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Comparing version 1.0.3 to 1.0.4


{ "name" : "semver"
, "version" : "1.0.3"
, "version" : "1.0.4"
, "description" : "The semantic version parser used by npm."
, "main" : "semver.js"
, "scripts" : { "test" : "node semver.js" }
, "devDependencies": { "tap" : "0.x" }
, "repository" : "git://"
, "bin" : { "semver" : "./bin/semver" } }

@@ -87,1 +87,33 @@ # semver

`||` (which implies "or").
## Functions
* valid(v): Return the parsed version, or null if it's not valid.
### Comparison
* gt(v1, v2): `v1 > v2`
* gte(v1, v2): `v1 >= v2`
* lt(v1, v2): `v1 < v2`
* lte(v1, v2): `v1 <= v2`
* eq(v1, v2): `v1 == v2` This is true if they're logically equivalent,
even if they're not the exact same string. You already know how to
compare strings.
* neq(v1, v2): `v1 != v2` The opposite of eq.
* cmp(v1, comparator, v2): Pass in a comparison string, and it'll call
the corresponding function above. `"==="` and `"!=="` do simple
string comparison, but are included for completeness. Throws if an
invalid comparison string is provided.
* compare(v1, v2): Return 0 if v1 == v2, or 1 if v1 is greater, or -1 if
v2 is greater. Sorts in ascending order if passed to Array.sort().
* rcompare(v1, v2): The reverse of compare. Sorts an array of versions
in descending order when passed to Array.sort().
### Ranges
* validRange(range): Return the valid range or null if it's not valid
* satisfies(version, range): Return true if the version satisfies the
* maxSatisfying(versions, range): Return the highest version in the list
that satisfies the range, or null if none of them do.

@@ -6,3 +6,3 @@

var semver = "[v=]*([0-9]+)" // major
var semver = "\\s*[v=]*\\s*([0-9]+)" // major
+ "\\.([0-9]+)" // minor

@@ -34,3 +34,9 @@ + "\\.([0-9]+)" // patch = gt
exports.gte = gte = lt
exports.lte = lte
exports.eq = eq
exports.neq = neq
exports.cmp = cmp
exports.valid = valid

@@ -46,5 +52,7 @@ exports.validPackage = validPackage

function valid (version) {
return exports.parse(version) && version.trim().replace(/^[v=]+/, '')
function validPackage (version) {

@@ -103,2 +111,3 @@ return version.match(expressions.parsePackage) && version.trim()

function replaceXRange (version) {

@@ -198,6 +207,28 @@ return version.trim().replace(expressions.parseXRange,

function compare (v1, v2) {
return v1 === v2 ? 0 : gt(v1, v2) ? 1 : -1
var g = gt(v1, v2)
return g === null ? 0 : g ? 1 : -1
function rcompare (v1, v2) {
return compare(v2, v1)
function lt (v1, v2) { return gt(v2, v1) }
function gte (v1, v2) { return !lt(v1, v2) }
function lte (v1, v2) { return !gt(v1, v2) }
function eq (v1, v2) { return gt(v1, v2) === null }
function neq (v1, v2) { return gt(v1, v2) !== null }
function cmp (v1, c, v2) {
switch (c) {
case ">": return gt(v1, v2)
case "<": return lt(v1, v2)
case ">=": return gte(v1, v2)
case "<=": return lte(v1, v2)
case "==": return eq(v1, v2)
case "!=": return neq(v1, v2)
case "===": return v1 === v2
case "!==": return v1 !== v2
default: throw new Error("Y U NO USE VALID COMPARATOR!? "+c)

@@ -222,8 +253,19 @@ // return v1 > v2

, tag2 = v2[5] || ""
return !!tag2 && (!tag1 || tag1 > tag2)
// kludge: null means they were equal. falsey, and detectable.
// embarrassingly overclever, though, I know.
return tag1 === tag2 ? null
: !tag1 ? true
: !tag2 ? false
: tag1 > tag2
if (module === require.main) { // tests below
var assert = require("assert")
var tap = require("tap")
, test = tap.test
test("comparison tests", function (t) {
; [ ["0.0.0", "0.0.0foo"]

@@ -252,10 +294,73 @@ , ["0.0.1", "0.0.0"]

