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shades - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 1.13.0 to 2.0.0-beta.0



"name": "shades",
"version": "1.13.0",
"version": "2.0.0-beta.0",
"description": "Lens-like functionality with a lodash-style interface.",
"main": "lib/bundle.js",
"module": "lib/",
"types": "types/index.d.ts",
"scripts": {
"compile": "BABEL_ENV=build rollup -c && BABEL_ENV=build rollup -c --output.format=es --output.file=\"lib/\"",
"compile:doc": "mkdir -p compiled && BABEL_ENV=build babel scripts/doc.js > compiled/doc.js",
"preversion": "npm test",
"version": "npm run compile",
"test": "BABEL_ENV=test mocha --require babel-core/register",
"inspect": "BABEL_ENV=test mocha --require babel-core/register --inspect",
"typings": "BABEL_ENV=build jscodeshift -t scripts/typings.js src/utils/list/index.js",
"blah": "BABEL_ENV=build node"
"test": "run-s test:*",
"test:mocha": "BABEL_ENV=test mocha --require @babel/register",
"test:types": "dtslint types",
"inspect:test": "BABEL_ENV=test mocha --require @babel/register --inspect",
"doc": "run-s compile:doc; run-p doc:*",
"doc:typings": "run-s doc:typings:*",
"doc:typings:create-header": "cat templates/index.d.ts > types/index.d.ts",
"doc:typings:generate-typings": "cat toc | xargs jscodeshift --run-in-band -s -t compiled/doc.js --pass TYPE >> types/index.d.ts",
"doc:typings:generate-lens-typings": "cd lens-gen; pulp run -- -n 6 >> ../types/index.d.ts",
"doc:typings:prettier": "prettier --write types/index.d.ts",
"doc:use": "run-s doc:use:*",
"doc:use:create-header": "cat templates/test.ts > types/test.ts",
"doc:use:generate-use": "cat toc | xargs jscodeshift --run-in-band -s -t compiled/doc.js --pass USE >> types/test.ts",
"doc:use:prettier": "prettier --write types/test.ts",
"doc:test": "run-s doc:test:*",
"doc:test:create-header": "cat templates/test.js > test/test.js",
"doc:test:generate-tests": "cat toc | xargs jscodeshift --run-in-band -s -t compiled/doc.js --pass TEST >> test/test.js",
"doc:test:prettier": "prettier --write test/test.js",
"doc:readme": "run-s doc:readme:*",
"doc:readme:create-header": "cat templates/ >",
"doc:readme:generate-docs": "cat toc | xargs jscodeshift --run-in-band -s -t compiled/doc.js --pass DOC >>",
"debug:doc": "run-s doc:compile debug:doc:generate",
"debug:doc:generate": "node --inspect ./node_modules/jscodeshift/bin/ -s --run-in-band -t compiled/doc.js --pass DOC src/utils/reducers.js",
"playground": "node playground/index.js"

@@ -41,23 +63,35 @@ "bin": {

"devDependencies": {
"@babel/parser": "^7.0.0-beta.51",
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"babel-core": "6",
"babel-plugin-external-helpers": "^6.22.0",
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"@babel/register": "^7.0.0",
"bower": "^1.8.4",
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"mocha": "5.0.4",
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"rollup-plugin-commonjs": "^9.2.0",
"rollup-plugin-node-resolve": "^3.4.0",
"typescript": "^3.1.3",
"typescript-cli": "^0.1.0",
"yargs": "^12.0.2"
## shades
1. [intro](#intro)
2. [playground](#try)
2. [guide](#guide)
3. [recipes](#recipes)
1. [What's `has`?](#recipe-has)
2. [How do I focus on just elements that match some condition?](#recipe-matching)
3. [What if I want to perform multiple updates at once?](#recipe-updateAll)
3. [Does this work with a library like Redux?](#recipe-redux)
4. [When should I reach for this library?](#recipe-when)
3. [guide](#guide)
<!-- 4. [recipes](#recipes)
1. [What's `has`?](#recipe-has)
2. [How do I focus on just elements that match some condition?](#recipe-matching)
3. [What if I want to perform multiple updates at once?](#recipe-updateAll)
4. [Does this work with a library like Redux?](#recipe-redux)
5. [When should I reach for this library?](#recipe-when) -->
4. [api](#api)
## _New in v2!_
- Rich and fully type-safe Typescript support!
- We make an effort to provide the strictest possible types even when using shorthands and shortcuts
- 0 dependencies!
- < 5kb (gzipped) build!
## Watch an Introduction
[![Video Introduction](](
<a name="intro"></a>
Shades is a [lodash]( inspired [lens]( library.
_(Psst! Don't want to learn about lenses? Start with the [collection functions](#collection-transformations) to see how you can clean up your Iterable code, or check out the magic of [`into`](#into))._

@@ -26,13 +40,12 @@ A lens is a path into an object, which can be used to extract its values, or even "modify" them in place (by creating a new object with the value changed).

name: 'Jack Sparrow',
posts: [
title: 'Why is the rum always gone? An analysis of Carribean trade surplus'
posts: [
title: 'Why is the rum always gone? An analysis of Carribean trade surplus'

@@ -53,9 +66,10 @@

idx === postIdx
? {,
title: capitalize(post.title)
? {,
title: capitalize(post.title)
: post)
: user
: user

@@ -69,15 +83,31 @@ ```

mod('users' userIdx, 'posts', postIdx, 'title')(capitalize)(store);
### Typings
If you're using TypeScript, you'll benefit from very robust type-checking. For example if we had typed the above as:
mod('users' userIdx, 'pots', postIdx, 'title')(capitalize)(store)
TS will error on `store` because it doesn't have an attribute `pots`. Similarly,
mod('users' userIdx, 'posts', postIdx, 'title')((x: number) => x + 1)(store);
will error because the type of `title` is `string` and not `number`
## <a name="try"></a>Try It Out
shades contains a little node playground that you can use to follow along with the guide or generally mess around with it.
You can run it with [`npx`]( you already have if you're running `npm@^5.2.x`):
npx shades
Or the old fashioned way

@@ -92,57 +122,91 @@

For reference, we will use the following object:
For reference, we will use the following objects:
<a name="store"></a>
const store = {
users: [
const jack = {
name: 'Jack Sparrow',
goldMember: false,
posts: [
name: 'Jack Sparrow',
goldMember: false,
posts: [
title: 'Why is the rum always gone? An analysis of Carribean trade surplus',
likes: 5,
'Why is the rum always gone? An analysis of Carribean trade surplus',
likes: 5
name: 'Elizabeth Swan',
goldMember: true,
posts: [
title: 'Bloody Pirates - My Life Aboard the Black Pearl',
likes: 10000,
title: 'Sea Turtles - The Tortoise and the Hair',
likes: 70
const liz = {
name: 'Elizabeth Swan',
goldMember: true,
posts: [
title: 'Bloody Pirates - My Life Aboard the Black Pearl',
likes: 10000
'Guidelines - When YOU need to be disinclined to acquiesce to their request',
likes: 5000
const bill = {
name: 'Bill Turner',
goldMember: false,
posts: [
title: 'Bootstraps Bootstraps - UEFI, GRUB and the Linux Kernel',
likes: 3000
const store = {
users: [jack, liz, bill],
byName: {
#### Baby's first lens
Conceptually, a lens is something that represents a path through an object.
The simplest lens is a string path like `'name'` or `'address.streetName'`.
The simplest lens is a string or number path like `'name'` or `0`. Strings represent object properties and numbers represent Array or Object indexes.
`get` is the simplest lens consumer. It takes a lens into an object and produces a function that will take an object and produce the focus of that lens (focus = final value referenced by the lens, i.e. `name` or `streetName`). Using the `store` from above:
`get` is the simplest lens consumer. It takes a lens into an object and produces a function that will take an object and produce the _focus_ of that lens (focus = final value referenced by the lens, i.e. `name` or `streetName`). Using the examples from above:
> const getName = get('users[0].name')
> getName(store)
> const getName = get('name')
> getName(jack)
'Jack Sparrow'
or more succinctly:
> get('users[0].name')(store)
> get('name')(jack)
'Jack Sparrow'
or less succinctly (multiple lenses can be passed in and they will be composed left-to-right):
Multiple lenses can be passed in to `get` and they will be composed left-to-right:
> get('users', '[0]', 'name')(store)
> get('users', 0, 'name')(store)
'Jack Sparrow'
This is all well and good, but that `'[0]'` is unrealistic. We rarely know _which_ index of an array we need to edit. Thus we need a way to focus on multiple points in an array (or object)
This is all well and good, but that `0` is unrealistic. We rarely know _which_ index of an array we need to edit. Thus we need a way to focus on multiple points in an array (or object)
#### Baby's first traversal
This is where stuff starts to get interesting.

