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reselect - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 5.0.0-beta.1 to 5.0.0-rc.0



* @public
declare const defaultEqualityCheck: EqualityFn;
* @public
interface DefaultMemoizeOptions {
* Used to compare the individual arguments of the provided calculation function.
* @default defaultEqualityCheck
equalityCheck?: EqualityFn;
* If provided, used to compare a newly generated output value against previous values in the cache.
* If a match is found, the old value is returned. This addresses the common
* ```ts
* =>
* ```
* use case, where an update to another field in the original data causes a recalculation
* due to changed references, but the output is still effectively the same.
resultEqualityCheck?: EqualityFn;
* The cache size for the selector. If greater than 1, the selector will use an LRU cache internally.
* @default 1
maxSize?: number;
* The standard memoize function used by `createSelector`.
* @param func - The function to be memoized.
* @param equalityCheckOrOptions - Either an equality check function or an options object.
* @returns A memoized function with a `.clearCache()` method attached.
* Represents the longest array within an array of arrays.
* @template Func - The type of the function that is memoized.
* @template ArrayOfTuples An array of arrays.
* @see {@link defaultMemoize}
* @public
declare function defaultMemoize<Func extends AnyFunction>(func: Func, equalityCheckOrOptions?: EqualityFn | DefaultMemoizeOptions): Func & {
clearCache: () => void;
* @internal
type LongestTuple<T extends readonly unknown[][]> = T extends [
infer U extends unknown[]
] ? U : T extends [infer U, ...infer R extends unknown[][]] ? MostProperties<U, LongestTuple<R>> : never;
type LongestTuple<ArrayOfTuples extends readonly unknown[][]> = ArrayOfTuples extends [infer FirstArray extends unknown[]] ? FirstArray : ArrayOfTuples extends [
infer FirstArray,
...infer RestArrays extends unknown[][]
] ? LongerOfTwo<FirstArray, LongestTuple<RestArrays>> : never;
* Determines the longer of two array types.
* @template ArrayOne First array type.
* @template ArrayTwo Second array type.
* @internal
type MostProperties<T, U> = keyof U extends keyof T ? T : U;
type LongerOfTwo<ArrayOne, ArrayTwo> = keyof ArrayTwo extends keyof ArrayOne ? ArrayOne : ArrayTwo;
* Extracts the element at a specific index in an array.
* @template ArrayType The array type.
* @template Index The index type.
* @internal
type ElementAt<T extends unknown[], N extends keyof any> = N extends keyof T ? T[N] : unknown;
type ElementAt<ArrayType extends unknown[], Index extends PropertyKey> = Index extends keyof ArrayType ? ArrayType[Index] : unknown;
* Maps each array in an array of arrays to its element at a given index.
* @template ArrayOfTuples An array of arrays.
* @template Index The index to extract from each array.
* @internal
type ElementsAt<T extends readonly unknown[][], N extends keyof any> = {
[K in keyof T]: ElementAt<T[K], N>;
type ElementsAtGivenIndex<ArrayOfTuples extends readonly unknown[][], Index extends PropertyKey> = {
[ArrayIndex in keyof ArrayOfTuples]: ElementAt<ArrayOfTuples[ArrayIndex], Index>;
* Computes the intersection of all types in a tuple.
* @template Tuple A tuple of types.
* @internal
type Intersect<T extends readonly unknown[]> = T extends [] ? unknown : T extends [infer H, ...infer T] ? H & Intersect<T> : T[number];
type Intersect<Tuple extends readonly unknown[]> = Tuple extends [] ? unknown : Tuple extends [infer Head, ...infer Tail] ? Head & Intersect<Tail> : Tuple[number];
* Merges a tuple of arrays into a single tuple, intersecting types at each index.
* @template ArrayOfTuples An array of tuples.
* @template LongestArray The longest array in ArrayOfTuples.
* @internal
type MergeTuples<T extends readonly unknown[][], L extends unknown[] = LongestTuple<T>> = {
[K in keyof L]: Intersect<ElementsAt<T, K>>;
type MergeTuples<ArrayOfTuples extends readonly unknown[][], LongestArray extends unknown[] = LongestTuple<ArrayOfTuples>> = {
[Index in keyof LongestArray]: Intersect<ElementsAtGivenIndex<ArrayOfTuples, Index>>;
* Extracts the parameter types from a tuple of functions.
* @template FunctionsArray An array of function types.
* @internal
type ExtractParameters<T extends readonly AnyFunction[]> = {
[K in keyof T]: Parameters<T[K]>;
type ExtractParameters<FunctionsArray extends readonly AnyFunction[]> = {
[Index in keyof FunctionsArray]: Parameters<FunctionsArray[Index]>;
* Merges the parameters of a tuple of functions into a single tuple.
* @template FunctionsArray An array of function types.
* @internal
type MergeParameters<T extends readonly AnyFunction[]> = '0' extends keyof T ? MergeTuples<ExtractParameters<T>> : Parameters<T[number]>;
type MergeParameters<FunctionsArray extends readonly AnyFunction[]> = '0' extends keyof FunctionsArray ? MergeTuples<ExtractParameters<FunctionsArray>> : Parameters<FunctionsArray[number]>;
* @public
interface WeakMapMemoizeOptions<T = any> {
* If provided, used to compare a newly generated output value against previous values in the cache.
* If a match is found, the old value is returned. This addresses the common
* ```ts
* =>
* ```
* use case, where an update to another field in the original data causes a recalculation
* due to changed references, but the output is still effectively the same.
resultEqualityCheck?: EqualityFn<T>;
* Creates a tree of `WeakMap`-based cache nodes based on the identity of the
* arguments it's been called with (in this case, the extracted values from your input selectors).
* This allows `weakMapMemoize` to have an effectively infinite cache size.
* Cache results will be kept in memory as long as references to the arguments still exist,
* and then cleared out as the arguments are garbage-collected.
* __Design Tradeoffs for `weakMapMemoize`:__
* - Pros:
* - It has an effectively infinite cache size, but you have no control over
* how long values are kept in cache as it's based on garbage collection and `WeakMap`s.
* - Cons:
* - There's currently no way to alter the argument comparisons.
* They're based on strict reference equality.
* - It's roughly the same speed as `defaultMemoize`, although likely a fraction slower.
* __Use Cases for `weakMapMemoize`:__
* - This memoizer is likely best used for cases where you need to call the
* same selector instance with many different arguments, such as a single
* selector instance that is used in a list item component and called with
* item IDs like:
* ```ts
* useSelector(state => selectSomeData(state, props.category))
* ```
* @param func - The function to be memoized.
* @returns A memoized function with a `.clearCache()` method attached.
* @example
* <caption>Using `createSelector`</caption>
* ```ts
* import { createSelector, weakMapMemoize } from 'reselect'
* interface RootState {
* items: { id: number; category: string; name: string }[]
* }
* const selectItemsByCategory = createSelector(
* [
* (state: RootState) => state.items,
* (state: RootState, category: string) => category
* ],
* (items, category) => items.filter(item => item.category === category),
* {
* memoize: weakMapMemoize,
* argsMemoize: weakMapMemoize
* }
* )
* ```
* @example
* <caption>Using `createSelectorCreator`</caption>
* ```ts
* import { createSelectorCreator, weakMapMemoize } from 'reselect'
* const createSelectorWeakMap = createSelectorCreator({ memoize: weakMapMemoize, argsMemoize: weakMapMemoize })
* const selectItemsByCategory = createSelectorWeakMap(
* [
* (state: RootState) => state.items,
* (state: RootState, category: string) => category
* ],
* (items, category) => items.filter(item => item.category === category)
* )
* ```
* @template Func - The type of the function that is memoized.
* @see {@link weakMapMemoize}
* @since 5.0.0
* @public
* @experimental
declare function weakMapMemoize<Func extends AnyFunction>(func: Func, options?: WeakMapMemoizeOptions<ReturnType<Func>>): Func & {
clearCache: () => void;
resultsCount: () => number;
resetResultsCount: () => void;
* A standard selector function.

@@ -122,24 +206,19 @@ * @template State - The first value, often a Redux root state object.

* @template MemoizeFunction - The type of the memoize function that is used to memoize the `resultFunc` inside `createSelector` (e.g., `defaultMemoize` or `weakMapMemoize`).
* @template ArgsMemoizeFunction - The type of the optional memoize function that is used to memoize the arguments passed into the output selector generated by `createSelector` (e.g., `defaultMemoize` or `weakMapMemoize`). If none is explicitly provided, `defaultMemoize` will be used.
* @template ArgsMemoizeFunction - The type of the optional memoize function that is used to memoize the arguments passed into the output selector generated by `createSelector` (e.g., `defaultMemoize` or `weakMapMemoize`). If none is explicitly provided, `weakMapMemoize` will be used.
* @template OverrideMemoizeFunction - The type of the optional `memoize` function that could be passed into the options object inside `createSelector` to override the original `memoize` function that was initially passed into `createSelectorCreator`.
* @template OverrideArgsMemoizeFunction - The type of the optional `argsMemoize` function that could be passed into the options object inside `createSelector` to override the original `argsMemoize` function that was initially passed into `createSelectorCreator`. If none was initially provided, `defaultMemoize` will be used.
* @template OverrideArgsMemoizeFunction - The type of the optional `argsMemoize` function that could be passed into the options object inside `createSelector` to override the original `argsMemoize` function that was initially passed into `createSelectorCreator`. If none was initially provided, `weakMapMemoize` will be used.
* @public
interface CreateSelectorOptions<MemoizeFunction extends UnknownMemoizer = typeof defaultMemoize, ArgsMemoizeFunction extends UnknownMemoizer = typeof defaultMemoize, OverrideMemoizeFunction extends UnknownMemoizer = never, OverrideArgsMemoizeFunction extends UnknownMemoizer = never> {
interface CreateSelectorOptions<MemoizeFunction extends UnknownMemoizer = typeof weakMapMemoize, ArgsMemoizeFunction extends UnknownMemoizer = typeof weakMapMemoize, OverrideMemoizeFunction extends UnknownMemoizer = never, OverrideArgsMemoizeFunction extends UnknownMemoizer = never> {
* Overrides the global input stability check for the selector.
* - `once` - Run only the first time the selector is called.
* - `always` - Run every time the selector is called.
* - `never` - Never run the input stability check.
* Reselect performs additional checks in development mode to help identify
* and warn about potential issues in selector behavior. This option
* allows you to customize the behavior of these checks per selector.
* @default 'once'
* @see {@link debugging-tools}
* @see {@link development-only-checks}
* @see {@link inputStabilityCheck}
* @see {@link per-selector-configuration}
* @since 5.0.0
inputStabilityCheck?: StabilityCheckFrequency;
devModeChecks?: Partial<DevModeChecks>;

@@ -155,8 +234,8 @@ * The memoize function that is used to memoize the {@linkcode OutputSelectorFields.resultFunc resultFunc}

* const selectTodoById = createSelector(
* const selectItemsByCategory = createSelector(
* [
* (state: RootState) => state.todos,
* (state: RootState, id: number) => id
* (state: RootState) => state.items,
* (state: RootState, category: string) => category
* ],
* (todos) => todos[id],
* (items, category) => items.filter(item => item.category === category),
* { memoize: weakMapMemoize }

@@ -168,7 +247,11 @@ * )

memoize: FallbackIfNever<OverrideMemoizeFunction, MemoizeFunction>;
memoize?: FallbackIfNever<OverrideMemoizeFunction, MemoizeFunction>;
* The optional memoize function that is used to memoize the arguments passed into the output selector generated by `createSelector` (e.g., `defaultMemoize` or `weakMapMemoize`).
* The optional memoize function that is used to memoize the arguments
* passed into the output selector generated by `createSelector`
* (e.g., `defaultMemoize` or `weakMapMemoize`).
* When passed directly into `createSelector`, it overrides the `argsMemoize` function initially passed into `createSelectorCreator`. If none was initially provided, `defaultMemoize` will be used.
* When passed directly into `createSelector`, it overrides the
* `argsMemoize` function initially passed into `createSelectorCreator`.
* If none was initially provided, `weakMapMemoize` will be used.

