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swissqrbill - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 4.0.0-alpha.4 to 4.0.0-alpha.5



@@ -104,4 +104,4 @@ var __defProp = Object.defineProperty;

if (this.scissors) {
const scissorsTop = "4.545 -1.803 m4.06 -2.388 3.185 -2.368 2.531 -2.116 c-1.575 -0.577 l-2.769 -1.23 -3.949 -1.043 -3.949 -1.361 c-3.949 -1.61 -3.721 -1.555 -3.755 -2.203 c-3.788 -2.825 -4.437 -3.285 -5.05 -3.244 c-5.664 -3.248 -6.3 -2.777 -6.305 -2.129 c-6.351 -1.476 -5.801 -0.869 -5.152 -0.826 c-4.391 -0.713 -3.043 -1.174 -2.411 -0.041 c-2.882 0.828 -3.718 0.831 -4.474 0.787 c-5.101 0.751 -5.855 0.931 -6.154 1.547 c-6.443 2.138 -6.16 2.979 -5.496 3.16 c-4.826 3.406 -3.906 3.095 -3.746 2.325 c-3.623 1.731 -4.044 1.452 -3.882 1.236 c-3.76 1.073 -2.987 1.168 -1.608 0.549 c2.838 2.117 l3.4 2.273 4.087 2.268 4.584 1.716 c-0.026 -0.027 l4.545 -1.803 lh-4.609 -2.753 m-3.962 -2.392 -4.015 -1.411 -4.687 -1.221 c-5.295 -1.009 -6.073 -1.6 -5.879 -2.26 c-5.765 -2.801 -5.052 -3 -4.609 -2.753 ch-4.581 1.256 m-3.906 1.505 -4.02 2.648 -4.707 2.802 c-5.163 2.96 -5.814 2.733 -5.86 2.196 c-5.949 1.543 -5.182 0.954 -4.581 1.256 ch";
const scissorsCenter = "1.803 4.545 m2.388 4.06 2.368 3.185 2.116 2.531 c0.577 -1.575 l1.23 -2.769 1.043 -3.949 1.361 -3.949 c1.61 -3.949 1.555 -3.721 2.203 -3.755 c2.825 -3.788 3.285 -4.437 3.244 -5.05 c3.248 -5.664 2.777 -6.3 2.129 -6.305 c1.476 -6.351 0.869 -5.801 0.826 -5.152 c0.713 -4.391 1.174 -3.043 0.041 -2.411 c-0.828 -2.882 -0.831 -3.718 -0.787 -4.474 c-0.751 -5.101 -0.931 -5.855 -1.547 -6.154 c-2.138 -6.443 -2.979 -6.16 -3.16 -5.496 c-3.406 -4.826 -3.095 -3.906 -2.325 -3.746 c-1.731 -3.623 -1.452 -4.044 -1.236 -3.882 c-1.073 -3.76 -1.168 -2.987 -0.549 -1.608 c-2.117 2.838 l-2.273 3.4 -2.268 4.087 -1.716 4.584 c0.027 -0.026 l1.803 4.545 lh2.753 -4.609 m2.392 -3.962 1.411 -4.015 1.221 -4.687 c1.009 -5.295 1.6 -6.073 2.26 -5.879 c2.801 -5.765 3 -5.052 2.753 -4.609 ch-1.256 -4.581 m-1.505 -3.906 -2.648 -4.02 -2.802 -4.707 c-2.96 -5.163 -2.733 -5.814 -2.196 -5.86 c-1.543 -5.949 -0.954 -5.182 -1.256 -4.581 ch";
