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terminal-kit - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.0.6 to 0.0.7



@@ -29,3 +29,9 @@ /*

var term = {} ;
// Load modules
var tty = require( 'tty' ) ;
var chainable = {} ;
var term = Object.create( chainable ) ;
module.exports = term ;

@@ -53,74 +59,109 @@

var escapeAttr = {} ;
var escapeCtrl = {} ;
/* Control sequence */
term.ctrl = {} ;
// Init/Reset
escapeCtrl.RESET = "\x1b[0m" ;
escapeCtrl.FULL_RESET = "\x1bc" ;
term.ctrl.reset = "\x1b[0m" ;
term.ctrl.fullReset = "\x1bc" ;
// Attributes
escapeAttr.BOLD = "\x1b[1m" ;
escapeAttr.NO_BOLD = "\x1b[21m" ;
escapeAttr.DIM = "\x1b[2m" ; // dim: darker
escapeAttr.NO_DIM = "\x1b[22m" ; // it remove bold/bright too
escapeAttr.UNDERLINE = "\x1b[4m" ;
escapeAttr.NO_UNDERLINE = "\x1b[24m" ;
escapeAttr.INVERSE = "\x1b[7m" ; // inverse background and foreground
escapeAttr.NO_INVERSE = "\x1b[27m" ;
escapeAttr.HIDDEN = "\x1b[8m" ; // invisible, but can be copy/paste'd
escapeAttr.NO_HIDDEN = "\x1b[28m" ;
escapeAttr.STROKE = "\x1b[9m" ;
escapeAttr.NO_STROKE = "\x1b[29m" ;
escapeAttr.NO_INTENSITY = "\x1b[22m" ; // remove bold, bright & dim
// Remove colors
term.ctrl.noColor = "\x1b[39m" ; // back to the default color, most of time it is the same than .white
term.ctrl.noBgColor = "\x1b[49m" ; // back to the default color, most of time it is the same than .bgBlack
// Cursors
term.ctrl.moveToLowerLeft = "\x1bF" ;
term.ctrl.saveCursor = "\x1b7" ;
term.ctrl.restoreCursor = "\x1b8" ;
// Emit a beep
term.ctrl.beep = "\x07" ;
/* Attributes sequence */
term.attr = {} ;
term.attr.bold = { open: "\x1b[1m" , close: "\x1b[21m" } ;
term.attr.dim = { open: "\x1b[2m" , close: "\x1b[22m" } ; // dim: darker, 'close' remove removes also bold/bright
term.attr.italic = { open: "\x1b[3m" , close: "\x1b[23m" } ;
term.attr.underline = { open: "\x1b[4m" , close: "\x1b[24m" } ;
term.attr.blink = { open: "\x1b[5m" , close: "\x1b[25m" } ;
term.attr.inverse = { open: "\x1b[7m" , close: "\x1b[27m" } ;
term.attr.hidden = { open: "\x1b[8m" , close: "\x1b[28m" } ; // invisible, but can be copy/paste'd
term.attr.strike = { open: "\x1b[9m" , close: "\x1b[29m" } ;
// Foreground color
escapeAttr.BLACK = "\x1b[30m" ;
escapeAttr.RED = "\x1b[31m" ;
escapeAttr.GREEN = "\x1b[32m" ;
escapeAttr.YELLOW = "\x1b[33m" ;
escapeAttr.BLUE = "\x1b[34m" ;
escapeAttr.MAGENTA = "\x1b[35m" ;
escapeAttr.CYAN = "\x1b[36m" ;
escapeAttr.WHITE = "\x1b[37m" ;
escapeAttr.BRIGHT_BLACK = "\x1b[90m" ;
escapeAttr.BRIGHT_RED = "\x1b[91m" ;
escapeAttr.BRIGHT_GREEN = "\x1b[92m" ;
escapeAttr.BRIGHT_YELLOW = "\x1b[93m" ;
escapeAttr.BRIGHT_BLUE = "\x1b[94m" ;
escapeAttr.BRIGHT_MAGENTA = "\x1b[95m" ;
escapeAttr.BRIGHT_CYAN = "\x1b[96m" ;
escapeAttr.BRIGHT_WHITE = "\x1b[97m" ;
escapeAttr.NO_COLOR = "\x1b[39m" ; // back to the default color, most of time it is the same than WHITE = { open: "\x1b[30m" , close: term.ctrl.noColor } ; = { open: "\x1b[31m" , close: term.ctrl.noColor } ; = { open: "\x1b[32m" , close: term.ctrl.noColor } ;
term.attr.yellow = { open: "\x1b[33m" , close: term.ctrl.noColor } ; = { open: "\x1b[34m" , close: term.ctrl.noColor } ;
term.attr.magenta = { open: "\x1b[35m" , close: term.ctrl.noColor } ;
term.attr.cyan = { open: "\x1b[36m" , close: term.ctrl.noColor } ;
term.attr.white = { open: "\x1b[37m" , close: term.ctrl.noColor } ;
term.attr.brightBlack = { open: "\x1b[90m" , close: term.ctrl.noColor } ;
