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ts-pattern - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 4.2.2 to 4.2.3-test.0




@@ -0,0 +0,0 @@ import * as Pattern from './patterns';



@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

var n=Symbol("@ts-pattern/matcher"),t="@ts-pattern/anonymous-select-key",e=function(n){return Boolean(n&&"object"==typeof n)},r=function(t){return t&&!!t[n]},u=function t(u,i,c){if(e(u)){if(r(u)){var o=u[n]().match(i),a=o.matched,f=o.selections;return a&&f&&Object.keys(f).forEach(function(n){return c(n,f[n])}),a}if(!e(i))return!1;if(Array.isArray(u))return!!Array.isArray(i)&&u.length===i.length&&u.every(function(n,e){return t(n,i[e],c)});if(u instanceof Map)return i instanceof Map&&Array.from(u.keys()).every(function(n){return t(u.get(n),i.get(n),c)});if(u instanceof Set){if(!(i instanceof Set))return!1;if(0===u.size)return 0===i.size;if(1===u.size){var s=Array.from(u.values())[0];return r(s)?Array.from(i.values()).every(function(n){return t(s,n,c)}):i.has(s)}return Array.from(u.values()).every(function(n){return i.has(n)})}return Object.keys(u).every(function(e){var o,a=u[e];return(e in i||r(o=a)&&"optional"===o[n]().matcherType)&&t(a,i[e],c)})}return,u)},i=function t(u){var i,o,a;return e(u)?r(u)?null!=(i=null==(o=(a=u[n]()).getSelectionKeys)?void[]:Array.isArray(u)?c(u,t):c(Object.values(u),t):[]},c=function(n,t){return n.reduce(function(n,e){return n.concat(t(e))},[])};function o(t){var e;return(e={})[n]=function(){return{match:function(n){var e={},r=function(n,t){e[n]=t};return void 0===n?(i(t).forEach(function(n){return r(n,void 0)}),{matched:!0,selections:e}):{matched:u(t,n,r),selections:e}},getSelectionKeys:function(){return i(t)},matcherType:"optional"}},e}function a(t){var e;return(e={})[n]=function(){return{match:function(n){if(!Array.isArray(n))return{matched:!1};var e={};if(0===n.length)return i(t).forEach(function(n){e[n]=[]}),{matched:!0,selections:e};var r=function(n,t){e[n]=(e[n]||[]).concat([t])};return{matched:n.every(function(n){return u(t,n,r)}),selections:e}},getSelectionKeys:function(){return i(t)}}},e}function f(){var t,e=[];return(t={})[n]=function(){return{match:function(n){var t={},r=function(n,e){t[n]=e};return{matched:e.every(function(t){return u(t,n,r)}),selections:t}},getSelectionKeys:function(){return c(e,i)},matcherType:"and"}},t}function s(){var t,e=[];return(t={})[n]=function(){return{match:function(n){var t={},r=function(n,e){t[n]=e};return c(e,i).forEach(function(n){return r(n,void 0)}),{matched:e.some(function(t){return u(t,n,r)}),selections:t}},getSelectionKeys:function(){return c(e,i)},matcherType:"or"}},t}function l(t){var e;return(e={})[n]=function(){return{match:function(n){return{matched:!u(t,n,function(){})}},getSelectionKeys:function(){return[]},matcherType:"not"}},e}function h(t){var e;return(e={})[n]=function(){return{match:function(n){return{matched:Boolean(t(n))}}}},e}function v(){var e,r=[],c="string"==typeof r[0]?r[0]:void 0,o=2===r.length?r[1]:"string"==typeof r[0]?void 0:r[0];return(e={})[n]=function(){return{match:function(n){var e,r=((e={})[null!=c?c:t]=n,e);return{matched:void 0===o||u(o,n,function(n,t){r[n]=t}),selections:r}},getSelectionKeys:function(){return[null!=c?c:t].concat(void 0===o?[]:i(o))}}},e}var y=h(function(n){return!0}),m=y,d=h(function(n){return"string"==typeof n}),g=h(function(n){return"number"==typeof n}),p=h(function(n){return"boolean"==typeof n}),b=h(function(n){return"bigint"==typeof n}),w=h(function(n){return"symbol"==typeof n}),A=h(function(n){return null==n}),S={__proto__:null,optional:o,array:a,intersection:f,union:s,not:l,when:h,select:v,any:y,_:m,string:d,number:g,boolean:p,bigint:b,symbol:w,nullish:A,instanceOf:function(n){return h(function(n){return function(t){return t instanceof n}}(n))},typed:function(){return{array:a,optional:o,intersection:f,union:s,not:l,select:v,when:h}}};function K(n){return new O(n,[])}var O=/*#__PURE__*/function(){function n(n,t){this.value=void 0,this.cases=void 0,this.value=n,this.cases=t}var e=n.prototype;return e.with=function(){var e=[],r=e[e.length-1],i=[e[0]],c=[];return 3===e.length&&"function"==typeof e[1]?(i.push(e[0]),c.push(e[1])):e.length>2&&i.push.apply(i,e.slice(1,e.length-1)),new n(this.value,this.cases.concat([{match:function(n){var e={},r=Boolean(i.some(function(t){return u(t,n,function(n,t){e[n]=t})})&&c.every(function(t){return t(n)}));return{matched:r,value:r&&Object.keys(e).length?t in e?e[t]:e:n}},handler:r}]))},e.when=function(t,e){return new n(this.value,this.cases.concat([{match:function(n){return{matched:Boolean(t(n)),value:n}},handler:e}]))},e.otherwise=function(t){return new n(this.value,this.cases.concat([{match:function(n){return{matched:!0,value:n}},handler:t}])).run()},e.exhaustive=function(){return},{for(var n=this.value,t=void 0,e=0;e<this.cases.length;e++){var r=this.cases[e],u=r.match(this.value);if(u.matched){n=u.value,t=r.handler;break}}if(!t){var i;try{i=JSON.stringify(this.value)}catch(n){i=this.value}throw new Error("Pattern matching error: no pattern matches value "+i)}return t(n,this.value)},n}();function j(){var n=[];if(1===n.length){var t=n[0];return function(n){return u(t,n,function(){})}}if(2===n.length){var e=n,r=e[0],i=e[1];return u(r,i,function(){})}throw new Error("isMatching wasn't given the right number of arguments: expected 1 or 2, received "+n.length+".")}export{S as P,S as Pattern,j as isMatching,K as match};
var n=Symbol("@ts-pattern/matcher"),t="@ts-pattern/anonymous-select-key",e=function(n){return Boolean(n&&"object"==typeof n)},r=function(t){return t&&!!t[n]},u=function t(u,i,c){if(e(u)){if(r(u)){var o=u[n]().match(i),a=o.matched,f=o.selections;return a&&f&&Object.keys(f).forEach(function(n){return c(n,f[n])}),a}if(!e(i))return!1;if(Array.isArray(u))return!!Array.isArray(i)&&u.length===i.length&&u.every(function(n,e){return t(n,i[e],c)});if(u instanceof Map)return i instanceof Map&&Array.from(u.keys()).every(function(n){return t(u.get(n),i.get(n),c)});if(u instanceof Set){if(!(i instanceof Set))return!1;if(0===u.size)return 0===i.size;if(1===u.size){var s=Array.from(u.values())[0];return r(s)?Array.from(i.values()).every(function(n){return t(s,n,c)}):i.has(s)}return Array.from(u.values()).every(function(n){return i.has(n)})}return Object.keys(u).every(function(e){var o,a=u[e];return(e in i||r(o=a)&&"optional"===o[n]().matcherType)&&t(a,i[e],c)})}return,u)},i=function t(u){var i,o,a;return e(u)?r(u)?null!=(i=null==(o=(a=u[n]()).getSelectionKeys)?void[]:Array.isArray(u)?c(u,t):c(Object.values(u),t):[]},c=function(n,t){return n.reduce(function(n,e){return n.concat(t(e))},[])};function o(t){var e;return(e={})[n]=function(){return{match:function(n){var e={},r=function(n,t){e[n]=t};return void 0===n?(i(t).forEach(function(n){return r(n,void 0)}),{matched:!0,selections:e}):{matched:u(t,n,r),selections:e}},getSelectionKeys:function(){return i(t)},matcherType:"optional"}},e}function a(t){var e;return(e={})[n]=function(){return{match:function(n){if(!Array.isArray(n))return{matched:!1};var e={};if(0===n.length)return i(t).forEach(function(n){e[n]=[]}),{matched:!0,selections:e};var r=function(n,t){e[n]=(e[n]||[]).concat([t])};return{matched:n.every(function(n){return u(t,n,r)}),selections:e}},getSelectionKeys:function(){return i(t)}}},e}function f(){var t,e=[];return(t={})[n]=function(){return{match:function(n){var t={},r=function(n,e){t[n]=e};return{matched:e.every(function(t){return u(t,n,r)}),selections:t}},getSelectionKeys:function(){return c(e,i)},matcherType:"and"}},t}function s(){var t,e=[];return(t={})[n]=function(){return{match:function(n){var t={},r=function(n,e){t[n]=e};return c(e,i).forEach(function(n){return r(n,void 0)}),{matched:e.some(function(t){return u(t,n,r)}),selections:t}},getSelectionKeys:function(){return c(e,i)},matcherType:"or"}},t}function l(t){var e;return(e={})[n]=function(){return{match:function(n){return{matched:!u(t,n,function(){})}},getSelectionKeys:function(){return[]},matcherType:"not"}},e}function h(t){var e;return(e={})[n]=function(){return{match:function(n){return{matched:Boolean(t(n))}}}},e}function v(){var e,r=[],c="string"==typeof r[0]?r[0]:void 0,o=2===r.length?r[1]:"string"==typeof r[0]?void 0:r[0];return(e={})[n]=function(){return{match:function(n){var e,r=((e={})[null!=c?c:t]=n,e);return{matched:void 0===o||u(o,n,function(n,t){r[n]=t}),selections:r}},getSelectionKeys:function(){return[null!=c?c:t].concat(void 0===o?[]:i(o))}}},e}var y=h(function(n){return!0}),m=y,d=h(function(n){return"string"==typeof n}),g=h(function(n){return"number"==typeof n}),p=h(function(n){return"boolean"==typeof n}),b=h(function(n){return"bigint"==typeof n}),w=h(function(n){return"symbol"==typeof n}),A=h(function(n){return null==n}),S={__proto__:null,optional:o,array:a,intersection:f,union:s,not:l,when:h,select:v,any:y,_:m,string:d,number:g,boolean:p,bigint:b,symbol:w,nullish:A,instanceOf:function(n){return h(function(n){return function(t){return t instanceof n}}(n))},typed:function(){return{array:a,optional:o,intersection:f,union:s,not:l,select:v,when:h}}};function K(n){return new O(n,[])}var O=/*#__PURE__*/function(){function n(n,t){this.value=void 0,this.cases=void 0,this.value=n,this.cases=t}var e=n.prototype;return e.with=function(){var e=[],r=e[e.length-1],i=[e[0]],c=[];return 3===e.length&&"function"==typeof e[1]?(i.push(e[0]),c.push(e[1])):e.length>2&&i.push.apply(i,e.slice(1,e.length-1)),new n(this.value,this.cases.concat([{match:function(n){var e={},r=Boolean(i.some(function(t){return u(t,n,function(n,t){e[n]=t})})&&c.every(function(t){return t(n)}));return{matched:r,value:r&&Object.keys(e).length?t in e?e[t]:e:n}},handler:r}]))},e.when=function(t,e){return new n(this.value,this.cases.concat([{match:function(n){return{matched:Boolean(t(n)),value:n}},handler:e}]))},e.otherwise=function(t){return new n(this.value,this.cases.concat([{match:function(n){return{matched:!0,value:n}},handler:t}])).run()},e.exhaustive=function(){return},{for(var n=this.value,t=void 0,e=0;e<this.cases.length;e++){var r=this.cases[e],u=r.match(this.value);if(u.matched){n=u.value,t=r.handler;break}}if(!t){var i;try{i=JSON.stringify(this.value)}catch(n){i=this.value}throw new Error("Pattern matching error: no pattern matches value "+i)}return t(n,this.value)},n}();function j(){var n=[];if(1===n.length){var t=n[0];return function(n){return u(t,n,function(){})}}if(2===n.length)return u(n[0],n[1],function(){});throw new Error("isMatching wasn't given the right number of arguments: expected 1 or 2, received "+n.length+".")}export{S as P,S as Pattern,j as isMatching,K as match};

