Saft is a lightweight Dependency Injection (DI) Framework for TypeScript &
JavaScript. It is based on ES2015/ES2017 features such as decorators.
Allow dynamic extensions to application both in server (node) code as well as client (browserify, webpack) code.
npm install --save saft
Usage Example
Create module classes that provides values to an Injectors DI context. Then access the bound values from the injector.
import { DB } from './DB';
export class DbModule {
getDb() {
return new DB();
import { DB } from '../db/DB';
import { User } from './User';
export interface GetUserById {
(user: User): Promise<User>;
export class UserModule {
createGetUserById(db: DB) {
return (id: string) => db.findById(id);
import { Injector } from 'saft';
import { DbModule } from './user/DbModule';
import { UserModule } from './user/UserModule';
class InjectorSingleton {
static instance?: Injector;
static isResolved = false;
static getInjector(): Injector {
if (InjectorSingleton.instance) {
return InjectorSingleton.instance;
const injector = new Injector(
new DbModule(),
new UserModule()
InjectorSingleton.instance = injector;
return injector;
export default InjectorSingleton.getInjector();
function bootstrap() {
export default bootstrap;
import bootstrap from './bootstrap';
import injector from './modules/injector';
injector.once('ready', bootstrap);
Used with Module classes to create a binding for a function that returns a value
class DbModule {
getDb() {
return new DB();
const injector = new Injector(new MyModule());
Used with Module classes to create a binding for a function that instead of the value returns a promise of the value.
This is used when the value should be injected instead of the promise to the "consuming" function.
class DbModule {
getDb() {
return Promise.resolve(new DB());
const injector = new Injector(new DbModule());
TODO: Write description
TODO: Write description
Used to ensure single instance of the provided value.
class DbModule {
getDb() {
return new DB();
const injector = new Injector(new DbModule());
TODO: Write description
Decorate a function to make the injected values into arguments.
class DbModule {
getDb() {
return Promise.resolve(new DB());
getValidator() {
return (entity: Entity) => {
if (! {
throw new Error('Data is invalid');
class UserModule {
@Inject('db', 'validate')
getAddUser(db: DB, validate: Validate) {
return (user: User) => {
try {
} catch (error) {
type AddUserFunc = ReturnType<UserModule['getAddUser']>;
injector.get<AddUserFunc>('addUser').then((addUser) => {