Push Notifications that work with just about every platform!
Python client library for Postmark API
Official Python SDK for the NeverBounce API
Deprecated. Replaced by mailchimp-transactional - A CLI client and Python API library for the Mandrill email as a service platform.
Python bindings for the Nylas API platform.
Official MailSlurp Python SDK Email API
Deprecated. Replaced by mailchimp-marketing - A CLI client and Python API library for the MailChimp email platform.
A CLI client and Python API library for the Mandrill email as a service platform. Forked fork python 3.7 support
Email backend for Django which sends email via the Gmail API through a JSON credential
Python3 SDK for Paubox Email REST API
A library which implements the complete functionality of the Campaign Monitor API.
User registration REST API, based on django-rest-framework
Email backend for Django which sends email via the Gmail API
This library is helpful when creating accounts, it has everything you need for this
A really maintained CLI client and Python API library for the Mandrill email as a service platform.
Python bindings for the Nylas API v2 (legacy).
Abstraction to interact with the Sublime API.
A Python API for TempMail
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A RESTful API for user signup and authentication using email addresses
Aspose.Email Cloud API
Find any GitHub user’s email address
A Python library for the Postmark API (http://developer.postmarkapp.com/).
This is not an official python ProtonMail API client. it allows you to read, send and delete messages in protonmail, as well as render a ready-made template with embedded images.
This is the official python wrapper for the Emailable API.
Django app for email based authentication and registration via a REST API.
Python client library for Email Verification API.
This is an esperimental library to send email using Microsoft Graph API
Listmonk Email API Client for Python
A custom user-model based package with features ranging from JWT and Basic authentication to REST API end-points for signup, signin, email verification, password resetting and account activation.
TestRail API reporter tools
Django MailerSend makes it easier to send emails in Django apps using the MailerSend API.
Show unread emails in INBOX using Gmail Api or Gnome Online Accounts
API library for the NeverBounce email verification service.
InstaGPy is an Instagram Unofficial API to extract data from Instargam Profiles. Scrape data from user's profile like username, userid, bio, email, phone, followers/followings list, profile media, account_type, etc.
A basic wrapper around various temp mail sites, aiming to provide an almost identical api for every site. The main purpose of this is to provide an easy way to quickly register an account on various sites and then discard the email.
A cli tool exposing capabilities of awsapilib like control tower account creation, account renaming and email updating, account termination and more.
Read/Send emails using Microsoft Graph API
Push Notifications that work with just about every payment platform!
Added file attatchemn support to emails