map applies a command to files/folders at a certain path.
A pure Python implementation of a sliding window memory map manager
Status proto mapping for gRPC
Python bindings for the mapbox earcut C++ polygon triangulation library.
Provider package apache-airflow-providers-imap for Apache Airflow
Classification Schemes for Choropleth Maps.
Microsoft Azure Maps Client Library for Python
Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection
Make everything a GitHub svg poster and Skyline!
Python client for Elasticsearch
Sensible multi-core apply function for Pandas
Python client library for Google Maps Platform
A Python client for Mapbox services
Mapbox Vector Tile encoding and decoding.
Map of Elections
A mirror package for smmap
Map of Elections
Python interface to PROJ (cartographic projections and coordinate transformations library)
Sitemap generator for Sphinx
Type annotations for boto3.LocationServiceMapsV2 1.35.52 service generated with mypy-boto3-builder 8.1.4
Python bindings for MapLibre GL JS
Map file parser library focusing decompilation projects
Core TDA functionality for BluelightAI Cobalt
Generate map templates for Farming Simulator from real places.
python bindings for map2model
A pure Python MapFile parser for working with MapServer
Work with email by IMAP
pure Python (no prereqs) coordinate conversions, following convention of several popular Matlab routines.
MapboxGL plugin for Jupyter Notebooks
Serializable map of integers to bytes with near zero parsing.
The bidirectional mapping library for Python.
Minimap2 python binding
This is a python class to use nmap and access scan results from python3
Mutable mapping tools
Remap, mask, renumber, unique, and in-place transposition of 3D labeled images. Point cloud too.
Data assets for matplotlib basemap
A Mapnik tilesource for large_image.
Python asyncio IMAP4rev1 client library
Make beautiful maps with Leaflet.js & Python
Generic CRUD with maps
Mapeathor translates your mapping rules specified in spreadsheets to a mapping language.