term.attr.brightRed = { open: "\x1b[91m" , close: term.ctrl.noColor } ;
term.attr.brightGreen = { open: "\x1b[92m" , close: term.ctrl.noColor } ;
term.attr.brightYellow = { open: "\x1b[93m" , close: term.ctrl.noColor } ;
term.attr.brightBlue = { open: "\x1b[94m" , close: term.ctrl.noColor } ;
term.attr.brightMagenta = { open: "\x1b[95m" , close: term.ctrl.noColor } ;
term.attr.brightCyan = { open: "\x1b[96m" , close: term.ctrl.noColor } ;
term.attr.brightWhite = { open: "\x1b[97m" , close: term.ctrl.noColor } ;
// Background color
escapeAttr.BG_BLACK = "\x1b[40m" ;
escapeAttr.BG_RED = "\x1b[41m" ;
escapeAttr.BG_GREEN = "\x1b[42m" ;
escapeAttr.BG_YELLOW = "\x1b[43m" ;
escapeAttr.BG_BLUE = "\x1b[44m" ;
escapeAttr.BG_MAGENTA = "\x1b[45m" ;
escapeAttr.BG_CYAN = "\x1b[46m" ;
escapeAttr.BG_WHITE = "\x1b[47m" ;
escapeAttr.BG_BRIGHT_BLACK = "\x1b[100m" ;
escapeAttr.BG_BRIGHT_RED = "\x1b[101m" ;
escapeAttr.BG_BRIGHT_GREEN = "\x1b[102m" ;
escapeAttr.BG_BRIGHT_YELLOW = "\x1b[103m" ;
escapeAttr.BG_BRIGHT_BLUE = "\x1b[104m" ;
escapeAttr.BG_BRIGHT_MAGENTA = "\x1b[105m" ;
escapeAttr.BG_BRIGHT_CYAN = "\x1b[106m" ;
escapeAttr.BG_BRIGHT_WHITE = "\x1b[107m" ;
escapeAttr.NO_BG_COLOR = "\x1b[49m" ; // back to the default color, most of time it is the same than BG_BLACK
term.attr.bgBlack = { open: "\x1b[40m" , close: term.ctrl.noBgColor } ;
term.attr.bgRed = { open: "\x1b[41m" , close: term.ctrl.noBgColor } ;
term.attr.bgGreen = { open: "\x1b[42m" , close: term.ctrl.noBgColor } ;
term.attr.bgYellow = { open: "\x1b[43m" , close: term.ctrl.noBgColor } ;
term.attr.bgBlue = { open: "\x1b[44m" , close: term.ctrl.noBgColor } ;
term.attr.bgMagenta = { open: "\x1b[45m" , close: term.ctrl.noBgColor } ;
term.attr.bgCyan = { open: "\x1b[46m" , close: term.ctrl.noBgColor } ;
term.attr.bgWhite = { open: "\x1b[47m" , close: term.ctrl.noBgColor } ;
term.attr.bgBrightBlack = { open: "\x1b[100m" , close: term.ctrl.noBgColor } ;
term.attr.bgBrightRed = { open: "\x1b[101m" , close: term.ctrl.noBgColor } ;
term.attr.bgBrightGreen = { open: "\x1b[102m" , close: term.ctrl.noBgColor } ;
term.attr.bgBrightYellow = { open: "\x1b[103m" , close: term.ctrl.noBgColor } ;
term.attr.bgBrightBlue = { open: "\x1b[104m" , close: term.ctrl.noBgColor } ;
term.attr.bgBrightMagenta = { open: "\x1b[105m" , close: term.ctrl.noBgColor } ;
term.attr.bgBrightCyan = { open: "\x1b[106m" , close: term.ctrl.noBgColor } ;
term.attr.bgBrightWhite = { open: "\x1b[107m" , close: term.ctrl.noBgColor } ;
// Shortcuts
escapeAttr.BOLD_BLACK = "\x1b[1;30m" ;
escapeAttr.BOLD_RED = "\x1b[1;31m" ;
escapeAttr.BOLD_GREEN = "\x1b[1;32m" ;
escapeAttr.BOLD_YELLOW = "\x1b[1;33m" ;
escapeAttr.BOLD_BLUE = "\x1b[1;34m" ;
escapeAttr.BOLD_MAGENTA = "\x1b[1;35m" ;
escapeAttr.BOLD_CYAN = "\x1b[1;36m" ;
escapeAttr.BOLD_WHITE = "\x1b[1;37m" ;
/* Input / Output */ = {} ;
// The terminal will send input into process.STDIN
// Terminal will send the cursor coordinate = { open: "\x1b[?6n" , close: '' } ;
// Terminal will send button event and mouse position = { open: "\x1b[?1000h" , close: "\x1b[?1000l" } ;
// Terminal will send position of the column hilighted = { open: "\x1b[?1001h" , close: "\x1b[?1001l" } ;
// ? = { open: "\x1b[?1002h" , close: "\x1b[?1002l" } ;
// Terminal will send all motion = { open: "\x1b[?1003h" , close: "\x1b[?1003l" } ;
// Dev tests for new escape sequences discoveries
escapeCtrl.TEST = "\x1b[1;37m" ;
term.ctrl.test = "\x1b[0 q" ;

