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sails-adminpanel - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 1.2.13 to 2.0.0



# Admin Panel configuration
[Full adminpanel configuration schema](#configuration-schema)
## Global configs

@@ -186,3 +188,3 @@

+ `string` - textfield into add/edit actions
+ `string` with `enum` - selectbox
+ `string` with `isIn` - selectbox
+ `password` - password field

@@ -193,3 +195,4 @@ + `date` - input type date

+ `boolean` - checkbox
+ `text` - textarea.
+ `text` - textarea
+ `select` - html select

@@ -202,4 +205,4 @@ **If you will conbine `text` type with `editor` option for the field admin panel will create a WYSTYG editor for this field.**

If you have `enum` field in your model it will be displayed into adminpanel as a select box.
You can overwrite `enum` title using fields configurations:
If you have `isIn` field in your model it will be displayed into adminpanel as a select box.
You can overwrite `isIn` title using fields configurations:

@@ -214,3 +217,3 @@ Example:

type: 'string',
enum: ['male', 'female'],
isIn: ['male', 'female'],
required: true

@@ -232,3 +235,3 @@ }

'gender': {
enum: {
isIn: {
male: 'Male',

@@ -303,1 +306,165 @@ female: 'Female'

## Configuration schema
instances: {
[key:string]: {
title: string
model: string // Model name
fields: {
[key: string]: {
title: string
type: FieldsTypes // all fields types are below this config
tooltip: string // Field description
// Options for widgets like 'Navigation', 'Schedule' and 'FileUploader'. For more
// information open or
options: NavigationOptionsField | ScheduleOptionsField | FileUploaderOptionsField
displayModifier: Function // Function that makes data modification on list view
}[] | boolean | string
list: { // List display configuration
fields: {
[key: string]: {
title: string
type: FieldsTypes // all fields types are below this config
tooltip: string // Field description
// Options for widgets like 'Navigation', 'Schedule' and 'FileUploader'. For more
// information open or
options: NavigationOptionsField | ScheduleOptionsField | FileUploaderOptionsField
displayModifier: Function // Function that makes data modification on list view
}[] | boolean | string
actions: { // Actions configuration that will be displayed
global: {
id: string
title: string
link: string
icon: string
// Only for view, controller still uses his own access rights token
accessRightsToken: string
inline: {
id: string
title: string
link: string
icon: string
// Only for view, controller still uses his own access rights token
accessRightsToken: string
} | boolean
// Configuration for 'create model' action or disabling/enabling it
add: {
fields: {
[key: string]: {
title: string
type: FieldsTypes // all fields types are below this config
tooltip: string // Field description
// Options for widgets like 'Navigation', 'Schedule' and 'FileUploader'. For more
// information open or
options: NavigationOptionsField | ScheduleOptionsField | FileUploaderOptionsField
displayModifier: Function // Function that makes data modification on list view
}[] | boolean | string
instanceModifier: Function // callback for data modification before saving record
controller: string // path to custom controller
} | boolean
// Configuration for 'update model' action or disabling/enabling it
edit: {
fields: {
[key: string]: {
title: string
type: FieldsTypes // all fields types are below this config
tooltip: string // Field description
// Options for widgets like 'Navigation', 'Schedule' and 'FileUploader'. For more
// information open or
options: NavigationOptionsField | ScheduleOptionsField | FileUploaderOptionsField
displayModifier: Function // Function that makes data modification on list view
}[] | boolean | string
instanceModifier: Function // callback for data modification before saving record
controller: string // // path to custom controller
} | boolean
remove: boolean // Disabling/enabling 'delete model' action
view: boolean // Disabling/enabling 'read model' action
tools: { // Instance actions displayed in left navbar for specific instance
id: string
title: string
link: string
icon: string
// Only for view, controller still uses his own access rights token
accessRightsToken: string
icon: string // Instance icon
identifierField: string // Force set primary key
sections: { // For custom adminpanel sections, displays inside header
id: string
title: string
link: string
icon: string
// Only for view, controller still uses his own access rights token
accessRightsToken: string
routePrefix: string // Route prefix for adminpanel, admin by default
pathToViews: string // Relative path from project root to views folder
identifierField: string // Force set primary key
brand: {
link: boolean | string | {
id: string
title: string
link: string
icon: string
// Only for view, controller still uses his own access rights token
accessRightsToken: string
navbar: { // Left-side navigation bar
additionalLinks: { // will be created at the bottom of the sidenav panel
id: string
title: string
link: string
icon: string
// Only for view, controller still uses his own access rights token
accessRightsToken: string
// Policies that will be executed before going to every page
policies: string | string[] | Function | Function[]
styles: string[] // custom adminpanel styles
script: { // custom adminpanel scripts
header: string[]
footer: string[]
welcome: { // Text for welcome page
title: string
text: string
translation: { // Text translation using sails built-in internationalization
locales: string[] // Locales list
path: string // Relative path from project root to translations folder
defaultLocale: string // Default locale
administrator: { // Prime administrator login credentials
login: string
password: string
// Enable/disable displaying createdAt and updatedAt fields in `edit` and `add` sections
showORMtime: boolean
package: any // Adminpanel package.json config
timezones: { // Available timezones list
id: string
name: string
showVersion: boolean // Show adminpanel version on the bottom of navbar
### FieldsTypes
string, password, date, datetime, time, integer, number, float, color, email, month, week,
range, boolean, binary, text, longtext, mediumtext, ckeditor, wysiwyg, texteditor, word,
jsoneditor, json, array, object, ace, html, xml, aceeditor, image, images, file, files,
menu, navigation, schedule, worktime, association, "association-many", select, select-pure

@@ -14,1 +14,3 @@ # Styles

You can add styles link to config??



@@ -1,73 +0,60 @@

'use strict';
var _ = require('lodash');
module.exports = function(sails) {
var config = sails.config.adminpanel;
var ConfigHelper = {
* Checks if given field is identifier of model
* @param {Object} field
* @param {Object|string=} modelOrName
* @returns {boolean}
getId: function(modelOrName) {
return (field.config.key == this.getIdentifierField(modelOrName));
isId: function(field, modelOrName) {
return (field.config.key == this.getIdentifierField(modelOrName));
* Get configured `identifierField` from adminpanel configuration.
* If not configured and model passed try to guess it using `primaryKey` field in model.
* If system couldn't guess will return 'id`.
* Model could be object or just name (string).
* **Warning** If you will pass record - method will return 'id'
* @param {Object|string=} [model]
* @returns {string}
getConfig: function() {
return sails.config.adminpanel
getIdentifierField: function(modelName) {
if (!modelName) {
throw new Error("Model name is not defined");
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.ConfigHelper = void 0;
class ConfigHelper {
static getConfig() {
return sails.config.adminpanel;
* Checks if given field is identifier of model
* @param {Object} field
* @param {Object|string=} modelOrName
* @returns {boolean}
static isId(field, modelOrName) {
return (field.config.key == this.getIdentifierField(modelOrName));
* Get configured `identifierField` from adminpanel configuration.
* If not configured and model passed try to guess it using `primaryKey` field in model.
* If system couldn't guess will return 'id`.
* Model could be object or just name (string).
* **Warning** If you will pass record - method will return 'id'
* @returns {string}
* @param modelName
static getIdentifierField(modelName) {
if (!modelName) {
throw new Error("Model name is not defined");
let config = sails.config.adminpanel;
let instanceConfig;
Object.keys(config.instances).forEach((instanceName) => {
if (config.instances[instanceName].model === modelName.toLowerCase()) {
instanceConfig = config.instances[instanceName];
let config = sails.config.adminpanel;
let instanceConfig;
Object.keys(config.instances).forEach((instanceName) => {
if (config.instances[instanceName].model === modelName.toLowerCase()) {
instanceConfig = config.instances[instanceName];
if (instanceConfig && instanceConfig.identifierField) {
return instanceConfig.identifierField;
else if (sails.models[modelName.toLowerCase()].primaryKey) {
return sails.models[modelName.toLowerCase()].primaryKey;
else {
throw new Error("ConfigHelper > Identifier field was not found");
* Checks if CSRF protection enabled in website
* @returns {boolean}
isCsrfEnabled: function() {
return ( !== false);
if (instanceConfig && instanceConfig.identifierField) {
return instanceConfig.identifierField;
return ConfigHelper;
else if (sails.models[modelName.toLowerCase()].primaryKey) {
return sails.models[modelName.toLowerCase()].primaryKey;
else {
throw new Error("ConfigHelper > Identifier field was not found");
* Checks if CSRF protection enabled in website
* @returns {boolean}
static isCsrfEnabled() {
return ( !== false);
exports.ConfigHelper = ConfigHelper;

