` element.
* WHATWG Specification:
export type HtmlLinkDescriptor = (HtmlLinkProps & Pick<Required<HtmlLinkProps>, "href">) | (HtmlLinkPreloadImage & Pick<Required<HtmlLinkPreloadImage>, "imageSizes">) | (HtmlLinkPreloadImage & Pick<Required<HtmlLinkPreloadImage>, "href"> & {
imageSizes?: never;
export interface PrefetchPageDescriptor extends Omit<HtmlLinkDescriptor, "href" | "rel" | "type" | "sizes" | "imageSrcSet" | "imageSizes" | "as" | "color" | "title"> {
* The absolute path of the page to prefetch.
page: string;
export type LinkDescriptor = HtmlLinkDescriptor | PrefetchPageDescriptor;
* Gets all the links for a set of matches. The modules are assumed to have been

@@ -114,3 +13,3 @@ * loaded already.

export declare function prefetchStyleLinks(route: EntryRoute, routeModule: RouteModule): Promise<void>;
export declare function isPageLinkDescriptor(object: any): object is PrefetchPageDescriptor;
export declare function isPageLinkDescriptor(object: any): object is PageLinkDescriptor;
export type KeyedHtmlLinkDescriptor = {

@@ -117,0 +16,0 @@ key: string;

@@ -6,5 +6,5 @@ import type { ComponentType, ReactElement } from "react";

import type { AppData } from "./data";
import type { LinkDescriptor } from "./links";
import type { EntryRoute } from "./routes";
import type { DataRouteMatch } from "../../context";
import type { LinkDescriptor } from "../../router/links";
export interface RouteModules {

@@ -11,0 +11,0 @@ [routeId: string]: RouteModule | undefined;

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

import type { HydrationState } from "../../router";
import type { HydrationState } from "../../router/router";
import type { RouteModule, RouteModules } from "./routeModules";

@@ -3,0 +3,0 @@ import type { FutureConfig } from "./entry";

import * as React from "react";
import type { unstable_DataStrategyFunction as DataStrategyFunction } from "../../router";
import type { Router as RemixRouter } from "../../router/router";
import type { DataStrategyFunction } from "../../router/utils";
import type { AssetsManifest, EntryContext } from "./entry";
import type { RouteModules } from "./routeModules";
import type { DataRouteObject } from "../../context";
export declare const SingleFetchRedirectSymbol: unique symbol;

@@ -12,2 +12,3 @@ export type SingleFetchRedirectResult = {

reload: boolean;
replace: boolean;

@@ -31,4 +32,3 @@ export type SingleFetchResult = {

export declare function StreamTransfer({ context, identifier, reader, textDecoder, nonce, }: StreamTransferProps): React.JSX.Element | null;
export declare function getSingleFetchDataStrategy(manifest: AssetsManifest, routeModules: RouteModules): DataStrategyFunction;
export declare function addRevalidationParam(manifest: AssetsManifest, routeModules: RouteModules, matchedRoutes: DataRouteObject[], loadRoutes: DataRouteObject[], url: URL): URL;
export declare function getSingleFetchDataStrategy(manifest: AssetsManifest, routeModules: RouteModules, getRouter: () => RemixRouter): DataStrategyFunction;
export declare function singleFetchUrl(reqUrl: URL | string): URL;

@@ -35,0 +35,0 @@ export declare function decodeViaTurboStream(body: ReadableStream<Uint8Array>, global: Window | typeof globalThis): Promise<{

import * as React from "react";
import type { Blocker, BlockerFunction, Location, ParamParseKey, Params, Path, PathMatch, PathPattern, RelativeRoutingType, Router as RemixRouter, RevalidationState, To, UIMatch } from "./router";
import { Action as NavigationType } from "./router";
import type { NavigateOptions, RouteContextObject, RouteMatch, RouteObject } from "./context";
import type { Location, Path, To } from "./router/history";
import { Action as NavigationType } from "./router/history";
import type { Blocker, BlockerFunction, RelativeRoutingType, Router as RemixRouter, RevalidationState } from "./router/router";
import type { ParamParseKey, Params, PathMatch, PathPattern, UIMatch } from "./router/utils";

