What is sugarss?
SugarSS is a syntax parser for PostCSS that allows you to write your CSS in a more minimalistic and readable format, similar to Sass or Stylus. It simplifies the CSS syntax by removing braces, semicolons, and enabling indentation-based scoping.
What are sugarss's main functionalities?
Indentation-based Syntax
SugarSS allows you to write CSS rules using indentation instead of braces, making the CSS more readable and concise.
color: blue
color: red
You can omit semicolons in SugarSS, simplifying the syntax further and making it cleaner.
background: white
color: black
Compatibility with PostCSS
SugarSS is compatible with PostCSS, allowing you to use it alongside a wide range of PostCSS plugins for added functionality.
postcss([ require('sugarss') ]).process(css, { parser: 'sugarss' })
Other packages similar to sugarss
Sass is a mature, stable, and powerful professional grade CSS extension language that is very similar to SugarSS in providing a more simplified and efficient way to write CSS. It offers more features like variables, mixins, and functions which SugarSS does not.
Stylus is another robust preprocessor that offers a syntax similar to SugarSS with optional braces and semicolons. It provides additional features like variable interpolation and powerful built-in functions, making it more feature-rich compared to SugarSS.
Less is a backward-compatible language extension for CSS. Like SugarSS, it simplifies CSS coding but also includes features like variables, mixins, and functions, which are not present in SugarSS.

Indent-based CSS syntax for PostCSS.
color: blue
box-shadow: 1px 0 9px rgba(0, 0, 0, .4),
1px 0 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, .6)
// Mobile
@media (max-width: 400px)
padding: 0 10px
As any PostCSS custom syntax, SugarSS has source map, stylelint
and postcss-sorting support out-of-box.
It was designed to be used with postcss-simple-vars and postcss-nested.
But you can use it with any PostCSS plugins
or use it without any PostCSS plugins.
With postcss-mixins you can use @mixin
syntax as in Sass.
Read full docs here.