@@ -1,3 +0,125 @@

declare var util: any;
declare var async: any;
declare var _: any;
export declare class FieldsHelper {
* Will normalize a field configuration that will be loaded from config file.
* Input parameters should be different.
* For now AdminPanel hook supports such notations into field configurations:
* + Boolean notation
* ```
* fieldName: true // will enable field showing/editing
* fieldName: false // will remove field from showing. Could be useful for actions like edit
* ```
* + String notation
* ```
* fieldName: "Field title"
* ```
* + Object notation
* ```
* fieldName: {
* title: "Field title", // You can overwrite field title
* type: "string", //you can overwrite default field type in admin panel
* required: true, // you can mark field required or not
* editor: true, // you can add WYSTYG editor for the field in admin panel
* }
* ```
* There are several places for field config definition and an inheritance of field configs.
* 1. You could use a global `fields` property into `config/adminpanel.js` file into `instances` section.
* 2. You could use `fields` property into `instances:action` configuration. This config will overwrite global one
* ```
* module.exports.adminpanel = {
* instances: {
* users: {
* title: 'Users', //Menu title for instance
* model: 'User', // Model definition for instance
* fields: {
* email: 'User Email', //it will define title for this field in all actions (list/add/edit/view)
* createdAt: false, // Will hide createdAt field in all actions
* bio: {
* title: 'User bio',
* editor: true
* } // will set title `User bio` for the field and add editor into add/edit actions
* },
* // Action level config
* list: {
* bio: false // will hide bio field into list view
* },
* edit: {
* createdAt: 'Created at' //will enable field `createdAt` and set title to `Created at`
* }
* }
* }
* }
* ```
* @example
* //default field config should look like:
* var fieldConfig = {
* key: 'fieldKeyFromModel'
* title: "Field title",
* type: "string", //Or any other type. Will be fetched from model if not defined in config
* // ... Other config will be added here
* };
* @throws {Error} if no config or key passed
* @param {*} config
* @param {string} key
* @param modelField
* @returns {boolean|Object}
* @private
private static _normalizeFieldConfig;
* Load list of records for all associations into `fields`
* @param {Object} fields
* @param {function=} [cb]
static loadAssociations(fields: any): Promise<any>;
* Create list of populated models
* @param {Object} fields
* @returns {Array}
static getFieldsToPopulate(fields: any): any[];
* Basically it will fetch all attributes without functions
* Result will be object with list of fields and its config.<br/>
* <code>
* {
* "fieldName": {
* config: {
* key: 'fieldKeyFromModel'
* title: "Field title",
* type: "string", //Or any other type. Will be fetched from model if not defined in config
* // ... Other config will be added here
* },
* model: {
* // Here will be list of properties from your model
* type: 'string' //...
* }
* }
* }
* </code>
* @param {Request} req Sails.js req object
* @param {Object} instance Instance object with `name`, `config`, `model` {@link AdminUtil.findInstanceObject}
* @param {string=} [type] Type of action that config should be loaded for. Example: list, edit, add, remove, view. Defaut: list
* @returns {Object} Empty object or pbject with list of properties
static getFields(req: any, instance: any, type: any): {};

@@ -1,8 +0,8 @@

'use strict';
var util = require('../lib/adminUtil');
var async = require('async');
var _ = require('lodash');
module.exports = {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.FieldsHelper = void 0;
const adminUtil_1 = require("../lib/adminUtil");
class FieldsHelper {
* Will normalize a field configuration that willl be loaded fro config file.
* Will normalize a field configuration that will be loaded from config file.

@@ -17,9 +17,9 @@ * Input parameters should be different.