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

!function(n,t){"object"==typeof exports&&"undefined"!=typeof module?t(exports):"function"==typeof define&&define.amd?define(["exports"],t):t((n||self).tsPattern={})}(this,function(n){var t=Symbol("@ts-pattern/matcher"),e="@ts-pattern/anonymous-select-key",r=function(n){return Boolean(n&&"object"==typeof n)},u=function(n){return n&&!!n[t]},i=function n(e,i,o){if(r(e)){if(u(e)){var c=e[t]().match(i),a=c.matched,f=c.selections;return a&&f&&Object.keys(f).forEach(function(n){return o(n,f[n])}),a}if(!r(i))return!1;if(Array.isArray(e))return!!Array.isArray(i)&&e.length===i.length&&e.every(function(t,e){return n(t,i[e],o)});if(e instanceof Map)return i instanceof Map&&Array.from(e.keys()).every(function(t){return n(e.get(t),i.get(t),o)});if(e instanceof Set){if(!(i instanceof Set))return!1;if(0===e.size)return 0===i.size;if(1===e.size){var s=Array.from(e.values())[0];return u(s)?Array.from(i.values()).every(function(t){return n(s,t,o)}):i.has(s)}return Array.from(e.values()).every(function(n){return i.has(n)})}return Object.keys(e).every(function(r){var c,a=e[r];return(r in i||u(c=a)&&"optional"===c[t]().matcherType)&&n(a,i[r],o)})}return,e)},o=function n(e){var i,o,a;return r(e)?u(e)?null!=(i=null==(o=(a=e[t]()).getSelectionKeys)?void[]:Array.isArray(e)?c(e,n):c(Object.values(e),n):[]},c=function(n,t){return n.reduce(function(n,e){return n.concat(t(e))},[])};function a(n){var e;return(e={})[t]=function(){return{match:function(t){var e={},r=function(n,t){e[n]=t};return void 0===t?(o(n).forEach(function(n){return r(n,void 0)}),{matched:!0,selections:e}):{matched:i(n,t,r),selections:e}},getSelectionKeys:function(){return o(n)},matcherType:"optional"}},e}function f(n){var e;return(e={})[t]=function(){return{match:function(t){if(!Array.isArray(t))return{matched:!1};var e={};if(0===t.length)return o(n).forEach(function(n){e[n]=[]}),{matched:!0,selections:e};var r=function(n,t){e[n]=(e[n]||[]).concat([t])};return{matched:t.every(function(t){return i(n,t,r)}),selections:e}},getSelectionKeys:function(){return o(n)}}},e}function s(){var n,e=[];return(n={})[t]=function(){return{match:function(n){var t={},r=function(n,e){t[n]=e};return{matched:e.every(function(t){return i(t,n,r)}),selections:t}},getSelectionKeys:function(){return c(e,o)},matcherType:"and"}},n}function l(){var n,e=[];return(n={})[t]=function(){return{match:function(n){var t={},r=function(n,e){t[n]=e};return c(e,o).forEach(function(n){return r(n,void 0)}),{matched:e.some(function(t){return i(t,n,r)}),selections:t}},getSelectionKeys:function(){return c(e,o)},matcherType:"or"}},n}function h(n){var e;return(e={})[t]=function(){return{match:function(t){return{matched:!i(n,t,function(){})}},getSelectionKeys:function(){return[]},matcherType:"not"}},e}function v(n){var e;return(e={})[t]=function(){return{match:function(t){return{matched:Boolean(n(t))}}}},e}function y(){var n,r=[],u="string"==typeof r[0]?r[0]:void 0,c=2===r.length?r[1]:"string"==typeof r[0]?void 0:r[0];return(n={})[t]=function(){return{match:function(n){var t,r=((t={})[null!=u?u:e]=n,t);return{matched:void 0===c||i(c,n,function(n,t){r[n]=t}),selections:r}},getSelectionKeys:function(){return[null!=u?u:e].concat(void 0===c?[]:o(c))}}},n}var m=v(function(n){return!0}),d=m,p=v(function(n){return"string"==typeof n}),g=v(function(n){return"number"==typeof n}),b=v(function(n){return"boolean"==typeof n}),w=v(function(n){return"bigint"==typeof n}),A=v(function(n){return"symbol"==typeof n}),S=v(function(n){return null==n}),j={__proto__:null,optional:a,array:f,intersection:s,union:l,not:h,when:v,select:y,any:m,_:d,string:p,number:g,boolean:b,bigint:w,symbol:A,nullish:S,instanceOf:function(n){return v(function(n){return function(t){return t instanceof n}}(n))},typed:function(){return{array:f,optional:a,intersection:s,union:l,not:h,select:y,when:v}}},K=/*#__PURE__*/function(){function n(n,t){this.value=void 0,this.cases=void 0,this.value=n,this.cases=t}var t=n.prototype;return t.with=function(){var t=[],r=t[t.length-1],u=[t[0]],o=[];return 3===t.length&&"function"==typeof t[1]?(u.push(t[0]),o.push(t[1])):t.length>2&&u.push.apply(u,t.slice(1,t.length-1)),new n(this.value,this.cases.concat([{match:function(n){var t={},r=Boolean(u.some(function(e){return i(e,n,function(n,e){t[n]=e})})&&o.every(function(t){return t(n)}));return{matched:r,value:r&&Object.keys(t).length?e in t?t[e]:t:n}},handler:r}]))},t.when=function(t,e){return new n(this.value,this.cases.concat([{match:function(n){return{matched:Boolean(t(n)),value:n}},handler:e}]))},t.otherwise=function(t){return new n(this.value,this.cases.concat([{match:function(n){return{matched:!0,value:n}},handler:t}])).run()},t.exhaustive=function(){return},{for(var n=this.value,t=void 0,e=0;e<this.cases.length;e++){var r=this.cases[e],u=r.match(this.value);if(u.matched){n=u.value,t=r.handler;break}}if(!t){var i;try{i=JSON.stringify(this.value)}catch(n){i=this.value}throw new Error("Pattern matching error: no pattern matches value "+i)}return t(n,this.value)},n}();n.P=j,n.Pattern=j,n.isMatching=function(){var n=[];if(1===n.length){var t=n[0];return function(n){return i(t,n,function(){})}}if(2===n.length){var e=n,r=e[0],u=e[1];return i(r,u,function(){})}throw new Error("isMatching wasn't given the right number of arguments: expected 1 or 2, received "+n.length+".")},n.match=function(n){return new K(n,[])}});
