Limit the rate at which redux published change notifications
For each action published to redux, redux will attempt to push a change notification that will initiate a document rendering. Since the human eye perceives 60 frames per second as being contiguous motion, initiating renderings more frequently than that is superfluous. Time spent on superfluous renderings could be better spent elsewhere, such as processing more actions
redux-limiter throttles the rate of change notification. Applications which mutate state more frequently than they need UI updates can receive significant performance boosts
Boost the throughput of actions through redux by ignoring render requests unnecessary for appearance of continuity
Caveat Codor
This module is appropriate if you are using stateless components. Since the object of this module is to skip update frames, you want to use it with components that are dependent only on components that are dependent on redux state alone
Install the package:
$ npm install redux-limiter
Contribute to the package:
$ git clone
import {createStore} from 'redux';
import limitStore from 'redux-limiter';
import {Provider} from 'react-redux';
import App from 'components/App'; // or whatever your base component is
// create a reducer
const reducer = (state = 1, action) => {
switch (action.type) {
case 'NEXT':
return state.iteration + 1;
return state;
// create a base store
const baseStore = createStore(reducer, defaultState);
// choose a rate to for throttle updates (rate >= 1; default rate is 1)
const throttleRate = 2;
// limit the store with react-limiter
const store = limitStore(baseStore, throttleRate);
return (
react, redux, react-router
socketio, webpack/express
Jack Ofnotrade
Have fun