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url-slug - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 2.3.0 to 3.0.0-beta.0



"use strict";
function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } }
function _defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } }
function _createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) _defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) _defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }
function _slicedToArray(arr, i) { return _arrayWithHoles(arr) || _iterableToArrayLimit(arr, i) || _nonIterableRest(); }
function _nonIterableRest() { throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance"); }
function _iterableToArrayLimit(arr, i) { if (!(Symbol.iterator in Object(arr) || === "[object Arguments]")) { return; } var _arr = []; var _n = true; var _d = false; var _e = undefined; try { for (var _i = arr[Symbol.iterator](), _s; !(_n = (_s =; _n = true) { _arr.push(_s.value); if (i && _arr.length === i) break; } } catch (err) { _d = true; _e = err; } finally { try { if (!_n && _i["return"] != null) _i["return"](); } finally { if (_d) throw _e; } } return _arr; }
function _arrayWithHoles(arr) { if (Array.isArray(arr)) return arr; }
var unidecode = require('unidecode');
/* TODO v3
* - Set default transformers as exports
* - ESM with multiple exports
* - Deprecate defaultTransformers
* - Deprecate parseOptions, use a config object instead
* - Deprecate null as separator
* - Add support to NFKD normalize, make unidecode an option (full?)
* - Browser support
* - Add sentence case transformer
* - Supported characters:
* - default: ALPHA / DIGIT / "-" / "." / "_" / "~"
* - path: ALPHA / DIGIT / "-" / "." / "_" / "~" / "!" / "$" / "&" /
* "'" / "(" / ")" / "*" / "+" / "," / ";" / "=" / "@"
* - ":" is non-zero-length segment without any colon, allow it?
* - query: ALPHA / DIGIT / "-" / "." / "_" / "~" / "!" / "$" / "'" / "(" /
* ")" / "*" / "+" / "," / ";" / "=" / "@" / "/" / "?"
* - "&" is commonly used to separate key/value pairs, allow it?
* - hash: ALPHA / DIGIT / "-" / "." / "_" / "~" / "!" / "$" / "&" / "'" /
* "(" / ")" / "*" / "+" / "," / ";" / "=" / "@" / "/" / "?"
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
exports.convert = convert;
exports.revert = revert;
exports.default = exports.UPPERCASE_TRANSFORMER = exports.TITLECASE_TRANSFORMER = exports.LOWERCASE_TRANSFORMER = void 0;
var COMBINING_CHARS = /[\u0300-\u036F\u1AB0-\u1AFF\u1DC0-\u1DFF]+/g;
var INVALID_SEPARATOR = /[^-._~]/;
var CONVERT = /[A-Za-z\d]+/g;
var REVERT = /[^-._~]+/g;
var BASE = '(?:[a-z](?=[A-Z])|[A-Z](?=[A-Z][a-z]))';
var CONVERT_CAMELCASE = new RegExp("[A-Za-z0-9]*?".concat(BASE, "|[A-Za-z0-9]+"), 'g');
var REVERT_CAMELCASE = new RegExp("[^-._~]*?".concat(BASE, "|[^-._~]+"), 'g');
var REVERT_CAMELCASE_WITH_EMPTY_SEPARATOR = new RegExp(".*?".concat(BASE, "|.+"), 'g');
* Check and return validated options
var CCASE = '(?:[a-z](?=[A-Z])|[A-Z](?=[A-Z][a-z]))';
var CONVERT_CAMELCASE = new RegExp("[A-Za-z0-9]*?".concat(CCASE, "|[A-Za-z0-9]+"), 'g');
var REVERT_CAMELCASE = new RegExp("[^-._~]*?".concat(CCASE, "|[^-._~]+"), 'g');
var REVERT_CAMELCASE_WITH_EMPTY_SEPARATOR = new RegExp(".*?".concat(CCASE, "|.+"), 'g');
/* Parse options */
function parseOptions(options) {
var camelCase;
var separator;
var transformer;
var result = {};
if (2 === options.length) {
var _options = _slicedToArray(options, 2);
if (options.hasOwnProperty('camelCase')) {
var value = options.camelCase;
separator = _options[0];
transformer = _options[1];
separator: separator,
transformer: transformer
} else if (1 === options.length) {
var option = options[0];
if (false === option || 'function' === typeof option) {
transformer = option;
/* Don't validate */
} else if (defaultTransformers[option]) {
/* TODO Remove in v3 */
transformer = option;
transformer: transformer
/* Throw deprecation error */
} else if (typeof option === 'string') {
separator = option;
separator: separator
} else if (option != null) {
camelCase = option.camelCase;
separator = option.separator;
