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rimraf - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 4.2.0 to 4.3.0


"name": "rimraf",
"version": "4.2.0",
"version": "4.3.0",
"main": "./dist/cjs/src/index-cjs.js",

@@ -60,3 +60,3 @@ "module": "./dist/mjs/index.js",

"prettier": "^2.8.2",
"tap": "^16.3.3",
"tap": "^16.3.4",
"ts-node": "^10.9.1",

@@ -63,0 +63,0 @@ "typedoc": "^0.23.21",

@@ -17,25 +17,100 @@ #!/usr/bin/env node

-- Treat all subsequent arguments as paths
-h --help Display this usage info
--preserve-root Do not remove '/' recursively (default)
--no-preserve-root Do not treat '/' specially
-G --no-glob Treat arguments as literal paths, not globs (default)
-g --glob Treat arguments as glob patterns
-- Treat all subsequent arguments as paths
-h --help Display this usage info
--preserve-root Do not remove '/' recursively (default)
--no-preserve-root Do not treat '/' specially
-G --no-glob Treat arguments as literal paths, not globs (default)
-g --glob Treat arguments as glob patterns
-v --verbose Be verbose when deleting files, showing them as
they are removed. Not compatible with --impl=native
-V --no-verbose Be silent when deleting files, showing nothing as
they are removed (default)
-i --interactive Ask for confirmation before deleting anything
Not compatible with --impl=native
-I --no-interactive Do not ask for confirmation before deleting
--impl=<type> Specify the implementation to use.
rimraf: choose the best option
native: the built-in implementation in Node.js
manual: the platform-specific JS implementation
posix: the Posix JS implementation
windows: the Windows JS implementation
move-remove: a slower Windows JS fallback implementation
--impl=<type> Specify the implementation to use:
rimraf: choose the best option (default)
native: the built-in implementation in Node.js
manual: the platform-specific JS implementation
posix: the Posix JS implementation
windows: the Windows JS implementation (falls back to
move-remove on ENOTEMPTY)
move-remove: a slow reliable Windows fallback
Implementation-specific options:
--tmp=<path> Folder to hold temp files for 'move-remove' implementation
--max-retries=<n> maxRetries for the 'native' and 'windows' implementations
--retry-delay=<n> retryDelay for the 'native' implementation, default 100
--tmp=<path> Temp file folder for 'move-remove' implementation
--max-retries=<n> maxRetries for 'native' and 'windows' implementations
--retry-delay=<n> retryDelay for 'native' implementation, default 100
--backoff=<n> Exponential backoff factor for retries (default: 1.2)
const path_1 = require("path");
const cwd = process.cwd();
const readline_1 = require("readline");
const prompt = async (rl, q) => new Promise(res => rl.question(q, res));
const interactiveRimraf = async (impl, paths, opt) => {
const existingFilter = opt.filter || (() => true);
let allRemaining = false;
let noneRemaining = false;
const queue = [];
let processing = false;
const processQueue = async () => {
if (processing)
processing = true;
let next;
while ((next = queue.shift())) {
await next();
processing = false;
const oneAtATime = (fn) => async (s) => {
const p = new Promise(res => {
queue.push(async () => {
const result = await fn(s);
return result;
return p;
const rl = (0, readline_1.createInterface)({
input: process.stdin,
output: process.stdout,
opt.filter = oneAtATime(async (path) => {
if (noneRemaining) {
return false;
while (!allRemaining) {
const a = (await prompt(rl, `rm? ${(0, path_1.relative)(cwd, path)}\n[(Yes)/No/All/Quit] > `)).trim();
if (/^n/i.test(a)) {
return false;
else if (/^a/i.test(a)) {
allRemaining = true;
else if (/^q/i.test(a)) {
noneRemaining = true;
return false;
else if (a === '' || /^y/i.test(a)) {
else {
return existingFilter(path);
await impl(paths, opt);
const main = async (...args) => {
const verboseFilter = (s) => {
console.log((0, path_1.relative)(cwd, s));
return true;
if (process.env.__RIMRAF_TESTING_BIN_FAIL__ === '1') {

@@ -48,2 +123,3 @@ throw new Error('simulated rimraf failure');

let impl = index_cjs_js_1.default;
let interactive = false;
for (const arg of args) {

@@ -66,2 +142,18 @@ if (dashdash) {

else if (arg === '--interactive' || arg === '-i') {
interactive = true;
else if (arg === '--no-interactive' || arg === '-I') {
interactive = false;
else if (arg === '--verbose' || arg === '-v') {
opt.filter = verboseFilter;
else if (arg === '--no-verbose' || arg === '-V') {
opt.filter = undefined;
else if (arg === '-g' || arg === '--glob') {

@@ -147,3 +239,13 @@ opt.glob = true;

await impl(paths, opt);
if (impl === index_cjs_js_1.default.native && (interactive || opt.filter)) {
console.error('native implementation does not support -v or -i');
return 1;
if (interactive) {
await interactiveRimraf(impl, paths, opt);
else {
await impl(paths, opt);
return 0;

@@ -150,0 +252,0 @@ };

