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ses - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.2.0 to 0.3.0



"name": "ses",
"version": "0.2.0",
"version": "0.3.0",
"description": "Secure ECMAScript",
"main": "src/index.js",
"main": "src/commonjs-index.js",
"module": "src/index.js",
"scripts": {

@@ -13,3 +14,2 @@ "test": "node scripts/build-intermediate.js && tape -r esm test/**/*.js",

"devDependencies": {
"esm": "^3.1.0",
"rollup": "^1.1.0",

@@ -19,3 +19,5 @@ "rollup-plugin-node-resolve": "^4.0.0",

"dependencies": {},
"dependencies": {
"esm": "^3.2.4"
"repository": {

@@ -22,0 +24,0 @@ "type": "git",



@@ -42,4 +42,4 @@ {

"devDependencies": {
"babel-eslint": "^8.2.6",
"babel-minify": "^0.4.3",
"babel-eslint": "^10.0.1",
"babel-minify": "^0.5.0",
"babel-preset-env": "^1.7.0",

@@ -49,17 +49,17 @@ "coveralls": "^3.0.2",

"ecmarkup": "^3.16.0",
"eslint": "^5.1.0",
"eslint-config-airbnb-base": "^13.0.0",
"eslint-config-prettier": "^2.9.0",
"eslint-plugin-import": "^2.13.0",
"eslint-plugin-prettier": "^2.6.2",
"esm": "^3.0.71",
"nyc": "^12.0.2",
"prettier": "^1.13.7",
"rollup": "^0.63.2",
"rollup-plugin-babel-minify": "^5.0.0",
"eslint": "^5.6.1",
"eslint-config-airbnb-base": "^13.1.0",
"eslint-config-prettier": "^3.1.0",
"eslint-plugin-import": "^2.14.0",
"eslint-plugin-prettier": "^3.0.0",
"esm": "^3.2.0",
"nyc": "^13.0.1",
"prettier": "^1.14.3",
"rollup": "^0.66.4",
"rollup-plugin-babel-minify": "^6.1.0",
"rollup-plugin-strip-code": "^0.2.6",
"rollup-watch": "^4.3.1",
"sinon": "^6.1.3",
"sinon": "^6.3.5",
"tape": "^4.9.1"

@@ -53,3 +53,3 @@ (function (global, factory) {

// objects.
const { create, defineProperty } = Object;
const { create, defineProperties } = Object;

@@ -154,14 +154,18 @@ const errorConstructors = new Map([

defineProperty(Realm, 'toString', {
value: () => 'function Realm() { [shim code] }',
writable: false,
enumerable: false,
configurable: true
defineProperties(Realm, {
toString: {
value: () => 'function Realm() { [shim code] }',
writable: false,
enumerable: false,
configurable: true
defineProperty(Realm.prototype, 'toString', {
value: () => '[object Realm]',
writable: false,
enumerable: false,
configurable: true
defineProperties(Realm.prototype, {
toString: {
value: () => '[object Realm]',
writable: false,
enumerable: false,
configurable: true

@@ -208,5 +212,4 @@

defineProperties, // Object.defineProperty is allowed to fail silentlty, use Object.defineProperties instead.

@@ -478,3 +481,3 @@ getOwnPropertyDescriptors,

function repairFunctions() {
const { defineProperty, getPrototypeOf, setPrototypeOf } = Object;
const { defineProperties, getPrototypeOf, setPrototypeOf } = Object;

@@ -508,3 +511,3 @@ /**

const TamedFunction = Function('throw new TypeError("Not available");');
defineProperty(TamedFunction, 'name', { value: name });
defineProperties(TamedFunction, { name: { value: name } });

@@ -523,7 +526,7 @@ // (new Error()).constructors does not inherit from Function, because Error

// with the tamed one. No copy of the original is peserved.
defineProperty(FunctionPrototype, 'constructor', { value: TamedFunction });
defineProperties(FunctionPrototype, { constructor: { value: TamedFunction } });
// This line sets the tamed constructor's prototype data property to
// the original one.
defineProperty(TamedFunction, 'prototype', { value: FunctionPrototype });
defineProperties(TamedFunction, { prototype: { value: FunctionPrototype } });

@@ -1031,7 +1034,9 @@ if (TamedFunction !== Function.prototype.constructor) {

// this to a plain arrow function. Now that we have safeEval, use it.
defineProperty(safeEval, 'toString', {
value: safeEval("() => 'function eval() { [shim code] }'"),
writable: false,
enumerable: false,
configurable: true
defineProperties(safeEval, {
toString: {
value: safeEval("() => 'function eval() { [shim code] }'"),
writable: false,
enumerable: false,
configurable: true

@@ -1063,2 +1068,22 @@

let functionParams = `${arrayJoin(params, ',')}`;
if (!regexpTest(/^[\w\s,]*$/, functionParams)) {
throw new unsafeGlobal.SyntaxError(
'shim limitation: Function arg must be simple ASCII identifiers, possibly separated by commas: no default values, pattern matches, or non-ASCII parameter names'
// this protects against Matt Austin's clever attack:
// Function("arg=`", "/*body`){});({x: this/**/")
// which would turn into
// (function(arg=`
// /*``*/){
// /*body`){});({x: this/**/
// })
// which parses as a default argument of `\n/*``*/){\n/*body` , which
// is a pair of template literals back-to-back (so the first one
// nominally evaluates to the parser to use on the second one), which
// can't actually execute (because the first literal evals to a string,
// which can't be a parser function), but that doesn't matter because
// the function is bypassed entirely. When that gets evaluated, it
// defines (but does not invoke) a function, then evaluates a simple
// {x: this} expression, giving access to the safe global.

@@ -1106,13 +1131,15 @@ // Is this a real functionBody, or is someone attempting an injection

// Ensure that any function created in any compartment in a root realm is an
// instance of Function in any compartment of the same root ralm.
defineProperty(safeFunction, 'prototype', { value: unsafeFunction.prototype });
defineProperties(safeFunction, {
// Ensure that any function created in any compartment in a root realm is an
// instance of Function in any compartment of the same root ralm.
prototype: { value: unsafeFunction.prototype },
// Provide a custom output without overwriting the Function.prototype.toString
// which is called by some third-party libraries.
defineProperty(safeFunction, 'toString', {
value: safeEval("() => 'function Function() { [shim code] }'"),
writable: false,
enumerable: false,
configurable: true
// Provide a custom output without overwriting the Function.prototype.toString
// which is called by some third-party libraries.
toString: {
value: safeEval("() => 'function Function() { [shim code] }'"),
writable: false,
enumerable: false,
configurable: true

