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react-use-audio-player - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.0.11 to 0.0.12




@@ -35,3 +35,6 @@ /// <reference types="howler" />

export declare const useAudioPlayer: (props?: AudioSrcProps | undefined) => UseAudioPlayer;
export declare const useAudioPosition: () => AudioPosition;
interface UseAudioPositionConfig {
highRefreshRate?: boolean;
export declare const useAudioPosition: (config?: UseAudioPositionConfig) => AudioPosition;
export {};



@@ -12,2 +12,72 @@ 'use strict';

var Actions;
(function (Actions) {
Actions[Actions["ON_LOAD"] = 0] = "ON_LOAD";
Actions[Actions["ON_PLAY"] = 1] = "ON_PLAY";
Actions[Actions["ON_END"] = 2] = "ON_END";
Actions[Actions["ON_PAUSE"] = 3] = "ON_PAUSE";
Actions[Actions["ON_STOP"] = 4] = "ON_STOP";
Actions[Actions["ON_PLAY_ERROR"] = 5] = "ON_PLAY_ERROR";
Actions[Actions["ON_LOAD_ERROR"] = 6] = "ON_LOAD_ERROR";
Actions[Actions["RESET_ERRORS"] = 7] = "RESET_ERRORS";
})(Actions || (Actions = {}));
var initialState = {
loading: true,
playing: false,
stopped: true,
error: null
function reducer(state, action) {
switch (action.type) {
case Actions.ON_LOAD:
return tslib.__assign(tslib.__assign({}, state), {
stopped: true,
loading: false
case Actions.ON_PLAY:
return tslib.__assign(tslib.__assign({}, state), {
playing: true,
stopped: false
case Actions.ON_STOP:
case Actions.ON_END:
return tslib.__assign(tslib.__assign({}, state), {
stopped: true,
playing: false
case Actions.ON_PAUSE:
return tslib.__assign(tslib.__assign({}, state), {
playing: false
case Actions.ON_PLAY_ERROR:
return tslib.__assign(tslib.__assign({}, state), {
playing: false,
stopped: true,
error: action.error
case Actions.ON_LOAD_ERROR:
return tslib.__assign(tslib.__assign({}, state), {
playing: false,
stopped: true,
loading: false,
error: action.error
case Actions.RESET_ERRORS:
return tslib.__assign(tslib.__assign({}, state), {
error: null
return state;
var noop = function noop() {};

@@ -26,20 +96,21 @@

var _c = React.useReducer(reducer, initialState),
_d = _c[0],
loading = _d.loading,
error = _d.error,
playing = _d.playing,
stopped = _d.stopped,
dispatch = _c[1];
var playerRef = React.useRef();
var _c = React.useState(null),
error = _c[0],
setError = _c[1];
var _d = React.useState(true),
loading = _d[0],
setLoading = _d[1];
var _e = React.useState(false),
playing = _e[0],
setPlaying = _e[1];
var _f = React.useState(true),
stopped = _f[0],
setStopped = _f[1];
var constructHowl = React.useCallback(function (_a) {
var src = _a.src,
format = _a.format,
autoplay = _a.autoplay;
return new howler.Howl({
src: src,
format: format,
autoplay: autoplay
}, []);
var load = React.useCallback(function (_a) {

@@ -50,2 +121,5 @@ var src = _a.src,

autoplay = _b === void 0 ? false : _b;
type: Actions.RESET_ERRORS
var wasPlaying = false;