@@ -235,3 +237,3 @@ Resolves a URL against the current location.

export declare function useNavigation(): import("./router").Navigation;
export declare function useNavigation(): import("./router/router").Navigation;

@@ -238,0 +240,0 @@ Revalidate the data on the page for reasons outside of normal data mutations like window focus or polling on an interval.

import type { History, Location, Path, To } from "./history";
import { Action as HistoryAction } from "./history";
import type { AgnosticDataRouteMatch, AgnosticDataRouteObject, AgnosticRouteObject, DataStrategyFunction, DeferredData, DetectErrorBoundaryFunction, FormEncType, HTMLFormMethod, MapRoutePropertiesFunction, RouteData, Submission, UIMatch, AgnosticPatchRoutesOnMissFunction } from "./utils";
import { Action as NavigationType } from "./history";
import type { AgnosticDataRouteMatch, AgnosticDataRouteObject, AgnosticRouteObject, DataStrategyFunction, FormEncType, HTMLFormMethod, MapRoutePropertiesFunction, RouteData, Submission, UIMatch, AgnosticPatchRoutesOnNavigationFunction, DataWithResponseInit } from "./utils";

@@ -188,9 +188,2 @@ * A Router instance manages all navigation and data loading/mutations

_internalFetchControllers: Map<string, AbortController>;
* @private
* Internal pending DeferredData instances accessed by unit tests
_internalActiveDeferreds: Map<string, DeferredData>;

@@ -205,3 +198,3 @@ /**

historyAction: HistoryAction;
historyAction: NavigationType;

@@ -268,3 +261,2 @@ * The current location reflected by the router

export interface FutureConfig {
unstable_skipActionErrorRevalidation: boolean;

@@ -278,6 +270,2 @@ /**

basename?: string;
* @deprecated Use `mapRouteProperties` instead
detectErrorBoundary?: DetectErrorBoundaryFunction;
mapRouteProperties?: MapRoutePropertiesFunction;

@@ -287,3 +275,3 @@ future?: Partial<FutureConfig>;

window?: Window;
unstable_patchRoutesOnMiss?: AgnosticPatchRoutesOnMissFunction;
unstable_patchRoutesOnNavigation?: AgnosticPatchRoutesOnNavigationFunction;
unstable_dataStrategy?: DataStrategyFunction;

@@ -304,3 +292,2 @@ }

actionHeaders: Record<string, Headers>;
activeDeferreds: Record<string, DeferredData> | null;
_deepestRenderedBoundaryId?: string | null;

@@ -536,3 +523,3 @@ }

nextLocation: Location;
historyAction: HistoryAction;
historyAction: NavigationType;
}) => boolean;

@@ -546,9 +533,4 @@ export declare const IDLE_NAVIGATION: NavigationStates["Idle"];

export declare function createRouter(init: RouterInit): Router;
export declare const UNSAFE_DEFERRED_SYMBOL: unique symbol;
export interface CreateStaticHandlerOptions {
basename?: string;
* @deprecated Use `mapRouteProperties` instead
detectErrorBoundary?: DetectErrorBoundaryFunction;
mapRouteProperties?: MapRoutePropertiesFunction;

@@ -565,8 +547,3 @@ future?: {};

export declare function getStaticContextFromError(routes: AgnosticDataRouteObject[], context: StaticHandlerContext, error: any): StaticHandlerContext;
export declare function isDeferredData(value: any): value is DeferredData;
export declare function createDeferred<T = unknown>(): {
promise: Promise<T>;
resolve: (val?: any) => Promise<void>;
reject: (error?: Error) => Promise<void>;
export declare function isDataWithResponseInit(value: any): value is DataWithResponseInit<unknown>;
export {};

@@ -10,3 +10,2 @@ import type { Location, Path, To } from "./history";

data = "data",
deferred = "deferred",
redirect = "redirect",

@@ -25,11 +24,2 @@ error = "error"