@@ -1119,0 +1146,0 @@

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

(function(a,b){'object'==typeof exports&&'undefined'!=typeof module?module.exports=b():'function'==typeof define&&define.amd?define(b):a.Realm=b()})(this,function(){'use strict';function a(a,b=void 0){const c=`please report internal shim error: ${a}`;console.error(c),b&&(console.error(`${b}`),console.error(`${b.stack}`));debugger;throw c}function b(b,c){b||a(c)}function c(a){return a}function d(a,b){function c(a,...b){try{return a(...b)}catch(a){if(Object(a)!==a)throw a;let b,c,d;try{b=`${}`,c=`${a.message}`,d=`${a.stack}`}catch(a){throw new Error('unknown error')}const e=j.get(b)||Error;try{throw new e(c)}catch(a){throw a.stack=d,a}}}const{initRootRealm:d,initCompartment:e,getRealmGlobal:f,realmEvaluate:g}=b,{create:h,defineProperty:i}=Object,j=new Map([['EvalError',EvalError],['RangeError',RangeError],['ReferenceError',ReferenceError],['SyntaxError',SyntaxError],['TypeError',TypeError],['URIError',URIError]]);class k{constructor(){throw new TypeError('Realm is not a constructor')}static makeRootRealm(b){b=Object(b);const e=h(k.prototype);return c(d,a,e,b),e}static makeCompartment(){const b=h(k.prototype);return c(e,a,b),b}get global(){return c(f,this)}evaluate(a,b){return c(g,this,a,b)}}return i(k,'toString',{value:()=>'function Realm() { [shim code] }',writable:!1,enumerable:!1,configurable:!0}),i(k.prototype,'toString',{value:()=>'[object Realm]',writable:!1,enumerable:!1,configurable:!0}),k}function e(a,b){const{unsafeEval:c}=a;return c(x)(a,b)}function f(a){const c={Infinity:{value:1/0},NaN:{value:NaN},undefined:{value:void 0}};for(const d of S){const e=D(a,d);e&&(b('value'in e,`unexpected accessor on global property: ${d}`),c[d]={value:e.value,writable:!0,configurable:!0})}return c}function g(){function a(a){if(a===void 0||null===a)throw new TypeError(`can't convert undefined or null to object`);return Object(a)}function b(a){return'symbol'==typeof a?a:`${a}`}function c(a,b){if('function'!=typeof a)throw TypeError(`invalid ${b} usage`);return a}const{defineProperty:d,defineProperties:e,getOwnPropertyDescriptor:f,getPrototypeOf:g,prototype:h}=Object;try{(0,h.__lookupGetter__)('x')}catch(a){return}e(h,{__defineGetter__:{value:function(b,e){const f=a(this);d(f,b,{get:c(e,'getter'),enumerable:!0,configurable:!0})}},__defineSetter__:{value:function(b,e){const f=a(this);d(f,b,{set:c(e,'setter'),enumerable:!0,configurable:!0})}},__lookupGetter__:{value:function(c){let d=a(this);c=b(c);let e;for(;d&&!(e=f(d,c));)d=g(d);return e&&e.get}},__lookupSetter__:{value:function(c){let d=a(this);c=b(c);let e;for(;d&&!(e=f(d,c));)d=g(d);return e&&e.set}}})}function h(){function a(a,e){let f;try{f=(0,eval)(e)}catch(a){if(a instanceof SyntaxError)return;throw a}const g=c(f),h=Function('throw new TypeError("Not available");');b(h,'name',{value:a}),b(g,'constructor',{value:h}),b(h,'prototype',{value:g}),h!==Function.prototype.constructor&&d(h,Function.prototype.constructor)}const{defineProperty:b,getPrototypeOf:c,setPrototypeOf:d}=Object;a('Function','(function(){})'),a('GeneratorFunction','(function*(){})'),a('AsyncFunction','(async function(){})'),a('AsyncGeneratorFunction','(async function*(){})')}function i(a,b=[]){const c=f(a);return C({unsafeGlobal:a,sharedGlobalDescs:c,unsafeEval:a.eval,unsafeFunction:a.Function,allShims:b})}function j(a){const b=Y();return b.eval(Z),b.eval($),i(b,a)}function k(a){const b=E(a),c=M(F(b),a=>{if('eval'===a||aa.has(a)||!Q(_,a))return!1;const c=b[a];return!1===c.configurable&&!1===c.writable&&L(c,'value')});return c}function l(a){const{unsafeGlobal:b,unsafeEval:c}=a;let d=!1;return{__proto__:ba,allowUnsafeEvaluatorOnce(){d=!0},unsafeEvaluatorAllowed(){return d},get(a,b){return'eval'===b?!0==d?(d=!1,c):a.eval:b===Symbol.unscopables?void 0:b in a?a[b]:void 0},set(a,b,c){if(L(a,b))throw new TypeError(`do not modify endowments like ${b+''}`);return G(a)[b]=c,!0},has(a,c){return!!('eval'===c||c in a||c in b)}}}function m(a){const b=ca.exec(a);if(b){const a=b[1].split('\n').length;throw new SyntaxError(`possible import expression rejected around line ${a}`)}}function n(a){return 0===a.length?'':`const {${O(a,',')}} = this;`}function o(a,b){const{unsafeFunction:c}=a,d=n(b);return c(`
(function(a,b){'object'==typeof exports&&'undefined'!=typeof module?module.exports=b():'function'==typeof define&&define.amd?define(b):a.Realm=b()})(this,function(){'use strict';function a(a,b=void 0){const c=`please report internal shim error: ${a}`;console.error(c),b&&(console.error(`${b}`),console.error(`${b.stack}`));debugger;throw c}function b(b,c){b||a(c)}function c(a){return a}function d(a,b){function c(a,...b){try{return a(...b)}catch(a){if(Object(a)!==a)throw a;let b,c,d;try{b=`${}`,c=`${a.message}`,d=`${a.stack}`}catch(a){throw new Error('unknown error')}const e=j.get(b)||Error;try{throw new e(c)}catch(a){throw a.stack=d,a}}}const{initRootRealm:d,initCompartment:e,getRealmGlobal:f,realmEvaluate:g}=b,{create:h,defineProperties:i}=Object,j=new Map([['EvalError',EvalError],['RangeError',RangeError],['ReferenceError',ReferenceError],['SyntaxError',SyntaxError],['TypeError',TypeError],['URIError',URIError]]);class k{constructor(){throw new TypeError('Realm is not a constructor')}static makeRootRealm(b){b=Object(b);const e=h(k.prototype);return c(d,a,e,b),e}static makeCompartment(){const b=h(k.prototype);return c(e,a,b),b}get global(){return c(f,this)}evaluate(a,b){return c(g,this,a,b)}}return i(k,{toString:{value:()=>'function Realm() { [shim code] }',writable:!1,enumerable:!1,configurable:!0}}),i(k.prototype,{toString:{value:()=>'[object Realm]',writable:!1,enumerable:!1,configurable:!0}}),k}function e(a,b){const{unsafeEval:c}=a;return c(x)(a,b)}function f(a){const c={Infinity:{value:1/0},NaN:{value:NaN},undefined:{value:void 0}};for(const d of R){const e=C(a,d);e&&(b('value'in e,`unexpected accessor on global property: ${d}`),c[d]={value:e.value,writable:!0,configurable:!0})}return c}function g(){function a(a){if(a===void 0||null===a)throw new TypeError(`can't convert undefined or null to object`);return Object(a)}function b(a){return'symbol'==typeof a?a:`${a}`}function c(a,b){if('function'!=typeof a)throw TypeError(`invalid ${b} usage`);return a}const{defineProperty:d,defineProperties:e,getOwnPropertyDescriptor:f,getPrototypeOf:g,prototype:h}=Object;try{(0,h.__lookupGetter__)('x')}catch(a){return}e(h,{__defineGetter__:{value:function(b,e){const f=a(this);d(f,b,{get:c(e,'getter'),enumerable:!0,configurable:!0})}},__defineSetter__:{value:function(b,e){const f=a(this);d(f,b,{set:c(e,'setter'),enumerable:!0,configurable:!0})}},__lookupGetter__:{value:function(c){let d=a(this);c=b(c);let e;for(;d&&!(e=f(d,c));)d=g(d);return e&&e.get}},__lookupSetter__:{value:function(c){let d=a(this);c=b(c);let e;for(;d&&!(e=f(d,c));)d=g(d);return e&&e.set}}})}function h(){function a(a,e){let f;try{f=(0,eval)(e)}catch(a){if(a instanceof SyntaxError)return;throw a}const g=c(f),h=Function('throw new TypeError("Not available");');b(h,{name:{value:a}}),b(g,{constructor:{value:h}}),b(h,{prototype:{value:g}}),h!==Function.prototype.constructor&&d(h,Function.prototype.constructor)}const{defineProperties:b,getPrototypeOf:c,setPrototypeOf:d}=Object;a('Function','(function(){})'),a('GeneratorFunction','(function*(){})'),a('AsyncFunction','(async function(){})'),a('AsyncGeneratorFunction','(async function*(){})')}function i(a,b=[]){const c=f(a);return A({unsafeGlobal:a,sharedGlobalDescs:c,unsafeEval:a.eval,unsafeFunction:a.Function,allShims:b})}function j(a){const b=X();return b.eval(Y),b.eval(Z),i(b,a)}function k(a){const b=D(a),c=L(E(b),a=>{if('eval'===a||_.has(a)||!P($,a))return!1;const c=b[a];return!1===c.configurable&&!1===c.writable&&K(c,'value')});return c}function l(a){const{unsafeGlobal:b,unsafeEval:c}=a;let d=!1;return{__proto__:aa,allowUnsafeEvaluatorOnce(){d=!0},unsafeEvaluatorAllowed(){return d},get(a,b){return'eval'===b?!0==d?(d=!1,c):a.eval:b===Symbol.unscopables?void 0:b in a?a[b]:void 0},set(a,b,c){if(K(a,b))throw new TypeError(`do not modify endowments like ${b+''}`);return F(a)[b]=c,!0},has(a,c){return!!('eval'===c||c in a||c in b)}}}function m(a){const b=ba.exec(a);if(b){const a=b[1].split('\n').length;throw new SyntaxError(`possible import expression rejected around line ${a}`)}}function n(a){return 0===a.length?'':`const {${N(a,',')}} = this;`}function o(a,b){const{unsafeFunction:c}=a,d=n(b);return c(`
with (arguments[0]) {