@@ -179,8 +262,8 @@ * @example

* const selectTodoById = createSelector(
* const selectItemsByCategory = createSelector(
* [
* (state: RootState) => state.todos,
* (state: RootState, id: number) => id
* (state: RootState) => state.items,
* (state: RootState, category: string) => category
* ],
* (todos) => todos[id],
* (items, category) => items.filter(item => item.category === category),
* { argsMemoize: weakMapMemoize }

@@ -190,3 +273,3 @@ * )

* @default defaultMemoize
* @default weakMapMemoize

@@ -225,19 +308,48 @@ * @since 5.0.0

* @template MemoizeFunction - The type of the memoize function that is used to memoize the `resultFunc` inside `createSelector` (e.g., `defaultMemoize` or `weakMapMemoize`).
* @template ArgsMemoizeFunction - The type of the optional memoize function that is used to memoize the arguments passed into the output selector generated by `createSelector` (e.g., `defaultMemoize` or `weakMapMemoize`). If none is explicitly provided, `defaultMemoize` will be used.
* @template ArgsMemoizeFunction - The type of the optional memoize function that is used to memoize the arguments passed into the output selector generated by `createSelector` (e.g., `defaultMemoize` or `weakMapMemoize`). If none is explicitly provided, `weakMapMemoize` will be used.
* @public
type OutputSelectorFields<InputSelectors extends SelectorArray = SelectorArray, Result = unknown, MemoizeFunction extends UnknownMemoizer = typeof defaultMemoize, ArgsMemoizeFunction extends UnknownMemoizer = typeof defaultMemoize> = {
/** The final function passed to `createSelector`. Otherwise known as the `combiner`.*/
type OutputSelectorFields<InputSelectors extends SelectorArray = SelectorArray, Result = unknown, MemoizeFunction extends UnknownMemoizer = typeof weakMapMemoize, ArgsMemoizeFunction extends UnknownMemoizer = typeof weakMapMemoize> = {
* The final function passed to `createSelector`. Otherwise known as the `combiner`.
resultFunc: Combiner<InputSelectors, Result>;
/** The memoized version of {@linkcode OutputSelectorFields.resultFunc resultFunc}. */
* The memoized version of {@linkcode OutputSelectorFields.resultFunc resultFunc}.
memoizedResultFunc: Combiner<InputSelectors, Result> & ExtractMemoizerFields<MemoizeFunction>;
/** Returns the last result calculated by the output selector. */
* @Returns The last result calculated by {@linkcode OutputSelectorFields.memoizedResultFunc memoizedResultFunc}.
lastResult: () => Result;
/** An array of the input selectors. */
* The array of the input selectors used by `createSelector` to compose the
* combiner ({@linkcode OutputSelectorFields.memoizedResultFunc memoizedResultFunc}).
dependencies: InputSelectors;
/** Counts the number of times the output has been recalculated. */
* Counts the number of times {@linkcode OutputSelectorFields.memoizedResultFunc memoizedResultFunc} has been recalculated.
recomputations: () => number;
/** Resets the count of `recomputations` count to 0. */
resetRecomputations: () => 0;
* Resets the count of {@linkcode OutputSelectorFields.recomputations recomputations} count to 0.
resetRecomputations: () => void;
* Counts the number of times the input selectors ({@linkcode OutputSelectorFields.dependencies dependencies})
* have been recalculated. This is distinct from {@linkcode OutputSelectorFields.recomputations recomputations},
* which tracks the recalculations of the result function.
* @since 5.0.0
dependencyRecomputations: () => number;
* Resets the count {@linkcode OutputSelectorFields.dependencyRecomputations dependencyRecomputations}
* for the input selectors ({@linkcode OutputSelectorFields.dependencies dependencies})
* of a memoized selector.
* @since 5.0.0
resetDependencyRecomputations: () => void;
} & Simplify<Required<Pick<CreateSelectorOptions<MemoizeFunction, ArgsMemoizeFunction>, 'argsMemoize' | 'memoize'>>>;

@@ -250,7 +362,7 @@ /**

* @template MemoizeFunction - The type of the memoize function that is used to memoize the `resultFunc` inside `createSelector` (e.g., `defaultMemoize` or `weakMapMemoize`).
* @template ArgsMemoizeFunction - The type of the optional memoize function that is used to memoize the arguments passed into the output selector generated by `createSelector` (e.g., `defaultMemoize` or `weakMapMemoize`). If none is explicitly provided, `defaultMemoize` will be used.
* @template ArgsMemoizeFunction - The type of the optional memoize function that is used to memoize the arguments passed into the output selector generated by `createSelector` (e.g., `defaultMemoize` or `weakMapMemoize`). If none is explicitly provided, `weakMapMemoize` will be used.
* @public
type OutputSelector<InputSelectors extends SelectorArray = SelectorArray, Result = unknown, MemoizeFunction extends UnknownMemoizer = typeof defaultMemoize, ArgsMemoizeFunction extends UnknownMemoizer = typeof defaultMemoize> = Selector<GetStateFromSelectors<InputSelectors>, Result, GetParamsFromSelectors<InputSelectors>> & ExtractMemoizerFields<ArgsMemoizeFunction> & OutputSelectorFields<InputSelectors, Result, MemoizeFunction, ArgsMemoizeFunction>;
type OutputSelector<InputSelectors extends SelectorArray = SelectorArray, Result = unknown, MemoizeFunction extends UnknownMemoizer = typeof weakMapMemoize, ArgsMemoizeFunction extends UnknownMemoizer = typeof weakMapMemoize> = Selector<GetStateFromSelectors<InputSelectors>, Result, GetParamsFromSelectors<InputSelectors>> & ExtractMemoizerFields<ArgsMemoizeFunction> & OutputSelectorFields<InputSelectors, Result, MemoizeFunction, ArgsMemoizeFunction>;

@@ -273,30 +385,70 @@ * A function that takes input selectors' return values as arguments and returns a result. Otherwise known as `resultFunc`.

* A selector that is assumed to have one additional argument, such as
* the props from a React component.
* A standard function returning true if two values are considered equal.
* @public
type ParametricSelector<State, Props, Result> = Selector<State, Result, [
type EqualityFn<T = any> = (a: T, b: T) => boolean;
* A generated selector that is assumed to have one additional argument.
* The frequency of development mode checks.
* @since 5.0.0
* @public
type OutputParametricSelector<State, Props, Result> = ParametricSelector<State, Props, Result> & OutputSelectorFields<SelectorArray, Result>;
type DevModeCheckFrequency = 'always' | 'once' | 'never';
* A standard function returning true if two values are considered equal.
* Represents the configuration for development mode checks.
* @since 5.0.0
* @public
type EqualityFn = (a: any, b: any) => boolean;
interface DevModeChecks {
* Overrides the global input stability check for the selector.
* - `once` - Run only the first time the selector is called.
* - `always` - Run every time the selector is called.
* - `never` - Never run the input stability check.
* @default 'once'
* @see {@link debugging-tools}
* @see {@link inputStabilityCheck}
* @see {@link per-selector-configuration}
* @since 5.0.0
inputStabilityCheck: DevModeCheckFrequency;
* Overrides the global identity function check for the selector.
* - `once` - Run only the first time the selector is called.
* - `always` - Run every time the selector is called.
* - `never` - Never run the identity function check.
* @default 'once'
* @see {@link debugging-tools}
* @see {@link identityFunctionCheck}
* @see {@link per-selector-configuration}
* @since 5.0.0
identityFunctionCheck: DevModeCheckFrequency;
* The frequency of input stability checks.
* Represents execution information for development mode checks.
* @public
* @since 5.0.0
* @public
type StabilityCheckFrequency = 'always' | 'once' | 'never';
type DevModeChecksExecutionInfo = {
[K in keyof DevModeChecks]: {
* A boolean indicating whether the check should be executed.
shouldRun: boolean;
* The function to execute for the check.
run: AnyFunction;

@@ -315,14 +467,2 @@ * Determines the combined single "State" type (first arg) from all input selectors.

* Any function with any arguments.
* @internal
type AnyFunction = (...args: any[]) => any;
* Any function with unknown arguments.
* @internal
type UnknownFunction = (...args: unknown[]) => unknown;
* Any Memoizer function. A memoizer is a function that accepts another function and returns it.

@@ -332,14 +472,15 @@ *

* @internal
* @public
type UnknownMemoizer<FunctionType extends UnknownFunction = UnknownFunction> = (func: FunctionType, ...options: any[]) => FunctionType;
* When a generic type parameter is using its default value of `never`, fallback to a different type.
* Extracts the options type for a memoization function based on its parameters.
* The first parameter of the function is expected to be the function to be memoized,
* followed by options for the memoization process.
* @template T - Type to be checked.
* @template FallbackTo - Type to fallback to if `T` resolves to `never`.
* @template MemoizeFunction - The type of the memoize function to be checked.
* @internal
* @public
type FallbackIfNever<T, FallbackTo> = IfNever<T, FallbackTo, T>;
type MemoizeOptionsFromParameters<MemoizeFunction extends UnknownMemoizer> = (NonFunctionType<DropFirstParameter<MemoizeFunction>[0]> | FunctionType<DropFirstParameter<MemoizeFunction>[0]>) | (NonFunctionType<DropFirstParameter<MemoizeFunction>[number]> | FunctionType<DropFirstParameter<MemoizeFunction>[number]>)[];

@@ -353,40 +494,71 @@ * Derive the type of memoize options object based on whether the memoize function itself was overridden.

* @internal
* @public
type OverrideMemoizeOptions<MemoizeFunction extends UnknownMemoizer, OverrideMemoizeFunction extends UnknownMemoizer = never> = IfNever<OverrideMemoizeFunction, MemoizeOptionsFromParameters<MemoizeFunction>, MemoizeOptionsFromParameters<OverrideMemoizeFunction>>;
type OverrideMemoizeOptions<MemoizeFunction extends UnknownMemoizer, OverrideMemoizeFunction extends UnknownMemoizer = never> = IfNever<OverrideMemoizeFunction, Simplify<MemoizeOptionsFromParameters<MemoizeFunction>>, Simplify<MemoizeOptionsFromParameters<OverrideMemoizeFunction>>>;
* Extracts the non-function part of a type.
* Extracts the additional properties or methods that a memoize function attaches to
* the function it memoizes (e.g., `clearCache`).
* @template T - The input type to be refined by excluding function types and index signatures.
* @template MemoizeFunction - The type of the memoize function to be checked.
* @public
type ExtractMemoizerFields<MemoizeFunction extends UnknownMemoizer> = Simplify<OmitIndexSignature<ReturnType<MemoizeFunction>>>;
* Represents the additional properties attached to a function memoized by `reselect`.
* `defaultMemoize`, `weakMapMemoize` and `autotrackMemoize` all return these properties.
* @see {@linkcode ExtractMemoizerFields ExtractMemoizerFields}
* @public
type DefaultMemoizeFields = {
* Clears the memoization cache associated with a memoized function.
* This method is typically used to reset the state of the cache, allowing
* for the garbage collection of previously memoized results and ensuring
* that future calls to the function recompute the results.
clearCache: () => void;
resultsCount: () => number;
resetResultsCount: () => void;
* Any function with any arguments.
* @internal
type NonFunctionType<T> = OmitIndexSignature<Exclude<T, AnyFunction>>;
type AnyFunction = (...args: any[]) => any;
* Extracts the function part of a type.
* Any function with unknown arguments.
* @template T - The input type to be refined by extracting function types.
* @internal
type UnknownFunction = (...args: unknown[]) => unknown;
* When a generic type parameter is using its default value of `never`, fallback to a different type.
* @template T - Type to be checked.
* @template FallbackTo - Type to fallback to if `T` resolves to `never`.
* @internal
type FunctionType<T> = Extract<T, AnyFunction>;
type FallbackIfNever<T, FallbackTo> = IfNever<T, FallbackTo, T>;
* Extracts the options type for a memoization function based on its parameters.
* The first parameter of the function is expected to be the function to be memoized,
* followed by options for the memoization process.
* Extracts the non-function part of a type.
* @template MemoizeFunction - The type of the memoize function to be checked.
* @template T - The input type to be refined by excluding function types and index signatures.
* @internal
type MemoizeOptionsFromParameters<MemoizeFunction extends UnknownMemoizer> = (Simplify<NonFunctionType<DropFirstParameter<MemoizeFunction>[0]>> | FunctionType<DropFirstParameter<MemoizeFunction>[0]>) | (Simplify<NonFunctionType<DropFirstParameter<MemoizeFunction>[number]>> | FunctionType<DropFirstParameter<MemoizeFunction>[number]>)[];
type NonFunctionType<T> = Simplify<OmitIndexSignature<Exclude<T, AnyFunction>>>;
* Extracts the additional fields that a memoize function attaches to
* the function it memoizes (e.g., `clearCache`).
* Extracts the function part of a type.
* @template MemoizeFunction - The type of the memoize function to be checked.
* @template T - The input type to be refined by extracting function types.
* @internal
type ExtractMemoizerFields<MemoizeFunction extends UnknownMemoizer> = Simplify<OmitIndexSignature<ReturnType<MemoizeFunction>>>;
type FunctionType<T> = Extract<T, AnyFunction>;

@@ -398,3 +570,3 @@ * Extracts the return type from all functions as a tuple.

type ExtractReturnType<FunctionsArray extends readonly AnyFunction[]> = {
[Index in keyof FunctionsArray]: FunctionsArray[Index] extends FunctionsArray[number] ? ReturnType<FunctionsArray[Index]> : never;
[Index in keyof FunctionsArray]: FunctionsArray[Index] extends FunctionsArray[number] ? FallbackIfUnknown<ReturnType<FunctionsArray[Index]>, any> : never;

@@ -424,6 +596,6 @@ /**

type ArrayTail<TArray> = TArray extends readonly [
type ArrayTail<ArrayType> = ArrayType extends readonly [
...infer TTail
] ? TTail : [];
...infer Tail
] ? Tail : [];

@@ -475,3 +647,4 @@ * An alias for type `{}`. Represents any value that is not `null` or `undefined`.

type UnionToIntersection<Union> = (Union extends unknown ? (distributedUnion: Union) => void : never) extends (mergedIntersection: infer Intersection) => void ? Intersection : never;
type UnionToIntersection<Union> = (Union extends unknown ? (distributedUnion: Union) => void : never) extends (mergedIntersection: infer Intersection) => void ? // The `& Union` is to allow indexing by the resulting type
Intersection & Union : never;

@@ -505,2 +678,27 @@ * Code to convert a union of values into a tuple.

* Create a type that makes the given keys required.
* The remaining keys are kept as is.
* @see {@link Source}
* @internal
type SetRequired<BaseType, Keys extends keyof BaseType> = Omit<BaseType, Keys> & Required<Pick<BaseType, Keys>>;
* An if-else-like type that resolves depending on whether the given type is `unknown`.
* @see {@link Source}
* @internal
type IfUnknown<T, TypeIfUnknown, TypeIfNotUnknown> = unknown extends T ? [T] extends [null] ? TypeIfNotUnknown : TypeIfUnknown : TypeIfNotUnknown;
* When a type is resolves to `unknown`, fallback to a different type.
* @template T - Type to be checked.
* @template FallbackTo - Type to fallback to if `T` resolves to `unknown`.
* @internal
type FallbackIfUnknown<T, FallbackTo> = IfUnknown<T, FallbackTo, T>;
* Useful to flatten the type output to improve type hints shown in editors.

