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template compiler for Vue 2.0

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Package description

What is vue-template-compiler?

The vue-template-compiler package is used to pre-compile Vue.js templates into render functions to achieve faster render times and smaller bundle sizes. It is typically used in build processes with tools like Webpack or Browserify.

What are vue-template-compiler's main functionalities?

Compile template strings

This feature allows you to compile Vue.js template strings into render functions. The `compile` function returns an object containing the render function as a string, which can be used to render Vue components.

const { compile } = require('vue-template-compiler');
const compiled = compile('<div>{{ message }}</div>');

Compile template files

This feature is used to parse `.vue` single-file components and extract their template content. The `parseComponent` function returns an object with the template, script, and style parts of the component.

const { parseComponent } = require('vue-template-compiler');
const fs = require('fs');
const source = fs.readFileSync('MyComponent.vue', 'utf-8');
const parsed = parseComponent(source);

Other packages similar to vue-template-compiler



2.7.1 (2022-07-04)

Bug Fixes

  • compiler-sfc: fix template usage check edge case for v-on statements (caceece), closes #12591
  • export proxyRefs (e452e9d), closes #12600
  • fix NaN comparison on state change (ff5acb1), closes #12595
  • reactivity: shallowReactive should not unwrap refs (#12605) (15b9b9b), closes #12597

Backported Features

In addition, the following APIs are also supported:

  • defineComponent() with improved type inference (compared to Vue.extend)

  • h(), useSlot(), useAttrs(), useCssModules()

  • set(), del() and nextTick() are also provided as named exports in ESM builds.

  • The emits option is also supported, but only for type-checking purposes (does not affect runtime behavior)

    2.7 also supports using ESNext syntax in template expressions. When using a build system, the compiled template render function will go through the same loaders / plugins configured for normal JavaScript. This means if you have configured Babel for .js files, it will also apply to the expressions in your SFC templates.

Notes on API exposure

  • In ESM builds, these APIs are provided as named exports (and named exports only):

    import Vue, { ref } from 'vue'
    Vue.ref // undefined, use named export instead
  • In UMD and CJS builds, these APIs are exposed as properties on the global Vue object.

  • When bundling with CJS builds externalized, bundlers should be able to handle ESM interop when externalizing CJS builds.

Behavior Differences from Vue 3

The Composition API is backported using Vue 2's getter/setter-based reactivity system to ensure browser compatibility. This means there are some important behavior differences from Vue 3's proxy-based system:

  • All Vue 2 change detection caveats still apply.

  • reactive(), ref(), and shallowReactive() will directly convert original objects instead of creating proxies. This means:

    // true in 2.7, false in 3.x
    reactive(foo) === foo
  • readonly() does create a separate object, but it won't track newly added properties and does not work on arrays.

  • Avoid using arrays as root values in reactive() because without property access the array's mutation won't be tracked (this will result in a warning).

  • Reactivity APIs ignore properties with symbol keys.

In addition, the following features are explicitly NOT ported:

  • createApp() (Vue 2 doesn't have isolated app scope)
  • ❌ Top-level await in <script setup> (Vue 2 does not support async component initialization)
  • ❌ TypeScript syntax in template expressions (incompatible w/ Vue 2 parser)
  • ❌ Reactivity transform (still experimental)
  • expose option is not supported for options components (but defineExpose() is supported in <script setup>).

TypeScript Changes

  • defineComponent provides improved type inference similar to that of Vue 3. Note the type of this inside defineComponent() is not interoperable with this from Vue.extend().

  • Similar to Vue 3, TSX support is now built-in. If your project previously had manual JSX type shims, make sure to remove them.

Upgrade Guide

Vue CLI / webpack

  1. Upgrade local @vue/cli-xxx dependencies the latest version in your major version range (if applicable):

    • ~4.5.18 for v4
    • ~5.0.6 for v5
  2. Upgrade vue to ^2.7.0. You can also remove vue-template-compiler from the dependencies - it is no longer needed in 2.7.

    Note: if you are using @vue/test-utils, you may need to keep it in the dependencies for now, but this requirement will also be lifted in a new release of test utils.

  3. Check your package manager lockfile to ensure the following dependencies meet the version requirements. They may be transitive dependencies not listed in package.json.

    • vue-loader: ^15.10.0
    • vue-demi: ^0.13.1

    If not, you will need to remove node_modules and the lockfile and perform a fresh install to ensure they are bumped to the latest version.

  4. If you were previously using @vue/composition-api, update imports from it to vue instead. Note that some APIs exported by the plugin, e.g. createApp, are not ported in 2.7.

  5. Update eslint-plugin-vue to latest version (9+) if you run into unused variable lint errors when using <script setup>.

  6. The SFC compiler for 2.7 now uses PostCSS 8 (upgraded from 7). PostCSS 8 should be backwards compatible with most plugins, but the upgrade may cause issues if you were previously using a custom PostCSS plugin that can only work with PostCSS 7. In such cases, you will need to upgrade the relevant plugins to their PostCSS 8 compatible versions.


2.7 support for Vite is provided via a new plugin: @vitejs/plugin-vue2. This new plugin requires Vue 2.7 or above and supersedes the existing vite-plugin-vue2.