transformer = option.transformer;
camelCase: camelCase,
separator: separator,
transformer: transformer
if (typeof value !== 'boolean') {
throw new Error("camelCase must be a boolean: \"".concat(value, "\"."));
if (defaultTransformers[transformer]) {
/* Remove in v3.0.0 */
transformer = defaultTransformers[transformer];
result.camelCase = value;
return {
camelCase: camelCase,
separator: separator == null ? void 0 : separator,
transformer: transformer
* Validate options
if (options.hasOwnProperty('separator')) {
var _value = options.separator;
if (typeof _value !== 'string') {
throw new Error("separator must be a string: \"".concat(_value, "\"."));
} else if (INVALID_SEPARATOR.test(_value)) {
var error = _value.match(INVALID_SEPARATOR)[0];
function validate(_ref) {
var camelCase = _ref.camelCase,
separator = _ref.separator,
transformer = _ref.transformer;
throw new Error("separator has an invalid character: \"".concat(error, "\"."));
if (camelCase !== undefined) {
if (typeof camelCase !== 'boolean') {
throw new Error("camelCase must be a boolean: \"".concat(camelCase, "\"."));
result.separator = _value;
if (separator != null) {
if ('string' !== typeof separator) {
throw new Error("separator must be a string: \"".concat(separator, "\"."));
} else if (INVALID_SEPARATOR.test(separator)) {
throw new Error("separator has invalid characters: \"".concat(separator, "\"."));
if (options.hasOwnProperty('transformer')) {
var _value2 = options.transformer;
if (_value2 !== false && typeof _value2 !== 'function') {
throw new Error("transformer must be false or a function: \"".concat(_value2, "\"."));
result.transformer = _value2;
if (transformer != null) {
if (transformer !== false && typeof transformer !== 'function') {
if (typeof transformer === 'string' && defaultTransformers[transformer]) {
throw new Error('Using transformer name as string was deprecated');
/* TODO Remove in v3 */
} else {
throw new Error("transformer must be a function: \"".concat(transformer, "\"."));
return result;
/* Builtin transformers */
var UrlSlug = /*#__PURE__*/function () {
_createClass(UrlSlug, null, [{
value: function LOWERCASE_TRANSFORMER(fragments, separator) {
return fragments.join(separator).toLowerCase();
}, {
value: function UPPERCASE_TRANSFORMER(fragments, separator) {
return fragments.join(separator).toUpperCase();
}, {
value: function TITLECASE_TRANSFORMER(fragments, separator) {
return (fragment) {
return fragment.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + fragment.slice(1).toLowerCase();
* Creates a new instance of url-slug
var LOWERCASE_TRANSFORMER = function LOWERCASE_TRANSFORMER(fragments, separator) {
return fragments.join(separator).toLowerCase();
function UrlSlug() {
_classCallCheck(this, UrlSlug);
for (var _len = arguments.length, options = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) {
options[_key] = arguments[_key];
var TITLECASE_TRANSFORMER = function TITLECASE_TRANSFORMER(fragments, separator) {
return (fragment) {
return fragment.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + fragment.slice(1).toLowerCase();
var _parseOptions = parseOptions(options),
_parseOptions$camelCa = _parseOptions.camelCase,
camelCase = _parseOptions$camelCa === void 0 ? true : _parseOptions$camelCa,
_parseOptions$separat = _parseOptions.separator,
separator = _parseOptions$separat === void 0 ? '-' : _parseOptions$separat,
_parseOptions$transfo = _parseOptions.transformer,
transformer = _parseOptions$transfo === void 0 ? UrlSlug.LOWERCASE_TRANSFORMER : _parseOptions$transfo;
this.camelCase = camelCase;
this.separator = separator;
this.transformer = transformer;
* Converts a string into a slug
var UPPERCASE_TRANSFORMER = function UPPERCASE_TRANSFORMER(fragments, separator) {
return fragments.join(separator).toUpperCase();
/* Converts a string into a slug */
_createClass(UrlSlug, [{
key: "convert",
value: function convert(string) {
for (var _len2 = arguments.length, options = new Array(_len2 > 1 ? _len2 - 1 : 0), _key2 = 1; _key2 < _len2; _key2++) {
options[_key2 - 1] = arguments[_key2];
