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ts-pattern - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 3.2.1-next.0 to 3.2.1-next.1




@@ -1,14 +0,10 @@

import type { Pattern, AnonymousSelectPattern, NamedSelectPattern, GuardPattern, NotPattern, GuardFunction } from './types/Pattern';
import type { Match } from './types/Match';
import { __ } from './PatternType';
import { AnyConstructor } from './types/helpers';
export declare const when: <a, b extends a = never>(predicate: GuardFunction<a, b>) => GuardPattern<a, b>;
export declare const not: <a>(pattern: Pattern<a>) => NotPattern<a>;
export declare function select(): AnonymousSelectPattern;
export declare function select<k extends string>(key: k): NamedSelectPattern<k>;
export declare function instanceOf<T extends AnyConstructor>(classConstructor: T): GuardPattern<unknown, InstanceType<T>>;
import type { Pattern } from './types/Pattern';
import type { Match, MatchedValue } from './types/Match';
import { when, not, select, instanceOf } from './guards';
import { __ } from './wildcards';
import { InvertPattern } from './types/InvertPattern';
* # Pattern matching
export { Pattern, __ };
export { Pattern, __, when, not, select, instanceOf };

@@ -23,1 +19,18 @@ * #### match

export declare const match: <a, b = "@ts-pattern/unset">(value: a) => Match<a, b, never, never>;
* Helper function taking a pattern and returning a **type guard** function telling
* us whether or not a value matches the pattern.
* @param pattern the Pattern the value should match
* @returns a function taking the value and returning whether or not it matches the pattern.
export declare function isMatching<p extends Pattern<any>>(pattern: p): (value: any) => value is MatchedValue<any, InvertPattern<p>>;
* **type guard** function taking a pattern and a value and returning a boolean telling
* us whether or not the value matches the pattern.
* @param pattern the Pattern the value should match
* @param value
* @returns a boolean telling whether or not the value matches the pattern.
export declare function isMatching<p extends Pattern<any>>(pattern: p, value: any): value is MatchedValue<any, InvertPattern<p>>;
"use strict";
var __read = (this && this.__read) || function (o, n) {
var m = typeof Symbol === "function" && o[Symbol.iterator];
if (!m) return o;
var i =, r, ar = [], e;
try {
while ((n === void 0 || n-- > 0) && !(r = ar.push(r.value);
catch (error) { e = { error: error }; }
finally {
try {
if (r && !r.done && (m = i["return"]));
finally { if (e) throw e.error; }
return ar;
var __spreadArray = (this && this.__spreadArray) || function (to, from) {
for (var i = 0, il = from.length, j = to.length; i < il; i++, j++)
to[j] = from[i];
return to;
exports.__esModule = true;
exports.match = exports.__ = exports.instanceOf = = exports.not = exports.when = void 0;
var PatternType_1 = require("./PatternType");
exports.__ = PatternType_1.__;
var when = function (predicate) { return ({
'@ts-pattern/__patternKind': PatternType_1.PatternType.Guard,
'@ts-pattern/__when': predicate
}); };
exports.when = when;
var not = function (pattern) { return ({
'@ts-pattern/__patternKind': PatternType_1.PatternType.Not,
'@ts-pattern/__pattern': pattern
}); };
exports.not = not;
function select(key) {
return key === undefined
? {
'@ts-pattern/__patternKind': PatternType_1.PatternType.AnonymousSelect
: {
'@ts-pattern/__patternKind': PatternType_1.PatternType.NamedSelect,
'@ts-pattern/__key': key
} = select;
function instanceOf(classConstructor) {
return exports.when(function (val) { return val instanceof classConstructor; });
exports.instanceOf = instanceOf;
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.isMatching = exports.match = exports.instanceOf = = exports.not = exports.when = exports.__ = void 0;
const symbols = require("./symbols");
const guards_1 = require("./guards");
Object.defineProperty(exports, "when", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return guards_1.when; } });
Object.defineProperty(exports, "not", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return guards_1.not; } });
Object.defineProperty(exports, "select", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return; } });
Object.defineProperty(exports, "instanceOf", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return guards_1.instanceOf; } });
const wildcards_1 = require("./wildcards");
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return wildcards_1.__; } });