@@ -152,5 +216,4 @@

The simplest traversal is `all`. `all` focuses on every element of an array (or every value in an object).
The simplest traversal is [`all`](#all). `all` focuses on every element of an array (or every value in an object).

@@ -163,2 +226,5 @@ > get('users', all, 'posts')(store)

_Note: if you are using the TypeScript bindings, you MUST call `all` as a function, e.g. `get('users', all(), 'posts')`. It behaves exactly the same way._
Traversals can be used anywhere a lens is used. However, as you can see above, when `all` appears in a composition, everything after is applied to every element of a collection, instead of on a single object. In this way, traversals act like prisms:

@@ -174,2 +240,3 @@

Above, we focused on the `users` key of the store, then for every user in the `users` array we focused on the posts array, and then for every post in THAT array we focused on the `likes` key.

@@ -180,2 +247,3 @@

#### Modifications
`get`ting data is all well and good, but where shades really shines is performing immutable updates. The good news is everything we have learned up until now translates seamlessly.

@@ -186,3 +254,3 @@

> const transformer = mod('users[0].posts[0].likes')(likes => likes + 1)
> const transformer = mod('users', 0, 'posts', 0, 'likes')(likes => likes + 1)
> transformer(store)

@@ -199,17 +267,10 @@ {

name: 'Elizabeth Swan',
goldMember: true,
posts: [
title: 'Bloody Pirates - My Life Aboard the Black Pearl',
likes: 10000,
{ ... },
{ ... }
This transform was done immutably, so our original `store` is unmodified.

