11 packages
Provides a collection of runtime assertion tools for checking strict equality, type, and range of a set of values.
Provides a collection of non-recursive tools for performing operations on deeply nested object properties and prototypes. Allows for custom execution settings including non-native dataset handling.
Non-recursively creates an array of deep paths and properties within an object. Optionally unpacks prototypes and non-enumerable property descriptors. Supports Objects, Arrays, Maps, and Sets.
Retrieves a nested property from a data source. Supports Objects, Arrays, Maps, Sets, WeakMaps, WeakSets, and JSON. Supports the use of a custom extraction function to handle unsupported datasets.
Sets values within nested objects; creates structure if not found. Supports setting within Objects, Arrays, Maps, Sets, WeakMaps, and WeakSets; supports creation of Objects, Arrays, and Maps.
Simulates an alt-tab operation for the i3 window manager. Shifts the mouse cursor position to the center of focus. Cycles visible windows only.
an asynchronous, nesting, composable testing framework for TypeScript [zero-dependency]
a typed REST/WS Node.JS client for the Kraken cryptocurrency exchange
Converts a given string, number, or Date object to the number of milliseconds since the Unix epoch, provided that it can be recognized as millisecond, second, or microsecond time within a specified range from the current date.
A lightweight, extensible set of tools for applying limitations to runtime values