@@ -1,54 +0,54 @@

declare const _default: ((path: string | string[], opt?: import("./index.js").RimrafOptions | undefined) => Promise<void>) & {
rimraf: ((path: string | string[], opt?: import("./index.js").RimrafOptions | undefined) => Promise<void>) & {
sync: (path: string | string[], opt?: import("./index.js").RimrafOptions | undefined) => void;
declare const _default: ((path: string | string[], opt?: import("./index.js").RimrafAsyncOptions | undefined) => Promise<boolean>) & {
rimraf: ((path: string | string[], opt?: import("./index.js").RimrafAsyncOptions | undefined) => Promise<boolean>) & {
sync: (path: string | string[], opt?: import("./index.js").RimrafSyncOptions | undefined) => boolean;
sync: (path: string | string[], opt?: import("./index.js").RimrafOptions | undefined) => void;
rimrafSync: (path: string | string[], opt?: import("./index.js").RimrafOptions | undefined) => void;
manual: ((path: string | string[], opt?: import("./index.js").RimrafOptions | undefined) => Promise<void>) & {
sync: (path: string | string[], opt?: import("./index.js").RimrafOptions | undefined) => void;
sync: (path: string | string[], opt?: import("./index.js").RimrafSyncOptions | undefined) => boolean;
rimrafSync: (path: string | string[], opt?: import("./index.js").RimrafSyncOptions | undefined) => boolean;
manual: ((path: string | string[], opt?: import("./index.js").RimrafAsyncOptions | undefined) => Promise<boolean>) & {
sync: (path: string | string[], opt?: import("./index.js").RimrafSyncOptions | undefined) => boolean;
manualSync: (path: string | string[], opt?: import("./index.js").RimrafOptions | undefined) => void;
native: ((path: string | string[], opt?: import("./index.js").RimrafOptions | undefined) => Promise<void>) & {
sync: (path: string | string[], opt?: import("./index.js").RimrafOptions | undefined) => void;
manualSync: (path: string | string[], opt?: import("./index.js").RimrafSyncOptions | undefined) => boolean;
native: ((path: string | string[], opt?: import("./index.js").RimrafAsyncOptions | undefined) => Promise<boolean>) & {
sync: (path: string | string[], opt?: import("./index.js").RimrafSyncOptions | undefined) => boolean;
nativeSync: (path: string | string[], opt?: import("./index.js").RimrafOptions | undefined) => void;
posix: ((path: string | string[], opt?: import("./index.js").RimrafOptions | undefined) => Promise<void>) & {
sync: (path: string | string[], opt?: import("./index.js").RimrafOptions | undefined) => void;
nativeSync: (path: string | string[], opt?: import("./index.js").RimrafSyncOptions | undefined) => boolean;
posix: ((path: string | string[], opt?: import("./index.js").RimrafAsyncOptions | undefined) => Promise<boolean>) & {
sync: (path: string | string[], opt?: import("./index.js").RimrafSyncOptions | undefined) => boolean;
posixSync: (path: string | string[], opt?: import("./index.js").RimrafOptions | undefined) => void;
windows: ((path: string | string[], opt?: import("./index.js").RimrafOptions | undefined) => Promise<void>) & {
sync: (path: string | string[], opt?: import("./index.js").RimrafOptions | undefined) => void;
posixSync: (path: string | string[], opt?: import("./index.js").RimrafSyncOptions | undefined) => boolean;
windows: ((path: string | string[], opt?: import("./index.js").RimrafAsyncOptions | undefined) => Promise<boolean>) & {
sync: (path: string | string[], opt?: import("./index.js").RimrafSyncOptions | undefined) => boolean;
windowsSync: (path: string | string[], opt?: import("./index.js").RimrafOptions | undefined) => void;
moveRemove: ((path: string | string[], opt?: import("./index.js").RimrafOptions | undefined) => Promise<void>) & {
sync: (path: string | string[], opt?: import("./index.js").RimrafOptions | undefined) => void;
windowsSync: (path: string | string[], opt?: import("./index.js").RimrafSyncOptions | undefined) => boolean;
moveRemove: ((path: string | string[], opt?: import("./index.js").RimrafAsyncOptions | undefined) => Promise<boolean>) & {
sync: (path: string | string[], opt?: import("./index.js").RimrafSyncOptions | undefined) => boolean;
moveRemoveSync: (path: string | string[], opt?: import("./index.js").RimrafOptions | undefined) => void;
moveRemoveSync: (path: string | string[], opt?: import("./index.js").RimrafSyncOptions | undefined) => boolean;
} & {
default: ((path: string | string[], opt?: import("./index.js").RimrafOptions | undefined) => Promise<void>) & {
rimraf: ((path: string | string[], opt?: import("./index.js").RimrafOptions | undefined) => Promise<void>) & {
sync: (path: string | string[], opt?: import("./index.js").RimrafOptions | undefined) => void;
default: ((path: string | string[], opt?: import("./index.js").RimrafAsyncOptions | undefined) => Promise<boolean>) & {
rimraf: ((path: string | string[], opt?: import("./index.js").RimrafAsyncOptions | undefined) => Promise<boolean>) & {
sync: (path: string | string[], opt?: import("./index.js").RimrafSyncOptions | undefined) => boolean;
sync: (path: string | string[], opt?: import("./index.js").RimrafOptions | undefined) => void;
rimrafSync: (path: string | string[], opt?: import("./index.js").RimrafOptions | undefined) => void;
manual: ((path: string | string[], opt?: import("./index.js").RimrafOptions | undefined) => Promise<void>) & {
sync: (path: string | string[], opt?: import("./index.js").RimrafOptions | undefined) => void;
sync: (path: string | string[], opt?: import("./index.js").RimrafSyncOptions | undefined) => boolean;
rimrafSync: (path: string | string[], opt?: import("./index.js").RimrafSyncOptions | undefined) => boolean;
manual: ((path: string | string[], opt?: import("./index.js").RimrafAsyncOptions | undefined) => Promise<boolean>) & {
sync: (path: string | string[], opt?: import("./index.js").RimrafSyncOptions | undefined) => boolean;
manualSync: (path: string | string[], opt?: import("./index.js").RimrafOptions | undefined) => void;
native: ((path: string | string[], opt?: import("./index.js").RimrafOptions | undefined) => Promise<void>) & {
sync: (path: string | string[], opt?: import("./index.js").RimrafOptions | undefined) => void;
manualSync: (path: string | string[], opt?: import("./index.js").RimrafSyncOptions | undefined) => boolean;
native: ((path: string | string[], opt?: import("./index.js").RimrafAsyncOptions | undefined) => Promise<boolean>) & {
sync: (path: string | string[], opt?: import("./index.js").RimrafSyncOptions | undefined) => boolean;
nativeSync: (path: string | string[], opt?: import("./index.js").RimrafOptions | undefined) => void;
posix: ((path: string | string[], opt?: import("./index.js").RimrafOptions | undefined) => Promise<void>) & {
sync: (path: string | string[], opt?: import("./index.js").RimrafOptions | undefined) => void;
nativeSync: (path: string | string[], opt?: import("./index.js").RimrafSyncOptions | undefined) => boolean;
posix: ((path: string | string[], opt?: import("./index.js").RimrafAsyncOptions | undefined) => Promise<boolean>) & {
sync: (path: string | string[], opt?: import("./index.js").RimrafSyncOptions | undefined) => boolean;
posixSync: (path: string | string[], opt?: import("./index.js").RimrafOptions | undefined) => void;
windows: ((path: string | string[], opt?: import("./index.js").RimrafOptions | undefined) => Promise<void>) & {
sync: (path: string | string[], opt?: import("./index.js").RimrafOptions | undefined) => void;
posixSync: (path: string | string[], opt?: import("./index.js").RimrafSyncOptions | undefined) => boolean;
windows: ((path: string | string[], opt?: import("./index.js").RimrafAsyncOptions | undefined) => Promise<boolean>) & {
sync: (path: string | string[], opt?: import("./index.js").RimrafSyncOptions | undefined) => boolean;
windowsSync: (path: string | string[], opt?: import("./index.js").RimrafOptions | undefined) => void;
moveRemove: ((path: string | string[], opt?: import("./index.js").RimrafOptions | undefined) => Promise<void>) & {
sync: (path: string | string[], opt?: import("./index.js").RimrafOptions | undefined) => void;
windowsSync: (path: string | string[], opt?: import("./index.js").RimrafSyncOptions | undefined) => boolean;
moveRemove: ((path: string | string[], opt?: import("./index.js").RimrafAsyncOptions | undefined) => Promise<boolean>) & {
sync: (path: string | string[], opt?: import("./index.js").RimrafSyncOptions | undefined) => boolean;
moveRemoveSync: (path: string | string[], opt?: import("./index.js").RimrafOptions | undefined) => void;
moveRemoveSync: (path: string | string[], opt?: import("./index.js").RimrafSyncOptions | undefined) => boolean;

@@ -55,0 +55,0 @@ };

import { GlobOptions } from 'glob';
export interface RimrafOptions {
export interface RimrafAsyncOptions {
preserveRoot?: boolean;

@@ -11,55 +11,60 @@ tmp?: string;