@@ -512,3 +710,3 @@ * And also to transform an interface into a type to aide with assignability.

type Simplify<T> = {
type Simplify<T> = T extends AnyFunction ? T : {
[KeyType in keyof T]: T[KeyType];

@@ -564,3 +762,3 @@ } & AnyNonNullishValue;

* const createSelectorAutotrack = createSelectorCreator(autotrackMemoize)
* const createSelectorAutotrack = createSelectorCreator({ memoize: autotrackMemoize })

@@ -575,2 +773,4 @@ * const selectTodoIds = createSelectorAutotrack(

* @see {@link autotrackMemoize}
* @since 5.0.0

@@ -582,2 +782,4 @@ * @public

clearCache: () => void;
resultsCount: () => number;
resetResultsCount: () => void;

@@ -589,7 +791,7 @@

* @template MemoizeFunction - The type of the memoize function that is used to memoize the `resultFunc` inside `createSelector` (e.g., `defaultMemoize` or `weakMapMemoize`).
* @template ArgsMemoizeFunction - The type of the optional memoize function that is used to memoize the arguments passed into the output selector generated by `createSelector` (e.g., `defaultMemoize` or `weakMapMemoize`). If none is explicitly provided, `defaultMemoize` will be used.
* @template ArgsMemoizeFunction - The type of the optional memoize function that is used to memoize the arguments passed into the output selector generated by `createSelector` (e.g., `defaultMemoize` or `weakMapMemoize`). If none is explicitly provided, `weakMapMemoize` will be used.
* @public
interface CreateSelectorFunction<MemoizeFunction extends UnknownMemoizer = typeof defaultMemoize, ArgsMemoizeFunction extends UnknownMemoizer = typeof defaultMemoize> {
interface CreateSelectorFunction<MemoizeFunction extends UnknownMemoizer = typeof weakMapMemoize, ArgsMemoizeFunction extends UnknownMemoizer = typeof weakMapMemoize> {

@@ -606,3 +808,3 @@ * Creates a memoized selector function.

* @see {@link createSelector}
* @see {@link createSelector}

@@ -624,3 +826,3 @@ <InputSelectors extends SelectorArray, Result>(...createSelectorArgs: [

* @see {@link createSelector}
* @see {@link createSelector}

@@ -630,3 +832,3 @@ <InputSelectors extends SelectorArray, Result, OverrideMemoizeFunction extends UnknownMemoizer = MemoizeFunction, OverrideArgsMemoizeFunction extends UnknownMemoizer = ArgsMemoizeFunction>(...createSelectorArgs: [

combiner: Combiner<InputSelectors, Result>,
createSelectorOptions: Partial<CreateSelectorOptions<MemoizeFunction, ArgsMemoizeFunction, OverrideMemoizeFunction, OverrideArgsMemoizeFunction>>
createSelectorOptions: Simplify<CreateSelectorOptions<MemoizeFunction, ArgsMemoizeFunction, OverrideMemoizeFunction, OverrideArgsMemoizeFunction>>
]): OutputSelector<InputSelectors, Result, OverrideMemoizeFunction, OverrideArgsMemoizeFunction> & InterruptRecursion;

@@ -646,44 +848,7 @@ /**

* @see {@link createSelector}
* @see {@link createSelector}
<InputSelectors extends SelectorArray, Result, OverrideMemoizeFunction extends UnknownMemoizer = MemoizeFunction, OverrideArgsMemoizeFunction extends UnknownMemoizer = ArgsMemoizeFunction>(inputSelectors: [...InputSelectors], combiner: Combiner<InputSelectors, Result>, createSelectorOptions?: Partial<CreateSelectorOptions<MemoizeFunction, ArgsMemoizeFunction, OverrideMemoizeFunction, OverrideArgsMemoizeFunction>>): OutputSelector<InputSelectors, Result, OverrideMemoizeFunction, OverrideArgsMemoizeFunction> & InterruptRecursion;
<InputSelectors extends SelectorArray, Result, OverrideMemoizeFunction extends UnknownMemoizer = MemoizeFunction, OverrideArgsMemoizeFunction extends UnknownMemoizer = ArgsMemoizeFunction>(inputSelectors: [...InputSelectors], combiner: Combiner<InputSelectors, Result>, createSelectorOptions?: Simplify<CreateSelectorOptions<MemoizeFunction, ArgsMemoizeFunction, OverrideMemoizeFunction, OverrideArgsMemoizeFunction>>): OutputSelector<InputSelectors, Result, OverrideMemoizeFunction, OverrideArgsMemoizeFunction> & InterruptRecursion;
* In development mode, an extra check is conducted on your input selectors.
* It runs your input selectors an extra time with the same arguments, and
* warns in the console if they return a different result _(based on your `memoize` method)_.
* This function allows you to override this setting for all of your selectors.
* **Note**: This setting can still be overridden per selector inside `createSelector`'s `options` object.
* See {@link per-selector-configuration}
* and {@linkcode CreateSelectorOptions.inputStabilityCheck inputStabilityCheck} for more details.
* _The input stability check does not run in production builds._
* @param inputStabilityCheckFrequency - How often the `inputStabilityCheck` should run for all selectors.
* @example
* ```ts
* import { setInputStabilityCheckEnabled } from 'reselect'
import { assert } from './autotrackMemoize/utils';
import { OutputSelectorFields, Mapped } from './types';
* // Run only the first time the selector is called. (default)
* setInputStabilityCheckEnabled('once')
* // Run every time the selector is called.
* setInputStabilityCheckEnabled('always')
* // Never run the input stability check.
* setInputStabilityCheckEnabled('never')
* ```
* @see {@link development-only-checks}
* @see {@link global-configuration}
* @since 5.0.0
* @public
declare function setInputStabilityCheckEnabled(inputStabilityCheckFrequency: StabilityCheckFrequency): void;
* Creates a selector creator function with the specified memoization function and options for customizing memoization behavior.

@@ -714,5 +879,5 @@ *

* @template MemoizeFunction - The type of the memoize function that is used to memoize the `resultFunc` inside `createSelector` (e.g., `defaultMemoize` or `weakMapMemoize`).
* @template ArgsMemoizeFunction - The type of the optional memoize function that is used to memoize the arguments passed into the output selector generated by `createSelector` (e.g., `defaultMemoize` or `weakMapMemoize`). If none is explicitly provided, `defaultMemoize` will be used.
* @template ArgsMemoizeFunction - The type of the optional memoize function that is used to memoize the arguments passed into the output selector generated by `createSelector` (e.g., `defaultMemoize` or `weakMapMemoize`). If none is explicitly provided, `weakMapMemoize` will be used.
* @see {@link createSelectorCreator}
* @see {@link createSelectorCreator}

@@ -722,3 +887,3 @@ * @since 5.0.0

declare function createSelectorCreator<MemoizeFunction extends UnknownMemoizer, ArgsMemoizeFunction extends UnknownMemoizer = typeof defaultMemoize>(options: CreateSelectorOptions<typeof defaultMemoize, typeof defaultMemoize, MemoizeFunction, ArgsMemoizeFunction>): CreateSelectorFunction<MemoizeFunction, ArgsMemoizeFunction>;
declare function createSelectorCreator<MemoizeFunction extends UnknownMemoizer, ArgsMemoizeFunction extends UnknownMemoizer = typeof weakMapMemoize>(options: Simplify<SetRequired<CreateSelectorOptions<typeof weakMapMemoize, typeof weakMapMemoize, MemoizeFunction, ArgsMemoizeFunction>, 'memoize'>>): CreateSelectorFunction<MemoizeFunction, ArgsMemoizeFunction>;

@@ -747,3 +912,3 @@ * Creates a selector creator function with the specified memoization function and options for customizing memoization behavior.

* @see {@link createSelectorCreator}
* @see {@link createSelectorCreator}

@@ -758,10 +923,62 @@ * @public

* @see {@link createSelector}
* @see {@link createSelector}
* @public
declare const createSelector: CreateSelectorFunction<typeof defaultMemoize, typeof defaultMemoize>;
declare const createSelector: CreateSelectorFunction<typeof weakMapMemoize, typeof weakMapMemoize>;
* Runs a simple reference equality check.
* What {@linkcode defaultMemoize defaultMemoize} uses by default.
* @public
declare const defaultEqualityCheck: EqualityFn;
* @public
interface DefaultMemoizeOptions<T = any> {
* Used to compare the individual arguments of the provided calculation function.
* @default defaultEqualityCheck
equalityCheck?: EqualityFn;
* If provided, used to compare a newly generated output value against previous values in the cache.
* If a match is found, the old value is returned. This addresses the common
* ```ts
* =>
* ```
* use case, where an update to another field in the original data causes a recalculation
* due to changed references, but the output is still effectively the same.
resultEqualityCheck?: EqualityFn<T>;
* The cache size for the selector. If greater than 1, the selector will use an LRU cache internally.
* @default 1
maxSize?: number;
* The standard memoize function used by `createSelector`.
* @param func - The function to be memoized.
* @param equalityCheckOrOptions - Either an equality check function or an options object.
* @returns A memoized function with a `.clearCache()` method attached.
* @template Func - The type of the function that is memoized.
* @see {@link defaultMemoize}
* @public
declare function defaultMemoize<Func extends AnyFunction>(func: Func, equalityCheckOrOptions?: EqualityFn | DefaultMemoizeOptions<ReturnType<Func>>): Func & {
clearCache: () => void;
resultsCount: () => number;
resetResultsCount: () => void;
* @WIP

@@ -795,3 +1012,3 @@ */

* @see {@link createStructuredSelector}
* @see {@link createStructuredSelector}

@@ -802,7 +1019,6 @@ * @public

* A convenience function for a common pattern that arises when using Reselect.
* The selector passed to a `connect` decorator often just takes the
* values of its input selectors and maps them to keys in an object.
* A convenience function that simplifies returning an object
* made up of selector results.
* @param selectorMap - A key value pair consisting of input selectors.
* @param inputSelectorsObject - A key value pair consisting of input selectors.
* @param selectorCreator - A custom selector creator function. It defaults to `createSelector`.

@@ -816,54 +1032,18 @@ * @returns A memoized structured selector.

* interface State {
* interface RootState {
* todos: {
* id: number
* completed: boolean
* title: string
* description: string
* completed: boolean
* }[]
* alerts: {
* id: number
* message: string
* type: 'reminder' | 'notification'
* read: boolean
* }[]
* alerts: { id: number; read: boolean }[]
* }
* const state: State = {
* todos: [
* {
* id: 0,
* title: 'Buy groceries',
* description: 'Milk, bread, eggs, and fruits',
* completed: false
* },
* {
* id: 1,
* title: 'Schedule dentist appointment',
* description: 'Check available slots for next week',
* completed: true
* }
* ],
* alerts: [
* {
* id: 0,
* message: 'You have an upcoming meeting at 3 PM.',
* type: 'reminder',
* read: false
* },
* {
* id: 1,
* message: 'New software update available.',
* type: 'notification',
* read: true
* }
* ]
* }
* // This:
* const structuredSelector = createStructuredSelector(
* {
* allTodos: (state: State) => state.todos,
* allAlerts: (state: State) => state.alerts,
* selectedTodo: (state: State, id: number) => state.todos[id]
* todos: (state: RootState) => state.todos,
* alerts: (state: RootState) => state.alerts,
* todoById: (state: RootState, id: number) => state.todos[id]
* },

@@ -876,11 +1056,11 @@ * createSelector

* [
* (state: State) => state.todos,
* (state: State) => state.alerts,
* (state: State, id: number) => state.todos[id]
* (state: RootState) => state.todos,
* (state: RootState) => state.alerts,
* (state: RootState, id: number) => state.todos[id]
* ],
* (allTodos, allAlerts, selectedTodo) => {
* (todos, alerts, todoById) => {
* return {
* allTodos,
* allAlerts,
* selectedTodo
* todos,
* alerts,
* todoById
* }

@@ -908,29 +1088,56 @@ * }

* @template InputSelectorsObject - The shape of the input selectors object.
* @template MemoizeFunction - The type of the memoize function that is used to create the structured selector. It defaults to `defaultMemoize`.
* @template ArgsMemoizeFunction - The type of the of the memoize function that is used to memoize the arguments passed into the generated structured selector. It defaults to `defaultMemoize`.
* @template MemoizeFunction - The type of the memoize function that is used to create the structured selector. It defaults to `weakMapMemoize`.
* @template ArgsMemoizeFunction - The type of the of the memoize function that is used to memoize the arguments passed into the generated structured selector. It defaults to `weakMapMemoize`.
* @see {@link createStructuredSelector}
* @see {@link createStructuredSelector}
<InputSelectorsObject extends SelectorsObject, MemoizeFunction extends UnknownMemoizer = typeof defaultMemoize, ArgsMemoizeFunction extends UnknownMemoizer = typeof defaultMemoize>(selectorMap: InputSelectorsObject, selectorCreator?: CreateSelectorFunction<MemoizeFunction, ArgsMemoizeFunction>): OutputSelector<ObjectValuesToTuple<InputSelectorsObject>, SelectorsMap<InputSelectorsObject>, MemoizeFunction, ArgsMemoizeFunction>;
<InputSelectorsObject extends SelectorsObject, MemoizeFunction extends UnknownMemoizer = typeof defaultMemoize, ArgsMemoizeFunction extends UnknownMemoizer = typeof defaultMemoize>(inputSelectorsObject: InputSelectorsObject, selectorCreator?: CreateSelectorFunction<MemoizeFunction, ArgsMemoizeFunction>): OutputSelector<ObjectValuesToTuple<InputSelectorsObject>, Simplify<SelectorsMap<InputSelectorsObject>>, MemoizeFunction, ArgsMemoizeFunction> & InterruptRecursion;
* A convenience function for a common pattern that arises when using Reselect.
* The selector passed to a `connect` decorator often just takes the values of its input selectors
* and maps them to keys in an object.
* A convenience function that simplifies returning an object
* made up of selector results.
* @example
* <caption>Simple Use Case</caption>
* <caption>Modern Use Case</caption>
* ```ts
* const selectA = state => state.a
* const selectB = state => state.b
* import { createSelector, createStructuredSelector } from 'reselect'
* // The result function in the following selector
* // is simply building an object from the input selectors
* const structuredSelector = createSelector(selectA, selectB, (a, b) => ({
* a,
* b
* }))
* interface RootState {
* todos: {
* id: number
* completed: boolean
* title: string
* description: string
* }[]
* alerts: { id: number; read: boolean }[]
* }
* // This:
* const structuredSelector = createStructuredSelector(
* {
* todos: (state: RootState) => state.todos,
* alerts: (state: RootState) => state.alerts,
* todoById: (state: RootState, id: number) => state.todos[id]
* },
* createSelector
* )
* // Is essentially the same as this:
* const selector = createSelector(
* [
* (state: RootState) => state.todos,
* (state: RootState) => state.alerts,
* (state: RootState, id: number) => state.todos[id]
* ],
* (todos, alerts, todoById) => {
* return {
* todos,
* alerts,
* todoById
* }
* }
* )
* ```
* @see {@link createStructuredSelector}
* @see {@link createStructuredSelector}