@@ -57,47 +131,69 @@

if (playerRef.current._src === src) return;
wasPlaying = playerRef.current.playing(); // destroys the previous player
wasPlaying = playerRef.current.playing();
if (wasPlaying) {
playerRef.current.stop(); // remove event handlers from player that is about to be replaced;
playerRef.current = undefined;
} // create a new player
var howl = new howler.Howl({
var howl = constructHowl({
src: src,
format: format,
autoplay: wasPlaying || autoplay,
onload: function onload() {
onplay: function onplay() {
// prevents howl from playing the same song twice
if (!howl.playing()) return;
onend: function onend() {
onpause: function onpause() {
return void setPlaying(false);
onstop: function onstop() {
onplayerror: function onplayerror(_id, error) {
setError(new Error("[Play error] " + error));
onloaderror: function onloaderror(_id, error) {
setError(new Error("[Load error] " + error));
autoplay: wasPlaying || autoplay // continues playing next song
}); // if this howl has already been loaded then there is no need to change loading state
// @ts-ignore _state exists
if (howl._state !== "loaded") {
type: Actions.ON_LOAD
howl.on("load", function () {
return void dispatch({
type: Actions.ON_LOAD
howl.on("play", function () {
// prevents howl from playing the same song twice
if (!this.playing()) return;
type: Actions.ON_PLAY
howl.on("end", function () {
return void dispatch({
type: Actions.ON_END
howl.on("pause", function () {
return void dispatch({
type: Actions.ON_PAUSE
howl.on("stop", function () {
return void dispatch({
type: Actions.ON_STOP
howl.on("playerror", function (_id, error) {
type: Actions.ON_PLAY_ERROR,
error: new Error("[Play error] " + error)
howl.on("loaderror", function (_id, error) {
type: Actions.ON_LOAD_ERROR,
error: new Error("[Load error] " + error)
playerRef.current = howl;
}, []);
}, [constructHowl]);
React.useEffect(function () {

@@ -109,11 +205,13 @@ // unload the player on unmount

}, []);
var contextValue = value ? value : {
player: player,
load: load,
error: error,
loading: loading,
playing: playing,
stopped: stopped,
ready: !loading && !error
var contextValue = React.useMemo(function () {
return value ? value : {
player: player,
load: load,
error: error,
loading: loading,
playing: playing,
stopped: stopped,
ready: !loading && !error
}, [loading, error, playing, stopped, load, value, player]);
return React__default.createElement(AudioPlayerContext.Provider, {

@@ -155,17 +253,24 @@ value: contextValue

var useAudioPosition = function useAudioPosition() {
var _a = React.useContext(AudioPlayerContext),
player = _a.player,
playing = _a.playing,
stopped = _a.stopped;
var useAudioPosition = function useAudioPosition(config) {
if (config === void 0) {
config = {};
var _b = React.useState(0),
position = _b[0],
setPosition = _b[1];
var _a = config.highRefreshRate,
highRefreshRate = _a === void 0 ? false : _a;
var _b = React.useContext(AudioPlayerContext),
player = _b.player,
playing = _b.playing,
stopped = _b.stopped;
var _c = React.useState(0),
duration = _c[0],
setDuration = _c[1]; // sets position and duration on player initialization and when the audio is stopped
position = _c[0],
setPosition = _c[1];
var _d = React.useState(0),
duration = _d[0],
setDuration = _d[1]; // sets position and duration on player initialization and when the audio is stopped
React.useEffect(function () {

@@ -176,7 +281,7 @@ if (player) {

}, [player, stopped]); // updates position on a one second loop
}, [player, stopped]); // updates position on a one second loop for low refresh rate default setting
React.useEffect(function () {
var timeout;
if (player && playing) timeout = window.setInterval(function () {
if (!highRefreshRate && player && playing) timeout = window.setInterval(function () {
return setPosition(;

@@ -187,3 +292,24 @@ }, 1000);

}, [player, playing]);
}, [highRefreshRate, player, playing]); // updates position on a 60fps loop for high refresh rate setting
React.useEffect(function () {
var frame;
var animate = function animate() {
var _a;
setPosition((_a = player) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 :;
frame = requestAnimationFrame(animate);
if (highRefreshRate && player && playing) {
return function () {
if (frame) {
}, [highRefreshRate, player, playing]);
return {