!function(n,t){"object"==typeof exports&&"undefined"!=typeof module?t(exports):"function"==typeof define&&define.amd?define(["exports"],t):t((n||self).tsPattern={})}(this,function(n){var t=Symbol("@ts-pattern/matcher"),e="@ts-pattern/anonymous-select-key",r=function(n){return Boolean(n&&"object"==typeof n)},u=function(n){return n&&!!n[t]},i=function n(e,i,o){if(r(e)){if(u(e)){var c=e[t]().match(i),a=c.matched,f=c.selections;return a&&f&&Object.keys(f).forEach(function(n){return o(n,f[n])}),a}if(!r(i))return!1;if(Array.isArray(e))return!!Array.isArray(i)&&e.length===i.length&&e.every(function(t,e){return n(t,i[e],o)});if(e instanceof Map)return i instanceof Map&&Array.from(e.keys()).every(function(t){return n(e.get(t),i.get(t),o)});if(e instanceof Set){if(!(i instanceof Set))return!1;if(0===e.size)return 0===i.size;if(1===e.size){var s=Array.from(e.values())[0];return u(s)?Array.from(i.values()).every(function(t){return n(s,t,o)}):i.has(s)}return Array.from(e.values()).every(function(n){return i.has(n)})}return Object.keys(e).every(function(r){var c,a=e[r];return(r in i||u(c=a)&&"optional"===c[t]().matcherType)&&n(a,i[r],o)})}return,e)},o=function n(e){var i,o,a;return r(e)?u(e)?null!=(i=null==(o=(a=e[t]()).getSelectionKeys)?void[]:Array.isArray(e)?c(e,n):c(Object.values(e),n):[]},c=function(n,t){return n.reduce(function(n,e){return n.concat(t(e))},[])};function a(n){var e;return(e={})[t]=function(){return{match:function(t){var e={},r=function(n,t){e[n]=t};return void 0===t?(o(n).forEach(function(n){return r(n,void 0)}),{matched:!0,selections:e}):{matched:i(n,t,r),selections:e}},getSelectionKeys:function(){return o(n)},matcherType:"optional"}},e}function f(n){var e;return(e={})[t]=function(){return{match:function(t){if(!Array.isArray(t))return{matched:!1};var e={};if(0===t.length)return o(n).forEach(function(n){e[n]=[]}),{matched:!0,selections:e};var r=function(n,t){e[n]=(e[n]||[]).concat([t])};return{matched:t.every(function(t){return i(n,t,r)}),selections:e}},getSelectionKeys:function(){return o(n)}}},e}function s(){var n,e=[];return(n={})[t]=function(){return{match:function(n){var t={},r=function(n,e){t[n]=e};return{matched:e.every(function(t){return i(t,n,r)}),selections:t}},getSelectionKeys:function(){return c(e,o)},matcherType:"and"}},n}function l(){var n,e=[];return(n={})[t]=function(){return{match:function(n){var t={},r=function(n,e){t[n]=e};return c(e,o).forEach(function(n){return r(n,void 0)}),{matched:e.some(function(t){return i(t,n,r)}),selections:t}},getSelectionKeys:function(){return c(e,o)},matcherType:"or"}},n}function h(n){var e;return(e={})[t]=function(){return{match:function(t){return{matched:!i(n,t,function(){})}},getSelectionKeys:function(){return[]},matcherType:"not"}},e}function v(n){var e;return(e={})[t]=function(){return{match:function(t){return{matched:Boolean(n(t))}}}},e}function y(){var n,r=[],u="string"==typeof r[0]?r[0]:void 0,c=2===r.length?r[1]:"string"==typeof r[0]?void 0:r[0];return(n={})[t]=function(){return{match:function(n){var t,r=((t={})[null!=u?u:e]=n,t);return{matched:void 0===c||i(c,n,function(n,t){r[n]=t}),selections:r}},getSelectionKeys:function(){return[null!=u?u:e].concat(void 0===c?[]:o(c))}}},n}var m=v(function(n){return!0}),d=m,p=v(function(n){return"string"==typeof n}),g=v(function(n){return"number"==typeof n}),b=v(function(n){return"boolean"==typeof n}),w=v(function(n){return"bigint"==typeof n}),A=v(function(n){return"symbol"==typeof n}),S=v(function(n){return null==n}),j={__proto__:null,optional:a,array:f,intersection:s,union:l,not:h,when:v,select:y,any:m,_:d,string:p,number:g,boolean:b,bigint:w,symbol:A,nullish:S,instanceOf:function(n){return v(function(n){return function(t){return t instanceof n}}(n))},typed:function(){return{array:f,optional:a,intersection:s,union:l,not:h,select:y,when:v}}},K=/*#__PURE__*/function(){function n(n,t){this.value=void 0,this.cases=void 0,this.value=n,this.cases=t}var t=n.prototype;return t.with=function(){var t=[],r=t[t.length-1],u=[t[0]],o=[];return 3===t.length&&"function"==typeof t[1]?(u.push(t[0]),o.push(t[1])):t.length>2&&u.push.apply(u,t.slice(1,t.length-1)),new n(this.value,this.cases.concat([{match:function(n){var t={},r=Boolean(u.some(function(e){return i(e,n,function(n,e){t[n]=e})})&&o.every(function(t){return t(n)}));return{matched:r,value:r&&Object.keys(t).length?e in t?t[e]:t:n}},handler:r}]))},t.when=function(t,e){return new n(this.value,this.cases.concat([{match:function(n){return{matched:Boolean(t(n)),value:n}},handler:e}]))},t.otherwise=function(t){return new n(this.value,this.cases.concat([{match:function(n){return{matched:!0,value:n}},handler:t}])).run()},t.exhaustive=function(){return},{for(var n=this.value,t=void 0,e=0;e<this.cases.length;e++){var r=this.cases[e],u=r.match(this.value);if(u.matched){n=u.value,t=r.handler;break}}if(!t){var i;try{i=JSON.stringify(this.value)}catch(n){i=this.value}throw new Error("Pattern matching error: no pattern matches value "+i)}return t(n,this.value)},n}();n.P=j,n.Pattern=j,n.isMatching=function(){var n=[];if(1===n.length){var t=n[0];return function(n){return i(t,n,function(){})}}if(2===n.length)return i(n[0],n[1],function(){});throw new Error("isMatching wasn't given the right number of arguments: expected 1 or 2, received "+n.length+".")},n.match=function(n){return new K(n,[])}});