@@ -942,69 +1149,47 @@ * @public

* Creates a tree of `WeakMap`-based cache nodes based on the identity of the
* arguments it's been called with (in this case, the extracted values from your input selectors).
* This allows `weakmapMemoize` to have an effectively infinite cache size.
* Cache results will be kept in memory as long as references to the arguments still exist,
* and then cleared out as the arguments are garbage-collected.
* Overrides the development mode checks settings for all selectors.
* __Design Tradeoffs for `weakmapMemoize`:__
* - Pros:
* - It has an effectively infinite cache size, but you have no control over
* how long values are kept in cache as it's based on garbage collection and `WeakMap`s.
* - Cons:
* - There's currently no way to alter the argument comparisons.
* They're based on strict reference equality.
* - It's roughly the same speed as `defaultMemoize`, although likely a fraction slower.
* Reselect performs additional checks in development mode to help identify and
* warn about potential issues in selector behavior. This function allows you to
* customize the behavior of these checks across all selectors in your application.
* __Use Cases for `weakmapMemoize`:__
* - This memoizer is likely best used for cases where you need to call the
* same selector instance with many different arguments, such as a single
* selector instance that is used in a list item component and called with
* item IDs like:
* ```ts
* useSelector(state => selectSomeData(state, props.category))
* ```
* @param func - The function to be memoized.
* @returns A memoized function with a `.clearCache()` method attached.
* **Note**: This setting can still be overridden per selector inside `createSelector`'s `options` object.
* See {@link per-selector-configuration}
* and {@linkcode CreateSelectorOptions.identityFunctionCheck identityFunctionCheck} for more details.
* @example
* <caption>Using `createSelector`</caption>
* ```ts
* import { createSelector, weakMapMemoize } from 'reselect'
* _The development mode checks do not run in production builds._
* const selectTodoById = createSelector(
* [
* (state: RootState) => state.todos,
* (state: RootState, id: number) => id
* ],
* (todos) => todos[id],
* { memoize: weakMapMemoize }
* )
* ```
* @param devModeChecks - An object specifying the desired settings for development mode checks. You can provide partial overrides. Unspecified settings will retain their current values.
* @example
* <caption>Using `createSelectorCreator`</caption>
* ```ts
* import { createSelectorCreator, weakMapMemoize } from 'reselect'
* import { setGlobalDevModeChecks } from 'reselect'
import { DevModeChecks } from '../types';
* const createSelectorWeakmap = createSelectorCreator(weakMapMemoize)
* // Run only the first time the selector is called. (default)
* setGlobalDevModeChecks({ inputStabilityCheck: 'once' })
* const selectTodoById = createSelectorWeakmap(
* [
* (state: RootState) => state.todos,
* (state: RootState, id: number) => id
* ],
* (todos) => todos[id]
* )
* // Run every time the selector is called.
* setGlobalDevModeChecks({ inputStabilityCheck: 'always' })
* // Never run the input stability check.
* setGlobalDevModeChecks({ inputStabilityCheck: 'never' })
* // Run only the first time the selector is called. (default)
* setGlobalDevModeChecks({ identityFunctionCheck: 'once' })
* // Run every time the selector is called.
* setGlobalDevModeChecks({ identityFunctionCheck: 'always' })
* // Never run the identity function check.
* setGlobalDevModeChecks({ identityFunctionCheck: 'never' })
* ```
* @see {@link debugging-tools}
* @see {@link global-configuration}
* @template Func - The type of the function that is memoized.
* @since 5.0.0
* @public
* @experimental
declare function weakMapMemoize<Func extends AnyFunction>(func: Func): Func & {
clearCache: () => void;
declare const setGlobalDevModeChecks: (devModeChecks: Partial<DevModeChecks>) => void;
export { Combiner, CreateSelectorFunction, CreateSelectorOptions, DefaultMemoizeOptions, EqualityFn, GetParamsFromSelectors, GetStateFromSelectors, OutputParametricSelector, OutputSelector, OutputSelectorFields, ParametricSelector, Selector, SelectorArray, SelectorResultArray, StabilityCheckFrequency, StructuredSelectorCreator, TypedStructuredSelectorCreator, createSelector, createSelectorCreator, createStructuredSelector, defaultEqualityCheck, defaultMemoize, setInputStabilityCheckEnabled, autotrackMemoize as unstable_autotrackMemoize, weakMapMemoize };
export { Combiner, CreateSelectorFunction, CreateSelectorOptions, DefaultMemoizeFields, DefaultMemoizeOptions, DevModeCheckFrequency, DevModeChecks, DevModeChecksExecutionInfo, EqualityFn, ExtractMemoizerFields, GetParamsFromSelectors, GetStateFromSelectors, MemoizeOptionsFromParameters, OutputSelector, OutputSelectorFields, OverrideMemoizeOptions, Selector, SelectorArray, SelectorResultArray, StructuredSelectorCreator, TypedStructuredSelectorCreator, UnknownMemoizer, createSelector, createSelectorCreator, createStructuredSelector, defaultEqualityCheck, defaultMemoize, setGlobalDevModeChecks, autotrackMemoize as unstable_autotrackMemoize, weakMapMemoize };

@@ -22,3 +22,47 @@ var __defProp = Object.defineProperty;

// src/devModeChecks/identityFunctionCheck.ts
var runIdentityFunctionCheck = (resultFunc) => {
let isInputSameAsOutput = false;
try {
const emptyObject = {};
if (resultFunc(emptyObject) === emptyObject)
isInputSameAsOutput = true;
} catch (e) {
if (isInputSameAsOutput) {
"The result function returned its own inputs without modification. e.g\n`createSelector([state => state.todos], todos => todos)`\nThis could lead to inefficient memoization and unnecessary re-renders.\nEnsure transformation logic is in the result function, and extraction logic is in the input selectors."
// src/devModeChecks/inputStabilityCheck.ts
var runInputStabilityCheck = (inputSelectorResultsObject, options, inputSelectorArgs) => {
const { memoize, memoizeOptions } = options;
const { inputSelectorResults, inputSelectorResultsCopy } = inputSelectorResultsObject;
const createAnEmptyObject = memoize(() => ({}), ...memoizeOptions);
const areInputSelectorResultsEqual = createAnEmptyObject.apply(null, inputSelectorResults) === createAnEmptyObject.apply(null, inputSelectorResultsCopy);
if (!areInputSelectorResultsEqual) {
"An input selector returned a different result when passed same arguments.\nThis means your output selector will likely run more frequently than intended.\nAvoid returning a new reference inside your input selector, e.g.\n`createSelector([state => =>], todoIds => todoIds.length)`",
arguments: inputSelectorArgs,
firstInputs: inputSelectorResults,
secondInputs: inputSelectorResultsCopy
// src/devModeChecks/setGlobalDevModeChecks.ts
var globalDevModeChecks = {
inputStabilityCheck: "once",
identityFunctionCheck: "once"
var setGlobalDevModeChecks = (devModeChecks) => {
Object.assign(globalDevModeChecks, devModeChecks);
// src/utils.ts
function assertIsFunction(func, errorMessage = `expected a function, instead received ${typeof func}`) {

@@ -61,20 +105,14 @@ if (typeof func !== "function") {

function runStabilityCheck(inputSelectorResultsObject, options, inputSelectorArgs) {
const { memoize, memoizeOptions } = options;
const { inputSelectorResults, inputSelectorResultsCopy } = inputSelectorResultsObject;
const createAnEmptyObject = memoize(() => ({}), ...memoizeOptions);
const areInputSelectorResultsEqual = createAnEmptyObject.apply(null, inputSelectorResults) === createAnEmptyObject.apply(null, inputSelectorResultsCopy);
if (!areInputSelectorResultsEqual) {
"An input selector returned a different result when passed same arguments.\nThis means your output selector will likely run more frequently than intended.\nAvoid returning a new reference inside your input selector, e.g.\n`createSelector([(arg1, arg2) => ({ arg1, arg2 })],(arg1, arg2) => {})`",
arguments: inputSelectorArgs,
firstInputs: inputSelectorResults,
secondInputs: inputSelectorResultsCopy
var shouldRunInputStabilityCheck = (inputStabilityCheck, firstRun) => {
return inputStabilityCheck === "always" || inputStabilityCheck === "once" && firstRun;
var getDevModeChecksExecutionInfo = (firstRun, devModeChecks) => {
const { identityFunctionCheck, inputStabilityCheck } = __spreadValues(__spreadValues({}, globalDevModeChecks), devModeChecks);
return {
identityFunctionCheck: {
shouldRun: identityFunctionCheck === "always" || identityFunctionCheck === "once" && firstRun,
run: runIdentityFunctionCheck
inputStabilityCheck: {
shouldRun: inputStabilityCheck === "always" || inputStabilityCheck === "once" && firstRun,
run: runInputStabilityCheck

@@ -358,3 +396,2 @@

// src/defaultMemoize.ts
function createSingletonCache(equals) {

@@ -435,2 +472,3 @@ let entry;

const comparator = createCacheKeyComparator(equalityCheck);
let resultsCount = 0;
const cache = maxSize === 1 ? createSingletonCache(comparator) : createLruCache(maxSize, comparator);

@@ -441,2 +479,3 @@ function memoized() {

value = func.apply(null, arguments);
if (resultEqualityCheck) {

@@ -449,2 +488,3 @@ const entries = cache.getEntries();

value = matchingEntry.value;

@@ -458,3 +498,8 @@ }

memoized.resultsCount = () => resultsCount;
memoized.resetResultsCount = () => {
resultsCount = 0;
return memoized;

@@ -481,11 +526,98 @@ }

memoized.clearCache = () => cache.clear();
memoized.clearCache = () => {
return cache.clear();
return memoized;
// src/weakMapMemoize.ts
var StrongRef = class {
constructor(value) {
this.value = value;
deref() {
return this.value;
var Ref = WeakRef != null ? WeakRef : StrongRef;
function createCacheNode() {
return {
v: void 0,
o: null,
p: null
function weakMapMemoize(func, options = {}) {
let fnNode = createCacheNode();
const { resultEqualityCheck } = options;
let lastResult;
let resultsCount = 0;
function memoized() {
var _a;
let cacheNode = fnNode;
const { length } = arguments;
for (let i = 0, l = length; i < l; i++) {
const arg = arguments[i];
if (typeof arg === "function" || typeof arg === "object" && arg !== null) {
let objectCache = cacheNode.o;
if (objectCache === null) {
cacheNode.o = objectCache = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();
const objectNode = objectCache.get(arg);
if (objectNode === void 0) {
cacheNode = createCacheNode();
objectCache.set(arg, cacheNode);
} else {
cacheNode = objectNode;
} else {
let primitiveCache = cacheNode.p;
if (primitiveCache === null) {
cacheNode.p = primitiveCache = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
const primitiveNode = primitiveCache.get(arg);
if (primitiveNode === void 0) {
cacheNode = createCacheNode();
primitiveCache.set(arg, cacheNode);
} else {
cacheNode = primitiveNode;
const terminatedNode = cacheNode;
let result;
if (cacheNode.s === TERMINATED) {
result = cacheNode.v;
} else {
result = func.apply(null, arguments);
terminatedNode.s = TERMINATED;
if (resultEqualityCheck) {
const lastResultValue = (_a = lastResult == null ? void 0 : lastResult.deref()) != null ? _a : lastResult;
if (lastResultValue != null && resultEqualityCheck(lastResultValue, result)) {
result = lastResultValue;
resultsCount !== 0 && resultsCount--;
const needsWeakRef = typeof result === "object" && result !== null || typeof result === "function";
lastResult = needsWeakRef ? new Ref(result) : result;
terminatedNode.v = result;
return result;
memoized.clearCache = () => {
fnNode = createCacheNode();
memoized.resultsCount = () => resultsCount;
memoized.resetResultsCount = () => {
resultsCount = 0;
return memoized;
// src/createSelectorCreator.ts
var globalStabilityCheck = "once";
function setInputStabilityCheckEnabled(inputStabilityCheckFrequency) {
globalStabilityCheck = inputStabilityCheckFrequency;
function createSelectorCreator(memoizeOrOptions, ...memoizeOptionsFromArgs) {

@@ -498,2 +630,3 @@ const createSelectorCreatorOptions = typeof memoizeOrOptions === "function" ? {

let recomputations = 0;
let dependencyRecomputations = 0;
let lastResult;

@@ -514,5 +647,5 @@ let directlyPassedOptions = {};

memoizeOptions = [],
argsMemoize = defaultMemoize,
argsMemoize = weakMapMemoize,
argsMemoizeOptions = [],
inputStabilityCheck = globalStabilityCheck
devModeChecks = {}
} = combinedOptions;

@@ -531,2 +664,3 @@ const finalMemoizeOptions = ensureIsArray(memoizeOptions);

const selector = argsMemoize(function dependenciesChecker() {
const inputSelectorResults = collectInputSelectorResults(

@@ -536,12 +670,20 @@ dependencies,

if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && shouldRunInputStabilityCheck(inputStabilityCheck, firstRun)) {
const inputSelectorResultsCopy = collectInputSelectorResults(
{ inputSelectorResults, inputSelectorResultsCopy },
{ memoize, memoizeOptions: finalMemoizeOptions },
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production") {
const { identityFunctionCheck, inputStabilityCheck } = getDevModeChecksExecutionInfo(firstRun, devModeChecks);
if (identityFunctionCheck.shouldRun) {
if (inputStabilityCheck.shouldRun) {
const inputSelectorResultsCopy = collectInputSelectorResults(
{ inputSelectorResults, inputSelectorResultsCopy },
{ memoize, memoizeOptions: finalMemoizeOptions },
if (firstRun)