@@ -190,0 +316,0 @@ position: position,

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

"use strict";Object.defineProperty(exports,"__esModule",{value:!0});var e,r=require("tslib"),t=require("react"),n=(e=t)&&"object"==typeof e&&"default"in e?e.default:e,o=require("howler"),u=function(){},a=n.createContext(null);exports.AudioPlayerProvider=function(e){var r=e.children,u=e.value,i=t.useState(null),l=i[0],s=i[1],c=t.useRef(),f=t.useState(null),d=f[0],p=f[1],y=t.useState(!0),v=y[0],b=y[1],_=t.useState(!1),m=_[0],g=_[1],w=t.useState(!0),x=w[0],E=w[1],P=t.useCallback((function(e){var r=e.src,t=e.format,n=e.autoplay,u=void 0!==n&&n,a=!1;if(c.current){if(c.current._src===r)return;a=c.current.playing(),c.current.unload()}var i=new o.Howl({src:r,format:t,autoplay:a||u,onload:function(){p(null),E(!0),b(!1)},onplay:function(){i.playing()&&(g(!0),E(!1))},onend:function(){E(!0),g(!1)},onpause:function(){g(!1)},onstop:function(){E(!0),g(!1)},onplayerror:function(e,r){p(new Error("[Play error] "+r)),g(!1),E(!0)},onloaderror:function(e,r){p(new Error("[Load error] "+r)),b(!1)}});s(i),c.current=i}),[]);return t.useEffect((function(){return function(){c.current&&c.current.unload()}}),[]),n.createElement(a.Provider,{value:u||{player:l,load:P,error:d,loading:v,playing:m,stopped:x,ready:!v&&!d}},r)},exports.useAudioPlayer=function(e){var n=t.useContext(a),o=n.player,i=n.load,l=r.__rest(n,["player","load"]),s=e||{},c=s.src,f=s.format,d=s.autoplay;return t.useEffect((function(){c&&i({src:c,format:f,autoplay:d})}),[c,f,d,i]),r.__assign(r.__assign({},l),{play:o?,pause:o?o.pause.bind(o):u,stop:o?o.stop.bind(o):u,mute:o?o.mute.bind(o):u,seek:o?,load:i})},exports.useAudioPosition=function(){var e=t.useContext(a),r=e.player,n=e.playing,o=e.stopped,u=t.useState(0),i=u[0],l=u[1],s=t.useState(0),c=s[0],f=s[1];return t.useEffect((function(){r&&(l(,f(r.duration()))}),[r,o]),t.useEffect((function(){var e;return r&&n&&(e=window.setInterval((function(){return l(}),1e3)),function(){return clearTimeout(e)}}),[r,n]),{position:i,duration:c}};
"use strict";Object.defineProperty(exports,"__esModule",{value:!0});var e,r,n=require("tslib"),t=require("react"),o=(e=t)&&"object"==typeof e&&"default"in e?e.default:e,a=require("howler");!function(e){e[e.ON_LOAD=0]="ON_LOAD",e[e.ON_PLAY=1]="ON_PLAY",e[e.ON_END=2]="ON_END",e[e.ON_PAUSE=3]="ON_PAUSE",e[e.ON_STOP=4]="ON_STOP",e[e.ON_PLAY_ERROR=5]="ON_PLAY_ERROR",e[e.ON_LOAD_ERROR=6]="ON_LOAD_ERROR",e[e.RESET_ERRORS=7]="RESET_ERRORS"}(r||(r={}));var u={loading:!0,playing:!1,stopped:!0,error:null};function s(e,t){switch(t.type){case r.ON_LOAD:return n.__assign(n.__assign({},e),{stopped:!0,loading:!1});case r.ON_PLAY:return n.__assign(n.__assign({},e),{playing:!0,stopped:!1});case r.ON_STOP:case r.ON_END:return n.