@@ -0,0 +0,0 @@ /**

@@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ /**

export declare const toExclude: unique symbol;
export type toExclude = typeof toExclude;
export declare type toExclude = typeof toExclude;
export declare const matcher: unique symbol;
export type matcher = typeof matcher;
export declare type matcher = typeof matcher;
export declare const unset: unique symbol;
export type unset = typeof unset;
export declare type unset = typeof unset;
export declare const anonymousSelectKey = "@ts-pattern/anonymous-select-key";
export type anonymousSelectKey = typeof anonymousSelectKey;
export declare type anonymousSelectKey = typeof anonymousSelectKey;

@@ -0,0 +0,0 @@ import { Pattern } from './types/Pattern';

@@ -0,0 +0,0 @@ import { Match } from './types/Match';

@@ -16,3 +16,3 @@ import * as symbols from './internals/symbols';

export type infer<p extends Pattern<any>> = InvertPattern<p>;
export declare type infer<p extends Pattern<any>> = InvertPattern<p>;

@@ -29,3 +29,3 @@ * `P.optional(subpattern)` takes a sub pattern and returns a pattern which matches if the

export declare function optional<input, p extends unknown extends input ? UnknownPattern : Pattern<input>>(pattern: p): OptionalP<input, p>;
type Elem<xs> = xs extends readonly (infer x)[] ? x : never;
declare type Elem<xs> = xs extends readonly (infer x)[] ? x : never;

@@ -115,3 +115,3 @@ * `P.array(subpattern)` takes a sub pattern and returns a pattern, which matches

export declare function select<input, p extends unknown extends input ? UnknownPattern : Pattern<input>, k extends string>(key: k, pattern: p): SelectP<k, input, p>;
type AnyConstructor = abstract new (...args: any[]) => any;
declare type AnyConstructor = abstract new (...args: any[]) => any;

@@ -118,0 +118,0 @@ * `P.any` is a wildcard pattern, matching **any value**.

import { Cast, Compute, Iterator, UpdateAt } from './helpers';
export type BuildMany<data, xs extends any[]> = xs extends any ? BuildOne<data, xs> : never;
type BuildOne<data, xs extends any[]> = xs extends [
export declare type BuildMany<data, xs extends any[]> = xs extends any ? BuildOne<data, xs> : never;
declare type BuildOne<data, xs extends any[]> = xs extends [

@@ -10,4 +10,4 @@ infer value,

] ? BuildOne<Update<data, value, Cast<path, PropertyKey[]>>, tail> : data;
type SafeGet<data, k extends PropertyKey, def> = k extends keyof data ? data[k] : def;
type Update<data, value, path extends PropertyKey[]> = path extends [
declare type SafeGet<data, k extends PropertyKey, def> = k extends keyof data ? data[k] : def;
declare type Update<data, value, path extends PropertyKey[]> = path extends [
infer head,

@@ -14,0 +14,0 @@ ...infer tail

import { DistributeMatchingUnions } from './DistributeUnions';
export type DeepExclude<a, b> = Exclude<DistributeMatchingUnions<a, b>, b>;
export declare type DeepExclude<a, b> = Exclude<DistributeMatchingUnions<a, b>, b>;

