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@@ -1,12 +0,891 @@

!function(e){if("object"==typeof exports&&"undefined"!=typeof module)module.exports=e();else if("function"==typeof define&&define.amd)define([],e);else{var f;"undefined"!=typeof window?f=window:"undefined"!=typeof global?f=global:"undefined"!=typeof self&&(f=self),f.toStyle=e()}}(function(){var define,module,exports;return (function e(t,n,r){function s(o,u){if(!n[o]){if(!t[o]){var a=typeof require=="function"&&require;if(!u&&a)return a(o,!0);if(i)return i(o,!0);throw new Error("Cannot find module '"+o+"'")}var f=n[o]={exports:{}};t[o][0].call(f.exports,function(e){var n=t[o][1][e];return s(n?n:e)},f,f.exports,e,t,n,r)}return n[o].exports}var i=typeof require=="function"&&require;for(var o=0;o<r.length;o++)s(r[o]);return s})({1:[function(_dereq_,module,exports){
!function(e){if("object"==typeof exports&&"undefined"!=typeof module)module.exports=e();else if("function"==typeof define&&define.amd)define([],e);else{var f;"undefined"!=typeof window?f=window:"undefined"!=typeof global?f=global:"undefined"!=typeof self&&(f=self),f.toStyle=e()}}(function(){var define,module,exports;return (function e(t,n,r){function s(o,u){if(!n[o]){if(!t[o]){var a=typeof require=="function"&&require;if(!u&&a)return a(o,!0);if(i)return i(o,!0);var f=new Error("Cannot find module '"+o+"'");throw f.code="MODULE_NOT_FOUND",f}var l=n[o]={exports:{}};t[o][0].call(l.exports,function(e){var n=t[o][1][e];return s(n?n:e)},l,l.exports,e,t,n,r)}return n[o].exports}var i=typeof require=="function"&&require;for(var o=0;o<r.length;o++)s(r[o]);return s})({1:[function(require,module,exports){
'use strict'
module.exports = {
prefixProperties: _dereq_('./src/prefixProperties') ,
object: _dereq_('./src/toStyleObject'),
string: _dereq_('./src/toStyleString')
prefixProperties: require('./src/prefixProperties') ,
cssUnitless: require('./src/cssUnitless') ,
object: require('./src/toStyleObject'),
string: require('./src/toStyleString')
module.exports = {
toLowerFirst : require('./src/toLowerFirst'),
toUpperFirst : require('./src/toUpperFirst'),
separate : require('./src/separate'),
stripWhitespace : require('./src/stripWhitespace'),
compactWhitespace: require('./src/compactWhitespace'),
camelize : require('./src/camelize'),
humanize : require('./src/humanize'),
hyphenate : require('./src/hyphenate'),
endsWith : require('./src/endsWith'),
is: require('./src/is')
* Utility methods for working with functions.
* These methods augment the Function prototype.
* Using {@link #before}
* function log(m){
* console.log(m)
* }
* var doLog = function (m){
* console.log('LOG ')
* }.before(log)
* doLog('test')
* //will log
* //"LOG "
* //and then
* //"test"
* Using {@link #bindArgs}:
* //returns the sum of all arguments
* function add(){
* var sum = 0
* [].from(arguments).forEach(function(n){
* sum += n
* })
* return sum
* }
* var add1 = add.bindArgs(1)
* add1(2, 3) == 6
* Using {@link #lockArgs}:
* function add(){
* var sum = 0
* [].from(arguments).forEach(function(n){
* sum += n
* })
* return sum
* }
* var add1_2 = add.lockArgs(1,2)
* var add1_2_3 = add.lockArgs(1,2,3)
* add1_2(3,4) == 3 //args are locked to only be 1 and 2
* add1_2_3(6) == 6 //args are locked to only be 1, 2 and 3
* Using {@link #compose}:
* function multiply(a,b){
* return a* b
* }
* var multiply2 = multiply.curry()(2)
* Function.compose(multiply2( add(5,6) )) == multiply2( add(5,6) )
* @class Function
var SLICE = Array.prototype.slice
var composeTwo = function(f, g) {
return function () {
return f(g.apply(this, arguments))
curry = function(fn, n){
if (typeof n !== 'number'){
n = fn.length
function getCurryClosure(prevArgs){
function curryClosure() {
var len = arguments.length,
args = [].concat(prevArgs)
if (len){
args.push.apply(args, arguments)
if (args.length < n){
return getCurryClosure(args)
return fn.apply(this, args)
return curryClosure
return getCurryClosure([])
find = curry(function(fn, target){
if (typeof target.find == 'function'){
return target.find(fn)
if (Array.isArray(target)){
var i = 0
var len = target.length
var it
for(; i < len; i++){
it = target[i]
if (fn(it, i, target)){
return it
if (typeof target == 'object'){
var keys = Object.keys(target)
var i = 0
var len = keys.length
var k
var it
for( ; i < len; i++){
k = keys[i]
it = target[k]
if (fn(it, k, target)){
return it
bindFunctionsOf = function(obj) {
if (typeof obj[k] == 'function'){