glob?: boolean | GlobOptions;
filter?: ((path: string) => boolean) | ((path: string) => Promise<boolean>);
export interface RimrafSyncOptions extends RimrafAsyncOptions {
filter?: (path: string) => boolean;
export type RimrafOptions = RimrafSyncOptions | RimrafAsyncOptions;
export declare const isRimrafOptions: (o: any) => o is RimrafOptions;
export declare const assertRimrafOptions: (o: any) => void;
export declare const nativeSync: (path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafOptions) => void;
export declare const native: ((path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafOptions) => Promise<void>) & {
sync: (path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafOptions) => void;
export declare const nativeSync: (path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafSyncOptions) => boolean;
export declare const native: ((path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafAsyncOptions) => Promise<boolean>) & {
sync: (path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafSyncOptions) => boolean;
export declare const manualSync: (path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafOptions) => void;
export declare const manual: ((path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafOptions) => Promise<void>) & {
sync: (path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafOptions) => void;
export declare const manualSync: (path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafSyncOptions) => boolean;
export declare const manual: ((path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafAsyncOptions) => Promise<boolean>) & {
sync: (path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafSyncOptions) => boolean;
export declare const windowsSync: (path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafOptions) => void;
export declare const windows: ((path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafOptions) => Promise<void>) & {
sync: (path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafOptions) => void;
export declare const windowsSync: (path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafSyncOptions) => boolean;
export declare const windows: ((path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafAsyncOptions) => Promise<boolean>) & {
sync: (path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafSyncOptions) => boolean;
export declare const posixSync: (path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafOptions) => void;
export declare const posix: ((path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafOptions) => Promise<void>) & {
sync: (path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafOptions) => void;
export declare const posixSync: (path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafSyncOptions) => boolean;
export declare const posix: ((path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafAsyncOptions) => Promise<boolean>) & {
sync: (path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafSyncOptions) => boolean;
export declare const moveRemoveSync: (path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafOptions) => void;
export declare const moveRemove: ((path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafOptions) => Promise<void>) & {
sync: (path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafOptions) => void;
export declare const moveRemoveSync: (path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafSyncOptions) => boolean;
export declare const moveRemove: ((path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafAsyncOptions) => Promise<boolean>) & {
sync: (path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafSyncOptions) => boolean;
export declare const rimrafSync: (path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafOptions) => void;
export declare const sync: (path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafOptions) => void;
export declare const rimraf: ((path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafOptions) => Promise<void>) & {
rimraf: ((path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafOptions) => Promise<void>) & {
sync: (path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafOptions) => void;
export declare const rimrafSync: (path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafSyncOptions) => boolean;
export declare const sync: (path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafSyncOptions) => boolean;
export declare const rimraf: ((path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafAsyncOptions) => Promise<boolean>) & {
rimraf: ((path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafAsyncOptions) => Promise<boolean>) & {
sync: (path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafSyncOptions) => boolean;
sync: (path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafOptions) => void;
rimrafSync: (path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafOptions) => void;
manual: ((path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafOptions) => Promise<void>) & {
sync: (path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafOptions) => void;
sync: (path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafSyncOptions) => boolean;
rimrafSync: (path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafSyncOptions) => boolean;
manual: ((path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafAsyncOptions) => Promise<boolean>) & {
sync: (path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafSyncOptions) => boolean;
manualSync: (path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafOptions) => void;
native: ((path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafOptions) => Promise<void>) & {
sync: (path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafOptions) => void;
manualSync: (path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafSyncOptions) => boolean;
native: ((path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafAsyncOptions) => Promise<boolean>) & {
sync: (path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafSyncOptions) => boolean;
nativeSync: (path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafOptions) => void;
posix: ((path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafOptions) => Promise<void>) & {
sync: (path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafOptions) => void;
nativeSync: (path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafSyncOptions) => boolean;
posix: ((path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafAsyncOptions) => Promise<boolean>) & {
sync: (path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafSyncOptions) => boolean;
posixSync: (path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafOptions) => void;
windows: ((path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafOptions) => Promise<void>) & {
sync: (path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafOptions) => void;
posixSync: (path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafSyncOptions) => boolean;
windows: ((path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafAsyncOptions) => Promise<boolean>) & {
sync: (path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafSyncOptions) => boolean;
windowsSync: (path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafOptions) => void;
moveRemove: ((path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafOptions) => Promise<void>) & {
sync: (path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafOptions) => void;
windowsSync: (path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafSyncOptions) => boolean;
moveRemove: ((path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafAsyncOptions) => Promise<boolean>) & {
sync: (path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafSyncOptions) => boolean;
moveRemoveSync: (path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafOptions) => void;
moveRemoveSync: (path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafSyncOptions) => boolean;
export default rimraf;

@@ -7,3 +7,3 @@ "use strict";

exports.rimraf = exports.sync = exports.rimrafSync = exports.moveRemove = exports.moveRemoveSync = exports.posix = exports.posixSync = = exports.windowsSync = exports.manual = exports.manualSync = exports.native = exports.nativeSync = exports.assertRimrafOptions = exports.isRimrafOptions = void 0;
const opt_arg_js_1 = __importDefault(require("./opt-arg.js"));
const opt_arg_js_1 = require("./opt-arg.js");
const path_arg_js_1 = __importDefault(require("./path-arg.js"));

@@ -20,3 +20,4 @@ const glob_1 = require("glob");

typeOrUndef(o.maxBackoff, 'number') &&
(typeOrUndef(o.glob, 'boolean') || (o.glob && typeof o.glob === 'object'));
(typeOrUndef(o.glob, 'boolean') || (o.glob && typeof o.glob === 'object')) &&
typeOrUndef(o.filter, 'function');
exports.isRimrafOptions = isRimrafOptions;

@@ -36,18 +37,26 @@ const assertRimrafOptions = (o) => {

const wrap = (fn) => async (path, opt) => {
const options = (0, opt_arg_js_1.default)(opt);
const options = (0, opt_arg_js_1.optArg)(opt);
if (options.glob) {
path = await (0, glob_1.glob)(path, options.glob);
await (Array.isArray(path)
? Promise.all( => fn((0, path_arg_js_1.default)(p, options), options)))
: fn((0, path_arg_js_1.default)(path, options), options));
if (Array.isArray(path)) {
return !!(await Promise.all( => fn((0, path_arg_js_1.default)(p, options), options)))).reduce((a, b) => a && b, true);
else {
return !!(await fn((0, path_arg_js_1.default)(path, options), options));
const wrapSync = (fn) => (path, opt) => {
const options = (0, opt_arg_js_1.default)(opt);
const options = (0, opt_arg_js_1.optArgSync)(opt);
if (options.glob) {
path = (0, glob_1.globSync)(path, options.glob);
return Array.isArray(path)
? path.forEach(p => fn((0, path_arg_js_1.default)(p, options), options))
: fn((0, path_arg_js_1.default)(path, options), options);
if (Array.isArray(path)) {
return !!path
.map(p => fn((0, path_arg_js_1.default)(p, options), options))
.reduce((a, b) => a && b, true);
else {
return !!fn((0, path_arg_js_1.default)(path, options), options);

@@ -54,0 +63,0 @@ exports.nativeSync = wrapSync(rimraf_native_js_1.rimrafNativeSync);

import { GlobOptions } from 'glob';
import { RimrafOptions } from './index.js';
declare const _default: (opt?: RimrafOptions) => RimrafOptions & {
glob?: (GlobOptions & {
import { RimrafAsyncOptions, RimrafSyncOptions } from './index.js';
export declare const optArg: (opt?: RimrafAsyncOptions) => (RimrafAsyncOptions & {
glob: GlobOptions & {
withFileTypes: false;
}) | undefined;
export default _default;
}) | (RimrafAsyncOptions & {
glob: undefined;
export declare const optArgSync: (opt?: RimrafSyncOptions) => (RimrafSyncOptions & {
glob: GlobOptions & {
withFileTypes: false;
}) | (RimrafSyncOptions & {
glob: undefined;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.optArgSync = exports.optArg = void 0;
const index_js_1 = require("./index.js");
exports.default = (opt = {}) => {
const optArgT = (opt) => {
(0, index_js_1.assertRimrafOptions)(opt);
const { glob, ...options } = opt;
if (!glob)
if (!glob) {
return options;
const globOpt = glob === true

@@ -30,2 +32,6 @@ ? opt.signal

const optArg = (opt = {}) => optArgT(opt);
exports.optArg = optArg;
const optArgSync = (opt = {}) => optArgT(opt);
exports.optArgSync = optArgSync;

@@ -1,4 +0,4 @@

import { RimrafOptions } from './index.js';
declare const pathArg: (path: string, opt?: RimrafOptions) => string;
import { RimrafAsyncOptions } from './index.js';
declare const pathArg: (path: string, opt?: RimrafAsyncOptions) => string;
export default pathArg;

@@ -6,5 +6,5 @@ "use strict";

Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const platform_js_1 = __importDefault(require("./platform.js"));
const path_1 = require("path");
const util_1 = require("util");
const platform_js_1 = __importDefault(require("./platform.js"));
const pathArg = (path, opt = {}) => {

@@ -11,0 +11,0 @@ const type = typeof path;

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

import { RimrafOptions } from '.';
import { RimrafAsyncOptions, RimrafOptions } from '.';
export declare const MAXBACKOFF = 200;