var _parseOptions2 = parseOptions(options),
_parseOptions2$camelC = _parseOptions2.camelCase,
camelCase = _parseOptions2$camelC === void 0 ? this.camelCase : _parseOptions2$camelC,
_parseOptions2$separa = _parseOptions2.separator,
separator = _parseOptions2$separa === void 0 ? this.separator : _parseOptions2$separa,
_parseOptions2$transf = _parseOptions2.transformer,
transformer = _parseOptions2$transf === void 0 ? this.transformer : _parseOptions2$transf;
function convert(string) {
var options = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {};
var fragments = unidecode(String(string)).match(camelCase ? CONVERT_CAMELCASE : CONVERT);
var _parseOptions = parseOptions(options),
_parseOptions$camelCa = _parseOptions.camelCase,
camelCase = _parseOptions$camelCa === void 0 ? true : _parseOptions$camelCa,
_parseOptions$separat = _parseOptions.separator,
separator = _parseOptions$separat === void 0 ? '-' : _parseOptions$separat,
_parseOptions$transfo = _parseOptions.transformer,
transformer = _parseOptions$transfo === void 0 ? LOWERCASE_TRANSFORMER : _parseOptions$transfo;
if (!fragments) {
return '';
var fragments = String(string).normalize('NFKD').replace(COMBINING_CHARS, '').match(camelCase ? CONVERT_CAMELCASE : CONVERT);
return transformer ? transformer(fragments, separator) : fragments.join(separator);
* Reverts a slug back to a string
if (!fragments) {
return '';
}, {
key: "revert",
value: function revert(slug) {
for (var _len3 = arguments.length, options = new Array(_len3 > 1 ? _len3 - 1 : 0), _key3 = 1; _key3 < _len3; _key3++) {
options[_key3 - 1] = arguments[_key3];
return transformer ? transformer(fragments, separator) : fragments.join(separator);
/* Reverts a slug back to a string */
var _parseOptions3 = parseOptions(options),
_parseOptions3$camelC = _parseOptions3.camelCase,
camelCase = _parseOptions3$camelC === void 0 ? false : _parseOptions3$camelC,
_parseOptions3$separa = _parseOptions3.separator,
separator = _parseOptions3$separa === void 0 ? null : _parseOptions3$separa,
_parseOptions3$transf = _parseOptions3.transformer,
transformer = _parseOptions3$transf === void 0 ? false : _parseOptions3$transf;
var fragments;
slug = String(slug);
/* Determine which method will be used split the slug */
function revert(slug) {
var options = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {};
if ('' === separator) {
} else if ('string' === typeof separator) {
fragments = slug.split(separator);
} else {
fragments = slug.match(camelCase ? REVERT_CAMELCASE : REVERT);
var _parseOptions2 = parseOptions(options),
_parseOptions2$camelC = _parseOptions2.camelCase,
camelCase = _parseOptions2$camelC === void 0 ? false : _parseOptions2$camelC,
separator = _parseOptions2.separator,
_parseOptions2$transf = _parseOptions2.transformer,
transformer = _parseOptions2$transf === void 0 ? false : _parseOptions2$transf;
if (!fragments) {
return '';
var fragments;
/* Determine which method will be used split the slug */
return transformer ? transformer(fragments, ' ') : fragments.join(' ');
if ('' === separator) {
fragments = camelCase ? String(slug).match(REVERT_CAMELCASE_WITH_EMPTY_SEPARATOR) : [String(slug)];
} else if ('string' === typeof separator) {
fragments = String(slug).split(separator);
} else {
fragments = String(slug).match(camelCase ? REVERT_CAMELCASE : REVERT);
return UrlSlug;
* Builtin transformers
if (!fragments) {
return '';
return transformer ? transformer(fragments, ' ') : fragments.join(' ');
/* Sets convert() as the default export */
var defaultTransformers = {
/* TODO Deprecate in v3 */
/* Prepare the global instance and export it */
var urlSlug = new UrlSlug();
var global = urlSlug.convert.bind(urlSlug);
global.UrlSlug = UrlSlug;
global.convert = global;
global.revert = urlSlug.revert.bind(urlSlug);
global.transformers = defaultTransformers;
/* TODO Deprecate in v3 */
module.exports = global;
var _default = convert;
exports.default = _default;
"name": "url-slug",
"version": "2.3.0",
"version": "3.0.0-beta.0",
"description": "RFC 3986 compliant slug generator with multiple language support",