obj[k] = obj[k].bind(obj)
return obj
* @param {Function...} an enumeration of functions, each consuming the result of the following function.
* For example: compose(c, b, a)(1,4) == c(b(a(1,4)))
* @return the result of the first function in the enumeration
compose = function(){
var args = arguments
var len = args.length
var i = 0
var f = args[0]
while (++i < len) {
f = composeTwo(f, args[i])
return f
chain = function(where, fn, secondFn){
var fns = [
where === 'before'? secondFn: fn,
where !== 'before'? secondFn: fn
return function(){
if (where === 'before'){
secondFn.apply(this, arguments)
var result = fn.apply(this, arguments)
if (where !== 'before'){
secondFn.apply(this, arguments)
return result
forward = function(fn, scope){
return fn.bind?
return fn.apply(scope, arguments)
once = function(fn, scope){
var called = false,
return function(){
if (called){
return result
called = true
return result = || this)
bindArgsArray = function(fn, args){
return function(){
var thisArgs = || [])
if (arguments.length){
thisArgs.push.apply(thisArgs, arguments)
return fn.apply(this, thisArgs)
bindArgs = function(fn){
return bindArgsArray(fn,,1))
lock = function(fn, scope){
var args =, 2)
return function(){
return fn.apply(scope, args)
lockArgsArray = function(fn, args){
return function(){
if (!Array.isArray(args)){
args = || [])
return fn.apply(this, args)
lockArgs = function(fn){
return lockArgsArray(fn,, 1) )
skipArgs = function(fn, count){
return function(){
var args =, count || 0)
return fn.apply(this, args)
intercept = function(interceptedFn, interceptingFn, withStopArg){
return function(){
var args = [].from(arguments),
stopArg = { stop: false }
if (withStopArg){
var result = interceptingFn.apply(this, args)
if (withStopArg){
if (stopArg.stop === true){
return result
} else {
if (result === false){
return result
//the interception was not stopped
return interceptedFn.apply(this, arguments)
delay = function(fn, delay, scope){
var delayIsNumber = delay * 1 == delay
if (arguments.length == 2 && !delayIsNumber){
scope = delay
delay = 0
} else {
if (!delayIsNumber){
delay = 0
return function(){
var self = scope || this,
args = arguments
if (delay < 0){
fn.apply(self, args)
if (delay || !setImmediate){
fn.apply(self, args)
}, delay)
} else {
fn.apply(self, args)
defer = function(fn, scope){
return delay(fn, 0, scope)
buffer = function(fn, delay, scope){
var timeoutId = -1
return function(){
var self = scope || this,
args = arguments
if (delay < 0){
fn.apply(self, args)
var withTimeout = delay || !setImmediate,
clearFn = withTimeout?
setFn = withTimeout?
if (timeoutId !== -1){
timeoutId = setFn(function(){
fn.apply(self, args)
self = null
}, delay)
throttle = function(fn, delay, scope) {
var timeoutId = -1,
return function () {
self = scope || this
args = arguments
if (timeoutId !== -1) {
//the function was called once again in the delay interval
} else {
timeoutId = setTimeout(function () {
fn.apply(self, args)
self = null
timeoutId = -1
}, delay)
maxArgs = function(fn, count){
return function(){
return fn.apply(this,, 0, count))
spread = function(fn, delay, scope){
var timeoutId = -1
var callCount = 0
var executeCount = 0
var nextArgs = {}
var increaseCounter = true
var resultingFnUnbound
var resultingFn
resultingFn = resultingFnUnbound = function(){
var args = arguments,
self = scope || this
if (increaseCounter){
nextArgs[callCount++] = {args: args, scope: self}
if (timeoutId !== -1){
//the function was called once again in the delay interval
} else {
timeoutId = setTimeout(function(){
fn.apply(self, args)
timeoutId = -1
if (callCount !== executeCount){
resultingFn = bindArgsArray(resultingFnUnbound, nextArgs[executeCount].args).bind(nextArgs[executeCount].scope)
delete nextArgs[executeCount]
increaseCounter = false
increaseCounter = true
} else {
nextArgs = {}
}, delay)
return resultingFn
* @param {Array} args the array for which to create a cache key
* @param {Number} [cacheParamNumber] the number of args to use for the cache key. Use this to limit the args that area actually used for the cache key
getCacheKey = function(args, cacheParamNumber){
if (cacheParamNumber == null){
cacheParamNumber = -1
var i = 0,
len = Math.min(args.length, cacheParamNumber),
cacheKey = [],
for ( ; i < len; i++){
it = args[i]
if (root.check.isPlainObject(it) || Array.isArray(it)){
} else {
return cacheKey.join(', ')
* @param {Function} fn - the function to cache results for