@@ -6,4 +6,4 @@ export declare const RATE = 1.2;

export declare const codes: Set<string>;
export declare const retryBusy: (fn: (path: string) => Promise<any>) => (path: string, opt: RimrafOptions, backoff?: number, total?: number) => Promise<any>;
export declare const retryBusy: (fn: (path: string) => Promise<any>) => (path: string, opt: RimrafAsyncOptions, backoff?: number, total?: number) => Promise<any>;
export declare const retryBusySync: (fn: (path: string) => any) => (path: string, opt: RimrafOptions) => any;

@@ -1,3 +0,3 @@

export declare const rimrafManual: ((path: string, opt: import("./index.js").RimrafOptions) => Promise<any>) | ((path: string, opt: import("./index.js").RimrafOptions, state?: symbol) => Promise<void>);
export declare const rimrafManualSync: (path: string, opt: import("./index.js").RimrafOptions, state?: symbol) => void;
export declare const rimrafManual: (path: string, opt: import("./index.js").RimrafAsyncOptions, state?: symbol) => Promise<boolean>;
export declare const rimrafManualSync: (path: string, opt: import("./index.js").RimrafSyncOptions, state?: symbol) => boolean;

@@ -1,4 +0,4 @@

import { RimrafOptions } from '.';
export declare const rimrafMoveRemove: (path: string, opt: RimrafOptions) => Promise<void>;
export declare const rimrafMoveRemoveSync: (path: string, opt: RimrafOptions) => void;
import { RimrafAsyncOptions, RimrafSyncOptions } from '.';
export declare const rimrafMoveRemove: (path: string, opt: RimrafAsyncOptions) => Promise<boolean>;
export declare const rimrafMoveRemoveSync: (path: string, opt: RimrafSyncOptions) => boolean;

@@ -73,3 +73,3 @@ "use strict";

if (entries.code === 'ENOENT') {
return true;

@@ -79,5 +79,12 @@ if (entries.code !== 'ENOTDIR') {

return await (0, ignore_enoent_js_1.ignoreENOENT)(tmpUnlink(path, opt.tmp, unlinkFixEPERM));
if (opt.filter && !(await opt.filter(path))) {
return false;
await (0, ignore_enoent_js_1.ignoreENOENT)(tmpUnlink(path, opt.tmp, unlinkFixEPERM));
return true;
await Promise.all( => (0, exports.rimrafMoveRemove)((0, path_1.resolve)(path, entry), opt)));
const removedAll = (await Promise.all( => (0, exports.rimrafMoveRemove)((0, path_1.resolve)(path, entry), opt)))).reduce((a, b) => a && b, true);
if (!removedAll) {
return false;
// we don't ever ACTUALLY try to unlink /, because that can never work

@@ -87,5 +94,9 @@ // but when preserveRoot is false, we could be operating on it.

if (opt.preserveRoot === false && path === (0, path_1.parse)(path).root) {
return false;
return await (0, ignore_enoent_js_1.ignoreENOENT)(tmpUnlink(path, opt.tmp, rmdir));
if (opt.filter && !(await opt.filter(path))) {
return false;
await (0, ignore_enoent_js_1.ignoreENOENT)(tmpUnlink(path, opt.tmp, rmdir));
return true;

@@ -112,3 +123,3 @@ exports.rimrafMoveRemove = rimrafMoveRemove;

if (entries.code === 'ENOENT') {
return true;

@@ -118,11 +129,23 @@ if (entries.code !== 'ENOTDIR') {

return (0, ignore_enoent_js_1.ignoreENOENTSync)(() => tmpUnlinkSync(path, tmp, unlinkFixEPERMSync));
if (opt.filter && !opt.filter(path)) {
return false;
(0, ignore_enoent_js_1.ignoreENOENTSync)(() => tmpUnlinkSync(path, tmp, unlinkFixEPERMSync));
return true;
let removedAll = true;
for (const entry of entries) {
(0, exports.rimrafMoveRemoveSync)((0, path_1.resolve)(path, entry), opt);
removedAll = (0, exports.rimrafMoveRemoveSync)((0, path_1.resolve)(path, entry), opt) && removedAll;
if (!removedAll) {
return false;
if (opt.preserveRoot === false && path === (0, path_1.parse)(path).root) {
return false;
return (0, ignore_enoent_js_1.ignoreENOENTSync)(() => tmpUnlinkSync(path, tmp, fs_js_1.rmdirSync));
if (opt.filter && !opt.filter(path)) {
return false;
(0, ignore_enoent_js_1.ignoreENOENTSync)(() => tmpUnlinkSync(path, tmp, fs_js_1.rmdirSync));
return true;

@@ -129,0 +152,0 @@ exports.rimrafMoveRemoveSync = rimrafMoveRemoveSync;

@@ -1,4 +0,4 @@

import { RimrafOptions } from '.';
export declare const rimrafNative: (path: string, opt: RimrafOptions) => Promise<void>;
export declare const rimrafNativeSync: (path: string, opt: RimrafOptions) => void;
import { RimrafAsyncOptions, RimrafSyncOptions } from '.';
export declare const rimrafNative: (path: string, opt: RimrafAsyncOptions) => Promise<boolean>;
export declare const rimrafNativeSync: (path: string, opt: RimrafSyncOptions) => boolean;

@@ -6,14 +6,20 @@ "use strict";

const { rm } = fs_js_1.promises;
const rimrafNative = (path, opt) => rm(path, {
force: true,
recursive: true,
const rimrafNative = async (path, opt) => {
await rm(path, {
force: true,
recursive: true,
return true;
exports.rimrafNative = rimrafNative;
const rimrafNativeSync = (path, opt) => (0, fs_js_1.rmSync)(path, {
force: true,
recursive: true,
const rimrafNativeSync = (path, opt) => {
(0, fs_js_1.rmSync)(path, {
force: true,
recursive: true,
return true;
exports.rimrafNativeSync = rimrafNativeSync;

@@ -1,4 +0,4 @@

import { RimrafOptions } from '.';
export declare const rimrafPosix: (path: string, opt: RimrafOptions) => Promise<any>;
export declare const rimrafPosixSync: (path: string, opt: RimrafOptions) => any;
import { RimrafAsyncOptions, RimrafSyncOptions } from '.';
export declare const rimrafPosix: (path: string, opt: RimrafAsyncOptions) => Promise<boolean>;
export declare const rimrafPosixSync: (path: string, opt: RimrafSyncOptions) => boolean;

@@ -22,3 +22,3 @@ "use strict";

if (entries.code === 'ENOENT') {
return true;

@@ -28,5 +28,12 @@ if (entries.code !== 'ENOTDIR') {

return (0, ignore_enoent_js_1.ignoreENOENT)(unlink(path));
if (opt.filter && !(await opt.filter(path))) {
return false;
await (0, ignore_enoent_js_1.ignoreENOENT)(unlink(path));
return true;
await Promise.all( => (0, exports.rimrafPosix)((0, path_1.resolve)(path, entry), opt)));
const removedAll = (await Promise.all( => (0, exports.rimrafPosix)((0, path_1.resolve)(path, entry), opt)))).reduce((a, b) => a && b, true);
if (!removedAll) {
return false;
// we don't ever ACTUALLY try to unlink /, because that can never work

@@ -36,5 +43,9 @@ // but when preserveRoot is false, we could be operating on it.

if (opt.preserveRoot === false && path === (0, path_1.parse)(path).root) {
return false;
return (0, ignore_enoent_js_1.ignoreENOENT)(rmdir(path));
if (opt.filter && !(await opt.filter(path))) {
return false;
await (0, ignore_enoent_js_1.ignoreENOENT)(rmdir(path));
return true;

@@ -49,3 +60,3 @@ exports.rimrafPosix = rimrafPosix;

if (entries.code === 'ENOENT') {
return true;