* fieldName: true // will enable field showing/editing
* fieldName: false // will remove field from showing. Could be usefull for actions like edit
* fieldName: false // will remove field from showing. Could be useful for actions like edit
* ```
* + String natation
* + String notation
* ```
* fieldName: "Field Ttitle"
* fieldName: "Field title"
* ```

@@ -41,3 +41,3 @@ *

* 1. You could use a global `fields` property into `config/adminpanel.js` file into `instances` section.
* 2. You could use `fields` property into `instances:action` confguration. This config will overwrite global one
* 2. You could use `fields` property into `instances:action` configuration. This config will overwrite global one

@@ -74,3 +74,3 @@ * ```

* //default field config should llok like:
* //default field config should look like:
* var fieldConfig = {

@@ -86,7 +86,8 @@ * key: 'fieldKeyFromModel'

* @param {string} key
* @param modelField
* @returns {boolean|Object}
* @private
_normalizeFieldConfig: function (config, key, modelField) {
if (_.isUndefined(config) || _.isUndefined(key)) {
static _normalizeFieldConfig(config, key, modelField) {
if (typeof config === "undefined" || typeof key === "undefined") {
throw new Error('No `config` or `key` passed !');

@@ -97,3 +98,3 @@ }

if (_.isBoolean(config)) {
if (typeof config === "boolean") {
if (!config) {

@@ -110,3 +111,3 @@ return false;

// check for string notation
if (_.isString(config)) {
if (typeof config === "string") {
return {

@@ -117,4 +118,4 @@ key: key,

//check for object natation
if (_.isPlainObject(config)) {
//check for object notation
if (typeof config === "object" && config !== null) {
// make required checks

@@ -130,7 +131,7 @@ if (!config.key) {

if (config.type === 'association' || config.type === 'association-many') {
var associatedModelAtrubutes = {};
var displayField;
let associatedModelAttributes = {};
let displayField;
if (config.type === 'association') {
try {
associatedModelAtrubutes = util.getModel(modelField.model.toLowerCase()).attributes;
associatedModelAttributes = adminUtil_1.AdminUtil.getModel(modelField.model.toLowerCase()).attributes;

@@ -143,4 +144,4 @@ catch (e) {

try {
// console.log('admin > helper > collection > ', util.getModel(modelField.collection.toLowerCase()).attributes);
associatedModelAtrubutes = util.getModel(modelField.collection.toLowerCase()).attributes;
// console.log('admin > helper > collection > ', AdminUtil.getModel(modelField.collection.toLowerCase()).attributes);
associatedModelAttributes = adminUtil_1.AdminUtil.getModel(modelField.collection.toLowerCase()).attributes;

@@ -151,7 +152,7 @@ catch (e) {

// console.log('admin > helper > model > ', associatedModelAtrubutes);
if (associatedModelAtrubutes.hasOwnProperty('name')) {
// console.log('admin > helper > model > ', associatedModelAttributes);
if (associatedModelAttributes.hasOwnProperty('name')) {
displayField = 'name';
else if (associatedModelAtrubutes.hasOwnProperty('label')) {
else if (associatedModelAttributes.hasOwnProperty('label')) {
displayField = 'label';

@@ -162,3 +163,3 @@ }

_.defaults(config, {
config = Object.assign(config, {
identifierField: 'id',

@@ -171,3 +172,3 @@ displayField: displayField

return false;

@@ -179,4 +180,3 @@ * Load list of records for all associations into `fields`

loadAssociations: function (fields, cb) {
cb = cb || function () { };
static async loadAssociations(fields) {

@@ -188,31 +188,36 @@ * Load all associated records for given field key

var loadAssoc = function (key, cb) {
let loadAssoc = async function (key) {
if (fields[key].config.type !== 'association' && fields[key].config.type !== 'association-many') {
return cb();
fields[key].config.records = [];
var modelName = fields[key].model.model || fields[key].model.collection;
let modelName = fields[key].model.model || fields[key].model.collection;
if (!modelName) {
sails.log.error('No model found for field: ', fields[key]);
return cb();
var Model = util.getModel(modelName);
let Model = adminUtil_1.AdminUtil.getModel(modelName);
if (!Model) {
return cb();
Model.find().exec(function (err, list) {
if (err) {
return cb();
fields[key].config.records = list;
let list;
try {
list = await Model.find();
catch (e) {
throw new Error("FieldsHelper > Models not found");
fields[key].config.records = list;
async.each(_.keys(fields), loadAssoc, function (err) {
if (err) {
return cb(err);
for await (let key of Object.keys(fields)) {
try {
await loadAssoc(key);
return cb(null, fields);
catch (e) {
return e;
return fields;

@@ -224,5 +229,5 @@ * Create list of populated models

getFieldsToPopulate: function (fields) {
var result = [];
_.forEach(fields, function (field, key) {
static getFieldsToPopulate(fields) {
let result = [];
Object.entries(fields).forEach(function ([key, field]) {
if (field.config.type === 'association' || field.config.type === 'association-many') {

@@ -233,5 +238,5 @@ result.push(key);

return result;
* Basicaly it will fetch all attributes without functions
* Basically it will fetch all attributes without functions

@@ -261,3 +266,3 @@ * Result will be object with list of fields and its config.<br/>

getFields: function (req, instance, type) {
static getFields(req, instance, type) {
if (!instance.model || !instance.model.attributes) {

@@ -269,11 +274,9 @@ return {};

//get field config for actions
var actionConfig = util.findActionConfig(instance, type);
var fieldsConfig = instance.config.fields || {};
let actionConfig = adminUtil_1.AdminUtil.findActionConfig(instance, type);
let fieldsConfig = instance.config.fields || {};
//Get keys from config
//var actionConfigFields = _.keys(actionConfig.fields);
//Getting list of fields from model
let modelAttributes = instance.model.attributes
var that = this;
let modelAttributes = instance.model.attributes;
let that = this;

@@ -286,3 +289,3 @@ * Iteration function for every field

var _prepareField = function (modelField, key) {
let _prepareField = function ([key, modelField]) {

@@ -292,3 +295,3 @@ * Checks for short type in waterline:

if (_.isString(modelField)) {
if (typeof modelField === "string") {
modelField = {

@@ -298,6 +301,6 @@ type: modelField

if (_.isObject(modelField) && modelField.model) {
if (typeof modelField === "object" && modelField !== null && modelField.model) {
modelField.type = 'association';
if (_.isObject(modelField) && modelField.collection) {
if (typeof modelField === "object" && modelField !== null && modelField.collection) {
modelField.type = 'association-many';

@@ -309,4 +312,4 @@ }

//Getting config form configuration file
var fldConfig = { key: key, title: key };
var ignoreField = false; // if set to true, field will be removed from editor/list
let fldConfig = { key: key, title: key };
let ignoreField = false; // if set to true, field will be removed from editor/list
//Checking global instance fields configuration

@@ -319,4 +322,4 @@ if (fieldsConfig[key] || fieldsConfig[key] === false) {

else {
var tmpCfg = that._normalizeFieldConfig(fieldsConfig[key], key, modelField);
_.merge(fldConfig, tmpCfg);
let tmpCfg = that._normalizeFieldConfig(fieldsConfig[key], key, modelField);
fldConfig = { ...fldConfig, ...tmpCfg };

@@ -331,5 +334,5 @@ }

else {
var tmpCfg = that._normalizeFieldConfig(actionConfig.fields[key], key, modelField);
let tmpCfg = that._normalizeFieldConfig(actionConfig.fields[key], key, modelField);
ignoreField = false;
_.merge(fldConfig, tmpCfg);
fldConfig = { ...fldConfig, ...tmpCfg };

@@ -349,5 +352,5 @@ }

fldConfig.type = fldConfig.type.toLowerCase();
//nomalizing configs
//normalizing configs
fldConfig = that._normalizeFieldConfig(fldConfig, key, modelField);
//Adding new field to resultset
//Adding new field to result set
result[key] = {

@@ -359,6 +362,7 @@ config: fldConfig,

// creating result
var result = {};
_.forEach(modelAttributes, _prepareField);
let result = {};
return result;
exports.FieldsHelper = FieldsHelper;

@@ -1,228 +0,175 @@

'use strict';
var _ = require('lodash');
* Menu helper
* @param {Object} config
* @constructor
module.exports = function menuHelper(config) {
var module = {
* Checks if brand exists
* @returns {boolean}
hasBrand: function () {
return Boolean( &&;
* Get menu brand link
* @returns {string}
getBrandLink: function() {
if (! || ! || !_.isObject( || ! {
return '/admin';
* Get menu brand title
* @returns {string}
getBrandTitle: function() {
if (! || ! {
return 'Sails-adminpanel';
if (_.isString( {
if (_.isObject( && _.isString( {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.MenuHelper = void 0;
let _ = require("lodash"); // заменить lodash реджексом
class MenuHelper {
constructor(config) {
MenuHelper.config = config;
* Checks if brand exists
* @returns {boolean}
static hasBrand() {
return Boolean(this.config.brand &&;
* Get menu brand link
* @returns {string}
static getBrandLink() {
if (!this.config.brand || ! || typeof !== "object" ||
! {
return '/admin';
* Get menu brand title
* @returns {string}
getBrandTitle() {
if (!MenuHelper.config.brand || ! {
return 'Sails-adminpanel';
* Check if global actions buttons added to action
* @param {Object} instanceConfig
* @param {string=} [action] Defaults to `list`
* @returns {boolean}
hasGlobalActions: function(instanceConfig, action) {
action = action || 'list';
if (!instanceConfig[action] || !instanceConfig[action].actions || !instanceConfig[action] {
return false;
var actions = instanceConfig[action];
if (actions.length > 0) {
return true;
if (typeof === "string") {
if (typeof === "object" && typeof === "string") {
return 'Sails-adminpanel';
* Check if global actions buttons added to action
* @param {Object} instanceConfig
* @param {string=} [action] Defaults to `list`
* @returns {boolean}
hasGlobalActions(instanceConfig, action) {
action = action || 'list';
if (!instanceConfig[action] || !instanceConfig[action].actions || !instanceConfig[action] {
return false;
* Check if inline actions buttons added to action
* @param {Object} instanceConfig
* @param {string=} [action] Defaults to `list`
* @returns {boolean}
hasInlineActions: function(instanceConfig, action) {
action = action || 'list';
if (!instanceConfig[action] || !instanceConfig[action].actions || !instanceConfig[action].actions.inline) {
return false;
var actions = instanceConfig[action].actions.inline;
if (actions.length > 0) {
return true;
let actions = instanceConfig[action];
return actions.length > 0;
* Check if inline actions buttons added to action
* @param {Object} instanceConfig
* @param {string=} [action] Defaults to `list`
* @returns {boolean}
hasInlineActions(instanceConfig, action) {
action = action || 'list';
if (!instanceConfig[action] || !instanceConfig[action].actions || !instanceConfig[action].actions.inline) {
return false;
* Get list of custom global buttons for action
* @param {Object} instanceConfig