@@ -60,5 +20,3 @@ * #### match

var match = function (value) {
return builder(value, []);
const match = (value) => builder(value, []);
exports.match = match;

@@ -69,13 +27,8 @@ /**

* builder pattern.
* This builder pattern is neat because we can have complexe type checking
* for each of the methods adding new behavior to our pattern matching.
var builder = function (value, cases) {
var run = function () {
var entry = cases.find(function (_a) {
var test = _a.test;
return test(value);
const builder = (value, cases) => {
const run = () => {
const entry = cases.find(({ test }) => test(value));
if (!entry) {
var displayedValue = void 0;
let displayedValue;
try {

@@ -87,3 +40,3 @@ displayedValue = JSON.stringify(value);

throw new Error("Pattern matching error: no pattern matches value " + displayedValue);
throw new Error(`Pattern matching error: no pattern matches value ${displayedValue}`);

@@ -93,207 +46,140 @@ return entry.handler(, value);

return {
"with": function () {
var args = [];
for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
args[_i] = arguments[_i];
var _a = args.slice(0, -1).reduce(function (acc, arg) {
with(...args) {
const handler = args[args.length - 1];
const patterns = [];
const predicates = [];
for (let i = 0; i < args.length - 1; i++) {
const arg = args[i];
if (typeof arg === 'function') {
else {
return acc;
}, { patterns: [], predicates: [] }), patterns = _a.patterns, predicates = _a.predicates;
var handler = args[args.length - 1];
var doesMatch = function (value) {
return Boolean(patterns.some(function (pattern) { return matchPattern(pattern, value); }) &&
predicates.every(function (predicate) { return predicate(value); }));
let selected = {};
const doesMatch = (value) => Boolean(patterns.some((pattern) => matchPattern(pattern, value, (key, value) => {
selected[key] = value;
})) && predicates.every((predicate) => predicate(value)));
return builder(value, cases.concat([
test: doesMatch,
handler: handler,
select: function (value) {
return patterns.length === 1
? selectWithPattern(patterns[0], value)
: value;
select: (value) => Object.keys(selected).length
? selected[guards_1.ANONYMOUS_SELECT_KEY] !== undefined
? selected[guards_1.ANONYMOUS_SELECT_KEY]
: selected
: value,
when: function (predicate, handler) {
return builder(value, cases.concat([
test: predicate,
handler: handler,
select: function (value) { return value; }
otherwise: function (handler) {
return builder(value, cases.concat([
test: function (value) { return true; },
handler: handler,
select: function (value) { return value; }
exhaustive: function () { return run(); },
run: run
when: (predicate, handler) => builder(value, cases.concat([
test: predicate,
select: (value) => value,
otherwise: (handler) => builder(value, cases.concat([
test: () => true,
select: (value) => value,
exhaustive: () => run(),
var isObject = function (value) {
return Boolean(value && typeof value === 'object');
const isObject = (value) => Boolean(value && typeof value === 'object');
const isGuardPattern = (x) => {
const pattern = x;
return pattern && pattern[symbols.PatternKind] === symbols.Guard;
var isArray = function (value) { return Array.isArray(value); };
var isGuardPattern = function (x) {
var pattern = x;
return (pattern &&
pattern['@ts-pattern/__patternKind'] === PatternType_1.PatternType.Guard &&
typeof pattern['@ts-pattern/__when'] === 'function');
const isNotPattern = (x) => {
const pattern = x;
return pattern && pattern[symbols.PatternKind] === symbols.Not;
var isNotPattern = function (x) {
var pattern = x;
return pattern && pattern['@ts-pattern/__patternKind'] === PatternType_1.PatternType.Not;
const isNamedSelectPattern = (x) => {
const pattern = x;
return pattern && pattern[symbols.PatternKind] === symbols.NamedSelect;
var isNamedSelectPattern = function (x) {
var pattern = x;
return (pattern && pattern['@ts-pattern/__patternKind'] === PatternType_1.PatternType.NamedSelect);
const isAnonymousSelectPattern = (x) => {
const pattern = x;
return pattern && pattern[symbols.PatternKind] === symbols.AnonymousSelect;
var isAnonymousSelectPattern = function (x) {
var pattern = x;
return (pattern &&
pattern['@ts-pattern/__patternKind'] === PatternType_1.PatternType.AnonymousSelect);
var isListPattern = function (x) {
return Array.isArray(x) && x.length === 1;
// tells us if the value matches a given pattern.
var matchPattern = function (pattern, value) {
if (pattern === PatternType_1.__ ||
isNamedSelectPattern(pattern) ||
return true;
if (pattern === PatternType_1.__.string)
return typeof value === 'string';
if (pattern === PatternType_1.__.boolean)
return typeof value === 'boolean';
if (pattern === PatternType_1.__.number) {
return typeof value === 'number' && !Number.isNaN(value);
if (isGuardPattern(pattern))
return Boolean(pattern['@ts-pattern/__when'](value));
if (isNotPattern(pattern))
return !matchPattern(pattern['@ts-pattern/__pattern'], value);
if (isListPattern(pattern))
return isArray(value)
? value.every(function (v) { return matchPattern(pattern[0], v); })
: false;
if (typeof pattern !== typeof value)
return false;
if (isArray(pattern)) {
return isArray(value) && pattern.length === value.length
? pattern.every(function (subPattern, i) { return matchPattern(subPattern, value[i]); })
: false;
if (pattern instanceof Map) {
if (!(value instanceof Map))
return false;
return __spreadArray([], __read(pattern.keys())).every(function (key) {