* Successful defer() result from a loader or action
export interface DeferredResult {
type: ResultType.deferred;
deferredData: DeferredData;
statusCode?: number;
headers?: Headers;
* Redirect result from a loader or action

@@ -53,11 +43,3 @@ */

export type DataResult = SuccessResult | DeferredResult | RedirectResult | ErrorResult;
* Result from a loader or action called via dataStrategy
export interface HandlerResult {
type: "data" | "error";
result: unknown;
status?: number;
export type DataResult = SuccessResult | RedirectResult | ErrorResult;
export type LowerCaseFormMethod = "get" | "post" | "put" | "patch" | "delete";

@@ -167,3 +149,3 @@ export type UpperCaseFormMethod = Uppercase<LowerCaseFormMethod>;

json?: Submission["json"];
unstable_actionStatus?: number;
actionStatus?: number;
actionResult?: any;

@@ -182,22 +164,21 @@ defaultShouldRevalidate: boolean;

* Function provided by the framework-aware layers to set `hasErrorBoundary`
* from the framework-aware `errorElement` prop
* @deprecated Use `mapRouteProperties` instead
export interface DetectErrorBoundaryFunction {
(route: AgnosticRouteObject): boolean;
export interface DataStrategyMatch extends AgnosticRouteMatch<string, AgnosticDataRouteObject> {
shouldLoad: boolean;
resolve: (handlerOverride?: (handler: (ctx?: unknown) => DataFunctionReturnValue) => Promise<HandlerResult>) => Promise<HandlerResult>;
resolve: (handlerOverride?: (handler: (ctx?: unknown) => DataFunctionReturnValue) => DataFunctionReturnValue) => Promise<DataStrategyResult>;
export interface DataStrategyFunctionArgs<Context = any> extends DataFunctionArgs<Context> {
matches: DataStrategyMatch[];
fetcherKey: string | null;
* Result from a loader or action called via dataStrategy
export interface DataStrategyResult {
type: "data" | "error";
result: unknown;
export interface DataStrategyFunction {
(args: DataStrategyFunctionArgs): Promise<HandlerResult[]>;
(args: DataStrategyFunctionArgs): Promise<Record<string, DataStrategyResult>>;
export interface AgnosticPatchRoutesOnMissFunction<M extends AgnosticRouteMatch = AgnosticRouteMatch> {
export interface AgnosticPatchRoutesOnNavigationFunction<M extends AgnosticRouteMatch = AgnosticRouteMatch> {
(opts: {

@@ -395,2 +376,3 @@ path: string;

export declare function matchPath<ParamKey extends ParamParseKey<Path>, Path extends string>(pattern: PathPattern<Path> | Path, pathname: string): PathMatch<ParamKey> | null;
export declare function decodePath(value: string): string;

@@ -438,6 +420,2 @@ * @private

export declare function getToPathname(to: To): string | undefined;
* @private
export declare const joinPaths: (paths: string[]) => string;

@@ -464,2 +442,15 @@ /**

export declare const json: JsonFunction;
export declare class DataWithResponseInit<D> {
type: string;
data: D;
init: ResponseInit | null;
constructor(data: D, init?: ResponseInit);
* Create "responses" that contain `status`/`headers` without forcing
* serialization into an actual `Response` - used by Remix single fetch
* @category Utils
export declare function data<D>(data: D, init?: number | ResponseInit): DataWithResponseInit<D>;
export interface TrackedPromise extends Promise<any> {

@@ -470,29 +461,2 @@ _tracked?: boolean;

export declare class AbortedDeferredError extends Error {
export declare class DeferredData {
private pendingKeysSet;
private controller;
private abortPromise;
private unlistenAbortSignal;
private subscribers;
data: Record<string, unknown>;
init?: ResponseInit;
deferredKeys: string[];
constructor(data: Record<string, unknown>, responseInit?: ResponseInit);
private trackPromise;
private onSettle;
private emit;
subscribe(fn: (aborted: boolean, settledKey?: string) => void): () => boolean;
cancel(): void;
resolveData(signal: AbortSignal): Promise<boolean>;
get done(): boolean;
get unwrappedData(): {};
get pendingKeys(): string[];
export type DeferFunction = (data: Record<string, unknown>, init?: number | ResponseInit) => DeferredData;
* @category Utils
export declare const defer: DeferFunction;
export type RedirectFunction = (url: string, init?: number | ResponseInit) => Response;