* @param {string=} [action]
* @returns {Array}
getGlobalActions: function(instanceConfig, action) {
action = action || 'list';
if (!this.hasGlobalActions(instanceConfig, action)) {
return [];
let actions = instanceConfig[action].actions.inline;
return actions.length > 0;
* Get list of custom global buttons for action
* @param {Object} instanceConfig
* @param {string=} [action]
* @returns {Array}
getGlobalActions(instanceConfig, action) {
action = action || 'list';
if (!this.hasGlobalActions(instanceConfig, action)) {
return [];
return instanceConfig[action];
* Get list of custom inline buttons for action
* @param {Object} instanceConfig
* @param {string=} [action]
* @returns {Array}
getInlineActions(instanceConfig, action) {
action = action || 'list';
if (!this.hasInlineActions(instanceConfig, action)) {
return [];
return instanceConfig[action].actions.inline;
* Replace fields in given URL and binds to model fields.
* URL can contain different properties from given model in such notation `:propertyName`.
* If model wouldn't have such property it will be left as `:varName`
* @param {string} url URL with list of variables to replace '/admin/test/:id/:title/'
* @param {Object} model
* @returns {string}
static replaceModelFields(url, model) {
let words = (str, pat) => {
pat = pat || /\w+/g;
str = str.toLowerCase();
return str.match(pat);
// Check for model existence
if (!model) {
return url;
let split = words(url, /\:+[a-z\-_]*/gi);
// Replacing props
split.forEach(function (word) {
let variable = word.replace(':', '');
if (model && model[variable]) {
url = url.replace(word, model[variable]);
return instanceConfig[action];
* Get list of custom inline buttons for action
* @param {Object} instanceConfig
* @param {string=} [action]
* @returns {Array}
getInlineActions: function(instanceConfig, action) {
action = action || 'list';
if (!this.hasInlineActions(instanceConfig, action)) {
return [];
return url;
* Get list of instance menus that was not bound to groups
* @returns {Array}
getMenuItems() {
let menus = [];
Object.entries(MenuHelper.config.instances).forEach(function ([key, val]) {
if ( && > 0 &&[0].id !== "overview") {{
id: "overview",
link: MenuHelper.config.routePrefix + '/' + key,
title: 'Overview',
icon: ""
return instanceConfig[action].actions.inline;
* Replace fields in given URL and binds to model fields.
* URL can contain different properties from given model in such notation `:propertyName`.
* If model wouldn't have such property it will be left as `:varName`
* @param {string} url URL with list of variables to replace '/admin/test/:id/:title/'
* @param {Object} model
* @returns {string}
replaceModelFields: function(url, model) {
// Check for model existance
if (!model) {
return url;
var words = _.words(url, /\:+[a-z\-_]*/gi);
// Replacing props
_.forEach(words, function(word) {
var variable = word.replace(':', '');
if (model && model[variable]) {
url = url.replace(word, model[variable]);
link: MenuHelper.config.routePrefix + '/' + key,
title: val.title,
icon: val.icon || null,
actions: || null,
id: val.title.replace(" ", "_"),
instanceName: key
return url;
* Will create a list of groups to show
* @returns {Array}
getGroups: function () {
var groups = || [];
_.forEach(groups, function(group, idx) {
if (!group.key) return;
// Clear menues to avoid data duplication
groups[idx].menues = [];
_.forEach(config.instances, function(val, key) {
if (val.menuGroup && val.menuGroup == group.key) {
link: config.routePrefix + '/' + key,
title: val.title,
icon: val.icon || null
if ( && > 0) {
_.forEach(, function(menu) {
if (! || !menu.title || !menu.menuGroup || menu.menuGroup != group.key) {
title: menu.title,
icon: menu.icon || null
return groups;
* Get list of instance menues that was not binded to groups
* @returns {Array}
getMenuItems: function() {
var menues = [];
_.forEach(config.instances, function(val, key) {
if (val.menuGroup) {
if (MenuHelper.config.navbar.additionalLinks && MenuHelper.config.navbar.additionalLinks.length > 0) {
MenuHelper.config.navbar.additionalLinks.forEach(function (additionalLink) {
if (! || !additionalLink.title || additionalLink.disabled) {
if (val.actions && val.actions.length > 0 && val.actions[0].title !== "Overview") {
link: config.routePrefix + '/' + key,
title: "Overview",
icon: ""
link: config.routePrefix + '/' + key,
title: val.title,
icon: val.icon || null,
actions: val.actions || null,
id: || val.title.replace(" ","_"),
instanceName: key
title: additionalLink.title,
id: || additionalLink.title.replace(" ", "_"),
icon: additionalLink.icon || null
if ( && > 0) {
_.forEach(, function(menu) {
if (! || !menu.title || menu.menuGroup || menu.disabled) {
title: menu.title,
id: || menu.title.replace(" ","_"),
icon: menu.icon || null
return menues;
return module;
return menus;
exports.MenuHelper = MenuHelper;

@@ -1,15 +0,7 @@

'use strict';
var path = require('path');
var _ = require('lodash');
module.exports = {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.ViewsHelper = void 0;
const path = require("path");
class ViewsHelper {
* Base path for all views.
BASE_VIEWS_PATH: path.join(__dirname, '../views/'),
* Generate path to views files for given view engine

@@ -20,6 +12,5 @@ *

getPathToEngine: function (engine) {
return path.join(this.BASE_VIEWS_PATH, engine, '/')
static getPathToEngine(engine) {
return path.join(this.BASE_VIEWS_PATH, engine, '/');

@@ -31,15 +22,13 @@ * Will generate path to view file

getViewPath: function getViewPath(view) {
static getViewPath(view) {
return path.resolve(sails.config.adminpanel.pathToViews, view);
* @param {IncommingMessage} req
* @param {string} type Types: adminError|adminSuccess
* @param {IncomingMessage} req
* @param {string} key Types: adminError|adminSuccess
hasFlash: function (req, type) {
return (req.session.flash && req.session.flash[type]);
static hasMessages(req, key) {
return (req.session.messages && req.session.messages[key]);

@@ -52,9 +41,9 @@ * Get needed field value from dat provided.

getFieldValue: function (key, field, data) {
var value = data[key];
if (_.isObject(value) && field.config.type == 'association') {
static getFieldValue(key, field, data) {
let value = data[key];
if (typeof value === "object" && value !== null && field.config.type == 'association') {
value = value[field.config.identifierField];
if (_.isArray(value) && field.config.type == 'association-many') {
var result = [];
if (value !== null && Array.isArray(value) && field.config.type == 'association-many') {
let result = [];
value.forEach(function (val) {

@@ -66,4 +55,3 @@ result.push(val[field.config.identifierField]);

return value;

@@ -76,10 +64,10 @@ * Check if given option equals value or is in array

isOptionSelected: function (option, value) {
if (_.isArray(value)) {
return _.includes(value, option);
} else {
static isOptionSelected(option, value) {
if (Array.isArray(value)) {
return value.includes(option);
else {
return (option == value);

@@ -91,9 +79,9 @@ * Get's field value for view screen

getAssociationValue: function (value, field) {
static getAssociationValue(value, field) {
if (!value) {
return '-----------';
var displayField = field.config.displayField || 'id';
if (_.isArray(value)) {
var result = '';
let displayField = field.config.displayField || 'id';
if (Array.isArray(value)) {
let result = '';
value.forEach(function (val) {

@@ -104,3 +92,3 @@ result += val[displayField] + '<br/>';

if (_.isObject(value)) {
if (typeof value === "object") {
return value[displayField];

@@ -110,2 +98,7 @@ }

exports.ViewsHelper = ViewsHelper;
* Base path for all views.
ViewsHelper.BASE_VIEWS_PATH = path.join(__dirname, '../views/');
'use strict';
let { MenuHelper } = require('./helper/menuHelper');
let { AccessRightsHelper } = require('./helper/accessRightsHelper');
module.exports = function (sails) {
let libInitialize = require("./lib/initialize");
return {

@@ -10,11 +14,13 @@

defaults: require('./lib/defaults'),
defaults: require('./lib/defaults').content,
configure: require('./lib/configure')(sails),
configure: require('./lib/configure').default(),
initialize: require('./lib/initialize').default(sails),
initialize: async function initialize(cb) {
await libInitialize.default(sails, cb);
addMenuItem: function (link, label, icon, group) {
if (!link)
throw 'first argumant is required';
throw 'first argument is required';

@@ -30,3 +36,3 @@ = || {};

sails.config.views.locals.adminpanel.menuHelper = require('./helper/menuHelper')(sails.config.adminpanel);
sails.config.views.locals.adminpanel.menuHelper = new MenuHelper(sails.config.adminpanel);

@@ -36,3 +42,3 @@

if (!key)
throw 'first argumant is required';
throw 'first argument is required';

@@ -45,5 +51,11 @@ = || {};

registerAccessToken: AccessRightsHelper.registerToken,
getAllAccessTokens: AccessRightsHelper.getTokens,
havePermission: AccessRightsHelper.havePermission

@@ -1,47 +0,6 @@

'use strict';
var _ = require('lodash');
var path = require('path');
var AdminUtil = {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.AdminUtil = void 0;
class AdminUtil {
* Default configuration for instance
* @see AdminUtil.findConfig
_defaultInstanceConfig: {
list: true,
add: true,
edit: true,
remove: true,
view: true
* Default configs that will be returned for action. If nothing exists in config file.
* @see AdminUtil.findActionConfig
_defaultActionConfig: {
fields: {}
* Will fetch list of model attributes
* @param {Model} model
* @returns {Object}
_getModelAttributes: function(model) {
if (!model || !model.attributes) {
return {};
return _.pick(model.attributes, function(val, key) {
// return (_.isPlainObject(val) && !val.collection);
return _.isPlainObject(val);
* Check if given instance config has all required properties

@@ -53,12 +12,9 @@ *

_isValidInstanceConfig: function(config) {
if (!_.isObject(config) || !_.isString(config.model)) {
return false;
return true;
static _isValidInstanceConfig(config) {
return (typeof config === "object" && typeof config.model === "string");
* Normalizing instance config.
* Will retirn fulfilled configuration object.
* Will return fulfilled configuration object.

@@ -70,10 +26,10 @@ * @see AdminUtil._isValidInstanceConfig

_normalizeInstanceConfig: function(config) {
static _normalizeInstanceConfig(config) {
if (!this._isValidInstanceConfig(config)) {
req._sails.log.error('Wrong instance configuration, using default');
sails.log.error('Wrong instance configuration, using default');
config = {};
_.defaults(config, this._defaultInstanceConfig);
config = Object.assign(this._defaultInstanceConfig, config);
//Check limits
if (_.isBoolean(config.list)) {
if (typeof config.list === "boolean") {
config.list = {

@@ -83,8 +39,8 @@ limit: 15

if (!_.isNumber(config.list.limit)) {
if (typeof config.list.limit !== "number") {
config.list.limit = 15;