@@ -231,4 +292,4 @@


@@ -239,420 +300,1946 @@ name: 'Elizabeth Swan',

title: 'Bloody Pirates - My Life Aboard the Black Pearl',
likes: 10001, // <---- Also Incremented!! Wow!
title: 'Bloody Pirates - My Life Aboard the Black Pearl',
likes: 10001, // <---- Also Incremented!! Wow!
{ ... }
## <a name="recipes"></a>Recipes
#### <a name="recipe-has"></a> What's `has`?
Great question! [`has`](#has) is a very simple, but very useful, utility.
`has` is a predicate factory function. It takes a pattern of keys and values and produces a predicate. The predicate takes a test value and returns `true` if the given test value has at least the equivalent keys and values of the pattern. Using the [store](#store) example from above:
Now you're ready to start cooking with gas! If you wanna see an even cooler traversal, check out [`matching`](#matching). Or just check out some of the API below, there's a
lot of really great stuff we didn't even get a chance to touch on.
## <a name="api">API</a>
#### A note on type signatures
It's not necessary to fully grok the type signatures when you read them, but if you do want to understand some of the custom types are,
they can be found in [types/utils.ts](types/utils.ts)
### <a href='into'>into</a>
export function into<Fn extends (...a: any[]) => any>(f: Fn): Fn;
export function into<Key extends string>(f: Key): <Obj extends HasKey<Key>>(s: Obj) => Obj[Key];
export function into<Pattern extends object>(p: Pattern): (o: HasPattern<Pattern>) => boolean;
`into` is the engine of much of shades' magical goodness. It takes either a string or object
(or function) and turns it into a useful function. All of shades [collection functions](#collection-transformations)
will automatically pass their inputs into `into`, creating a useful shorthand.
The transformation follows one of the following 3 rules:
* a **function** is returned as is (easy enough)
* a **string** or **number** is converted into a lens accessor with [`get`](#get)
* an **object** is converted into a predicate function using the function [`has`](#has). This one is the most interesting, and
requires some explanation.
In the simplest form, a pattern of keys and values will produce a function that takes a test
value and returns `true` if the given test value has at least the equivalent keys and values
of the pattern. Using the [store](#store) example from above:
> const [jack, elizabeth] = store.users
// Tests if an object passed to it has the key goldMember mapped to true
> const isGoldMember = has({goldMember: true})
> const isGoldMember = into({goldMember: true})
> isGoldMember(jack)
> isGoldMember(elizabeth)
// test multiple values
> into({goldMember: true, name: "Elizabeth Swan"})(liz)
Where `has` gets interesting is when the values in your pattern are predicate functions. In this case, the value at that key in the test object is passed to the function, and validation only continues if that function returns `true`
Nested values work just as you'd expect:
> const [jack, elizabeth] = store.users
// Tests if the object passed to it has a title attribute that is less than 50 letters long
> const hasShortTitle = has({title: title => title.length < 50})
> get('users', all, 'posts', matching(hasShortTitle))(store)
[ { title: 'Bloody Pirates - My Life Aboard the Black Pearl', likes: 10000} ]
> into({jack: {goldMember: false}})(store.byName)
#### <a name="recipe-matching"></a>How do I focus on just elements that match some condition?
You want the traversal factory [`matching`](#matching). `matching` takes a predicate (`a => Boolean`) and produces a traversal that only focuses on elements for which the predicate is true.
Where it REALLY gets interesting is when the _values_ in your pattern are predicate functions.
In this case, the value at that key in the test object is passed to the function, and validation
only continues if that function returns `true`
> get('users', matching(user => user.goldMember), 'posts')(store)
[ { title: 'Bloody Pirates - My Life Aboard the Black Pearl', likes: 10000} ]
// Tests if the object passed to it has a title attribute that is less than 50 letters long
> const hasShortTitle = into({title: title => title.length < 50})
> hasShortTitle(jack.posts[0])
This pattern is especially useful with [lenses and traversals](#guide)
<details><summary><em>TypeScript Usage</em></summary>
into('a')({a: 10}) // $ExpectType number
into('b')({a: 10}) // $ExpectError
into({a: 10})({a: 10}) // $ExpectType boolean
into({a: 10})({b: 10}) // $ExpectError
into((x: number) => x + 1)(10) // $ExpectType number
`matching` tends to combine nicely with [`has`](#recipe-has):
> mod('users', matching(has({goldMember: true})), 'posts', all, 'likes')(inc)(store)
users: [
name: 'Jack Sparrow',
goldMember: false,
posts: [
title: 'Why is the rum always gone? An analysis of Carribean trade surplus',
likes: 5, // <---- not updated, not gold member
name: 'Elizabeth Swan',
goldMember: true,
posts: [
title: 'Bloody Pirates - My Life Aboard the Black Pearl',
likes: 10001, // <---- updated, goldMember
it('should use into to create functions', () => {
into('a')({ a: 10 }).should.equal(10);
into({ a: 10 })({ a: 10 });
into(x => x + 1)(10).should.equal(11);
#### <a name="recipe-updateAll"></a> What if I want to perform multiple updates at once?
You want the transformer combinator [`updateAll`](#updateAll). `updateAll` takes an arbitrary number of `S => S` functions, and produces a transformer that will apply each one in turn.
## <a href=collection-transformations>Collection Transformations</a>
We all love `Array::map`, `Array::filter`, etc. but what do you do when you have an object, or a Map?
Even if you're just using arrays, defining an arrow function to just extract a property, or test if a
key has a certain value is clunky.
Enter shades. Shades provides collection functions that work polymorphically over many different object
types, and are powered by [`into`](#into). _(And they're pretty fast, too)_.
> const [jack] = store.users
> const promotion = updateAll(
mod('posts', all, 'likes')(inc)
> promotion(jack)
> map('name')(store.users)
['jack', 'liz', 'bill']
> map('goldMember')(store.byName)
name: 'Jack Sparrow',
goldMember: true, // <---- gold status, what what!
posts: [
title: 'Why is the rum always gone? An analysis of Carribean trade surplus',
likes: 6, // <---- Incremented!!
jack: false,
liz: true,
bill: false
> filter({name: 'jack'})(store.users)
#### <a name="recipe-redux"></a> Does this work with a library like [Redux](
Absolutely. Most functions in `shades` are [curried](, so they take a little massaging to work with other libraries. For example a reducer for the `ADD_LIKES` action might look like this:
// Assuming this function is only called when the type === 'ADD_LIKES'
function (state, {numLikes, name, title}) {
return mod('users', matching(has({name})), 'posts', matching(has({title}) ), 'likes') // find the post the action is referencing
(add(numLikes)) // add the number of likes to the current likes
(state) // pass in the current state
### <a href='filter'>filter</a>
export function filter<K extends string>(k: K): <A extends HasKey<K>, F extends Collection<A>>(f: F) => Functor<F, A, Unpack<F>>;
export function filter<A>(f: (a: A) => any): <F>(f: F) => Functor<F, A, A>;
export function filter<Pattern>(p: Pattern): <A extends HasPattern<Pattern>, F extends Collection<A>>(f: F) => Functor<F, A, Unpack<F>>;
This is much more understandable than:
Takes an [into pattern](#into) from `A => boolean` and produces a function that takes a [Collection](types/utils.ts)
and produces a collection of the same type, with all items that failed the test removed.
function (state, {numLikes, name, title}) {
return {
users: => !== name
? user
: {
posts: =>
post.title !== title
? post
: {,
likes: post.likes + numLikes,
> filter(isEven)([1, 2, 3, 4])
[2, 4]
> filter((value, key) => isEven(key) && isOdd(value))({2: 1, 3: 1})
{2: 1}
> filter(isEven)(new Set([1, 2, 3, 4]))
Set({2, 4})
> filter('goldMember')(store.users)
> filter({posts: includes({likes: lessThan(10)})})(store.users)
But we can do even better. Many Redux actions are simple setters so they look like this:
<details><summary><em>TypeScript Usage</em></summary>
filter((user: User) => user.friends.length > 0)(users); // $ExpectType User[]
filter((user: User) =>; // $ExpectType { [key: string]: User; }
filter('name')(users); // $ExpectType User[]
filter('name')(byName); // $ExpectType { [key: string]: User; }
filter('butts')(users); // $ExpectError
filter({ name: 'john' })(users); // $ExpectType User[]
filter({ name: 'john' })(byName); // $ExpectType { [key: string]: User; }
settings: (settings: string) => settings
})(users); // $ExpectError
settings: (settings: Settings) => settings
})(users); // $ExpectType User[]
it('should work on lists', () => {