@@ -14,5 +14,2 @@ "main": "index.js",

"dependencies": {
"unidecode": "^0.1.8"
"devDependencies": {

@@ -19,0 +16,0 @@ "@babel/cli": "^7.8.4",

@@ -1,101 +0,49 @@

const expect = require('chai').expect
import { expect } from 'chai'
import * as urlSlug from '../src'
const urlSlug = require('../src/index')
describe('module', () => {
it('includes UrlSlug constructor as a property', () => {
it('sets the convert function as the default export', () => {
it('has a convert and a revert method', () => {
it('has builtin transformers', () => {
lowercase: urlSlug.UrlSlug.LOWERCASE_TRANSFORMER,
uppercase: urlSlug.UrlSlug.UPPERCASE_TRANSFORMER,
titlecase: urlSlug.UrlSlug.TITLECASE_TRANSFORMER,
expect(typeof urlSlug.LOWERCASE_TRANSFORMER)'function')
expect(typeof urlSlug.TITLECASE_TRANSFORMER)'function')
expect(typeof urlSlug.UPPERCASE_TRANSFORMER)'function')
it('has a working lowercase transformer', () => {
expect(urlSlug.transformers.lowercase(['TEST', 'STRING'], ' '))'test string')
const fragments = ['AA', 'BB']
const separator = '-'
const transformer = urlSlug.LOWERCASE_TRANSFORMER
expect(transformer(fragments, separator))'aa-bb')
it('has a working uppercase transformer', () => {
expect(urlSlug.transformers.uppercase(['test', 'string'], ' '))'TEST STRING')
it('has a working tittle case transformer', () => {
const fragments = ['aA', 'bB']
const separator = '-'
const transformer = urlSlug.TITLECASE_TRANSFORMER
expect(transformer(fragments, separator))'Aa-Bb')
it('has a working titlecase transformer', () => {
expect(urlSlug.transformers.titlecase(['tesT', 'strinG'], ' '))'Test String')
it('has a working uppercase transformer', () => {
const fragments = ['aa', 'bb']
const separator = '-'
const transformer = urlSlug.UPPERCASE_TRANSFORMER
expect(transformer(fragments, separator))'AA-BB')
it('calls convert if called as a function', () => {
describe('constructor', () => {
it('contains builtin transformers as static properties', () => {
it('has default options set', () => {
const instance = new urlSlug.UrlSlug()
it('sets properties with options argument values', () => {
const transformer = () => {}
const instance = new urlSlug.UrlSlug({
camelCase: false,
separator: '_',
describe('validate', () => {
it('accepts an options object', () => {
expect(() => new urlSlug.UrlSlug({}))
describe('convert', () => {
it('accepts only boolean values in camelCase option', () => {
expect(() => new urlSlug.UrlSlug({ camelCase: true }))
expect(() => new urlSlug.UrlSlug({ camelCase: false }))
expect(() => urlSlug.convert('', { camelCase: true }))
expect(() => new urlSlug.UrlSlug({ camelCase: null }))
.to.throw('camelCase must be a boolean')
expect(() => urlSlug.convert('', { camelCase: false }))
expect(() => urlSlug.convert('', { camelCase: null }))
.to.throw('camelCase must be a boolean')
it('accepts an empty string as separator', () => {
expect(() => new urlSlug.UrlSlug({ separator: '' }))
expect(() => urlSlug.convert('', { separator: '' }))