return config;

@@ -97,13 +53,8 @@ * Normalize action config object

_normalizeActionConfig: function(config) {
static _normalizeActionConfig(config) {
//Adding fields
config.fields = config.fields || {};
_.defaults(config, this._defaultActionConfig);
//check just to be sure that we will have object
if (!_.isPlainObject(config.fields)) {
config.fields = {};
return config;
return Object.assign(this._defaultActionConfig, config);

@@ -114,6 +65,5 @@ * Get admin panel config

config: function() {
static config() {
return sails.config.adminpanel || {};

@@ -125,10 +75,11 @@ * Get model from system

getModel: function(name) {
static getModel(name) {
//Getting model
// console.log('admin > model > ', sails.models);
var Model = sails.models[name.toLowerCase()];
let Model = sails.models[name.toLowerCase()];
if (!Model) {
if (!sails) {
console.log('No model found in sails.');
} else {
else {
sails.log.error('No model found in sails.');

@@ -139,4 +90,3 @@ }

return Model;

@@ -148,9 +98,15 @@ * Get instance name

findInstanceName: function(req) {
if (!req.param('instance')) {
return null;
return req.param('instance');
static findInstanceName(req) {
if (!req.param('instance')) {
let instanceName = req.originalUrl.split('/')[2];
if (!this.config().instances || !this.config().instances[instanceName]) {
return null;
else {
return instanceName;
return req.param('instance');

@@ -163,3 +119,3 @@ * Searches for config from admin panel

findInstanceConfig: function findConfig(req, instanceName) {
static findInstanceConfig(req, instanceName) {
if (!this.config().instances || !this.config().instances[instanceName]) {

@@ -170,4 +126,3 @@ req._sails.log.error('No such route exists');

return this._normalizeInstanceConfig(this.config().instances[instanceName] || {});

@@ -196,7 +151,7 @@ * Will get action config from configuration file depending to given action

findActionConfig: function(instance, actionType) {
static findActionConfig(instance, actionType) {
if (!instance || !actionType) {
throw new Error('No `instance` or `actionType` passed !');
var result = _.defaults({}, this._defaultActionConfig);
let result = Object.assign({}, this._defaultActionConfig);
if (!instance.config || !instance.config[actionType]) {

@@ -209,8 +164,7 @@ return result;

if (_.isBoolean(instance.config[actionType])) {
if (typeof instance.config[actionType] === "boolean") {
return result;
return this._normalizeActionConfig(instance.config[actionType]);

@@ -224,3 +178,3 @@ * Trying to find model by request

findModel: function findModel(req, instanceConfig) {
static findModel(req, instanceConfig) {
if (!this._isValidInstanceConfig(instanceConfig)) {

@@ -230,4 +184,3 @@ return null;

return this.getModel(instanceConfig.model);

@@ -251,12 +204,35 @@ * Will create instance object from request.

findInstanceObject: function(req) {
var instance = {}; = this.findInstanceName(req);
instance.config = this.findInstanceConfig(req,;
instance.model = this.findModel(req, instance.config);
instance.uri = this.config().routePrefix + '/' +;
return instance;
static findInstanceObject(req) {
let instanceName = this.findInstanceName(req);
let instanceConfig = this.findInstanceConfig(req, instanceName);
let instanceModel = this.findModel(req, instanceConfig);
let instanceUri = this.config().routePrefix + '/' + instanceName;
return {
name: instanceName,
config: instanceConfig,
model: instanceModel,
uri: instanceUri
exports.AdminUtil = AdminUtil;
* Default configuration for instance
* @see AdminUtil.findConfig
AdminUtil._defaultInstanceConfig = {
list: true,
add: true,
edit: true,
remove: true,
view: true
module.exports = AdminUtil;
* Default configs that will be returned for action. If nothing exists in config file.
* @see AdminUtil.findActionConfig
AdminUtil._defaultActionConfig = {
fields: {}

@@ -1,1 +0,1 @@

export default function (sails: any): Promise<void>;
export default function (): void;

@@ -5,8 +5,6 @@ "use strict";

const path = require("path");
async function default_1(sails) {
function default_1() {'/admin/assets', serveStatic(path.join(__dirname, '../assets')));
//let layer =[0]
//, 0, layer)
exports.default = default_1;

@@ -1,7 +0,6 @@

import * as serveStatic from 'serve-static'
import * as path from "path"
export default async function(sails: any) {
import * as serveStatic from 'serve-static';
import * as path from "path";
export default function() {'/admin/assets', serveStatic(path.join(__dirname, '../assets')));
//let layer =[0]
//, 0, layer)

@@ -1,3 +0,1 @@

declare var path: any;
declare var _login: any;
declare var superAdmin: string;
export default function bindAuthorization(): Promise<void>;

@@ -1,143 +0,60 @@

'use strict';
var path = require('path');
var _login = require('../actions/login');
var superAdmin = 'isAdminpanelSuperAdmin';
module.exports = function bindAuthorization(sails) {
* Router
var _bindPolicies = require('../lib/bindPolicies')(sails);
var policies = sails.config.adminpanel.policies || '';
var baseRoute = sails.config.adminpanel.routePrefix + '/:instance';
sails.router.bind(baseRoute + '/login', _bindPolicies(policies, _login));
sails.router.bind(baseRoute + '/logout', _bindPolicies(policies, _login));
var apConfName = ['list', 'add', 'edit', 'remove', 'view'];
var apConf = {
title: 'Users',
model: 'UserAP',
icon: 'user',
permission: superAdmin
for (var i in apConfName) {
var conf = {
permission: superAdmin
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const login_1 = require("../controllers/login");
async function bindAuthorization() {
let config = sails.config.adminpanel;
let adminData;
if (config.administrator) {
adminData = config.administrator;
else {
let password = getRandomInt(1000000000000, 9999999999999);
adminData = {
login: "admin",
password: `${password}`
if (apConfName[i] !== 'remove') {
conf.fields = {
id: true,
passwordHashed: false,
createdAt: false,
updatedAt: false,
permission: {
widget: 'JsonEditor',
JsonEditor: {
height: 100,
mode: 'tree',
modes: ['code', 'form', 'text', 'tree', 'view']
password: false
if (apConfName[i] === 'add') {
conf.fields.password = true;
apConf[apConfName[i]] = conf;
sails.config.adminpanel.instances['userap'] = apConf;
* Add method to check permission from controller
sails.adminpanel = {};
sails.adminpanel.havePermission = (req, obj, action) => {
action = path.basename(action).split('.')[0];
if (!sails.config.adminpanel.auth)
return true;
if (action === '') {
if (req.session.UserAP) {
if (req.session.UserAP.permission) {
if (!obj.permission) {
return true;
// This code is only for single administrator, should be rewritten for multiple
try {
await UserAP.destroy({ isAdministrator: true });
await UserAP.create({ login: adminData.login, password: adminData.password, fullName: "Administrator",
isActive: true, isAdministrator: true });
if (req.session.UserAP) {
if (req.session.UserAP.permission) {
if (!Array.isArray(req.session.UserAP.permission)) {
req.session.UserAP.permission = [req.session.UserAP.permission];
if (req.session.UserAP.permission.indexOf(superAdmin) >= 0) {
return true;
else if (obj[action]) {
if (typeof obj[action] === 'boolean')
return true;
if (obj[action].permission) {
if (!Array.isArray(obj[action].permission)) {
obj[action].permission = [obj[action].permission];
for (var i in req.session.UserAP.permission) {
for (var j in obj[action].permission) {
if (req.session.UserAP.permission[i] === obj[action].permission[j]) {
return true;
else {
return true;
else if (action === '') {
if (obj.permission) {
if (!Array.isArray(obj.permission)) {
obj.permission = [obj.permission];
for (var i in req.session.UserAP.permission) {
for (var j in obj.permission) {
if (req.session.UserAP.permission[i] === obj.permission[j]) {
return true;
catch (e) {
sails.log.error("Could not create administrator profile", e);
console.log("------------------------------------------------------------");"Administrator credentials");
let peoples = [
fullName: "Administrator",
login: adminData.login,
password: adminData.password
return false;
sails.on('lifted', async function () {
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Model
* Router
var conf;
let _bindPolicies = require('../lib/bindPolicies').default();
let policies = sails.config.adminpanel.policies || '';
let baseRoute = sails.config.adminpanel.routePrefix + '/:instance';
sails.router.bind(baseRoute + '/login', _bindPolicies(policies, login_1.default));
sails.router.bind(baseRoute + '/logout', _bindPolicies(policies, login_1.default));
exports.default = bindAuthorization;
sails.on('lifted', async function () {
// Only in dev mode after drop
if (sails.config.models.migrate !== 'drop')
if (sails.config.adminpanel.admin) {
conf = sails.config.adminpanel.admin;
else {
var conf = {
username: 'engineer',
password: 'engineer'
try {
let user = await UserAP.findOne({ username: conf.username });
if (!user) {
user = await UserAP.create({
username: conf.username,
password: conf.password,
permission: [superAdmin]
if (!user)
sails.log.error("Can't create user!");
catch (e) {
function getRandomInt(min, max) {
min = Math.ceil(min);
max = Math.floor(max);
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min)) + min; //Максимум не включается, минимум включается

@@ -1,119 +0,59 @@

'use strict';
import _login from "../controllers/login";
import {AdminpanelConfig} from "../interfaces/adminpanelConfig";
import UserAP from "../models/UserAP";
var path = require('path');
export default async function bindAuthorization() {
var _login = require('../actions/login');
let config: AdminpanelConfig = sails.config.adminpanel;
let adminData;
if (config.administrator) {
adminData = config.administrator;
} else {
let password = getRandomInt(1000000000000, 9999999999999)
adminData = {
login: "admin",
password: `${password}`
var superAdmin = 'isAdminpanelSuperAdmin';
// This code is only for single administrator, should be rewritten for multiple
try {
await UserAP.destroy({isAdministrator: true});
await UserAP.create({login: adminData.login, password: adminData.password, fullName: "Administrator",
isActive: true, isAdministrator: true});
} catch (e) {
sails.log.error("Could not create administrator profile", e)
module.exports = function bindAuthorization(sails) {
console.log("------------------------------------------------------------")"Administrator credentials")
let peoples = [
fullName: "Administrator",
login: adminData.login,
password: adminData.password
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Router
var _bindPolicies = require('../lib/bindPolicies')(sails);
var policies = sails.config.adminpanel.policies || '';
var baseRoute = sails.config.adminpanel.routePrefix + '/:instance';
let _bindPolicies = require('../lib/bindPolicies').default();
let policies = sails.config.adminpanel.policies || '';
let baseRoute = sails.config.adminpanel.routePrefix + '/:instance';