return matchPattern(pattern.get(key), value.get(key));
if (pattern instanceof Set) {
if (!(value instanceof Set))
return false;
var patternValues = __spreadArray([], __read(pattern.values()));
var allValues_1 = __spreadArray([], __read(value.values()));
return patternValues.length === 0
? allValues_1.length === 0
: patternValues.length === 1
? patternValues.every(function (subPattern) {
return Object.values(PatternType_1.__).includes(subPattern)
? matchPattern([subPattern], allValues_1)
: value.has(subPattern);
: patternValues.every(function (subPattern) { return value.has(subPattern); });
const matchPattern = (pattern, value, select) => {
if (isObject(pattern)) {
if (isGuardPattern(pattern))
return Boolean(pattern[symbols.Guard](value));
if (isNamedSelectPattern(pattern)) {
select(pattern[symbols.NamedSelect], value);
return true;
if (isAnonymousSelectPattern(pattern)) {
select(guards_1.ANONYMOUS_SELECT_KEY, value);
return true;
if (isNotPattern(pattern))
return !matchPattern(pattern[symbols.Not], value, select);
if (!isObject(value))
return false;
return Object.keys(pattern).every(function (k) {
// @ts-ignore
return matchPattern(pattern[k], value[k]);
if (Array.isArray(pattern)) {
if (!Array.isArray(value))
return false;
// List pattern
if (pattern.length === 1) {
const selected = {};
const listSelect = (key, value) => {
selected[key] = (selected[key] || []).concat([value]);
const doesMatch = value.every((v) => matchPattern(pattern[0], v, listSelect));
if (doesMatch) {
Object.keys(selected).forEach((key) => select(key, selected[key]));
return doesMatch;
// Tuple pattern
return pattern.length === value.length
? pattern.every((subPattern, i) => matchPattern(subPattern, value[i], select))
: false;
if (pattern instanceof Map) {
if (!(value instanceof Map))
return false;
return [...pattern.keys()].every((key) => matchPattern(pattern.get(key), value.get(key), select));
if (pattern instanceof Set) {
if (!(value instanceof Set))
return false;
if (pattern.size === 0)
return value.size === 0;
if (pattern.size === 1) {
const [subPattern] = [...pattern.values()];
return Object.values(wildcards_1.__).includes(subPattern)
? matchPattern([subPattern], [...value.values()], select)
: value.has(subPattern);
return [...pattern.values()].every((subPattern) => value.has(subPattern));
return Object.keys(pattern).every((k) => matchPattern(
// @ts-ignore
// @ts-ignore
value[k], select));
return value === pattern;
var selectWithPattern = function (pattern, value) {
var positional = selectPositionalWithPattern(pattern, value);
var kwargs = selectKwargsWithPattern(pattern, value);
return positional.kind === 'some'
? positional.value
: Object.keys(kwargs).length
? kwargs
: value;
var none = { kind: 'none' };
var selectPositionalWithPattern = function (pattern, value) {
if (isAnonymousSelectPattern(pattern))
return { kind: 'some', value: value };
if (isListPattern(pattern) && isArray(value))
return value
.map(function (v) { return selectPositionalWithPattern(pattern[0], v); })
.filter(function (selection) {
return selection.kind === 'some';
.reduce(function (acc, selection) {
return acc.kind === 'none'
? { kind: 'some', value: [selection.value] }
: { kind: 'some', value: acc.value.concat([selection.value]) };
}, none);
if (isArray(pattern) && isArray(value))
return pattern.length <= value.length
? pattern.reduce(function (acc, subPattern, i) {
if (acc.kind === 'some')
return acc;
return selectPositionalWithPattern(subPattern, value[i]);
}, none)
: none;
if (isObject(pattern) && isObject(value))
return Object.keys(pattern).reduce(function (acc, k) {
if (acc.kind === 'some')
return acc;
// @ts-ignore
return selectPositionalWithPattern(pattern[k], value[k]);
}, none);
return none;
var selectKwargsWithPattern = function (pattern, value) {
var _a;
if (isNamedSelectPattern(pattern))
return _a = {}, _a[pattern['@ts-pattern/__key']] = value, _a;
if (isListPattern(pattern) && isArray(value))
return value
.map(function (v) { return selectKwargsWithPattern(pattern[0], v); })
.reduce(function (acc, selections) {
return Object.keys(selections).reduce(function (acc, key) {
acc[key] = (acc[key] || []).concat([selections[key]]);
return acc;
}, acc);
}, {});
if (isArray(pattern) && isArray(value))
return pattern.length <= value.length
? pattern.reduce(function (acc, subPattern, i) {
return Object.assign(acc, selectKwargsWithPattern(subPattern, value[i]));
}, {})
: {};
if (isObject(pattern) && isObject(value))
return Object.keys(pattern).reduce(function (acc, k) {
// @ts-ignore
return Object.assign(acc, selectKwargsWithPattern(pattern[k], value[k]));
}, {});
return {};
function isMatching(...args) {
if (args.length === 1) {
const [pattern] = args;
return (value) => matchPattern(pattern, value, () => { });
if (args.length === 2) {
const [pattern, value] = args;
return matchPattern(pattern, value, () => { });
throw new Error(`isMatching wasn't given enough arguments: expected 1 or 2, receive ${args.length}.`);
exports.isMatching = isMatching;
"use strict";
exports.__esModule = true;
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
"use strict";
exports.__esModule = true;
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
"use strict";
exports.__esModule = true;
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
"use strict";
exports.__esModule = true;
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