@@ -105,10 +53,10 @@ })

it('accepts only unreserved characters in RFC 3986 as separator', () => {
expect(() => new urlSlug.UrlSlug({ separator: '-._~' }))
expect(() => urlSlug.convert('', { separator: '-._~' }))
expect(() => new urlSlug.UrlSlug({ separator: '+' }))
.to.throw('separator has invalid characters')
expect(() => urlSlug.convert('', { separator: '+' }))
.to.throw('separator has an invalid character')
it('does not accept a separator that is not a string', () => {
expect(() => new urlSlug.UrlSlug({ separator: 123 }))
expect(() => urlSlug.convert('', { separator: 123 }))
.to.throw('separator must be a string')

@@ -118,3 +66,3 @@ })

it('accepts false as a transformer', () => {
expect(() => new urlSlug.UrlSlug({ transformer: false }))
expect(() => urlSlug.convert('', { transformer: false }))

@@ -124,42 +72,16 @@ })

it('accepts a function as a transformer', () => {
expect(() => new urlSlug.UrlSlug({ transformer: () => {} }))
expect(() => urlSlug.convert('', { transformer: () => {} }))
it('accepts builtin functions as a transformer', () => {
const lowercase = urlSlug.UrlSlug.LOWERCASE_TRANSFORMER
const uppercase = urlSlug.UrlSlug.UPPERCASE_TRANSFORMER
const titlecase = urlSlug.UrlSlug.TITLECASE_TRANSFORMER
expect(() => new urlSlug.UrlSlug({ transformer: lowercase }))
expect(() => new urlSlug.UrlSlug({ transformer: uppercase }))
expect(() => new urlSlug.UrlSlug({ transformer: titlecase }))
it('accepts only false or a function as a transformer', () => {
expect(() => new urlSlug.UrlSlug({ transformer: true }))
.to.throw('transformer must be a function')
expect(() => new urlSlug.UrlSlug({ transformer: 'string' }))
.to.throw('transformer must be a function')
expect(() => new urlSlug.UrlSlug({ transformer: {} }))
.to.throw('transformer must be a function')
expect(() => urlSlug.convert('', { transformer: true }))
.to.throw('transformer must be false or a function')
expect(() => urlSlug.convert('', { transformer: 'string' }))
.to.throw('transformer must be false or a function')
expect(() => urlSlug.convert('', { transformer: {} }))
.to.throw('transformer must be false or a function')
it('throws a deprecation error for tranformer strings', () => {
expect(() => new urlSlug.UrlSlug({ transformer: 'uppercase' }))
.to.throw('Using transformer name as string was deprecated')
}) // TODO Remove in v3
describe('convert', () => {
it('uses validate to check options', () => {
expect(() => urlSlug.convert('', { separator: 123 }))
.to.throw('separator must be a string')
expect(() => urlSlug.convert('', { camelCase: null }))
.to.throw('camelCase must be a boolean')
it('converts input to string', () => {
it('casts input to string', () => {