sails.router.bind(baseRoute + '/login', _bindPolicies(policies, _login));
sails.router.bind(baseRoute + '/logout', _bindPolicies(policies, _login));
var apConfName = ['list', 'add', 'edit', 'remove', 'view'];
var apConf = {
title: 'Users',
model: 'UserAP',
icon: 'user',
permission: superAdmin
for (var i in apConfName) {
var conf = {
permission: superAdmin
if (apConfName[i] !== 'remove') {
conf.fields = {
id: true,
passwordHashed: false,
createdAt: false,
updatedAt: false,
permission: {
widget: 'JsonEditor',
JsonEditor: {
height: 100,
mode: 'tree',
modes: ['code', 'form', 'text', 'tree', 'view']
password: false
if (apConfName[i] === 'add') {
conf.fields.password = true;
apConf[apConfName[i]] = conf;
sails.config.adminpanel.instances['userap'] = apConf;
* Add method to check permission from controller
sails.adminpanel = {};
sails.adminpanel.havePermission = (req, obj, action) => {
action = path.basename(action).split('.')[0];
if (!sails.config.adminpanel.auth)
return true;
if (action === '') {
if (req.session.UserAP) {
if (req.session.UserAP.permission) {
if (!obj.permission) {
return true;
if (req.session.UserAP) {
if (req.session.UserAP.permission) {
if (!Array.isArray(req.session.UserAP.permission)) {
req.session.UserAP.permission = [req.session.UserAP.permission];
if (req.session.UserAP.permission.indexOf(superAdmin) >= 0) {
return true;
} else if (obj[action]) {
if (typeof obj[action] === 'boolean')
return true;
if (obj[action].permission) {
if (!Array.isArray(obj[action].permission)) {
obj[action].permission = [obj[action].permission];
for (var i in req.session.UserAP.permission) {
for (var j in obj[action].permission) {
if (req.session.UserAP.permission[i] === obj[action].permission[j]) {
return true;
} else {
return true;
} else if (action === '') {
if (obj.permission) {
if (!Array.isArray(obj.permission)) {
obj.permission = [obj.permission];
for (var i in req.session.UserAP.permission) {
for (var j in obj.permission) {
if (req.session.UserAP.permission[i] === obj.permission[j]) {
return true;
return false;
sails.on('lifted', async function () {
* Model
var conf;

@@ -123,26 +63,8 @@ // Only in dev mode after drop

if (sails.config.adminpanel.admin) {
conf = sails.config.adminpanel.admin;
} else {
var conf = {
username: 'engineer',
password: 'engineer'
try {
let user = await UserAP.findOne({username: conf.username})
if (!user) {
user = await UserAP.create({
username: conf.username,
password: conf.password,
permission: [superAdmin]
if (!user) sails.log.error("Can't create user!");
} catch (e) {
function getRandomInt(min, max) {
min = Math.ceil(min);
max = Math.floor(max);
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min)) + min; //Максимум не включается, минимум включается

@@ -1,7 +0,8 @@

'use strict';
var viewsHelper = require('../helper/viewsHelper');
module.exports = function(sails) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const viewsHelper_1 = require("../helper/viewsHelper");
const fieldsHelper_1 = require("../helper/fieldsHelper");
const menuHelper_1 = require("../helper/menuHelper");
const configHelper_1 = require("../helper/configHelper");
function bindConfig() {

@@ -11,3 +12,3 @@ * Bind adminpanel config to views

if (!sails.config.adminpanel.pathToViews) {
sails.config.adminpanel.pathToViews = viewsHelper.getPathToEngine(sails.config.views.extension);
sails.config.adminpanel.pathToViews = viewsHelper_1.ViewsHelper.getPathToEngine(sails.config.views.extension);

@@ -23,6 +24,8 @@ // binding locals

sails.config.views.locals.adminpanel.config = sails.config.adminpanel;
sails.config.views.locals.adminpanel.viewHelper = viewsHelper;
sails.config.views.locals.adminpanel.fieldsHelper = require('../helper/fieldsHelper');
sails.config.views.locals.adminpanel.menuHelper = require('../helper/menuHelper')(sails.config.adminpanel);
sails.config.views.locals.adminpanel.configHelper = require('../helper/configHelper')(sails);
sails.config.views.locals.adminpanel.viewHelper = viewsHelper_1.ViewsHelper;
sails.config.views.locals.adminpanel.fieldsHelper = fieldsHelper_1.FieldsHelper;
sails.config.views.locals.adminpanel.menuHelper = new menuHelper_1.MenuHelper(sails.config.adminpanel);
sails.config.views.locals.adminpanel.configHelper = configHelper_1.ConfigHelper;
exports.default = bindConfig;

@@ -1,9 +0,26 @@

'use strict';
var _ = require('lodash');
module.exports = function (sails) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const fs = require("fs");
const path = require("path");
function bindPolicies() {
//write out policies to config
try {
let policiesDir = fs.readdirSync(__dirname + "/../policies");
for (let policy of policiesDir) {
if (path.extname(policy).toLowerCase() === ".js") {
let policyFile = require(__dirname + "/../policies/" + policy);
if (typeof policyFile === "function") {
else {
sails.log.error(`Adminpanel > Policy ${policyFile} is not a function`);
catch (e) {
sails.log.error("Adminpanel > Could not load policies", e);
return function (policies, action) {
if (_.isFunction(policies) && !action) {
if (typeof policies === "function" && !action) {
action = policies;

@@ -15,4 +32,3 @@ policies = '';

var result = [];
let result = [];

@@ -23,17 +39,19 @@ * Bind policy to action

var bindPolicy = function (policy) {
if (_.isFunction(policy)) {
let bindPolicy = function (policy) {
if (typeof policy === "function") {
//Check for policy existance
//Check for policy existence
if (!sails.hooks.policies.middleware[policy.toLowerCase()]) {
sails.log.error('AdminPanel: No policy exist: ' + policy);
} else {
else {
if (_.isArray(policies)) {
_.forEach(policies, bindPolicy);
} else {
if (Array.isArray(policies)) {
else {

@@ -47,2 +65,4 @@ }

exports.default = bindPolicies;

@@ -1,11 +0,7 @@

'use strict';
var _ = require('lodash');
var path = require('path');
var viewHelper = require('../helper/viewsHelper');
module.exports = function (sails) {
var bindResFunctions = function (req, res, next) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const viewsHelper_1 = require("../helper/viewsHelper");
const accessRightsHelper_1 = require("../helper/accessRightsHelper");
function bindResView() {
let bindResFunctions = function (req, res, next) {

@@ -17,8 +13,8 @@ * Guess view name by request

var guessViewName = function (req) {
if (!req || !req.route || !req.route.path || !_.isString(req.route.path)) {
let guessViewName = function (req) {
if (!req || !req.route || !req.route.path || typeof req.route.path !== "string") {
return '';
var routeSplited = req.route.path.split('/');
var viewName = routeSplited.pop();
let routeSplit = req.route.path.split('/');
let viewName = routeSplit.pop();
// :instance = list

@@ -30,22 +26,21 @@ if (viewName === ':instance') {

if (viewName === ':id') {
viewName = routeSplited.pop();
viewName = routeSplit.pop();
return viewName;
* Show admin panel view.
res.viewAdmin = function (/* specifiedPath, locals, cb_view */) {
var specifiedPath = arguments[0];
var locals = arguments[1];
var cb_view = arguments[2];
if (_.isObject(arguments[0])) {
// !TODO rewrite arguments to strong queue, without universal redefined arguments
res.viewAdmin = function ( /* specifiedPath, locals, cb_view */) {
let specifiedPath = arguments[0];
let locals = arguments[1];
let cb_view = arguments[2];
if (typeof arguments[0] === "object" && arguments[0] !== null) {
locals = arguments[0];
if (_.isFunction(arguments[1])) {
if (typeof arguments[1] === "function") {
cb_view = arguments[1];
if (!specifiedPath || !_.isString(specifiedPath)) {
if (!specifiedPath || typeof specifiedPath !== "string") {
specifiedPath = guessViewName(res.req);

@@ -56,8 +51,6 @@ }

if (!locals) {
locals = {};
_.merge(locals, sails.config.views.locals);
locals = { ...sails.config.views.locals };
locals.layout = false;
// set theme for admin panel

@@ -69,9 +62,9 @@ if (!locals) {

locals.button = sails.config.adminpanel.button || 'solid';
return res.view(viewHelper.getViewPath(specifiedPath), locals, cb_view);
locals.havePermission = accessRightsHelper_1.AccessRightsHelper.havePermission;
if (locals.section === undefined)
locals.section = 'adminpanel';
return res.view(viewsHelper_1.ViewsHelper.getViewPath(specifiedPath), locals, cb_view);
// Bind to /admin

@@ -82,3 +75,5 @@ console.log('admin > route bind > ', sails.config.adminpanel.routePrefix);

sails.router.bind(sails.config.adminpanel.routePrefix + '\/*', bindResFunctions);
exports.default = bindResView;

@@ -1,54 +0,61 @@

'use strict';
var path = require('path');
var _dashboard = require('../actions/dashboard');
var _welcome = require('../actions/welcome');
var _list = require('../actions/list');
var _list_json = require('../actions/list_json');
var _edit = require('../actions/edit');
var _add = require('../actions/add');
var _view = require('../actions/view');
var _remove = require('../actions/remove');
var _upload = require('../actions/upload');
module.exports = function bindRoutes(sails) {
var _bindPolicies = require('../lib/bindPolicies')(sails);
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const dashboard_1 = require("../controllers/dashboard");
const welcome_1 = require("../controllers/welcome");
const list_1 = require("../controllers/list");
const listJson_1 = require("../controllers/listJson");
const edit_1 = require("../controllers/edit");
const add_1 = require("../controllers/add");
const view_1 = require("../controllers/view");
const remove_1 = require("../controllers/remove");
const upload_1 = require("../controllers/upload");
function bindRoutes() {
let _bindPolicies = require('../lib/bindPolicies').default();
* List or one policy that should be binded to actions
* List or one policy that should be bound to actions
* @type {string|Array}
var policies = sails.config.adminpanel.policies || '';
let config = sails.config.adminpanel;
let policies = config.policies || '';
//Create a base instance route
var baseRoute = sails.config.adminpanel.routePrefix + '/:instance';
let baseRoute = config.routePrefix + '/:instance';
* List of records
sails.router.bind(baseRoute, _bindPolicies(policies, _list));
sails.router.bind(baseRoute+"/json", _bindPolicies(policies, _list_json));
sails.router.bind(baseRoute, _bindPolicies(policies, list_1.default));
for (let instance of Object.keys(config.instances)) {
* Create new record
if (config.instances[instance].add && config.instances[instance].add.controller) {
let controller = require(config.instances[instance].add.controller);
sails.router.bind(`${config.routePrefix}/${instance}/add`, _bindPolicies(policies, controller.default));
else {
sails.router.bind(`${config.routePrefix}/${instance}/add`, _bindPolicies(policies, add_1.default));
* Edit existing record
if (config.instances[instance].edit && config.instances[instance].edit.controller) {