@@ -28,4 +28,4 @@ import { BuildMany } from './BuildMany';

export type DistributeMatchingUnions<a, p> = IsAny<a> extends true ? any : BuildMany<a, Distribute<FindUnionsMany<a, p>>>;
export type FindUnionsMany<a, p, path extends PropertyKey[] = []> = UnionToTuple<(p extends any ? IsMatching<a, p> extends true ? FindUnions<a, p, path> : [] : never) extends (infer T)[] ? T : never>;
export declare type DistributeMatchingUnions<a, p> = IsAny<a> extends true ? any : BuildMany<a, Distribute<FindUnionsMany<a, p>>>;
export declare type FindUnionsMany<a, p, path extends PropertyKey[] = []> = UnionToTuple<(p extends any ? IsMatching<a, p> extends true ? FindUnions<a, p, path> : [] : never) extends (infer T)[] ? T : never>;

@@ -49,3 +49,3 @@ * The reason we don't look further down the tree with lists,

export type FindUnions<a, p, path extends PropertyKey[] = []> = unknown extends p ? [] : IsAny<p> extends true ? [] : Length<path> extends 5 ? [] : IsUnion<a> extends true ? [
export declare type FindUnions<a, p, path extends PropertyKey[] = []> = unknown extends p ? [] : IsAny<p> extends true ? [] : Length<path> extends 5 ? [] : IsUnion<a> extends true ? [

@@ -88,3 +88,3 @@ cases: a extends any ? {

}>> : [];
export type Distribute<unions extends any[]> = unions extends [
export declare type Distribute<unions extends any[]> = unions extends [

@@ -91,0 +91,0 @@ cases: infer cases;

import type { ToExclude } from './Pattern';
import type { BuiltInObjects, Compute, ExcludeObjectIfContainsNever, IsAny, IsPlainObject, LeastUpperBound } from './helpers';
import { DeepExclude } from './DeepExclude';
export type ExtractPreciseValue<a, b> = unknown extends b ? a : IsAny<a> extends true ? b : b extends readonly [] ? [] : b extends ToExclude<infer b1> ? DeepExclude<a, b1> : b extends readonly (infer bItem)[] ? a extends readonly (infer aItem)[] ? b extends readonly [infer b1, infer b2, infer b3, infer b4, infer b5] ? a extends readonly [infer a1, infer a2, infer a3, infer a4, infer a5] ? ExcludeObjectIfContainsNever<[
export declare type ExtractPreciseValue<a, b> = unknown extends b ? a : IsAny<a> extends true ? b : b extends readonly [] ? [] : b extends ToExclude<infer b1> ? DeepExclude<a, b1> : b extends readonly (infer bItem)[] ? a extends readonly (infer aItem)[] ? b extends readonly [infer b1, infer b2, infer b3, infer b4, infer b5] ? a extends readonly [infer a1, infer a2, infer a3, infer a4, infer a5] ? ExcludeObjectIfContainsNever<[
ExtractPreciseValue<a1, b1>,

@@ -6,0 +6,0 @@ ExtractPreciseValue<a2, b2>,

import type * as symbols from '../internals/symbols';
import type { Cast, Equal, IsAny, TupleKeys, UnionToTuple } from './helpers';
import type { Matcher, Pattern } from './Pattern';
type SelectionsRecord = Record<string, [unknown, unknown[]]>;
export type None = {
declare type SelectionsRecord = Record<string, [unknown, unknown[]]>;
export declare type None = {
type: 'none';
export type Some<key extends string> = {
export declare type Some<key extends string> = {
type: 'some';
key: key;
export type SelectionType = None | Some<string>;
type MapOptional<selections> = {
export declare type SelectionType = None | Some<string>;
declare type MapOptional<selections> = {
[k in keyof selections]: selections[k] extends [infer v, infer subpath] ? [v | undefined, subpath] : never;
type MapList<selections> = {
declare type MapList<selections> = {
[k in keyof selections]: selections[k] extends [infer v, infer subpath] ? [v[], subpath] : never;
type ReduceFindSelectionUnion<i, ps extends any[], output = never> = ps extends [infer head, ...infer tail] ? ReduceFindSelectionUnion<i, tail, output | FindSelectionUnion<i, head>> : output;
export type FindSelectionUnion<i, p, path extends any[] = []> = IsAny<i> extends true ? never : p extends Matcher<any, infer pattern, infer matcherType, infer sel> ? {
declare type ReduceFindSelectionUnion<i, ps extends any[], output = never> = ps extends [infer head, ...infer tail] ? ReduceFindSelectionUnion<i, tail, output | FindSelectionUnion<i, head>> : output;
export declare type FindSelectionUnion<i, p, path extends any[] = []> = IsAny<i> extends true ? never : p extends Matcher<any, infer pattern, infer matcherType, infer sel> ? {
select: sel extends Some<infer k> ? {

@@ -40,9 +40,9 @@ [kk in k]: [i, path];

}[keyof p] : never : never;
export type SeveralAnonymousSelectError<a = 'You can only use a single anonymous selection (with `select()`) in your pattern. If you need to select multiple values, give them names with `select(<name>)` instead'> = {
export declare type SeveralAnonymousSelectError<a = 'You can only use a single anonymous selection (with `select()`) in your pattern. If you need to select multiple values, give them names with `select(<name>)` instead'> = {
__error: never;
} & a;
export type MixedNamedAndAnonymousSelectError<a = 'Mixing named selections (`select("name")`) and anonymous selections (`select()`) is forbiden. Please, only use named selections.'> = {
export declare type MixedNamedAndAnonymousSelectError<a = 'Mixing named selections (`select("name")`) and anonymous selections (`select()`) is forbiden. Please, only use named selections.'> = {
__error: never;
} & a;
export type SelectionToArgs<selections extends SelectionsRecord> = symbols.anonymousSelectKey extends keyof selections ? [
export declare type SelectionToArgs<selections extends SelectionsRecord> = symbols.anonymousSelectKey extends keyof selections ? [

@@ -52,3 +52,3 @@ ] extends [never] ? SeveralAnonymousSelectError : keyof selections extends symbols.anonymousSelectKey ? selections[symbols.anonymousSelectKey][0] : MixedNamedAndAnonymousSelectError : {

type ConcatSelections<a extends SelectionsRecord, b extends SelectionsRecord> = {
declare type ConcatSelections<a extends SelectionsRecord, b extends SelectionsRecord> = {
[k in keyof a & keyof b]: [a[k][0] | b[k][0], a[k][1] & b[k][1]];

@@ -60,5 +60,5 @@ } & {

type ReduceToRecord<selections extends any[], output extends SelectionsRecord = {}> = selections extends [infer sel, ...infer rest] ? ReduceToRecord<rest, ConcatSelections<Cast<sel, SelectionsRecord>, output>> : output;
export type Selections<i, p> = FindSelectionUnion<i, p> extends infer u ? [u] extends [never] ? i : SelectionToArgs<ReduceToRecord<UnionToTuple<u>>> : i;
export type FindSelected<i, p> = Equal<p, Pattern<i>> extends true ? i : Selections<i, p>;
declare type ReduceToRecord<selections extends any[], output extends SelectionsRecord = {}> = selections extends [infer sel, ...infer rest] ? ReduceToRecord<rest, ConcatSelections<Cast<sel, SelectionsRecord>, output>> : output;
export declare type Selections<i, p> = FindSelectionUnion<i, p> extends infer u ? [u] extends [never] ? i : SelectionToArgs<ReduceToRecord<UnionToTuple<u>>> : i;
export declare type FindSelected<i, p> = Equal<p, Pattern<i>> extends true ? i : Selections<i, p>;
export {};