@@ -131,42 +172,102 @@

/* Build utilities */
/* Apply */
// Turn ALLCAPS to camelCase
function allCapsToCamelCase( str )
function applyCtrl( ctrl , string ) { return term.ctrl[ ctrl ] + ( string || '' ) ; }
function applyAttributes( attributes , string )
return str.replace( /(_([A-Z]))?([A-Z]+)/g , function( match , $1 , $2 , $3 ) {
return ( $2 || '' ) + $3.toLowerCase() ;
} ) ;
var index , open = '' , close = '' ;
console.log( 'Attributes:' , attributes ) ;
for ( index in attributes )
console.log( 'key:' , attributes[ index ] ) ;
open = open + term.attr[ attributes[ index ] ].open ;
close = term.attr[ attributes[ index ] ].close + close ;
return open + ( string || '' ) + close ;
function applyEscapeAndReset( seq , string ) { return seq + ( string || '' ) + escapeCtrl.RESET ; }
function applyEscape( seq , string ) { return seq + ( string || '' ) ; }
// Create methods for the 'chainable' prototype
// Create a function for each constant
Object.keys( term.attr ).forEach( function( key ) {
Object.defineProperty( chainable , key , {
configurable: true ,
get: function () {
var chain ;
if ( this.chain ) { chain = this.chain.slice() ; chain.push( key ) ; }
else { chain = [ key ] ; }
var fn = applyAttributes.bind( this , chain ) ;
fn.__proto__ = chainable ;
fn.chain = chain ;
// Replace the getter by the newly created function, to speed up further call
Object.defineProperty( this , key , { value: fn } ) ;
//console.log( ' Getter called:' , key ) ;
return fn ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
var key , fn ;
for ( key in escapeAttr )
Object.keys( term.ctrl ).forEach( function( key ) {
term[ key ] = applyCtrl.bind( term , key ) ;
} ) ;
// Code from 'cli-color'
Object.defineProperties( term , {
width: { get: process.stdout.getWindowSize ?
function () { return process.stdout.getWindowSize()[ 0 ] ; } :
function () { return tty.getWindowSize ? tty.getWindowSize()[ 1 ] : 0 ; }
} ,
height: { get: process.stdout.getWindowSize ?
function () { return process.stdout.getWindowSize()[ 1 ] ; } :
function () { return tty.getWindowSize ? tty.getWindowSize()[ 0 ] : 0 ; }
} ) ;
function positiveOrZero( n ) { return isNaN( n ) ? 0 : Math.max( Math.floor( n ) , 0 ) ; }
function positive( n ) { return isNaN( n ) ? 1 : Math.max( Math.floor( n ) , 1 ) ; }
function floor( n ) { return isNaN( n ) ? 0 : Math.floor( n ) ; }
term.up = function up( n ) { return '\x1b[' + positiveOrZero( n ) + 'A' ; } ;
term.down = function down( n ) { return '\x1b[' + positiveOrZero( n ) + 'B' ; } ;
term.right = function right( n ) { return '\x1b[' + positiveOrZero( n ) + 'C' ; } ;
term.left = function left( n ) { return '\x1b[' + positiveOrZero( n ) + 'D' ; } ;
term.move = function move( x , y )
term[ key ] = escapeAttr[ key ] ;
fn = allCapsToCamelCase( key ) ;
term[ fn ] = applyEscapeAndReset.bind( term , escapeAttr[ key ] ) ;
x = floor( x ) ;
y = floor( y ) ;
return ( ( x >= 0 ) ? term.right( x ) : term.left( -x ) ) +
( ( y >= 0 ) ? term.down( y ) : term.up( -y ) ) ;
for ( key in escapeCtrl )
term.moveTo = function moveTo( x , y )
term[ key ] = escapeCtrl[ key ] ;
fn = allCapsToCamelCase( key ) ;
term[ fn ] = applyEscape.bind( term , escapeCtrl[ key ] ) ;
x = positive( x ) ;
y = positive( y ) ;
return '\x1b[' + y + ';' + x + 'H';
// Set the title of the window
term.windowTitle = function windowTitle( title ) { return '\x1b]0;' + title + '\x1b\\' ; }
// The following is PHP code from CSK PHP lib, not backported ATM.