@@ -514,2 +478,11 @@ /**

export declare const redirectDocument: RedirectFunction;
* A redirect response that will perform a `history.replaceState` instead of a
* `history.pushState` for client-side navigation redirects.
* Sets the status code and the `Location` header.
* Defaults to "302 Found".
* @category Utils
export declare const replace: RedirectFunction;
export type ErrorResponse = {

@@ -516,0 +489,0 @@ status: number;

import type { CookieParseOptions, CookieSerializeOptions } from "cookie";
import type { SignFunction, UnsignFunction } from "./crypto";
export type { CookieParseOptions, CookieSerializeOptions };

@@ -53,12 +52,6 @@ export interface CookieSignatureOptions {

export type CreateCookieFunction = (name: string, cookieOptions?: CookieOptions) => Cookie;
* Creates a logical container for managing a browser cookie from the server.
* @see
export declare const createCookieFactory: ({ sign, unsign, }: {
sign: SignFunction;
unsign: UnsignFunction;
}) => CreateCookieFunction;
export declare const createCookie: (name: string, cookieOptions?: CookieOptions) => Cookie;
export type IsCookieFunction = (object: any) => object is Cookie;

@@ -65,0 +58,0 @@ /**

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

export type SignFunction = (value: string, secret: string) => Promise<string>;
export type UnsignFunction = (cookie: string, secret: string) => Promise<string | false>;
export declare const sign: (value: string, secret: string) => Promise<string>;
export declare const unsign: (cookie: string, secret: string) => Promise<string | false>;
import type { ActionFunction, ActionFunctionArgs, LoaderFunction, LoaderFunctionArgs } from "./routeModules";
import type { ResponseStub } from "./single-fetch";

@@ -16,3 +15,3 @@ * An object of unknown type for route loaders and actions provided by the

export type AppData = unknown;
export declare function callRouteAction({ loadContext, action, params, request, routeId, response, }: {
export declare function callRouteAction({ loadContext, action, params, request, routeId, }: {
request: Request;

@@ -23,5 +22,4 @@ action: ActionFunction;

routeId: string;
response: ResponseStub;
}): Promise<{} | Response | null>;
export declare function callRouteLoader({ loadContext, loader, params, request, routeId, response, }: {
export declare function callRouteLoader({ loadContext, loader, params, request, routeId, }: {
request: Request;

@@ -32,3 +30,2 @@ loader: LoaderFunction;

routeId: string;
response: ResponseStub;
}): Promise<{} | Response | null>;

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

import { type StaticHandlerContext } from "../router";
import type { StaticHandlerContext } from "../router/router";
import { ServerMode } from "./mode";

@@ -3,0 +3,0 @@ /**

@@ -1,9 +0,1 @@

import { type UNSAFE_DeferredData as DeferredData } from "../router";
import type { ServerMode } from "./mode";
declare const typedDeferredDataBrand: unique symbol;
export type TypedDeferredData<Data extends Record<string, unknown>> = Pick<DeferredData, "init"> & {
data: Data;
readonly [typedDeferredDataBrand]: "TypedDeferredData";
export type DeferFunction = <Data extends Record<string, unknown>>(data: Data, init?: number | ResponseInit) => TypedDeferredData<Data>;
export type JsonFunction = <Data>(data: Data, init?: number | ResponseInit) => TypedResponse<Data>;

@@ -20,8 +12,2 @@ export type TypedResponse<T = unknown> = Omit<Response, "json"> & {

export declare const json: JsonFunction;
* This is a shortcut for creating Remix deferred responses
* @see
export declare const defer: DeferFunction;
export type RedirectFunction = (url: string, init?: number | ResponseInit) => TypedResponse<never>;