Note that the new plugin does not handle Vue-specific JSX / TSX transform, which is intentional. Vue 2 JSX / TSX transform should be handled in a separate, dedicated plugin, which will be provided soon.

Volar Compatibility

2.7 ships improved type definitions so it is no longer necessary to install @vue/runtime-dom just for Volar template type inference support. All you need now is the following config in tsconfig.json:

  // ...
  "vueCompilerOptions": {
    "target": 2.7

Devtools Support

Vue Devtools 6.2.0 has added support for inspecting 2.7 Composition API state, but the extensions may still need a few days to go through review on respective publishing platforms.

Bug Fixes

  • sfc: only include legacy decorator parser plugin when new plugin is not used (326d24a)




This package is auto-generated. For pull requests please see src/platforms/web/entry-compiler.js.

This package can be used to pre-compile Vue 2.0 templates into render functions to avoid runtime-compilation overhead and CSP restrictions. In most cases you should be using it with vue-loader, you will only need it separately if you are writing build tools with very specific needs.


npm install vue-template-compiler
const compiler = require('vue-template-compiler')


compiler.compile(template, [options])

Compiles a template string and returns compiled JavaScript code. The returned result is an object of the following format:

  ast: ?ASTElement, // parsed template elements to AST
  render: string, // main render function code
  staticRenderFns: Array<string>, // render code for static sub trees, if any
  errors: Array<string> // template syntax errors, if any

Note the returned function code uses with and thus cannot be used in strict mode code.

  • outputSourceRange new in 2.6

    • Type: boolean
    • Default: false

    Set this to true will cause the errors returned in the compiled result become objects in the form of { msg, start, end }. The start and end properties are numbers that mark the code range of the error source in the template. This can be passed on to the compiler.generateCodeFrame API to generate a code frame for the error.

  • whitespace

    • Type: string
    • Valid values: 'preserve' | 'condense'
    • Default: 'preserve'

    The default value 'preserve' handles whitespaces as follows:

    • A whitespace-only text node between element tags is condensed into a single space.
    • All other whitespaces are preserved as-is.

    If set to 'condense':

    • A whitespace-only text node between element tags is removed if it contains new lines. Otherwise, it is condensed into a single space.
    • Consecutive whitespaces inside a non-whitespace-only text node are condensed into a single space.

    Using condense mode will result in smaller compiled code size and slightly improved performance. However, it will produce minor visual layout differences compared to plain HTML in certain cases.

    This option does not affect the <pre> tag.


    <!-- source -->
      </span>   <span>bar</span>
    <!-- whitespace: 'preserve' -->
    <div> <span>
      </span> <span>bar</span> </div>
    <!-- whitespace: 'condense' -->
    <div><span> foo </span> <span>bar</span></div>
  • modules

    It's possible to hook into the compilation process to support custom template features. However, beware that by injecting custom compile-time modules, your templates will not work with other build tools built on standard built-in modules, e.g vue-loader and vueify.

    An array of compiler modules. For details on compiler modules, refer to the ModuleOptions type in flow declarations and the built-in modules.

  • directives

    An object where the key is the directive name and the value is a function that transforms an template AST node. For example:

    compiler.compile('<div v-test></div>', {
      directives: {
        test (node, directiveMeta) {
          // transform node based on directiveMeta

    By default, a compile-time directive will extract the directive and the directive will not be present at runtime. If you want the directive to also be handled by a runtime definition, return true in the transform function.

    Refer to the implementation of some built-in compile-time directives.

  • preserveWhitespace Deprecated since 2.6

    • Type: boolean
    • Default: true

    By default, the compiled render function preserves all whitespace characters between HTML tags. If set to false, whitespace between tags will be ignored. This can result in slightly better performance but may affect layout for inline elements.


Similar to compiler.compile, but directly returns instantiated functions:

  render: Function,
  staticRenderFns: Array<Function>

This is only useful at runtime with pre-configured builds, so it doesn't accept any compile-time options. In addition, this method uses new Function() so it is not CSP-compliant.

compiler.ssrCompile(template, [options])


Same as compiler.compile but generates SSR-specific render function code by optimizing parts of the template into string concatenation in order to improve SSR performance.

This is used by default in vue-loader@>=12 and can be disabled using the optimizeSSR option.



Same as compiler.compileToFunction but generates SSR-specific render function code by optimizing parts of the template into string concatenation in order to improve SSR performance.

compiler.parseComponent(file, [options])

Parse a SFC (single-file component, or *.vue file) into a descriptor (refer to the SFCDescriptor type in flow declarations). This is used in SFC build tools like vue-loader and vueify.

compiler.generateCodeFrame(template, start, end)

Generate a code frame that highlights the part in template defined by start and end. Useful for error reporting in higher-level tooling.


pad is useful when you are piping the extracted content into other pre-processors, as you will get correct line numbers or character indices if there are any syntax errors.

  • with { pad: "line" }, the extracted content for each block will be prefixed with one newline for each line in the leading content from the original file to ensure that the line numbers align with the original file.
  • with { pad: "space" }, the extracted content for each block will be prefixed with one space for each character in the leading content from the original file to ensure that the character count remains the same as the original file.



Last updated on 04 Jul 2022

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