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Easy dependency injection for node.js unit testing

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Package description

What is rewire?

Rewire is a testing utility for Node.js that allows you to modify the behavior of a module by overriding its private variables and functions. This is particularly useful for unit testing, as it enables you to test private functions and mock dependencies.

What are rewire's main functionalities?

Accessing Private Variables

This feature allows you to access private variables within a module. In the code sample, `privateVar` is a private variable in `myModule` that is accessed using `__get__`.

const rewire = require('rewire');
const myModule = rewire('./myModule');
const privateVar = myModule.__get__('privateVar');

Mocking Private Functions

This feature allows you to mock private functions within a module. In the code sample, `privateFunction` is a private function in `myModule` that is mocked using `__set__`.

const rewire = require('rewire');
const myModule = rewire('./myModule');
myModule.__set__('privateFunction', function() { return 'mocked'; });

Mocking Dependencies

This feature allows you to mock dependencies of a module. In the code sample, `dependency` is a dependency of `myModule` that is mocked using `__set__`.

const rewire = require('rewire');
const myModule = rewire('./myModule');
myModule.__set__('dependency', { someMethod: () => 'mocked' });

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Easy dependency injection for node.js unit testing.

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rewire adds a special setter and getter to modules so you can modify their behaviour for better unit testing. You may

  • inject mocks for other modules or globals like process
  • leak private variables
  • override variables within the module.

rewire does not load the file and eval the contents to emulate node's require mechanism. In fact it uses node's own require to load the module. Thus your module behaves exactly the same in your test environment as under regular circumstances (except your modifications).

Good news to all caffeine-addicts: rewire works also with Coffee-Script. Note that in this case CoffeeScript needs to be listed in your devDependencies.

If you want to use rewire also on the client-side take a look at client-side bundlers

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Imagine you want to test this module:


// With rewire you can change all these variables
var fs = require("fs"),
    path = "/somewhere/on/the/disk";

function readSomethingFromFileSystem(cb) {
    console.log("Reading from file system ...");
    fs.readFile(path, "utf8", cb);

exports.readSomethingFromFileSystem = readSomethingFromFileSystem;

Now within your test module:


var rewire = require("rewire");

var myModule = rewire("../lib/myModule.js");

rewire acts exactly like require. Just with one difference: Your module will now export a special setter and getter for private variables.

myModule.__set__("path", "/dev/null");
myModule.__get__("path"); // = '/dev/null'

This allows you to mock everything in the top-level scope of the module, like the fs module for example. Just pass the variable name as first parameter and your mock as second.

var fsMock = {
    readFile: function (path, encoding, cb) {
        cb(null, "Success!");
myModule.__set__("fs", fsMock);

myModule.readSomethingFromFileSystem(function (err, data) {
    console.log(data); // = Success!

You can also set multiple variables with one call.

    fs: fsMock,
    path: "/dev/null"

You may also override globals. These changes are only within the module, so you don't have to be concerned that other modules are influenced by your mock.

    console: {
        log: function () { /* be quiet */ }
    process: {
        argv: ["testArg1", "testArg2"]

__set__ returns a function which reverts the changes introduced by this particular __set__ call

var revert = myModule.__set__("port", 3000);

// port is now 3000
// port is now the previous value 

For your convenience you can also use the __with__ method which reverts the given changes after it finished.

    port: 3000
})(function () {
    // within this function port is 3000
// now port is the previous value again

The __with__ method is also aware of promises. If a thenable is returned all changes stay until the promise has either been resolved or rejected.

    port: 3000
})(function () {
    return new Promise(...);
}).then(function () {
    // now port is the previous value again
// port is still 3000 here because the promise hasn't been resolved yet


Difference to require()
Every call of rewire() executes the module again and returns a fresh instance.

rewire("./myModule.js") === rewire("./myModule.js"); // = false

This can especially be a problem if the module is not idempotent like mongoose models.

Changing globals
Be careful, if you do something like this you'll change your global console instance.

myModule.__set__("console.log", function () { /* be quiet */ });


rewire(filename: String): rewiredModule

Returns a rewired version of the module found at filename. Use rewire() exactly like require().

rewiredModule.__set__(name: String, value: *): Function

Sets the internal variable name to the given value. Returns a function which can be called to revert the change.

rewiredModule.__set__(obj: Object): Function

Takes all enumerable keys of obj as variable names and sets the values respectively. Returns a function which can be called to revert the change.

rewiredModule.__get__(name: String): *

Returns the private variable with the given name.

rewiredModule.__with__(obj: Object): Function<callback: Function>

Returns a function which - when being called - sets obj, executes the given callback and reverts obj. If callback returns a promise, obj is only reverted after the promise has been resolved or rejected. For your convenience the returned function passes the received promise through.

##Client-Side Bundlers

###webpack See rewire-webpack

###browserify If you're using browserify and want to use rewire with browserify please let me know.





Last updated on 28 Oct 2014

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