* @param {Number} skipCacheParamNumber - the index of the boolean parameter that makes this function skip the caching and
* actually return computed results.
* @param {Function|String} cacheBucketMethod - a function or the name of a method on this object which makes caching distributed across multiple buckets.
* If given, cached results will be searched into the cache corresponding to this bucket. If no result found, return computed result.
* For example this param is very useful when a function from a prototype is cached,
* but we want to return the same cached results only for one object that inherits that proto, not for all objects. Thus, for example for Wes.Element,
* we use the 'getId' cacheBucketMethod to indicate cached results for one object only.
* @param {Function} [cacheKeyBuilder] A function to be used to compose the cache key
* @return {Function} a new function, which returns results from cache, if they are available, otherwise uses the given fn to compute the results.
* This returned function has a 'clearCache' function attached, which clears the caching. If a parameter ( a bucket id) is provided,
* only clears the cache in the specified cache bucket.
cache = function(fn, config){
config = config || {}
var bucketCache = {},
cache = {},
skipCacheParamNumber = config.skipCacheIndex,
cacheBucketMethod = config.cacheBucket,
cacheKeyBuilder = config.cacheKey,
cacheArgsLength = skipCacheParamNumber == null?
cachingFn = function(){
var result,
skipCache = skipCacheParamNumber != null?
arguments[skipCacheParamNumber] === true:
args = skipCache?, 0, cacheArgsLength):,
cacheBucketId = cacheBucketMethod != null?
typeof cacheBucketMethod == 'function'?
typeof this[cacheBucketMethod] == 'function'?
cacheObject = cacheBucketId?
cacheKey = (cacheKeyBuilder || getCacheKey)(args, cacheArgsLength)
if (cacheBucketId && !cacheObject){
cacheObject = bucketCache[cacheBucketId] = {}
if (skipCache || cacheObject[cacheKey] == null){
cacheObject[cacheKey] = result = fn.apply(this, args)
} else {
result = cacheObject[cacheKey]
return result
* @param {String|Object|Number} [bucketId] the bucket for which to clear the cache. If none given, clears all the cache for this function.
cachingFn.clearCache = function(bucketId){
if (bucketId){
delete bucketCache[String(bucketId)]
} else {
cache = {}
bucketCache = {}
* @param {Array} cacheArgs The array of objects from which to create the cache key
* @param {Number} [cacheParamNumber] A limit for the cache args that are actually used to compute the cache key.
* @param {Function} [cacheKeyBuilder] The function to be used to compute the cache key from the given cacheArgs and cacheParamNumber
cachingFn.getCache = function(cacheArgs, cacheParamNumber, cacheKeyBuilder){
return cachingFn.getBucketCache(null, cacheArgs, cacheParamNumber, cacheKeyBuilder)
* @param {String} bucketId The id of the cache bucket from which to retrieve the cached value
* @param {Array} cacheArgs The array of objects from which to create the cache key
* @param {Number} [cacheParamNumber] A limit for the cache args that are actually used to compute the cache key.
* @param {Function} [cacheKeyBuilder] The function to be used to compute the cache key from the given cacheArgs and cacheParamNumber
cachingFn.getBucketCache = function(bucketId, cacheArgs, cacheParamNumber, cacheKeyBuilder){
var cacheObject = cache,
cacheKey = (cacheKeyBuilder || getCacheKey)(cacheArgs, cacheParamNumber)
if (bucketId){
bucketId = String(bucketId);
cacheObject = bucketCache[bucketId] = bucketCache[bucketId] || {}
return cacheObject[cacheKey]
* @param {Object} value The value to set in the cache
* @param {Array} cacheArgs The array of objects from which to create the cache key
* @param {Number} [cacheParamNumber] A limit for the cache args that are actually used to compute the cache key.
* @param {Function} [cacheKeyBuilder] The function to be used to compute the cache key from the given cacheArgs and cacheParamNumber
cachingFn.setCache = function(value, cacheArgs, cacheParamNumber, cacheKeyBuilder){
return cachingFn.setBucketCache(null, value, cacheArgs, cacheParamNumber, cacheKeyBuilder)
* @param {String} bucketId The id of the cache bucket for which to set the cache value
* @param {Object} value The value to set in the cache
* @param {Array} cacheArgs The array of objects from which to create the cache key