@@ -55,13 +66,25 @@ if (entries.code !== 'ENOTDIR') {

return (0, ignore_enoent_js_1.ignoreENOENTSync)(() => (0, fs_js_1.unlinkSync)(path));
if (opt.filter && !opt.filter(path)) {
return false;
(0, ignore_enoent_js_1.ignoreENOENTSync)(() => (0, fs_js_1.unlinkSync)(path));
return true;
let removedAll = true;
for (const entry of entries) {
(0, exports.rimrafPosixSync)((0, path_1.resolve)(path, entry), opt);
removedAll = (0, exports.rimrafPosixSync)((0, path_1.resolve)(path, entry), opt) && removedAll;
if (opt.preserveRoot === false && path === (0, path_1.parse)(path).root) {
return false;
return (0, ignore_enoent_js_1.ignoreENOENTSync)(() => (0, fs_js_1.rmdirSync)(path));
if (!removedAll) {
return false;
if (opt.filter && !opt.filter(path)) {
return false;
(0, ignore_enoent_js_1.ignoreENOENTSync)(() => (0, fs_js_1.rmdirSync)(path));
return true;
exports.rimrafPosixSync = rimrafPosixSync;

@@ -1,4 +0,4 @@

import { RimrafOptions } from '.';
export declare const rimrafWindows: (path: string, opt: RimrafOptions, state?: symbol) => Promise<void>;
export declare const rimrafWindowsSync: (path: string, opt: RimrafOptions, state?: symbol) => void;
import { RimrafAsyncOptions, RimrafSyncOptions } from '.';
export declare const rimrafWindows: (path: string, opt: RimrafAsyncOptions, state?: symbol) => Promise<boolean>;
export declare const rimrafWindowsSync: (path: string, opt: RimrafSyncOptions, state?: symbol) => boolean;

@@ -31,8 +31,10 @@ "use strict";

/* c8 ignore stop */
// already filtered, remove from options so we don't call unnecessarily
const { filter, ...options } = opt;
try {
await rimrafWindowsDir(path, opt);
return await rimrafWindowsDir(path, options);
catch (er) {
if (er?.code === 'ENOTEMPTY') {
return await (0, rimraf_move_remove_js_1.rimrafMoveRemove)(path, opt);
return await (0, rimraf_move_remove_js_1.rimrafMoveRemove)(path, options);

@@ -46,8 +48,11 @@ throw er;

// already filtered, remove from options so we don't call unnecessarily
const { filter, ...options } = opt;
try {
rimrafWindowsDirSync(path, opt);
return rimrafWindowsDirSync(path, options);
catch (er) {
if (er?.code === 'ENOTEMPTY') {
return (0, rimraf_move_remove_js_1.rimrafMoveRemoveSync)(path, opt);
const fer = er;
if (fer?.code === 'ENOTEMPTY') {
return (0, rimraf_move_remove_js_1.rimrafMoveRemoveSync)(path, options);

@@ -71,3 +76,3 @@ throw er;

if (entries.code === 'ENOENT') {
return true;

@@ -77,6 +82,11 @@ if (entries.code !== 'ENOTDIR') {

if (opt.filter && !(await opt.filter(path))) {
return false;
// is a file
return (0, ignore_enoent_js_1.ignoreENOENT)(rimrafWindowsFile(path, opt));
await (0, ignore_enoent_js_1.ignoreENOENT)(rimrafWindowsFile(path, opt));
return true;
await Promise.all( => (0, exports.rimrafWindows)((0, path_1.resolve)(path, entry), opt, state === START ? CHILD : state)));
const s = state === START ? CHILD : state;
const removedAll = (await Promise.all( => (0, exports.rimrafWindows)((0, path_1.resolve)(path, entry), opt, s)))).reduce((a, b) => a && b, true);
if (state === START) {

@@ -87,6 +97,13 @@ return (0, exports.rimrafWindows)(path, opt, FINISH);

if (opt.preserveRoot === false && path === (0, path_1.parse)(path).root) {
return false;
return (0, ignore_enoent_js_1.ignoreENOENT)(rimrafWindowsDirMoveRemoveFallback(path, opt));
if (!removedAll) {
return false;
if (opt.filter && !(await opt.filter(path))) {
return false;
await (0, ignore_enoent_js_1.ignoreENOENT)(rimrafWindowsDirMoveRemoveFallback(path, opt));
return true;

@@ -101,3 +118,3 @@ exports.rimrafWindows = rimrafWindows;

if (entries.code === 'ENOENT') {
return true;

@@ -107,8 +124,13 @@ if (entries.code !== 'ENOTDIR') {

if (opt.filter && !opt.filter(path)) {
return false;
// is a file
return (0, ignore_enoent_js_1.ignoreENOENTSync)(() => rimrafWindowsFileSync(path, opt));
(0, ignore_enoent_js_1.ignoreENOENTSync)(() => rimrafWindowsFileSync(path, opt));
return true;
let removedAll = true;
for (const entry of entries) {
const s = state === START ? CHILD : state;
(0, exports.rimrafWindowsSync)((0, path_1.resolve)(path, entry), opt, s);
removedAll = (0, exports.rimrafWindowsSync)((0, path_1.resolve)(path, entry), opt, s) && removedAll;

@@ -120,10 +142,17 @@ if (state === START) {

if (opt.preserveRoot === false && path === (0, path_1.parse)(path).root) {
return false;
return (0, ignore_enoent_js_1.ignoreENOENTSync)(() => {
if (!removedAll) {
return false;
if (opt.filter && !opt.filter(path)) {
return false;
(0, ignore_enoent_js_1.ignoreENOENTSync)(() => {
rimrafWindowsDirMoveRemoveFallbackSync(path, opt);
return true;
exports.rimrafWindowsSync = rimrafWindowsSync;

@@ -1,4 +0,4 @@

import { RimrafOptions } from './index.js';
export declare const useNative: (opt?: RimrafOptions) => boolean;
import { RimrafAsyncOptions, RimrafOptions } from './index.js';
export declare const useNative: (opt?: RimrafAsyncOptions) => boolean;
export declare const useNativeSync: (opt?: RimrafOptions) => boolean;

@@ -13,4 +13,8 @@ "use strict";

const platform_js_1 = __importDefault(require("./platform.js"));
exports.useNative = !hasNative || platform_js_1.default === 'win32' ? () => false : opt => !opt?.signal;
exports.useNativeSync = !hasNative || platform_js_1.default === 'win32' ? () => false : opt => !opt?.signal;
exports.useNative = !hasNative || platform_js_1.default === 'win32'
? () => false
: opt => !opt?.signal && !opt?.filter;
exports.useNativeSync = !hasNative || platform_js_1.default === 'win32'
? () => false
: opt => !opt?.signal && !opt?.filter;
import { GlobOptions } from 'glob';
export interface RimrafOptions {
export interface RimrafAsyncOptions {
preserveRoot?: boolean;

@@ -11,55 +11,60 @@ tmp?: string;