@@ -1,3 +0,3 @@

export type ValueOf<a> = a extends any[] ? a[number] : a[keyof a];
export type Values<a extends object> = UnionToTuple<ValueOf<a>>;
export declare type ValueOf<a> = a extends any[] ? a[number] : a[keyof a];
export declare type Values<a extends object> = UnionToTuple<ValueOf<a>>;

@@ -11,3 +11,3 @@ * ### LeastUpperBound

export type LeastUpperBound<a, b> = b extends a ? b : a extends b ? a : never;
export declare type LeastUpperBound<a, b> = b extends a ? b : a extends b ? a : never;

@@ -17,46 +17,46 @@ * if a key of an object has the never type,

export type ExcludeIfContainsNever<a, b> = b extends Map<any, any> | Set<any> ? a : b extends readonly [any, ...any] ? ExcludeObjectIfContainsNever<a, keyof b & ('0' | '1' | '2' | '3' | '4')> : b extends any[] ? ExcludeObjectIfContainsNever<a, keyof b & number> : ExcludeObjectIfContainsNever<a, keyof b & string>;
export type ExcludeObjectIfContainsNever<a, keyConstraint = unknown> = a extends any ? 'exclude' extends {
export declare type ExcludeIfContainsNever<a, b> = b extends Map<any, any> | Set<any> ? a : b extends readonly [any, ...any] ? ExcludeObjectIfContainsNever<a, keyof b & ('0' | '1' | '2' | '3' | '4')> : b extends any[] ? ExcludeObjectIfContainsNever<a, keyof b & number> : ExcludeObjectIfContainsNever<a, keyof b & string>;
export declare type ExcludeObjectIfContainsNever<a, keyConstraint = unknown> = a extends any ? 'exclude' extends {
[k in keyConstraint & keyof a]-?: [a[k]] extends [never] ? 'exclude' : 'include';
}[keyConstraint & keyof a] ? never : a : never;
export type UnionToIntersection<union> = (union extends any ? (k: union) => void : never) extends (k: infer intersection) => void ? intersection : never;
export type IsUnion<a> = [a] extends [UnionToIntersection<a>] ? false : true;
export type UnionToTuple<union, output extends any[] = []> = UnionToIntersection<union extends any ? (t: union) => union : never> extends (_: any) => infer elem ? UnionToTuple<Exclude<union, elem>, [elem, ...output]> : output;
export type Cast<a, b> = a extends b ? a : never;
export type Flatten<xs extends any[], output extends any[] = []> = xs extends readonly [infer head, ...infer tail] ? Flatten<tail, [...output, ...Cast<head, any[]>]> : output;
export type Equal<a, b> = (<T>() => T extends a ? 1 : 2) extends <T>() => T extends b ? 1 : 2 ? true : false;
export type Expect<a extends true> = a;
export type IsAny<a> = 0 extends 1 & a ? true : false;
export type IsNever<T> = [T] extends [never] ? true : false;
export type Length<it extends readonly any[]> = it['length'];
export type Iterator<n extends number, it extends any[] = []> = it['length'] extends n ? it : Iterator<n, [any,]>;
export type Next<it extends any[]> = [any,];
export type Prev<it extends any[]> = it extends readonly [any, ...infer tail] ? tail : [];
export type Take<xs extends readonly any[], it extends any[], output extends any[] = []> = Length<it> extends 0 ? output : xs extends readonly [infer head, ...infer tail] ? Take<tail, Prev<it>, [...output, head]> : output;
export type Drop<xs extends readonly any[], n extends any[]> = Length<n> extends 0 ? xs : xs extends readonly [any, ...infer tail] ? Drop<tail, Prev<n>> : [];
export type UpdateAt<tail extends readonly any[], n extends any[], value, inits extends readonly any[] = []> = Length<n> extends 0 ? tail extends readonly [any, ...infer tail] ? [...inits, value, ...tail] : inits : tail extends readonly [infer head, ...infer tail] ? UpdateAt<tail, Prev<n>, value, [...inits, head]> : inits;
export type BuiltInObjects = Function | Date | RegExp | Generator | {
export declare type UnionToIntersection<union> = (union extends any ? (k: union) => void : never) extends (k: infer intersection) => void ? intersection : never;
export declare type IsUnion<a> = [a] extends [UnionToIntersection<a>] ? false : true;
export declare type UnionToTuple<union, output extends any[] = []> = UnionToIntersection<union extends any ? (t: union) => union : never> extends (_: any) => infer elem ? UnionToTuple<Exclude<union, elem>, [elem, ...output]> : output;
export declare type Cast<a, b> = a extends b ? a : never;
export declare type Flatten<xs extends any[], output extends any[] = []> = xs extends readonly [infer head, ...infer tail] ? Flatten<tail, [...output, ...Cast<head, any[]>]> : output;
export declare type Equal<a, b> = (<T>() => T extends a ? 1 : 2) extends <T>() => T extends b ? 1 : 2 ? true : false;
export declare type Expect<a extends true> = a;
export declare type IsAny<a> = 0 extends 1 & a ? true : false;
export declare type IsNever<T> = [T] extends [never] ? true : false;
export declare type Length<it extends readonly any[]> = it['length'];
export declare type Iterator<n extends number, it extends any[] = []> = it['length'] extends n ? it : Iterator<n, [any,]>;
export declare type Next<it extends any[]> = [any,];
export declare type Prev<it extends any[]> = it extends readonly [any, ...infer tail] ? tail : [];
export declare type Take<xs extends readonly any[], it extends any[], output extends any[] = []> = Length<it> extends 0 ? output : xs extends readonly [infer head, ...infer tail] ? Take<tail, Prev<it>, [...output, head]> : output;
export declare type Drop<xs extends readonly any[], n extends any[]> = Length<n> extends 0 ? xs : xs extends readonly [any, ...infer tail] ? Drop<tail, Prev<n>> : [];
export declare type UpdateAt<tail extends readonly any[], n extends any[], value, inits extends readonly any[] = []> = Length<n> extends 0 ? tail extends readonly [any, ...infer tail] ? [...inits, value, ...tail] : inits : tail extends readonly [infer head, ...infer tail] ? UpdateAt<tail, Prev<n>, value, [...inits, head]> : inits;
export declare type BuiltInObjects = Function | Date | RegExp | Generator | {
readonly [Symbol.toStringTag]: string;
} | any[];
export type IsPlainObject<o, excludeUnion = BuiltInObjects> = o extends object ? o extends string | excludeUnion ? false : true : false;
export type Compute<a extends any> = a extends BuiltInObjects ? a : {
export declare type IsPlainObject<o, excludeUnion = BuiltInObjects> = o extends object ? o extends string | excludeUnion ? false : true : false;
export declare type Compute<a extends any> = a extends BuiltInObjects ? a : {
[k in keyof a]: a[k];
export type IntersectObjects<a> = (a extends any ? keyof a : never) extends infer allKeys ? {
export declare type IntersectObjects<a> = (a extends any ? keyof a : never) extends infer allKeys ? {
[k in Cast<allKeys, PropertyKey>]: a extends any ? k extends keyof a ? a[k] : never : never;
} : never;
export type WithDefault<a, def> = [a] extends [never] ? def : a;
export type IsLiteral<a> = [a] extends [null | undefined] ? true : [a] extends [string] ? string extends a ? false : true : [a] extends [number] ? number extends a ? false : true : [a] extends [boolean] ? boolean extends a ? false : true : [a] extends [symbol] ? symbol extends a ? false : true : [a] extends [bigint] ? bigint extends a ? false : true : false;
export type Primitives = number | boolean | string | undefined | null | symbol | bigint;
export type NonLiteralPrimitive = Exclude<Primitives, undefined | null>;
export type TupleKeys = 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4;
export type Union<a, b> = [b] extends [a] ? a : [a] extends [b] ? b : a | b;
export declare type WithDefault<a, def> = [a] extends [never] ? def : a;
export declare type IsLiteral<a> = [a] extends [null | undefined] ? true : [a] extends [string] ? string extends a ? false : true : [a] extends [number] ? number extends a ? false : true : [a] extends [boolean] ? boolean extends a ? false : true : [a] extends [symbol] ? symbol extends a ? false : true : [a] extends [bigint] ? bigint extends a ? false : true : false;
export declare type Primitives = number | boolean | string | undefined | null | symbol | bigint;
export declare type NonLiteralPrimitive = Exclude<Primitives, undefined | null>;
export declare type TupleKeys = 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4;
export declare type Union<a, b> = [b] extends [a] ? a : [a] extends [b] ? b : a | b;
* GuardValue returns the value guarded by a type guard function.
export type GuardValue<fn> = fn extends (value: any) => value is infer b ? b : fn extends (value: infer a) => unknown ? a : never;
export type GuardFunction<input, narrowed> = ((value: input) => value is Cast<narrowed, input>) | ((value: input) => boolean);
export type Some<bools extends boolean[]> = true extends bools[number] ? true : false;
export type All<bools extends boolean[]> = bools[number] extends true ? true : false;
export type Extends<a, b> = [a] extends [b] ? true : false;
export type Not<a extends boolean> = a extends true ? false : true;
export declare type GuardValue<fn> = fn extends (value: any) => value is infer b ? b : fn extends (value: infer a) => unknown ? a : never;
export declare type GuardFunction<input, narrowed> = ((value: input) => value is Cast<narrowed, input>) | ((value: input) => boolean);
export declare type Some<bools extends boolean[]> = true extends bools[number] ? true : false;
export declare type All<bools extends boolean[]> = bools[number] extends true ? true : false;
export declare type Extends<a, b> = [a] extends [b] ? true : false;
export declare type Not<a extends boolean> = a extends true ? false : true;
import { DeepExclude } from './DeepExclude';
import { IsPlainObject, Primitives, IsLiteral, ValueOf, Compute, Cast, Equal, Extends, Not, All, NonLiteralPrimitive } from './helpers';
import type { Matcher, Pattern, ToExclude } from './Pattern';
type OptionalKeys<p> = ValueOf<{
declare type OptionalKeys<p> = ValueOf<{
[k in keyof p]: p[k] extends Matcher<any, any, infer matcherType> ? matcherType extends 'optional' ? k : never : never;
type ReduceUnion<tuple extends any[], output = never> = tuple extends readonly [
declare type ReduceUnion<tuple extends any[], output = never> = tuple extends readonly [
infer p,
...infer tail
] ? ReduceUnion<tail, output | InvertPattern<p>> : output;
type ReduceIntersection<tuple extends any[], output = unknown> = tuple extends readonly [infer p, ...infer tail] ? ReduceIntersection<tail, output & InvertPattern<p>> : output;
declare type ReduceIntersection<tuple extends any[], output = unknown> = tuple extends readonly [infer p, ...infer tail] ? ReduceIntersection<tail, output & InvertPattern<p>> : output;