filter(greaterThan(2))([1, 2, 3]).should.deep.equal([3]);
it('should work on objects', () => {
filter(greaterThan(2))({ a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 }).should.deep.equal({ c: 3 })
it('should work on Maps', () => {
new Map(Object.entries(store.byName))
).should.deep.equal(new Map([['liz', liz]]));
### <a href='map'>map</a>
export function map<K extends string>(k: K): <F>(f: F) => KeyedFunctor<K, F>;
export function map(i: number): <F>(f: F) => IndexFunctor<F>;
export function map<A, B>(f: (a: A) => B): <F>(f: F) => Functor<F, A, B>;
export function map<Pattern>(p: Pattern): <A extends HasPattern<Pattern>, F extends Container<A>>(f: F) => Functor<F, A, boolean>;
Takes an [into pattern](#into) from `A => B` and produces a function that takes a [Container](types/utils.ts)
of `A`s and produces the same type of container with `B`s
// (S, A) => S
function(state, value) {
return set('visible')(value)(state)
> map(inc)([1, 2, 3, 4])
[2, 3, 4, 5]
> map((value, key) => `${value} was at {key}`)({a: 1, b: 2})
{a: '1 was at a', b: '2 was at b'}
> map((value, key) => `${value} was at {key}`)(new Map([['a', 1], ['b', 2]])
Map {a => '1 was at a', b => '2 was at b'}
> map('goldMember')(store.byName)
{jack: false, liz: true, bill: false}
> map({name: includes('Bill')})(store.users)
[false, false, true]
This reducer takes a value, and sets a predefined path on the state to that value. This is still a lot of code for a very simple update. The reason is that the reducer has a signature of `(S, A) => S`, but our setter has signature `L => A => S => S` (L=lens, A=field type, S=state type)
If we define our reducers to be `A => S => S` though, besides being hilarious, we find some very nice simplifications:
<details><summary><em>TypeScript Usage</em></summary>
map('name')(users); // $ExpectType string[]
map('name')(byName); // $ExpectType { [key: string]: string; }
map('not-a-key')(users); // $ExpectType never
map('not-a-key')(byName); // $ExpectType never
const usersFriends = map('friends')(users); // $ExpectType User[][]
map(1)(usersFriends); // $ExpectType User[]
const usersFriendsByName = map('friends')(byName); // $ExpectType { [key: string]: User[]; }
map(2)(usersFriendsByName); // $ExpectType { [key: string]: User; }
map((x: User) =>; // $ExpectType string[]
map({ name: 'john', settings: (settings: Settings) => !!settings })(users); // $ExpectType boolean[]
map({ name: 'john', settings: (settings: Settings) => !!settings })(byName); // $ExpectType { [key: string]: boolean; }
declare const fetchUsers: Promise<User[]>
// Nested maps require type annotations, but still provide safety
map<User[], string[]>(map('name'))(fetchUsers) // $ExpectType Promise<string[]>
// map<User[], boolean[]>(map('name'))(fetchUsers) // $ExpectError
declare const userMap: Map<string, User>
declare const userSet: Set<User>
map('name')(userMap) // $ExpectType Map<string, string>
map('name')(userSet) // $ExpectType Set<string>
it('should work on lists', () => {
map(inc)([1, 2, 3]).should.deep.equal([2, 3, 4])
it('should work on objects', () => {
map(inc)({ a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 }).should.deep.equal({ a: 2, b: 3, c: 4 })
it('should receive key as second param', () => {
map((value, key) => value + key)({a: 1}).should.deep.equal({a: '1a'})
it('should work on maps', () => {
const input = new Map([['a', 1], ['b', 2], ['c', 3]])
const output = new Map([['a', 2], ['b', 3], ['c', 4]])
it('should work on sets', () => {
const input = new Set([1, 2, 3])
const output = new Set([2, 3, 4])
it('should work on promises', () => {
const p = Promise.resolve({a: 1})
return map('a')(p).should.eventually.equal(1)
it('should work with shorthand', () => {
map('a')([{ a: 1 }, { a: 2 }, { a: 3 }]).should.deep.equal([1, 2, 3]);
map('a')({ d: { a: 1 }, c: { a: 2 }, e: { a: 3 } }).should.deep.equal({
d: 1,
c: 2,
e: 3
map({ a: 1 })([{ a: 1 }, { a: 2 }, { a: 3 }]).should.deep.equal([
### <a href='find'>find</a>
export function find<Key extends string>(f: Key): <A extends HasKey<Key>>(f: Collection<A>) => A | undefined;
export function find<A>(f: (a: A) => any): (f: Collection<A>) => A | undefined;
export function find<Pattern>(p: Pattern): <A extends HasPattern<Pattern>>(f: Collection<A>) => A | undefined;
Takes an [into pattern](#into) from `A => any` and produces a function that takes a
[`Collection`](#collection-type) returns the first item in the collection that returns
a truthy value for the test (or `undefined` if none match)
<details><summary><em>TypeScript Usage</em></summary>
find('name')(users); // $ExpectedType User | undefined
find((user: User) => user.friends); // $ExpectedType User | undefined
find((user: User) => user.friends.length > 0)(users); // $ExpectType User | undefined
find({ name: 'barg' })(users); // $ExpectType User | undefined
find({ name: false })(users); // $ExpectError
find({ name: (s: string) => !!'barg' })(users); // $ExpectType User | undefined
find({ name: (s: Settings) => !!'barg' })(users); // $ExpectError
const a = find({
friends: find({ name: 'silent bob' })
a; // $ExpectType User | undefined
find({ settings: { permissions: false } })(users); // $ExpectError
settings: { permissions: false }
})(users); // $ExpectError
settings: { permissions: (perm: string) => !!perm }
})(users); // ExpectType User | undefined
settings: { permissions: (perm: boolean) => !!perm }
})(users); // $ExpectError
it('should work on lists', () => {
find(user => user.isLive)([
{ isLive: true, name: 'jack' }
find('isLive')([{ isLive: true, name: 'jack' }]).name.should.equal(
find({ name: 'jack' })([{ isLive: true, name: 'jack' }]).isLive.should
it('should work on objects', () => {
find(user => user.isLive)({
jack: { isLive: true, name: 'jack' }
jack: { isLive: true, name: 'jack' }
find({ name: 'jack' })({ jack: { isLive: true, name: 'jack' } }).isLive;
it('should work on Maps', () => {
new Map(Object.entries(store.byName))
it('should work on Sets', () => {
new Set(Object.values(store.byName))
### <a href='some'>some</a>
export function some<Key extends string>(f: Key): (f: Collection<HasKey<Key>>) => boolean;
export function some<A>(f: (a: A) => any): (f: Collection<A>) => boolean;
export function some<Pattern>(p: Pattern): (f: Collection<HasPattern<Pattern>>) => boolean;
Takes an [into pattern](#into) and returns a function that takes a [`Collection](#collection-type)
and returns true if there is any member in the collection that returns `true` for the test
<details><summary><em>TypeScript Usage</em></summary>
some('name')(users); // $ExpectedType boolean
some((user: User) => user.friends); // $ExpectedType boolean
some((user: User) => user.friends.length > 0)(users); // $ExpectType boolean
some({ name: 'barg' })(users); // $ExpectType boolean
some({ name: false })(users); // $ExpectError
some({ name: (s: string) => !!'barg' })(users); // $ExpectType boolean
some({ name: (s: boolean) => !!'barg' })(users); // $ExpectError
it('should work on lists', () => {
some(user => user.isLive)([
{ isLive: true, name: 'jack' }
some('isLive')([{ isLive: true, name: 'jack' }])
some({ name: 'jack' })([{ isLive: true, name: 'jack' }])
some({ name: 'john' })([{ isLive: true, name: 'jack' }])
some(user => user.isLive)([{ isLive: true, name: 'jack' }])
some(user => !user.isLive)([{ isLive: true, name: 'jack' }])
it('should work on objects', () => {
some(user => user.isLive)({
jack: { isLive: true, name: 'jack' }
jack: { isLive: true, name: 'jack' }
some({ name: 'jack' })({ jack: { isLive: true, name: 'jack' } });
it('should work on Maps', () => {
new Map(Object.entries(store.byName))
it('should work on Sets', () => {
new Set(store.users)
some({name: s => s.includes('z')})(
new Set(store.users)
some({name: s => s.includes('x')})(
new Set(store.users)
### <a href='cons'>cons</a>
export function cons<A>(a: A): (as: A[]) => A[]
Consumes an element `x` and an array `xs` and returns a new array with `x`
APPENDED to `xs` (not prepended, which is more typical with `cons` and lists. This
is to make it easier to use in pipelined scenarios)
<details><summary><em>TypeScript Usage</em></summary>
cons(1)([1, 2, 3]); // $ExpectType number[]
cons('a')(['a', 'b', 'c']); // $ExpectType string[]
cons(1)(2); // $ExpectError
cons(1)(['a', 'b', 'c']); // $ExpectError
cons('1')([1, 2, 3]); // $ExpectError
it('should concat lists', () => {
cons(1)([1, 2, 3]).should.deep.equal([1, 2, 3, 1]);
expect(() => cons(1)(2)).to.throw(
'Invalid attempt to spread non-iterable instance'
### <a href='first'>first</a>
export function first(s: string): string
export function first<A>(xs: A[]): A
Extracts the first element of a collection
<details><summary><em>TypeScript Usage</em></summary>
first([1, 3, 4]); // $ExpectType number
first(users); // $ExpectType User
first('hi'); // $ExpectType string
first(true); // $ExpectError