@@ -9,3 +9,3 @@ ${d}

`)}function p(c,d){const{unsafeFunction:e}=c,f=l(c),g=k(d),h=o(c,g);return function(c={}){const g=z(d,E(c)),i=new Proxy(g,f),j=I(h,d,[i]),k={eval(b){b=`${b}`,m(b),f.allowUnsafeEvaluatorOnce();let c;try{return I(j,d,[b])}catch(a){throw c=a,a}finally{f.unsafeEvaluatorAllowed()&&a('handler did not revoke useUnsafeEvaluator',c)}}}.eval;return H(k,e.prototype),b(G(k).constructor!==Function,'hide Function'),b(G(k).constructor!==e,'hide unsafeFunction'),B(k,'toString',{value:k('() => \'function eval() { [shim code] }\''),writable:!1,enumerable:!1,configurable:!0}),k}}function q(a){return a()}function r(a){return(b,c)=>a(c)(b)}function s(a,c){const{unsafeFunction:d,unsafeGlobal:e}=a,f=function(...a){const b=`${N(a)||''}`;let f=`${O(a,',')}`;if(new d(b),R(f,')'))throw new e.SyntaxError('shim limitation: Function arg string contains parenthesis');0<f.length&&(f+='\n/*``*/');const g=`(function(${f}){\n${b}\n})`;return c(g)};return H(f,d.prototype),b(G(f).constructor!==Function,'hide Function'),b(G(f).constructor!==d,'hide unsafeFunction'),B(f,'prototype',{value:d.prototype}),B(f,'toString',{value:c('() => \'function Function() { [shim code] }\''),writable:!1,enumerable:!1,configurable:!0}),f}function t(a){return b(Object(a)===a,'bad object, not a Realm instance'),b(da.has(a),'Realm instance has no record'),da.get(a)}function u(a,c){b(Object(a)===a,'bad object, not a Realm instance'),b(!da.has(a),'Realm instance already has a record'),da.set(a,c)}function v(a,b,c,d){A(b,a),A(b,{eval:{value:c,writable:!0,configurable:!0},Function:{value:d,writable:!0,configurable:!0}})}function w(a){const{sharedGlobalDescs:b,unsafeGlobal:c}=a,d=z(c.Object.prototype),e=p(a,d),f=q(e),g=r(e),h=s(a,f);v(b,d,f,h);const i=C({safeGlobal:d,safeEval:f,safeEvalWhichTakesEndowments:g,safeFunction:h});return i}const x=c(`'use strict'; (${d})`),{assign:y,create:z,defineProperties:A,defineProperty:B,freeze:C,getOwnPropertyDescriptor:D,getOwnPropertyDescriptors:E,getOwnPropertyNames:F,getPrototypeOf:G,setPrototypeOf:H}=Object,{apply:I,ownKeys:J}=Reflect,K=a=>(b,...c)=>I(a,b,c),L=K(Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty),M=K(Array.prototype.filter),N=K(Array.prototype.pop),O=K(Array.prototype.join),P=K(Array.prototype.concat),Q=K(RegExp.prototype.test),R=K(String.prototype.includes),S=['isFinite','isNaN','parseFloat','parseInt','decodeURI','decodeURIComponent','encodeURI','encodeURIComponent','Array','ArrayBuffer','Boolean','DataView','Date','Error','EvalError','Float32Array','Float64Array','Int8Array','Int16Array','Int32Array','Map','Number','Object','Promise','Proxy','RangeError','ReferenceError','RegExp','Set','String','Symbol','SyntaxError','TypeError','Uint8Array','Uint8ClampedArray','Uint16Array','Uint32Array','URIError','WeakMap','WeakSet','JSON','Math','Reflect','escape','unescape','Intl'],T='object'==typeof exports&&'undefined'!=typeof module,U='object'==typeof document;if(!T&&!U||T&&U)throw new Error('unexpected platform, unable to create Realm');const V=T?require('vm'):void 0,W='\'use strict\'; this',X=`(0, eval)("'use strict'; this")`,Y=T?function(){const a=V.runInNewContext(X);return a}:function(){const a=document.createElement('iframe');'none',document.body.appendChild(a);const b=a.contentWindow.eval(W);return b},Z=c(`"use strict"; (${g})();`),$=c(`"use strict"; (${h})();`),_=/^[a-zA-Z_$][\w$]*$/,aa=new Set(['await','break','case','catch','class','const','continue','debugger','default','delete','do','else','export','extends','finally','for','function','if','import','in','instanceof','new','return','super','switch','this','throw','try','typeof','var','void','while','with','yield','let','static','enum','implements','package','protected','interface','private','public','await','null','true','false','this','arguments']),ba=new Proxy(C({}),{get(b,c){a(`unexpected scope handler trap called: ${c}`)}}),ca=/^(.*)\bimport\s*(\(|\/\/|\/\*)/m,da=new WeakMap,ea={initRootRealm:function(a,b,c){const{shims:d}=c,f=P(a.allShims,d),g=j(f),h=e(g,ea);g.sharedGlobalDescs.Realm={value:h,writable:!0,configurable:!0};const i=w(g),{safeEvalWhichTakesEndowments:k}=i;for(const d of f)k(d);u(b,i)},initCompartment:function(a,b){const c=w(a);u(b,c)},getRealmGlobal:function(a){const{safeGlobal:b}=t(a);return b},realmEvaluate:function(a,b,c={}){const{safeEvalWhichTakesEndowments:d}=t(a);return d(b,c)}},fa=function(){const a=(0,eval)(W);return g(),h(),i(a)}(),ga=d(fa,ea);return ga});
