A simple to use, interactive session and paginator with custom buttons for discord.py.
Add a copy button to each of your code cells.
Django mixin to easily add buttons to any ModelAdmin
Button SHIM Driver
Alternative version of st.camera_input which returns the webcam images live, without any button press needed
An app to add a "Log in as user" button in the Django user admin page.
An easy-to-use image segmentation package
A sphinx extension for creating panels in a grid layout.
add custom launch buttons to jupyter-book
An application providing some template-tags to add buttons to pages
Streamlit pagination buttons component
Django admin button
discord-py-buttons is now discord-message-components
PYPI package with better toggle buttons
Django admin tweak that replaces list action dropdown with buttons
A simple module to use for buttons in discord.py
Add action buttons to individual rows in the Django Admin
PyQt buttons (e.g. min/max/close) widget for title bar or menu bar
A menu for pygame. Simple, and easy to use
Adds basic UI elements for pygame
JupyterLab Logout Button
Add your description here
Streamlit component that allows you to control the slider with buttons.
PyQt Windows titlebar buttons (e.g. min/max/close button) widget
ReactPy wrapper for react-github-btn
Django mixin to easily add buttons to any ModelAdmin
UI Buttons for displayio
PyQt macOS style of titlebar buttons (e.g. min/max/close) widget
Small handy widgets for streamlit, e.g. download button which won't cause rerun, set page width
"Add another" buttons outside the Django admin
Disable Edit button if access rules prevent this action
Big Blue Button Downloader that downloads a BBB lesson as MP4 video
Streamlit Button Selection Component
Simplified menus for discord.py developers.
A custom upload button for Gradio that allows users to upload with a loading message
Gradio custom compnent for adding URL buttons
Pygameextra cool buttons is a extension for pygameextra that adds cool buttons
Python library to connect to and interact with Flic buttons.
A simple plugin for adding social buttons.
Disable Edit button if access rules prevent this action
Big Blue Button Downloader that downloads a BBB lesson as MP4 video
Webium is a Page Object pattern implementation library for Python (http://martinfowler.com/bliki/PageObject.html). It allows you to extend WebElement class to your custom controls like Link, Button and group them as pages.
Disable Edit button if access rules prevent this action
A button in JupyterLab to run the code cells and then to hide the code cells.