glob?: boolean | GlobOptions;
filter?: ((path: string) => boolean) | ((path: string) => Promise<boolean>);
export interface RimrafSyncOptions extends RimrafAsyncOptions {
filter?: (path: string) => boolean;
export type RimrafOptions = RimrafSyncOptions | RimrafAsyncOptions;
export declare const isRimrafOptions: (o: any) => o is RimrafOptions;
export declare const assertRimrafOptions: (o: any) => void;
export declare const nativeSync: (path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafOptions) => void;
export declare const native: ((path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafOptions) => Promise<void>) & {
sync: (path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafOptions) => void;
export declare const nativeSync: (path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafSyncOptions) => boolean;
export declare const native: ((path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafAsyncOptions) => Promise<boolean>) & {
sync: (path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafSyncOptions) => boolean;
export declare const manualSync: (path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafOptions) => void;
export declare const manual: ((path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafOptions) => Promise<void>) & {
sync: (path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafOptions) => void;
export declare const manualSync: (path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafSyncOptions) => boolean;
export declare const manual: ((path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafAsyncOptions) => Promise<boolean>) & {
sync: (path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafSyncOptions) => boolean;
export declare const windowsSync: (path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafOptions) => void;
export declare const windows: ((path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafOptions) => Promise<void>) & {
sync: (path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafOptions) => void;
export declare const windowsSync: (path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafSyncOptions) => boolean;
export declare const windows: ((path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafAsyncOptions) => Promise<boolean>) & {
sync: (path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafSyncOptions) => boolean;
export declare const posixSync: (path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafOptions) => void;
export declare const posix: ((path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafOptions) => Promise<void>) & {
sync: (path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafOptions) => void;
export declare const posixSync: (path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafSyncOptions) => boolean;
export declare const posix: ((path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafAsyncOptions) => Promise<boolean>) & {
sync: (path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafSyncOptions) => boolean;
export declare const moveRemoveSync: (path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafOptions) => void;
export declare const moveRemove: ((path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafOptions) => Promise<void>) & {
sync: (path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafOptions) => void;
export declare const moveRemoveSync: (path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafSyncOptions) => boolean;
export declare const moveRemove: ((path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafAsyncOptions) => Promise<boolean>) & {
sync: (path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafSyncOptions) => boolean;
export declare const rimrafSync: (path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafOptions) => void;
export declare const sync: (path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafOptions) => void;
export declare const rimraf: ((path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafOptions) => Promise<void>) & {
rimraf: ((path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafOptions) => Promise<void>) & {
sync: (path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafOptions) => void;
export declare const rimrafSync: (path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafSyncOptions) => boolean;
export declare const sync: (path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafSyncOptions) => boolean;
export declare const rimraf: ((path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafAsyncOptions) => Promise<boolean>) & {
rimraf: ((path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafAsyncOptions) => Promise<boolean>) & {
sync: (path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafSyncOptions) => boolean;
sync: (path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafOptions) => void;
rimrafSync: (path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafOptions) => void;
manual: ((path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafOptions) => Promise<void>) & {
sync: (path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafOptions) => void;
sync: (path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafSyncOptions) => boolean;
rimrafSync: (path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafSyncOptions) => boolean;
manual: ((path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafAsyncOptions) => Promise<boolean>) & {
sync: (path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafSyncOptions) => boolean;
manualSync: (path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafOptions) => void;
native: ((path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafOptions) => Promise<void>) & {
sync: (path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafOptions) => void;
manualSync: (path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafSyncOptions) => boolean;
native: ((path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafAsyncOptions) => Promise<boolean>) & {
sync: (path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafSyncOptions) => boolean;
nativeSync: (path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafOptions) => void;
posix: ((path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafOptions) => Promise<void>) & {
sync: (path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafOptions) => void;
nativeSync: (path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafSyncOptions) => boolean;
posix: ((path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafAsyncOptions) => Promise<boolean>) & {
sync: (path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafSyncOptions) => boolean;
posixSync: (path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafOptions) => void;
windows: ((path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafOptions) => Promise<void>) & {
sync: (path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafOptions) => void;
posixSync: (path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafSyncOptions) => boolean;
windows: ((path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafAsyncOptions) => Promise<boolean>) & {
sync: (path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafSyncOptions) => boolean;
windowsSync: (path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafOptions) => void;
moveRemove: ((path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafOptions) => Promise<void>) & {
sync: (path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafOptions) => void;
windowsSync: (path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafSyncOptions) => boolean;
moveRemove: ((path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafAsyncOptions) => Promise<boolean>) & {
sync: (path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafSyncOptions) => boolean;
moveRemoveSync: (path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafOptions) => void;
moveRemoveSync: (path: string | string[], opt?: RimrafSyncOptions) => boolean;
export default rimraf;

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

import optArg from './opt-arg.js';
import { optArg, optArgSync } from './opt-arg.js';
import pathArg from './path-arg.js';

@@ -13,3 +13,4 @@ import { glob, globSync } from 'glob';

typeOrUndef(o.maxBackoff, 'number') &&
(typeOrUndef(o.glob, 'boolean') || (o.glob && typeof o.glob === 'object'));
(typeOrUndef(o.glob, 'boolean') || (o.glob && typeof o.glob === 'object')) &&
typeOrUndef(o.filter, 'function');
export const assertRimrafOptions = (o) => {

@@ -31,14 +32,22 @@ if (!isRimrafOptions(o)) {

await (Array.isArray(path)
? Promise.all( => fn(pathArg(p, options), options)))
: fn(pathArg(path, options), options));
if (Array.isArray(path)) {
return !!(await Promise.all( => fn(pathArg(p, options), options)))).reduce((a, b) => a && b, true);
else {
return !!(await fn(pathArg(path, options), options));
const wrapSync = (fn) => (path, opt) => {
const options = optArg(opt);
const options = optArgSync(opt);
if (options.glob) {
path = globSync(path, options.glob);
return Array.isArray(path)
? path.forEach(p => fn(pathArg(p, options), options))
: fn(pathArg(path, options), options);
if (Array.isArray(path)) {
return !!path
.map(p => fn(pathArg(p, options), options))
.reduce((a, b) => a && b, true);
else {
return !!fn(pathArg(path, options), options);

@@ -45,0 +54,0 @@ export const nativeSync = wrapSync(rimrafNativeSync);

import { GlobOptions } from 'glob';
import { RimrafOptions } from './index.js';
declare const _default: (opt?: RimrafOptions) => RimrafOptions & {
glob?: (GlobOptions & {
import { RimrafAsyncOptions, RimrafSyncOptions } from './index.js';
export declare const optArg: (opt?: RimrafAsyncOptions) => (RimrafAsyncOptions & {
glob: GlobOptions & {
withFileTypes: false;
}) | undefined;
export default _default;
}) | (RimrafAsyncOptions & {
glob: undefined;
export declare const optArgSync: (opt?: RimrafSyncOptions) => (RimrafSyncOptions & {
glob: GlobOptions & {
withFileTypes: false;
}) | (RimrafSyncOptions & {
glob: undefined;

@@ -1,7 +0,8 @@

import { assertRimrafOptions } from './index.js';
export default (opt = {}) => {
import { assertRimrafOptions, } from './index.js';
const optArgT = (opt) => {
const { glob, ...options } = opt;
if (!glob)
if (!glob) {
return options;
const globOpt = glob === true

@@ -28,2 +29,4 @@ ? opt.signal

export const optArg = (opt = {}) => optArgT(opt);
export const optArgSync = (opt = {}) => optArgT(opt);
"version": "4.1.4",
"version": "4.2.0",
"type": "module"

@@ -1,4 +0,4 @@

import { RimrafOptions } from './index.js';
declare const pathArg: (path: string, opt?: RimrafOptions) => string;
import { RimrafAsyncOptions } from './index.js';
declare const pathArg: (path: string, opt?: RimrafAsyncOptions) => string;
export default pathArg;

@@ -0,4 +1,4 @@

import { parse, resolve } from 'path';
import { inspect } from 'util';
import platform from './platform.js';
import { resolve, parse } from 'path';
import { inspect } from 'util';
const pathArg = (path, opt = {}) => {

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ const type = typeof path;

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

import { RimrafOptions } from '.';
import { RimrafAsyncOptions, RimrafOptions } from '.';
export declare const MAXBACKOFF = 200;

@@ -6,4 +6,4 @@ export declare const RATE = 1.2;

export declare const codes: Set<string>;
export declare const retryBusy: (fn: (path: string) => Promise<any>) => (path: string, opt: RimrafOptions, backoff?: number, total?: number) => Promise<any>;
export declare const retryBusy: (fn: (path: string) => Promise<any>) => (path: string, opt: RimrafAsyncOptions, backoff?: number, total?: number) => Promise<any>;
export declare const retryBusySync: (fn: (path: string) => any) => (path: string, opt: RimrafOptions) => any;

@@ -1,3 +0,3 @@

export declare const rimrafManual: ((path: string, opt: import("./index.js").RimrafOptions) => Promise<any>) | ((path: string, opt: import("./index.js").RimrafOptions, state?: symbol) => Promise<void>);
export declare const rimrafManualSync: (path: string, opt: import("./index.js").RimrafOptions, state?: symbol) => void;
export declare const rimrafManual: (path: string, opt: import("./index.js").RimrafAsyncOptions, state?: symbol) => Promise<boolean>;
export declare const rimrafManualSync: (path: string, opt: import("./index.js").RimrafSyncOptions, state?: symbol) => boolean;