* @param {Number} [cacheParamNumber] A limit for the cache args that are actually used to compute the cache key.
* @param {Function} [cacheKeyBuilder] The function to be used to compute the cache key from the given cacheArgs and cacheParamNumber
cachingFn.setBucketCache = function(bucketId, value, cacheArgs, cacheParamNumber, cacheKeyBuilder){
var cacheObject = cache,
cacheKey = (cacheKeyBuilder || getCacheKey)(cacheArgs, cacheParamNumber)
if (bucketId){
bucketId = String(bucketId)
cacheObject = bucketCache[bucketId] = bucketCache[bucketId] || {};
return cacheObject[cacheKey] = value
return cachingFn
module.exports = {
map: curry(function(fn, value){
return value != undefined && typeof
dot: curry(function(prop, value){
return value != undefined? value[prop]: undefined
maxArgs: curry(maxArgs),
* @method compose
* Example:
* zippy.Function.compose(c, b, a)
* See {@link Function#compose}
compose: compose,
* See {@link Function#self}
self: function(fn){
return fn
* See {@link Function#buffer}
buffer: buffer,
* See {@link Function#delay}
delay: delay,
* See {@link Function#defer}
* @param {Function} fn
* @param {Object} scope
* See {@link Function#skipArgs}
* @param {Function} fn
* @param {Number} [count=0] how many args to skip when calling the resulting function
* @return {Function} The function that will call the original fn without the first count args.
skipArgs: skipArgs,
* See {@link Function#intercept}
intercept: function(fn, interceptedFn, withStopArgs){
return intercept(interceptedFn, fn, withStopArgs)
* See {@link Function#throttle}
throttle: throttle,
* See {@link Function#spread}
spread: spread,
* See {@link Function#chain}
chain: function(fn, where, mainFn){
return chain(where, mainFn, fn)
* See {@link Function#before}
before: function(fn, otherFn){
return chain('before', otherFn, fn)
* See {@link Function#after}
after: function(fn, otherFn){
return chain('after', otherFn, fn)
* See {@link Function#curry}
curry: curry,
* See {@link Function#forward}
forward: forward,
* See {@link Function#once}
once: once,
* See {@link Function#bindArgs}
bindArgs: function(fn){
return bindArgsArray(fn,, 1))
* See {@link Function#bindArgsArray}
bindArgsArray: bindArgsArray,
* See {@link Function#lockArgs}
lockArgs: function(fn){
return lockArgsArray(fn,, 1))
* See {@link Function#lockArgsArray}
lockArgsArray: lockArgsArray,
bindFunctionsOf: bindFunctionsOf,
find: find
module.exports = require('./src')
'use strict'
var objectToString = Object.prototype.toString
module.exports = function(value){
return objectToString.apply(value) === '[object Arguments]' || !!value.callee
'use strict'
module.exports = function(value){
return Array.isArray(value)
'use strict'
module.exports = function(value){
return typeof value == 'boolean'
'use strict'
var objectToString = Object.prototype.toString
module.exports = function(value){
return objectToString.apply(value) === '[object Date]'
'use strict'
var number = require('./number')
module.exports = function(value){
return number(value) && (value === parseFloat(value, 10)) && !(value === parseInt(value, 10))
'use strict'
var objectToString = Object.prototype.toString
module.exports = function(value){
return objectToString.apply(value) === '[object Function]'
'use strict'
module.exports = {
'numeric' : require('./numeric'),
'number' : require('./number'),
'int' : require('./int'),
'float' : require('./float'),
'string' : require('./string'),
'function' : require('./function'),
'object' : require('./object'),
'arguments': require('./arguments'),
'boolean' : require('./boolean'),
'date' : require('./date'),
'regexp' : require('./regexp'),
'array' : require('./array')
'use strict'
var number = require('./number')
module.exports = function(value){
return number(value) && (value === parseInt(value, 10))
'use strict'
module.exports = function(value){
return typeof value === 'number' && isFinite(value)
'use strict'
module.exports = function(value){
return !isNaN( parseFloat( value ) ) && isFinite( value )
'use strict'
var objectToString = Object.prototype.toString
module.exports = function(value){
return objectToString.apply(value) === '[object Object]'
'use strict'
var objectToString = Object.prototype.toString
module.exports = function(value){
return objectToString.apply(value) === '[object RegExp]'
'use strict'
module.exports = function(value){
return typeof value == 'string'
'use strict'
var toCamelFn = function(str, letter){

