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YNAB API JavaScript Library

Build Status npm version

Please read the YNAB API documentation for an overview of using the API and a complete list of available resources.

This client is generated using the Swagger Code Generator.


First, install the module with npm (or yarn):

npm install ynab

Then, depending upon your usage context, add a reference to it:

CommonJS / Node

const ynab = require("ynab");

ESM / TypeScript

import * as ynab from "ynab";


The API supports Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) for asynchronous browser requests from any origin.

The dist/browser/ynab.js file (located in node_modules/ynab after installation) is specifically built to run in a browser / window context and exports ynab variable to global namespace. No other dependencies are needed.

<script src="ynab.js" async></script>
  // This assignment is not necessary but demonstrates that
  // once the library is loaded, the global 'ynab' object will be available.
  var ynab = window.ynab;

A simple way to load the library in a browser is by using the unpkg CDN, which is a "fast, global content delivery network for everything on npm". To use it, include a script tag like this in your file:

<script src="" async></script>

Using the "latest" tag will result in a 302 redirect to the latest version tag so it is highly recommended to use a specific version tag such as to avoid this redirect.


To use this client, you must obtain an access token from the My Account area of the YNAB web application.

const accessToken = "b43439eaafe2_this_is_fake_b43439eaafe2";
const ynabAPI = new ynab.API(accessToken);

(async function() {
  const budgetsResponse = await ynabAPI.budgets.getBudgets();
  const budgets =;
  for (let budget of budgets) {
    console.log(`Budget Name: ${}`);

Error Handling

If a response is returned with a code >= 300, instead of returning the response, the response will be thrown as an error to be caught.

const ynab = require("ynab");
const accessToken = "invalid_token";
const ynabAPI = new ynab.API(accessToken);

const budgetsResponse = ynabAPI.budgets
  .then(budgetsResponse => {
    // Won't get here because an error will be thrown
  .catch(e => {
    // {
    //   error: {
    //    id: "401",
    //    name: "unauthorized",
    //    detail: "Unauthorized"
    //   }
    // }


See the examples folder for example usage scenarios.


The following methods are available in this library. For more details on parameters and usage, the TypeScript declaration file can be referenced.

Useruser.getUser()Returns authenticated user information
Budgetsbudgets.getBudgets()Returns budgets list with summary information
budgets.getBudgetById(budget_id)Returns a single budget with all related entities
budgets.getBudgetSettingsById(budget_id)Returns settings for a budget
Accountsaccounts.getAccounts(budget_id)Returns all accounts
accounts.getAccountById(budget_id, account_id)Returns a single account
Categoriescategories.getCategories(budget_id)Returns all categories grouped by category group.
categories.getCategoryById(budget_id, category_id)Returns a single category
Payeespayees.getPayees(budget_id)Returns all payees
payees.getPayeeById(budget_id, payee_id)Returns single payee
Payee Locationspayee_locations.getPayeeLocations(budget_id)Returns all payee locations
payee_locations.getPayeeLocationById(budget_id, payee_location_id)Returns a single payee location
payee_locations.getPayeeLocationsByPayee(budget_id, payee_id)Returns all payee locations for the specified payee
Monthsmonths.getBudgetMonths(budget_id)Returns all budget months
months.getBudgetMonth(budget_id, month)Returns a single budget month
months.getMonthCategory_by_id(budget_id, month, category_id)Returns a single category for a specific budget month
months.updateMonthCategory(budget_id, month, category_id, month_category)Update an existing month category
Transactionstransactions.getTransactions(budget_id)Returns budget transactions
transactions.getTransactionsByAccount(budget_id, account_id)Returns all transactions for a specified account
transactions.getTransactionsByCategory(budget_id, category_id)Returns all transactions for a specified category
transactions.getTransactionById(budget_id, transaction_id)Returns a single transaction
transactions.updateTransaction(budget_id, transaction_id, transaction)Updates a transaction
transactions.createTransaction(budget_id, save_transactions)Creates one transactions
transactions.createTransactions(budget_id, save_transactions)Creates multiple transactions
transactions.bulkCreateTransactions(budget_id, transactions)Creates multiple transactions
Scheduled Transactionsscheduled_transactions.getScheduledTransactions(budget_id)Returns all scheduled transactions
scheduled_transactions.getScheduledTransactionById(budget_id, scheduled_transaction_id)Returns a single scheduled transaction


There are several utilities available on the utils export to make working with ISO dates and milliunits a bit easier.

// Returns the current month (system timezone) in ISO 8601 format (i.e. '2015-12-01')
getCurrentMonthInISOFormat(): string;
// Returns the current date (system timezone) in ISO 8601 format (i.e. '2015-12-15')
getCurrentDateInISOFormat(): string;
// Converts an ISO 8601 formatted string to a JS date object
convertFromISODateString(isoDateString: string): Date;
// Converts a milliunits amount to a currency amount
convertMilliUnitsToCurrencyAmount(milliunits: number, currencyDecimalDigits: number): number;


  • Install dependencies: npm install
  • Generate latest client based on swagger spec: npm run generate
  • Run tests: npm test
  • Publish to npm: npm run release


Copyright (c) 2018 You Need A Budget, LLC

Licensed under the Apache-2.0 license



Last updated on 12 Oct 2018

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