__assign(n.__assign({},e),{stopped:!0,playing:!1});case r.ON_PAUSE:return n.__assign(n.__assign({},e),{playing:!1});case r.ON_PLAY_ERROR:return n.__assign(n.__assign({},e),{playing:!1,stopped:!0,error:t.error});case r.ON_LOAD_ERROR:return n.__assign(n.__assign({},e),{playing:!1,stopped:!0,loading:!1,error:t.error});case r.RESET_ERRORS:return n.__assign(n.__assign({},e),{error:null});default:return e}}var i=function(){},_=o.createContext(null);exports.AudioPlayerProvider=function(e){var n=e.children,i=e.value,l=t.useState(null),c=l[0],p=l[1],O=t.useReducer(s,u),f=O[0],d=f.loading,R=f.error,y=f.playing,E=f.stopped,g=O[1],N=t.useRef(),A=t.useCallback((function(e){return new a.Howl({src:e.src,format:e.format,autoplay:e.autoplay})}),[]),v=t.useCallback((function(e){var n=e.src,t=e.format,o=e.autoplay,a=void 0!==o&&o;g({type:r.RESET_ERRORS});var u=!1;if(N.current){if(N.current._src===n)return;(u=N.current.playing())&&(N.current.stop(),,N.current=void 0)}var s=A({src:n,format:t,autoplay:u||a});"loaded"!==s._state&&g({type:r.ON_LOAD}),s.on("load",(function(){g({type:r.ON_LOAD})})),s.on("play",(function(){this.playing()&&g({type:r.ON_PLAY})})),s.on("end",(function(){g({type:r.ON_END})})),s.on("pause",(function(){g({type:r.ON_PAUSE})})),s.on("stop",(function(){g({type:r.ON_STOP})})),s.on("playerror",(function(e,n){g({type:r.ON_PLAY_ERROR,error:new Error("[Play error] "+n)})})),s.on("loaderror",(function(e,n){g({type:r.ON_LOAD_ERROR,error:new Error("[Load error] "+n)})})),p(s),N.current=s}),[A]);t.useEffect((function(){return function(){N.current&&N.current.unload()}}),[]);var P=t.useMemo((function(){return i||{player:c,load:v,error:R,loading:d,playing:y,stopped:E,ready:!d&&!R}}),[d,R,y,E,v,i,c]);return o.createElement(_.Provider,{value:P},n)},exports.useAudioPlayer=function(e){var r=t.useContext(_),o=r.player,a=r.load,u=n.__rest(r,["player","load"]),s=e||{},l=s.src,c=s.format,p=s.autoplay;return t.useEffect((function(){l&&a({src:l,format:c,autoplay:p})}),[l,c,p,a]),n.__assign(n.__assign({},u),{play:o?,pause:o?o.pause.bind(o):i,stop:o?o.stop.bind(o):i,mute:o?o.mute.bind(o):i,seek:o?,load:a})},exports.useAudioPosition=function(e){void 0===e&&(e={});var r=e.highRefreshRate,n=void 0!==r&&r,o=t.useContext(_),a=o.player,u=o.playing,s=o.stopped,i=t.useState(0),l=i[0],c=i[1],p=t.useState(0),O=p[0],f=p[1];return t.useEffect((function(){a&&(c(,f(a.duration()))}),[a,s]),t.useEffect((function(){var e;return!n&&a&&u&&(e=window.setInterval((function(){return c(}),1e3)),function(){return clearTimeout(e)}}),[n,a,u]),t.useEffect((function(){var e;return n&&a&&u&&function r(){var n;c(null===(n=a)||void 0===n?void,e=requestAnimationFrame(r)}(),function(){e&&cancelAnimationFrame(e)}}),[n,a,u]),{position:l,duration:O}};