import { PatternType } from '../PatternType';
import type * as symbols from '../symbols';
import type { Cast, IsPlainObject, UnionToIntersection } from './helpers';

@@ -7,3 +7,3 @@ import type { NamedSelectPattern, AnonymousSelectPattern } from './Pattern';

} : p extends AnonymousSelectPattern ? {
[kk in PatternType.AnonymousSelect]: [i, path];
[kk in symbols.AnonymousSelect]: [i, path];
} : p extends readonly (infer pp)[] ? i extends readonly (infer ii)[] ? [i, p] extends [

@@ -38,5 +38,5 @@ readonly [infer i1, infer i2, infer i3, infer i4, infer i5],

} & a;
declare type SelectionToArgs<selections extends Record<string, [unknown, unknown]>, i> = [keyof selections] extends [never] ? i : PatternType.AnonymousSelect extends keyof selections ? [
] extends [never] ? SeveralAnonymousSelectError : keyof selections extends PatternType.AnonymousSelect ? selections[PatternType.AnonymousSelect][0] : MixedNamedAndAnonymousSelectError : {
declare type SelectionToArgs<selections extends Record<string, [unknown, unknown]>, i> = [keyof selections] extends [never] ? i : symbols.AnonymousSelect extends keyof selections ? [
] extends [never] ? SeveralAnonymousSelectError : keyof selections extends symbols.AnonymousSelect ? selections[symbols.AnonymousSelect][0] : MixedNamedAndAnonymousSelectError : {
[k in keyof selections]: selections[k][0];