`)}function p(c,d){const{unsafeFunction:e}=c,f=l(c),g=k(d),h=o(c,g);return function(c={}){const g=z(d,D(c)),i=new Proxy(g,f),j=H(h,d,[i]),k={eval(b){b=`${b}`,m(b),f.allowUnsafeEvaluatorOnce();let c;try{return H(j,d,[b])}catch(a){throw c=a,a}finally{f.unsafeEvaluatorAllowed()&&a('handler did not revoke useUnsafeEvaluator',c)}}}.eval;return G(k,e.prototype),b(F(k).constructor!==Function,'hide Function'),b(F(k).constructor!==e,'hide unsafeFunction'),B(k,{toString:{value:k('() => \'function eval() { [shim code] }\''),writable:!1,enumerable:!1,configurable:!0}}),k}}function q(a){return a()}function r(a){return(b,c)=>a(c)(b)}function s(a,c){const{unsafeFunction:d,unsafeGlobal:e}=a,f=function(...a){const b=`${M(a)||''}`;let f=`${N(a,',')}`;if(!P(/^[\w\s,]*$/,f))throw new e.SyntaxError('shim limitation: Function arg must be simple ASCII identifiers, possibly separated by commas: no default values, pattern matches, or non-ASCII parameter names');if(new d(b),Q(f,')'))throw new e.SyntaxError('shim limitation: Function arg string contains parenthesis');0<f.length&&(f+='\n/*``*/');const g=`(function(${f}){\n${b}\n})`;return c(g)};return G(f,d.prototype),b(F(f).constructor!==Function,'hide Function'),b(F(f).constructor!==d,'hide unsafeFunction'),B(f,{prototype:{value:d.prototype},toString:{value:c('() => \'function Function() { [shim code] }\''),writable:!1,enumerable:!1,configurable:!0}}),f}function t(a){return b(Object(a)===a,'bad object, not a Realm instance'),b(ca.has(a),'Realm instance has no record'),ca.get(a)}function u(a,c){b(Object(a)===a,'bad object, not a Realm instance'),b(!ca.has(a),'Realm instance already has a record'),ca.set(a,c)}function v(a,b,c,d){B(b,a),B(b,{eval:{value:c,writable:!0,configurable:!0},Function:{value:d,writable:!0,configurable:!0}})}function w(a){const{sharedGlobalDescs:b,unsafeGlobal:c}=a,d=z(c.Object.prototype),e=p(a,d),f=q(e),g=r(e),h=s(a,f);v(b,d,f,h);const i=A({safeGlobal:d,safeEval:f,safeEvalWhichTakesEndowments:g,safeFunction:h});return i}const x=c(`'use strict'; (${d})`),{assign:y,create:z,freeze:A,defineProperties:B,getOwnPropertyDescriptor:C,getOwnPropertyDescriptors:D,getOwnPropertyNames:E,getPrototypeOf:F,setPrototypeOf:G}=Object,{apply:H,ownKeys:I}=Reflect,J=a=>(b,...c)=>H(a,b,c),K=J(Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty),L=J(Array.prototype.filter),M=J(Array.prototype.pop),N=J(Array.prototype.join),O=J(Array.prototype.concat),P=J(RegExp.prototype.test),Q=J(String.prototype.includes),R=['isFinite','isNaN','parseFloat','parseInt','decodeURI','decodeURIComponent','encodeURI','encodeURIComponent','Array','ArrayBuffer','Boolean','DataView','Date','Error','EvalError','Float32Array','Float64Array','Int8Array','Int16Array','Int32Array','Map','Number','Object','Promise','Proxy','RangeError','ReferenceError','RegExp','Set','String','Symbol','SyntaxError','TypeError','Uint8Array','Uint8ClampedArray','Uint16Array','Uint32Array','URIError','WeakMap','WeakSet','JSON','Math','Reflect','escape','unescape','Intl'],S='object'==typeof exports&&'undefined'!=typeof module,T='object'==typeof document;if(!S&&!T||S&&T)throw new Error('unexpected platform, unable to create Realm');const U=S?require('vm'):void 0,V='\'use strict\'; this',W=`(0, eval)("'use strict'; this")`,X=S?function(){const a=U.runInNewContext(W);return a}:function(){const a=document.createElement('iframe');'none',document.body.appendChild(a);const b=a.contentWindow.eval(V);return b},Y=c(`"use strict"; (${g})();`),Z=c(`"use strict"; (${h})();`),$=/^[a-zA-Z_$][\w$]*$/,_=new Set(['await','break','case','catch','class','const','continue','debugger','default','delete','do','else','export','extends','finally','for','function','if','import','in','instanceof','new','return','super','switch','this','throw','try','typeof','var','void','while','with','yield','let','static','enum','implements','package','protected','interface','private','public','await','null','true','false','this','arguments']),aa=new Proxy(A({}),{get(b,c){a(`unexpected scope handler trap called: ${c}`)}}),ba=/^(.*)\bimport\s*(\(|\/\/|\/\*)/m,ca=new WeakMap,da={initRootRealm:function(a,b,c){const{shims:d}=c,f=O(a.allShims,d),g=j(f),h=e(g,da);g.sharedGlobalDescs.Realm={value:h,writable:!0,configurable:!0};const i=w(g),{safeEvalWhichTakesEndowments:k}=i;for(const d of f)k(d);u(b,i)},initCompartment:function(a,b){const c=w(a);u(b,c)},getRealmGlobal:function(a){const{safeGlobal:b}=t(a);return b},realmEvaluate:function(a,b,c={}){const{safeEvalWhichTakesEndowments:d}=t(a);return d(b,c)}},ea=function(){const a=(0,eval)(V);return g(),h(),i(a)}(),fa=d(ea,da);return fa});

@@ -12,5 +12,4 @@ // Declare shorthand functions. Sharing these declarations across modules

defineProperties, // Object.defineProperty is allowed to fail silentlty, use Object.defineProperties instead.