@@ -557,5 +699,11 @@ firstRun = false;

dependencyRecomputations: () => dependencyRecomputations,
resetDependencyRecomputations: () => {
dependencyRecomputations = 0;
lastResult: () => lastResult,
recomputations: () => recomputations,
resetRecomputations: () => recomputations = 0,
resetRecomputations: () => {
recomputations = 0;

@@ -567,3 +715,3 @@ argsMemoize

var createSelector = /* @__PURE__ */ createSelectorCreator(defaultMemoize);
var createSelector = /* @__PURE__ */ createSelectorCreator(weakMapMemoize);

@@ -589,64 +737,2 @@ // src/createStructuredSelector.ts

// src/weakMapMemoize.ts
function createCacheNode() {
return {
// status, represents whether the cached computation returned a value or threw an error
v: void 0,
// value, either the cached result or an error, depending on s
o: null,
// object cache, a WeakMap where non-primitive arguments are stored
p: null
// primitive cache, a regular Map where primitive arguments are stored.
function weakMapMemoize(func) {
let fnNode = createCacheNode();
function memoized() {
let cacheNode = fnNode;
for (let i = 0, l = arguments.length; i < l; i++) {
const arg = arguments[i];
if (typeof arg === "function" || typeof arg === "object" && arg !== null) {
let objectCache = cacheNode.o;
if (objectCache === null) {
cacheNode.o = objectCache = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();
const objectNode = objectCache.get(arg);
if (objectNode === void 0) {
cacheNode = createCacheNode();
objectCache.set(arg, cacheNode);
} else {
cacheNode = objectNode;
} else {
let primitiveCache = cacheNode.p;
if (primitiveCache === null) {
cacheNode.p = primitiveCache = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
const primitiveNode = primitiveCache.get(arg);
if (primitiveNode === void 0) {
cacheNode = createCacheNode();
primitiveCache.set(arg, cacheNode);
} else {
cacheNode = primitiveNode;
if (cacheNode.s === TERMINATED) {
return cacheNode.v;
const result = func.apply(null, arguments);
const terminatedNode = cacheNode;
terminatedNode.s = TERMINATED;
terminatedNode.v = result;
return result;
memoized.clearCache = () => {
fnNode = createCacheNode();
return memoized;
export {

@@ -658,3 +744,3 @@ createSelector,

autotrackMemoize as unstable_autotrackMemoize,

@@ -661,0 +747,0 @@ weakMapMemoize

"name": "reselect",
"version": "5.0.0-beta.1",
"version": "5.0.0-rc.0",
"description": "Selectors for Redux.",

@@ -30,5 +30,7 @@ "main": "./dist/cjs/reselect.cjs",

"prepack": "yarn build",
"bench": "vitest --run bench",
"bench": "vitest --run bench --mode production",
"test": "node --expose-gc ./node_modules/vitest/dist/cli-wrapper.js run",
"test:cov": "vitest run --coverage",
"type-check": "vitest --run typecheck",
"type-check:trace": "vitest --run typecheck && tsc --noEmit -p typescript_test/tsconfig.json --generateTrace trace && npx @typescript/analyze-trace trace && rimraf trace",
"test:typescript": "tsc --noEmit -p typescript_test/tsconfig.json"

@@ -52,11 +54,17 @@ },

"devDependencies": {
"@reduxjs/toolkit": "^1.9.3",
"@reduxjs/toolkit": "^2.0.0-rc.1",
"@testing-library/react": "^14.1.2",
"@types/lodash": "^4.14.175",
"@types/react": "^18.2.38",
"@types/react-dom": "^18.2.17",
"@types/shelljs": "^0.8.11",
"@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin": "5.1.0",
"@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin-tslint": "5.1.0",
"@typescript-eslint/parser": "5.1.0",
"@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin": "^6",
"@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin-tslint": "^6",
"@typescript-eslint/parser": "^6",
"@typescript/analyze-trace": "^0.10.1",
"eslint": "^8.0.1",
"eslint-plugin-react": "^7.26.1",
"eslint-plugin-typescript": "0.14.0",
"jsdom": "^23.0.0",
"lodash": "^4.17.21",
"lodash.memoize": "^4.1.2",

@@ -68,9 +76,9 @@ "memoize-one": "^6.0.0",

"react-dom": "^18.2.0",
"react-redux": "^8.0.2",
"react-redux": "^9.0.0-rc.0",
"rimraf": "^3.0.2",
"shelljs": "^0.8.5",
"tsup": "^6.7.0",
"typescript": "^4.9",
"typescript": "5.2",
"vitest": "^0.34"

@@ -6,4 +6,4 @@ // Original autotracking implementation source:

// -
import type { EqualityFn } from '@internal/types'
import { assertIsFunction } from '@internal/utils'
import type { EqualityFn } from '../types'
import { assertIsFunction } from '../utils'

@@ -10,0 +10,0 @@ // The global revision clock. Every time state changes, the clock increments.

@@ -7,4 +7,4 @@ import { createNode, updateNode } from './proxy'

} from '@internal/defaultMemoize'
import type { AnyFunction } from '@internal/types'
} from '../defaultMemoize'
import type { AnyFunction, DefaultMemoizeFields, Simplify } from '../types'
import { createCache } from './autotracking'

@@ -59,3 +59,3 @@

* const createSelectorAutotrack = createSelectorCreator(autotrackMemoize)
* const createSelectorAutotrack = createSelectorCreator({ memoize: autotrackMemoize })

@@ -70,2 +70,4 @@ * const selectTodoIds = createSelectorAutotrack(

* @see {@link autotrackMemoize}
* @since 5.0.0

@@ -99,5 +101,7 @@ * @public

memoized.clearCache = () => cache.clear()
memoized.clearCache = () => {
return cache.clear()
return memoized as Func & { clearCache: () => void }
return memoized as Func & Simplify<DefaultMemoizeFields>

@@ -1,3 +0,2 @@

import type { OutputSelector, Selector, SelectorArray } from 'reselect'
import { defaultMemoize } from './defaultMemoize'
import { weakMapMemoize } from './weakMapMemoize'

@@ -12,3 +11,7 @@ import type {


@@ -22,4 +25,3 @@ } from './types'

} from './utils'

@@ -31,3 +33,3 @@

* @template MemoizeFunction - The type of the memoize function that is used to memoize the `resultFunc` inside `createSelector` (e.g., `defaultMemoize` or `weakMapMemoize`).
* @template ArgsMemoizeFunction - The type of the optional memoize function that is used to memoize the arguments passed into the output selector generated by `createSelector` (e.g., `defaultMemoize` or `weakMapMemoize`). If none is explicitly provided, `defaultMemoize` will be used.
* @template ArgsMemoizeFunction - The type of the optional memoize function that is used to memoize the arguments passed into the output selector generated by `createSelector` (e.g., `defaultMemoize` or `weakMapMemoize`). If none is explicitly provided, `weakMapMemoize` will be used.

@@ -37,4 +39,4 @@ * @public

export interface CreateSelectorFunction<
MemoizeFunction extends UnknownMemoizer = typeof defaultMemoize,
ArgsMemoizeFunction extends UnknownMemoizer = typeof defaultMemoize
MemoizeFunction extends UnknownMemoizer = typeof weakMapMemoize,
ArgsMemoizeFunction extends UnknownMemoizer = typeof weakMapMemoize
> {

@@ -52,3 +54,3 @@ /**

* @see {@link createSelector}
* @see {@link createSelector}

@@ -79,3 +81,3 @@ <InputSelectors extends SelectorArray, Result>(

* @see {@link createSelector}
* @see {@link createSelector}

@@ -91,3 +93,3 @@ <

combiner: Combiner<InputSelectors, Result>,
createSelectorOptions: Partial<
createSelectorOptions: Simplify<

@@ -122,3 +124,3 @@ MemoizeFunction,

* @see {@link createSelector}
* @see {@link createSelector}

@@ -133,3 +135,3 @@ <

combiner: Combiner<InputSelectors, Result>,
createSelectorOptions?: Partial<
createSelectorOptions?: Simplify<

@@ -151,47 +153,3 @@ MemoizeFunction,

let globalStabilityCheck: StabilityCheckFrequency = 'once'
* In development mode, an extra check is conducted on your input selectors.
* It runs your input selectors an extra time with the same arguments, and
* warns in the console if they return a different result _(based on your `memoize` method)_.
* This function allows you to override this setting for all of your selectors.
* **Note**: This setting can still be overridden per selector inside `createSelector`'s `options` object.
* See {@link per-selector-configuration}
* and {@linkcode CreateSelectorOptions.inputStabilityCheck inputStabilityCheck} for more details.
* _The input stability check does not run in production builds._
* @param inputStabilityCheckFrequency - How often the `inputStabilityCheck` should run for all selectors.
* @example
* ```ts
* import { setInputStabilityCheckEnabled } from 'reselect'
import { assert } from './autotrackMemoize/utils';
import { OutputSelectorFields, Mapped } from './types';
* // Run only the first time the selector is called. (default)
* setInputStabilityCheckEnabled('once')
* // Run every time the selector is called.
* setInputStabilityCheckEnabled('always')
* // Never run the input stability check.
* setInputStabilityCheckEnabled('never')
* ```
* @see {@link development-only-checks}
* @see {@link global-configuration}
* @since 5.0.0
* @public
export function setInputStabilityCheckEnabled(
inputStabilityCheckFrequency: StabilityCheckFrequency
) {
globalStabilityCheck = inputStabilityCheckFrequency
* Creates a selector creator function with the specified memoization function and options for customizing memoization behavior.

@@ -222,5 +180,5 @@ *

* @template MemoizeFunction - The type of the memoize function that is used to memoize the `resultFunc` inside `createSelector` (e.g., `defaultMemoize` or `weakMapMemoize`).
* @template ArgsMemoizeFunction - The type of the optional memoize function that is used to memoize the arguments passed into the output selector generated by `createSelector` (e.g., `defaultMemoize` or `weakMapMemoize`). If none is explicitly provided, `defaultMemoize` will be used.
* @template ArgsMemoizeFunction - The type of the optional memoize function that is used to memoize the arguments passed into the output selector generated by `createSelector` (e.g., `defaultMemoize` or `weakMapMemoize`). If none is explicitly provided, `weakMapMemoize` will be used.
* @see {@link createSelectorCreator}
* @see {@link createSelectorCreator}

@@ -232,9 +190,14 @@ * @since 5.0.0

MemoizeFunction extends UnknownMemoizer,
ArgsMemoizeFunction extends UnknownMemoizer = typeof defaultMemoize
ArgsMemoizeFunction extends UnknownMemoizer = typeof weakMapMemoize
options: CreateSelectorOptions<
typeof defaultMemoize,
typeof defaultMemoize,
options: Simplify<
typeof weakMapMemoize,
typeof weakMapMemoize,

@@ -266,3 +229,3 @@ ): CreateSelectorFunction<MemoizeFunction, ArgsMemoizeFunction>

* @see {@link createSelectorCreator}
* @see {@link createSelectorCreator}

@@ -284,3 +247,3 @@ * @public

* @template MemoizeFunction - The type of the memoize function that is used to memoize the `resultFunc` inside `createSelector` (e.g., `defaultMemoize` or `weakMapMemoize`).
* @template ArgsMemoizeFunction - The type of the optional memoize function that is used to memoize the arguments passed into the output selector generated by `createSelector` (e.g., `defaultMemoize` or `weakMapMemoize`). If none is explicitly provided, `defaultMemoize` will be used.
* @template ArgsMemoizeFunction - The type of the optional memoize function that is used to memoize the arguments passed into the output selector generated by `createSelector` (e.g., `defaultMemoize` or `weakMapMemoize`). If none is explicitly provided, `weakMapMemoize` will be used.
* @template MemoizeOrOptions - The type of the first argument. It can either be a `memoize` function or an `options` object containing the `memoize` function.

@@ -293,8 +256,11 @@ */

| MemoizeFunction
| CreateSelectorOptions<MemoizeFunction, ArgsMemoizeFunction>
| SetRequired<
CreateSelectorOptions<MemoizeFunction, ArgsMemoizeFunction>,
memoizeOrOptions: MemoizeOrOptions,
...memoizeOptionsFromArgs: MemoizeOrOptions extends CreateSelectorOptions<
...memoizeOptionsFromArgs: MemoizeOrOptions extends SetRequired<
CreateSelectorOptions<MemoizeFunction, ArgsMemoizeFunction>,

@@ -305,12 +271,11 @@ ? never

/** options initially passed into `createSelectorCreator`. */
const createSelectorCreatorOptions: CreateSelectorOptions<
> =
typeof memoizeOrOptions === 'function'
? {
memoize: memoizeOrOptions as MemoizeFunction,
memoizeOptions: memoizeOptionsFromArgs
: memoizeOrOptions
const createSelectorCreatorOptions: SetRequired<
CreateSelectorOptions<MemoizeFunction, ArgsMemoizeFunction>,
> = typeof memoizeOrOptions === 'function'
? {
memoize: memoizeOrOptions as MemoizeFunction,
memoizeOptions: memoizeOptionsFromArgs
: memoizeOrOptions

@@ -326,9 +291,7 @@ const createSelector = <

combiner: Combiner<InputSelectors, Result>,
createSelectorOptions?: Partial<
createSelectorOptions?: CreateSelectorOptions<

@@ -338,14 +301,13 @@ ]

let recomputations = 0
let dependencyRecomputations = 0
let lastResult: Result
// Due to the intricacies of rest params, we can't do an optional arg after `...funcs`.
// Due to the intricacies of rest params, we can't do an optional arg after `...createSelectorArgs`.
// So, start by declaring the default value here.
// (And yes, the words 'memoize' and 'options' appear too many times in this next sequence.)
let directlyPassedOptions: Partial<
let directlyPassedOptions: CreateSelectorOptions<
> = {}

@@ -356,9 +318,7 @@

| Combiner<InputSelectors, Result>
| Partial<
| CreateSelectorOptions<

@@ -388,5 +348,5 @@

memoizeOptions = [],
argsMemoize = defaultMemoize,
argsMemoize = weakMapMemoize,
argsMemoizeOptions = [],
inputStabilityCheck = globalStabilityCheck
devModeChecks = {}
} = combinedOptions