@@ -1,5 +0,75 @@

import { __rest, __assign } from 'tslib';
import React, { useState, useRef, useCallback, useEffect, useContext } from 'react';
import { __assign, __rest } from 'tslib';
import React, { useState, useReducer, useRef, useCallback, useEffect, useMemo, useContext } from 'react';
import { Howl } from 'howler';
var Actions;
(function (Actions) {
Actions[Actions["ON_LOAD"] = 0] = "ON_LOAD";
Actions[Actions["ON_PLAY"] = 1] = "ON_PLAY";
Actions[Actions["ON_END"] = 2] = "ON_END";
Actions[Actions["ON_PAUSE"] = 3] = "ON_PAUSE";
Actions[Actions["ON_STOP"] = 4] = "ON_STOP";
Actions[Actions["ON_PLAY_ERROR"] = 5] = "ON_PLAY_ERROR";
Actions[Actions["ON_LOAD_ERROR"] = 6] = "ON_LOAD_ERROR";
Actions[Actions["RESET_ERRORS"] = 7] = "RESET_ERRORS";
})(Actions || (Actions = {}));
var initialState = {
loading: true,
playing: false,
stopped: true,
error: null
function reducer(state, action) {
switch (action.type) {
case Actions.ON_LOAD:
return __assign(__assign({}, state), {
stopped: true,
loading: false
case Actions.ON_PLAY:
return __assign(__assign({}, state), {
playing: true,
stopped: false
case Actions.ON_STOP:
case Actions.ON_END:
return __assign(__assign({}, state), {
stopped: true,
playing: false
case Actions.ON_PAUSE:
return __assign(__assign({}, state), {
playing: false
case Actions.ON_PLAY_ERROR:
return __assign(__assign({}, state), {
playing: false,
stopped: true,
error: action.error
case Actions.ON_LOAD_ERROR:
return __assign(__assign({}, state), {
playing: false,
stopped: true,
loading: false,
error: action.error
case Actions.RESET_ERRORS:
return __assign(__assign({}, state), {
error: null
return state;
var noop = function noop() {};

@@ -18,20 +88,21 @@

var _c = useReducer(reducer, initialState),
_d = _c[0],
loading = _d.loading,
error = _d.error,
playing = _d.playing,
stopped = _d.stopped,
dispatch = _c[1];
var playerRef = useRef();
var _c = useState(null),
error = _c[0],
setError = _c[1];
var _d = useState(true),
loading = _d[0],
setLoading = _d[1];
var _e = useState(false),
playing = _e[0],
setPlaying = _e[1];
var _f = useState(true),
stopped = _f[0],
setStopped = _f[1];
var constructHowl = useCallback(function (_a) {
var src = _a.src,
format = _a.format,
autoplay = _a.autoplay;
return new Howl({
src: src,
format: format,
autoplay: autoplay
}, []);
var load = useCallback(function (_a) {

@@ -42,2 +113,5 @@ var src = _a.src,

autoplay = _b === void 0 ? false : _b;
type: Actions.RESET_ERRORS
var wasPlaying = false;

@@ -49,47 +123,69 @@

if (playerRef.current._src === src) return;
wasPlaying = playerRef.current.playing(); // destroys the previous player
wasPlaying = playerRef.current.playing();
if (wasPlaying) {
playerRef.current.stop(); // remove event handlers from player that is about to be replaced;
playerRef.current = undefined;
} // create a new player
var howl = new Howl({
var howl = constructHowl({
src: src,
format: format,
autoplay: wasPlaying || autoplay,
onload: function onload() {
onplay: function onplay() {
// prevents howl from playing the same song twice
if (!howl.playing()) return;
onend: function onend() {
onpause: function onpause() {
return void setPlaying(false);
onstop: function onstop() {
onplayerror: function onplayerror(_id, error) {
setError(new Error("[Play error] " + error));
onloaderror: function onloaderror(_id, error) {
setError(new Error("[Load error] " + error));
autoplay: wasPlaying || autoplay // continues playing next song
}); // if this howl has already been loaded then there is no need to change loading state
// @ts-ignore _state exists
if (howl._state !== "loaded") {
type: Actions.ON_LOAD
howl.on("load", function () {
return void dispatch({
type: Actions.ON_LOAD
howl.on("play", function () {
// prevents howl from playing the same song twice
if (!this.playing()) return;
type: Actions.ON_PLAY
howl.on("end", function () {
return void dispatch({
type: Actions.ON_END
howl.on("pause", function () {
return void dispatch({
type: Actions.ON_PAUSE
howl.on("stop", function () {
return void dispatch({
type: Actions.ON_STOP
howl.on("playerror", function (_id, error) {
type: Actions.ON_PLAY_ERROR,
error: new Error("[Play error] " + error)
howl.on("loaderror", function (_id, error) {
type: Actions.ON_LOAD_ERROR,
error: new Error("[Load error] " + error)
playerRef.current = howl;
}, []);
}, [constructHowl]);
useEffect(function () {

