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Official implementation of the TypeID specification in TypeScript. TypeIDs are type-safe, K-sortable, and globally unique identifiers inspired by Stripe IDs

Version published



Official TypeID-JS Package

License: Apache 2.0 Built with Devbox

JavaScript implementation of TypeIDs using TypeScript.

TypeIDs are a modern, type-safe, globally unique identifier based on the upcoming UUIDv7 standard. They provide a ton of nice properties that make them a great choice as the primary identifiers for your data in a database, APIs, and distributed systems. Read more about TypeIDs in their spec.

This is the official JavaScript / TypeScript implementation of TypeID by the jetify team. It provides an npm package that can be used by any JavaScript or TypeScript project.

_ If you wish to use a string-based representation of typeid (instead of class-based), please follow the instructions here. _


Using npm:

npm install typeid-js

Using yarn:

yarn add typeid-js

Using pnpm:

pnpm add typeid-js

Note: this package requires Typescript > 5.0.0


To create a random TypeID of a given type, use the typeid() function:

import { typeid } from 'typeid-js';
const tid = typeid('prefix');

The prefix is optional, so if you need to create an id without a type prefix, you can do that too:

import { typeid } from 'typeid-js';
const tid = typeid();

The return type of typeid("prefix") is TypeID<"prefix">, which lets you use TypeScript's type checking to ensure you are passing the correct type prefix to functions that expect it.

For example, you can create a function that only accepts TypeIDs of type user:

import { typeid, TypeID } from 'typeid-js';

function doSomethingWithUserID(id: TypeID<'user'>) {
    // ...

In addition to the typeid() function, the TypeID class has additional methods to encode/decode from other formats.

For example, to parse an existing typeid from a string:

import { TypeID } from 'typeid-js';

// The prefix is optional, but it enforces the prefix and returns a
// TypeID<"prefix"> instead of TypeID<string>
const tid = TypeID.fromString('prefix_00041061050r3gg28a1c60t3gf', 'prefix');

To encode an existing UUID as a TypeID:

import { TypeID } from 'typeid-js';

// In this case TypeID<"prefix"> is inferred from the first argument
const tid = TypeID.fromUUID('prefix', '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000');

The full list of methods includes:

  • getType(): Returns the type of the type prefix
  • getSuffix(): Returns uuid suffix in its base32 representation
  • toString(): Encodes the object as a string, using the canonical format
  • toUUID(): Decodes the TypeID into a UUID string in hex format. The type prefix is ignored
  • toUUIDBytes(): Decodes the TypeID into a UUID byte array. The type prefix is ignored
  • fromString(str, prefix?): Parses a TypeID from a string, optionally checking the prefix
  • fromUUID(prefix, uuid): Creates a TypeID from a prefix and a UUID in hex format
  • fromUUIDBytes(prefix, bytes): Creates a TypeID from a prefix and a UUID in byte array format



Package last updated on 03 Jul 2024

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