@@ -418,2 +378,3 @@

const selector = argsMemoize(function dependenciesChecker() {
/** Return values of input selectors which the `resultFunc` takes as arguments. */

@@ -425,18 +386,25 @@ const inputSelectorResults = collectInputSelectorResults(

if (
process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' &&
shouldRunInputStabilityCheck(inputStabilityCheck, firstRun)
) {
// make a second copy of the params, to check if we got the same results
const inputSelectorResultsCopy = collectInputSelectorResults(
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
const { identityFunctionCheck, inputStabilityCheck } =
getDevModeChecksExecutionInfo(firstRun, devModeChecks)
if (identityFunctionCheck.shouldRun) {
resultFunc as Combiner<InputSelectors, Result>
{ inputSelectorResults, inputSelectorResultsCopy },
{ memoize, memoizeOptions: finalMemoizeOptions },
if (inputStabilityCheck.shouldRun) {
// make a second copy of the params, to check if we got the same results
const inputSelectorResultsCopy = collectInputSelectorResults(
{ inputSelectorResults, inputSelectorResultsCopy },
{ memoize, memoizeOptions: finalMemoizeOptions },
if (firstRun) firstRun = false

@@ -461,5 +429,11 @@ }

dependencyRecomputations: () => dependencyRecomputations,
resetDependencyRecomputations: () => {
dependencyRecomputations = 0
lastResult: () => lastResult,
recomputations: () => recomputations,
resetRecomputations: () => (recomputations = 0),
resetRecomputations: () => {
recomputations = 0

@@ -485,3 +459,3 @@ argsMemoize

* @see {@link createSelector}
* @see {@link createSelector}

@@ -491,2 +465,2 @@ * @public

export const createSelector =
/* #__PURE__ */ createSelectorCreator(defaultMemoize)
/* #__PURE__ */ createSelectorCreator(weakMapMemoize)

@@ -6,5 +6,7 @@ import { createSelector } from './createSelectorCreator'

import type {

@@ -63,3 +65,3 @@ } from './types'

* @see {@link createStructuredSelector}
* @see {@link createStructuredSelector}

@@ -70,7 +72,6 @@ * @public

* A convenience function for a common pattern that arises when using Reselect.
* The selector passed to a `connect` decorator often just takes the
* values of its input selectors and maps them to keys in an object.
* A convenience function that simplifies returning an object
* made up of selector results.
* @param selectorMap - A key value pair consisting of input selectors.
* @param inputSelectorsObject - A key value pair consisting of input selectors.
* @param selectorCreator - A custom selector creator function. It defaults to `createSelector`.

@@ -84,54 +85,18 @@ * @returns A memoized structured selector.

* interface State {
* interface RootState {
* todos: {
* id: number
* completed: boolean
* title: string
* description: string
* completed: boolean
* }[]
* alerts: {
* id: number
* message: string
* type: 'reminder' | 'notification'
* read: boolean
* }[]
* alerts: { id: number; read: boolean }[]
* }
* const state: State = {
* todos: [
* {
* id: 0,
* title: 'Buy groceries',
* description: 'Milk, bread, eggs, and fruits',
* completed: false
* },
* {
* id: 1,
* title: 'Schedule dentist appointment',
* description: 'Check available slots for next week',
* completed: true
* }
* ],
* alerts: [
* {
* id: 0,
* message: 'You have an upcoming meeting at 3 PM.',
* type: 'reminder',
* read: false
* },
* {
* id: 1,
* message: 'New software update available.',
* type: 'notification',
* read: true
* }
* ]
* }
* // This:
* const structuredSelector = createStructuredSelector(
* {
* allTodos: (state: State) => state.todos,
* allAlerts: (state: State) => state.alerts,
* selectedTodo: (state: State, id: number) => state.todos[id]
* todos: (state: RootState) => state.todos,
* alerts: (state: RootState) => state.alerts,
* todoById: (state: RootState, id: number) => state.todos[id]
* },

@@ -144,11 +109,11 @@ * createSelector

* [
* (state: State) => state.todos,
* (state: State) => state.alerts,
* (state: State, id: number) => state.todos[id]
* (state: RootState) => state.todos,
* (state: RootState) => state.alerts,
* (state: RootState, id: number) => state.todos[id]
* ],
* (allTodos, allAlerts, selectedTodo) => {
* (todos, alerts, todoById) => {
* return {
* allTodos,
* allAlerts,
* selectedTodo
* todos,
* alerts,
* todoById
* }

@@ -176,6 +141,6 @@ * }

* @template InputSelectorsObject - The shape of the input selectors object.
* @template MemoizeFunction - The type of the memoize function that is used to create the structured selector. It defaults to `defaultMemoize`.
* @template ArgsMemoizeFunction - The type of the of the memoize function that is used to memoize the arguments passed into the generated structured selector. It defaults to `defaultMemoize`.
* @template MemoizeFunction - The type of the memoize function that is used to create the structured selector. It defaults to `weakMapMemoize`.
* @template ArgsMemoizeFunction - The type of the of the memoize function that is used to memoize the arguments passed into the generated structured selector. It defaults to `weakMapMemoize`.
* @see {@link createStructuredSelector}
* @see {@link createStructuredSelector}

@@ -187,3 +152,3 @@ <

selectorMap: InputSelectorsObject,
inputSelectorsObject: InputSelectorsObject,
selectorCreator?: CreateSelectorFunction<

@@ -195,52 +160,56 @@ MemoizeFunction,

// TODO: Do we need this?
* Second overload
// <
// State,
// Result = State,
// MemoizeFunction extends UnknownMemoizer = typeof defaultMemoize,
// ArgsMemoizeFunction extends UnknownMemoizer = typeof defaultMemoize
// >(
// selectors: {
// [Key in keyof State]: Selector<State, State[Key], never>
// },
// selectorCreator?: CreateSelectorFunction<
// MemoizeFunction,
// ArgsMemoizeFunction
// >
// ): OutputSelector<
// readonly Selector<State, State, []>[],
// Result,
// MemoizeFunction,
// ArgsMemoizeFunction
// >
> &
// Manual definition of state and output arguments
* A convenience function for a common pattern that arises when using Reselect.
* The selector passed to a `connect` decorator often just takes the values of its input selectors
* and maps them to keys in an object.
* A convenience function that simplifies returning an object
* made up of selector results.
* @example
* <caption>Simple Use Case</caption>
* <caption>Modern Use Case</caption>
* ```ts
* const selectA = state => state.a
* const selectB = state => state.b
* import { createSelector, createStructuredSelector } from 'reselect'
* // The result function in the following selector
* // is simply building an object from the input selectors
* const structuredSelector = createSelector(selectA, selectB, (a, b) => ({
* a,
* b
* }))
* interface RootState {
* todos: {
* id: number
* completed: boolean
* title: string
* description: string
* }[]
* alerts: { id: number; read: boolean }[]
* }
* // This:
* const structuredSelector = createStructuredSelector(
* {
* todos: (state: RootState) => state.todos,
* alerts: (state: RootState) => state.alerts,
* todoById: (state: RootState, id: number) => state.todos[id]
* },
* createSelector
* )
* // Is essentially the same as this:
* const selector = createSelector(
* [
* (state: RootState) => state.todos,
* (state: RootState) => state.alerts,
* (state: RootState, id: number) => state.todos[id]
* ],
* (todos, alerts, todoById) => {
* return {
* todos,
* alerts,
* todoById
* }
* }
* )
* ```
* @see {@link createStructuredSelector}
* @see {@link createStructuredSelector}

@@ -247,0 +216,0 @@ * @public

@@ -1,9 +0,14 @@

import type { AnyFunction, EqualityFn } from './types'
import type {
} from './types'
import type { NOT_FOUND_TYPE } from './utils'
import { NOT_FOUND } from './utils'
// Cache implementation based on Erik Rasmussen's `lru-memoize`:
interface Entry {

@@ -91,2 +96,5 @@ key: unknown

* Runs a simple reference equality check.
* What {@linkcode defaultMemoize defaultMemoize} uses by default.
* @public

@@ -122,3 +130,3 @@ */

export interface DefaultMemoizeOptions {
export interface DefaultMemoizeOptions<T = any> {

@@ -139,3 +147,3 @@ * Used to compare the individual arguments of the provided calculation function.

resultEqualityCheck?: EqualityFn
resultEqualityCheck?: EqualityFn<T>

@@ -165,3 +173,3 @@ * The cache size for the selector. If greater than 1, the selector will use an LRU cache internally.

func: Func,
equalityCheckOrOptions?: EqualityFn | DefaultMemoizeOptions
equalityCheckOrOptions?: EqualityFn | DefaultMemoizeOptions<ReturnType<Func>>
) {

@@ -181,2 +189,4 @@ const providedOptions =

let resultsCount = 0
const cache =

@@ -189,6 +199,7 @@ maxSize === 1

function memoized() {
let value = cache.get(arguments)
let value = cache.get(arguments) as ReturnType<Func>
if (value === NOT_FOUND) {
// @ts-ignore
value = func.apply(null, arguments)
value = func.apply(null, arguments) as ReturnType<Func>

@@ -198,7 +209,8 @@ if (resultEqualityCheck) {

const matchingEntry = entries.find(entry =>
resultEqualityCheck(entry.value, value)
resultEqualityCheck(entry.value as ReturnType<Func>, value)
if (matchingEntry) {
value = matchingEntry.value
value = matchingEntry.value as ReturnType<Func>

@@ -214,5 +226,12 @@ }

return memoized as Func & { clearCache: () => void }
memoized.resultsCount = () => resultsCount
memoized.resetResultsCount = () => {
resultsCount = 0
return memoized as Func & Simplify<DefaultMemoizeFields>
export { autotrackMemoize as unstable_autotrackMemoize } from './autotrackMemoize/autotrackMemoize'
export {
} from './createSelectorCreator'
export { createSelector, createSelectorCreator } from './createSelectorCreator'
export type { CreateSelectorFunction } from './createSelectorCreator'

@@ -15,17 +11,23 @@ export { createStructuredSelector } from './createStructuredSelector'

export type { DefaultMemoizeOptions } from './defaultMemoize'
export { setGlobalDevModeChecks } from './devModeChecks/setGlobalDevModeChecks'
export type {
} from './types'
export { weakMapMemoize } from './weakMapMemoize'

@@ -1,3 +0,3 @@

import type { defaultMemoize } from './defaultMemoize'
import type { MergeParameters } from './versionedTypes'
import type { weakMapMemoize } from './weakMapMemoize'

@@ -58,5 +58,5 @@ export type { MergeParameters } from './versionedTypes'

* @template MemoizeFunction - The type of the memoize function that is used to memoize the `resultFunc` inside `createSelector` (e.g., `defaultMemoize` or `weakMapMemoize`).
* @template ArgsMemoizeFunction - The type of the optional memoize function that is used to memoize the arguments passed into the output selector generated by `createSelector` (e.g., `defaultMemoize` or `weakMapMemoize`). If none is explicitly provided, `defaultMemoize` will be used.
* @template ArgsMemoizeFunction - The type of the optional memoize function that is used to memoize the arguments passed into the output selector generated by `createSelector` (e.g., `defaultMemoize` or `weakMapMemoize`). If none is explicitly provided, `weakMapMemoize` will be used.
* @template OverrideMemoizeFunction - The type of the optional `memoize` function that could be passed into the options object inside `createSelector` to override the original `memoize` function that was initially passed into `createSelectorCreator`.
* @template OverrideArgsMemoizeFunction - The type of the optional `argsMemoize` function that could be passed into the options object inside `createSelector` to override the original `argsMemoize` function that was initially passed into `createSelectorCreator`. If none was initially provided, `defaultMemoize` will be used.
* @template OverrideArgsMemoizeFunction - The type of the optional `argsMemoize` function that could be passed into the options object inside `createSelector` to override the original `argsMemoize` function that was initially passed into `createSelectorCreator`. If none was initially provided, `weakMapMemoize` will be used.

@@ -66,4 +66,4 @@ * @public

export interface CreateSelectorOptions<
MemoizeFunction extends UnknownMemoizer = typeof defaultMemoize,
ArgsMemoizeFunction extends UnknownMemoizer = typeof defaultMemoize,
MemoizeFunction extends UnknownMemoizer = typeof weakMapMemoize,
ArgsMemoizeFunction extends UnknownMemoizer = typeof weakMapMemoize,
OverrideMemoizeFunction extends UnknownMemoizer = never,

@@ -73,16 +73,11 @@ OverrideArgsMemoizeFunction extends UnknownMemoizer = never

* Overrides the global input stability check for the selector.
* - `once` - Run only the first time the selector is called.
* - `always` - Run every time the selector is called.
* - `never` - Never run the input stability check.
* Reselect performs additional checks in development mode to help identify
* and warn about potential issues in selector behavior. This option
* allows you to customize the behavior of these checks per selector.
* @default 'once'
* @see {@link debugging-tools}
* @see {@link development-only-checks}
* @see {@link inputStabilityCheck}
* @see {@link per-selector-configuration}
* @since 5.0.0
inputStabilityCheck?: StabilityCheckFrequency
devModeChecks?: Partial<DevModeChecks>

@@ -99,8 +94,8 @@ /**

* const selectTodoById = createSelector(
* const selectItemsByCategory = createSelector(
* [
* (state: RootState) => state.todos,
* (state: RootState, id: number) => id
* (state: RootState) => state.items,
* (state: RootState, category: string) => category
* ],
* (todos) => todos[id],
* (items, category) => items.filter(item => item.category === category),
* { memoize: weakMapMemoize }

@@ -112,9 +107,12 @@ * )

// If `memoize` is not provided inside the options object, fallback to `MemoizeFunction` which is the original memoize function passed into `createSelectorCreator`.
memoize: FallbackIfNever<OverrideMemoizeFunction, MemoizeFunction>
memoize?: FallbackIfNever<OverrideMemoizeFunction, MemoizeFunction>
* The optional memoize function that is used to memoize the arguments passed into the output selector generated by `createSelector` (e.g., `defaultMemoize` or `weakMapMemoize`).
* The optional memoize function that is used to memoize the arguments
* passed into the output selector generated by `createSelector`
* (e.g., `defaultMemoize` or `weakMapMemoize`).
* When passed directly into `createSelector`, it overrides the `argsMemoize` function initially passed into `createSelectorCreator`. If none was initially provided, `defaultMemoize` will be used.
* When passed directly into `createSelector`, it overrides the
* `argsMemoize` function initially passed into `createSelectorCreator`.
* If none was initially provided, `weakMapMemoize` will be used.

