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Package description

What is tsc-watch?

The tsc-watch npm package is a utility that allows you to run the TypeScript compiler (tsc) in watch mode and execute custom scripts when certain events occur, such as when compilation starts, succeeds, or fails. This is particularly useful for automating tasks during development, such as running tests or restarting a server.

What are tsc-watch's main functionalities?

Run TypeScript compiler in watch mode

This feature allows you to run the TypeScript compiler in watch mode, which means it will automatically recompile your TypeScript files whenever they change. The `--onSuccess` flag specifies a command to run whenever the compilation succeeds. In this example, it runs a Node.js script located at `./dist/index.js`.

tsc-watch --onSuccess "node ./dist/index.js"

Run custom scripts on compilation failure

This feature allows you to specify a command to run whenever the TypeScript compilation fails. In this example, it simply echoes 'Compilation Failed!' to the console.

tsc-watch --onFailure "echo Compilation Failed!"

Run custom scripts on compilation start

This feature allows you to specify a command to run whenever the TypeScript compilation starts. In this example, it echoes 'Compilation Started!' to the console.

tsc-watch --onCompilationStarted "echo Compilation Started!"

Other packages similar to tsc-watch



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The nodemon for TypeScript

tsc-watch starts a TypeScript compiler with --watch parameter, with the ability to react to compilation status. tsc-watch was created to allow an easy dev process with TypeScript. Commonly used to restart a node server, similar to nodemon but for TypeScript.

--onSuccess COMMANDExecutes COMMAND on every successful compilation.
--onFirstSuccess COMMANDExecutes COMMAND on the first successful compilation.
--onFailure COMMANDExecutes COMMAND on every failed compilation.
--onCompilationStarted COMMANDExecutes COMMAND on every compilation start event (initial and incremental).
--onCompilationComplete COMMANDExecutes COMMAND on every successful or failed compilation.
--maxNodeMemCalls node with a specific memory limit max_old_space_size, to use if your project needs more memory.
--noColorsBy default tsc-watch adds colors the output with green
on success, and in red on failure.
Add this argument to prevent that.
--noClearIn watch mode the tsc compiler clears the screen before reporting
Add this argument to prevent that.
--silentDo not print any messages on stdout.
--compiler PATHThe PATH will be used instead of typescript compiler.
Default is typescript/bin/tsc


  • That all the above COMMANDs will be killed on process exit. (Using SIGTERM)

  • A COMMAND is a single command and not multi command like &&

  • Any child process (COMMAND) will be terminated before creating a new one.


npm install tsc-watch --save-dev
## for command-line usage
npm install -g typescript tsc-watch


From Command-Line

## Watching a project (with tsconfig.json)
tsc-watch --onSuccess "node ./dist/server.js"

## Beep on failure
tsc-watch --onFailure "echo Beep! Compilation Failed"

## Watching a single file
tsc-watch server.ts --outDir ./dist --onSuccess "node ./dist/server.js"

## Custom compiler
tsc-watch --onSuccess "node ./dist/server.js" --compiler my-typescript/bin/tsc

From npm script

"dev-server": "tsc-watch --noClear -p ./src/tsconfig.json --onSuccess \"node ./dist/server.js\"",

From javascript

You can see a detailed example here

The client is implemented as an instance of Node.JS's EventEmitter, with the following events:

  • started - Emitted upon the compilation start (initial or incremental).
  • first_success - Emitted upon first successful compilation.
  • subsequent_success - Emitted upon every subsequent successful compilation.
  • compile_errors - Emitted upon every failing compilation.
  • file_emitted - Emitted upon every file transpiled if --listEmittedFiles is used.

Once subscribed to the relevant events, start the client by running watch.start()

To kill the client, run watch.kill()

Example usage:

const TscWatchClient = require('tsc-watch/client');
const watch = new TscWatchClient();

watch.on('started', () => {
  console.log('Compilation started');

watch.on('first_success', () => {
  console.log('First success!');

watch.on('success', () => {
  // Your code goes here...

watch.on('compile_errors', () => {
  // Your code goes here...

watch.start('--project', '.');

try {
  // do something...
} catch (e) {
  watch.kill(); // Fatal error, kill the compiler instance.


  • The (onSuccess) COMMAND will not run if the compilation failed.
  • tsc-watch is using the currently installed TypeScript compiler.
  • tsc-watch is not changing the compiler, just adds the new arguments, compilation is the same, and all other arguments are the same.



Last updated on 03 Apr 2022

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