@@ -101,11 +197,13 @@ // unload the player on unmount

}, []);
var contextValue = value ? value : {
player: player,
load: load,
error: error,
loading: loading,
playing: playing,
stopped: stopped,
ready: !loading && !error
var contextValue = useMemo(function () {
return value ? value : {
player: player,
load: load,
error: error,
loading: loading,
playing: playing,
stopped: stopped,
ready: !loading && !error
}, [loading, error, playing, stopped, load, value, player]);
return React.createElement(AudioPlayerContext.Provider, {

@@ -147,17 +245,24 @@ value: contextValue

var useAudioPosition = function useAudioPosition() {
var _a = useContext(AudioPlayerContext),
player = _a.player,
playing = _a.playing,
stopped = _a.stopped;
var useAudioPosition = function useAudioPosition(config) {
if (config === void 0) {
config = {};
var _b = useState(0),
position = _b[0],
setPosition = _b[1];
var _a = config.highRefreshRate,
highRefreshRate = _a === void 0 ? false : _a;
var _b = useContext(AudioPlayerContext),
player = _b.player,
playing = _b.playing,
stopped = _b.stopped;
var _c = useState(0),
duration = _c[0],
setDuration = _c[1]; // sets position and duration on player initialization and when the audio is stopped
position = _c[0],
setPosition = _c[1];
var _d = useState(0),
duration = _d[0],
setDuration = _d[1]; // sets position and duration on player initialization and when the audio is stopped
useEffect(function () {

@@ -168,7 +273,7 @@ if (player) {

}, [player, stopped]); // updates position on a one second loop
}, [player, stopped]); // updates position on a one second loop for low refresh rate default setting
useEffect(function () {
var timeout;
if (player && playing) timeout = window.setInterval(function () {
if (!highRefreshRate && player && playing) timeout = window.setInterval(function () {
return setPosition(;

@@ -179,3 +284,24 @@ }, 1000);

}, [player, playing]);
}, [highRefreshRate, player, playing]); // updates position on a 60fps loop for high refresh rate setting
useEffect(function () {
var frame;
var animate = function animate() {
var _a;
setPosition((_a = player) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 :;
frame = requestAnimationFrame(animate);
if (highRefreshRate && player && playing) {
return function () {
if (frame) {
}, [highRefreshRate, player, playing]);
return {

@@ -182,0 +308,0 @@ position: position,

"name": "react-use-audio-player",
"version": "0.0.11",
"version": "0.0.12",
"description": "React hook for building custom audio playback controls",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "main": "dist/index.js",

@@ -139,3 +139,3 @@ # react-use-audio-player

const PlayBar = () => {
const { position, duration } = useAudioPosition()
const { position, duration } = useAudioPosition({ highRefreshRate: true })
const [percent, setPercent] = React.useState(0)

@@ -153,2 +153,7 @@

#### Arguments
- `(optional) config: { highRefreshRate: boolean }`
<br/>`highRefreshRate` will allow useAudioPosition to update state at a smooth 60fps rate
via the browser's requestAnimationFrame API. This is ideal for when you want smoother animations.
#### Return Value

@@ -173,1 +178,11 @@

5. follow the local README for further assistance
## Release
The most basic npm release strategy is being followed for now. A good explanation can be found [here](
1. commit work & tests
2. `yarn/npm version` (preversion script will ensure code is tested and built)
3. `yarn/npm publish`
4. `git push` & `git push --tags`

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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