@@ -125,8 +123,8 @@ * @example

* const selectTodoById = createSelector(
* const selectItemsByCategory = createSelector(
* [
* (state: RootState) => state.todos,
* (state: RootState, id: number) => id
* (state: RootState) => state.items,
* (state: RootState, category: string) => category
* ],
* (todos) => todos[id],
* (items, category) => items.filter(item => item.category === category),
* { argsMemoize: weakMapMemoize }

@@ -136,9 +134,6 @@ * )

* @default defaultMemoize
* @default weakMapMemoize
* @since 5.0.0
// If `argsMemoize` is not provided inside the options object,
// fallback to `ArgsMemoizeFunction` which is the original `argsMemoize` function passed into `createSelectorCreator`.
// If none was passed originally to `createSelectorCreator`, it should fallback to `defaultMemoize`.
argsMemoize?: FallbackIfNever<

@@ -155,3 +150,2 @@ OverrideArgsMemoizeFunction,

// Should dynamically change to the options argument of `memoize`.
memoizeOptions?: OverrideMemoizeOptions<

@@ -188,3 +182,3 @@ MemoizeFunction,

* @template MemoizeFunction - The type of the memoize function that is used to memoize the `resultFunc` inside `createSelector` (e.g., `defaultMemoize` or `weakMapMemoize`).
* @template ArgsMemoizeFunction - The type of the optional memoize function that is used to memoize the arguments passed into the output selector generated by `createSelector` (e.g., `defaultMemoize` or `weakMapMemoize`). If none is explicitly provided, `defaultMemoize` will be used.
* @template ArgsMemoizeFunction - The type of the optional memoize function that is used to memoize the arguments passed into the output selector generated by `createSelector` (e.g., `defaultMemoize` or `weakMapMemoize`). If none is explicitly provided, `weakMapMemoize` will be used.

@@ -196,18 +190,54 @@ * @public

Result = unknown,
MemoizeFunction extends UnknownMemoizer = typeof defaultMemoize,
ArgsMemoizeFunction extends UnknownMemoizer = typeof defaultMemoize
MemoizeFunction extends UnknownMemoizer = typeof weakMapMemoize,
ArgsMemoizeFunction extends UnknownMemoizer = typeof weakMapMemoize
> = {
/** The final function passed to `createSelector`. Otherwise known as the `combiner`.*/
* The final function passed to `createSelector`. Otherwise known as the `combiner`.
resultFunc: Combiner<InputSelectors, Result>
/** The memoized version of {@linkcode OutputSelectorFields.resultFunc resultFunc}. */
* The memoized version of {@linkcode OutputSelectorFields.resultFunc resultFunc}.
memoizedResultFunc: Combiner<InputSelectors, Result> &
/** Returns the last result calculated by the output selector. */
* @Returns The last result calculated by {@linkcode OutputSelectorFields.memoizedResultFunc memoizedResultFunc}.
lastResult: () => Result
/** An array of the input selectors. */
* The array of the input selectors used by `createSelector` to compose the
* combiner ({@linkcode OutputSelectorFields.memoizedResultFunc memoizedResultFunc}).
dependencies: InputSelectors
/** Counts the number of times the output has been recalculated. */
* Counts the number of times {@linkcode OutputSelectorFields.memoizedResultFunc memoizedResultFunc} has been recalculated.
recomputations: () => number
/** Resets the count of `recomputations` count to 0. */
resetRecomputations: () => 0
* Resets the count of {@linkcode OutputSelectorFields.recomputations recomputations} count to 0.
resetRecomputations: () => void
* Counts the number of times the input selectors ({@linkcode OutputSelectorFields.dependencies dependencies})
* have been recalculated. This is distinct from {@linkcode OutputSelectorFields.recomputations recomputations},
* which tracks the recalculations of the result function.
* @since 5.0.0
dependencyRecomputations: () => number
* Resets the count {@linkcode OutputSelectorFields.dependencyRecomputations dependencyRecomputations}
* for the input selectors ({@linkcode OutputSelectorFields.dependencies dependencies})
* of a memoized selector.
* @since 5.0.0
resetDependencyRecomputations: () => void
} & Simplify<

@@ -228,3 +258,3 @@ Required<

* @template MemoizeFunction - The type of the memoize function that is used to memoize the `resultFunc` inside `createSelector` (e.g., `defaultMemoize` or `weakMapMemoize`).
* @template ArgsMemoizeFunction - The type of the optional memoize function that is used to memoize the arguments passed into the output selector generated by `createSelector` (e.g., `defaultMemoize` or `weakMapMemoize`). If none is explicitly provided, `defaultMemoize` will be used.
* @template ArgsMemoizeFunction - The type of the optional memoize function that is used to memoize the arguments passed into the output selector generated by `createSelector` (e.g., `defaultMemoize` or `weakMapMemoize`). If none is explicitly provided, `weakMapMemoize` will be used.

@@ -236,4 +266,4 @@ * @public

Result = unknown,
MemoizeFunction extends UnknownMemoizer = typeof defaultMemoize,
ArgsMemoizeFunction extends UnknownMemoizer = typeof defaultMemoize
MemoizeFunction extends UnknownMemoizer = typeof weakMapMemoize,
ArgsMemoizeFunction extends UnknownMemoizer = typeof weakMapMemoize
> = Selector<

@@ -271,40 +301,76 @@ GetStateFromSelectors<InputSelectors>,

* A selector that is assumed to have one additional argument, such as
* the props from a React component.
* A standard function returning true if two values are considered equal.
* @public
export type ParametricSelector<State, Props, Result> = Selector<
[Props, ...any]
export type EqualityFn<T = any> = (a: T, b: T) => boolean
* A generated selector that is assumed to have one additional argument.
* The frequency of development mode checks.
* @since 5.0.0
* @public
export type OutputParametricSelector<State, Props, Result> = ParametricSelector<
> &
OutputSelectorFields<SelectorArray, Result>
export type DevModeCheckFrequency = 'always' | 'once' | 'never'
* A standard function returning true if two values are considered equal.
* Represents the configuration for development mode checks.
* @since 5.0.0
* @public
export type EqualityFn = (a: any, b: any) => boolean
export interface DevModeChecks {
* Overrides the global input stability check for the selector.
* - `once` - Run only the first time the selector is called.
* - `always` - Run every time the selector is called.
* - `never` - Never run the input stability check.
* @default 'once'
* @see {@link debugging-tools}
* @see {@link inputStabilityCheck}
* @see {@link per-selector-configuration}
* @since 5.0.0
inputStabilityCheck: DevModeCheckFrequency
* Overrides the global identity function check for the selector.
* - `once` - Run only the first time the selector is called.
* - `always` - Run every time the selector is called.
* - `never` - Never run the identity function check.
* @default 'once'
* @see {@link debugging-tools}
* @see {@link identityFunctionCheck}
* @see {@link per-selector-configuration}
* @since 5.0.0
identityFunctionCheck: DevModeCheckFrequency
* The frequency of input stability checks.
* Represents execution information for development mode checks.
* @public
* @since 5.0.0
* @public
export type StabilityCheckFrequency = 'always' | 'once' | 'never'
export type DevModeChecksExecutionInfo = {
[K in keyof DevModeChecks]: {
* A boolean indicating whether the check should be executed.
shouldRun: boolean
* The function to execute for the check.
run: AnyFunction

@@ -327,27 +393,3 @@ * Determines the combined single "State" type (first arg) from all input selectors.

* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Reselect Internal Utility Types
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Any function with any arguments.
* @internal
export type AnyFunction = (...args: any[]) => any
* Any function with unknown arguments.
* @internal
export type UnknownFunction = (...args: unknown[]) => unknown
* Any Memoizer function. A memoizer is a function that accepts another function and returns it.

@@ -357,3 +399,3 @@ *

* @internal
* @public

@@ -365,10 +407,21 @@ export type UnknownMemoizer<

* When a generic type parameter is using its default value of `never`, fallback to a different type.
* Extracts the options type for a memoization function based on its parameters.
* The first parameter of the function is expected to be the function to be memoized,
* followed by options for the memoization process.
* @template T - Type to be checked.
* @template FallbackTo - Type to fallback to if `T` resolves to `never`.
* @template MemoizeFunction - The type of the memoize function to be checked.
* @internal
* @public
export type FallbackIfNever<T, FallbackTo> = IfNever<T, FallbackTo, T>
export type MemoizeOptionsFromParameters<
MemoizeFunction extends UnknownMemoizer
> =
| (
| NonFunctionType<DropFirstParameter<MemoizeFunction>[0]>
| FunctionType<DropFirstParameter<MemoizeFunction>[0]>
| (
| NonFunctionType<DropFirstParameter<MemoizeFunction>[number]>
| FunctionType<DropFirstParameter<MemoizeFunction>[number]>

@@ -383,3 +436,3 @@ /**

* @internal
* @public

@@ -391,55 +444,91 @@ export type OverrideMemoizeOptions<

* Extracts the non-function part of a type.
* Extracts the additional properties or methods that a memoize function attaches to
* the function it memoizes (e.g., `clearCache`).
* @template T - The input type to be refined by excluding function types and index signatures.
* @template MemoizeFunction - The type of the memoize function to be checked.
* @public
export type ExtractMemoizerFields<MemoizeFunction extends UnknownMemoizer> =
* Represents the additional properties attached to a function memoized by `reselect`.
* `defaultMemoize`, `weakMapMemoize` and `autotrackMemoize` all return these properties.
* @see {@linkcode ExtractMemoizerFields ExtractMemoizerFields}
* @public
export type DefaultMemoizeFields = {
* Clears the memoization cache associated with a memoized function.
* This method is typically used to reset the state of the cache, allowing
* for the garbage collection of previously memoized results and ensuring
* that future calls to the function recompute the results.
clearCache: () => void
resultsCount: () => number
resetResultsCount: () => void
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Reselect Internal Utility Types
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Any function with any arguments.
* @internal
export type NonFunctionType<T> = OmitIndexSignature<Exclude<T, AnyFunction>>
export type AnyFunction = (...args: any[]) => any
* Extracts the function part of a type.
* Any function with unknown arguments.
* @template T - The input type to be refined by extracting function types.
* @internal
export type UnknownFunction = (...args: unknown[]) => unknown
* When a generic type parameter is using its default value of `never`, fallback to a different type.
* @template T - Type to be checked.
* @template FallbackTo - Type to fallback to if `T` resolves to `never`.
* @internal
export type FunctionType<T> = Extract<T, AnyFunction>
export type FallbackIfNever<T, FallbackTo> = IfNever<T, FallbackTo, T>
* Extracts the options type for a memoization function based on its parameters.
* The first parameter of the function is expected to be the function to be memoized,
* followed by options for the memoization process.
* Extracts the non-function part of a type.
* @template MemoizeFunction - The type of the memoize function to be checked.
* @template T - The input type to be refined by excluding function types and index signatures.
* @internal
export type MemoizeOptionsFromParameters<
MemoizeFunction extends UnknownMemoizer
> =
| (
| Simplify<NonFunctionType<DropFirstParameter<MemoizeFunction>[0]>>
| FunctionType<DropFirstParameter<MemoizeFunction>[0]>
| (
| Simplify<NonFunctionType<DropFirstParameter<MemoizeFunction>[number]>>
| FunctionType<DropFirstParameter<MemoizeFunction>[number]>
export type NonFunctionType<T> = Simplify<
OmitIndexSignature<Exclude<T, AnyFunction>>
* Extracts the additional fields that a memoize function attaches to
* the function it memoizes (e.g., `clearCache`).
* Extracts the function part of a type.
* @template MemoizeFunction - The type of the memoize function to be checked.
* @template T - The input type to be refined by extracting function types.
* @internal
export type ExtractMemoizerFields<MemoizeFunction extends UnknownMemoizer> =
export type FunctionType<T> = Extract<T, AnyFunction>

@@ -453,3 +542,3 @@ /**

[Index in keyof FunctionsArray]: FunctionsArray[Index] extends FunctionsArray[number]
? ReturnType<FunctionsArray[Index]>
? FallbackIfUnknown<ReturnType<FunctionsArray[Index]>, any>
: never

@@ -488,7 +577,7 @@ }

export type FirstArrayElement<TArray> = TArray extends readonly [
export type FirstArrayElement<ArrayType> = ArrayType extends readonly [
? TArray[0]
? ArrayType[0]
: never

@@ -501,7 +590,7 @@

export type ArrayTail<TArray> = TArray extends readonly [
export type ArrayTail<ArrayType> = ArrayType extends readonly [
...infer TTail
...infer Tail
? TTail
? Tail
: []

@@ -588,3 +677,4 @@

(mergedIntersection: infer Intersection) => void
? Intersection
? // The `& Union` is to allow indexing by the resulting type
Intersection & Union
: never

@@ -638,3 +728,39 @@

* Create a type that makes the given keys required.
* The remaining keys are kept as is.
* @see {@link Source}
* @internal
export type SetRequired<BaseType, Keys extends keyof BaseType> = Omit<
> &
Required<Pick<BaseType, Keys>>
* An if-else-like type that resolves depending on whether the given type is `unknown`.
* @see {@link Source}
* @internal
export type IfUnknown<T, TypeIfUnknown, TypeIfNotUnknown> = unknown extends T // `T` can be `unknown` or `any`
? [T] extends [null] // `any` can be `null`, but `unknown` can't be
? TypeIfNotUnknown
: TypeIfUnknown
: TypeIfNotUnknown
* When a type is resolves to `unknown`, fallback to a different type.
* @template T - Type to be checked.
* @template FallbackTo - Type to fallback to if `T` resolves to `unknown`.
* @internal
export type FallbackIfUnknown<T, FallbackTo> = IfUnknown<T, FallbackTo, T>
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