@@ -17,0 +16,0 @@ getOwnPropertyDescriptors,

@@ -9,5 +9,6 @@ // Portions adapted from V8 - Copyright 2016 the V8 project authors.


@@ -131,7 +132,9 @@ stringIncludes

// this to a plain arrow function. Now that we have safeEval, use it.
defineProperty(safeEval, 'toString', {
value: safeEval("() => 'function eval() { [shim code] }'"),
writable: false,
enumerable: false,
configurable: true
defineProperties(safeEval, {
toString: {
value: safeEval("() => 'function eval() { [shim code] }'"),
writable: false,
enumerable: false,
configurable: true

@@ -163,2 +166,22 @@

let functionParams = `${arrayJoin(params, ',')}`;
if (!regexpTest(/^[\w\s,]*$/, functionParams)) {
throw new unsafeGlobal.SyntaxError(
'shim limitation: Function arg must be simple ASCII identifiers, possibly separated by commas: no default values, pattern matches, or non-ASCII parameter names'
// this protects against Matt Austin's clever attack:
// Function("arg=`", "/*body`){});({x: this/**/")
// which would turn into
// (function(arg=`
// /*``*/){
// /*body`){});({x: this/**/
// })
// which parses as a default argument of `\n/*``*/){\n/*body` , which
// is a pair of template literals back-to-back (so the first one
// nominally evaluates to the parser to use on the second one), which
// can't actually execute (because the first literal evals to a string,
// which can't be a parser function), but that doesn't matter because
// the function is bypassed entirely. When that gets evaluated, it
// defines (but does not invoke) a function, then evaluates a simple
// {x: this} expression, giving access to the safe global.

@@ -206,13 +229,15 @@ // Is this a real functionBody, or is someone attempting an injection

// Ensure that any function created in any compartment in a root realm is an
// instance of Function in any compartment of the same root ralm.
defineProperty(safeFunction, 'prototype', { value: unsafeFunction.prototype });
defineProperties(safeFunction, {
// Ensure that any function created in any compartment in a root realm is an
// instance of Function in any compartment of the same root ralm.
prototype: { value: unsafeFunction.prototype },
// Provide a custom output without overwriting the Function.prototype.toString
// which is called by some third-party libraries.
defineProperty(safeFunction, 'toString', {
value: safeEval("() => 'function Function() { [shim code] }'"),
writable: false,
enumerable: false,
configurable: true
// Provide a custom output without overwriting the Function.prototype.toString
// which is called by some third-party libraries.
toString: {
value: safeEval("() => 'function Function() { [shim code] }'"),
writable: false,
enumerable: false,
configurable: true

@@ -219,0 +244,0 @@

@@ -15,3 +15,3 @@ import { cleanupSource } from './utilities';

// objects.
const { create, defineProperty } = Object;
const { create, defineProperties } = Object;

@@ -116,14 +116,18 @@ const errorConstructors = new Map([

defineProperty(Realm, 'toString', {
value: () => 'function Realm() { [shim code] }',
writable: false,
enumerable: false,
configurable: true
defineProperties(Realm, {
toString: {
value: () => 'function Realm() { [shim code] }',
writable: false,
enumerable: false,
configurable: true
defineProperty(Realm.prototype, 'toString', {
value: () => '[object Realm]',
writable: false,
enumerable: false,
configurable: true
defineProperties(Realm.prototype, {
toString: {
value: () => '[object Realm]',
writable: false,
enumerable: false,
configurable: true

@@ -130,0 +134,0 @@

// this module must never be importable outside the Realm shim itself
import { getSharedGlobalDescs } from './stdlib';
import { repairAccessors } from './accessors';
import { repairFunctions } from './functions';
import { repairAccessors } from './repair/accessors';
import { repairFunctions } from './repair/functions';
import { cleanupSource } from './utilities';

@@ -6,0 +6,0 @@ import { freeze } from './commons';

@@ -71,4 +71,6 @@ // Copyright (C) 2011 Google Inc.

export function getAnonIntrinsics(global) {
export default function getAnonIntrinsics(global) {
"use strict";
const gopd = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;
const getProto = Object.getPrototypeOf;

@@ -78,40 +80,2 @@ //////////////// Undeniables and Intrinsics //////////////

* A known strict function which returns its arguments object.
function strictArguments() { return arguments; }
* A known sloppy function which returns its arguments object.
* Defined using Function so it'll be sloppy (not strict and not
* builtin).
var sloppyArguments = Function('return arguments;');
* If present, a known strict generator function which yields its
* arguments object.
* <p>TODO: once all supported browsers implement ES6 generators, we
* can drop the "try"s below, drop the check for old Mozilla
* generator syntax, and treat strictArgumentsGenerator as
* unconditional in the test of the code.
var strictArgumentsGenerator = void 0;
try {
// ES6 syntax
strictArgumentsGenerator =
eval('(function*() { "use strict"; yield arguments; })');
} catch (ex) {
if (!(ex instanceof SyntaxError)) { throw ex; }
try {
// Old Firefox syntax
strictArgumentsGenerator =
eval('(function() { "use strict"; yield arguments; })');
} catch (ex2) {
if (!(ex2 instanceof SyntaxError)) { throw ex2; }
* The undeniables are the primordial objects which are ambiently

@@ -126,79 +90,64 @@ * reachable via compositions of strict syntax, primitive wrapping