const scissorsTop = "4.545 -1.803 m 4.06 -2.388 3.185 -2.368 2.531 -2.116 c -1.575 -0.577 l -2.769 -1.23 -3.949 -1.043 -3.949 -1.361 c -3.949 -1.61 -3.721 -1.555 -3.755 -2.203 c -3.788 -2.825 -4.437 -3.285 -5.05 -3.244 c -5.664 -3.248 -6.3 -2.777 -6.305 -2.129 c -6.351 -1.476 -5.801 -0.869 -5.152 -0.826 c -4.391 -0.713 -3.043 -1.174 -2.411 -0.041 c -2.882 0.828 -3.718 0.831 -4.474 0.787 c -5.101 0.751 -5.855 0.931 -6.154 1.547 c -6.443 2.138 -6.16 2.979 -5.496 3.16 c -4.826 3.406 -3.906 3.095 -3.746 2.325 c -3.623 1.731 -4.044 1.452 -3.882 1.236 c -3.76 1.073 -2.987 1.168 -1.608 0.549 c 2.838 2.117 l 3.4 2.273 4.087 2.268 4.584 1.716 c -0.026 -0.027 l 4.545 -1.803 l h -4.609 -2.753 m -3.962 -2.392 -4.015 -1.411 -4.687 -1.221 c -5.295 -1.009 -6.073 -1.6 -5.879 -2.26 c -5.765 -2.801 -5.052 -3 -4.609 -2.753 c h -4.581 1.256 m -3.906 1.505 -4.02 2.648 -4.707 2.802 c -5.163 2.96 -5.814 2.733 -5.86 2.196 c -5.949 1.543 -5.182 0.954 -4.581 1.256 c h";
const scissorsCenter = " 1.803 4.545 m 2.388 4.06 2.368 3.185 2.116 2.531 c 0.577 -1.575 l 1.23 -2.769 1.043 -3.949 1.361 -3.949 c 1.61 -3.949 1.555 -3.721 2.203 -3.755 c 2.825 -3.788 3.285 -4.437 3.244 -5.05 c 3.248 -5.664 2.777 -6.3 2.129 -6.305 c 1.476 -6.351 0.869 -5.801 0.826 -5.152 c 0.713 -4.391 1.174 -3.043 0.041 -2.411 c -0.828 -2.882 -0.831 -3.718 -0.787 -4.474 c -0.751 -5.101 -0.931 -5.855 -1.547 -6.154 c -2.138 -6.443 -2.979 -6.16 -3.16 -5.496 c -3.406 -4.826 -3.095 -3.906 -2.325 -3.746 c -1.731 -3.623 -1.452 -4.044 -1.236 -3.882 c -1.073 -3.76 -1.168 -2.987 -0.549 -1.608 c -2.117 2.838 l -2.273 3.4 -2.268 4.087 -1.716 4.584 c 0.027 -0.026 l 1.803 4.545 l h 2.753 -4.609 m 2.392 -3.962 1.411 -4.015 1.221 -4.687 c 1.009 -5.295 1.6 -6.073 2.26 -5.879 c 2.801 -5.765 3 -5.052 2.753 -4.609 c h -1.256 -4.581 m -1.505 -3.906 -2.648 -4.02 -2.802 -4.707 c -2.96 -5.163 -2.733 -5.814 -2.196 -5.86 c -1.543 -5.949 -0.954 -5.182 -1.256 -4.581 c h";
if ( > mm2pt(105)) {