@@ -43,0 +43,0 @@ };

"use strict";
exports.__esModule = true;
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });

@@ -30,3 +30,3 @@ export declare type ValueOf<a> = a extends any[] ? a[number] : a[keyof a];

export declare type Expect<T extends true> = T;
export declare type IsAny<a> = [a] extends [never] ? false : Equal<a, any>;
export declare type IsAny<T> = 0 extends 1 & T ? true : false;
export declare type Length<it extends any[]> = it['length'];

@@ -41,3 +41,3 @@ export declare type Iterator<n extends number, it extends any[] = []> = it['length'] extends n ? it : Iterator<n, [any,]>;

export declare type IsPlainObject<o> = o extends object ? o extends BuiltInObjects ? false : true : false;
export declare type IsPlainObject<o> = o extends object ? o extends string | BuiltInObjects ? false : true : false;
export declare type Compute<a extends any> = a extends BuiltInObjects ? a : {

@@ -52,3 +52,2 @@ [k in keyof a]: a[k];

export declare type Union<a, b> = [b] extends [a] ? a : [a] extends [b] ? b : a | b;
export declare type AnyConstructor = new (...args: any[]) => any;
export {};
"use strict";
exports.__esModule = true;
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });

@@ -1,2 +0,1 @@

import type { __ } from '../PatternType';
import { IsPlainObject, Primitives, IsLiteral } from './helpers';

@@ -9,3 +8,3 @@ import type { NamedSelectPattern, AnonymousSelectPattern, GuardPattern, NotPattern } from './Pattern';

export declare type InvertPattern<p> = p extends typeof __.number ? number : p extends typeof __.string ? string : p extends typeof __.boolean ? boolean : p extends NamedSelectPattern<any> | AnonymousSelectPattern | typeof __ ? unknown : p extends GuardPattern<infer p1, infer p2> ? [p2] extends [never] ? p1 : p2 : p extends NotPattern<infer a1> ? NotPattern<InvertPattern<a1>> : p extends Primitives ? p : p extends readonly (infer pp)[] ? p extends readonly [infer p1, infer p2, infer p3, infer p4, infer p5] ? [
export declare type InvertPattern<p> = p extends NamedSelectPattern<any> | AnonymousSelectPattern ? unknown : p extends GuardPattern<infer p1, infer p2> ? [p2] extends [never] ? p1 : p2 : p extends NotPattern<infer a1> ? NotPattern<InvertPattern<a1>> : p extends Primitives ? p : p extends readonly (infer pp)[] ? p extends readonly [infer p1, infer p2, infer p3, infer p4, infer p5] ? [

@@ -27,3 +26,3 @@ InvertPattern<p2>,

export declare type InvertPatternForExclude<p, i> = p extends NotPattern<infer p1> ? Exclude<i, p1> : p extends typeof __.number ? number : p extends typeof __.string ? string : p extends typeof __.boolean ? boolean : p extends NamedSelectPattern<any> | AnonymousSelectPattern | typeof __ ? unknown : p extends GuardPattern<any, infer p1> ? p1 : p extends Primitives ? IsLiteral<p> extends true ? p : IsLiteral<i> extends true ? p : never : p extends readonly (infer pp)[] ? i extends readonly (infer ii)[] ? p extends readonly [infer p1, infer p2, infer p3, infer p4, infer p5] ? i extends readonly [infer i1, infer i2, infer i3, infer i4, infer i5] ? [
export declare type InvertPatternForExclude<p, i> = p extends NotPattern<infer p1> ? Exclude<i, p1> : p extends NamedSelectPattern<any> | AnonymousSelectPattern ? unknown : p extends GuardPattern<any, infer p1> ? p1 : p extends Primitives ? IsLiteral<p> extends true ? p : IsLiteral<i> extends true ? p : never : p extends readonly (infer pp)[] ? i extends readonly (infer ii)[] ? p extends readonly [infer p1, infer p2, infer p3, infer p4, infer p5] ? i extends readonly [infer i1, infer i2, infer i3, infer i4, infer i5] ? [
InvertPatternForExclude<p1, i1>,