it('should extract the first element', () => {
first([1, 2, 3]).should.equal(1);
### <a href='rest'>rest</a>
export function rest<A>(xs: A[]): A[]
Extracts everything from the list except for the head
<details><summary><em>TypeScript Usage</em></summary>
rest([1, 3, 4]); // $ExpectType number[]
rest(users); // $ExpectType User[]
rest('hi'); // $ExpectError
rest(true); // $ExpectError
it('should extract the tail', () => {
rest([1, 2, 3]).should.deep.equal([2, 3]);
### <a href='push'>push</a>
export function push<A>(a: A): (as: A[]) => A[]
Alias for [`cons`](#cons)
### <a href='concat'>concat</a>
export function concat<A>(as: A[]): (bs: A[]) => A[]
Takes two arrays and concatenates the first on to the second.
<details><summary><em>TypeScript Usage</em></summary>
concat([1, 2, 3])([2, 3]); // $ExpectType number[]
// [2, 3, 1, 2, 3]
concat(['hi'])(['wo']); // $ExpectType string[]
// ['wo', 'hi']
concat(['hi'])([1, 2, 3]); // $ExpectError
it('should concatenate lists in reverse order', () => {
concat([1, 2, 3])([2, 3]).should.deep.equal([2, 3, 1, 2, 3]);
### <a href='append'>append</a>
export function append<A>(as: A[]): (bs: A[]) => A[]
Alias for [`concat`](#concat)
### <a href='prepend'>prepend</a>
export function prepend<A>(as: A[]): (bs: A[]) => A[]
Takes two arrays and concatenates the second on to the first.
<details><summary><em>TypeScript Usage</em></summary>
prepend([1, 2, 3])([2, 3]); // $ExpectType number[]
// [1, 2, 3, 2, 3]
prepend(['hi'])(['wo']); // $ExpectType string[]
// ['hi', 'wo']
prepend(['hi'])([1, 2, 3]); // $ExpectError
it('should concatenate lists in lexical order', () => {
prepend([1, 2, 3])([2, 3]).should.deep.equal([1, 2, 3, 2, 3]);
## <a href=reducer-generators>Reducer generators</a>
Reducer generators are functions that take [`into patterns`](#into) and produce specialized
reducer functions (`(A, S) => A`):
// A => S => S
function (value) {
return function (state) {
return set('visible')(value)(state)
> jack.posts.reduce(maxOf('likes'))
title: 'Sea Turtles - The Tortoise and the Hair',
likes: 70
Rewritten using arrow syntax:
// A => S => S
value => state => set('visible')(value)(state)
Lets focus on the inner `state => set('visible')(value)(state)`. Remember (or prove to yourself) that `x => f(x)` is the same as `f`. Thus
// S => S
state => set('visible')(value)(state)
is the same as
// S => S
### <a href='maxOf'>maxOf</a>
export function maxOf<Key extends string>(k: Key): <Item extends HasKey<Key, number>>(acc: Item, current: Item) => Item
export function maxOf<A>(f: (a: A) => number): (acc: A, current: A) => A
They are both functions from `S => S`, one is just explicit, and the other is not.
Substituting that in, we get
A reducer generator that takes either a path or a getter function and producers
a reducer that will find the element in the collection that has the max of that
// A => S => S
value => set('visible')(value)
> [{a: 1}, {a: 3}, {a: 2}].reduce(maxOf('a'))
{ a: 3 }
> store.users.reduce(maxOf(user =>
{ name: 'Elizabeth Swan', ...}
Now, look at that last line, and the argument above, and you should be able to see that the last line is equivalent to:
// A => S => S
<details><summary><em>TypeScript Usage</em></summary>
users[0].posts.reduce(maxOf('likes')) // $ExpectType Post
users[0].posts.reduce(maxOf('title')) // $ExpectError
users[0].posts.reduce(maxOf('farts')) // $ExpectError
users.reduce(maxOf(user => // $ExpectType User
users.reduce(maxOf(user => // $ExpectError
That's it. That's our entire, dynamic reducer.
_If you like this idea, please let me know in the [issues]( I have another library for intergrating shades with Redux and reducing boilerplate, and I'd love to get feedback_
#### <a name="recipe-when"></a>When should I reach for this library?
Think of this library as lodash for functions. It provides many utility functions and patterns for [pointfree programming]( and immutable updates. It is in no way supposed to be a replacement for [lodash]( or [lodash/fp]( In fact, it is intended to be used WITH those libraries (lodash/fp in particular).
it('should find largest elements', () => {
store.users.reduce(maxOf(user =>
As such, this library tends to be the most useful in data pipeline code - long transformation chains in lodash, [Rx.js](, complex updates in [Redux](, etc.
Most of the time when you are transforming data, `shades` will be able to make your code a little more declarative ;)
## API
#### lens
A lens is a path into an object. It can include object accesses and array indicies.
### <a href='minOf'>minOf</a>
export function minOf<Key extends string>(k: Key): <Item extends HasKey<Key, number>>(acc: Item, current: Item) => Item
export function minOf<Item>(f: (a: Item) => number): (acc: Item, current: Item) => Item
The focus of the lens is the final value referenced in the path.
The opposite of [`maxOf`](#maxOf).
Combining lenses with ES6 template strings can be a concise way to use environment variables to create a dynamic path.
_For more powerful, dynamic, or mutlifoci lenses, check out [traversals](#traversals)._
### <a href='findOf'>findOf</a>
export function findOf<Key extends string>(k: Key): <Item extends HasKey<Key>>(acc: Item, item: Item) => Item
export function findOf<Item>(f: (a: Item) => any): (acc: Item, current: Item) => Item
export function findOf<Pattern>(p: Pattern): <Item extends HasPattern<Pattern>>(acc: Item, item: Item) => Item
Takes an [into pattern](#into) and produces a reducer that returns either the accumulated item
or the current item if it passes the given test.
> ".a.b[3].d" // focus is the d field
> store.users.reduce(findOf('goldMember'))
> const idx = 10
> `.a.b[${idx}]` // focus is the 11th element of b
> store.users.reduce(findOf({goldMember: false}))
#### <a name='get'></a>get :: (...Lens) => obj => focus
`get` consumes a lens and produces a function that takes in an object `obj` and outputs the focus of its lens.
``` js
> get('.a.b.c')({a: {b: {c: 7}}})
<details><summary><em>TypeScript Usage</em></summary>
users.reduce(findOf('name')) // $ExpectType User
users.reduce(findOf({name: 'butt'})) // $ExpectType User
users.reduce(findOf({butt: 'name'})) // $ExpectError
users.reduce(findOf(user => // $ExpectType User
users.reduce(findOf(user => user.butt)) // $ExpectError => user.butt)) // $ExpectError
#### <a name='set'></a>set :: (...Lens) => a => obj => obj
`set` consumes a lens and produces a function that takes in a constant value `const`, and produces a function consuming an object `obj` and outputs a clone of `obj` with the focus of the lens replaced with `const`
> set('.a.b.c')(10)({a: {b: {c: 7}}})
{a: {b: {c: 10}}}
it('finds elements given a pattern', () => {
#### <a name='mod'></a>mod :: (...Lens) => (a => a) => obj => obj
`mod` consumes a lens and produces a function that takes in a modifiying function `m` for the focus of the lens, and produces a function consuming an object `obj`, then outputs a clone of `obj` with the focus of the lens replaced with `m`'s output.
### <a href='sumOf'>sumOf</a>
export function sumOf<Key extends string>(k: Key): (acc: number, current: HasKey<Key, number>) => number
export function sumOf<A>(f: (a: A) => number): (acc: number, current: A) => number
A reducer generator that takes either a path or a getter function and producers
a reducer that will sum all of the values produced by the getter
> const inc = n => n + 1
> mod('.a.b.c')(inc)({a: {b: {c: 7}}})
{a: {b: {c: 8}}}
> [{a: 1}, {a: 3}, {a: 2}].reduce(sumOf('a'), 0)
> liz.posts.reduce(sumOf('likes'))
### <a name='traversals'></a>Traversals
Traversals are lenses that have multiple focus points. These can be multiple elements in an array or multiple keys in an object. They can all still be used with the lens functions described above.
<details><summary><em>TypeScript Usage</em></summary>
#### <a name="matching"></a>matching :: (a => Boolean) => Lens
`matching` consumes a predicate and produces a lens which will act over every element which returns `true` for the predicate.
users[0].posts.reduce(sumOf('likes'), 0) // $ExpectType number
users[0].posts.reduce(sumOf('title'), 0) // $ExpectError
users[0].posts.reduce(sumOf('farts'), 0) // $ExpectError
users.reduce(sumOf(user =>, 0) // $ExpectType number
users.reduce(sumOf(user =>, 0) // $ExpectError
it('should sum all elements specified by pattern', () => {
store.users.reduce(sumOf(user =>
### <a href='productOf'>productOf</a>
export function productOf<Key extends string>(k: Key): (acc: number, current: HasKey<Key, number>) => number
export function productOf<A>(f: (a: A) => number): (acc: number, current: A) => number
A reducer generator that takes either a path or a getter function and producers
a reducer that will multiply all of the values produced by the getter
> const even = n => n % 2 == 0
> get(matching(even))([1, 2, 3, 4])
[2, 4]