@@ -175,13 +97,8 @@'123')

it('removes accents', () => {
expect(urlSlug.convert('á é í ó ú'))'a-e-i-o-u')
expect(urlSlug.convert('á é í ó ú ç áéíóúç'))'a-e-i-o-u-c-aeiouc')
it('uses upper case as transformer and use the default separator', () => {
expect(urlSlug.convert('a bronx tale', urlSlug.transformers.uppercase))'A-BRONX-TALE')
}) // TODO v3 deprecate
it('uses upper case as transformer and use the default separator', () => {
const options = { transformer: urlSlug.transformers.uppercase }
it('uses uppercase transformer and the default separator', () => {
const options = { transformer: urlSlug.UPPERCASE_TRANSFORMER }
expect(urlSlug.convert('a bronx tale', options))

@@ -191,11 +108,6 @@'A-BRONX-TALE')

it('uses underscore as separator and title case as transformer', () => {
expect(urlSlug.convert('tom jobim', '_', urlSlug.transformers.titlecase))'Tom_Jobim')
}) // TODO v3 deprecate
it('uses underscore as separator and title case as transformer', () => {
it('uses uppercase transformer and underscore as separator', () => {
const options = {
separator: '_',
transformer: urlSlug.transformers.titlecase
transformer: urlSlug.TITLECASE_TRANSFORMER,

@@ -206,12 +118,4 @@ expect(urlSlug.convert('tom jobim', options))

it('allows multiple characters as separator and maintains the case', () => {
expect(urlSlug.convert('Charly García', '-._~-._~', false))'Charly-._~-._~Garcia')
}) // TODO v3 deprecate
it('allows multiple characters as separator and maintains the case', () => {
const options = {
separator: '-._~-._~',
transformer: false
it('uses multiple characters as separator and maintains the case', () => {
const options = { separator: '-._~-._~', transformer: false }
expect(urlSlug.convert('Charly García', options))

@@ -222,10 +126,5 @@'Charly-._~-._~Garcia')

it('returns a camel case slug', () => {
expect(urlSlug.convert('java script', '', urlSlug.transformers.titlecase))'JavaScript')
}) // TODO v3 deprecate
it('returns a camel case slug', () => {
const options = {
separator: '',
transformer: urlSlug.transformers.titlecase
transformer: urlSlug.TITLECASE_TRANSFORMER

@@ -237,20 +136,5 @@ expect(urlSlug.convert('java script', options))

it('splits a camel case string', () => {
const options = { transformer: false }
expect(urlSlug.convert('javaSCRIPT', null, null))'java-SCRIPT')
expect(urlSlug.convert('JAVAScript', null, null))'JAVA-Script')
expect(urlSlug.convert('jaVAScriPT', null, null))'ja-VA-Scri-PT')
expect(urlSlug.convert('JaVaScriPt', null, null))'Ja-Va-Scri-Pt')
expect(urlSlug.convert('JaVaScrIpT', null, null))'Ja-Va-Scr-Ip-T')
}) // TODO v3 deprecate
it('splits a camel case string', () => {
const options = { separator: null, transformer: null }
expect(urlSlug.convert('javaSCRIPT', options))

@@ -274,10 +158,2 @@'java-SCRIPT')

it('returns only consonants', () => {
const transform = (fragments, separator) => fragments
.replace(/[aeiou]/gi, '')
expect(urlSlug.convert('React', '', transform))'Rct')
}) // TODO v3 deprecate
it('returns only consonants', () => {
const options = {