@@ -17,3 +17,3 @@ * ### InvertPattern

export type InvertPattern<p> = p extends Matcher<infer input, infer narrowed, infer matcherType, any> ? {
export declare type InvertPattern<p> = p extends Matcher<infer input, infer narrowed, infer matcherType, any> ? {
not: ToExclude<InvertPattern<narrowed>>;

@@ -44,5 +44,5 @@ select: InvertPattern<narrowed>;

}> : never : p;
export type ReduceIntersectionForExclude<tuple extends any[], i, output = unknown> = tuple extends readonly [infer p, ...infer tail] ? ReduceIntersectionForExclude<tail, i, output & InvertPatternForExcludeInternal<p, i, unknown>> : output;
export type ReduceUnionForExclude<tuple extends any[], i, output = never> = tuple extends readonly [infer p, ...infer tail] ? ReduceUnionForExclude<tail, i, output | InvertPatternForExcludeInternal<p, i, never>> : output;
type ExcludeIfExists<a, b> = [
export declare type ReduceIntersectionForExclude<tuple extends any[], i, output = unknown> = tuple extends readonly [infer p, ...infer tail] ? ReduceIntersectionForExclude<tail, i, output & InvertPatternForExcludeInternal<p, i, unknown>> : output;
export declare type ReduceUnionForExclude<tuple extends any[], i, output = never> = tuple extends readonly [infer p, ...infer tail] ? ReduceUnionForExclude<tail, i, output | InvertPatternForExcludeInternal<p, i, never>> : output;
declare type ExcludeIfExists<a, b> = [

@@ -57,4 +57,4 @@ ] extends [never] ? never : unknown extends a ? never : All<[

export type InvertPatternForExclude<p, i> = Equal<p, Pattern<i>> extends true ? never : InvertPatternForExcludeInternal<p, i>;
type InvertPatternForExcludeInternal<p, i, empty = never> = [
export declare type InvertPatternForExclude<p, i> = Equal<p, Pattern<i>> extends true ? never : InvertPatternForExcludeInternal<p, i>;
declare type InvertPatternForExcludeInternal<p, i, empty = never> = [

@@ -61,0 +61,0 @@ ] extends [Primitives] ? IsLiteral<p> extends true ? p : IsLiteral<i> extends true ? p : empty : p extends Matcher<infer matchableInput, infer subpattern, infer matcherType, any, infer excluded> ? {

import { Primitives, IsPlainObject, IsUnion } from './helpers';
export type IsMatching<a, p> = true extends IsUnion<a> | IsUnion<p> ? true extends (p extends any ? (a extends any ? IsMatching<a, p> : never) : never) ? true : false : unknown extends p ? true : p extends Primitives ? p extends a ? true : false : [p, a] extends [readonly any[], readonly any[]] ? [p, a] extends [
export declare type IsMatching<a, p> = true extends IsUnion<a> | IsUnion<p> ? true extends (p extends any ? (a extends any ? IsMatching<a, p> : never) : never) ? true : false : unknown extends p ? true : p extends Primitives ? p extends a ? true : false : [p, a] extends [readonly any[], readonly any[]] ? [p, a] extends [
readonly [infer p1, infer p2, infer p3, infer p4, infer p5],

