Turkish NLP Tools developed by VNGRS.
Integrating LLMs into structured NLP pipelines
Utility for parsing Wikipedia SQL dumps into CSVs.
NLP interface for Trilogy
A caching component for `Doc` classes in `spacy`.
Modules for NLP
This package is a wrapper for REST API requests to Kafka Proxy.
Library to clean text data for NLP
Basic nlp for thai
A Python wrapper for VnCoreNLP using a bidirectional communication channel.
Toolkits for text processing and augmentation for Bangla NLP
A library of scikit compatible text transformers, that are ready to be integrated in an NLP pipeline for various classification tasks.
NLP Preprocessing Pipeline Wrappers
A Python SDK for the Cortical.io Natural Language Processing API
The aim of the NLPforTurkish library is to assist people interested in artificial intelligence by supporting the Turkish NLP area, which will benefit many people, particularly those who want to work on Turkish NLP.
A package of RL algorithms
Python wrapper of lightning fast Finite State Machine based NLP library.
NLP admin plugins
Caikit NLP
Transformers for Clinical NLP
A web scraping library based on LangChain which uses LLM and direct graph logic to create scraping pipelines.
Alibaba Cloud alinlp (20200629) SDK Library for Python
NLPGym - A toolkit for evaluating RL agents on Natural Language Processing Tasks
A collection of Natural Language Processing tools to make your life easier.
simple nlp library
All-in-one open-source embeddings database for semantic search, LLM orchestration and language model workflows
German language support for TextBlob.
Python package for basic NLP functions
A package for NLP in Spanish
The SDK library and command-line interface to Geneea Interpretor, an NLP REST API.
Parse romanized names & companies using advanced NLP methods
Spelling Corrector
A tiny framework to create NLP pipelines in python
NLP pipeline software using common workflow language
Blazing-fast Thai text processing library powered by Rust
Repository of pre-trained NLP Transformer models: BERT & RoBERTa, GPT & GPT-2, Transformer-XL, XLNet and XLM
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Utilities for NLP courses taught at FHNW.