CSS in JS with Style
npm install --save-dev sprayer react-sprayer react

Sprayer allows you to write modular, scoped CSS with all the features of JavaScript template strings.
It is heavily influenced by CSS Modules, styled-components and CSJS.
- Write your styles with the syntax you already know
- Automatically Scoped: No need to worry about duplicate class names
- Tooling free: You only need an ES2015 environment
- Small: Only ~11KB minified and gzipped (sprayer + react-sprayer)
- Dynamic styles: Write you CSS once and change it with props
Coming soon
- Server rendered JavaScript support
- Linting with StyleLint
- Autoprefix, PostCSS, SASS, Styles and LESS support via a babel-plugin
- Syntax highlighting
- Theming support
Missing something?
Create an issue 👍
import React from 'react'
import sprayer from 'sprayer'
import withStyle from 'react-sprayer'
const spray = sprayer`
.headline {
color: darkcyan;
font-size: ${(props) => props.fontSize}rem;
/* ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ */
/* This interpolation will be called with the props you passed to your component */
const Headline = ({ classes }) => <h1 className={classes.headline}></h1>
export default withStyle(spray)(Headline)
import withStyle from 'react-sprayer'
withStyle(spray, ?mapPropsToStyle)(Component)
The withStyle function takes a spray as the first argument. You should pass a spray you created with sprayer. As second argument it takes a function which maps the props to the parameters passed to the spray as first argument. If you don't pass a second function withStyle will take all props and pass them to the spray. The withStyle function returns a function which takes a component. It passes all props and generated classes to this component and then then returns another component which you can use like any other React component.
import { classesPropTypes } from 'react-sprayer'
Headline.propTypes = {
classes: classesPropTypes
This is just a little helper you can use to validate the classes propType.
Want to help?
I would highly appreciate if you want to help me with this project. Check out the issues with the help wanted
label to see where your help is needed.