@@ -30,0 +29,0 @@ InvertPatternForExclude<p2, i2>,

"use strict";
exports.__esModule = true;
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
"use strict";
exports.__esModule = true;
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
"use strict";
exports.__esModule = true;
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

import type { __, PatternType } from '../PatternType';
import type * as symbols from '../symbols';
import { Primitives, IsPlainObject } from './helpers';

@@ -8,29 +8,24 @@ /**

export declare type GuardFunction<a, b extends a> = ((value: a) => value is b) | ((value: a) => boolean);
* Using @deprecated here to dissuade people from using them inside there patterns.
* Theses properties should be used by ts-pattern's internals only.
export declare type GuardPattern<a, b extends a = never> = {
/** @deprecated This property should only be used by ts-pattern's internals. */
'@ts-pattern/__patternKind': PatternType.Guard;
/** @deprecated This property should only be used by ts-pattern's internals. */
'@ts-pattern/__when': GuardFunction<a, b>;
/** @internal This property should only be used by ts-pattern's internals. */
[symbols.PatternKind]: symbols.Guard;
/** @internal This property should only be used by ts-pattern's internals. */
[symbols.Guard]: GuardFunction<a, b>;
export declare type NotPattern<a> = {
/** @deprecated This property should only be used by ts-pattern's internals. */
'@ts-pattern/__patternKind': PatternType.Not;
/** @deprecated This property should only be used by ts-pattern's internals. */
'@ts-pattern/__pattern': Pattern<a>;
/** @internal This property should only be used by ts-pattern's internals. */
[symbols.PatternKind]: symbols.Not;
/** @internal This property should only be used by ts-pattern's internals. */
[symbols.Not]: Pattern<a>;
export declare type AnonymousSelectPattern = {
/** @deprecated This property should only be used by ts-pattern's internals. */
'@ts-pattern/__patternKind': PatternType.AnonymousSelect;
/** @internal This property should only be used by ts-pattern's internals. */
[symbols.PatternKind]: symbols.AnonymousSelect;
export declare type NamedSelectPattern<k extends string> = {
/** @deprecated This property should only be used by ts-pattern's internals. */
'@ts-pattern/__patternKind': PatternType.NamedSelect;
/** @deprecated This property should only be used by ts-pattern's internals. */
'@ts-pattern/__key': k;
/** @internal This property should only be used by ts-pattern's internals. */
[symbols.PatternKind]: symbols.NamedSelect;
/** @internal This property should only be used by ts-pattern's internals. */
[symbols.NamedSelect]: k;
declare type WildCardPattern<a> = a extends number ? typeof __.number : a extends string ? typeof __.string : a extends boolean ? typeof __.boolean : never;

@@ -41,3 +36,3 @@ * ### Pattern

export declare type Pattern<a> = typeof __ | AnonymousSelectPattern | NamedSelectPattern<string> | GuardPattern<a, a> | NotPattern<a | any> | WildCardPattern<a> | (a extends Primitives ? a : a extends readonly (infer i)[] ? a extends readonly [infer a1, infer a2, infer a3, infer a4, infer a5] ? readonly [
export declare type Pattern<a> = AnonymousSelectPattern | NamedSelectPattern<string> | GuardPattern<a, a> | NotPattern<a | any> | (a extends Primitives ? a : a extends readonly (infer i)[] ? a extends readonly [infer a1, infer a2, infer a3, infer a4, infer a5] ? readonly [

@@ -57,2 +52,1 @@ Pattern<a2>,

} : a);
export {};
"use strict";
exports.__esModule = true;
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
"name": "ts-pattern",
"version": "3.2.1-next.0",
"version": "3.2.1-next.1",
"description": "Typescript pattern matching library",

@@ -8,3 +8,3 @@ "main": "lib/index.js",

"scripts": {
"build": "rimraf lib && tsc -d",
"build": "rimraf lib && tsc",
"prepare": "npm run test && npm run build",