let controller = require(config.instances[instance].edit.controller);
sails.router.bind(`${config.routePrefix}/${instance}/edit/:id`, _bindPolicies(policies, controller.default));
else {
sails.router.bind(`${config.routePrefix}/${instance}/edit/:id`, _bindPolicies(policies, edit_1.default));
* Create new record
sails.router.bind(baseRoute + '/add', _bindPolicies(policies, _add));
* View record details
sails.router.bind(baseRoute + '/view/:id', _bindPolicies(policies, _view));
sails.router.bind(baseRoute + '/view/:id', _bindPolicies(policies, view_1.default));
sails.router.bind(baseRoute + "/json", _bindPolicies(policies, listJson_1.default));
* Edit existing record
sails.router.bind(baseRoute + '/edit/:id', _bindPolicies(policies, _edit));
* Remove record
sails.router.bind(baseRoute + '/remove/:id', _bindPolicies(policies, _remove));
sails.router.bind(baseRoute + '/remove/:id', _bindPolicies(policies, remove_1.default));
* Upload files
sails.router.bind(baseRoute + '/upload', _bindPolicies(policies, _upload));
sails.router.bind(baseRoute + '/upload', _bindPolicies(policies, upload_1.default));

@@ -58,9 +65,10 @@ * Create a default dashboard

if (Boolean(sails.config.adminpanel.dashboard)) {
sails.router.bind(sails.config.adminpanel.routePrefix, _bindPolicies(policies, _dashboard));
} else {
sails.router.bind(sails.config.adminpanel.routePrefix, _bindPolicies(policies, _welcome));
if (Boolean(config.dashboard)) {
sails.router.bind(config.routePrefix, _bindPolicies(policies, dashboard_1.default));
else {
sails.router.bind(config.routePrefix, _bindPolicies(policies, welcome_1.default));
exports.default = bindRoutes;

@@ -1,5 +0,4 @@

'use strict';
module.exports = function ToConfigure(sails) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
function ToConfigure() {
return function configure() {

@@ -10,10 +9,10 @@ // Check for disable admin panel

// Add hooks here
//recheck reoute prefix
// !TODO add styles render in ejs
sails.config.adminpanel.styles = [];
// !TODO add scripts
sails.config.adminpanel.script = {};
sails.config.adminpanel.script.header = [];
sails.config.adminpanel.script.footer = [];
sails.config.adminpanel.policies = [];
//recheck route prefix
sails.config.adminpanel.routePrefix = sails.config.adminpanel.routePrefix || '/admin';

@@ -25,2 +24,4 @@ //check and adding base slash

exports.default = ToConfigure;

@@ -1,63 +0,95 @@

'use strict';
module.exports = {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.content = void 0;
const packageJson = require('../package.json');
const timezones = require('./timezones.json');
* Default admin config
const adminpanelConfig = {
* Default admin config
* Default url prefix for admin panel
adminpanel: {
* Default url prefix for admin panel
routePrefix: '\/admin',
* Will set method how assets will be placed into project
assets: 'copy',
* Default path to views
* @type {?string}
pathToViews: null,
* Name of model identifier field
identifierField: 'id',
* Default policy that will be used to check access
policy: '',
* Base menu configuration
menu: {
// Should admin panel brand be visible ?
brand: true,
// Menu groups
groups: [],
// List of additional actions
actions: []
routePrefix: '\/admin',
* Default path to views
* @type {?string}
pathToViews: null,
* Name of model identifier field
identifierField: 'id',
* Policies
policies: null,
* Base navbar configuration
navbar: {
// List of additional actions
additionalLinks: []
brand: {
link: null
* List of admin pages
instances: {
usersap: {
title: "Users AP",
model: "userap",
icon: "users",
add: {
controller: "../controllers/addUser"
edit: {
controller: "../controllers/editUser"
list: {
fields: {
createdAt: false,
updatedAt: false,
id: false,
email: false,
passwordHashed: false,
timezone: false,
locale: false,
isDeleted: false,
isActive: false,
groups: false
* List of admin pages
instances: {},
* List of custom actions
actions: [],
* List of sections in head
sections: []
groupsap: {
title: "Groups AP",
model: "groupap",
icon: "users-cog",
add: {
controller: "../controllers/addGroup"
edit: {
controller: "../controllers/editGroup"
translation: {
locales: ['en', 'ru'],
path: `${process.cwd()}/config/locales/adminpanel`,
defaultLocale: 'en'
* List of sections in head
sections: [],
package: packageJson,
showVersion: true,
timezones: timezones
exports.content = {
adminpanel: adminpanelConfig
console.log("Adminpanel configuration: ", adminpanelConfig);

@@ -1,1 +0,1 @@

export default function ToInitialize(sails: any): (cb: any) => Promise<any>;
export default function (sails: any, cb: any): Promise<any>;

@@ -1,15 +0,16 @@

'use strict';
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var _ = require('lodash');
var fs = require('fs');
var viewsHelper = require('../helper/viewsHelper');
const fs = require("fs");
const viewsHelper_1 = require("../helper/viewsHelper");
const path = require("path");
const bindAssets_1 = require("./bindAssets");
function ToInitialize(sails) {
const hookTools_1 = require("./hookTools");
const path_1 = require("path");
const afterHook_1 = require("./afterHook");
async function default_1(sails, cb) {
* List of hooks that required for adminpanel to work
var requiredHooks = [
let requiredHooks = [

@@ -20,46 +21,23 @@ 'orm',

return async function initialize(cb) {
// If disabled. Do not load anything
if (!sails.config.adminpanel) {
return cb();
// Set up listener to bind shadow routes when the time is right.
// Always wait until after router has bound static routes.
// If policies hook is enabled, also wait until policies are bound.
// If orm hook is enabled, also wait until models are known.
// If controllers hook is enabled, also wait until controllers are known.
var eventsToWaitFor = [];
try {
* Check hooks availability
_.forEach(requiredHooks, function (hook) {
// if (!sails.hooks[hook]) {
// throw new Error('Cannot use `adminpanel` hook without the `' + hook + '` hook.');
// }
// eventsToWaitFor.push('hook:' + hook + ':loaded');
catch (err) {
if (err) {
return cb(err);
//Check views engine and check if folder with templates exist
if (!fs.existsSync(viewsHelper.getPathToEngine(sails.config.views.extension))) {
return cb(new Error('For now adminpanel hook could work only with Pug template engine.'));
var initAuth = require('./initializeAuthorization')(sails, cb);
// sails.after(eventsToWaitFor, require('../lib/afterHooksLoaded')(sails));
sails.on("lifted", require('../lib/afterHooksLoaded')(sails));
sails.config.adminpanel.templateRootPath = viewsHelper.BASE_VIEWS_PATH;
sails.config.adminpanel.rootPath = path.resolve(__dirname + "/..");
// Bind assets
await (0, bindAssets_1.default)(sails);
// If disabled. Do not load anything
if (!sails.config.adminpanel) {
return cb();
//Check views engine and check if folder with templates exist
if (!fs.existsSync(viewsHelper_1.ViewsHelper.getPathToEngine(sails.config.views.extension))) {
return cb(new Error('For now adminpanel hook could work only with Pug template engine.'));
sails.config.adminpanel.templateRootPath = viewsHelper_1.ViewsHelper.BASE_VIEWS_PATH;
sails.config.adminpanel.rootPath = path.resolve(__dirname + "/..");
hookTools_1.default.waitForHooks("adminpanel", requiredHooks, afterHook_1.default);
await hookTools_1.default.bindModels((0, path_1.resolve)(__dirname, "../models"));
// if (!sails.hooks.i18n.locales) sails.hooks.i18n.locales = []
// sails.hooks.i18n.locales = [...sails.hooks.i18n.locales, ...sails.config.adminpanel.translation.locales]
// .filter(function(item, pos, self) { return self.indexOf(item) == pos })
// Bind assets
await (0, bindAssets_1.default)();
exports.default = ToInitialize;
exports.default = default_1;

@@ -1,18 +0,16 @@

'use strict';
var _ = require('lodash');
var fs = require('fs');
var viewsHelper = require('../helper/viewsHelper');
import * as fs from 'fs';
import { ViewsHelper } from "../helper/viewsHelper";
import * as path from "path";
import bindAssets from "./bindAssets"
import HookTools from "./hookTools";
import {resolve} from "path";
import afterHook from "./afterHook";
export default async function(sails: any, cb) {
export default function ToInitialize(sails) {
* List of hooks that required for adminpanel to work
var requiredHooks = [
let requiredHooks: string[] = [

@@ -24,51 +22,27 @@ 'orm',

return async function initialize(cb) {
// If disabled. Do not load anything
if (!sails.config.adminpanel) {
return cb();
// If disabled. Do not load anything
if (!sails.config.adminpanel) {
return cb();
//Check views engine and check if folder with templates exist
if (!fs.existsSync(ViewsHelper.getPathToEngine(sails.config.views.extension))) {
return cb(new Error('For now adminpanel hook could work only with Pug template engine.'));
// Set up listener to bind shadow routes when the time is right.
// Always wait until after router has bound static routes.
// If policies hook is enabled, also wait until policies are bound.
// If orm hook is enabled, also wait until models are known.
// If controllers hook is enabled, also wait until controllers are known.
var eventsToWaitFor = [];
try {
* Check hooks availability
_.forEach(requiredHooks, function (hook) {
// if (!sails.hooks[hook]) {
// throw new Error('Cannot use `adminpanel` hook without the `' + hook + '` hook.');
// }
// eventsToWaitFor.push('hook:' + hook + ':loaded');
} catch(err) {
if (err) {
return cb(err);
sails.config.adminpanel.templateRootPath = ViewsHelper.BASE_VIEWS_PATH;
sails.config.adminpanel.rootPath = path.resolve(__dirname + "/..")
//Check views engine and check if folder with templates exist
if (!fs.existsSync(viewsHelper.getPathToEngine(sails.config.views.extension))) {
return cb(new Error('For now adminpanel hook could work only with Pug template engine.'));
HookTools.waitForHooks("adminpanel", requiredHooks, afterHook);
await HookTools.bindModels(resolve(__dirname, "../models"));
var initAuth = require('./initializeAuthorization')(sails, cb);
// if (!sails.hooks.i18n.locales) sails.hooks.i18n.locales = []
// sails.hooks.i18n.locales = [...sails.hooks.i18n.locales, ...sails.config.adminpanel.translation.locales]
// .filter(function(item, pos, self) { return self.indexOf(item) == pos })
// sails.after(eventsToWaitFor, require('../lib/afterHooksLoaded')(sails));
sails.on("lifted", require('../lib/afterHooksLoaded')(sails));
sails.config.adminpanel.templateRootPath = viewsHelper.BASE_VIEWS_PATH;
sails.config.adminpanel.rootPath = path.resolve(__dirname+"/..")
// Bind assets
await bindAssets(sails);
// Bind assets
await bindAssets();

@@ -1,6 +0,6 @@

var path = require('path');
var buildDictionary = require('sails-build-dictionary');
module.exports = function initializeAuthorization(sails, cb) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const path = require("path");
let buildDictionary = require('sails-build-dictionary');
