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react - npm Package Versions




published 0.13.0-alpha.2 •

published 0.13.0-alpha.1 •

published 0.12.2 •



0.12.2 (December 18, 2014)

React Core

  • Added support for more HTML attributes: formAction, formEncType, formMethod, formTarget, marginHeight, marginWidth
  • Added strokeOpacity to the list of unitless CSS properties
  • Removed trailing commas (allows npm module to be bundled and used in IE8)
  • Fixed bug resulting in error when passing undefined to React.createElement - now there is a useful warning

React Tools

  • JSX-related transforms now always use double quotes for props and displayName
published 0.12.1 •



0.12.1 (November 18, 2014)

React Tools

  • Types transform updated with latest support
  • jstransform version updated with improved ES6 transforms
  • Explicit Esprima dependency removed in favor of using Esprima information exported by jstransform
published 0.12.0 •



0.12.0 (October 28, 2014)

React Core

Breaking Changes
  • key and ref moved off props object, now accessible on the element directly
  • React is now BSD licensed with accompanying Patents grant
  • Default prop resolution has moved to Element creation time instead of mount time, making them effectively static
  • React.__internals is removed - it was exposed for DevTools which no longer needs access
  • Composite Component functions can no longer be called directly - they must be wrapped with React.createFactory first. This is handled for you when using JSX.
New Features
  • Spread operator ({...}) introduced to deprecate this.transferPropsTo
  • Added support for more HTML attributes: acceptCharset, classID, manifest
  • React.renderComponent --> React.render
  • React.renderComponentToString --> React.renderToString
  • React.renderComponentToStaticMarkup --> React.renderToStaticMarkup
  • React.isValidComponent --> React.isValidElement
  • React.PropTypes.component --> React.PropTypes.element
  • React.PropTypes.renderable --> React.PropTypes.node
  • DEPRECATED React.isValidClass
  • DEPRECATED instance.transferPropsTo
  • DEPRECATED Returning false from event handlers to preventDefault
  • DEPRECATED Convenience Constructor usage as function, instead wrap with React.createFactory
  • DEPRECATED use of key={null} to assign implicit keys
Bug Fixes
  • Better handling of events and updates in nested results, fixing value restoration in "layered" controlled components
  • Correctly treat event.getModifierState as case sensitive
  • Improved normalization of event.charCode
  • Better error stacks when involving autobound methods
  • Removed DevTools message when the DevTools are installed
  • Correctly detect required language features across browsers
  • Fixed support for some HTML attributes:
    • list updates correctly now
    • scrollLeft, scrollTop removed, these should not be specified as props
  • Improved error messages

React With Addons

New Features
  • React.addons.batchedUpdates added to API for hooking into update cycle
Breaking Changes
  • React.addons.update uses assign instead of copyProperties which does hasOwnProperty checks. Properties on prototypes will no longer be updated correctly.
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed some issues with CSS Transitions


Breaking Changes
  • Enforced convention: lower case tag names are always treated as HTML tags, upper case tag names are always treated as composite components
  • JSX no longer transforms to simple function calls
New Features
  • @jsx React.DOM no longer required
  • spread ({...}) operator introduced to allow easier use of props
Bug Fixes
  • JSXTransformer: Make sourcemaps an option when using APIs directly (eg, for react-rails)
published 0.12.0-rc1 •

published 0.11.2 •



0.11.2 (September 16, 2014)

React Core

New Features
  • Added support for <dialog> element and associated open attribute
  • Added support for <picture> element and associated media and sizes attributes
  • Added React.createElement API in preparation for React v0.12
    • React.createDescriptor has been deprecated as a result


  • <picture> is now parsed into React.DOM.picture

React Tools

  • Update esprima and jstransform for correctness fixes
  • The jsx executable now exposes a --strip-types flag which can be used to remove TypeScript-like type annotations
    • This option is also exposed to require('react-tools').transform as stripTypes
published 0.11.1 •



0.11.1 (July 24, 2014)

React Core

Bug Fixes
  • setState can be called inside componentWillMount in non-DOM environments
  • SyntheticMouseEvent.getEventModifierState correctly renamed to getModifierState
  • getModifierState correctly returns a boolean
  • getModifierState is now correctly case sensitive
  • Empty Text node used in IE8 innerHTML workaround is now removed, fixing rerendering in certain cases


  • Fix duplicate variable declaration in JSXTransformer (caused issues in some browsers)
published 0.11.0 •



0.11.0 (July 17, 2014)

React Core

Breaking Changes
  • getDefaultProps() is now called once per class and shared across all instances
  • MyComponent() now returns a descriptor, not an instance
  • React.isValidComponent and React.PropTypes.component validate descriptors, not component instances
  • Custom propType validators should return an Error instead of logging directly
New Features
  • Rendering to null
  • Keyboard events include normalized e.key and e.getModifierState() properties
  • New normalized onBeforeInput event
  • React.Children.count has been added as a helper for counting the number of children
Bug Fixes
  • Re-renders are batched in more cases
  • Events: e.view properly normalized
  • Added Support for more HTML attributes (coords, crossOrigin, download, hrefLang, mediaGroup, muted, scrolling, shape, srcSet, start, useMap)
  • Improved SVG support
    • Changing className on a mounted SVG component now works correctly
    • Added support for elements mask and tspan
    • Added support for attributes dx, dy, fillOpacity, fontFamily, fontSize, markerEnd, markerMid, markerStart, opacity, patternContentUnits, patternUnits, preserveAspectRatio, strokeDasharray, strokeOpacity
  • CSS property names with vendor prefixes (Webkit, ms, Moz, O) are now handled properly
  • Duplicate keys no longer cause a hard error; now a warning is logged (and only one of the children with the same key is shown)
  • img event listeners are now unbound properly, preventing the error "Two valid but unequal nodes with the same data-reactid"
  • Added explicit warning when missing polyfills

React With Addons

  • PureRenderMixin: a mixin which helps optimize "pure" components
  • Perf: a new set of tools to help with performance analysis
  • Update: New $apply command to transform values
  • TransitionGroup bug fixes with null elements, Android

React NPM Module

  • Now includes the pre-built packages under dist/.
  • envify is properly listed as a dependency instead of a peer dependency


  • Added support for namespaces, eg <Components.Checkbox />
  • JSXTransformer
    • Enable the same harmony features available in the command line with <script type="text/jsx;harmony=true">
    • Scripts are downloaded in parallel for more speed. They are still executed in order (as you would expect with normal script tags)
    • Fixed a bug preventing sourcemaps from working in Firefox

React Tools Module

  • Improved readme with usage and API information
  • Improved ES6 transforms available with --harmony option
  • Added --source-map-inline option to the jsx executable
  • New transformWithDetails API which gives access to the raw sourcemap data
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