@@ -1,4 +0,4 @@

import { RimrafOptions } from '.';
export declare const rimrafMoveRemove: (path: string, opt: RimrafOptions) => Promise<void>;
export declare const rimrafMoveRemoveSync: (path: string, opt: RimrafOptions) => void;
import { RimrafAsyncOptions, RimrafSyncOptions } from '.';
export declare const rimrafMoveRemove: (path: string, opt: RimrafAsyncOptions) => Promise<boolean>;
export declare const rimrafMoveRemoveSync: (path: string, opt: RimrafSyncOptions) => boolean;

@@ -70,3 +70,3 @@ //

if (entries.code === 'ENOENT') {
return true;

@@ -76,5 +76,12 @@ if (entries.code !== 'ENOTDIR') {

return await ignoreENOENT(tmpUnlink(path, opt.tmp, unlinkFixEPERM));
if (opt.filter && !(await opt.filter(path))) {
return false;
await ignoreENOENT(tmpUnlink(path, opt.tmp, unlinkFixEPERM));
return true;
await Promise.all( => rimrafMoveRemove(resolve(path, entry), opt)));
const removedAll = (await Promise.all( => rimrafMoveRemove(resolve(path, entry), opt)))).reduce((a, b) => a && b, true);
if (!removedAll) {
return false;
// we don't ever ACTUALLY try to unlink /, because that can never work

@@ -84,5 +91,9 @@ // but when preserveRoot is false, we could be operating on it.

if (opt.preserveRoot === false && path === parse(path).root) {
return false;
return await ignoreENOENT(tmpUnlink(path, opt.tmp, rmdir));
if (opt.filter && !(await opt.filter(path))) {
return false;
await ignoreENOENT(tmpUnlink(path, opt.tmp, rmdir));
return true;

@@ -108,3 +119,3 @@ const tmpUnlink = async (path, tmp, rm) => {

if (entries.code === 'ENOENT') {
return true;

@@ -114,11 +125,23 @@ if (entries.code !== 'ENOTDIR') {

return ignoreENOENTSync(() => tmpUnlinkSync(path, tmp, unlinkFixEPERMSync));
if (opt.filter && !opt.filter(path)) {
return false;
ignoreENOENTSync(() => tmpUnlinkSync(path, tmp, unlinkFixEPERMSync));
return true;
let removedAll = true;
for (const entry of entries) {
rimrafMoveRemoveSync(resolve(path, entry), opt);
removedAll = rimrafMoveRemoveSync(resolve(path, entry), opt) && removedAll;
if (!removedAll) {
return false;
if (opt.preserveRoot === false && path === parse(path).root) {
return false;
return ignoreENOENTSync(() => tmpUnlinkSync(path, tmp, rmdirSync));
if (opt.filter && !opt.filter(path)) {
return false;
ignoreENOENTSync(() => tmpUnlinkSync(path, tmp, rmdirSync));
return true;

@@ -125,0 +148,0 @@ const tmpUnlinkSync = (path, tmp, rmSync) => {

@@ -1,4 +0,4 @@

import { RimrafOptions } from '.';
export declare const rimrafNative: (path: string, opt: RimrafOptions) => Promise<void>;
export declare const rimrafNativeSync: (path: string, opt: RimrafOptions) => void;
import { RimrafAsyncOptions, RimrafSyncOptions } from '.';
export declare const rimrafNative: (path: string, opt: RimrafAsyncOptions) => Promise<boolean>;
export declare const rimrafNativeSync: (path: string, opt: RimrafSyncOptions) => boolean;
import { promises, rmSync } from './fs.js';
const { rm } = promises;
export const rimrafNative = (path, opt) => rm(path, {
force: true,
recursive: true,
export const rimrafNativeSync = (path, opt) => rmSync(path, {
force: true,
recursive: true,
export const rimrafNative = async (path, opt) => {
await rm(path, {
force: true,
recursive: true,
return true;
export const rimrafNativeSync = (path, opt) => {
rmSync(path, {
force: true,
recursive: true,
return true;

@@ -1,4 +0,4 @@

import { RimrafOptions } from '.';
export declare const rimrafPosix: (path: string, opt: RimrafOptions) => Promise<any>;
export declare const rimrafPosixSync: (path: string, opt: RimrafOptions) => any;
import { RimrafAsyncOptions, RimrafSyncOptions } from '.';
export declare const rimrafPosix: (path: string, opt: RimrafAsyncOptions) => Promise<boolean>;
export declare const rimrafPosixSync: (path: string, opt: RimrafSyncOptions) => boolean;

@@ -19,3 +19,3 @@ // the simple recursive removal, where unlink and rmdir are atomic

if (entries.code === 'ENOENT') {
return true;

@@ -25,5 +25,12 @@ if (entries.code !== 'ENOTDIR') {

return ignoreENOENT(unlink(path));
if (opt.filter && !(await opt.filter(path))) {
return false;
await ignoreENOENT(unlink(path));
return true;
await Promise.all( => rimrafPosix(resolve(path, entry), opt)));
const removedAll = (await Promise.all( => rimrafPosix(resolve(path, entry), opt)))).reduce((a, b) => a && b, true);
if (!removedAll) {
return false;
// we don't ever ACTUALLY try to unlink /, because that can never work

@@ -33,5 +40,9 @@ // but when preserveRoot is false, we could be operating on it.

if (opt.preserveRoot === false && path === parse(path).root) {
return false;
return ignoreENOENT(rmdir(path));
if (opt.filter && !(await opt.filter(path))) {
return false;
await ignoreENOENT(rmdir(path));
return true;

@@ -45,3 +56,3 @@ export const rimrafPosixSync = (path, opt) => {

if (entries.code === 'ENOENT') {
return true;

@@ -51,12 +62,24 @@ if (entries.code !== 'ENOTDIR') {

return ignoreENOENTSync(() => unlinkSync(path));
if (opt.filter && !opt.filter(path)) {
return false;
ignoreENOENTSync(() => unlinkSync(path));
return true;
let removedAll = true;
for (const entry of entries) {
rimrafPosixSync(resolve(path, entry), opt);
removedAll = rimrafPosixSync(resolve(path, entry), opt) && removedAll;
if (opt.preserveRoot === false && path === parse(path).root) {
return false;
return ignoreENOENTSync(() => rmdirSync(path));
if (!removedAll) {
return false;
if (opt.filter && !opt.filter(path)) {
return false;
ignoreENOENTSync(() => rmdirSync(path));
return true;

@@ -1,4 +0,4 @@

import { RimrafOptions } from '.';
export declare const rimrafWindows: (path: string, opt: RimrafOptions, state?: symbol) => Promise<void>;
export declare const rimrafWindowsSync: (path: string, opt: RimrafOptions, state?: symbol) => void;
import { RimrafAsyncOptions, RimrafSyncOptions } from '.';
export declare const rimrafWindows: (path: string, opt: RimrafAsyncOptions, state?: symbol) => Promise<boolean>;
export declare const rimrafWindowsSync: (path: string, opt: RimrafSyncOptions, state?: symbol) => boolean;

@@ -28,8 +28,10 @@ // This is the same as rimrafPosix, with the following changes:

/* c8 ignore stop */
// already filtered, remove from options so we don't call unnecessarily
const { filter, ...options } = opt;
try {
await rimrafWindowsDir(path, opt);
return await rimrafWindowsDir(path, options);
catch (er) {
if (er?.code === 'ENOTEMPTY') {
return await rimrafMoveRemove(path, opt);
return await rimrafMoveRemove(path, options);

@@ -43,8 +45,11 @@ throw er;