@@ -16,3 +895,3 @@ return letter ? letter.toUpperCase(): ''

var hyphenRe = _dereq_('./hyphenRe')
var hyphenRe = require('./hyphenRe')

@@ -24,3 +903,3 @@ module.exports = function(str){

var RE = /\s+/g

@@ -35,10 +914,31 @@

'use strict'
var separate = _dereq_('./separate')
var camelize = _dereq_('./camelize')
var toUpperFirst = _dereq_('./toUpperFirst')
var hyphenRe = _dereq_('./hyphenRe')
module.exports = function(str, endsWith){
str += ''
if (!str){
return typeof endsWith == 'string'?
endsWith += ''
if (str.length < endsWith.length){
return false
return str.lastIndexOf(endsWith) == str.length - endsWith.length
'use strict'
var separate = require('./separate')
var camelize = require('./camelize')
var toUpperFirst = require('./toUpperFirst')
var hyphenRe = require('./hyphenRe')
function toLowerAndSpace(str, letter){

@@ -57,8 +957,8 @@ return letter? ' ' + letter.toLowerCase(): ' '

module.exports = /[-\s]+(.)?/g
'use strict'
var separate = _dereq_('./separate')
var separate = require('./separate')

@@ -68,16 +968,40 @@ module.exports = function(name){

'use strict'
module.exports = require('./match')(/^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$/)
'use strict'
var regex = /^[A-F0-9]{8}(?:-?[A-F0-9]{4}){3}-?[A-F0-9]{12}$/i
var regex2 = /^\{[A-F0-9]{8}(?:-?[A-F0-9]{4}){3}-?[A-F0-9]{12}\}$/i
module.exports = function(value){
return regex.test(value) || regex2.test(value)
module.exports = {
toLowerFirst : _dereq_('./toLowerFirst'),
toUpperFirst : _dereq_('./toUpperFirst'),
separate : _dereq_('./separate'),
stripWhitespace : _dereq_('./stripWhitespace'),
compactWhitespace: _dereq_('./compactWhitespace'),
camelize : _dereq_('./camelize'),
humanize : _dereq_('./humanize'),
hyphenate : _dereq_('./hyphenate')
alphanum: require('./alphanum'),
match : require('./match'),
guid : require('./guid'),
// email : require('./email'),
numeric : require('./numeric')
'use strict'
var F = require('functionally')
module.exports = F.curry(function(re, value){
return !!re.test(value)
'use strict'
module.exports = require('i-s').numeric
'use strict'
var doubleColonRe = /::/g

@@ -98,3 +1022,3 @@ var upperToLowerRe = /([A-Z]+)([A-Z][a-z])/g

var RE = /\s/g

@@ -109,3 +1033,3 @@

module.exports = function(str){

@@ -116,3 +1040,3 @@ return str.length?

'use strict'

@@ -125,5 +1049,28 @@

module.exports = _dereq_('./prefixer')()
module.exports = require('./prefixer')()
'use exports'
//make sure properties are in hyphenated form
module.exports = {
'animation' : 1,
'column-count' : 1,
'columns' : 1,
'font-weight' : 1,
'opacity' : 1,
'order ' : 1,
'z-index' : 1,
'zoom' : 1,
'flex' : 1,
'box-flex' : 1,
'transform' : 1,
'perspective' : 1,
'box-pack' : 1,
'box-align' : 1,
'colspan' : 1,
'rowspan' : 1
'use strict'

@@ -136,3 +1083,3 @@

'use strict'

@@ -146,3 +1093,3 @@

'use strict'

@@ -157,4 +1104,4 @@

var toUpperFirst = _dereq_('ustring').toUpperFirst
var toUpperFirst = require('ustring').toUpperFirst

@@ -208,3 +1155,3 @@ var re = /^(Moz|Webkit|Khtml|O|ms|Icab)(?=[A-Z])/

module.exports = prefixInfo
module.exports = {

@@ -235,6 +1182,6 @@ 'border-radius' : 1,

'use strict'
var ustring = _dereq_('ustring')
var ustring = require('ustring')
var camelize = ustring.camelize

@@ -245,4 +1192,4 @@ var hyphenate = ustring.hyphenate

var prefixInfo = _dereq_('./prefixInfo')
var prefixProperties = _dereq_('./prefixProperties')
var prefixInfo = require('./prefixInfo')
var prefixProperties = require('./prefixProperties')

@@ -319,14 +1266,15 @@ var docStyle = typeof document == 'undefined'?

