Util functions for creating user interface.
npm install --save-dev seemly
import { xxx } from 'seemly'
beforeNextFrame(callback: Function): void
Call the callback function before next frame.
beforeNextFrameOnce(callback: Function): void
Call the callback function before next frame. Same function won't be called more than once.
In the following functions, RGBA
is [number, number, number, number]
is [number, number, number]
rgba (color: string): RGBA
Get the rgba value of a string color.
Color could only be #000
, #0000
, #000000
, #00000000
, rgb(0, 0, 0)
, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)
composite (background: string | RGB | RGBA, overlay: string | RGB | RGBA): string
Get the rgba formatted string of composited color of the two color.
For example: composite('#FFF', 'rgba(0, 0, 0, .5)') === 'rgba(127, 127, 127, 1)'
, composite('rgba(255, 255, 255, .5)', 'rgba(0, 0, 0, .5)') === 'rgba(85, 85, 85, 0.75)'
depx (value: string | number): number
Remove the 'px'
of the input value and get the number value of it.
For example: depx('1px') === 1
, depx('1') === 1
, depx(1) === 1
pxfy (value: string | number): string
Append the 'px'
on the input value.
For example: pxfy(1) === '1px'
, pxfy('1') === '1px'
, 'pxfy('1px') === '1px')
parseResponsiveProp (responsiveProp: string): Record<string, string>
Transform a css utility class to a js object.
For example: parseResponsiveProp('6 m:12 l:24')
is { '': 6, m: '12', l: '24' }
parseResponsivePropValue (responsiveProp: string, activeKey: string): string | undefined
Get corresponding value by key.
For example: parseResponsiveProp('6 m:12 l:24', 'l')
is '24'
. parseResponsiveProp('6 m:12 l:24')
, parseResponsiveProp('6 m:12 l:24', 'x')
are '6'
getScrollParent (node: Node | null): HTMLElement | Document | null
Get the scrollable parent node of current node.
unwrapElement (target: HTMLElement | string | () => HTMLElement): HTMLElement | null
Unwrap the HTMLElement from a element getter function or a element selector.
If the target
is already a HTMLElement, the same value will be returned.
createId (length: number = 8): string
Get a unique random id with length of length