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Comparing version 4.7.1 to 4.7.2



"name": "tsx",
"version": "4.7.1",
"version": "4.7.2",
"description": "TypeScript Execute (tsx): Node.js enhanced with esbuild to run TypeScript & ESM files",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "keywords": [

# tsx <a href=""><img src=""></a> <a href=""><img src=""></a> <a href=""><img src=""></a>
> _TypeScript Execute (`tsx`)_: Node.js enhanced to run TypeScript & ESM files
_TypeScript Execute (tsx)_: The easiest way to run TypeScript in Node.js
### Features
- Blazing fast on-demand TypeScript & ESM compilation
- Super fast!
- TypeScript REPL
- Supports `tsconfig.json` [`paths`](
- Works in both [CommonJS and ESM packages](
- Supports next-gen TypeScript extensions (`.cts` & `.mts`)
- Hides experimental feature warnings
- TypeScript REPL
- Resolves `tsconfig.json` [`paths`](
> [!TIP]
> **Do you need to compile your TypeScript projects?** Try [pkgroll](—the zero-config bundler _tsx_ uses!
> **Build your TypeScript projects?**
> _pkgroll_ is a thin layer over Rollup that auto-configures it based on your `package.json` entry points.
> It supports next-gen TS formats, export maps, `.d.ts` generation, and more!
> Try [<img width="20" valign="middle" src=""> pkgroll](—the zero-config package bundler used by _tsx_!
> _pkgroll_ is a thin Rollup wrapper that makes it so simple for your package to support CommonJS, ESM, & TypeScript.
> If you love tsx, you'll love pkgroll too!

@@ -34,37 +33,51 @@ <br>

## About
`tsx` is a CLI command (alternative to `node`) for seamlessly running TypeScript & ESM in both `commonjs` & `module` package types.
`tsx` is a CLI command you can use just like you would use `node`:
This is for you if you ever wanted:
- A command that can _just run_ TypeScript code without dealing with configuration
- Better interoperability in codebases that use ESM and CJS dependencies
- Something really fast it's unnoticeable!
> [!TIP]
> **tsx is not just for TypeScript!** It also helps Node load `module` type packages.
> If you're getting the following error, give _tsx_ a try!
> ```
> require('ESM package');
> ^
> Error [ERR_REQUIRE_ESM]: require() of ES Module <ESM package> from ./file.js not supported.
> Instead change the require of <ESM package> in ./file.js to a dynamic import() which is available in all CommonJS modules.
> ```
node file.js
### Quick start
Try tsx now without setup! Just pass in a TypeScript file:
tsx file.js
Use it to enhance your Node.js experience:
- _Just run_ TypeScript code without configuration
- Seamless integration between CommonJS and ES Modules
You'll never get the following error again:
Error [ERR_REQUIRE_ESM]: require() of ES Module <ESM package> from ./file.js not supported.
Instead change the require of <ESM package> in ./file.js to a dynamic import() which is available in all CommonJS modules.
### ⚡️ Quick start
Try it out without setup using [npx](! Just pass in a TypeScript file:
npx tsx ./script.ts
### Mission
1. Enhance Node.js with TypeScript support
2. Improve ESM <-> CJS interoperability as the ecosystem migrates to ESM
3. Support the [LTS versions of Node.js](
## Installation
## Install
### Local installation
### Local installation
If you're using it in an npm project, install it as a development dependency:
To add tsx to an npm project as a development dependency:

@@ -74,7 +87,7 @@ npm install --save-dev tsx

Then you can reference it directly in the `package.json#scripts` object (you don't need npx here):
You can reference it directly in the `package.json#scripts` object (you don't need `npx` here):
"scripts": {
"dev": "tsx ..."
"dev": "tsx ./file.ts"

@@ -92,3 +105,3 @@ }

If you want to use it in any arbitrary project without [`npx`](, install it globally:
If you want to use tsx anywhere on your computer without [`npx`](, install it globally:

@@ -102,22 +115,21 @@ ```sh

tsx ...
tsx file.ts
Now you can replace `node ...` with `tsx ...` in all your commands!
## Usage
### tsx is a Node.js wrapper
### Swap `node` out for `tsx`
_tsx_ wraps around Node.js to enhance it with TypeScript support. Because it's a drop-in replacement for `node`, it supports all [Node.js command-line flags](
_tsx_ is an enhanced version of Node.js. If you have a `node ...` command, you can replace the `node` with `tsx` and it will just work.
Because it's a drop-in replacement for `node`, it supports all [Node.js command-line flags](
# --no-warnings is a Node.js flag
tsx --no-warnings ./file.ts
# Old command
node --no-warnings --env-file=.env ./file.js
### Run TypeScript / ESM / CJS module
Pass in a file to run:
tsx ./file.ts
# New command
tsx --no-warnings --env-file=.env ./file.js

@@ -336,18 +348,8 @@

## Contributing & Support
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If you're interested in contributing, please check out the [Contribution Guide](/ Your collaboration will be greatly appreciated!
## Support
If you're encountering a problem, take advantage of my [_Priority Support_ service]( for as little as $25. I'd be happy to help you out! 🙂
If there's a problem you're encountering or something you need help with, don't hesitate to take advantage of my [_Priority Support_ service]( where you can ask me questions in an exclusive forum. I'm well equppied to assist you with this project and would be happy to help you out! 🙂
## FAQ

@@ -369,27 +371,22 @@

### How is `tsx` different from [`ts-node`](
They're both tools to run TypeScript files. But tsx does a lot more to improve the experience of using Node.js.
`tsx` and `ts-node` are both designed for executing TypeScript files in Node.js, but offer different approaches to suit user preferences.
tsx _just works_. It's zero-config and doesn't require `tsconfig.json` to get started, making it easy for users that just want to run TypeScript code and not get caught up in the configuration.
- **Simple installation** tsx is offered as a single binary without peer dependencies, and can be used without installation: `npx tsx ./script.ts`. In comparison, `ts-node` requires installing TypeScript or SWC as peer dependencies.
It's a single binary with no peer-dependencies (e.g. TypeScript or esbuild), so there is no setup necessary, enabling usage that is elegant and frictionless for first-time users:
- **Zero configuration** tsx _just works_. It doesn't require initial setup or a `tsconfig.json` file, and doesn't get in the way of running your code.
npx tsx ./script.ts
- **Sensible defaults** tsx employs sensible defaults based on file imports and Node.js version, removing the need for certain `tsconfig.json` settings (that are designed for compilation rather than runtime). In comparison, ts-node relies on TypeScript's defaults (e.g. [`ES3` target](, which may be outdated.
tsx is zero-config because it has smart detections built in. As a runtime, it detects what's imported to make many options in `tsconfig.json` redundant—which was designed for compiling matching files regardless of whether they're imported.
- **Module adaptability** tsx automatically adapts between CommonJS and ESM modules, even supporting `require()` of ESM modules, facilitating a smoother transition as the Node.js ecosystem evolves.
It seamlessly adapts between CommonJS and ESM package types by detecting how modules are loaded (`require()` or `import`) to determine how to compile them. It even adds support for `require()`ing ESM modules from CommonJS so you don't have to worry about your dependencies as the ecosystem migrates to ESM.
- **Enhancements** tsx gracefully handles [new JS & TS syntax]( and features based on the Node.js version. It also supports [`tsconfig.json` paths]( out of the box.
[Newer and unsupported syntax]( & features like [importing `node:` prefixes]( are downgraded by detecting the Node.js version. For large TypeScript codebases, it has [`tsconfig.json paths`]( aliasing support out of the box.
- **Speed** tsx utilizes [esbuild]( to achieve rapid TypeScript compilation. In comparison, ts-node uses the TypeScript compiler by default. Because tsx doesn't type check, it's similar to `ts-node --esm --swc` (which uses the [SWC compiler](
At the core, tsx is powered by esbuild for [blazing fast TypeScript compilation](, whereas `ts-node` (by default) uses the TypeScript compiler. Because esbuild doesn't type check, `tsx` is similar to `ts-node --esm --swc` (which uses the [SWC compiler](
- **Watcher** As a DX bonus, tsx also comes with watch mode to help you iterate faster!
As a bonus, tsx also comes with a watcher to speed up your development.
For a detailed technical comparison, you can refer to this [exhaustive comparison]( between `tsx`, `ts-node`, and other runtimes.
[Here's an exhaustive technical comparison]( between `tsx`, `ts-node`, and other runtimes.
### Does it have a configuration file?

@@ -412,19 +409,2 @@

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@@ -431,0 +411,0 @@ <img src="">

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Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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