, ["1.2.3-5", "1.2.3-4"]
, ["1.2.3-5-foo", "1.2.3-5-Foo"]
].forEach(function (v) {
assert.ok(gt(v[0], v[1]), "gt('"+v[0]+"', '"+v[1]+"')")
assert.ok(lt(v[1], v[0]), "lt('"+v[1]+"', '"+v[0]+"')")
assert.ok(!gt(v[1], v[0]), "!gt('"+v[1]+"', '"+v[0]+"')")
assert.ok(!lt(v[0], v[1]), "!lt('"+v[0]+"', '"+v[1]+"')")
var v0 = v[0]
, v1 = v[1]
t.ok(gt(v0, v1), "gt('"+v0+"', '"+v1+"')")
t.ok(lt(v1, v0), "lt('"+v1+"', '"+v0+"')")
t.ok(!gt(v1, v0), "!gt('"+v1+"', '"+v0+"')")
t.ok(!lt(v0, v1), "!lt('"+v0+"', '"+v1+"')")
t.ok(eq(v0, v0), "eq('"+v0+"', '"+v0+"')")
t.ok(eq(v1, v1), "eq('"+v1+"', '"+v1+"')")
t.ok(neq(v0, v1), "neq('"+v0+"', '"+v1+"')")
t.ok(cmp(v1, "==", v1), "cmp("+v1+"=="+v1+")")
t.ok(cmp(v0, ">=", v1), "cmp("+v0+"<="+v1+")")
t.ok(cmp(v1, "<=", v0), "cmp("+v1+">="+v0+")")
t.ok(cmp(v0, "!=", v1), "cmp("+v0+"!="+v1+")")
test("equality tests", function (t) {
; [ ["1.2.3", "v1.2.3"]
, ["1.2.3", "=1.2.3"]
, ["1.2.3", "v 1.2.3"]
, ["1.2.3", "= 1.2.3"]
, ["1.2.3", " v1.2.3"]
, ["1.2.3", " =1.2.3"]
, ["1.2.3", " v 1.2.3"]
, ["1.2.3", " = 1.2.3"]
, ["1.2.3-0", "v1.2.3-0"]
, ["1.2.3-0", "=1.2.3-0"]
, ["1.2.3-0", "v 1.2.3-0"]
, ["1.2.3-0", "= 1.2.3-0"]
, ["1.2.3-0", " v1.2.3-0"]
, ["1.2.3-0", " =1.2.3-0"]
, ["1.2.3-0", " v 1.2.3-0"]
, ["1.2.3-0", " = 1.2.3-0"]
, ["1.2.3-01", "v1.2.3-1"]
, ["1.2.3-01", "=1.2.3-1"]
, ["1.2.3-01", "v 1.2.3-1"]
, ["1.2.3-01", "= 1.2.3-1"]
, ["1.2.3-01", " v1.2.3-1"]
, ["1.2.3-01", " =1.2.3-1"]
, ["1.2.3-01", " v 1.2.3-1"]
, ["1.2.3-01", " = 1.2.3-1"]
, ["1.2.3beta", "v1.2.3beta"]
, ["1.2.3beta", "=1.2.3beta"]
, ["1.2.3beta", "v 1.2.3beta"]
, ["1.2.3beta", "= 1.2.3beta"]
, ["1.2.3beta", " v1.2.3beta"]
, ["1.2.3beta", " =1.2.3beta"]
, ["1.2.3beta", " v 1.2.3beta"]
, ["1.2.3beta", " = 1.2.3beta"]
].forEach(function (v) {
var v0 = v[0]
, v1 = v[1]
t.ok(eq(v0, v1), "eq('"+v0+"', '"+v1+"')")
t.ok(!neq(v0, v1), "!neq('"+v0+"', '"+v1+"')")
t.ok(cmp(v0, "==", v1), "cmp("+v0+"=="+v1+")")
t.ok(!cmp(v0, "!=", v1), "!cmp("+v0+"!="+v1+")")
t.ok(!cmp(v0, "===", v1), "!cmp("+v0+"==="+v1+")")
t.ok(cmp(v0, "!==", v1), "cmp("+v0+"!=="+v1+")")
t.ok(!gt(v0, v1), "!gt('"+v0+"', '"+v1+"')")
t.ok(gte(v0, v1), "gte('"+v0+"', '"+v1+"')")
t.ok(!lt(v0, v1), "!lt('"+v0+"', '"+v1+"')")
t.ok(lte(v0, v1), "lte('"+v0+"', '"+v1+"')")
test("range tests", function (t) {
; [ ["1.0.0 - 2.0.0", "1.2.3"]

@@ -317,7 +422,8 @@ , ["1.0.0", "1.0.0"]

].forEach(function (v) {
assert.ok(satisfies(v[1], v[0]), v[0]+" satisfied by "+v[1])
t.ok(satisfies(v[1], v[0]), v[0]+" satisfied by "+v[1])
// negative tests
test("negative range tests", function (t) {
; [ ["1.0.0 - 2.0.0", "2.2.3"]

@@ -357,5 +463,7 @@ , ["1.0.0", "1.0.1"]

].forEach(function (v) {
assert.ok(!satisfies(v[1], v[0]), v[0]+" not satisfied by "+v[1])
t.ok(!satisfies(v[1], v[0]), v[0]+" not satisfied by "+v[1])
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