@@ -43,7 +29,11 @@ /**

export declare const redirectDocument: RedirectFunction;
export declare function isDeferredData(value: any): value is DeferredData;
* A redirect response. Sets the status code and the `Location` header.
* Defaults to "302 Found".
* @see
export declare const replace: RedirectFunction;
export declare function isResponse(value: any): value is Response;
export declare function isRedirectStatusCode(statusCode: number): boolean;
export declare function isRedirectResponse(response: Response): boolean;
export declare function createDeferredReadableStream(deferredData: DeferredData, signal: AbortSignal, serverMode: ServerMode): any;
export {};

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

import type { Params } from "../router";
import type { Params } from "../router/utils";
import type { ServerRoute } from "./routes";

@@ -3,0 +3,0 @@ export interface RouteMatch<Route> {

@@ -1,6 +0,6 @@

import type { ActionFunction as RRActionFunction, ActionFunctionArgs as RRActionFunctionArgs, AgnosticRouteMatch, LoaderFunction as RRLoaderFunction, LoaderFunctionArgs as RRLoaderFunctionArgs, Location, Params } from "../router";
import type { Location } from "../router/history";
import type { ActionFunction as RRActionFunction, ActionFunctionArgs as RRActionFunctionArgs, AgnosticRouteMatch, LoaderFunction as RRLoaderFunction, LoaderFunctionArgs as RRLoaderFunctionArgs, Params } from "../router/utils";
import type { AppData, AppLoadContext } from "./data";
import type { LinkDescriptor } from "./links";
import type { SerializeFrom } from "../dom/ssr/components";
import type { ResponseStub } from "./single-fetch";
import type { LinkDescriptor } from "../router/links";
export interface RouteModules<RouteModule> {

@@ -24,3 +24,2 @@ [routeId: string]: RouteModule | undefined;

context: AppLoadContext;
response?: ResponseStub;

@@ -48,3 +47,2 @@ /**

context: AppLoadContext;
response?: ResponseStub;

@@ -51,0 +49,0 @@ /**

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

import type { AgnosticDataRouteObject } from "../router";
import type { AgnosticDataRouteObject } from "../router/utils";
import type { FutureConfig } from "../dom/ssr/entry";

@@ -3,0 +3,0 @@ import type { ServerRouteModule } from "./routeModules";

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

import type { HydrationState } from "../router";
import type { HydrationState } from "../router/router";
import type { FutureConfig } from "../dom/ssr/entry";

@@ -7,3 +7,2 @@ type ValidateShape<T, Shape> = T extends Shape ? Exclude<keyof T, keyof Shape> extends never ? T : never : never;

criticalCss?: string;
url: string;
basename: string | undefined;

@@ -10,0 +9,0 @@ future: FutureConfig;

import type { CookieParseOptions, CookieSerializeOptions } from "cookie";
import type { Cookie, CookieOptions, CreateCookieFunction } from "./cookies";
import type { Cookie, CookieOptions } from "./cookies";

@@ -132,3 +132,2 @@ * An object of name/value pairs to be used in the session.

export type CreateSessionStorageFunction = <Data = SessionData, FlashData = Data>(strategy: SessionIdStorageStrategy<Data, FlashData>) => SessionStorage<Data, FlashData>;

@@ -139,7 +138,5 @@ * Creates a SessionStorage object using a SessionIdStorageStrategy.