function getUndeniables() {
var gopd = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;
var getProto = Object.getPrototypeOf;
// The first element of each undeniableTuple is a string used to
// name the undeniable object for reporting purposes. It has no
// other programmatic use.
// The second element of each undeniableTuple should be the
// undeniable itself.
// The optional third element of the undeniableTuple, if present,
// should be an example of syntax, rather than use of a monkey
// patchable API, evaluating to a value from which the undeniable
// object in the second element can be reached by only the
// following steps:
// If the value is primitve, convert to an Object wrapper.
// Is the resulting object either the undeniable object, or does
// it inherit directly from the undeniable object?
// The first element of each undeniableTuple is a string used to
// name the undeniable object for reporting purposes. It has no
// other programmatic use.
// The second element of each undeniableTuple should be the
// undeniable itself.
// The optional third element of the undeniableTuple, if present,
// should be an example of syntax, rather than use of a monkey
// patchable API, evaluating to a value from which the undeniable
// object in the second element can be reached by only the
// following steps:
// If the value is primitve, convert to an Object wrapper.
// Is the resulting object either the undeniable object, or does
// it inherit directly from the undeniable object?
var undeniableTuples = [
['Object.prototype', Object.prototype, {}],
['Function.prototype', Function.prototype, function(){}],
['Array.prototype', Array.prototype, []],
['RegExp.prototype', RegExp.prototype, /x/],
['Boolean.prototype', Boolean.prototype, true],
['Number.prototype', Number.prototype, 1],
['String.prototype', String.prototype, 'x'],
var result = {};
function* aStrictGenerator() {};
const Generator = getProto(aStrictGenerator);
async function* aStrictAsyncGenerator() {};
const AsyncGenerator = getProto(aStrictAsyncGenerator);
async function aStrictAsyncFunction() {};
const AsyncFunctionPrototype = getProto(aStrictAsyncFunction);
// Get the ES6 %Generator% intrinsic, if present.
// It is undeniable because individual generator functions inherit
// from it.
(function() {
// See
// i.e., Figure 2 of section 25.2 "Generator Functions" of the
// ES6 spec.
if (!strictArgumentsGenerator) { return; }
var Generator = getProto(strictArgumentsGenerator);
undeniableTuples.push(['%Generator%', Generator,
strictArgumentsGenerator = strictArgumentsGenerator;
// TODO: this is dead code, but could be useful: make this the
// 'undeniables' object available via some API.
undeniableTuples.forEach(function(tuple) {
var name = tuple[0];
var undeniable = tuple[1];
var start = tuple[2];
result[name] = undeniable;
if (start === void 0) { return; }
start = Object(start);
if (undeniable === start) { return; }
if (undeniable === getProto(start)) { return; }
throw new Error('Unexpected undeniable: ' + undeniable);
const undeniableTuples = [
['Object.prototype', Object.prototype, {}],
['Function.prototype', Function.prototype, function(){}],
['Array.prototype', Array.prototype, []],
['RegExp.prototype', RegExp.prototype, /x/],
['Boolean.prototype', Boolean.prototype, true],
['Number.prototype', Number.prototype, 1],
['String.prototype', String.prototype, 'x'],
['%Generator%', Generator, aStrictGenerator],
['%AsyncGenerator%', AsyncGenerator, aStrictAsyncGenerator],
['%AsyncFunction%', AsyncFunctionPrototype, aStrictAsyncFunction]
const undeniables = {};
return result;
undeniableTuples.forEach(function(tuple) {
const name = tuple[0];
const undeniable = tuple[1];
let start = tuple[2];
undeniables[name] = undeniable;
if (start === void 0) { return; }
start = Object(start);
if (undeniable === start) { return; }
if (undeniable === getProto(start)) { return; }
throw new Error('Unexpected undeniable: ' + undeniable);
// For consistency checking, once we've done all our whitelist
// processing and monkey patching, we will call getUndeniables again
// and check that the undeniables are the same.
const earlyUndeniables = getUndeniables();
function registerIteratorProtos(registery, base, name) {
var iteratorSym = global.Symbol && global.Symbol.iterator ||
const iteratorSym = global.Symbol && global.Symbol.iterator ||
"@@iterator"; // used instead of a symbol on FF35
var getProto = Object.getPrototypeOf;
if (base[iteratorSym]) {
var anIter = base[iteratorSym]();
var anIteratorPrototype = getProto(anIter);
const anIter = base[iteratorSym]();
const anIteratorPrototype = getProto(anIter);
registery[name] = anIteratorPrototype;
var anIterProtoBase = getProto(anIteratorPrototype);
const anIterProtoBase = getProto(anIteratorPrototype);
if (anIterProtoBase !== Object.prototype) {

@@ -227,3 +176,3 @@ if (!registery.IteratorPrototype) {

* <p>Unlike getUndeniables(), the result of getAnonIntrinsics()
* <p>Unlike getUndeniables(), the result of sampleAnonIntrinsics()
* does depend on the current state of the primordials, so we must

@@ -233,7 +182,8 @@ * run this again after all other relevant monkey patching is done,

function getAnonIntrinsics() {
var gopd = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;
var getProto = Object.getPrototypeOf;
var result = {};
// TODO: we can probably unwrap this into the outer function, and stop
// using a separately named 'sampleAnonIntrinsics'
function sampleAnonIntrinsics() {
const result = {};
// If there are still other ThrowTypeError objects left after

@@ -262,16 +212,12 @@ // noFuncPoison-ing, this should be caught by

(function() {
var Generator = earlyUndeniables['%Generator%'];
if (!Generator || Generator === Function.prototype) { return; }
if (getProto(Generator) !== Function.prototype) {
throw new Error('Generator.__proto__ was not Function.prototype');
var GeneratorFunction = Generator.constructor;
if (GeneratorFunction === Function) { return; }
if (getProto(GeneratorFunction) !== Function) {
throw new Error('GeneratorFunction.__proto__ was not Function');
const GeneratorFunction = Generator.constructor;
if (getProto(GeneratorFunction) !== Function.prototype.constructor) {
throw new Error('GeneratorFunction.__proto__ was not Function.prototype.constructor');
result.GeneratorFunction = GeneratorFunction;
var genProtoBase = getProto(Generator.prototype);
if (genProtoBase !== result.IteratorPrototype &&
genProtoBase !== Object.prototype) {
const genProtoBase = getProto(Generator.prototype);
if (genProtoBase !== result.IteratorPrototype) {
throw new Error('Unexpected Generator.prototype.__proto__');

@@ -281,6 +227,38 @@ }

// Get the ES6 %AsyncGeneratorFunction% intrinsic, if present.
(function() {
if (getProto(AsyncGenerator) !== Function.prototype) {
throw new Error('AsyncGenerator.__proto__ was not Function.prototype');
const AsyncGeneratorFunction = AsyncGenerator.constructor;
if (getProto(AsyncGeneratorFunction) !== Function.prototype.constructor) {
throw new Error('GeneratorFunction.__proto__ was not Function.prototype.constructor');
result.AsyncGeneratorFunction = AsyncGeneratorFunction;
// it appears that the only way to get an AsyncIteratorPrototype is
// through this getProto() process, so there's nothing to check it
// against
const agenProtoBase = getProto(AsyncGenerator.prototype);
if (agenProtoBase !== result.AsyncIteratorPrototype) {
throw new Error('Unexpected AsyncGenerator.prototype.__proto__');
// Get the ES6 %AsyncFunction% intrinsic, if present.
(function() {
if (getProto(AsyncFunctionPrototype) !== Function.prototype) {
throw new Error('AsyncFunctionPrototype.__proto__ was not Function.prototype');
const AsyncFunction = AsyncFunctionPrototype.constructor;
if (getProto(AsyncFunction) !== Function.prototype.constructor) {
throw new Error('AsyncFunction.__proto__ was not Function.prototype.constructor');
result.AsyncFunction = AsyncFunction;
// Get the ES6 %TypedArray% intrinsic, if present.
(function() {
if (!global.Float32Array) { return; }
var TypedArray = getProto(global.Float32Array);
const TypedArray = getProto(global.Float32Array);
if (TypedArray === Function.prototype) { return; }

