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JavaScript client library for the Square Connect v2 API

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Version 6.20201216.0 (2020-12-16T00:00)

Existing API updates

Orders API:

  • OrderLineItemPricingBlocklists. You can explicitly specify taxes and discounts in an order or automatically apply preconfigured taxes and discounts to an order. In addition, you can now block applying these taxes and discounts to a specific OrderLineItem in an order. You add the pricing_blocklists attribute to individual line items and specify the blocked_discounts and blocked_taxes that you do not want to apply. For more information, see Apply Taxes and Discounts. For example walkthroughs, see Automatically Apply Discounts and Automatically Apply Taxes.

  • OrderPricingOptions. Previously, the pricing_options field in an order supported only auto_apply_discounts to enable the automatic application of preconfigured discounts. Now it also supports auto_apply_taxes to enable the automatic application of preconfigured taxes. For more information, see Automatically apply preconfigured catalog taxes or discounts.

  • OrderLineItemTax. It now includes the new auto_applied field. It indicates whether the tax was automatically applied using a preconfigured CatalogTax.

  • Bookings API:

  • Catalog API:

  • Customers API:

  • Invoices API: (beta)

    • Invoice object. Added the custom_fields field, which contains up to two customer-facing, seller-defined fields to display on the invoice. For more information, see Custom fields.
      As part of this change, the following objects are added:
    • InvoiceRequestMethod enum. Added the read-only CHARGE_BANK_ON_FILE value, which represents a bank transfer automatic payment method for a recurring invoice.
  • Loyalty API: (beta)

New SDK release

Documentation updates



Square Connect Node.js SDK - DEPRECATED

Build Status npm version Apache-2 license

NOTICE: The Square Connect Node.js SDK is deprecated and replaced by square/square-nodejs-sdk

This Square Connect Node.js SDK is deprecated. This SDK entered security maintenance phase on 2020-12-16 and will be RETIRED (EOL) in Q2, 2021. In the security maintenance phase, this SDK will continue to receive support and security patches but will no longer receive bug fixes or API updates. Once it is retired, support and security patches will no longer be available.

This SDK itself will continue to work indefinitely until such time that the underlying APIs are retired, at which point portions of this SDK may stop functioning. For a full list of API retirement dates, please see our Square API Lifecycle documentation.

Security MaintenanceRetired (EOL)
December 16, 2020Q2, 2021

To ensure that you continue to receive API updates and SDK improvements, you should migrate to the new Square Node.js SDK. Please follow the instructions below to migrate to the new SDK.

The old Connect SDK documentation is available under the /docs folder.

Migrate to the Square Node.js SDK

Follow the instructions below to migrate your apps from this deprecated Connect Node.js SDK to the new Square Node.js SDK. You need to install the new SDK and update your application code.

Install the Square Node.js SDK

$ npm install square

Update your application code

Make the following changes to migrate your application code to the new Square SDK:

  1. Change all instances that import the square-connect library to import the square library.
  2. Update the instantiation and initialization of the API client to follow the method described below.
  3. Replace square-connect models with the new square equivalents with camel case parameter names.
  4. Update code for calling Square APIs and accessing response data to follow the method described below.

Note: The new SDK supports TypeScript. It exports type files that you can use to type-check the SDK usage in TypeScript codebases.

Client instantiation and initialization

Use the following examples to compare client instantiation and initialization in the deprecated SDK versus the new SDK.

Deprecated Connect SDK

This is how you import the square-connect library, and instantiate and initialize the API client.

var SquareConnect = require('square-connect');
var defaultClient = SquareConnect.ApiClient.instance;

// To access sandbox resources, set the basePath to the sandbox URL
//defaultClient.basePath = '';

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: oauth2
var oauth2 = defaultClient.authentications['oauth2'];
oauth2.accessToken = process.env.SQUARE_ACCESS_TOKEN;
New Square SDK

This is how you can do the same thing with the new square library. You can import using the ES module or CommonJS module syntax, but you should not mix the two import styles in the same codebase.

Option 1: ES module import example (recommended)

import {  ApiError, Client, Environment  } from 'square'

const client = new Client({
  environment: Environment.Production, // `Environment.Sandbox` to access sandbox resources
  accessToken: process.env.SQUARE_ACCESS_TOKEN,

Option 2: CommonJS module import example

const {  ApiError, Client, Environment  } = require('square')

const client = new Client({
  environment: Environment.Production, // `Environment.Sandbox` to access sandbox resources
  accessToken: process.env.SQUARE_ACCESS_TOKEN,

Example code migration

As a specific example, consider the code for creating a customer in the sandbox environment.

Deprecated Connect SDK

The following example uses the square-connect library to create a customer.

var SquareConnect = require('square-connect');

// Instantiate and initialize the API client
var defaultClient = SquareConnect.ApiClient.instance;
defaultClient.basePath = '';
var oauth2 = defaultClient.authentications['oauth2'];
oauth2.accessToken = process.env.SQUARE_ACCESS_TOKEN;

// Unique key to ensure this operation runs only once if you need to retry
var idempotencyKey = "unique_key";

var requestBody = SquareConnect.CreateCustomerRequest.constructFromObject({
  idempotency_key: idempotencyKey, // Parameters use snake case
  given_name: "Amelia",
  family_name: "Earhart",
  email_address: ""

// Get an instance of the Square API you want call
var customersApi = new SquareConnect.CustomersApi();

// Call the API
customersApi.createCustomer(requestBody).then(function(result) {
  console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + JSON.stringify(result, 0, 1));
}, function(error) {
New Square SDK

Now consider equivalent code that uses the new square library. Note the following:

  • Calls to a Square API must be wrapped in an asynchronous function.
  • Parameter names must be changed from snake case to camel case, for example from location_id to locationId.
  • Square API calls return an ApiResponse or throw an ApiError. Use a try/catch statement to check whether the response succeeded or failed. Both objects contain properties that describe the request (headers and request) and the response (statusCode, body, and result). The response payload is returned as text in the body property or as a dictionary in the result property.
import { ApiError, Client, Environment } from 'square'

// Instantiate and initialize the API client
const client = new Client({
  environment: Environment.Sandbox,
  accessToken: process.env.SQUARE_ACCESS_TOKEN,

// Get an instance of the Square API you want call
const { customersApi }  = client

// Unique key to ensure this operation runs only once if you need to retry
let idempotencyKey = "unique_key"

// Call the API from within an async function
const createCustomer = async () => {
  let requestBody = {
    idempotencyKey: idempotencyKey,  // Parameters use camel case
    givenName: "Amelia",  
    familyName: "Earhart",
    emailAddress: ""

  // Use a try/catch statement to check if the response succeeded or failed
  try {
    let { result } = await customersApi.createCustomer(requestBody)     
    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: 'result)
  } catch (error) {
    if (error instanceof ApiError) {
      console.log("Errors: ", error.errors)
    } else {
      console.log("Unexpected Error: ", error)

That's it!

For more information about using the new Square SDK, see the Square Node.js SDK on GitHub.

For more examples that use the new Square SDK, see the Square Connect API Examples on GitHub.

Ask the community

Please join us in our Square developer community if you have any questions or feedback!



Last updated on 16 Dec 2020

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