@@ -235,4 +235,4 @@;

const swissCrossBackground = "18.3 0.7 m1.6 0.7 l0.7 0.7 l0.7 1.6 l0.7 18.3 l0.7 19.1 l1.6 19.1 l18.3 19.1 l19.1 19.1 l19.1 18.3 l19.1 1.6 l19.1 0.7 lh";
const swissCross = "8.3 4 m11.6 4 l11.6 15 l8.3 15 l8.3 4 lh4.4 7.9 m15.4 7.9 l15.4 11.2 l4.4 11.2 l4.4 7.9 lh";
const swissCrossBackground = "18.3 0.7 m 1.6 0.7 l 0.7 0.7 l 0.7 1.6 l 0.7 18.3 l 0.7 19.1 l 1.6 19.1 l 18.3 19.1 l 19.1 19.1 l 19.1 18.3 l 19.1 1.6 l 19.1 0.7 l h";
const swissCross = "8.3 4 m 11.6 4 l 11.6 15 l 8.3 15 l 8.3 4 l h 4.4 7.9 m 15.4 7.9 l 15.4 11.2 l 4.4 11.2 l 4.4 7.9 l h";;

@@ -239,0 +239,0 @@ doc.translate(this.x(86.5), this.y(36));

@@ -139,10 +139,5 @@ import { getReferenceType } from "./utils.js";

if (qrCode.getModule(x, y)) {
switch (type) {
case "pdf":
parts.push(`${limitNumber(xOrigin + xPos)} ${limitNumber(yOrigin + yPos)} ${limitNumber(blockSize)} ${limitNumber(blockSize)} re`);
case "svg":
parts.push(`M ${xPos}, ${yPos} V ${yPos + blockSize} H ${xPos + blockSize} V ${yPos} H ${xPos} Z `);
type === "pdf" ? `${limitNumber(xOrigin + xPos)} ${limitNumber(yOrigin + yPos)} ${limitNumber(blockSize)} ${limitNumber(blockSize)} re` : `M ${xPos}, ${yPos} V ${yPos + blockSize} H ${xPos + blockSize} V ${yPos} H ${xPos} Z `

@@ -149,0 +144,0 @@ }

"version": "4.0.0-alpha.4",
"version": "4.0.0-alpha.5",
"type": "module",

@@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ "name": "swissqrbill",

"build": "vite build",
"docs": "npm run docs:pdf && npm run docs:svg && npm run docs:shared",
"docs": "npm run docs:pdf && npm run docs:svg && npm run docs:table && npm run docs:shared",
"docs:pdf": "unwritten src/pdf/swissqrbill.ts src/shared/types.ts -t -o docs/pdf/",
"docs:shared": "unwritten src/shared/utils.ts -t -o docs/utils/",
"docs:svg": "unwritten src/svg/swissqrbill.ts src/shared/types.ts -t -o docs/svg/",
"docs:table": "unwritten src/pdf/table.ts -t -o docs/table/",
"eslint": "eslint --ext .ts,.tsx,.js,.jsx,.json,.jsonc,.yml,.md ./",

@@ -60,2 +61,12 @@ "eslint:ci": "npm run eslint -- --max-warnings 0",

"markdownlint:fix": "markdownlint-cli2-fix '**/*.md' '#node_modules'",
"postrelease": "eslint --fix package.json && markdownlint-cli2-fix ''",
"postrelease:alpha": "npm run postrelease",
"postrelease:beta": "npm run postrelease",
"prerelease": "npm run test -- --run && npm run build",
"prerelease:alpha": "npm run test -- --run && npm run build",
"prerelease:beta": "npm run test -- --run && npm run build",
"publish": "changelogen --publish && changelogen gh release",
"release": "changelogen --bump --output --no-tag",
"release:alpha": "npm run release -- --prerelease alpha --publishTag alpha",
"release:beta": "npm run release -- --prerelease beta --publishTag beta",
"spellcheck": "cspell lint",

@@ -76,22 +87,22 @@ "spellcheck:ci": "npm run spellcheck -- --no-progress",

"@cspell/dict-it-it": "^3.0.1",
"@schoero/changelog-config": "^0.0.2",
"@schoero/cspell-config": "^1.6.16",
"@schoero/eslint-config": "^1.41.18",
"@schoero/eslint-config": "^1.41.19",
"@schoero/markdownlint-config": "^1.1.7",
"@schoero/ts-config": "^0.3.7",
"@schoero/unwritten-config": "^0.0.3",
"@schoero/vite-config": "^0.0.25",
"@types/node": "^20.6.3",
"@types/pdfkit": "^0.12.11",
"@types/svg-parser": "^2.0.3",
"@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin": "^6.7.2",
"@typescript-eslint/parser": "^6.7.2",
"@schoero/vite-config": "^0.0.26",
"@types/node": "^20.7.2",
"@types/pdfkit": "^0.12.12",
"@types/svg-parser": "^2.0.4",
"@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin": "^6.7.3",
"@typescript-eslint/parser": "^6.7.3",
"cross-env": "^7.0.3",
"glob": "^10.3.6",
"pdf2json": "^3.0.4",
"glob": "^10.3.10",
"pdfkit": "^0.13.0",
"typescript": "^5.2.2",
"unwritten": "^0.0.3",
"vite-plugin-dts": "^3.5.4",
"vite-plugin-dts": "^3.6.0",
"vite-plugin-no-bundle": "^3.0.0",
"vitest": "^0.34.5"
"vitest": "^0.34.6"

@@ -98,0 +109,0 @@ "keywords": [

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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