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Comparing version 0.3.4 to 0.3.5-2


@@ -1,5 +0,14 @@

v0.3.2 - Dec 11th 2011
v0.3.5-2 - Dec 13th 2011
* Compile fix for Linux
* Optimized Sender.js, Receiver.js and
* Apply loop-unrolling-like small block copies rather than use node.js Buffer#copy() (which is slow).
* Mask blocks of data using loop-unrolling (Duff style), instead of single bytes.
* Keep pre-made send buffer for small transfers.
* Leak fixes and code cleanups.
v0.3.3 - Dec 12th 2011
* Compile fix for Linux.
* Rewrote parts of WebSocket.js, to avoid try/catch and thus avoid optimizer bailouts.

@@ -6,0 +15,0 @@



@@ -72,3 +72,3 @@ /*!

self.expect(2, function(data) {
opcodes['1'].getData(, 0));
opcodes['1'].getData(, 0, true));

@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ }

self.expect(8, function(data) {
if (, 0) != 0) {
if (, 0, true) != 0) {
self.error('packets with length spanning more than 32 bit is currently not supported', 1008);
opcodes['1'].getData(, 4));
opcodes['1'].getData(, 4, true));

@@ -127,3 +127,3 @@ }

self.expect(2, function(data) {
opcodes['2'].getData(, 0));
opcodes['2'].getData(, 0, true));

@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ }

self.expect(8, function(data) {
if (, 0) != 0) {
if (, 0, true) != 0) {
self.error('packets with length spanning more than 32 bit is currently not supported', 1008);
opcodes['2'].getData(, 4));
opcodes['2'].getData(, 4, true));

@@ -320,3 +320,17 @@ }

var toRead = Math.min(data.length, this.expectBuffer.length - this.expectOffset);
data.copy(this.expectBuffer, this.expectOffset, 0, toRead);
// although ugly, this is a much faster approach for small buffers,
// than calling copy()
var dest = this.expectBuffer;
var offset = this.expectOffset;
switch (toRead) {
default: data.copy(dest, offset, 0, toRead); break;
case 8: dest[offset+7] = data[7];
case 7: dest[offset+6] = data[6];
case 6: dest[offset+5] = data[5];
case 5: dest[offset+4] = data[4];
case 4: dest[offset+3] = data[3];
case 3: dest[offset+2] = data[2];
case 2: dest[offset+1] = data[1];
case 1: dest[offset] = data[0];
this.expectOffset += toRead;

@@ -344,5 +358,18 @@ if (toRead < data.length) {

var prevOverflow = this.overflow;
this.overflow = this.allocateFromPool(this.overflow.length + data.length);
var dataLength = data.length;
this.overflow = this.allocateFromPool(this.overflow.length + dataLength);
prevOverflow.copy(this.overflow, 0);
data.copy(this.overflow, prevOverflow.length);
var dest = this.overflow;
var offset = prevOverflow.length;
switch (dataLength) {
default: data.copy(dest, offset, 0, dataLength); break;
case 8: dest[offset+7] = data[7];
case 7: dest[offset+6] = data[6];
case 6: dest[offset+5] = data[5];
case 5: dest[offset+4] = data[4];
case 4: dest[offset+3] = data[3];
case 3: dest[offset+2] = data[2];
case 2: dest[offset+1] = data[1];
case 1: dest[offset] = data[0];

@@ -502,2 +529,2 @@ }

module.exports = Receiver;
module.exports = Receiver;

@@ -36,3 +36,5 @@ /*!

function Sender (socket) {
function Sender (socket, config) {
this._sendCacheSize = (config && config.SendBufferCacheSize) ? config.SendBufferCacheSize : 65536;
this._sendCache = new Buffer(this._sendCacheSize);
this._socket = socket;

@@ -61,3 +63,3 @@ this.firstFragment = true;

var dataBuffer = new Buffer(2 + (data ? Buffer.byteLength(data) : 0));, code, 0);, code, 0, true);
if (dataBuffer.length > 2) dataBuffer.write(data, 2);

@@ -136,3 +138,2 @@ var buf = this.frameData(0x8, dataBuffer, true, mask);

Sender.prototype.frameData = function(opcode, data, finalFragment, maskData) {

@@ -155,3 +156,4 @@ if (!data) return new Buffer([opcode | (finalFragment ? 0x80 : 0), 0]);

var outputBuffer = new Buffer(dataLength + dataOffset);
var outputBuffer = (this._sendCache && dataLength + dataOffset <= this._sendCacheSize)
? this._sendCache : new Buffer(dataLength + dataOffset);
if (finalFragment) opcode = opcode | 0x80;

@@ -161,12 +163,18 @@ outputBuffer[0] = opcode;

case 126:, dataLength, 2);, dataLength, 2, true);
case 127:, 0, 2);, dataLength, 6);, 0, 2, true);, dataLength, 6, true);
if (maskData) {
var mask = this._randomMask || (this._randomMask = getRandomMask());
mask.copy(outputBuffer, dataOffset - 4);
bufferUtil.mask(data, mask, outputBuffer, dataOffset);
outputBuffer[dataOffset - 4] = mask[0];
outputBuffer[dataOffset - 3] = mask[1];
outputBuffer[dataOffset - 2] = mask[2];
outputBuffer[dataOffset - 1] = mask[3];
//mask.copy(outputBuffer, dataOffset - 4);
bufferUtil.mask(data, mask, outputBuffer, dataOffset, dataLength);
secondByte = secondByte | 0x80;

@@ -176,3 +184,3 @@ }

outputBuffer[1] = secondByte;
return outputBuffer;
return outputBuffer.slice(0, dataOffset + dataLength);

@@ -179,0 +187,0 @@

@@ -309,2 +309,7 @@ /*!

socket.on('close', function() {
if (self._state == 'disconnected') return;
self._state = 'disconnected';
self.emit('close', self._closeCode || 1000, self._closeMessage || '');

@@ -311,0 +316,0 @@ var receiver = new Receiver();

@@ -5,3 +5,3 @@ {

"description": "simple and very fast websocket protocol client for node.js",
"version": "0.3.4",
"version": "0.3.5-2",
"repository": {

@@ -8,0 +8,0 @@ "type": "git",

@@ -90,3 +90,4 @@ # ws: a node.js websocket implementation #

Nothing worth bragging about at present.
* Expose Sender and Receiver configuration options through WebSocket, and test that properly.
* Cleanup configuration for Sender, and add similar bits to Receiver.

@@ -93,0 +94,0 @@ ## License ##

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Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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