> get(matching(even))({a: 1, b: 2, c: 3, d: 4})
{b: 2, d: 4}
> [{a: 1}, {a: 30}, {a: 2}].reduce(productOf('a'), 1)
> const mul10 = n => n * 10
> mod(matching(even))(mul10)([1, 2, 3, 4])
[1, 20, 3, 40]
> mod(matching(even))(mul10)([{a: 1, b: 2, c: 3, d: 4})
{a: 1, b: 20, c: 3, d: 40}
> liz.posts.reduce(productOf('likes'))
#### unless :: (a => Boolean) => Lens
`unless` is the opposite of `matching`. It consumes a predicate and produces a lens which will act over every element which returns `false` for the predicate.
<details><summary><em>TypeScript Usage</em></summary>
users[0].posts.reduce(productOf('likes'), 1) // $ExpectType number
users[0].posts.reduce(productOf('title'), 1) // $ExpectError
users[0].posts.reduce(productOf('farts'), 1) // $ExpectError
users.reduce(productOf(user =>, 1) // $ExpectType number
users.reduce(productOf(user =>, 1) // $ExpectError
it('should multiply all elements specified by pattern', () => {
store.users.reduce(productOf(user =>
### <a href='identity'>identity</a>
export function identity<A>(a: A): A
Identity function. Not much to say about this one. You give it something,
it gives it back. Nice easy no-op for higher order functions.
<details><summary><em>TypeScript Usage</em></summary>
identity(10) // $ExpectType 10
identity("butts") // $ExpectType "butts"
it('just gives stuff back', () => {
### <a href='flip'>flip</a>
export function flip<A, B, Out>(f: (a: A) => (b: B) => Out): (b: B) => (a: A) => Out
Takes a 2-curried function and flips the order of the arguments
> const even = n => n % 2 == 0
> get(all))([1, 2, 3, 4])
[1, 3]
> const lessThanEq = flip(greaterThanEq)
> const mul10 = n => n * 10
> mod(unless(even))(mul10)([1, 2, 3, 4])
[10, 2, 30, 40]
<details><summary><em>TypeScript Usage</em></summary>
// Cards on the table this one does not type check with polymorphic
// functions very well. Rank-N type inference is hard to you might
// have to help it along
declare function numAndBool(a: number): (b: boolean) => boolean
flip(numAndBool) // $ExpectType (b: boolean) => (a: number) => boolean
flip<"hi", 7, "hi">(always)(7)("hi") // $ExpectType "hi"
flip<"hi", 7, 7>(always)(7)("hi") // $ExpectError
#### all :: Lens
`all` is the identity traversal. It acts over every element.
it('flips argument order', () => {
### <a href='always'>always</a>
export function always<A>(a: A): (b: any) => A
A constant function. This is particularly useful when you want
to just produce a value, but are working with higher order functions
that expect to call a function for a result.
<details><summary><em>TypeScript Usage</em></summary>
always(10)(map) // $ExpectType number
always('10')(map) // $ExpectType string
always(10) // $ExpectType (b: any) => number
it('should be constant', () => {
const fifteen = always(15)
### <a href='not'>not</a>
export function not<Key extends string>(k: Key): (obj: HasKey<Key>) => boolean
export function not<A>(a: Fn1<A, any>): Fn1<A, boolean>;
export function not<A, B>(a: Fn2<A, B, any>): Fn2<A, B, boolean>;
export function not<A, B, C>(a: Fn3<A, B, C, any>): Fn3<A, B, C, boolean>;
export function not<A, B, C, D>(a: Fn4<A, B, C, D, any>): Fn4<A, B, C, D, boolean>;
export function not<A, B, C, D, E>(a: Fn5<A, B, C, D, E, any>): Fn5<A, B, C, D, E, boolean>;
export function not<Pattern>(p: Pattern): (obj: HasPattern<Pattern>) => boolean
A function level equivalent of the `!` operator. It consumes a function or [into pattern](#into), and returns a
function that takes the same arguments, and returns the negation of the output
> const mul10 = n => n * 10
> mod(all)(mul10)([1, 2, 3, 4])
[10, 20, 30, 40]
> const isOdd = not(isEven);
> isOdd(3)
> not('goldMember')(jack)
> mod(all)(mul10)({a: 1, b: 2, c: 3, d: 4})
{a: 10, b: 20, c: 30, d: 40}
> not({name: "Jack Sparrow"})(liz)
> const even = n => n % 2 == 0
> get('a', all, 'b.c')({a: [{b: {c: 1}}, {b: {c: 2}}, {b: {c: 3}}]})
[1, 2, 3]
> mod('a', all, 'b.c')(mul10)({a: [{b: {c: 1}}, {b: {c: 2}}, {b: {c: 3}}]})
[10, 20, 30]
<details><summary><em>TypeScript Usage</em></summary>
declare function notFn1(a: number): string
declare function notFn4(a: number, b: string, c: boolean, d: number): string
not(notFn1) // $ExpectType Fn1<number, boolean>
not(notFn4) // $ExpectType Fn4<number, string, boolean, number, boolean>
not("name")(users[0]) // $ExpectType boolean
not("butt")(users[0]) // $ExpectError
### Utils
#### <a name="has"></a> has :: any => any => boolean
`has` is a predicate factory function. It takes a pattern of keys and values and produces a function that takes value and returns `true` if the given value at least has equivalent keys and values the given pattern
it('should negate functions of various arities', () => {
const isEven = n => n % 2 == 0
const plus = (a, b) => a + b
not(plus)(2, 3)
not(plus)(2, -2)
it('should handle shorthand', () => {
not({name: 'Jack Sparrow'})(jack)
### <a href='and'>and</a>
export function and<A, Out>(a?: Fn1<A, Out>, b?: Fn1<A, Out>, c?: Fn1<A, Out>, d?: Fn1<A, Out>, e?: Fn1<A, Out>, f?: Fn1<A, Out>): Fn1<A, Out>
export function and<A, B, Out>(a?: Fn2<A, B, Out>, b?: Fn2<A, B, Out>, c?: Fn2<A, B, Out>, d?: Fn2<A, B, Out>, e?: Fn2<A, B, Out>, f?: Fn2<A, B, Out>): Fn2<A, B, Out>
export function and<A, B, C, Out>(a?: Fn3<A, B, C, Out>, b?: Fn3<A, B, C, Out>, c?: Fn3<A, B, C, Out>, d?: Fn3<A, B, C, Out>, e?: Fn3<A, B, C, Out>, f?: Fn3<A, B, C, Out>): Fn3<A, B, C, Out>
export function and<A, B, C, D, Out>(a?: Fn4<A, B, C, D, Out>, b?: Fn4<A, B, C, D, Out>, c?: Fn4<A, B, C, D, Out>, d?: Fn4<A, B, C, D, Out>, e?: Fn4<A, B, C, D, Out>, f?: Fn4<A, B, C, D, Out>): Fn4<A, B, C, D, Out>
export function and<A, B, C, D, E, Out>(a?: Fn5<A, B, C, D, E, Out>, b?: Fn5<A, B, C, D, E, Out>, c?: Fn5<A, B, C, D, E, Out>, d?: Fn5<A, B, C, D, E, Out>, e?: Fn5<A, B, C, D, E, Out>, f?: Fn5<A, B, C, D, E, Out>): Fn5<A, B, C, D, E, Out>
A function level equivalent of the `&&` operator. It consumes an arbitrary number of
functions that take the same argument types and produce booleans, and returns a
single function that takes the same arguments, and returns a truthy value if all of
the functions are truthy (Return value mimics the behavior of `&&`)
> has({a: {b: 3}})({a: {b: 3, c: 4}, d: 5})
> and(isEven, greaterThan(3))(6)
> [42, 2, 63].filter(and(isEven, greaterThan(3)))
`has` composes well `filter` and `matching` pipelines
> [{type: 'oper': expr: '+'}, {type: 'lambda', expr: 'a => a + 1'}].filter(has({type: 'oper'}))
[{type: 'oper': expr: '+'}]
> const id = 5
> const users = [{id: 1, name: 'Elizabeth', likes: 1000000000}, {id: 3, name: 'Bootstrap Bill', likes: 12}, {id: 5, name: 'Jack', likes: 41}]
> mod(matching(has({id})), '.likes')(inc)(users)
[{id: 1, name: 'Elizabeth', likes: 1000000000}, {id: 3, name: 'Bootstrap Bill', likes: 12}, {id: 5, name: 'Jack', likes: 42}]
<details><summary><em>TypeScript Usage</em></summary>
declare function andFn1(a: number): number
declare function andFn2(a: number, b: string): number
declare function andFn3(a: number, b: string, c: boolean): number
declare function andFn3Bad(a: number, b: string, c: boolean): boolean
and(andFn3, andFn3, andFn3) // $ExpectType Fn3<number, string, boolean, number>
and(andFn1, andFn2, andFn3) // $ExpectType Fn3<number, string, boolean, number>
and(andFn1, andFn2, identity) // $ExpectType Fn2<number, string, number>
and(andFn1) // $ExpectType Fn1<number, number>
and(andFn1, andFn2, andFn3Bad) // $ExpectError
The keys in the pattern may also be predicate functions. In this case, values from the input object will be passed to the predicates.
const isEven = n => n % 2 == 0;
const isPositive = n => n > 0;
const plus = (a, b) => a + b
const lt = (a, b) => a < b
const gt = (a, b) => a > b
it('handles multiple functions', () => {
and(isEven, isPositive)(4);
and(isEven, isPositive)(3);
and(isEven, isPositive)(-1)
it('handles functions with different arities', () => {
and(lt, isEven)(4, 9);
and(lt, isEven)(4, 9);
and(lt, isEven)(3, 9);
it('returns the final value or short circuits', () => {
and(isEven, plus)(4, 9).should.equal(13);
and(gt, isEven, plus)(3, 9);
and(lt, sub(3), isEven)(3, 9).should.equal(0);
it('execution stops after a false', () => {
const boomMsg = 'boom'
const boom = () => {throw new Error(boomMsg)}
and(always(false), boom)(false)
expect(() => and(always(true), boom)(false)).throws(boomMsg)
### <a href='or'>or</a>
export function or<A, Out>(a?: Fn1<A, Out>, b?: Fn1<A, Out>, c?: Fn1<A, Out>, d?: Fn1<A, Out>, e?: Fn1<A, Out>, f?: Fn1<A, Out>): Fn1<A, Out>
export function or<A, B, Out>(a?: Fn2<A, B, Out>, b?: Fn2<A, B, Out>, c?: Fn2<A, B, Out>, d?: Fn2<A, B, Out>, e?: Fn2<A, B, Out>, f?: Fn2<A, B, Out>): Fn2<A, B, Out>
export function or<A, B, C, Out>(a?: Fn3<A, B, C, Out>, b?: Fn3<A, B, C, Out>, c?: Fn3<A, B, C, Out>, d?: Fn3<A, B, C, Out>, e?: Fn3<A, B, C, Out>, f?: Fn3<A, B, C, Out>): Fn3<A, B, C, Out>
