What is stylis-rule-sheet?
The stylis-rule-sheet npm package is a plugin for Stylis, a lightweight CSS preprocessor. It allows you to handle CSS rules in a more programmatic way, making it easier to manipulate and inject styles dynamically.
What are stylis-rule-sheet's main functionalities?
Injecting CSS Rules
This feature allows you to inject CSS rules dynamically. The `ruleSheet` function takes a callback that will be called with each CSS rule, allowing you to handle it as needed.
const stylis = require('stylis');
const ruleSheet = require('stylis-rule-sheet');
const insertRule = ruleSheet((rule) => {
console.log(rule); // This will log the CSS rule
stylis('.class', 'color: red;');
Handling Nested Rules
This feature allows you to handle nested CSS rules. The `ruleSheet` function will be called with each nested rule, making it easier to manage complex styles.
const stylis = require('stylis');
const ruleSheet = require('stylis-rule-sheet');
const insertRule = ruleSheet((rule) => {
console.log(rule); // This will log the nested CSS rule
stylis('.parent', '.child { color: blue; }');
Other packages similar to stylis-rule-sheet
Emotion is a library designed for writing CSS styles with JavaScript. It provides powerful and flexible styling capabilities, including support for dynamic styles and theming. Compared to stylis-rule-sheet, Emotion offers a more comprehensive solution for styling in JavaScript, including a CSS-in-JS approach.
Styled-components is a popular library for writing CSS in JavaScript. It allows you to create styled React components with tagged template literals. While stylis-rule-sheet focuses on handling CSS rules programmatically, styled-components provides a more integrated approach to styling React components.
JSS is a library for writing CSS with JavaScript. It allows you to define styles as JavaScript objects and provides a powerful API for managing styles dynamically. JSS offers more advanced features for style management compared to stylis-rule-sheet, which is more focused on rule handling.
stylis rule-sheet
stylis plugin to extract individual rules to use with the insertRule API
var sheet = document.head.appendChild(document.createElement('style')).sheet
var length = sheet.cssRules.length
var plugin = stylisRuleSheet((value) => {
length = sheet.insertRule(value, length) + 1