@@ -296,3 +274,3 @@ if (getProto(TypedArray) !== Function.prototype) {

for (var name in result) {
for (let name in result) {
if (result[name] === void 0) {

@@ -306,3 +284,3 @@ throw new Error('Malformed intrinsic: ' + name);

return getAnonIntrinsics();
return sampleAnonIntrinsics();

@@ -20,2 +20,8 @@ // Copyright (C) 2018 Agoric

import tameRegExp from './tame-regexp.js';
import removeProperties from './removeProperties.js';
import getAnonIntrinsics from './anonIntrinsics.js';
import { deepFreeze } from './deepFreeze.js';
import hardenPrimordials from './hardenPrimordials.js';
import whitelist from './whitelist.js';
import { makeConsole } from './make-console.js';

@@ -26,2 +32,3 @@ export function createSESWithRealmConstructor(creatorStrings, Realm) {

let shims = [];
let wl = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(whitelist));

@@ -39,8 +46,31 @@ // "allow" enables real, anything else gets NaN

// Intl is disabled entirely for now, deleted by removeProperties. If we
// want to bring it back (under the control of this option), we'll need
// to add it to the whitelist too, as well as taming it properly.
if (options.intlMode !== "allow") {
// this shim also disables Object.prototype.toLocaleString
} else {
wl.namedIntrinsics.Intl = {
Collator: true,
DateTimeFormat: true,
NumberFormat: true,
PluralRules: true,
getCanonicalLocales: true
if (options.errorStackMode !== "allow") {
} else {
// if removeProperties cleans these things from Error, v8 won't provide
// stack traces or even toString on exceptions, and then Node.js prints
// uncaught exceptions as "undefined" instead of a type/message/stack.
// So if we're allowing stack traces, make sure the whitelist is
// augmented to include them.
wl.namedIntrinsics.Error.captureStackTrace = true;
wl.namedIntrinsics.Error.stackTraceLimit = true;
wl.namedIntrinsics.Error.prepareStackTrace = true;

@@ -52,3 +82,11 @@

const r = Realm.makeRootRealm({shims: shims});
// The getAnonIntrinsics function might be renamed by e.g. rollup. The
// removeProperties() function references it by name, so we need to force
// it to have a specific name.
const removeProp = `const getAnonIntrinsics = (${getAnonIntrinsics});
(${removeProperties})(this, ${JSON.stringify(wl)})`;
let r = Realm.makeRootRealm({shims: shims});
const b = r.evaluate(creatorStrings);

@@ -60,3 +98,15 @@ b.createSESInThisRealm(, creatorStrings, r);

if (options.consoleMode === "allow") {
const s = `(${makeConsole})`; = r.evaluate(s)(console);
// Finally freeze all the primordials, and the global object. This must
// be the last thing we do.
const hardenPrimordialsSrc = `
const deepFreeze = (${deepFreeze});
const getAnonIntrinsics = (${getAnonIntrinsics});
return r;

@@ -63,0 +113,0 @@ }

@@ -16,5 +16,2 @@ // Copyright (C) 2018 Agoric

import { createSESWithRealmConstructor, createSESInThisRealm } from './createSES.js';
import { deepFreezePrimordials } from './deepFreeze.js';
import { removeProperties } from './removeProperties.js';
import { getAnonIntrinsics } from './anonIntrinsics.js';
import { def } from './def.js';

@@ -24,4 +21,3 @@ import { Nat } from './nat.js';

export { createSESWithRealmConstructor, createSESInThisRealm,
deepFreezePrimordials, removeProperties, getAnonIntrinsics,
def, Nat

@@ -0,1 +1,3 @@

/* global getAnonIntrinsics */
// Copyright (C) 2011 Google Inc.

@@ -16,10 +18,11 @@ // Copyright (C) 2018 Agoric

import { buildWhitelist } from './whitelist.js';
import { getAnonIntrinsics } from './anonIntrinsics.js';
/* This is evaluated in an environment in which getAnonIntrinsics() is
already defined (by prepending the definition of getAnonIntrinsics to the
stringified removeProperties()), hence we don't use the following
import */
//import { getAnonIntrinsics } from './anonIntrinsics.js';
export function removeProperties(global) {
export default function removeProperties(global, whitelist) {
// walk global object, test against whitelist, delete
const whitelist = buildWhitelist();
const uncurryThis = fn => (thisArg, ...args) => Reflect.apply(fn, thisArg, args);

@@ -35,3 +38,3 @@ const gopd = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;

function addToWhiteTable(global) {
function addToWhiteTable(global, rootPermit) {

@@ -69,3 +72,3 @@ * The whiteTable should map from each path-accessible primordial

register(global, whitelist);
register(global, rootPermit);

@@ -109,5 +112,9 @@

function clean(value, prefix) {
if (value !== Object(value)) { return; }
if (cleaning.get(value)) { return; }
function clean(value, prefix, num) {
if (value !== Object(value)) {
if (cleaning.get(value)) {

@@ -130,3 +137,3 @@ const proto = getProto(value);

const subValue = desc.value;
clean(subValue, path);
clean(subValue, path, num+1);
} else {

@@ -141,4 +148,4 @@ if (p !== 'maybeAccessor') {

} else {
clean(desc.get, path + '<getter>');
clean(desc.set, path + '<setter>');
clean(desc.get, path + '<getter>', num+1);
clean(desc.set, path + '<setter>', num+1);

@@ -152,6 +159,6 @@ }

clean(global, '');
addToWhiteTable(global, whitelist.namedIntrinsics);
const intr = getAnonIntrinsics(global);
addToWhiteTable(intr, whitelist.anonIntrinsics);
clean(global, '', 0);

@@ -16,2 +16,22 @@

// we might do this in the future
const unsafeError = Error;
const newErrorConstructor = function Error(...args) {
return Reflect.construct(unsafeError, args,;
newErrorConstructor.prototype = unsafeError.prototype;
newErrorConstructor.prototype.construct = newErrorConstructor;
Error = newErrorConstructor;
EvalError.__proto__ = newErrorConstructor;
RangeError.__proto__ = newErrorConstructor;
ReferenceError.__proto__ = newErrorConstructor;
SyntaxError.__proto__ = newErrorConstructor;
TypeError.__proto__ = newErrorConstructor;
URIError.__proto__ = newErrorConstructor;

@@ -8,5 +8,9 @@ /* global Intl */

// an explicit locale name.
Intl.DateTimeFormat = () => { throw Error("disabled"); };
Intl.NumberFormat = () => { throw Error("disabled"); };
Intl.getCanonicalLocales = () => { throw Error("disabled"); };
// the whitelist may have deleted Intl entirely, so tolerate that
if (typeof Intl !== 'undefined') {
Intl.DateTimeFormat = () => { throw Error("disabled"); };
Intl.NumberFormat = () => { throw Error("disabled"); };
Intl.getCanonicalLocales = () => { throw Error("disabled"); };
Object.prototype.toLocaleString = () => {