@@ -179,6 +280,2 @@

// Reset
static function reset() { echo self::RESET ; }
static function full_reset() { echo self::FULL_RESET ; }
// Fixe la couleur par un index de 256 couleurs

@@ -221,8 +318,3 @@ static function set_color_index( $c ) { echo "\x1b[38;5;{$c}m" ; }

static function set_cursor_yx( $y , $x ) { $y = intval( $y ) ; $x = intval( $x ) ; echo "\x1b[{$y};{$x}f" ; }
static function save_cursor() { echo "\x1b7" ; }
static function restore_cursor() { echo "\x1b8" ; }
// Change le titre du terminal
static function set_window_title( $title ) { echo "\x1b]0;{$title}\x1b\\" ; }
// bugs:

@@ -229,0 +321,0 @@ // il faudrait ré-injecter dans le flux les caractères hors contrôle

"name": "terminal-kit",
"version": "0.0.6",
"version": "0.0.7",
"description": "Terminal utilities.",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "main": "lib/terminal.js",

@@ -33,2 +33,3 @@ /*

var expect = require( 'expect.js' ) ;
var print = process.stdout.write.bind( process.stdout ) ;

@@ -53,6 +54,20 @@

it( "should" , function() {
console.log( term.BLUE + 'Toto' ) ;
console.log( 'Tata' ) ;
console.log( 'Titi' ) + ' Tete' ) ;
it( "should" , function( done ) {
print( + 'Toto' ) ;
print( 'Tata' ) ;
print( 'Titi' ) + ' Tete' ) ;
print( 'Titi' ) + ' Tete' ) ;
print( 'Tutu' ) ) ;
print( 'Tyty' ) ) ;
print( term.magenta.italic( 'Tztz' ) ) ;
print( term.blink( 'Txtx' ) ) ;
print( + 'Toto' + term.reset() + 'tata' ) ;
print( term.windowTitle( 'wonderful title' ) ) ;
print( term.test() ) ;
print( term.moveToLowerLeft() + 'lowerleft!' ) ;
setTimeout( done , 1500 ) ;
} ) ;

@@ -59,0 +74,0 @@ } ) ;

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