* existing session storage options meet your requirements.
* @see
export declare const createSessionStorageFactory: (createCookie: CreateCookieFunction) => CreateSessionStorageFunction;
export declare function createSessionStorage<Data = SessionData, FlashData = Data>({ cookie: cookieArg, createData, readData, updateData, deleteData, }: SessionIdStorageStrategy<Data, FlashData>): SessionStorage<Data, FlashData>;
export declare function warnOnceAboutSigningSessionCookie(cookie: Cookie): void;
export {};

@@ -1,2 +0,1 @@

import type { CreateCookieFunction } from "../cookies";
import type { SessionStorage, SessionIdStorageStrategy, SessionData } from "../sessions";

@@ -10,3 +9,2 @@ interface CookieSessionStorageOptions {

export type CreateCookieSessionStorageFunction = <Data = SessionData, FlashData = Data>(options?: CookieSessionStorageOptions) => SessionStorage<Data, FlashData>;

@@ -20,6 +18,4 @@ * Creates and returns a SessionStorage object that stores all session data

* browser's maximum cookie size. Trade-offs!
* @see
export declare const createCookieSessionStorageFactory: (createCookie: CreateCookieFunction) => CreateCookieSessionStorageFunction;
export declare function createCookieSessionStorage<Data = SessionData, FlashData = Data>({ cookie: cookieArg }?: CookieSessionStorageOptions): SessionStorage<Data, FlashData>;
export {};

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

import type { SessionData, SessionStorage, SessionIdStorageStrategy, CreateSessionStorageFunction } from "../sessions";
import type { SessionData, SessionStorage, SessionIdStorageStrategy } from "../sessions";
interface MemorySessionStorageOptions {

@@ -9,3 +9,2 @@ /**

export type CreateMemorySessionStorageFunction = <Data = SessionData, FlashData = Data>(options?: MemorySessionStorageOptions) => SessionStorage<Data, FlashData>;

@@ -17,6 +16,4 @@ * Creates and returns a simple in-memory SessionStorage object, mostly useful

* suitable for most production scenarios.
* @see
export declare const createMemorySessionStorageFactory: (createSessionStorage: CreateSessionStorageFunction) => CreateMemorySessionStorageFunction;
export declare function createMemorySessionStorage<Data = SessionData, FlashData = Data>({ cookie }?: MemorySessionStorageOptions): SessionStorage<Data, FlashData>;
export {};

@@ -1,36 +0,16 @@

import { type StaticHandler, type unstable_DataStrategyFunction as DataStrategyFunction, type StaticHandlerContext, UNSAFE_ErrorResponseImpl as ErrorResponseImpl } from "../router";
import { type SingleFetchRedirectResult, type SingleFetchResult, type SingleFetchResults, SingleFetchRedirectSymbol } from "../dom/ssr/single-fetch";
import type { StaticHandler } from "../router/router";
import type { DataStrategyFunction } from "../router/utils";
import type { SingleFetchRedirectResult, SingleFetchResult, SingleFetchResults } from "../dom/ssr/single-fetch";
import { SingleFetchRedirectSymbol } from "../dom/ssr/single-fetch";
import type { AppLoadContext } from "./data";
import { ServerMode } from "./mode";
import type { ServerBuild } from "./build";
export type { SingleFetchResult, SingleFetchResults };
export { SingleFetchRedirectSymbol };
export type DataStrategyCtx = {
response: ResponseStub;
export declare const ResponseStubOperationsSymbol: unique symbol;
export type ResponseStubOperation = [
"set" | "append" | "delete",
* A stubbed response to let you set the status/headers of your response from
* loader/action functions
export type ResponseStub = {
status: number | undefined;
headers: Headers;
export type ResponseStubImpl = ResponseStub & {
[ResponseStubOperationsSymbol]: ResponseStubOperation[];
export declare const SINGLE_FETCH_REDIRECT_STATUS = 202;
export declare function getSingleFetchDataStrategy(responseStubs: ReturnType<typeof getResponseStubs>, { isActionDataRequest, loadRouteIds, }?: {
export declare function getSingleFetchDataStrategy({ isActionDataRequest, loadRouteIds, }?: {
isActionDataRequest?: boolean;
loadRouteIds?: string[];
}): DataStrategyFunction;
export declare function getSingleFetchResourceRouteDataStrategy({ responseStubs, }: {
responseStubs: ReturnType<typeof getResponseStubs>;
}): DataStrategyFunction;
export declare function singleFetchAction(serverMode: ServerMode, staticHandler: StaticHandler, request: Request, handlerUrl: URL, loadContext: AppLoadContext, handleError: (err: unknown) => void): Promise<{
export declare function singleFetchAction(build: ServerBuild, serverMode: ServerMode, staticHandler: StaticHandler, request: Request, handlerUrl: URL, loadContext: AppLoadContext, handleError: (err: unknown) => void): Promise<{
result: SingleFetchResult;