@@ -743,5 +869,7 @@ * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

export type Simplify<T> = {
[KeyType in keyof T]: T[KeyType]
} & AnyNonNullishValue
export type Simplify<T> = T extends AnyFunction
? T
: {
[KeyType in keyof T]: T[KeyType]
} & AnyNonNullishValue

@@ -748,0 +876,0 @@ /**

@@ -0,9 +1,15 @@

import { runIdentityFunctionCheck } from './devModeChecks/identityFunctionCheck'
import { runInputStabilityCheck } from './devModeChecks/inputStabilityCheck'
import { globalDevModeChecks } from './devModeChecks/setGlobalDevModeChecks'
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/consistent-type-imports
import type {
} from './types'
export const NOT_FOUND = 'NOT_FOUND'
export type NOT_FOUND_TYPE = typeof NOT_FOUND

@@ -76,3 +82,3 @@ * Assert that the provided value is a function. If the assertion fails,

export const ensureIsArray = <T>(item: T | T[]) => {
export const ensureIsArray = (item: unknown) => {
return Array.isArray(item) ? item : [item]

@@ -123,62 +129,30 @@ }

* Run a stability check to ensure the input selector results remain stable
* when provided with the same arguments. This function is designed to detect
* changes in the output of input selectors, which can impact the performance of memoized selectors.
* Retrieves execution information for development mode checks.
* @param inputSelectorResultsObject - An object containing two arrays: `inputSelectorResults` and `inputSelectorResultsCopy`, representing the results of input selectors.
* @param options - Options object consisting of a `memoize` function and a `memoizeOptions` object.
* @param inputSelectorArgs - List of arguments being passed to the input selectors.
export function runStabilityCheck(
inputSelectorResultsObject: {
inputSelectorResults: unknown[]
inputSelectorResultsCopy: unknown[]
options: Required<
CreateSelectorOptions<UnknownMemoizer, UnknownMemoizer>,
'memoize' | 'memoizeOptions'
inputSelectorArgs: unknown[] | IArguments
) {
const { memoize, memoizeOptions } = options
const { inputSelectorResults, inputSelectorResultsCopy } =
const createAnEmptyObject = memoize(() => ({}), ...memoizeOptions)
// if the memoize method thinks the parameters are equal, these *should* be the same reference
const areInputSelectorResultsEqual =
createAnEmptyObject.apply(null, inputSelectorResults) ===
createAnEmptyObject.apply(null, inputSelectorResultsCopy)
if (!areInputSelectorResultsEqual) {
// do we want to log more information about the selector?
'An input selector returned a different result when passed same arguments.' +
'\nThis means your output selector will likely run more frequently than intended.' +
'\nAvoid returning a new reference inside your input selector, e.g.' +
'\n`createSelector([(arg1, arg2) => ({ arg1, arg2 })],(arg1, arg2) => {})`',
arguments: inputSelectorArgs,
firstInputs: inputSelectorResults,
secondInputs: inputSelectorResultsCopy
* Determines if the input stability check should run.
* @param inputStabilityCheck - The frequency of the input stability check.
* @param devModeChecks - Custom Settings for development mode checks. These settings will override the global defaults.
* @param firstRun - Indicates whether it is the first time the selector has run.
* @returns true if the input stability check should run, otherwise false.
* @returns An object containing the execution information for each development mode check.
export const shouldRunInputStabilityCheck = (
inputStabilityCheck: StabilityCheckFrequency,
firstRun: boolean
export const getDevModeChecksExecutionInfo = (
firstRun: boolean,
devModeChecks: Partial<DevModeChecks>
) => {
return (
inputStabilityCheck === 'always' ||
(inputStabilityCheck === 'once' && firstRun)
const { identityFunctionCheck, inputStabilityCheck } = {
return {
identityFunctionCheck: {
identityFunctionCheck === 'always' ||
(identityFunctionCheck === 'once' && firstRun),
run: runIdentityFunctionCheck
inputStabilityCheck: {
inputStabilityCheck === 'always' ||
(inputStabilityCheck === 'once' && firstRun),
run: runInputStabilityCheck
} satisfies DevModeChecksExecutionInfo
// This entire implementation courtesy of Anders Hjelsberg:
import type { AnyFunction } from '@internal/types'
import type { AnyFunction } from '../types'
* Represents the longest array within an array of arrays.
* @template ArrayOfTuples An array of arrays.
* @internal
type LongestTuple<T extends readonly unknown[][]> = T extends [
infer U extends unknown[]
? U
: T extends [infer U, ...infer R extends unknown[][]]
? MostProperties<U, LongestTuple<R>>
: never
type LongestTuple<ArrayOfTuples extends readonly unknown[][]> =
ArrayOfTuples extends [infer FirstArray extends unknown[]]
? FirstArray
: ArrayOfTuples extends [
infer FirstArray,
...infer RestArrays extends unknown[][]
? LongerOfTwo<FirstArray, LongestTuple<RestArrays>>
: never
* Determines the longer of two array types.
* @template ArrayOne First array type.
* @template ArrayTwo Second array type.
* @internal
type MostProperties<T, U> = keyof U extends keyof T ? T : U
type LongerOfTwo<ArrayOne, ArrayTwo> = keyof ArrayTwo extends keyof ArrayOne
? ArrayOne
: ArrayTwo
* Extracts the element at a specific index in an array.
* @template ArrayType The array type.
* @template Index The index type.
* @internal
type ElementAt<T extends unknown[], N extends keyof any> = N extends keyof T
? T[N]
: unknown
type ElementAt<
ArrayType extends unknown[],
Index extends PropertyKey
> = Index extends keyof ArrayType ? ArrayType[Index] : unknown
* Maps each array in an array of arrays to its element at a given index.
* @template ArrayOfTuples An array of arrays.
* @template Index The index to extract from each array.
* @internal
type ElementsAt<T extends readonly unknown[][], N extends keyof any> = {
[K in keyof T]: ElementAt<T[K], N>
type ElementsAtGivenIndex<
ArrayOfTuples extends readonly unknown[][],
Index extends PropertyKey
> = {
[ArrayIndex in keyof ArrayOfTuples]: ElementAt<
* Computes the intersection of all types in a tuple.
* @template Tuple A tuple of types.
* @internal
type Intersect<T extends readonly unknown[]> = T extends []
type Intersect<Tuple extends readonly unknown[]> = Tuple extends []
? unknown
: T extends [infer H, ...infer T]
? H & Intersect<T>
: T[number]
: Tuple extends [infer Head, ...infer Tail]
? Head & Intersect<Tail>
: Tuple[number]
* Merges a tuple of arrays into a single tuple, intersecting types at each index.
* @template ArrayOfTuples An array of tuples.
* @template LongestArray The longest array in ArrayOfTuples.
* @internal
type MergeTuples<
T extends readonly unknown[][],
L extends unknown[] = LongestTuple<T>
ArrayOfTuples extends readonly unknown[][],
LongestArray extends unknown[] = LongestTuple<ArrayOfTuples>
> = {
[K in keyof L]: Intersect<ElementsAt<T, K>>
[Index in keyof LongestArray]: Intersect<
ElementsAtGivenIndex<ArrayOfTuples, Index>
* Extracts the parameter types from a tuple of functions.
* @template FunctionsArray An array of function types.
* @internal
type ExtractParameters<T extends readonly AnyFunction[]> = {
[K in keyof T]: Parameters<T[K]>
type ExtractParameters<FunctionsArray extends readonly AnyFunction[]> = {
[Index in keyof FunctionsArray]: Parameters<FunctionsArray[Index]>
* Merges the parameters of a tuple of functions into a single tuple.
* @template FunctionsArray An array of function types.
* @internal
export type MergeParameters<T extends readonly AnyFunction[]> =
'0' extends keyof T
? MergeTuples<ExtractParameters<T>>
: Parameters<T[number]>
export type MergeParameters<FunctionsArray extends readonly AnyFunction[]> =
'0' extends keyof FunctionsArray
? MergeTuples<ExtractParameters<FunctionsArray>>
: Parameters<FunctionsArray[number]>
// Original source:
// -
import type { AnyFunction } from './types'
import type {
} from './types'
class StrongRef<T> {
constructor(private value: T) {}
deref() {
return this.value
const Ref = WeakRef ?? StrongRef

@@ -10,5 +24,17 @@ const TERMINATED = 1

interface UnterminatedCacheNode<T> {
* Status, represents whether the cached computation returned a value or threw an error.
s: 0
* Value, either the cached result or an error, depending on status.
v: void
* Object cache, a `WeakMap` where non-primitive arguments are stored.
o: null | WeakMap<Function | Object, CacheNode<T>>
* Primitive cache, a regular Map where primitive arguments are stored.
p: null | Map<string | number | null | void | symbol | boolean, CacheNode<T>>

@@ -18,5 +44,17 @@ }

interface TerminatedCacheNode<T> {
* Status, represents whether the cached computation returned a value or threw an error.
s: 1
* Value, either the cached result or an error, depending on status.
v: T
* Object cache, a `WeakMap` where non-primitive arguments are stored.
o: null | WeakMap<Function | Object, CacheNode<T>>
* Primitive cache, a regular `Map` where primitive arguments are stored.
p: null | Map<string | number | null | void | symbol | boolean, CacheNode<T>>

@@ -29,6 +67,6 @@ }

return {
s: UNTERMINATED, // status, represents whether the cached computation returned a value or threw an error
v: undefined, // value, either the cached result or an error, depending on s
o: null, // object cache, a WeakMap where non-primitive arguments are stored
p: null // primitive cache, a regular Map where primitive arguments are stored.
v: undefined,
o: null,
p: null

@@ -38,9 +76,25 @@ }

* @public
export interface WeakMapMemoizeOptions<T = any> {
* If provided, used to compare a newly generated output value against previous values in the cache.
* If a match is found, the old value is returned. This addresses the common
* ```ts
* =>
* ```
* use case, where an update to another field in the original data causes a recalculation
* due to changed references, but the output is still effectively the same.
resultEqualityCheck?: EqualityFn<T>
* Creates a tree of `WeakMap`-based cache nodes based on the identity of the
* arguments it's been called with (in this case, the extracted values from your input selectors).
* This allows `weakmapMemoize` to have an effectively infinite cache size.
* This allows `weakMapMemoize` to have an effectively infinite cache size.
* Cache results will be kept in memory as long as references to the arguments still exist,
* and then cleared out as the arguments are garbage-collected.
* __Design Tradeoffs for `weakmapMemoize`:__
* __Design Tradeoffs for `weakMapMemoize`:__
* - Pros:

@@ -54,3 +108,3 @@ * - It has an effectively infinite cache size, but you have no control over

* __Use Cases for `weakmapMemoize`:__
* __Use Cases for `weakMapMemoize`:__
* - This memoizer is likely best used for cases where you need to call the

@@ -71,9 +125,16 @@ * same selector instance with many different arguments, such as a single

* const selectTodoById = createSelector(
* interface RootState {
* items: { id: number; category: string; name: string }[]
* }
* const selectItemsByCategory = createSelector(
* [
* (state: RootState) => state.todos,
* (state: RootState, id: number) => id
* (state: RootState) => state.items,
* (state: RootState, category: string) => category
* ],
* (todos) => todos[id],
* { memoize: weakMapMemoize }
* (items, category) => items.filter(item => item.category === category),
* {
* memoize: weakMapMemoize,
* argsMemoize: weakMapMemoize
* }
* )

@@ -87,10 +148,10 @@ * ```

* const createSelectorWeakmap = createSelectorCreator(weakMapMemoize)
* const createSelectorWeakMap = createSelectorCreator({ memoize: weakMapMemoize, argsMemoize: weakMapMemoize })
* const selectTodoById = createSelectorWeakmap(
* const selectItemsByCategory = createSelectorWeakMap(
* [
* (state: RootState) => state.todos,
* (state: RootState, id: number) => id
* (state: RootState) => state.items,
* (state: RootState, category: string) => category
* ],
* (todos) => todos[id]
* (items, category) => items.filter(item => item.category === category)
* )

@@ -101,2 +162,4 @@ * ```

* @see {@link weakMapMemoize}
* @since 5.0.0

@@ -106,11 +169,17 @@ * @public

export function weakMapMemoize<Func extends AnyFunction>(func: Func) {
// we reference arguments instead of spreading them for performance reasons
export function weakMapMemoize<Func extends AnyFunction>(
func: Func,
options: WeakMapMemoizeOptions<ReturnType<Func>> = {}
) {
let fnNode = createCacheNode()
const { resultEqualityCheck } = options
let lastResult: WeakRef<object> | undefined
let resultsCount = 0
function memoized() {
let cacheNode = fnNode
for (let i = 0, l = arguments.length; i < l; i++) {
const { length } = arguments
for (let i = 0, l = length; i < l; i++) {
const arg = arguments[i]

@@ -148,9 +217,32 @@ if (

const terminatedNode = cacheNode as unknown as TerminatedCacheNode<any>
let result
if (cacheNode.s === TERMINATED) {
return cacheNode.v
result = cacheNode.v
} else {
// Allow errors to propagate
result = func.apply(null, arguments as unknown as any[])
// Allow errors to propagate
const result = func.apply(null, arguments as unknown as any[])
const terminatedNode = cacheNode as unknown as TerminatedCacheNode<any>
terminatedNode.s = TERMINATED
if (resultEqualityCheck) {
const lastResultValue = lastResult?.deref() ?? lastResult
if (
lastResultValue != null &&
resultEqualityCheck(lastResultValue as ReturnType<Func>, result)
) {
result = lastResultValue
resultsCount !== 0 && resultsCount--
const needsWeakRef =
(typeof result === 'object' && result !== null) ||
typeof result === 'function'
lastResult = needsWeakRef ? new Ref(result) : result
terminatedNode.v = result

@@ -162,5 +254,12 @@ return result

fnNode = createCacheNode()
return memoized as Func & { clearCache: () => void }
memoized.resultsCount = () => resultsCount
memoized.resetResultsCount = () => {
resultsCount = 0
return memoized as Func & Simplify<DefaultMemoizeFields>

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