Remixin is the aspect-oriented mixin library developed and in use at SoundCloud. It is inspired by Twitter's advice.js and Joose.
For an introduction about why you'd want to use a mixin library, Angus Croll and Dan Webb from Twitter gave a good talk about the concept and Angus blogged on the subject.
npm install remixin
...or clone this repository and use the files in /dist
as described below.
Remixin runs in the browser and NodeJS (available as an npm module). It only has one dependency: underscore.js (or lodash). This library is included automatically as a dependency in node, but is not bundled for browser usage, since you likely are already using underscore or lodash in your application anyway. To use Remixin in the browser, it uses dependency injection to get access to underscore:
var Mixin = require('remixin');
<script src="underscore.js"></script>
<script src="remixin-global.js"></script>
Mixin = Remixin(_);
Alternatively, if you're using requirejs, browserify or something similar for browser usage, as long as require('underscore')
will return something useful, you can use the commonjs version the same as node.
There are 4 files provided in the repository:
Files with 'cjs' use CommonJS modules. Remixin is exported on module.exports
and gets access to underscore via require('underscore')
Files with 'global' export Remixin as a property on the global object (window
, in the browser). This needs to be injected with underscore before use, as shown above.
Files with 'dev' are for development mode: they are not minified, and include error checking.
Since it's not a real JS library readme if there's not a mention of its footprint, Remixin is 762 bytes gzipped.
- Create a new mixin using
mixin = new Mixin(modifiers)
- Apply a mixin to an object, using
- Pass options to a mixin which has a custom apply method using
mixin.applyTo(object, options)
- Curry options into a mixin using
curried = mixin.withOptions(options)
- Combine mixins by using
combined = new Mixin(mixin1, [mixin2, ...], modifiers)
When defining a mixin, there are several key words to define method modifiers:
: {Object.<String,Function>}
- defines methods to be executed before the original function. It has the same function signature (it is given the
same arguments list) as the original, but can not modify the arguments passed to the original, nor change whether
the function is executed.
: {Object.<String,Function>}
- The same as
, this has the same signature, but can not modify the return value of the function.
: {Object.<String,Function>}
- defines methods to be executed 'around' the original. The original function is passed as the first argument,
followed by the original arguments. The modifier function may change the arguments to be passed to the original,
may modify the return value, and even can decide not to execute the original. Given the power that this provides,
use with care!
: {Array.<String>}
- an array of property names which must exist on the target object (or its prototype). Basically defines an expected
: {Object}
- this prototype should be present on the target object's prototype chain. can be used to specify what 'class'
target should be or from what prototype it should inherit from.
: {Object.<String,*>}
- properties or methods which specifically should override the values already defined on the target object.
: {Object.<String,*>}
- properties or methods which should be applied to the target object only if they do not already exist on that
object. Properties defined in the prototype chain will be overridden.
: {Object.<String,Array|Object|String}
- a map of objects, arrays or strings to apply to the target object, merging with existing properties if they already
exist. The merge strategy used depends on the data type used in the mixin:
- Arrays are concatenated, ensuring uniqueness.
- Objects are extended without replacing existing keys. That is, it uses
_.extend({}, mixin.obj, target.obj)
- Strings are treated like space-separated token lists: concatenated, ensuring uniqueness.
All other keys are copied onto the target object unless that key already exists. If overriding these keys is desired,
then it should be defined in the override
block. If a default implementation is desired, then it should be defined in
the defaults
If using the development build of Remixin, incorrect use of these modifiers will throw an error. For example, if a
field declared in requires
is not found, or trying to apply a before
on a non-function. The production build skips
these checks altogether, either failing silently or creating unwanted behaviour when used. For this reason, you should
definitely use the development version while working.
Custom applyTo
If custom code is required for your mixin, then defining a key named 'applyTo' allows a custom method to be executed
when the mixin is applied. This method is passed two arguments: the target object and any options defined by the
calling code:
zoomable = new Mixin({
applyTo: function (obj, options) {
this.extend(obj, {
zoom: function () {
this.width *= options.zoomRatio;
this.height *= options.zoomRatio;
zoomable.applyTo(MyCanvasObject.prototype, { zoomRatio: 2 });
All of the standard modifier names (eg: after, around, before) are available in the context, as well as extend
to add
new properties.
Currying options
Taking the example from above, sometimes it's more convenient to have the options curried into the mixin already. For
this, use .withOptions
which will return a new mixin with those options stored. For example:
var standardDPI = zoomable.withOptions({ zoomRatio: 1});
var highDPI = zoomable.withOptions({ zoomRatio: 2 });
Combining mixins
Sometimes, one mixin will necessitate the target object also having another mixin. For example, you might have a mixin
which gives a View the behaviour of a drop-down menu. Drop-down menus have some shared behaviour with other overlays,
such as modal dialogues. These can be combined into a single mixin, to hide the implementation from the class which
requires the combined behaviour:
overlay = new Mixin({
merge: {
events: {
'click .closeButton': 'onCloseClick'
show: function () { ... },
hide: function () { ... },
onCloseClick: function () {
dropDownMenu = new Mixin(overlay, {
after: {
onCloseClick: function () {
ProfileButton = View.extend({ ... });
Any number of mixins can be combined into one:
megaMixin = new Mixin(mixin1, mixin2, mixin3, mixin4, {});
To create the builds:
To run the tests in node:
make test
To run the tests in your browser:
npm run test-server
...and then open your browser to
To see a coverage report:
make coverage