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Package description

What is saucelabs?

The 'saucelabs' npm package provides a Node.js client for interacting with the Sauce Labs API. Sauce Labs is a cloud-based platform for automated testing of web and mobile applications. This package allows you to manage Sauce Labs resources, such as jobs, tunnels, and assets, programmatically.

What are saucelabs's main functionalities?

Managing Jobs

This feature allows you to manage and retrieve details about your Sauce Labs jobs. The code sample demonstrates how to get details of a specific job using its job ID.

const { SauceLabs } = require('saucelabs');
const saucelabs = new SauceLabs({ user: 'your-username', key: 'your-access-key' });

async function getJobDetails(jobId) {
  const job = await saucelabs.getJob(jobId);


Managing Tunnels

This feature allows you to manage Sauce Connect tunnels. The code sample demonstrates how to list all active tunnels.

const { SauceLabs } = require('saucelabs');
const saucelabs = new SauceLabs({ user: 'your-username', key: 'your-access-key' });

async function getTunnels() {
  const tunnels = await saucelabs.listTunnels();


Uploading Assets

This feature allows you to upload assets to a specific job. The code sample demonstrates how to upload a file to a job using its job ID.

const { SauceLabs } = require('saucelabs');
const saucelabs = new SauceLabs({ user: 'your-username', key: 'your-access-key' });

async function uploadAsset(jobId, filePath) {
  const response = await saucelabs.uploadJobAssets(jobId, { files: [filePath] });

uploadAsset('your-job-id', 'path/to/your/file');

Other packages similar to saucelabs



Trophy bot

Node Sauce Labs Test Changes

Wrapper around all Sauce Labs REST APIs for Node.js (v8 or higher) including support for Sauce Connect Proxy and TypeScript definitions.


To install the package run:

npm install saucelabs



Your Sauce Labs username.

Type: string
Default: process.env.SAUCE_USERNAME


Your Sauce Labs access key.

Type: string
Default: process.env.SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY


Your Sauce Labs datacenter region. The following regions are available:

  • us-west-1 (short us)
  • eu-central-1 (short eu)
  • us-east-1 (headless)

Type: string
Default: us


If set to true you are accessing the headless Sauce instances (this discards the region option).

Type: boolean
Default: false


If you want to tunnel your API request through a proxy please provide your proxy URL.

Type: string
Default: null


If you want to set request headers, as example {'User-Agent': 'node-saucelabs'}

Type: object
Default: {'User-Agent': 'saucelabs/<VERSION> (nodejs <PLATFORM>)'}


All accessible API commands with descriptions can be found here.

As CLI Tool

This package if installed globally can be used as CLI tool to access the API from the command line:

$ npm install -g saucelabs
$ sl listJobs $SAUCE_USERNAME --limit 5 --region eu
{ jobs:
   [ { id: '19dab74f8fd848518f8d2c2cee3a6fbd' },
     { id: 'dc08ca0c7fa14eee909a093d11567328' },
     { id: '5bc6f70c777b4ae3bf7909a40f5ee41b' },
     { id: 'f40fe7b044754eaaa5f5a130406549b5' },
     { id: 'd1553f71f910402893f1e82a4dcb6ca6' } ] }

You can find all available commands and options with description by calling:

$ sl --help
# show description for specific command
$ sl listJobs --help

or update the job status by calling:

$ sl updateJob cb-onboarding 690c5877710c422d8be4c622b40c747f "{\"passed\":false}"

or download a job asset:

$ sl downloadJobAsset 690c5877710c422d8be4c622b40c747f video.mp4 --filepath ./video.mp4

or upload a job asset:

$ sl uploadJobAssets 690c5877710c422d8be4c622b40c747f --files ./video.mp4 --files ./log.json

or start Sauce Connect Proxy in EU datacenter:

# start Sauce Connect tunnel for eu-central-1 region
$ sl sc --region eu --tunnel-name "my-tunnel"
# run a specific Sauce Connect version
$ sl sc --scVersion 4.5.4
# see all available Sauce Connect parameters via:
$ sl sc --help

You can see all available Sauce Connect parameters on the Sauce Labs Docs.

As NPM Package

The following example shows how to access details of the last job you were running with your account that is being exposed as environment variables as SAUCE_USERNAME and SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY. Alternatively you can pass the credentials via options to the constructor:

import SauceLabs from 'saucelabs';
// if imports are not supported by your Node.js version, import the package as follows:
// const SauceLabs = require('saucelabs').default;

(async () => {
    const myAccount = new SauceLabs();
    // using constructor options
    // const myAccount = new SauceLabs({ user: "YOUR-USER", key: "YOUR-ACCESS-KEY"});

    // get full webdriver url from the client depending on region:
    console.log(myAccount.webdriverEndpoint) // outputs ""

    // get job details of last run job
    const jobs = await myAccount.listJobs(
        { limit: 1, full: true }

     * outputs:
     * { jobs:
        [ { browser_short_version: '72',
            creation_time: 1551711453,
            'custom-data': null,
            browser_version: '72.0.3626.81',
            owner: '<username-redacted>',
            id: 'dc08ca0c7fa14eee909a093d11567328',
            record_screenshots: true,
            record_video: true,
            build: null,
            passed: null,
            public: 'team',
            end_time: 1551711471,
            status: 'complete',
            start_time: 1551711454,
            proxied: false,
            modification_time: 1551711471,
            tags: [],
            name: null,
            commands_not_successful: 1,
            consolidated_status: 'complete',
            manual: false,
            assigned_tunnel_id: null,
            error: null,
            os: 'Windows 2008',
            breakpointed: null,
            browser: 'googlechrome' } ] }

     * start Sauce Connect Proxy
    const sc = await myAccount.startSauceConnect({
         * you can pass in a `logger` method to print Sauce Connect log messages
        logger: (stdout) => console.log(stdout),
         * see all available parameters here:
         * all parameters have to be applied camel cased instead of with hyphens, e.g.
         * to apply the `--tunnel-name` parameter, set:
        tunnelName: 'my-tunnel'

    // run a test
    // ...

    // close Sauce Connect
    await sc.close()

    // upload additional log files and attach it to your Sauce job
    await myAccount.uploadJobAssets(
            // either pass in file names
            './logs/video.mp4', './logs/log.json',
            // or file objects
                filename: 'myCustomLogFile.json',
                data: {
                    someLog: 'data'

You may wonder why listJobs requires a username as first parameter since you've already defined the process.env. The reason for this is that Sauce Labs supports a concept of Team Accounts, so-called sub-accounts, grouped together. As such functions like the mentioned could list jobs not only for the requesting account, but also for the individual team account. Learn more about it here

webdriverEndpoint property

You can use the webdriverEndpoint property of the client to get the full WebDriver endpoint to connect to Sauce Labs, e.g.:

const myAccount = new SauceLabs({
    user: "YOUR-USER",
    key: "YOUR-ACCESS-KEY",
    region: 'eu' // run in EU datacenter

// get full webdriver url from the client depending on `region` and `headless` option:
// outputs: ""

This module was originally created by Dan Jenkins with the help of multiple contributors (Daniel Perez Alvarez, Mathieu Sabourin, Michael J Feher, and many more). We would like to thank Dan and all contributors for their support and this beautiful module.


Last updated on 01 Nov 2021

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