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Create api documentation for TypeScript projects.

Version published
Install size
12.9 MB

Package description

What is typedoc?

TypeDoc is a documentation generator for TypeScript projects. It reads your TypeScript source code and its comments and produces an HTML documentation website. It is capable of creating readable and user-friendly documentation for TypeScript projects, which can be very helpful for both maintaining internal code and for sharing code with external users.

What are typedoc's main functionalities?

Generating Documentation

This command generates documentation for the TypeScript source files located in the 'src' directory and outputs the result to the 'docs' directory.

typedoc --out docs src

Customizing the Theme

This command generates documentation with a minimal theme, which is one of the built-in themes provided by TypeDoc.

typedoc --out docs src --theme minimal

Excluding Private Members

This command generates documentation while excluding private members from the output, making the documentation cleaner if private members are not intended to be part of the public API.

typedoc --out docs src --excludePrivate

Including Declaration Files

This command includes type declaration files (d.ts files) in the documentation generation process, which can be useful for documenting the types that are part of the project's external API.

typedoc --out docs src --includeDeclarations

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v0.24.2 (2023-04-15)


  • Added semantic link coloring for reflection names & links, #2227. Note: This resulted in function signatures becoming too busy for easy scanning with even slightly complicated signatures as such, TypeDoc now only renders parameter names in the signature title and includes the type in the parameter details as usual. This can be controlled with the new --hideParameterTypesInTitle option.
  • Conditional types will now render their branches on the next line for easier comprehension.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed & showing as & and HTML text showing up in page contents navigation, #2224.
  • Increased padding between sections when one navigation column is displayed, #2225.
  • Correct padding for navigation elements with a displayed icon, #2229.
  • Fixed source-order sort strategy failing to compare reflections within a file.
  • Added enum-member-source-order specialization of the source-order sort strategy which only compares enum members, #2237.
  • Updated highlight colors for semantic links to meet WCAG AA contrast requirements, #2228.
  • Type parameters are now highlighted consistently, #2230.
  • Fixed semantic coloring in type and function signatures, #2227.
  • Fixed issue where removing a reflection indirectly containing an object/function type would only partially remove the reflection, #2231.
  • Fixed "Implementation of X.y" links if a mixture of methods and property-methods are used, #2233.
  • "Implementation of" text to symbol-properties not contained in the documentation will now use the resolved name instead of a __@ symbol name, #2234.
  • Fix expansion of globs if a single entry point is provided, #2235.
  • Validation will no longer be skipped for sub packages when running with --entryPointStrategy packages.
  • Fixed broken theme toggle if the page contained a member named "theme".


  • @RunDevelopment




Documentation generator for TypeScript projects.

CI NPM Version


For more detailed documentation, the changelog, and TypeDoc documentation rendered with TypeDoc, see


TypeDoc runs on Node.js and is available as a NPM package.

npm install typedoc --save-dev


To generate documentation TypeDoc needs to know your project entry point and TypeScript compiler options. It will automatically try to find your tsconfig.json file, so you can just specify the entry point of your library:

typedoc src/index.ts

If you have multiple entry points, specify each of them.

typedoc package1/index.ts package2/index.ts

If you specify a directory, TypeDoc will use the entryPointStrategy option to determine how to resolve it. By default, TypeDoc will search for a file called index under the directory.

Monorepos / Workspaces

If your codebase is comprised of one or more npm packages, you can build documentation for each of them individually and merge the results together into a single site by setting entryPointStrategy to packages. In this mode TypeDoc requires configuration to be present in each directory to specify the entry points. For an example setup, see


For a complete list of the command line arguments run typedoc --help or visit our website.

  • --out <path/to/documentation/>
    Specifies the location the documentation should be written to. Defaults to ./docs
  • --json <path/to/output.json>
    Specifies the location and file name a json file describing the project is written to. When specified no documentation will be generated unless --out is also specified.
  • --options
    Specify a json option file that should be loaded. If not specified TypeDoc will look for 'typedoc.json' in the current directory.
  • --tsconfig <path/to/tsconfig.json>
    Specify a typescript config file that should be loaded. If not specified TypeDoc will look for 'tsconfig.json' in the current directory.
  • --exclude <pattern>
    Exclude files by the given pattern when a path is provided as source. Supports standard minimatch patterns.
  • --theme <default|plugin defined theme>
    Specify the theme that should be used.
  • --name <Documentation title>
    Set the name of the project that will be used in the header of the template.
  • --readme <path/to/readme|none>
    Path to the readme file that should be displayed on the index page. Pass none to disable the index page and start the documentation on the globals page.
  • --version
    Display the version number of TypeDoc.
  • --help
    Display all TypeDoc options.


This project is maintained by a community of developers. Contributions are welcome and appreciated. You can find TypeDoc on GitHub; feel free to open an issue or create a pull request:

For more information, read the contribution guide.



Last updated on 15 Apr 2023

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