Skate UI
- Provide components that are commonly desired in web development, yet not so easy to implement.
- UI component 100% compatible with vanilla HTML.
- Style should be easily customizable via css without implementing additional custom attributes.
Known issues:
- skateui use getComputedStyle and mutationobserver internally.
when developing, depending on the os/browser, there can be some minor quirks when:
- trying to modify css styles directly from developers panel in web browsers.
- working on live reloads.
but when refreshed, the quirks will go away.
sui-nav: Navbar that hides when scrolling down, and shows when scrolling up.
- auto-hide: Number(Higher number means it will hide slower)
sui-flextext: Text that auto scales.
- min-size: number
- max-size: number
sui-tooltip: Tooltip that shows when hovering over an element.
sui-overlay: Fully customizable overlay that shows when clicked.
- position: "top" | "bottom" | "left" | "right" | "center"(default)
- open(): Opens the overlay.
- close(): Closes the overlay.
sui-textarea: Textarea that auto resizes.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script type='module' src=""></script>
<body style="margin:0;">
<sui-nav style='padding: .5em;background-color:blue;color:white'>
<h2>Skate Navbar</h2>
<sui-flextext>Hello my name is Baksa</sui-flextext>
<div slot="tool"
style="font-size: 1.2em; font-weight: bold; background-color: red;color:white;padding: .25em;cursor: pointer;">
Hover me to say HI</div>
<div slot="tip" style="background-color: black;color:white;padding:.5em;">
<button onclick=''>Click me</button>
<sui-overlay id="overlay" onclick="this.close()">
<div style="background-color:antiquewhite;border: solid 4px black;padding:1em;">
<h1>Hello Skate UI</h1>
<sui-textarea placeholder="Skate Textarea"></sui-textarea>