function initializeAuthorization(cb) {

@@ -10,3 +10,3 @@ * Model

dirname: path.resolve(__dirname, '../api/models'),
dirname: path.resolve(__dirname, '../models'),
filter: /^([^.]+)\.(js|coffee|litcoffee)$/,

@@ -21,3 +21,3 @@ replaceExpr: /^.*\//,

dirname: path.resolve(__dirname, '../api/models'),
dirname: path.resolve(__dirname, '../models'),
filter: /(.+)\.attributes.json$/,

@@ -29,3 +29,2 @@ replaceExpr: /^.*\//,

return cb(err);
// console.log('admin > init > ', models, supplements, sails.models, sails.hooks.orm.models);

@@ -35,13 +34,11 @@ // var finalModels = {...models, ...supplements};

// sails.models = {...sails.models, ...models, ...supplements};
let finalModels = _.merge(models, supplements);
sails.hooks.orm.models = _.merge(finalModels || {}, sails.hooks.orm.models || {});
sails.models = _.merge(finalModels || {}, sails.models || {});
let finalModels = { ...models, ...supplements };
sails.hooks.orm.models = Object.assign(finalModels || {}, sails.hooks.orm.models || {});
sails.models = Object.assign(finalModels || {}, sails.models || {});
// console.log('sails.hooks.orm.models > ', sails.hooks.orm.models);
// console.log('sails.models > ', sails.models);
exports.default = initializeAuthorization;

@@ -1,7 +0,5 @@

'use strict';
var _ = require('lodash');
var async = require('async');
var queryString = require('querystring');
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.RequestProcessor = void 0;
let queryString = require('querystring');

@@ -13,4 +11,3 @@ * Default helper that will contain all methods

module.exports = {
class RequestProcessor {

@@ -23,11 +20,11 @@ * Will add new HTTP GET params to current params and will return a new string of GET query params.

addGetParams: function(req, params) {
if (!req || !_.isPlainObject(req.query)) throw new Error('Wrong request given !');
if (!_.isPlainObject(params)) {
static addGetParams(req, params) {
if (!req || typeof req.query !== "object")
throw new Error('Wrong request given !');
if (typeof params !== "object") {
params = {};
var query = _.merge(_.clone(req.query), _.clone(params));
let query = { ...req.query, ...params };
return queryString.stringify(query);

@@ -42,16 +39,19 @@ * upload file to server

uploadFile: function(key, val, field, cb) {
if (!key || !val || !field) {
return null;
if (!req.file || !_.isFunction(req.file)) {
return null;
var options = {};
if (field.config.uploadPath) {
options.dirname = field.config.uploadPath;
req.file(key).upload(options, cb);
static uploadFile(key, val, field, cb) {
// !TODO fix this, there is no req in parameters
// if (!key || !val || !field) {
// return null;
// }
// if (!req.file || typeof req.file !== "function") {
// return null;
// }
// let options = {};
// if (field.config.uploadPath) {
// options.dirname = field.config.uploadPath;
// }
// req.file(key).upload(options, cb);

@@ -64,26 +64,29 @@ * Will fetch all files from request. That should be stored

processFiles: function(req, fields, cb) {
var fileFieldKeys = [];
_.forIn(fields, function(field, key) {
if (field.config && field.config.file) {
static async processFiles(req, fields) {
let fileFieldKeys = [];
for (let key in fields) {
if (fields[key].config && fields[key].config.file) {
if (fileFieldKeys.length == 0) {
return cb();
var files = {};
async.eachLimit(fileFieldKeys, 10, function(key, done) {
req.file(key).upload(function(err, file) {
if (err) {
return done(err);
files[key] = file;
}, function(err, result) {
cb(err, files);
let files = {};
for await (let elem of fileFieldKeys) {
try {
await req.file(elem).upload(function (err, file) {
if (err) {
return err;
files[elem] = file;
catch (e) {
return e;
return files;

@@ -98,26 +101,23 @@ * Will try to find all fields that should be used in model

processRequest: function(req, fields, cb) {
var that = this;
//that.processFiles(req, fields, function(err, result) {
// console.log(result);
var booleanFields = _.pick(fields, function(field, key) {
return (field.config.type === 'boolean');
var data = req.allParams();
var postParams = _.pick(data, function(value, key) {
return Boolean(fields[key]);
_.forIn(postParams, function(val, key) {
var field = fields[key];
static processRequest(req, fields) {
let booleanFields = {};
for (let key of Object.keys(fields)) {
if (fields[key].config.type === 'boolean') {
booleanFields[key] = fields[key];
let data = req.allParams();
let postParams = {};
for (let key of Object.keys(data)) {
if (Boolean(fields[key])) {
postParams[key] = data[key];
for (let key in postParams) {
let field = fields[key];
if (field.model.type == 'boolean') {
if (val === '0') {
val = false;
if (postParams[key] === '0') {
postParams[key] = false;
postParams[key] = Boolean(val);
postParams[key] = Boolean(postParams[key]);

@@ -128,13 +128,15 @@ //if (field.model.type == 'integer') {

if (field.model.type == 'number') {
postParams[key] = parseFloat(val);
postParams[key] = parseFloat(postParams[key]);
if (field.model.type == 'json') {
try {
postParams[key] = JSON.parse(val);
} catch (error) {
sails.log.error("Adminpanel > processRequest: json parse error", error)
postParams[key] = JSON.parse(postParams[key]);
catch (error) {
// show error only when string and when string is not empty
if (typeof postParams[key] === "string" && postParams[key].replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r|\s{2,})/gm, "")) {
sails.log.error(`Adminpanel > processRequest: json parse error when parsing ${postParams[key]}`, error);
//remove empty field from list

@@ -144,30 +146,13 @@ if (field.model.type == 'association' && !postParams[key]) {

//if (field.config.file) {
// //need to upload file
// that.uploadFile(key, val, field, function(err, file) {
// console.log(file);
// });
// if (field.model.type === 'date') {
// if (!postParams[key]) {
// delete postParams[key];
// }
// }
// Hook for seting boolean vars to false.
// Hook for setting boolean vars to false.
// HTTP wouldn't send data here
_.forEach(booleanFields, function(field, key) {
for (let key in booleanFields) {
if (!postParams[key]) {
postParams[key] = false;
//Check for fields that was not passed
//_.forIn(fields, function(field, key) {
// if (!postParams[key] && field.model.type == 'boolean') {
// postParams[key] = false;
// }
//return cb(null, postParams);
return postParams;
exports.RequestProcessor = RequestProcessor;

@@ -5,9 +5,5 @@ {

"bundleDependencies": false,
"bundleDependencies": [],
"dependencies": {
"async": "^0.9.0",
"gulp-less": "^3.0.3",
"jimp": "^0.2.28",
"lodash": "^3.0.0",
"ncp": "^2.0.0",
"password-hash": "^1.2.2",

@@ -19,7 +15,16 @@ "sails-build-dictionary": "^0.10.1"

"devDependencies": {
"chai": "^1.10.0",
"@42pub/typed-sails": "^1.0.0",
"@types/chai": "^4.3.0",
"@types/express": "^4.17.7",
"@types/mocha": "^9.0.0",
"@types/waterline": "^0.13.4",
"chai": "^4.1.0",
"chai-http": "^4.3.0",
"chance": "^0.7.3",
"mocha": "^2.0.1",
"dotenv": "^16.0.0",
"mocha": "^8.1.1",
"node-sass": "^7.0.1",
"sails": "^1.4.0"
"sails": "^1.4.0",
"ts-node": "^10.7.0",
"typescript": "^3.9.7"

@@ -48,6 +53,9 @@ "homepage": "",

"scripts": {
"test": "node ./node_modules/mocha/bin/mocha -b --timeout 5000",
"test": "mocha -r ts-node/register test/bootstrap.ts './test/{,!(fixture)/**}/*.test.ts' --exit",
"test:js": "mocha test/bootstrap.js './test/{,!(fixture)/**}/*.test.js' --exit",
"test:init": "npm i && cd ./test/fixture && npm i --no-package-lock --prefix ./ && cd -",
"test:init-win": "npm i && cd test\\fixture && rmdir /s/Q node_modules && npm i --no-package-lock",
"build:css": "sass assets/styles:clarity/src"
"version": "1.2.13"
"version": "2.0.0"

@@ -1,39 +0,14 @@

sails-adminpanel readme for sails v1.x
# Main project require
**modules install**
# NodeJS AdminPanel
Autogeniration adminpanel | internationalization | User & Group access rights | Policies | Modern UI
npm install --save connect-flash
In nearest future: Customization dashboard | Custom widgets | Wizards
npm install consolidate --save
### ***sails-adminpanel readme for sails v1.x***
npm install jade --save
___sails v0.x is not supported___
extension: 'jade',
getRenderFn: function() {
// Import `consolidate`.
var cons = require('consolidate');
// Return the rendering function for Swig.
return cons.jade;
1. Check csrf to fileUpload
2. Docs finish
flash: require('connect-flash')(),
order: [
for fileUploader

@@ -43,9 +18,3 @@

sails-adminpanel readme for sails v0.11+
Admin panel generator for Sails.js applications v0.11+
**This hook is under active development. Please be careful lot of functionality will be added. And some configs could change from version to version**
# Installation

@@ -55,4 +24,7 @@

npm install --save sails-adminpanel
npm install sails-adminpanel
> Currently, we have to patch sails framework, so you install our patches for using
all functionality. Without these patches i18n will not work. [Read how to install patch](
Then you will need to create a config file for admin panel generator into `config/adminpanel.js`

@@ -67,6 +39,6 @@

users: {
pages: {
title: 'Users',
model: 'User',
title: 'Pages',
model: 'Page',

@@ -76,6 +48,3 @@ list: {

id: 'ID',
email: 'Email',
active: 'Active',
admin: 'Admin',
createdAt: 'Created'
name: 'Article name'

@@ -86,10 +55,6 @@ },

fields: {
email: 'Email',
active: {
title: 'Active'
admin: {
title: 'Admin',
disabled: true
name: 'Article name',
content: {
type: 'wysiwyg',
title: 'Article body'

@@ -103,29 +68,16 @@ }

And your admin panel will be accesible under: ``
And your admin panel will be accessible under: ``
## Documentation
Take a look into `docs` folder. There are lot of docs about configuration and usage.
Take a look into [docs]( folder. There are a lot of docs about configuration and usage.
#### What is this?
## UI reference
This repo contains a hook, one of the building blocks Sails is made out of.
We use VmWare Clarity framework as UI framework
#### What version of Sails is this for?
Clarity docs
The versioning of a hook closely mirrors that of the Sails version it depends on. While the "patch" version (i.e. the "Z" in "X.Y.Z") will normally differ from that of Sails core, the "minor" version number (i.e. the "Y" in "X.Y.Z") of this hook is also the minor version of Sails for which it is designed. For instance, if a hook is version `0.11.9`, it is designed for Sails `^0.11.0` (that means it'll work from 0.11.0 all the way up until 0.12.0).
#### Does this hook use only Jade for template engine ?
Yes. For now only Jade.
#### Are there changes?
Yes, see the [v0.11 migration guide]( You probably won't need to change anything unless you were extensively using the old v0.9 configuration.
for build styles - sass --watch clarity/src:assets/styles/
Clarity docs
## License

@@ -132,0 +84,0 @@

## Roadmap
add icons by package
add webpack
- "select-pure": "^2.1.4"

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