@@ -4,0 +4,0 @@ readonly [infer a1, infer a2, infer a3, infer a4, infer a5]

@@ -8,5 +8,5 @@ import type * as symbols from '../internals/symbols';

import type { FindSelected } from './FindSelected';
export type MatchedValue<a, invpattern> = WithDefault<ExtractPreciseValue<a, invpattern>, a>;
export type PickReturnValue<a, b> = a extends symbols.unset ? b : a;
type NonExhaustiveError<i> = {
export declare type MatchedValue<a, invpattern> = WithDefault<ExtractPreciseValue<a, invpattern>, a>;
export declare type PickReturnValue<a, b> = a extends symbols.unset ? b : a;
declare type NonExhaustiveError<i> = {
__nonExhaustive: never;

@@ -18,3 +18,3 @@ } & i;

export type Match<i, o, patternValueTuples extends any[] = [], inferredOutput = never> = {
export declare type Match<i, o, patternValueTuples extends any[] = [], inferredOutput = never> = {

@@ -127,6 +127,6 @@ * `.with(pattern, handler)` Registers a pattern and an handler function which

type DeepExcludeAll<a, tupleList extends any[]> = [a] extends [never] ? never : tupleList extends [infer excluded, ...infer tail] ? DeepExcludeAll<DeepExclude<a, excluded>, tail> : a;
type MakeTuples<ps extends any[], value> = {
declare type DeepExcludeAll<a, tupleList extends any[]> = [a] extends [never] ? never : tupleList extends [infer excluded, ...infer tail] ? DeepExcludeAll<DeepExclude<a, excluded>, tail> : a;
declare type MakeTuples<ps extends any[], value> = {
-readonly [index in keyof ps]: InvertPatternForExclude<ps[index], value>;
export {};
import type * as symbols from '../internals/symbols';
import { Primitives } from './helpers';
import { None, Some, SelectionType } from './FindSelected';
export type MatcherType = 'not' | 'optional' | 'or' | 'and' | 'array' | 'select' | 'default';
export type MatcherProtocol<input, narrowed, matcherType extends MatcherType, selections extends SelectionType, excluded> = {
export declare type MatcherType = 'not' | 'optional' | 'or' | 'and' | 'array' | 'select' | 'default';
export declare type MatcherProtocol<input, narrowed, matcherType extends MatcherType, selections extends SelectionType, excluded> = {
match: <I>(value: I | input) => MatchResult;

@@ -10,3 +10,3 @@ getSelectionKeys?: () => string[];

export type MatchResult = {
export declare type MatchResult = {
matched: boolean;

@@ -25,16 +25,16 @@ selections?: Record<string, any>;

type UnknownMatcher = Matcher<unknown, unknown, any, any>;
export type OptionalP<input, p> = Matcher<input, p, 'optional'>;
export type ArrayP<input, p> = Matcher<input, p, 'array'>;
export type AndP<input, ps> = Matcher<input, ps, 'and'>;
export type OrP<input, ps> = Matcher<input, ps, 'or'>;
export type NotP<input, p> = Matcher<input, p, 'not'>;
export type GuardP<input, narrowed> = Matcher<input, narrowed>;
export type GuardExcludeP<input, narrowed, excluded> = Matcher<input, narrowed, 'default', None, excluded>;
export type SelectP<key extends string, input = unknown, p = Matcher<unknown, unknown>> = Matcher<input, p, 'select', Some<key>>;
export type AnonymousSelectP = SelectP<symbols.anonymousSelectKey>;
declare type UnknownMatcher = Matcher<unknown, unknown, any, any>;
export declare type OptionalP<input, p> = Matcher<input, p, 'optional'>;
export declare type ArrayP<input, p> = Matcher<input, p, 'array'>;
export declare type AndP<input, ps> = Matcher<input, ps, 'and'>;
export declare type OrP<input, ps> = Matcher<input, ps, 'or'>;
export declare type NotP<input, p> = Matcher<input, p, 'not'>;
export declare type GuardP<input, narrowed> = Matcher<input, narrowed>;
export declare type GuardExcludeP<input, narrowed, excluded> = Matcher<input, narrowed, 'default', None, excluded>;
export declare type SelectP<key extends string, input = unknown, p = Matcher<unknown, unknown>> = Matcher<input, p, 'select', Some<key>>;
export declare type AnonymousSelectP = SelectP<symbols.anonymousSelectKey>;
export interface ToExclude<a> {
[symbols.toExclude]: a;
export type UnknownPattern = readonly [] | readonly [UnknownPattern, ...UnknownPattern[]] | {
export declare type UnknownPattern = readonly [] | readonly [UnknownPattern, ...UnknownPattern[]] | {
readonly [k: string]: UnknownPattern;

@@ -53,3 +53,3 @@ } | Set<UnknownPattern> | Map<unknown, UnknownPattern> | Primitives | UnknownMatcher;

export type Pattern<a> = Matcher<a, unknown, any, any> | (a extends Primitives ? a : unknown extends a ? UnknownPattern : a extends readonly (infer i)[] ? a extends readonly [any, ...any] ? {
export declare type Pattern<a> = Matcher<a, unknown, any, any> | (a extends Primitives ? a : unknown extends a ? UnknownPattern : a extends readonly (infer i)[] ? a extends readonly [any, ...any] ? {
readonly [index in keyof a]: Pattern<a[index]>;

@@ -56,0 +56,0 @@ } : readonly [] | readonly [Pattern<i>, ...Pattern<i>[]] : a extends Map<infer k, infer v> ? Map<k, Pattern<v>> : a extends Set<infer v> ? Set<Pattern<v>> : a extends object ? {

"name": "ts-pattern",
"version": "4.2.2",
"version": "4.2.3-test.0",
"description": " The exhaustive Pattern Matching library for TypeScript.",
"type": "module",
"source": "src/index.ts",
"exports": {
".": {
"require": "./dist/index.cjs",
"import": "./dist/index.module.js",
"types": "./dist/index.d.ts",
"default": "./dist/index.modern.js"
"./package.json": "./package.json"
"main": "./dist/index.cjs",
"types": "dist/index.d.ts",
"main": "./dist/index.js",
"module": "./dist/index.module.js",
"exports": "./dist/foo.modern.mjs",
"unpkg": "./dist/index.umd.js",
"types": "dist/index.d.ts",
"scripts": {

@@ -56,3 +46,3 @@ "build": "microbundle",

"jest": "^27.4.5",
"microbundle": "^0.15.0",
"microbundle": "^0.15.1",
"prettier": "^2.5.1",

@@ -59,0 +49,0 @@ "ts-jest": "^27.1.2",

@@ -20,2 +20,4 @@ <h1 align="center">TS-Pattern</h1>


@@ -45,2 +47,5 @@ import { match, P } from 'ts-pattern';

<p align="center"><i>Animation by <a target="_blank" href="">@nicoespeon</a></i></p>
## Features

@@ -63,3 +68,3 @@

Read the introduction blog post: [Bringing Pattern Matching to TypeScript 🎨 Introducing TS-Pattern v3.0](
Read the introduction blog post: [Bringing Pattern Matching to TypeScript 🎨 Introducing TS-Pattern](

@@ -66,0 +71,0 @@ ## Installation

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