@@ -40,3 +20,3 @@ headers: Headers;

export declare function singleFetchLoaders(serverMode: ServerMode, staticHandler: StaticHandler, request: Request, handlerUrl: URL, loadContext: AppLoadContext, handleError: (err: unknown) => void): Promise<{
export declare function singleFetchLoaders(build: ServerBuild, serverMode: ServerMode, staticHandler: StaticHandler, request: Request, handlerUrl: URL, loadContext: AppLoadContext, handleError: (err: unknown) => void): Promise<{
result: SingleFetchResults;

@@ -46,13 +26,7 @@ headers: Headers;

export declare function isResponseStub(value: any): value is ResponseStubImpl;
export declare function getResponseStubs(): Record<string | symbol, ResponseStubImpl>;
export declare function proxyResponseStubHeadersToHeaders(stub: ResponseStubImpl, headers: Headers): Headers;
export declare function convertResponseStubToErrorResponse(stub: ResponseStub): ErrorResponseImpl;
export declare function mergeResponseStubs(context: StaticHandlerContext, responseStubs: ReturnType<typeof getResponseStubs>, { isActionDataRequest }?: {
isActionDataRequest?: boolean;
}): {
statusCode: number;
headers: Headers;
export declare function getSingleFetchRedirect(status: number, headers: Headers): SingleFetchRedirectResult;
export declare function getSingleFetchRedirect(status: number, headers: Headers, basename: string | undefined): SingleFetchRedirectResult;
type Serializable = undefined | null | boolean | string | symbol | number | Array<Serializable> | {
[key: PropertyKey]: Serializable;
} | bigint | Date | URL | RegExp | Error | Map<Serializable, Serializable> | Set<Serializable> | Promise<Serializable>;
export declare function data(value: Serializable, init?: number | ResponseInit): import("../router/utils").DataWithResponseInit<Serializable>;
export declare function encodeViaTurboStream(data: any, requestSignal: AbortSignal, streamTimeout: number | undefined, serverMode: ServerMode): ReadableStream<Uint8Array>;
* React Router v0.0.0-nightly-4996fbe2b-20240629
* React Router v0.0.0-nightly-4db408248-20240910

@@ -4,0 +4,0 @@ * Copyright (c) Remix Software Inc.

"name": "react-router",
"version": "0.0.0-nightly-4996fbe2b-20240629",
"version": "0.0.0-nightly-4db408248-20240910",
"description": "Declarative routing for React",

@@ -23,4 +23,17 @@ "keywords": [

"unpkg": "./dist/umd/react-router.production.min.js",
"module": "./dist/index.js",
"module": "./dist/index.mjs",
"types": "./dist/index.d.ts",
"exports": {
".": {
"types": "./dist/index.d.ts",
"import": "./dist/index.mjs",
"require": "./dist/main.js"
"./dom": {
"types": "./dist/dom-export.d.ts",
"import": "./dist/dom-export.mjs",
"require": "./dist/main-dom-export.js"
"./package.json": "./package.json"
"dependencies": {

@@ -30,7 +43,9 @@ "@types/cookie": "^0.6.0",

"cookie": "^0.6.0",
"set-cookie-parser": "^2.6.0",
"source-map": "^0.7.3",
"turbo-stream": "^2.2.0",
"react-router": "0.0.0-nightly-4996fbe2b-20240629"
"turbo-stream": "2.4.0",
"react-router": "0.0.0-nightly-4db408248-20240910"
"devDependencies": {
"@types/set-cookie-parser": "^2.4.1",
"react": "^18.2.0",

@@ -37,0 +52,0 @@ "react-dom": "^18.2.0"

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