'use strict'
var ustring = _dereq_('ustring')
var ustring = require('ustring')
var prefixInfo = _dereq_('./prefixInfo')
var cssPrefixFn = _dereq_('./cssPrefix')
var prefixInfo = require('./prefixInfo')
var cssPrefixFn = require('./cssPrefix')
var HYPHENATE = ustring.hyphenate
var HAS_OWN = _dereq_('./hasOwn')
var IS_OBJECT = _dereq_('./isObject')
var IS_FUNCTION = _dereq_('./isFunction')
var CAMELIZE = ustring.camelize
var HAS_OWN = require('./hasOwn')
var IS_OBJECT = require('./isObject')
var IS_FUNCTION = require('./isFunction')

@@ -355,2 +1303,6 @@ var applyPrefix = function(target, property, value, normalizeFn){

var CONFIG = {
cssUnitless: require('./cssUnitless')

@@ -377,3 +1329,6 @@ * @ignore

config = config || {}
config = config || CONFIG
config.cssUnitless = config.cssUnitless || CONFIG.cssUnitless
result = result || {}

@@ -398,5 +1353,10 @@

normalizeFn = config.normalizeName || HYPHENATE,
camelize = config.camelize,
normalizeFn = camelize? CAMELIZE: HYPHENATE
// Object.keys(cssUnitless).forEach(function(key){
// cssUnitless[normalizeFn(key)] = 1
// })
var processed,

@@ -418,3 +1378,3 @@

//the hyphenated style name (css property name)
styleName = normalizeFn(prepend? prepend + propName: propName)
styleName = HYPHENATE(prepend? prepend + propName: propName)

@@ -435,3 +1395,3 @@ processed = false

styleName =

@@ -461,2 +1421,4 @@

// hyphenStyleName = camelize? HYPHENATE(styleName): styleName
if (processed){

@@ -485,3 +1447,3 @@

styleName = normalizeFn(styleName + '-width')
styleName = styleName + '-width'

@@ -503,7 +1465,6 @@

styleName.push(normalizeFn('border' + pos + radius))
styleName.push('border' + pos + radius)
} else {
styleName = normalizeFn('border'+ theRest + radius)
styleName = 'border'+ theRest + radius

@@ -533,3 +1494,2 @@

} else {
//the propValue must be an object, so go down the hierarchy

@@ -544,7 +1504,7 @@ TO_STYLE_OBJECT(propValue, config, styleName + '-', result)

module.exports = TO_STYLE_OBJECT
'use strict'
var toStyleObject = _dereq_('./toStyleObject')
var hasOwn = _dereq_('./hasOwn')
var toStyleObject = require('./toStyleObject')
var hasOwn = require('./hasOwn')

@@ -577,4 +1537,3 @@ /**



"name": "to-style",
"version": "1.3.1",
"version": "1.3.2",
"description": "Convert style objects to style strings",

@@ -16,5 +16,3 @@ "main": "index.js",

"dependencies": {
"ustring": "^1.4.0"
"dependencies": {},
"devDependencies": {

@@ -21,0 +19,0 @@ "should": "~4.0.4",

@@ -1,3 +0,5 @@

var toUpperFirst = require('ustring').toUpperFirst
'use strict';
var toUpperFirst = require('./stringUtils/toUpperFirst')
var re = /^(Moz|Webkit|Khtml|O|ms|Icab)(?=[A-Z])/

@@ -4,0 +6,0 @@

'use strict'
var ustring = require('ustring')
var prefixInfo = require('./prefixInfo')
var cssPrefixFn = require('./cssPrefix')
var HYPHENATE = ustring.hyphenate
var CAMELIZE = ustring.camelize
var HYPHENATE = require('./stringUtils/hyphenate')
var CAMELIZE = require('./stringUtils/camelize')
var HAS_OWN = require('./hasOwn')

@@ -11,0 +9,0 @@ var IS_OBJECT = require('./isObject')

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