export function or<A, B, C, D, Out>(a?: Fn4<A, B, C, D, Out>, b?: Fn4<A, B, C, D, Out>, c?: Fn4<A, B, C, D, Out>, d?: Fn4<A, B, C, D, Out>, e?: Fn4<A, B, C, D, Out>, f?: Fn4<A, B, C, D, Out>): Fn4<A, B, C, D, Out>
export function or<A, B, C, D, E, Out>(a?: Fn5<A, B, C, D, E, Out>, b?: Fn5<A, B, C, D, E, Out>, c?: Fn5<A, B, C, D, E, Out>, d?: Fn5<A, B, C, D, E, Out>, e?: Fn5<A, B, C, D, E, Out>, f?: Fn5<A, B, C, D, E, Out>): Fn5<A, B, C, D, E, Out>
A function level equivalent of the `||` operator. It consumes an arbitrary number
of functions that take the same argument types and produce truthy values, and returns
a single function that takes the same arguments, and returns a truthy value if any of
the functions produce truthy values (Return value mimics the behavior of `||`)
>{name: _.isString, likes: n => n > 1000}))
[true, false, false]
> or(isEven, greaterThan(3))(5)
> or(isEven, greaterThan(3))(1)
#### map :: (a => b) => List a => List b | (a, ?c => b) => Object c a => Object c b
A more generic, curried `map`. If applied to a list, it behaves like `Array::map`. Applied to an object, it transforms the values (although the key will be supplied as a second argument)
<details><summary><em>TypeScript Usage</em></summary>
declare function orFn1(a: number): number
declare function orFn2(a: number, b: string): number
declare function orFn3(a: number, b: string, c: boolean): number
declare function orFn3Bad(a: number, b: string, c: boolean): boolean
or(orFn3, orFn3, orFn3) // $ExpectType Fn3<number, string, boolean, number>
or(orFn1, orFn2, orFn3) // $ExpectType Fn3<number, string, boolean, number>
or(orFn1, orFn2, identity) // $ExpectType Fn2<number, string, number>
or(orFn1) // $ExpectType Fn1<number, number>
or(orFn1, orFn2, orFn3Bad) // $ExpectError
const isEven = n => n % 2 == 0;
const isPositive = n => n > 0;
const plus = (a, b) => a + b
const lt = (a, b) => a < b
const gt = (a, b) => a > b
it('handles multiple functions', () => {
or(isEven, isPositive)(4);
or(isEven, isPositive)(3);
or(isEven, isPositive)(-1)
it('handles functions with different arities', () => {
or(lt, isEven)(4, 9);
or(lt, isEven)(4, 9);
or(lt, isEven)(3, 9);
or(lt, isEven)(3, 1);
it('returns the final value or short circuits', () => {
or(isEven, plus)(3, 9).should.equal(12);
or(gt, isEven, plus)(3, 9).should.equal(12)
or(lt, sub(3), isEven)(3, 9)
it('execution stops after a true', () => {
const boomMsg = 'boom'
const boom = () => {throw new Error(boomMsg)}
or(always(true), boom)(false)
expect(() => or(always(false), boom)(false)).throws(boomMsg)
### <a href='has'>has</a>
export function has<Pattern>(p: Pattern): (obj: HasPattern<Pattern>) => boolean
`has` takes a pattern and transforms it into a predicate function. In the simplest form, it takes a pattern of keys
and values and produces a function that takes a test value and returns `true` if the given test value has at least
the equivalent keys and values of the pattern. Using the [store](#store) example from above:
> map(inc)([1, 2, 3, 4])
[2, 3, 4, 5]
// Tests if an object passed to it has the key goldMember mapped to true
> const isGoldMember = has({goldMember: true})
> isGoldMember(jack)
> map((value, key) => `${value} was at {key}`)({a: 1, b: 2})
{a: '1 was at a', b: '2 was at b'}
// test multiple values
> has({goldMember: true, name: "Elizabeth Swan"})(liz)
#### filter :: (a => Boolean) => List a => List a | (a, ?c => Boolean) => Object c a => Object c a
A more generic, curried `filter`. If applied to a list, it behaves like `Array::filter`. Applied to an object, it filters based on the values (although the key will be supplied as a second argument)
Nested values work just as you'd expect:
> has({jack: {goldMember: false}})(store.byName)
Where it REALLY gets interesting is when the _values_ in your pattern are predicate functions.
In this case, the value at that key in the test object is passed to the function, and validation
only continues if that function returns `true`
> filter(isEven)([1, 2, 3, 4])
[2, 4]
// Tests if the object passed to it has a title attribute that is less than 50 letters long
> const hasShortTitle = has({title: title => title.length < 50})
> hasShortTitle(jack.posts[0])
This pattern is especially useful with [lenses and traversals](#guide)
> filter((value, key) => isEven(key) && isOdd(value))({2: 1, 3: 1})
{2: 1
<details><summary><em>TypeScript Usage</em></summary>
has({a: 1}) // $ExpectType (obj: HasPattern<{ a: number; }>) => boolean
has({a: false}) // $ExpectType (obj: HasPattern<{ a: boolean; }>) => boolean
has({a: 1})({a: 10}) // $ExpectType boolean
has({a: 1})({a: false}) // $ExpectError
has({a: (n: number) => n > 10})({a: 5}) // $ExpectType boolean
has({a: (n: number) => n > 10})({a: false}) // $ExpectError
#### <a name="updateAll"></a>updateAll :: ...Transformers s => s => s
Consumes a variadic number of transformers (i.e. `Lens`es that have already been applied to a path and a transforming function) and applies each of them in order to a state object, producing a transformed object
it('should handle multiple patterns and nested keys', () => {
has({ a: { b: 2 }, c: 3 })({ a: { b: 2, f: 5 }, c: 3, d: 4 })
it('should return false if not true', () => {
has({ a: { b: 2 }, c: 3 })({ a: { b: 6, f: 5 }, d: 4 })
it('should handle null values', () => {
has({ a: null })({ a: null })
it('should handle scalars', () => {
it('should handle lists', () => {
has([1, 2])([1, 2]);
has({ a: [1, 2] })({ a: [1, 2], b: 3 });
it('should handle predicate functions', () => {
has({ a: _.isString })({ a: 'hello' });
has({ a: _.isString })({ a: 5 });
has({ a: n => n % 2 == 1, b: { c: _.isString } })({
a: 5,
b: { c: 'hello' }
has({ a: n => n % 2 == 0, b: { c: _.isString } })({
a: 5,
b: { c: 'hello' }
it('should handle unbalanced patterns and objects', () => {
has({ a: { b: { c: 12 } } })(null);
has({ a: { b: { c: 12 } } })({ a: { b: null } });
it('should handle binding', () => {
const base = {
IDTag() {
return this.tag;
const extended = {
tag: 'hi'
has({ IDTag: returns('hi') })(extended);
### <a href='greaterThan'>greaterThan</a>
export function greaterThan(a: number): (b: number) => boolean
export function greaterThan(a: string): (b: string) => boolean
Curried function to compare greater than for two values. NOTE: All logical functions
in shades are reversed; i.e. `greaterThan(a)(b) === b > a`. This might seem confusing,
but think of it as predicate factories, that take a value `n` and produce a function
that tests 'Is this value greater than `n`?'
<details><summary><em>TypeScript Usage</em></summary>
greaterThan(2) // $ExpectType (b: number) => boolean
greaterThan('a') // $ExpectType (b: string) => boolean
greaterThan('a')('b') // $ExpectType boolean
greaterThan('a')(1) // $ExpectError
greaterThan({a: 1}) // $ExpectError
it('should compare greaterThan', () => {
it('should compare strings value', () => {
### <a href='lessThan'>lessThan</a>
export function lessThan(a: number): (b: number) => boolean
export function lessThan(a: string): (b: string) => boolean
Curried function to compare less than for two values. NOTE: All logical functions
in shades are reversed; i.e. `lessThan(a)(b) === b > a`. This might seem confusing,
but think of it as predicate factories, that take a value `n` and produce a function
that tests 'Is this value less than `n`?'
<details><summary><em>TypeScript Usage</em></summary>
lessThan(2) // $ExpectType (b: number) => boolean
lessThan('a') // $ExpectType (b: string) => boolean
lessThan('a')('b') // $ExpectType boolean
lessThan('a')(1) // $ExpectError
lessThan({a: 1}) // $ExpectError
it('should compare lessThan', () => {
it('should compare strings value', () => {
### <a href='greaterThanEq'>greaterThanEq</a>
Same as [`greaterThan`](#greaterThan) but `>=` instead of `>`
### <a href='lessThanEq'>lessThanEq</a>
Same as [`greaterThan`](#greaterThan) but `>=` instead of `>`
### <a href='toggle'>toggle</a>
export function toggle(b: boolean): boolean
The `!` operator as a function. Takes a boolean and flips the value. Very useful as an updater function:
> const state = {
modal: {
isOpen: true,
idx: 5,
> mod('byName', jack, 'goldMember')(toggle)(store)
byName: {
jack: {
goldMember: true,
> updateAll(
modal: {
isOpen: false,
idx: 0,
<details><summary><em>TypeScript Usage</em></summary>
toggle(false) // $ExpectType boolean
toggle('a') // $ExpectError
it('should toggle values', () => {
### <a href='returns'>returns</a>
export function returns<A>(a: A): (f: () => A) => boolean
A curried function that takes a value `a` of type `A` and a function of no arguments that
returns a value of type `A`. These two values are then compared for equality.
This is very useful with [`has`](#has) or [`into`](#into) when your test value has
getter functions, and you want to see if those getters produce a certain value:
> const a = {
ID() {
return '10'