@@ -305,5 +181,7 @@ separator: '',

describe('revert', () => {
it('uses validate to check options', () => {
expect(() => urlSlug.revert('', { separator: 123 }))
.to.throw('separator must be a string')
it('accepts only boolean values in camelCase option', () => {
expect(() => urlSlug.revert('', { camelCase: true }))
expect(() => urlSlug.revert('', { camelCase: false }))
expect(() => urlSlug.revert('', { camelCase: null }))

@@ -313,3 +191,39 @@ .to.throw('camelCase must be a boolean')

it('converts input to string', () => {
it('accepts an empty string as separator', () => {
expect(() => urlSlug.revert('', { separator: '' }))
it('accepts only unreserved characters in RFC 3986 as separator', () => {
expect(() => urlSlug.revert('', { separator: '-._~' }))
expect(() => urlSlug.revert('', { separator: '+' }))
.to.throw('separator has an invalid character')
it('does not accept a separator that is not a string', () => {
expect(() => urlSlug.revert('', { separator: 123 }))
.to.throw('separator must be a string')
it('accepts false as a transformer', () => {
expect(() => urlSlug.revert('', { transformer: false }))
it('accepts a function as a transformer', () => {
expect(() => urlSlug.revert('', { transformer: () => {} }))
it('accepts only false or a function as a transformer', () => {
expect(() => urlSlug.revert('', { transformer: true }))
.to.throw('transformer must be false or a function')
expect(() => urlSlug.revert('', { transformer: 'string' }))
.to.throw('transformer must be false or a function')
expect(() => urlSlug.revert('', { transformer: {} }))
.to.throw('transformer must be false or a function')
it('casts input to string', () => {

@@ -325,13 +239,14 @@'123')

it('splits a camel case slug', () => {
expect(urlSlug.revert('javaScript', { camelCase: true }))
const options = { camelCase: true }
expect(urlSlug.revert('javaScript', options))'java Script')
expect(urlSlug.revert('javaSCRIPT', { camelCase: true }))
expect(urlSlug.revert('javaSCRIPT', options))'java SCRIPT')
expect(urlSlug.revert('JAVAScript', { camelCase: true }))
expect(urlSlug.revert('JAVAScript', options))'JAVA Script')
expect(urlSlug.revert('jaVAScriPT', { camelCase: true }))
expect(urlSlug.revert('jaVAScriPT', options))'ja VA Scri PT')
expect(urlSlug.revert('JaVaScriPt', { camelCase: true }))
expect(urlSlug.revert('JaVaScriPt', options))'Ja Va Scri Pt')
expect(urlSlug.revert('JaVaScrIpT', { camelCase: true }))
expect(urlSlug.revert('JaVaScrIpT', options))'Ja Va Scr Ip T')

@@ -346,11 +261,6 @@ })

it('splits on camel case and convert input to upper case', () => {
const slug = 'ClaudioBaglioni_is-NOT-German'
expect(urlSlug.revert(slug, '', urlSlug.transformers.uppercase))'CLAUDIO BAGLIONI_IS-NOT-GERMAN')
}) // TODO v3 deprecate
it('splits on camel case and convert input to upper case', () => {
const options = {
camelCase: true,
separator: '',
transformer: urlSlug.transformers.uppercase
transformer: urlSlug.UPPERCASE_TRANSFORMER,

@@ -362,11 +272,5 @@ expect(urlSlug.revert('ClaudioBaglioni_is-NOT-German', options))

it('returns the title of a Pink Floyd track', () => {
const slug = 'comfortably-._~numb'
expect(urlSlug.revert(slug, '-._~', urlSlug.transformers.titlecase))'Comfortably Numb')
}) // TODO v3 deprecate
it('returns the title of a Pink Floyd track', () => {
const options = {
separator: '-._~',
transformer: urlSlug.transformers.titlecase
transformer: urlSlug.TITLECASE_TRANSFORMER

@@ -373,0 +277,0 @@ expect(urlSlug.revert('comfortably-._~numb', options))

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