@@ -40,9 +40,9 @@ "test:values": "jest",

"devDependencies": {
"@types/jest": "^26.0.15",
"jest": "^26.6.3",
"@types/jest": "^26.0.23",
"jest": "^27.0.3",
"prettier": "^2.2.1",
"rimraf": "^3.0.2",
"ts-jest": "^26.4.4",
"typescript": "^4.2.4"
"ts-jest": "^27.0.1",
"typescript": "^4.3.2"

@@ -88,3 +88,5 @@ <h1 align="center">ts-pattern</h1>

- [.when](#when)
- [.otherwise](#when)
- [.otherwise](#otherwise)
- [.run](#run)
- [isMatching](#ismatching)
- [Patterns](#patterns)

@@ -96,2 +98,3 @@ - [Literals](#literals)

- [`__.boolean` wildcard](#__boolean-wildcard)
- [`__.nullish` wildcard](#__nullish-wildcard)
- [Objects](#objects)

@@ -105,2 +108,3 @@ - [Lists (arrays)](#lists-arrays)

- [`select` patterns](#select-patterns)
- [`instanceOf` patterns](#instanceof-patterns)
- [Type inference](#type-inference)

@@ -421,3 +425,3 @@ - [Inspirations](#inspirations)

#### Options
#### Arguments

@@ -462,3 +466,3 @@ - `input`

#### Options
#### Arguments

@@ -498,3 +502,3 @@ - `pattern: Pattern<TInput>`

#### Options
#### Arguments

@@ -541,3 +545,3 @@ - `predicate: (value: TInput) => unknown`

#### Options
#### Arguments

@@ -566,2 +570,56 @@ - `defaultHandler: () => TOutput`

### `isMatching`
With a single argument:
import { isMatching, __ } from 'ts-pattern';
const isBlogPost = isMatching({
title: __.string,
description: __.string,
if (isBlogPost(value)) {
// value: { title: string, description: string }
With two arguments:
const blogPostPattern = {
title: __.string,
description: __.string,
if (isMatching(blogPostPattern, value)) {
// value: { title: string, description: string }
Type guard function to check if a value is matching a pattern or not.
#### Signature
export function isMatching<p extends Pattern<any>>(
pattern: p
): (value: any) => value is InvertPattern<p>;
export function isMatching<p extends Pattern<any>>(
pattern: p,
value: any
): value is InvertPattern<p>;
#### Arguments
- `pattern: Pattern<any>`
- **Required**
- The pattern a value should match.
- `value?: any`
- **Optional**
- if a value is given as second argument, `isMatching` will return a boolean telling us whether or not the value matches the pattern.
- if the only argument given to the function is the pattern, then `isMatching` will return a **type guard function** taking a value and returning a boolean telling us whether or not the value matches the pattern.
### Patterns

@@ -671,2 +729,29 @@

#### `__.nullish` wildcard
The `__.nullish` pattern will match any value of type `null` or `undefined`.
You will **not often need this wildcard** as ordinarily `null` and `undefined`
are their own wildcards.
However, sometimes `null` and `undefined` appear in a union together
(e.g. `null | undefined | string`) and you may want to treat them as equivalent.
This is often not the case in many contexts. However, if they do appear together
in a union and you do want to treat them as equivalent then this may come in handy.
import { match, __ } from 'ts-pattern';
const input = null;
const output = match<number | string | boolean | null | undefined>(input)
.with(__.string, () => 'it is a string!')
.with(__.number, () => 'it is a number!')
.with(__.boolean, () => 'it is a boolean!')
.with(__.nullish, () => 'it is either null or undefined!')
.with(null, () => 'it is null!')
.with(undefined, () => 'it is undefined!')
// => 'it is either null or undefined!'
#### Objects

@@ -919,2 +1004,34 @@

#### `instanceOf` patterns
The `instanceOf` function lets you build a pattern to check if
a value is an instance of a class:
import { match, instanceOf } from 'ts-pattern';
class A {
a = 'a';
class B {
b = 'b';
type Input = { value: A | B };
const input = { value: new A() };
const output = match<Input>(input)
.with({ value: instanceOf(A) }, (a) => {
return 'instance of A!';
.with({ value: instanceOf(B) }, (b) => {
return 'instance of B!';
// => 'instance of A!'
### type inference

@@ -921,0 +1038,0 @@

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