> has({a: returns(10)})(a)
#### toggle :: bool => bool
Negates a boolean
> toggle(true)
<details><summary><em>TypeScript Usage</em></summary>
returns(10)(() => 10) // $ExpectType boolean
returns(10)(() => 'hi') // $ExpectError
declare const getID: {
ID(): string
has({ID: returns('blah')})(getID) // $ExpectType boolean
has({ID: returns(10)})(getID) // $ExpectError
#### inc :: Num => Num
Increments a number
> inc(5)
it('works', () => {
returns(10)(() => 10);
returns(7)(() => 10);
#### <a name="cons"></a>cons :: a => Array a => Array a
Consumes an element `x` and an array `xs` and returns a new array with `x` APPENDED to `xs` (not prepended, which is more typical with `cons` and lists. This is to make it easier to use in pipelined scenarios)
> cons(5)([1, 2, 3, 4])
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
### <a href='add'>add</a>
export function add(a: number): (b: number) => number
#### push :: a => Array a => Array a
Alias for [`cons`](#cons)
Curried `+` operator
#### <a name='concat'></a>concat :: Array a => Array a => Array a
Takes two arrays and concatenates the first on to the second.
> concat([1, 2, 3])([4, 5, 6])
[4, 5, 6, 1, 2, 3]
> add(5)(2)
> [1, 2, 3].map(add(5))
[6, 7, 8]
#### append :: Array a => Array a => Array a
Alias for [`concat`](#concat)
#### prepend :: Array a => Array a => Array a
Takes two arrays and concatenates the second on to the first.
> prepend([1, 2, 3])([4, 5, 6])
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
<details><summary><em>TypeScript Usage</em></summary>
add(1)(3) // $ExpectType number
add(1)('s') // $ExpectError
#### and :: (...(...args) => boolean) => (...args) => boolean
A function level equivalent of the `&&` operator. It consumes an arbitrary number of functions that take the same argument types and produce booleans, and returns a single function that takes the same arguments, and returns `true ` if all of the functions return `true`
it('works', () => {
[1, 2, 3].map(add(5)).should.deep.equal([6, 7, 8]);
### <a href='sub'>sub</a>
export function sub(a: number): (b: number) => number
Curried `-` operator. _NOTE_: Like the [logical](#logical) functions, `sub` is
reversed; i.e. `sub(a)(b) === b - a`, so `sub(3)` means "Take a number and subtract
3 from it"
> and(isEven, greaterThan(3))(6)
> [42, 2, 63].filter(and(isEven, greaterThan(3)))
> sub(5)(2)
> [1, 2, 3].map(sub(5))
[-4, -3, -2]
#### or :: (...(...args) => boolean) => (...args) => boolean
A function level equivalent of the `||` operator. It consumes an arbitrary number of functions that take the same argument types and produce booleans, and returns a single function that takes the same arguments, and returns `true ` if any of the functions return `true`
<details><summary><em>TypeScript Usage</em></summary>
sub(1)(3) // $ExpectType number
sub(1)('s') // $ExpectError
it('works', () => {
[1, 2, 3].map(sub(5)).should.deep.equal([-4, -3, -2]);
### <a href='includes'>includes</a>
export function includes(snippet: string): (text: string) => boolean
Reversed version of `String::includes`. Takes a snippet, and produces a function that will take a string,
and produce a boolean if that string contains the snippet. Very useful when working with [`into`](#into)
<details><summary><em>TypeScript Usage</em></summary>
includes('hello')('hello') // $ExpectType boolean
includes('hello')(false) // $ExpectError
it('checks for inclusion', () => {
## <a href=lens-consumers>Lens Consumers</a>
### <a href='all'>all</a>
export function all<A>(): Traversal<A>; // tslint:disable-line
`all` is the simplest traversal; it simply signifies that this traversal wi
in a collection. It is the lens equivalent of the `map` function.
> or(isEven, greaterThan(3))(5)
> or(isEven, greaterThan(3))(1)
> get('users', all(), 'name')(store)
['Jack Sparrow', 'Elizabeth Swan', 'Bootstrap Bill']
#### not :: ((...args) => boolean) => (...args) => boolean
A function level equivalent of the `!` operator. It consumes a function that produces a boolean, and returns a function that takes the same arguments, and returns the negation of the output
As you can see above, the `'name'` lens didn't apply directly to the array of users, and try to extract
a `name` property from the array, but instead mapped it over the array.
If you're _not_ using typescript, you'll find that you can just use the `all` function itself as
the traversal, and there's no need to call it:
const isOdd = not(isEven)
> set('users', all, 'name')('butt')(store)
{ users: [...] } // All users will have the name butt
#### always :: a => b => a
Produces the given value forever
<details><summary><em>TypeScript Usage</em></summary>
get('friends', all<User>(), 'name')(user) // $ExpectType string[]
it('should act as identity with get', () => {
get(all)([1, 2, 3, 4]).should.deep.equal([1, 2, 3, 4]);
get(all)({ a: 1, b: 2, c: 3, d: 4 }).should.deep.equal({ a: 1, b: 2, c: 3, d: 4 });
it('should allow multifoci gets', () => {
get('a', all, 'b')({ a: [{ b: 1 }, { b: 2 }] }).should.deep.equal([ 1, 2 ]);
it('should allow deep multifoci gets', () => {
const store = {
users: [
blog: {
posts: [
title: 'Hi'
get('users', all, 'blog', 'posts', all, 'title')(store).should.deep.equal(
it('should allow deep multifoci mods', () => {
const store = {
users: [
blog: {
posts: [
title: 'Hi'
mod('users', all, 'blog', 'posts', all, 'title')(s => s.toLowerCase())(
it('should act as map with mod', () => {
assert.deepStrictEqual([2, 3, 4, 5], mod(all)(inc)([1, 2, 3, 4]));
{ a: 2, b: 3, c: 4, d: 5 },
mod(all)(inc)({ a: 1, b: 2, c: 3, d: 4 })
it('should compose in the middle of a lens and act as map', () => {
[{ n: 1, c: 5 }, { n: 2, c: 7 }],
mod(all, 'c')(inc)([{ n: 1, c: 4 }, { n: 2, c: 6 }])
it('should compose in the middle of multiple lenses', () => {
mod(all, 'c', all)(inc)([
{ n: 1, c: { d: 1, e: 7 } },
{ n: 2, c: { d: 1, e: 7 } }
[{ n: 1, c: { d: 2, e: 8 } }, { n: 2, c: { d: 2, e: 8 } }]
it('should work in function form as well', () => {
### <a href='matching'>matching</a>
export function matching<Key extends string>(k: Key): Traversal<HasKey<Key>>
export function matching<A>(f: (a: A) => any): Traversal<A>
export function matching<Pattern>(p: Pattern): Traversal<HasPattern<Pattern>>
`matching` is the `filter` of traversals. It takes an predicate function (or [`into` pattern](#into)) and produces
a lens that will apply to every item in the collection that passes the criterion.
For instance, to `get` every user name that is a gold member in our [`store`](#store) example, we could write
> [1, 2, 3].map(always(5))
[5, 5, 5]
> get('users', matching('goldMember'), 'name')(store)
['Elizabeth Swan']
#### flip :: (a => b => c) => (b => a => c)
Takes a 2-curried function and flips the order of the arguments
They can be stacked together and used to modify, e.g. to find all the gold members and like only
their posts with more than 10 likes (sounds complicated), all we have to write is:
> const lessThanEq = flip(greaterThanEq)
> mod('users', matching('goldMember'), 'posts', matching({likes: greaterThan(10)}))(inc)(store)
{ users: [...] } // Trust me, it's updated
<details><summary><em>TypeScript Usage</em></summary>
get(matching('goldMember'))(users) // $ExpectType User[]
get(matching('goldMember'), 'name')(users) // $ExpectType string[]
const isEven = n => n % 2 == 0;
it('should be able to get matching elements', () => {
get(matching(isEven))([1, 2, 3, 4]).should.deep.equal([2, 4]);
get(matching(isEven))({ a: 1, b: 2, c: 3, d: 4 }).should.deep.equal({ b: 2, d: 4 });
it('should be able to set matching elements', () => {
mod(matching(isEven))(inc)([1, 2, 3, 4]).should.deep.equal([1, 3, 3, 5])
mod(matching(isEven))(inc)({ a: 1, b: 2, c: 3, d: 4 }).should.deep.equal({ a: 1, b: 3, c: 3, d: 5 })
it('should compose in the middle of a lens', () => {
mod(matching(({ n }) => n % 2 === 0), 'c')(inc)([
{ n: 1, c: 4 },
{ n: 2, c: 6 }
[{ n: 1, c: 4 }, { n: 2, c: 7 }]
it('should compose in the middle of a lens', () => {
matching(({ n }) => isEven(n)),
matching(({ d }) => d === 1),
{ n: 1, c: 4 },
{ n: 2, c: { a: { d: 1, e: 2 }, b: { d: 5, e: 12 } } }
{ n: 1, c: 4 },
{ n: 2, c: { a: { d: 1, e: 3 }, b: { d: 5, e: 12 } } }
it('should handle shorthands', () => {
get(matching({ n: isEven }), 'c', matching('d'), 'e')([
{ n: 1, c: 4 },
{ n: 2, c: { a: { d: true, e: 2 }, b: { d: false, e: 12 } } }
]).should.deep.equal([{ a: 2 }]);
get(matching({ n: isEven }), 'c', matching('d'), 'e')([
{ n: 1, c: 4 },
{ n: 2, c: { a: { d: true, e: 2 }, b: { d: true, e: 12 } } }
]).should.deep.equal([{ a: 2, b: 12 }]);
it('should set with shorthands', () => {
set(matching({ n: isEven }), 'c', matching('d'), 'e')(10)([
{ n: 1, c: 4 },
{ n: 2, c: { a: { d: true, e: 2 }, b: { d: false, e: 12 } } }
{ n: 1, c: 4 },
{ n: 2, c: { a: { d: true, e: 10 }, b: { d: false, e: 12 } } }

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