@@ -13,0 +17,0 @@ throw new Error('toLocaleString suppressed');

@@ -105,137 +105,115 @@ // Copyright (C) 2011 Google Inc.

export function buildWhitelist() {
"use strict";
var t = true;
var j = true; // included in the Jessie runtime
var TypedArrayWhitelist; // defined and used below
const t = true;
const j = true; // included in the Jessie runtime
const whitelist = {
cajaVM: { // Caja support
// The accessible intrinsics which are not reachable by own
// property name traversal are listed here so that they are
// processed by the whitelist, although this also makes them
// accessible by this path. See
// Of these, ThrowTypeError is the only one from ES5. All the
// rest were introduced in ES6.
anonIntrinsics: {
ThrowTypeError: {},
IteratorPrototype: { // 25.1
// Technically, for SES-on-ES5, we should not need to
// whitelist 'next'. However, browsers are accidentally
// relying on it
// and we will be whitelisting it as we transition to ES6
// anyway, so we unconditionally whitelist it now.
next: '*',
constructor: false
ArrayIteratorPrototype: {},
StringIteratorPrototype: {},
MapIteratorPrototype: {},
SetIteratorPrototype: {},
let TypedArrayWhitelist; // defined and used below
// The %GeneratorFunction% intrinsic is the constructor of
// generator functions, so %GeneratorFunction%.prototype is
// the %Generator% intrinsic, which all generator functions
// inherit from. A generator function is effectively the
// constructor of its generator instances, so, for each
// generator function (e.g., "g1" on the diagram at
// )
// its .prototype is a prototype that its instances inherit
// from. Paralleling this structure, %Generator%.prototype,
// i.e., %GeneratorFunction%.prototype.prototype, is the
// object that all these generator function prototypes inherit
// from. The .next, .return and .throw that generator
// instances respond to are actually the builtin methods they
// inherit from this object.
GeneratorFunction: { // 25.2
length: '*', // Not sure why this is needed
prototype: { // 25.3
prototype: {
next: '*',
return: '*',
throw: '*',
constructor: '*' // Not sure why this is needed
// TODO: 25.5 AsyncFunction
export default {
// The accessible intrinsics which are not reachable by own
// property name traversal are listed here so that they are
// processed by the whitelist, although this also makes them
// accessible by this path. See
// Of these, ThrowTypeError is the only one from ES5. All the
// rest were introduced in ES6.
anonIntrinsics: {
ThrowTypeError: {},
IteratorPrototype: { // 25.1
// Technically, for SES-on-ES5, we should not need to
// whitelist 'next'. However, browsers are accidentally
// relying on it
// and we will be whitelisting it as we transition to ES6
// anyway, so we unconditionally whitelist it now.
next: '*',
constructor: false
ArrayIteratorPrototype: {},
StringIteratorPrototype: {},
MapIteratorPrototype: {},
SetIteratorPrototype: {},
TypedArray: TypedArrayWhitelist = { // 22.2
length: '*', // does not inherit from Function.prototype on Chrome
name: '*', // ditto
from: t,
of: t,
prototype: {
buffer: 'maybeAccessor',
byteLength: 'maybeAccessor',
byteOffset: 'maybeAccessor',
copyWithin: '*',
entries: '*',
every: '*',
fill: '*',
filter: '*',
find: '*',
findIndex: '*',
forEach: '*',
includes: '*',
indexOf: '*',
join: '*',
keys: '*',
lastIndexOf: '*',
length: 'maybeAccessor',
map: '*',
reduce: '*',
reduceRight: '*',
reverse: '*',
set: '*',
slice: '*',
some: '*',
sort: '*',
subarray: '*',
values: '*',
// The %GeneratorFunction% intrinsic is the constructor of
// generator functions, so %GeneratorFunction%.prototype is
// the %Generator% intrinsic, which all generator functions
// inherit from. A generator function is effectively the
// constructor of its generator instances, so, for each
// generator function (e.g., "g1" on the diagram at
// )
// its .prototype is a prototype that its instances inherit
// from. Paralleling this structure, %Generator%.prototype,
// i.e., %GeneratorFunction%.prototype.prototype, is the
// object that all these generator function prototypes inherit
// from. The .next, .return and .throw that generator
// instances respond to are actually the builtin methods they
// inherit from this object.
GeneratorFunction: { // 25.2
length: '*', // Not sure why this is needed
prototype: { // 25.4
prototype: {
next: '*',
return: '*',
throw: '*',
constructor: '*' // Not sure why this is needed
log: t,
tamperProof: t,
constFunc: t,
Nat: j,
def: j,
is: t,
compileExpr: t,
confine: j,
compileModule: t, // experimental
compileProgram: t, // Cannot be implemented in just ES5.1.
eval: t,
Function: t,
sharedImports: t,
makeImports: t,
copyToImports: t,
GuardT: {
coerce: t
makeTableGuard: t,
Trademark: {
stamp: t
guard: t,
passesGuard: t,
stamp: t,
makeSealerUnsealerPair: t,
makeArrayLike: {
canBeFullyLive: t
AsyncGeneratorFunction: { // 25.3
length: '*',
prototype: { // 25.5
prototype: {
next: '*',
return: '*',
throw: '*',
constructor: '*' // Not sure why this is needed
AsyncFunction: { // 25.7
length: '*',
prototype: '*',
TypedArray: TypedArrayWhitelist = { // 22.2
length: '*', // does not inherit from Function.prototype on Chrome
name: '*', // ditto
from: t,
of: t,
prototype: {
buffer: 'maybeAccessor',
byteLength: 'maybeAccessor',
byteOffset: 'maybeAccessor',
copyWithin: '*',
entries: '*',
every: '*',
fill: '*',
filter: '*',
find: '*',
findIndex: '*',
forEach: '*',
includes: '*',
indexOf: '*',
join: '*',
keys: '*',
lastIndexOf: '*',
length: 'maybeAccessor',
map: '*',
reduce: '*',
reduceRight: '*',
reverse: '*',
set: '*',
slice: '*',
some: '*',
sort: '*',
subarray: '*',
values: '*',
namedIntrinsics: {
// In order according to

@@ -593,2 +571,5 @@ // with chapter

// B.2.5
compile: false, // UNSAFE. Purposely suppressed
// 21.2.6 instances

@@ -636,5 +617,2 @@ lastIndex: '*',

// B.2.5
compile: false, // UNSAFE. Purposely suppressed
// 22.1.4 instances

@@ -840,2 +818,3 @@ length: '*'

// B.2.5 (RegExp.prototype.compile) is marked 'false' up in 21.2

@@ -848,6 +827,22 @@ // Other

// needlessly expensive for current usage.
return whitelist;
Realm: {
makeRootRealm: t,
makeCompartment: t,
prototype: {
global: "maybeAccessor",
evaluate: t
SES: {
confine: t,
confineExpr: t
Nat: j,
def: j

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