// already filtered, remove from options so we don't call unnecessarily
const { filter, ...options } = opt;
try {
rimrafWindowsDirSync(path, opt);
return rimrafWindowsDirSync(path, options);
catch (er) {
if (er?.code === 'ENOTEMPTY') {
return rimrafMoveRemoveSync(path, opt);
const fer = er;
if (fer?.code === 'ENOTEMPTY') {
return rimrafMoveRemoveSync(path, options);

@@ -68,3 +73,3 @@ throw er;

if (entries.code === 'ENOENT') {
return true;

@@ -74,6 +79,11 @@ if (entries.code !== 'ENOTDIR') {

if (opt.filter && !(await opt.filter(path))) {
return false;
// is a file
return ignoreENOENT(rimrafWindowsFile(path, opt));
await ignoreENOENT(rimrafWindowsFile(path, opt));
return true;
await Promise.all( => rimrafWindows(resolve(path, entry), opt, state === START ? CHILD : state)));
const s = state === START ? CHILD : state;
const removedAll = (await Promise.all( => rimrafWindows(resolve(path, entry), opt, s)))).reduce((a, b) => a && b, true);
if (state === START) {

@@ -84,6 +94,13 @@ return rimrafWindows(path, opt, FINISH);

if (opt.preserveRoot === false && path === parse(path).root) {
return false;
return ignoreENOENT(rimrafWindowsDirMoveRemoveFallback(path, opt));
if (!removedAll) {
return false;
if (opt.filter && !(await opt.filter(path))) {
return false;
await ignoreENOENT(rimrafWindowsDirMoveRemoveFallback(path, opt));
return true;

@@ -97,3 +114,3 @@ export const rimrafWindowsSync = (path, opt, state = START) => {

if (entries.code === 'ENOENT') {
return true;

@@ -103,8 +120,13 @@ if (entries.code !== 'ENOTDIR') {

if (opt.filter && !opt.filter(path)) {
return false;
// is a file
return ignoreENOENTSync(() => rimrafWindowsFileSync(path, opt));
ignoreENOENTSync(() => rimrafWindowsFileSync(path, opt));
return true;
let removedAll = true;
for (const entry of entries) {
const s = state === START ? CHILD : state;
rimrafWindowsSync(resolve(path, entry), opt, s);
removedAll = rimrafWindowsSync(resolve(path, entry), opt, s) && removedAll;

@@ -116,9 +138,16 @@ if (state === START) {

if (opt.preserveRoot === false && path === parse(path).root) {
return false;
return ignoreENOENTSync(() => {
if (!removedAll) {
return false;
if (opt.filter && !opt.filter(path)) {
return false;
ignoreENOENTSync(() => {
rimrafWindowsDirMoveRemoveFallbackSync(path, opt);
return true;

@@ -1,4 +0,4 @@

import { RimrafOptions } from './index.js';
export declare const useNative: (opt?: RimrafOptions) => boolean;
import { RimrafAsyncOptions, RimrafOptions } from './index.js';
export declare const useNative: (opt?: RimrafAsyncOptions) => boolean;
export declare const useNativeSync: (opt?: RimrafOptions) => boolean;

@@ -7,4 +7,8 @@ const version = process.env.__TESTING_RIMRAF_NODE_VERSION__ || process.version;

import platform from './platform.js';
export const useNative = !hasNative || platform === 'win32' ? () => false : opt => !opt?.signal;
export const useNativeSync = !hasNative || platform === 'win32' ? () => false : opt => !opt?.signal;
export const useNative = !hasNative || platform === 'win32'
? () => false
: opt => !opt?.signal && !opt?.filter;
export const useNativeSync = !hasNative || platform === 'win32'
? () => false
: opt => !opt?.signal && !opt?.filter;
"name": "rimraf",
"version": "4.2.0",
"version": "4.3.0",
"main": "./dist/cjs/src/index-cjs.js",

@@ -60,3 +60,3 @@ "module": "./dist/mjs/index.js",

"prettier": "^2.8.2",
"tap": "^16.3.3",
"tap": "^16.3.4",
"ts-node": "^10.9.1",

@@ -63,0 +63,0 @@ "typedoc": "^0.23.21",

@@ -8,3 +8,4 @@ The [UNIX command](<>) `rm -rf` for node.

- The function returns a `Promise` instead of taking a callback.
- Built-in glob support removed.
- Globbing requires the `--glob` option to be set. (Removed in
4.0 and 4.1, opt-in support added in 4.2.)
- Functions take arrays of paths, as well as a single path.

@@ -18,2 +19,3 @@ - Native implementation used by default when available, except on

affordances are not necessary there.
- As of 4.3, return/resolve value is boolean instead of undefined

@@ -36,2 +38,8 @@ ## API

All removal functions return a boolean indicating that all
entries were successfully removed.
The only case in which this will not return `true` is if
something was omitted from the removal via a `filter` option.
### `rimraf(f, [opts]) -> Promise`

@@ -69,6 +77,25 @@

removal. This is useful when removing large folder structures,
if you'd like to limit the amount of time spent. Using a
`signal` option prevents the use of Node's built-in `fs.rm`
because that implementation does not support abort signals.
if you'd like to limit the amount of time spent.
Using a `signal` option prevents the use of Node's built-in
`fs.rm` because that implementation does not support abort
- `filter` Method that receives a path string as an argument, and
returns a boolean indicating whether that path should be
deleted. With async rimraf methods, this may return a Promise
that resolves to a boolean. (Since Promises are truthy,
returning a Promise from a sync filter is the same as just not
filtering anything.)
If a filter method is provided, it will _only_ remove entries
if the filter returns (or resolves to) a truthy value. Omitting
a directory will still allow its children to be removed, unless
they are also filtered out, but any parents of a filtered entry
will not be removed, since the directory would not be empty in
that case.
Using a filter method prevents the use of Node's built-in
`fs.rm` because that implementation does not support filtering.
Any other options are provided to the native Node.js `fs.rm` implementation

@@ -148,3 +175,3 @@ when that is used.

rimraf version 4.2.0
rimraf version 4.3.0

@@ -155,21 +182,29 @@ Usage: rimraf <path> [<path> ...]

-- Treat all subsequent arguments as paths
-h --help Display this usage info
--preserve-root Do not remove '/' recursively (default)
--no-preserve-root Do not treat '/' specially
-G --no-glob Treat arguments as literal paths, not globs (default)
-g --glob Treat arguments as glob patterns
-- Treat all subsequent arguments as paths
-h --help Display this usage info
--preserve-root Do not remove '/' recursively (default)
--no-preserve-root Do not treat '/' specially
-G --no-glob Treat arguments as literal paths, not globs (default)
-g --glob Treat arguments as glob patterns
-v --verbose Be verbose when deleting files, showing them as
they are removed. Not compatible with --impl=native
-V --no-verbose Be silent when deleting files, showing nothing as
they are removed (default)
-i --interactive Ask for confirmation before deleting anything
Not compatible with --impl=native
-I --no-interactive Do not ask for confirmation before deleting
--impl=<type> Specify the implementation to use.
rimraf: choose the best option
native: the built-in implementation in Node.js
manual: the platform-specific JS implementation
posix: the Posix JS implementation
windows: the Windows JS implementation
move-remove: a slower Windows JS fallback implementation
--impl=<type> Specify the implementation to use:
rimraf: choose the best option (default)
native: the built-in implementation in Node.js
manual: the platform-specific JS implementation
posix: the Posix JS implementation
windows: the Windows JS implementation (falls back to
move-remove on ENOTEMPTY)
move-remove: a slow reliable Windows fallback
Implementation-specific options:
--tmp=<path> Folder to hold temp files for 'move-remove' implementation
--max-retries=<n> maxRetries for the 'native' and 'windows' implementations
--retry-delay=<n> retryDelay for the 'native' implementation, default 100
--tmp=<path> Temp file folder for 'move-remove' implementation
--max-retries=<n> maxRetries for 'native' and 'windows' implementations
--retry-delay=<n> retryDelay for 'native' implementation, default 100
--backoff=<n> Exponential backoff factor for retries (default: 1.2)

@@ -176,0 +211,0 @@ ```

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Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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