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Comparing version 1.69.2 to 1.69.3



@@ -1,1 +0,1 @@

{"name":"sass","description":"A pure JavaScript implementation of Sass.","license":"MIT","bugs":"","homepage":"","repository":{"type":"git","url":""},"author":{"name":"Natalie Weizenbaum","email":"","url":""},"engines":{"node":">=14.0.0"},"dependencies":{"chokidar":">=3.0.0 <4.0.0","immutable":"^4.0.0","source-map-js":">=0.6.2 <2.0.0"},"keywords":["style","scss","sass","preprocessor","css"],"types":"types/index.d.ts","exports":{"types":"./types/index.d.ts","node":{"require":"./sass.node.js","default":"./sass.node.mjs"},"default":{"require":"./sass.default.cjs","default":"./sass.default.js"}},"version":"1.69.2","bin":{"sass":"sass.js"},"main":"sass.node.js"}
{"name":"sass","description":"A pure JavaScript implementation of Sass.","license":"MIT","bugs":"","homepage":"","repository":{"type":"git","url":""},"author":{"name":"Natalie Weizenbaum","email":"","url":""},"engines":{"node":">=14.0.0"},"dependencies":{"chokidar":">=3.0.0 <4.0.0","immutable":"^4.0.0","source-map-js":">=0.6.2 <2.0.0"},"keywords":["style","scss","sass","preprocessor","css"],"types":"types/index.d.ts","exports":{"types":"./types/index.d.ts","node":{"require":"./sass.node.js","default":"./sass.node.mjs"},"default":{"require":"./sass.default.cjs","default":"./sass.default.js"}},"version":"1.69.3","bin":{"sass":"sass.js"},"main":"sass.node.js"}

@@ -47,2 +47,7 @@ import {RawSourceMap} from 'source-map-js';

* **Heads up!** When using the `sass-embedded` npm package,
* **{@link compileAsync} is almost always faster than {@link compile}**, due to
* the overhead of emulating synchronous messaging with worker threads and
* concurrent compilations being blocked on main thread.
* @example

@@ -70,5 +75,5 @@ *

* **Heads up!** When using Dart Sass, **{@link compile} is almost twice as fast
* as {@link compileAsync}**, due to the overhead of making the entire
* evaluation process asynchronous.
* **Heads up!** When using the `sass` npm package, **{@link compile} is almost
* twice as fast as {@link compileAsync}**, due to the overhead of making the
* entire evaluation process asynchronous.

@@ -99,2 +104,8 @@ * @example

* **Heads up!** When using the `sass-embedded` npm package,
* **{@link compileStringAsync} is almost always faster than
* {@link compileString}**, due to the overhead of emulating synchronous
* messaging with worker threads and concurrent compilations being blocked on
* main thread.
* @example

@@ -131,5 +142,5 @@ *

* **Heads up!** When using Dart Sass, **{@link compile} is almost twice as fast
* as {@link compileAsync}**, due to the overhead of making the entire
* evaluation process asynchronous.
* **Heads up!** When using the `sass` npm package, **{@link compileString} is
* almost twice as fast as {@link compileStringAsync}**, due to the overhead
* of making the entire evaluation process asynchronous.

@@ -136,0 +147,0 @@ * @example

@@ -99,2 +99,7 @@ import {LegacyException} from './exception';

* **Heads up!** When using the `sass-embedded` npm package, **{@link render}
* is almost always faster than {@link renderSync}**, due to the overhead of
* emulating synchronous messaging with worker threads and concurrent
* compilations being blocked on main thread.
* @example

@@ -120,5 +125,5 @@ *

* **Heads up!** When using Dart Sass, **{@link renderSync} is almost twice as
* fast as {@link render}** by default, due to the overhead of making the entire
* evaluation process asynchronous.
* **Heads up!** When using the `sass` npm package, **{@link renderSync} is
* almost twice as fast as {@link render}** by default, due to the overhead of
* making the entire evaluation process asynchronous.

@@ -125,0 +130,0 @@ * ```js

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