Sentry 8 comes with a brand new Releases API that finally enables us to
upload JavaScript Source Maps directly to Sentry, and avoid the costly and fragile
remote fetching of the source maps from our application servers.
This tool is intended to do just that: upload your application's source maps to
Sentry along with every release.
It does that seamlessly by downloading your application's package from the NPM
registry (even private ones, of course), looking at the source maps within it,
and gracefully uploading them to your Sentry instance.
How it works
Here is a sample CLI usage:
$ npm install -g sentry-sourcemaps
$ sentry-sourcemaps --sentry-url https://my.sentry.url foobar_app 1.0.0 TOKEN
As you can see, there are 4 mandatory parameters:
- Your application's NPM package name;
- The desired release version;
- The URL onto which your application is deployed;
- The Sentry Token needed to push to the Sentry API.
The application will create a release and upload every MAP file for your app onto
the designed Sentry server.
Typical command line:
is the NPM package name for your application on the registry.
is the target version of that package.
is the URL of the deployed application, that is linked with Sentry.
is the Sentry API Organization-wide token.
The URL to your Sentry server. Defaults to ''
The organization to which the project belongs. Defaults to 'sentry'
The name under which your project is named within Sentry. Defaults to .
The MAP files search pattern. Defaults to '**/*.map'
Your NPM registry URL, or the default one for your system.
The prefix to the MAP files in your NPM package, defaults to 'dist'.
For instance, if your MAP files look like './built-app/dist/libraries/js/'
and the MAP file itself is hosted at '<APP_URL>/libraries/js/', then
the appropriate prefix would be 'built-app/dist'.
Run the tests with:
npm test
Run coverage tests with:
npm run cover
At this stage, any PR is welcome !
Especially, there's room for improvement with our Promisify/Asyncawait approach,
the rejection clauses of many promises are not clearly validated yet.
Victor Perron